Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Republicans & Dems Blackmailable Page 3 of 7

Hoffenberg: Epstein was indeed a top-level agent for the Israeli Mossad

EPSTEIN ‘ADMITTED TO ME’ HE WAS A SPY: Ex-Business Partner Of Sex Criminal Claims Prince Andrew Is Protecting Ghislaine Maxwell, Stonewalling Prosecutors’ Investigation Over Blackmail Fears

Britain’s Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged pimp Ghislaine Maxwell have joined forces to stonewall investigators and prevent Epstein’s victims from obtaining justice.

That’s the explosive claim of former Epstein colleague and friend, Steven Hoffenberg, who confirms that Epstein was indeed a top-level agent for the Israeli Mossad, as first confirmed in the best-selling book Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

Mark Dice: THE CIRCUS HAS RESUMED 🤡 — Impeachment Absurdity!

How absurd this impeachment really is, and how utterly disgusting a large percentage of congress now is — summarized by Mark Dice!

Epstein & Maxwell Ran Honey-Trap for Mossad: Former Israeli Spy

COME SPY WITH ME Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were spies who used underage sex to blackmail politicians, ‘ex-handler’ claims

GHISLAINE Maxwell and her paedophile lover Jeffrey Epstein were both Israeli spies who took pictures of powerful men having sex with underage girls to blackmail them, their alleged Mossad handler has sensationally claimed.

The pair allegedly ran a “honey-trap” operation where they would provide young girls to politicians in order to squeeze them for information for the Israelis.

Jake: How Israel Blackmailed Bill Clinton with Sex Tapes and Controls Trump


Skousen: Police in Britain investigate 1400 high level pedophile politicians and entertainers – Likely, nothing will be done

World Affairs Brief, August 3, 2018 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Police in Britain investigate 1400 high level pedophile politicians and entertainers:
Like homosexuality, pedophilia seems to be a litmus test for the kind of deep personal corruption required to join the Satanic conspiracies of power, like the Deep State. Britain has its own version of the Deep State, and due to the exposure of one of Britain’s most celebrated hosts of a children’s TV show, Jimmy Savile, as a lifelong pedophile, the police have been pressured into taking seriously the thousands of complaints about child abuse over the years that they long disregarded—under orders from those higher up. Now over 1,400 high level politicians and entertainers are being investigated, as LIV TV summarizes at this link.
Frankly, I don’t expect anyone to actually go to prison. In fact, Jimmy Savile had been outed for many years but nothing was done because of his high connections with the Royal Family, as outlined in this documentary. Like the “me too” movement over sex abuse in entertainment circles in the US, the authorities in the UK are having to go through the motions of investigation but it’s doubtful anything will be done since even the courts are involved in this sordid protection racket.

(VID) Adam Green: Banksta's Paradise Feat – Donald Trump's Ties to the Talmudic Bankstas

(VID) 1984 ABC/CBS Bohemian Grove News Report – Aerial footage of Cremation of Care

(VID) Fiona Barnett On Camera w/ Nathan Stolpman #SurvivorStories #PedoWood — "I can sleep at night knowing that I did everything within my power to expose this garbage. And I feel better for it"

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My Notes and Transcriptions
34:30 “I’ve got a lot of compassion for victims of child abuse in the gay community. I’m a born-again Christian, but I’m not about to be…. How many pew warming, born-again, so-called Christians in these churches that are nothing more than child trafficking, that is the Roman Catholic church, Hillsong, which was founded by a pedophile, Frank Houston — how many of these people are going to get off of their butts and get out there and help us?”
35:45 How Fiona recovered her memories
37:00 “At age-6…. ‘That’s what happens to you if you talk. There is no such thing as “Fight Club.”‘”
46:30 “I would avoid Collin Ross in Canada. … I would avoid certain people like Russ Dizdar, for the Christians. I’ve heard terrible things about him.”
52:25 & 1:09:00 Meryl Streep
53:30 Billy Graham & Nixon
54:30 Bohemian Grove: “The favorite thing pedophiles like to do is hunting children.”
1:03:15 “I just know that I’ve done my bit, and I can sleep at night knowing that I did everything within my power to expose this garbage. And I feel better for it.”
1:06:55 Safer naming the big names, because they won’t sue.
1:08:30 Steven Spielberg

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Wayne Madsen 2008: THE GOP AND ISRAELIS RUNNING HONEY TRAPS? – Roger Stone's involvement

From: Infowars


Wayne Madsen
Online Journal
July 29, 2008
Longtime GOP dirty tricks operative Roger Stone allegedly had a “piece of the action” in Emperors Club VIP, the New York and New Jersey escort service that was patronized by former New York Democratic Governor Eliot Spitzer, according to a longtime U.S. intelligence source in the nation’s capital with whom WMR spoke.
Entire Article

(VID) Roger Stone, NXIVM, Escorts, & Wikileaks w/ Greg McCarron

Bohemian Grove: Illuminati Meet This Week for Satanic Rituals


Chuck Baldwin: Trump's SCOTUS pick of Brett Kavanaugh is just more of the same.

Chuck Baldwin writes on Facebook:

Trump’s SCOTUS pick of Brett Kavanaugh is just more of the same.

A Republican-dominated Supreme Court (SC) gave us Roe v Wade, homosexual marriage and Obamacare. In fact, Republican appointments have dominated the SC for the last 45 years. All of this talk about Republican presidents (and Donald Trump in particular) appointing pro-life, constitutionalist, orginalist justices is just so much hot air.

Republican presidents have given us William Brennan, John Paul Stevens, Harry Blackmun (the man who authored Roe v Wade), Anthony Kennedy (the man who gave us homosexual marriage), and John Roberts (the man who gave us Obamacare). Trump’s appointment of Gorsuch and now Kavanaugh are likewise in the mold of the above justices. .

Kavanaugh is a favorite of the establishment. That ALONE should tell you all you need to know. But Kavanaugh, like Roberts, is a totally controlled toady of the Deep State.

(vid) Daniel Ott interviews Henry Makow

This is the first time I’ve seen a video of Henry Makow being interviewed. Thus far, they’ve been audio only.
Henry is excellent. Daniel Ott was rude at one point. He clearly needs to wake up to the truth about Talmudic Israel and their Talmudic, racial supremacist machinations.
Mostly very good!
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(vid) Jake: Proof of John McCain's Deep Ties to George Soros and Russian Oligarchs

(audio) Gordon Duff: Wow! Why Trump & G W Bush need to prove their manliness • Netanyahu • North Korea

Is Trump blackmailed because of his friendship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein?

Why has Trump has let down his base at times, doing the opposite of what he said he would do. Is he controlled by the deep state he said he would drain. Is he on a leash — can only take the US partway to liberty, because of this?

Dude Who Claimed Sex With Obama Is Livid At Media’s Obsession With Stormy Daniels

“Why didn’t the press give any time at all to the explosive sex allegations against Obama but gave legs to virtually every sex scandal involving Trump (and Roy Moore, for that matter)?” – Joe Miller on Facebook

• • •

The man, who once claimed without evidence to have had sex with former President Barack Obama, is now livid the media and public are believing adult film star Stormy Daniels’ relationship with President Donald Trump.
Larry Sinclair, a 50-something-year-old man, alleged he had sexual relations with Obama in 1999. The story included a limousine, cocaine and a host of other interesting tidbits.
Entire Article

(vid) U.S. Congress gives Israeli PM Netanyahu over 25 standing ovations

(vid) Trump Supports BAN on AR 15 Semi Automatic Sport Rifles – "I believe that Donald Trump is compromised" • "I think that every single action that he has taken on foreign policy is 100% the will of his controllers, the globalists" – Jake Morphonios

“I believe that Donald Trump is compromised.”

“I think that every single action that he has taken on foreign policy is 100% the will of his controllers, the globalists.”

– Jake Morphonios

transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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(vid) Horror in Omaha – Ritual Abuse of Children in America's Heartland – George H. W. Bush

The Horror in Omaha – Ritual Abuse of Children in America’s Heartland

Published on Feb 17, 2018

The is the true story of rich and powerful people in America who commit satanic ritual abuse against innocent children.

(audio) Abel Danger's FIELD McCONNELL on 'The Shadow Citizen'

(video) Jeff Sessions Blocks Joe Biden From Touching His Granddaughter

(video) Infiltrating Bohemian Grove 2017 – “The annual Cremation of Care ceremony took place last night, July 15, 2017 in Monte Rio California. By now, it is likely that several wealthy elites have already engaged in acts of hedonistic sexual abuse while many others have fallen over drunk amidst the ferns lining the paths betwixt the mighty Redwoods”

“The annual Cremation of Care ceremony took place last night, July 15, 2017 in Monte Rio California. By now, it is likely that several wealthy elites have already engaged in acts of hedonistic sexual abuse while many others have fallen over drunk amidst the ferns lining the paths betwixt the mighty redwoods.” (source)

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Infiltrating the Bohemian Grove 2017 – Investigative Documentary

Published on Jul 16, 2017

In 2000, filmmaker Alex Jones infiltrated the Grove and recorded footage of the infamous “Cremation of Care” ceremony. Since then, security has been tightened tremendously and the Grove is now brimming with barbwire, video cameras, motion detectors, K-9 units and men with guns.

Can the Grove still be infiltrated with such heightened security? And if so, how might it be done? You’ll find ideas in this mockumentary by Jake Morphonios.

(video) Bohemian Grove occult secret society shindig July 15, 2017 — US & world leaders meet in the woods annually


Published on Jul 5, 2017


It’s that time of year again. Summer Vacations, Camping Trips, Cruises, and some fun in the sun or in this case in the woods. On July 15 you won’t want to miss out on this!

The Friendship Between Trump And A Billionaire Pedophile That Nobody Wants To Talk About

The Friendship Between Trump And A Billionaire Pedophile That Nobody Wants To Talk About

… Epstein, who reportedly ran a sex ring where he trafficked young girls to his elite circle of friends, served time in jail for soliciting an underage prostitute and has reached out of court settlements with 17 of his then-underage victims. He’s been the subject of an almost endless string of court cases. (For a deeper look at Epstein’s abuse of underage girls, see this 2010 piece from The Daily Beast.)

This image from the website of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement shows Jeffrey Epstein’s permanent status as a registered sex offender.

That Trump’s friendship with Epstein has been given what largely amounts to a pass from the media may be due in part to Epstein’s more prominent ties to Bill Clinton and Britain’s Prince Andrew. …

But Trump talked up his friendship with Epstein before the latter’s arrest and public fall from grace.

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Similarly, a 2003 Vanity Fair profile of Epstein named Trump as one of the “businessmen who dine with him at his home,” and several other articles have pegged Trump and Epstein as friends.

And when FBI investigators looked through Epstein’s private address book, they found 14 different phone numbers for Trump, including numbers for his security guard and houseman. Epstein also had numbers for Trump’s daughter Ivanka and his ex-wife Ivana.

When put under oath, Epstein admitted that he had “socialized” with Trump. But Epstein chose to exercise his Fifth Amendment rights when asked: “Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?” Epstein similarly pleaded the fifth when asked about his relationship to Bill Clinton.

Trump rode on Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane at least once, according to the deposition of Mark Epstein, Jeffrey’s brother. That number pales, however, to Bill’s 26 trips on the “Lolita Express.”

Entire Article

Wayne Madsen: Jared Kushner, A Suspected Gangster Within the Trump White House — The Kushner family appears to relish in the politics of revenge and blackmail • Mossad links?

With Christie, and, possibly soon, Bannon out of the way, Jared Kushner will be able to cement his Svengali-like control over Trump. Considering the record of political muscle exercised by the Kushner klan against two New Jersey governors, one can only surmise the Kushners have a great deal of blackmailable information on Mr. Trump.


Mike Rivero: DONALD TRUMP HAS BEEN TURNED. He’s now a creature of the deep state! “There is a rumor that when Trump was down in Jeff Epstein’s little Pleasure Island in the Caribbean, that he was caught on video tape doing something incredibly icky.” • “In the end, it doesn’t matter how Donald Trump was turned. What’s important is he’s been turned, and he’s now a creature of the deep state. And that means we are all in serious, serious trouble.”

“There is a rumor, and I stress it is only a rumor that when Trump was down in Jeff Epstein’s little Pleasure Island in the Caribbean, that he was caught on video tape doing something incredibly icky.”

“In the end, it doesn’t matter how Donald Trump was turned. What’s important is he’s been turned, and he’s now a creature of the deep state. And that means we are all in serious, serious trouble.”

– Michael Rivero, transcribed by me from: (video) What Really Happened: Michael Rivero Wednesday 4/19/17: (Commercial Free VIDEO)

Jewish Talkshow Host, Michael Savage Blames Jewish State for Fake Syria Gas Attack and Trump Response — He points out correctly we really do not know who in Syria used ‘sarin’ • Invokes “common sense”…. States repeatedly that it makes no sense to blame Assad for the gassing • Neoconservatism is a Jewish movement • Savage declares: “Israel benefits the most if Assad is gone” • The broadcast of 6 April 2017 marks a new level of frankness and clarity for Savage in terms of declaring the responsibility of the Jewish State

Michael Savage (fearless at age-75) has been AMAZING since Trump’s disgusting attack, and maybe saved America from ‘Sheriff Trump’ taking US to war with Russia, led by the Talmudists.

Michael says his show is now #1 in listenership, beating Rush, who pushes the war drums like the others, including Fox News.

What if Michael had not stood up to the Talmudists, and the media had been completely in lock step behind ‘Sheriff Trump,’ as Michael has been calling him, ~”shooting his 6-gun into the air and shooting his own foot off?”

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Jew Michael Savage Blames Jews for Fake Syria Gas Attack and Trump Response

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 8, 2017

I always just assumed that the Jew Michael Savage was only supporting Trump in order to push him toward the kind of thing we saw Thursday night.

Instead, the Jew Savage is one of the only voices in mainstream “conservatism” (along with Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter) who is being extremely skeptical of this apparent new war.


Gotta give credit where credit is due.

Hadding Scott writes:

On 6 April 2017 Michael Savage (né Weiner), a radio personality heard across the United States, gave an anti-war broadcast that began by observing, on the one-hundredth anniversary of the United States’ entry into the First World War, that Woodrow Wilson had been reelected in 1916 on the premise that he had kept the United States out of the European war and would continue to do so — but then was coaxed into war in spite of his original intentions, with disastrous results.

Obviously, this is a parable for what is happening with Trump.

He points out correctly that we really do not know who in Syria used sarin. He invokes “common sense” as an argument against assuming that Assad was responsible for the sarin-deaths. He states repeatedly that it makes no sense to blame Assad for the gassing.

Savage offers answers to two distinct but, in practice, intertwined questions. The two questions are, who wants war with Russia? and, who wants to destroy Syria?

Savage initially blames “the generals” and “the military-industrial complex” for wanting war. Then he blames “the progressives” and “the liberals.” He gets closer to the truth when he mentions “the Neocon ventriloquists in the media,” since Neoconservatism is a Jewish movement. He mentions Jeff Zucker and Wolf Blitzer. Blitzer at one time was an employee of AIPAC.

Who wants war with Russia? George Soros and the left, he says.

Savage points out that the ex-chief rabbi of Israel has compared the sarin-gassings to the Holocaust as a way of agitating for war. To answer the question of who wants Syria destroyed, Savage finally declares at the end of his first hour: “Israel benefits the most if Assad is gone.”

The constituencies for war against Russia and war against Syria are both Jewish.

He links the change in Trump’s policy to the reduction of conservative Catholic Steve Bannon’s status within the administration. “It seems to me that the liberals and the Neocons are prevailing, and they both have Trump’s ears.”

* * *

Michael Savage has not always criticized his fellow Jews’ warmongering. In 2003 he was such a noteworthy warmonger that he was rewarded with a prime-time show on MSNBC, replacing Phil Donahue, after it was decided that MSNBC would line up with the rest of the news-media in supporting the war against Iraq. At some point, perhaps after witnessing the overthrow and brutal murder of Muammar Qadhafi, Michael Savage became a critic of Neoconservative warmongering, and has linked it to Israeli interests. He has been doing that at least since 2013.

The broadcast of 6 April 2017, however, marks a new level of frankness and clarity for Savage, in terms of declaring the responsibility of the Jewish State. He implies that he has held back in the past.

“But there is another element, and you know I am reluctant to say it, because of the fear I have, in saying what I am going to say to you, but I guess I’m past the point of holding back almost anything,” he says.

Let us hope that the so-called Alt Right will not be less clear and less bold than this Jewish talkshow-host in declaring that Jewish interests motivate these wars. Our people need to know this, so that they will recognize the pattern of lying and know what not to believe.

I don’t see anyone in the Alt-Right not denouncing the strike.

Everyone is denouncing it.

But at the same time, everyone is trying to make sense of just what the hell is going on.

I don’t think that “the Jews talked him into it” is any better of a line of reasoning than “he saw dead babies and it made him feel sad.”

There has to be something more going on here. And I don’t think that “it’s a part of a multi-dimensional chess game” is a very reasonable excuse.

That is of course possible, but it’s also possible that the aliens came to him and told him he had to do it.

As of right now, the answer that makes the most sense to me is that he is being blackmailed or having his hand forced through some other means. But if they have blackmail against him that can make him do this, then presumably that same blackmail can be used to make him do anything else.

The only other possibility is that this was a one-off strike simply meant to get the neocons off his back, or to get some good press for a week or whatever, as he prepares some big move against the forces moving against him. That is possible, and as an isolated incident, bombing a mostly abandoned airbase full of broken planes doesn’t really mean much of anything.

The problem is, there is no indication this is an isolated event, and instead, the system appears to be ratcheting up pressure against Russia.

The only thing I can say is that we need to hope for the best and prepare for the worst and not jump to conclusions.


“Trump destroyed his support base with 59 tomahawk missiles…”

“Trump destroyed his support base with 59 tomahawk missiles…”

– Shane Bullis on Facebook, April 7, 2017


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