Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Reverse-Logos Facilitators Page 17 of 22

(audio) Arthur Topham – “Hate Propaganda” Legislation in Canada – Red Ice Radio

Arthur’s story:
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Red Ice Radio – Arthur Topham – Hour 1 – “Hate Propaganda” Legislation in Canada

(video) 3 Myths about Israeli Settlements

3 Myths about Israeli Settlements

Michael Rivero: "Nobody is dividing up Israel. Israel is trying to divide up Palestine with the settlements…. If you look at the settlement maps, they're very clearly placed to break up Palestine into little, tiny fragments. So it's Palestine being broken into little tiny pieces, not Israel" — What Really Happened Show: Michael Rivero Tuesday 1/3/17: (Commercial Free VIDEO)

CALLER KEN @ 51:25: “Some people say that if we start cutting up Jerusalem or Israel God is going to cut up this country too.”
MICHAEL RIVERO: “Well, every time Netanyahu has made that threat something bad does happen, but God’s got nothing to do with it. It’s usually the Mossad.
And nobody is talking about cutting up Israel. What they’re talking about is Israel going back to its original borders, and sticking with them.
Nobody is cutting up Israel. Nobody is breaking it into parts. The city of Jerusalem was declared a shared city by the United Nations. Because of its historic and religious importance, that city is supposed to be shared between the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims and another orthodox group [Armenians – editor]. They’re supposed to just share the city, but Israel has never been happy with that. Israel wants it all. And their behavior into acquiring it all is the bone of contention in that part of the world.
Nobody is dividing up Israel. Israel is trying to divide up Palestine with the settlements so there isn’t a contiguous block of territory on which to found a Palestinian state. That’s why Israel is so upset that the settlements have now been declared illegal. Because if you look at the settlement maps, they’re very clearly placed to break up Palestine into little, tiny fragments. So it’s Palestine being broken into little tiny pieces, not Israel.”
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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What Really Happened Show: Michael Rivero Tuesday 1/3/17: (Commercial Free VIDEO)

Ron Gibson

Ron Gibson

For a full explanation, watch this excellent video, which includes many links to my other posts on this subject:

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

Also very helpful:

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of obeying Christ: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” • God’s words to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee…” (Gen. 12:3) does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel

Roots of the Rape Crisis in India and the Jewish Influence on Bollywood

From: Veterans Today

Roots of the Rape Crisis in India and the Jewish Influence on Bollywood

In 2002 the CIA collaborated with Israel’s Shin Beth in broadcasting pornography over Palestinian TV stations in Ramallah during one Israel’s periodic incursions into Palestinian territory. During the run-up to the 2003 invasion, the CIA contemplated doing a pornographic featuring a double who looked like Saddam Hussein, as a way of de-legitimizing his government.

…By Jonas E. Alexis and E. Michael Jones

E. Michael Jones (Ph.D. Temple University) is a former professor and is the author of numerous scholarly studies, including The Angel and the Machine: The Rational Psychology of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Monsters from the Id: The Rise of Horror in Fiction and Film, Dionysos Rising: The Birth of Cultural Revolution Out of the Spirit of Music, Degenerate Moderns: Modernity as Rationalized Sexual Misbehavior, Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control, The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing, Ballet Parking: Performing the Nutcracker as a Counter-Revolutionary Act, and most recently Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine.
Jonas E. Alexis: I was reading a number of articles the other day on the rape crisis in India and it was quite interesting to observe that no serious journalist has really gotten to the heart of the matter. …
You have done exhaustive research on the Jewish influence on Bollywood, the Indian version of Hollywood. Tell us about the rape crisis in India in minute details and describe how Bollywood itself has facilitated that perennial problem. It seems that these issues go back to Jewish revolutionaries such as Eve Ensler and Wilhelm Reich, the author of the Vagina Monologues and the Sexual Revolution, respectively.
I was surprised to learn that the Vagina Monologues has been performed even at a male prison! This is certainly an epidemic issue which needs to be discussed in a rational and historical fashion because it has moral and intellectual consequences for the entire world. Unpack this complex puzzle for us here.
E. Michael Jones: The answer to the rape crisis was, in short, feminism and social engineering. …

The Vagina Monologues was a piece of Reichian agit-prop that promoted Lesbianism, masturbation and child molestation among sexually conservative populations (Ensler [author of VM] admitted targeting the campuses of universities with religious affiliation) in the name of curbing violence against women.[iv]

The purpose of The Vagina Monologues, especially as performed on college campuses across the United States, is to break down the natural sexual reserve and modesty of the largely female teenage performers and audience as a prelude to colonization. It was a classic instance of sexual liberation as political control. …

Jewish involvement in the Hindi film industry began with Jewish actresses, who were both lighter skinned than their Hindu and Islamic counterparts and willing to break the taboo banning women from performing on screen.

Shalom Bollywood: The Untold Story of Indian Cinema “reveals how these Jewish stars, working with other Jews in Bollywood, pushed the boundaries of Indian cinema to make Bollywood what it is” today.[x]

In “The Jews Who Built Bollywood,” Zeddy Lawrence claims that the first actresses in the Hindi film industry were Jewish. They succeeded because respectable Indian women would not act on stage and because Jewish women, who often took Muslim names, were willing to “show their flesh.”[xi] …

According to Ha’aretz, the Jews succeeded because they were willing to “push the boundaries of Indian cinema.”[xiii] That, of course, is precisely what the Jewish filmmakers were doing in America at around the same time. …

The arrival of satellite TV and the Internet flooded India with sexual imagery, immediately nullifying the government’s decades’-long attempt to preserve the moral order through censorship of the film industry. …

“After her bad experience in Aitraaz, Chopra publicly declared her determination to no longer, as she put it, “expose.” In a January 2005 interview with the Bombay times, Chopra asserted her new identity as a modest woman: “I hate the ‘sexy/seductress/sizzling’ tags I have.” …

Chopra concluded her Filmfare interview by vowing: “I will not kiss or expose from now on . . . .”[xl] …

At this point it became necessary to import foreign actresses to “expose.” Sunny Leone, the American porn star, arrived in India in 2011. …

Then the December 2012 rape of Joyti Singh and the subsequent international uproar that it caused threw a monkey wrench into Sunny’s career plans. Now Indians saw Leone as the epitome of everything that was wrong with India. …

By the 1970s, when both Penthouse and Playboy enjoyed their heyday, the CIA began to make use of pornography as one of the weapons on their arsenal of psychological warfare.

In 2002 the CIA collaborated with Israel’s Shin Beth in broadcasting pornography over Palestinian TV stations in Ramallah during one Israel’s periodic incursions into Palestinian territory.

During the run-up to the 2003 invasion, the CIA contemplated doing a pornographic featuring a double who looked like Saddam Hussein, as a way of de-legitimizing his government.[xlix]

In the mid-‘50s the CIA actually produced a pornographic film to bring down President Sukharno of Indonesia.[l] But by the 1970s, it had become clear, if for no other reason than the simple division of labor, that the production of pornography could be out-sourced to people like Guccione [publisher of ‘Penthouse’], whose magazines had become more popular with soldiers in Vietnam than Playboy.

Entire Article w/Footnotes

Using the 'Holocaust' to Justify War — "holocaust has now become the main ideological weapon for launching wars of aggression"

Using the Holocaust to Justify War

Maidhc Ó Cathail
Consortium News
October 25, 2014

“The irony is that the Nazi holocaust has now become the main ideological weapon for launching wars of aggression,” Norman Finkelstein tells Yoav Shamir in “Defamation,” the Israeli filmmaker’s award-winning 2009 documentary on how perceptions of anti-Semitism affect Israeli and U.S. politics. “Every time you want to launch a war of aggression, drag in the Nazi holocaust.”

If you’re looking for evidence in support of Finkelstein’s thesis today, you need look no further than the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s exhibit of images of emaciated and mutilated bodies from contemporary Syria.


As the case of the mysterious Caesar and his trove of torture photos clearly shows, those who want to launch a war of aggression on Syria—as they have succeeded in doing in Iraq and Libya—have at every opportunity sought, as Finkelstein put it, to drag in the Nazi holocaust.

As more and more people become wise to this ruse, they should keep in mind the two words espoused by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: “Never Again.”

Entire Article

The only time Netanyahu quotes Jesus is when he says he won't obey Him: "We do not turn the other cheek"

From: Jerusalem Post

Netanyahu defends response to UN vote: ‘Israel will not turn the other cheek’

“Israel is a country with national pride and we do not turn the other cheek,” he said.

Entire Article

'Times of Israel' Report: Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud

Israeli mainstream newspaper reported yesterday:

Christopher Bollyn & Haaretz: Netanyahu Is Dragging Israel into the Abyss

From: Christopher Bollyn on Facebook

Netanyahu Is Dragging Israel into the Abyss

Benjamin Netanyahu’s reaction to the U.N. resolution condemning Israel’s illegal settlements reveals the Israeli leader’s psychopathic worldview. It should be noted that Netanyahu has been the driving force behind the fraudulent “War on Terror” since it was rolled out in a ‘propaganda offensive’ at the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism in July 1979. This conference was hosted at the Netanyahu Institute and was arranged by Menachem Begin, the self-proclaimed “Father of International Terrorism.” The false-flag terrorism of 9-11, conceived and engineered by Israeli military intelligence, was the terror atrocity that was designed to trick the United States military into the Middle East to wage war on behalf of the Zionist state of Israel. That’s where we have been for the past 15 years at great expense to our nation in lives and treasure lost.

An editorial in today’s Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz entitled “Netanyahu Is Dragging Israel into the Abyss” says that Netanyahu’s “abandonment of diplomacy” is “part of a broad and dangerous plan to disengage from international law and stop playing by its rules.”

Netanyahu is, according to Ha’aretz, “dragging his country into the abyss.” I would argue that Netanyahu took Israel to the abyss long ago and stopped “playing by the rules” when he and other Likud extremists decided to carry out the 9-11 attacks in order to kick-start their long-planned “War on Terror”. Nations that are run by psychopathic madmen like Netanyahu will invariably find themselves in the abyss.

See: Christopher Bollyn Speaks at Portland Community College

or: “The Dual-Deception of 9/11 and the Fraudulent War on Terror”

With the election of Donald Trump, a friend of Netanyahu, the question concerned Americans now face is: What are we going to do to prevent Netanyahu’s madness from ruining our nation and world? If Trump, as president, continues to support the Israeli madman, we will have a very serious problem on our hands.

From: “Netanyahu Is Dragging Israel into the Abyss”

“As Israel’s diplomatic defeat at the UN Security Council becomes clearer, it’s equally clear why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stubbornly insists on being foreign minister as well. Netanyahu doesn’t want anyone interfering as he destroys diplomatic relations with the countries, some friendly to Israel, that “dared” to vote for the resolution declaring the settlements illegal. The burial of the Foreign Ministry and the abandonment of diplomacy turns out to be part of a broad and dangerous plan to disengage from international law and stop playing by its rules…

“Netanyahu is trying to cover up his defeat with arrogant and hollow rhetoric and by lighting Hanukkah candles at the Western Wall. It’s one thing that he can’t look reality in the eye and refuses to understand that an agreement with the Palestinians is a paramount Israeli interest. What’s worse is that the prime minister is dragging his country into the abyss.”

Source: “Netanyahu Is Dragging Israel Into the Abyss”

Yes, There is an anti-Christ Talmudic Conspiracy — Every year, there is a little less Christ in Christmas, a little less Christian spirit. The spirit of giving now is confined to exchanging gifts. Scarcely is there a mention of Christian love. We can't even say "Merry Christmas." That might offend some people, Satanists perhaps…


Yes Virginia, There is a Masonic Jewish Conspiracy

December 24, 2016
by Henry Makow PhD.
The Conspiracy is Against God ( from Dec.25, 2014)
Every year, there is a little less Christ in Christmas, a little less Christian spirit.
The spirit of giving now is confined to exchanging gifts. Scarcely is there a mention of Christian love. We can’t even say “Merry Christmas.” That might offend some people, Satanists perhaps. God is Love. Satanists aren’t big fans of Love. They have a lot of clout.
This year (2016) it seems we have thrown in the towel and resigned ourselves to celebrating the “holidays.” There are fewer decorations and carols.  77% of Americans identify as Christians but it seems only minorities have rights. Only minorities can be “offended.”
We don´t even hear the usual protests. It’s been a seamless transition. Christmas celebrations, once so intense and beautiful, have become a thing of the past. None of this is by accident.
Incredible and bizarre as this sounds, a satanic cult, the Illuminati, rules the world.
– See more at:

How Alan Dershowitz bullied rape victims to protect a serial child molester Jeffrey Epstein

How Alan Dershowitz bullied rape victims to protect a serial child molester

Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz always felt children were fair game for Israeli missiles. Now the question is whether he thinks they are fair game for the sexual exploits of his powerful associates and himself.

Dershowitz and the UK’s Prince Andrew were accused in a recent court filing of raping a teenage girl who was forced into sexual slavery by Dershowitz’s close friend and client, billionaire hedge fund financier and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The court filing is part of an ongoing civil lawsuit by four of Epstein’s victims accusing the federal government of violating the Crime Victims’ Rights Act (CVRA) when it made a secret 2008 plea deal with Epstein without informing them.

Dershowitz played a key role in negotiating a secret provision in Epstein’s plea deal that immunized “any potential co-conspirators” from federal prosecution. In other words, Dershowitz negotiated an agreement that (if the allegations against him are true) shields him from prosecution for participating in a child sex-trafficking ring.

Entire Article

Hollywood's Occult War on Gender Intensifies — In 2016, more movies than ever featured the sex role reversal

From: Henry Makow

Hollywood’s Occult War on Gender Intensifies

Gender differences which are natural and universal are portrayed as oppressive. … The passive, nurturing feminine role is denied. Thus females invariably usurp the male role and feminize their male partners.

In 2016,  more movies than ever featured the sex role reversal.


As time has passed, Disney has gotten much more progressive with their portrayals of women. Long gone are the Cinderellas and Auroras, who lack any agency and must depend on men to get them out of trouble. [Now Disney women] are, however subconsciously, instilling in young girls the idea that you can be empowered and fight your own battles and create your own happy ending without the help of a man.”

At the same time, the cabalist Jews who run Hollywood are busy undermining the image of the strong effective male.  The patriarchal male is replaced by a stunted adolescent. Even the actors look like boys, not men. …

When men are the heroes, there is usually a “progressive” i.e. Satanist intent.

Another trend is to simply remove and replace male characters with females.

Another aspect of role-reversal is the pairing of older women with younger men in numerous romantic films. 

As Henry Makow says, “Every left-wing message or movement is dedicated to inducting society into the Cabalist Jewish Satanic cult. Due to their complete control of the media, we can’t recognize what is happening to us. Any awakening to our real situation is suppressed by accusations of bigotry which must be ignored.  We have moved from a Christian social concept to a satanic Jewish one which turns morality and reality on its head. i.e. “revolution. “

Entire Article

Mossad Blackmail: Tempering Our Expectations of Trump — If Trump ends up going to war with Iran, you'll know why

From: Henry Makow

Mossad Blackmail: Tempering Our Expectations of Trump

November 29, 2016

Conservatives and patriots have been encouraged and emboldened by Donald Trump’s victory. Moreover, many of us like the man and his style as much as we abhor his opponents.  

Therefore, it’s all the more important to temper our expectations by remembering who Donald Trump is. 
Timothy Fitzpatrick deserves our thanks for an exhaustive & brilliant three-part series detailing Trump’s decades-long connection with the Illuminati Jewish underworld who in turn are tied to Mossad, the JFK assassination and 9-11. The hallmark of Illuminati control is sexual blackmail. As this excerpt illustrates, there is ample evidence that Trump has been compromised. If Trump ends up going to war with Iran, you’ll know why. 
by Timothy Fitzpatrick
Trump Controlled by Mossad
(Excerpts by 
Perhaps the most powerful form of blackmail is that which involves sexual matters, and so it is that throughout human history, many men of power have been brought down upon revelation of some sexual scandal. It was through this channel that Adam Weishaupt’s illuminism (blackmail) was so successful in his time through to today (Weishaupt stole the Catholic sacrament of confession and used it for his own personal gain–so that he could gain knowledge of people’s sins in order to use it against them).
Since then, it has proven to be the most useful form of blackmail employed, especially in the political world. Every person in a position of power should be suspected of being controlled through this form of blackmail, since the Judeo-masonic cryptocracy controls virtually every aspect of organized government, the press, and the financial system, to name a few. You may have heard of the bizarre sexual initiation of Yale University’s Skull and Bones secret society, where the would-be bonesman reveals his sexual secrets to his fellow initiates and initiators.[i] From the very start of their societal ascent, you could say, a bonesman is blackmailed and falls under control of the society.
This scenario is played out in virtually every sphere of influence at one degree (pun intended) or another. As it happens, both presidential candidates are connected to sexual scandals, the likes of which we shall explore in Trump’s life.

Henry’s article excerpts continue here.
The full story with many photos:

(video) Cps/welfare in child trafficking scandal in Israel – with Marianne Azizi

Cps/welfare in child trafficking scandal in Israel – with Marianne Azizi

ALL THE RAGE: Taxpayer-Funded Colleges Offer Courses On America’s ‘Problem Of Whiteness’

How about classes on the Satanic, Talmudic ‘Jewish’ supremacy — which actually is a serious problem? They’re taking us out — because people are afraid to, or even think God doesn’t want them to research it.
Jesus warned us. Stephen tried to get them to repent. But today’s pastors support everything they do — by their silence in the face of the storm.
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Genesis 12:3 does NOT apply to modern day, unrepentant Israel, proven here:

Real history of Cyrus Scofield at 27:20

Scofield Reference Bible at 31:15
• God’s words to Abraham in Gen. 12.3, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel
• Oxford Press further Zionized the notes

Praying for war instead of peace at 46:45
• Christian Zionists enable war
• “Blessed are the peacemakers” bothers them

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(video) Alison Weir: How Pro-Israel Neocons Pushed for War in Iraq

How Pro-Israel Neocons Pushed for War in Iraq (Alison Weir)

(9-min video) How Pro-Israel Neocons Pushed for War in Iraq (Alison Weir)

The US military and CIA are taking out countries that would defy the NWO. Some of these men mentioned were part of PNAC, who wrote they needed “a new Pearl Harbor” in order to get Americans to accept their regime-change goals. 9/11 was their “new Pearl Harbor,” and sadly, it worked.
Brave, wonderful lady, who said this in her Facebook post of this:

I had been planning to testify last week at Code Pink’s “Iraq Tribunal” – my proposal to discuss the Israeli connection had been approved a month earlier – but a few days before the event I learned I wasn’t to be among the testifiers. Since I feel it’s essential to understand who pushed the US to invade Iraq (the same parties are pushing an attack on Israel), I decided to make a video of what I was going to say.


(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”


(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

God’s words to Abraham in Gen. 12.3, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel
Oxford Press further Zionized the notes
Praying for war instead of peace at 46:45
Christian Zionists enable war
“Blessed are the peacemakers” bothers them

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How Pro-Israel Neocons Pushed for War in Iraq (Alison Weir)

HERESY! German 'Christians' Pass Resolution to Stop Converting Jews—disobeying Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem — Official statement: Christians “are not called to show Israel the path to God and his salvation” • New Testament believers died trying to convert the Jews, of whom Paul was one. Today's pastors just let them go to hell • Catholic 'Church' agrees

Most Pastors today violate Jesus’ Great Commission, which New Testament believers continued full-heartedly. STEPHEN WAS STONED for telling the Jews the truth — filled with the Spirit! If we did God’s will we’d be filled too.
Jesus said in Luke 24:46-47:

He said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name TO ALL the nations, beginning at JERUSALEM.


Heresy: John Hagee and Dual Covenant Theology – Telling The Jews They Don’t Need Jesus — “Everyone else, whether Buddhist or Baha’i, needs to believe in Jesus, but not Jews. Jews already have a covenant with God that has never been replaced by Christianity”

HAGEE: UNREPENTANT HERETIC — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.

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German Protestants officially renounce converting Jews to Christianity

(RNS) Tackling a delicate issue as it begins its yearlong celebration of the Reformation’s 500th anniversary, Germany’s main Protestant church has officially renounced its mission to convert Jews to Christianity.

In practice, the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), made up of 20 regional Lutheran, Reformed and United churches, mostly gave up efforts to convert Jews in the decades after the Holocaust, and closing that chapter should have been a formality.

But officially abandoning the “Judenmission,” or Mission to the Jews, turned out to be theologically complicated.

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus gave his Apostles the Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations.” And small groups of evangelicals in a few member churches have long opposed an official statement against conversion, despite calls from Jewish groups to issue one.

The EKD’s annual synod, which it calls its “church parliament,” finally drew up a resolution that was passed unanimously on Nov. 9 in Magdeburg. It said that Christians “are not called to show Israel the path to God and his salvation.”

Since God never renounced his covenant with the Jews, his chosen people, they do not need to embrace the new Christian covenant to be saved, it said. …

The EKD wasn’t alone in changing its approach to Jews slowly. The Roman Catholic Church renounced its theological anti-Semitism in 1965 with the pioneering document Nostra Aetate at the Second Vatican Council.

It took another 50 years before the Vatican issued a clear statement last December that it “neither conducts nor supports any specific institutional mission work directed towards Jews.”

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German Protestants Pass Resolution to Stop Converting Jews to Christianity: ‘We Leave Up to God’

Nov 22, 2016

Protestant churches in Germany have decided to stop any attempt to convert the Jews to the Christian faith and abandon their “Mission to the Jews.”

In a resolution passed Nov. 9, the synod of the Evangelical Church in Germany has formally renounced any effort to convert the Jews to Christianity, saying Christians “are not called to show Israel the path to God and his salvation,” Religion News Service reported.

The resolution stated that since God has not renounced his covenant with the Jews, the Jews don’t have to become Christians in order to be saved.

“All efforts to convert Jews contradict our commitment to the faithfulness of God and the election of Israel,” the resolution said. It adds that Christians seeing Jesus as their Savior and the Jews not sharing the same perspective is “a fact we leave up to God.”

The Evangelical Church in Germany is a group up of 20 Lutheran, United and Reformed churches and makes up about a third of the German population. Traditionally, the EKD has distanced itself from efforts to convert Jews to Christianity after the holocaust, but this is the first time it has done so officially. …

The EKD appears to be distancing itself from the anti-Semitic statements of Martin Luther, who began the Protestant Reformation, and announced its rejection of the “undisguised hatred to the Jews” last year. Luther wrote a treatise called ‘On the Jews and Their Lies’ and encouraged people to attack Jewish homes and synagogues.

However, the resolution brings to question some theological contradictions. Small evangelical groups have long opposed abandoning the Mission to the Jews. The Bible commands in the book of Matthew that believers should “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.”

(Red Ice Video) CNN Anthony Bourdain's Hypocrisy: 'Only Solution' for White people & Apartheid for Jewish people

They’re carrying out a type of genocide while protecting their own ethnicity with massive walls.
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Red Ice Live – The Final Solution to White People

IMPORTANT Discussion! Jeanice Barcelo – Pornography: Weaponized Degeneracy — “If your son becomes addicted to pornography at 12, the chances of him ever having a normal life or a loving relationship are pretty much nill”

Jeanice also discusses Talmudic based, anti-Christ ‘Judaism,’ which is in large part behind this. Jesus warned us of the leaven of the Pharisees, and told them directly: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do” (John 8:44). Most pastors are standing down, enabling these globalists, allowing America to degenerate.

“If your son becomes addicted to pornography at 12, the chances of him ever having a normal life or a loving relationship are pretty much nill.” – Jeanice Barcelo in part 2 (subscription only)

Not enough people are hitting this issue hard enough. Jeanice is one of the few!
(video) Jeanice Barcelo: PORNOGRAPHY – the DELIBERATE MANIPULATION of Human Beings — A Luciferian REBELLION against the Creator to destroy the natural order • Porn brings a person under the control of DEMONS • Causes the brain’s frontal lobes to ATROPHY, WEAKENING impulse control • Sex education changes the neural pathways of a child’s brain • Porn producers are Satanists who have the intention of destroying those who believe in God • SODOMY is rebellion against God Himself • Sodomy of a child ATTACKS NERVES at the base of the spine — a prerequisite to be able to develop multiple personalities for mind-control • The ILLUMINATI is a brotherhood of sodomites
video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography
(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”
– –

Jeanice Barcelo – Pornography: Weaponized Degeneracy

(video) 'Synagogue And State' Slays America — We can either have a Talmudic Jewish America or a Christian America. There is no in-between.

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”
(audio) James Perloff: “Modern political Israel is an enemy of America and Christianity” — The same forces that funded International Communism also funded Zionism. Modern day Israel is NOT Biblical Israel. “Christians have been deceived by a long-term plan to infiltrate their theology and get them to think that they have to support Zionism”
“I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel:
(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus
– –

“We can either have a [Talmudic] Jewish America or a Christian America. There is no in-between.”

– Nathanael Kapner

Synagogue And State Slays America

(video) Israeli Snipers Killing U S Troops in Iraq – Creating Chaos

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East — DISSOLUTION of all existing Arab states: Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan & Libya — USING US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and NATO
(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”
– –

Israeli Snipers Killing U S Troops in Iraq Creating Chaos

Texe Marrs & Henry Makow: Illuminati Degenerates – Psychopathic Men Who Rule the World — "They want to normalize obscenity" • There is more pedophilia, homosexuality and sexual depravity among Jewish rabbis than among all the priesthood of the Catholic church"

“They want to normalize obscenity.” – Henry Makow

There is more pedophilia, homosexuality and sexual depravity among Jewish rabbis than among all the priesthood of the Catholic church.” – Texe Marrs

• • •

Texe Marrs & Dr. Henry Makow: Illuminati Degenerates – Psychopathic Men Who Rule the World

Israeli Media Reveals The Secret Behind Communism — Why does Hollywood ignore the greatest holocaust of all time?

Israeli Media Reveals The Secret Behind Communism

Coldplay : 'A Head Full Of Dreams' – EXPOSED! — "The Kabbalah is a form of Jewish mysticism and magic which the new age movement in these last days has adopted as doctrine. The Kabbalah is the counterfeit of Satan"

“The Kabbalah is a form of Jewish mysticism and magic which the new age movement in these last days has adopted as doctrine. The Kabbalah is the counterfeit of Satan.”

 • • •

Coldplay : A Head Full Of Dreams – EXPOSED!

Do Jews control the media? What celebrities, those on the inside, and what Jewish journalists themselves think


Do Jews control the media or is it an unfounded canard?

So, what is the truth of the matter. Do Jews control the media, or at the very least have a significantly disproportionate representation in the media in comparison to their numbers? This page will be updated regularly, and will eventually transform into an actual article. For now, I just wanted to get this information up, but it will happen.

Let us have a look at what celebrities, those on the inside, and what Jewish journalists themselves also think. When you have reviewed the below information, please take a look at the article regarding the race representation controversy in the Oscars.

The information below will be in chronological order.

If you get tired of reading, scroll to the bottom of the page for three extremely interesting and short 15 minute videos exposing this fact.

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Leading Israeli Rabbis Defend Manual for For Killing Non-Jews, Including Children

Author and activist, Max Blumenthal, went undercover and filmed a 2010 meeting of Israel’s top fundamentalist rabbis and supporters who were opposing the government’s investigation of the book, Torat Ha’Melech, known as the King’s Torah. The reason for the investigation is that the book cites rabbinic sources to justify the killing of non-Jews, including children. One rabbi even called for the killing of Jews who do not follow the Torah. [It is important to know that he was referring to the ‘Oral Torah’ or Talmud, not the Torah based on the Old Testament. (source)

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How To Kill Goyim And Influence People: Leading Israeli Rabbis Defend Manual for For Killing Non-Jews

… As soon as it was published late last year, Torat Ha’Melech [The King’s Torah] sparked a national uproar. The controversy began when an Israeli tabloid panned the book’s contents as “230 pages on the laws concerning the killing of non-Jews, a kind of guidebook for anyone who ponders the question of if and when it is permissible to take the life of a non-Jew.” According to the book’s author, Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, “Non-Jews are “uncompassionate by nature” and should be killed in order to “curb their evil inclinations.” “If we kill a gentile who has has violated one of the seven commandments… there is nothing wrong with the murder,” Shapira insisted. Citing Jewish law as his source (or at least a very selective interpretation of it) he declared: “There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us, and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not only during combat with adults.”

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Israeli Haaretz Keeps Alex In Line: 'Jewish Mafia' Controls U.S., Says Alex Jones – Insists he's not an anti-Semite before launching tirade against Rahm Emanuel, U.S. Jewry for running American society

Alex knows exactly what’s going on with international Jewry (who are mostly not real, Semitic Jews, and follow the Talmud, rejecting Christ and Christians), but recently, Alex has tried to blame everyone but the Talmudic globalists, some think to keep them from pulling his affiliate radio stations.
The ‘Jews’ probably succeed here by putting Alex back in the box, scaring him into submission, where the “love of money” and popularity seem to have a strong hold on Alex.
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‘Jewish Mafia’ Controls U.S., Says Alex Jones, Prominent Trump Supporter, Radio Host

Jones insists he’s not an anti-Semite before launching tirade against Rahm Emanuel, U.S. Jewry for running American society.

JTA Oct 27, 2016 10:08 AM

Radio host and Donald Trump supporter Alex Jones ranted Tuesday about “the Jewish mafia” that controls the U.S., and accused the prominent Jewish Emanuel family of being at the center of it.

Jones, who has interviewed Trump on his show, went on a long harangue on the show, in which he denied being anti-Semitic, but seemed to blame Jews for all the problems in American society, Media Matters reported.

“‘Cause let me tell you, the Emanuels are mafia,” Jones said of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a former chief of staff for President Barack Obama, and his also prominent Jewish brothers, Ari and Ezekiel. “And you know, I was thinking, they’re always trying to claim that if I talk about world government and corruption I’m anti-Semitic, there’s mafias of all different stripes and groups, but since you want to talk about it, the Emanuels are Jewish mafia.”

Jones went on to accuse Jews of controlling American society.

“But I mean it’s not that Jews are bad, it’s just they are the head of the Jewish mafia in the United States. They run Uber, they run the health care, they’re going to scam you, they’re going to hurt you,” he said.

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Who Owns The Trump-Attacking Media? "One thread runs through all that they write: a hatred for everything white, and an abiding hostility toward all things masculine. Mr Trump threatens their Marxist views"

From: Nathanael Kapner, a Jew himself exposing the Talmudic NWO agenda

Who Owns
The Trump-Attacking Media?

By Brother Nathanael Kapner October 18, 2016 ©

DEAR DIARY, I’d like to tell the world what I know about the media…that washer of brains now attacking Donald Trump.

For starters, I used to live near Murray Rothstein who changed his name to Sumner Redstone.

He’s no blue-blooded Bostonian that he’s passing himself off as. What WASP is named Rothstein?

Rothstein, aka Redstone, owns Viacom the umbrella group over CBS.

And CBS’s latest attack on Trump is digging up a 1992 clip in which Trump says he would date a young girl when she grows up. (Trump was divorced from his first wife at the time of the remark.)

Though some are lily-livered over Trump’s inelegancies of yesteryear…1992 is a long way off from 2016, and Trump’s now running for president, not flirt of the year.

And besides, dear diary, if the presidency is a matter of “dating,” then who has Hillary been “dating?” Other women?

How about the New York Times? Constantly trashing Trump.

Latest is the Times reporting that a “steady stream of women” have stepped forward accusing Trump of “some form of sexual assault.”

Have to laugh. Is looking at an attractive woman a “form of sexual assault?” Most women, especially when wearing suggestive apparel, like that kind of attention.

But the journalists of the New York Times work for a Jew named Arthur Sulzberger Jr, the current chairman of the paper that’s owned by the Sulzberger family.

I grew up with the Jew York Times.

And every Jew back east knows that the New York Times provides the prevailing litany of Jewish positions, which includes abortion, homosexuality, and race-mixing (for the goyim).

A prominent politician has called it, “New York values.”

Then you’ve got the Washington Post whose writers, Ruth Marcus, Ann Appelbaum, and Jennifer Rubin, vomit out on a steady stream of how horrible Trump is.

One thread runs through all that they write: a hatred for everything white, and an abiding hostility toward all things masculine. Mr Trump threatens their Marxist views.

They work for Jeff Bezos, who’s not a Jew. But does he really own the Washington Post?

Bezos’ investment company, Nash Holdings LLC, is the owner.

It’s a private company, and most likely in hock to Wall Street Jewish financiers who prefer that US jobs stay in Mexico.

On to ABC that sponsored the first Trump/Clinton debate.

All the lead questions were addressed to Hillary, and all the attacks were turned on Trump.

What do you expect? The principal shareholders of ABC are two Jews:

Robert Iger and Alan Braverman, whose shows promote homosexuality and all manner of perversion.

Trump’s “macho” image and his running mate Pence’s evangelical position don’t fit the snake hole.

Next is NBC/MSNBC, owned by the Jew, Brian Roberts.

Latest has Morning Joe (useful goy on Jewry’s payroll) with a gang of Jews telling the audience that Trump has already lost the election.

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Israeli legislator vandalizes the New Testament and calls it “garbage”

They do hate Christ still! Jesus warned us to ‘BEWARE’ of their Talmudic, Satanic leaven. The NT believers preached to them: ‘REPENT.’ Stephen was stoned to death for doing so — so FILLED with the Spirit as Saul watched, and later became Paul!
Today’s “Christian” pastors are completely silent — or supportive — ENABLING everything they do. We must repent of this nonsense before they destroy us through their NWO mind-control experiment: TalmudVision (TV), etc..
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(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(video) Nathanael: Who Owns the Media Bucking Trump?

Satan’s NWO anti-Christ TalmudVision (TV)
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Will Trump Break The Media?

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