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Category: Syria Page 3 of 13

(vid) Zionist Warmongers Slaughter Scores of Iranians in Unprovoked Attack – On Sunday, Talmudic Israel carried out inexcusable acts of war against Iran by carrying out multiple airstrikes in Syria targeting Iranian bases and troops

(vid) OAN reporter Pearson Sharp: On the Ground in Aleppo Investigating City's Recovery Under Gov't Control

Praise God for one man on one MSM channel speaking out!
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(vid) Proof #Syria-n air Defence Shot Down US missiles – Trump Lied

Syrian Child Involved in Fake Gas Attack in Douma Comes Forward

“There were no chemical weapons used. I smoked a cigarette outside and did not smell anything. I went into the hospital and saw my family. The rebels gave dates, cookies and rice for taking part in the shooting of the video and let everyone go home.”
– Omar Diab, father of 11-year-old Hassan Diab seen in the videos of the alleged gas attack


Paul Craig Roberts: Where is the Shame? — "How can it be that the American people are undisturbed by their government’s 17 years of wars based entirely on blatant lies? How can it be that the American people and the Evangelical churches are unmoved by the millions of innocent peoples in seven countries who have been murdered, maimed, orphaned, and displaced by the profit-driven US military/security complex and by the neoconservative ideology in service to Israel?"

… How can other governments accept the US, UK, and French governments that intentionally lied about a Russian chemical attack on the Skripals and about a Syrian chemical attack on Douma, risking a third world war, and then themselves attacking Syria on the basis of a transparent lie unsupported by any evidence? How exactly do you conduct diplomatic relations with war criminals?
You don’t. You put them on trial. Why aren’t Trump, May, and Macron on trial?
The reason is that the world has been conditioned, like Pavlov’s dogs, to expect and accept the West’s war crimes as ordinary….
Russian indecisiveness combined with the rest of the world’s toleration of ongoing US war crimes suggests that more provocations will be orchestrated, that more lawless attacks will take place, and that eventually a fatal conflict will be brewed. …
How can it be that the American people are undisturbed by their government’s 17 years of wars based entirely on blatant lies? How can it be that the American people and the Evangelical churches are unmoved by the millions of innocent peoples in seven countries who have been murdered, maimed, orphaned, and displaced by the profit-driven US military/security complex and by the neoconservative ideology in service to Israel?
How can it be that the European, Canadian, and Australian governments and the citizens of these countries are not ashamed of their participation in these never-ending crimes? …
Why is the world silent in the face of massive, long-term, ongoing war crimes? …

(audio) Joel Skousen on The Power Hour 4/16/18 — "We're not going to win"

Good, brief overview of Joel’s carefully thought out views.
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“The purpose is not to win, because we’re not going to win.”

– Joel Skousen

Jake: The Dire Threat of Israeli Zionist Control Over America

Skousen: Iran Better Be Careful — Israel is trying to provoke an Iranian response against Israel so that the American public will demand Trump “come to the rescue.” If Iran is smart, they’ll simply employ their air defense assets to shoot down Israeli missiles rather than attack offensively and give the US the excuse to intervene against Iran • Iran is the ultimate target of US intervention in Syria • I think we’ll see more Israeli strikes on Iranian targets in Syria • Sadly, most American Christians confuse the Biblical support for the restoration of the House of Israel to its homeland (already happened) with continued unconditional support for Israel’s interventionist policies as a globalist puppet

OPCW Finds no Evidence of Chemical Weapons at the supposed chemical weapons facility bombed by US and allies in Syria

(vid) Ron Paul: Macron Changes Trump's Tune – 'We're Staying In Syria' — Macron even bragged about convincing Trump to flip flop!

A Syrian Christian Reveals What is Really Happening in Syria | James Perloff


(audio) James Perloff on Trump/Syria… — 'White Helmets' are al-Qaeda, whose 'gas attack' information US relied on

39 “The ‘White Helmets’ are al-qaeda,” whose ‘gas attack’ information we rely on.
1:28:00 How James was impacted by vaccinations himself as a child
1:38:00 Makes his own memes with PowerPoint
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James Perloff writes on his website:

April 21. I was Eric Gajewski’s guest on TCK LIVE, coming in after the first half hour. We mostly discussed Syria and Trump, took calls and also touched on the Vietnam War, vaccines, and Christianity’s relationship to  the Truth Movement. The commendable Charlotte Iserbyt was the guest after me.

18, 000 Syrian Children have had their Organs Harvested Over the Last 6 Years

Reports from the Director-General of the Syrian Coroner’s Office affirm that thousands of Syrian children have had their organs harvested since 2011.
Turkish refugee camps on the border with Syria are identified as prime locations where organ harvesting has been, and is, occurring. Director-General Hossein Noufel recently made the disclosure though United Nation officials have not officially confirmed the findings.

“We have accurate information that over 25,000 surgical operations have been conducted in the refugee camps of the neighbouring countries and in the terrorist-controlled areas in Syria since 2011 to take out the body organs of 18,000 Syrians and sell them in the international black markets.” – Dr. Noufel


Syrian Christians to West: Stay out of our country


(vid) OAN Syria Truther | Pearson Sharp Interviewed by Vince (Red Elephants)!


(vid) OAN Investigation Finds ‘No Evidence’ of Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria


(vid) Nick Fuentes, Angelo Gage, Dave Gahary and a USS Liberty Survivor Talk Syria, Israel and Trump Meeting North Korea

Skousen: No Evidence of Chemical Attack in Syria – None — Deliberate falsification of intelligence in order to fool Trump into backing out of his desire to pull out of Syria and get him to attack Assad’s forces

(vid) The 'White Helmets' Tried To Recruit Roger Waters | Watch Waters denounce "fake" White Helmets during concert – Don't bomb Syria!

During a Barcelona concert on April 13, Roger Waters denounced the Syrian White Helmets as “a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists.” Warning that the groups’ unverified claims about chemical weapons attacks across insurgent-held territory were aimed at triggering Western military intervention, Waters cautioned his audience, “If we were to listen to the propaganda of the White Helmets and others, we would encourage our governments to start dropping bombs on people in Syria. This would be a mistake of monumental proportions for us as human beings.”

In fact, Waters had first hand experience with the powerful pro-war PR operation behind the White Helmets. Back in October 2016, a public relations firm representing the White Helmets called The Syria Campaign attempted to recruit Waters by inviting him to a lavish dinner organized by a Saudi-British billionaire, Hani Farsi. The rock legend and renowned activist was told that by signing on to the organization’s mission, he could help “elevate the voices of Syria’s peaceful heroes”

Just days before his recent concert in Barcelona, Waters was lobbied again to support the White Helmets, this time by an eccentric French photojournalist affiliated with what he described as a “very powerfull [sic] syrian network.” The activist demanded to join Waters on stage and deliver a message for the “children of syria.”

Waters did not respond to either request.

These emailed solicitations from White Helmets representatives and activists were provided by Waters to the Grayzone Project, and are published in full at the bottom of this article. The documents demonstrate how the organization’s well-funded public relations apparatus has targeted celebrities as the key to the hearts and minds of the broader Western public.

Unlike many other A-listers, however, Waters took time to research the White Helmets and investigate its ulterior agenda. 

“I was quite suspicious after I was invited to that [White Helmets] dinner,” Waters told the Grayzone Project. “And now my worst suspicions have been confirmed.”



Jihadist 'White Helmets' caught faking a false-flag gas attack

(vid) Syria: Jihadi 'White Helmets' Caught Staging False-Flag Attacks

(vid) Syria Chemical Attack Hoax Exposed – Peter Ford with Tucker Carlson on Fox News — The 'White Helmets,' "Jihadi medical auxiliaries who pick up the pieces after beheadings" put out this hoax. "We have been suckered; the President's advisers have served him extremely badly. Did the President's advisers tell him that the sites [just bombed] had been inspected extremely recently?"

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Robert Fisk: There was no chlorine attack in Douma

(vid) Ron Paul Weekly Update — Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

(vid) The War In Syria From A Syrian Perspective – What You NEED To Know!

(vid) Reality Check: Lies Justify U.S. Air Strikes on Syria?

(vid) OAN Investigation Finds 'No Evidence' of Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria

I’m surprised. I thought OAN was another Talmudic news outlet like Fox targeting conservatives with war propaganda.
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“No evidence has been found so far that there was any chemical attack.”

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OAN Investigation Finds No Evidence of Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria

Published on Apr 16, 2018

(vid) Sen. Rand Paul on Syria…

One of the few anti-war, pro-peace leaders — Rand Paul!
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Our Society is the Sick One – Not Syria's | Interesting Facts About Syria

From: Christopher Bollyn on Facebook
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Our Society is the Sick One – Not Syria’s
When you read the facts below about Syrian society, you might wonder why the U.S. is so hostile to it. This hostility to the government of Syria can only be explained by realizing that our society is the sick one – not Syria’s.
We are the nation that has been engaged for 17 years in a fraudulent War on Terror based on unproven allegations about the unsolved crime of 9/11. Our nation has spent trillions of dollars waging war against countries that had nothing to do with 9/11, while we lavish praise and money on the one nation that is most deeply involved in the false-flag terror attacks – Israel.
It is our nation that has been tricked into several wars based on lies and fabrications: Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Syria. We have been fooled repeatedly into attacking Israel’s enemies (e.g. Iraq and Syria) and allowed our diminishing national wealth to be plundered fighting wars in countries where we have no national interest.
Our own president recently complained that we have wasted $7 trillion in 17 years fighting the War on Terror in the Middle East and that we have gotten nothing for it – as he led a new military attack on Syria based on nothing but unproven allegations – once again.
So, ask yourself, who is the sick one here? Them, or us?

Interesting facts about #Syria..
“•The Assad family belongs to the tolerant Islam of Alawid orientation.
• Syrian women have the same rights as men to study, health and education.
• Syria women are not forced to wear the burqa. The Sharia (Islamic law) is unconstitutional.
• Syria is the only Arab country with a secular constitution and does not tolerate Islamic extremist movements.
• Roughly 10% of the Syrian population belongs to one of the many Christian denominations, all fully integrated in Syrian political and social life.
• In other Arab countries the Christian population is less than 1% due to sustained hostility.
• Syria has banned genetically modified (GMO) seeds, stating his decision was made in order “to preserve human health,”
• Syria has an opening to Western society and culture like no other Arab country.
• Its media and universities openly debate the global power elite’s influence in things. This means that they fully grasp the fact that real power in the West lies not in the White House but rather with the complex and powerful grid of elite think-tanks and central banks.
• Throughout history there have been five popes of Syrian origin. Religious tolerance is unique in the area.
• Prior to the current civil war, Syria was one of the only peaceful countries in the area, having avoided major wars or internal conflicts.
• Syria was the only country that admitted Iraqi refugees without any social, political or religious discrimination
• Syria clearly and unequivocally opposes Zionism and the Israel government.
• Following a massive oil find in Syria’s Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967, Netanyahu recently asked Obama to recognize its annexation of the territory. To consolidate its hold, plans are afoot to quadruple Israeli settler numbers to 100,000.

And the most two important points:
• Syria is one of the only countries in the Middle East without debts to the International Monetary Fund ( Pre-invasion Libya & Iran the only others )
• Syria is the only Mediterranean country which remains the owner of its oil company, with an oil reserve of 2,500 million barrels, the operation of which has avoided privatization and is reserved exclusively for state-owned enterprises.
So now ask yourself, why are we truly attempting to overthrow yet another government? What are we hoping to fix here?
If the recent invasions and illegal assassinations of Presidents like Qaddafi and Saddam have taught us anything, it should be the understanding of the blowback effect of such lawless actions by the West and the vacuum of chaos that always supersedes it.
Debt Conquer. Invent a reason to invade and destroy, then offer $Trillions in IMF funding to rebuild… conveniently paid back by control of your oil fields and the free access to build gas pipelines to the west.” #SyriaHoax

(vid) Powerful Interview with Vincent James from The Red Elephants

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