Freedom from Alaska!

Category: The Soul of America Page 13 of 34

Why is Modern Art so Bad? — For two millennia, great artists set the standard for beauty. Now those standards are gone. Modern art is a competition between the ugly and the twisted; the most shocking wins. What happened? How did the beautiful come to be reviled and bad taste come to be celebrated? • Renowned artist Robert Florczak explains the history and the mystery behind this change and how it can be stopped and even reversed • "Let's celebrate what we know is good, and ignore what we know is not!"

Why is Modern Art so Bad?

(video) Molyneux: Court Ignores Law, Affirms Ban on President Trump’s Immigration Restrictions — "If America loses its respect for the law, it loses everything. If the law is perceived as a tool for the powerful to oppress the powerless, there will be no more need to invite the third world into America. America will have joined the third world" • "If judges can just make up stuff, there's no rule of law left in the United States"

17:08 “If judges can just make up stuff, there’s no rule of law left in the United States.”
18:22 “If America loses its respect for the law, it loses everything. If the law is perceived as a tool for the powerful to oppress the powerless, there will be no more need to invite the third world into America. America will have joined the third world.”
– Stefan Molyneux, transcribed by Jeff Fenske
– –

Court Ignores Law, Affirms Ban on President Trump’s Immigration Restrictions | True News

Mike Adams: The Lady Gaga Circus and how the sheeple are distracted from reality

The Lady Gaga Circus and how the sheeple are distracted from reality

(video) Trump's Super Bowl Interview with O'Reilly Ignites Firestorm — What really is making America not great?

My response:
It seems that “Christian” Zionists’ replacement of Jesus’ Greatest Two Commandments with Genesis 12:3: “Bless ‘Israel’ to get blessed” (though the passage actually is referring to Abraham) is a major reason that the people of America are no longer great. Ron Paul was amazed that the evangelicals opposed him because Ron was actually a peacemaker, whom Jesus said his followers would be called in Mt. 5.
Most evangelicals seem to get their marching orders from FOX News, instead of the HOLY Spirit. It looks like they’re trying to push Trump into bombing Iran. And they don’t care about US arming the rebels to overthrow Libya and Syria, and our post-9/11 overt wars too.
The biggest problem in America seems to be that most “Christians” are no longer real Christians, according to what the Bible really says Christians must be.
EVANGELICALS’ LEGACY: Biggest WARMONGERS! – 2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion 
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Trump’s Super Bowl Interview with O’Reilly Ignites Firestorm

(video) I Was Assaulted At The UC Berkeley Anti-Milo Riot

I Was Assaulted At The UC Berkeley Anti-Milo Riot

(video) Stefan Molyneux: Reason vs the Demon — "The demons of political violence are being summoned from the black hearts of the helpless, the frustrated" • "Once summoned, the demon serves only itself" • Our churches have turned on us. Our news organizations have turned on us. Our artists have turned on us too • The Ugly Truth About Hollywood

“The demons of political violence are being summoned from the black hearts of the inarticulate, the enraged, the helpless, the dependent, the frustrated and the evil.”

“Once summoned, the demon serves only itself.”

“Our churches have turned on us.”

“Our news organizations have turned on us.”

“Our artists have turned on us too.”

– Stefan Molyneux

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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The Ugly Truth About Hollywood

(video) Stefan Molyneux: The Ugly Truth About The Women's March — Live in Anger, Die in Solitude ~  The Day Care Feminists Explained — ESSENTIAL TRUTHS!!!

Some of the most important things I’ve learned this year!

Why are so many women Democrats?

Why do women vote more than do men?

Why do so many Dems no longer care about their appearance?

What does being raised in day care have to do with it?

This written description just touches the surface of what Stefan actually shares:
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Stefan Molyneux makes an excellent point in this thoughtful and insightful monolog that before now, had not occurred to me. He notes that the emptiness, the ugliness, the shamelessness, the lack of social grace, the absence of basic, rudimentary civil behavior, the coarseness, the vulgarity, the unbelievable foul-mouth ranting, the unintelligence, the unreasonableness, the ignorance, the immaturity, and the crass egocentric posturing seen in the vast majority of these purple or red haired Social Justice Warriors of the Clintonista Feminist Left are unified in their barbaric demeanor by their having spent their babyhood and their formative pre-school years in a daycare center, instead of being raised at home by a loving mom in a nurturing, caring environment.

Females don’t become this damaged, radicalized, and twisted unless they had been treated with coarseness and non-loving, sterile “care” during their most vulnerable and formative years of childhood. These women’s lives are ruined. They will never find happiness, or peace, or fulfillment when they’ve thrown away the most precious and fleeting years given to them to find a mate and start a family. Decent, good, kind and gentle men don’t want to marry the sort of shrieking, infantile, vulgar females seen in these anti-Trump Youtube videos. They want a loving, respectable, gentle, graceful, and feminine woman to create a family with. If they’ve been degenerated into homosexuality, then there’s nothing worth talking about. They’re lost. For those deluded heterosexual females who think they’re having fun by behaving so outrageously and vulgarly in public, the day will come when they will rue their indiscretion and realize that this game called life doesn’t last forever; that the opportunities are fleeting; and that old age spent alone and childless is a reality that will not seem like so much fun when it arrives.

Molyneux called it ~ you live in anger, you die in solitude. Truer words were never spoken. … Ken Adachi (source)

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The Ugly Truth About The Women’s March

Published on Jan 25, 2017


Buried in the sordid and socialized mess of the Women’s March is an essential truth that is worth evaluating and understanding. It is a cliché that feminists are physically unattractive, but there is solid science and research behind it.
One study of American women indicated that women generally pursue careers because they fear they are too unattractive to land a man. In another study, the more attractive a woman thought she was, the less feminist she was. Whenever there is a clear pattern that is almost never discussed, it is worth pursuing to the end.

(SLIDESHOW) I went into the middle of the pro-abortion women’s march – here’s what I saw — "If modern feminism means complaining about the objectification of women while dressing as female genitalia, believing women are “oppressed” without the right to kill a defenseless human being, and thinking that women aren’t empowered unless the government provides us with free cancer-causing contraceptives…"

Some signs read: ‘abort Trump’ and ‘abort Pence.’
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I went into the middle of the pro-abortion women’s march – here’s what I saw

See slideshow above of 53 photos taken by LifeSite’s Claire Chretien and Lisa Bourne during the march

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 23, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) …

What we saw broke my heart and strengthened my resolve to end abortion, the greatest human rights injustice of our time.

First, there were the “pussy hats.” These pink knit hats with two small, pointy ears are part of a project launched over Thanksgiving weekend in support of “women’s rights.” Feminists are obsessed with cats, and then there’s the whole female anatomy/Donald Trump double entendre.

Then, there were the signs. It was hard to find any without profanity. They featured sparkly uteruses, the Virgin Mary as female genitals, and frequently made use of the word “p****.” A lot of the signs just said, “f*** Trump.”

And the children. Parents apparently saw nothing wrong with putting “pussy hats” on their elementary school-age daughters and bringing their kids to a march where images of sex acts and sexual assault were plastered on signs about the president.

The march seemed to be primarily pro-abortion rather than pro-transgender. It was a celebration of the sexual revolution, procreation-free sex, and abortion. …

There was an overwhelming lack of joy at the women’s march – just anger and sadness. But the women who marched aren’t our enemies. They deserve to be shown the love, compassion, and mercy that are the hallmarks of the pro-life movement. They are all potential converts to the pro-life worldview. Many of them have no doubt been harmed by abortion. …

If modern feminism means complaining about the objectification of women while dressing as female genitalia, believing women are “oppressed” without the right to kill a defenseless human being, and thinking that women aren’t empowered unless the government provides us with free cancer-causing contraceptives, count me out.

Entire Article w/ Slide Show

(video) Anti-Trump Protestor lights a girl's hair on fire! — Media reports none of this

Anti-Trump Protestor lights a girl’s hair on fire!


(videos) Liberal Protester SCREAMS at Trump Inauguration! | Interviewed | More…

WoW!! How to explain this??
Satan’s horns symbol (right hand) at 12 seconds:

Liberal Protester screaming at inauguration

Screaming woman at Trump’s inauguration interviewed: The dark & the light are so tight right now

Luke & Father Version

Raw footage source of clip – from

Protester screams in agony as Trump sworn in

Source of clip 2 (interview) – from with text:

Protester who screamed at Trump’s inauguration: ‘This is not America’

Jessica Starr made no attempt to disguise her emotions on Pennsylvania Avenue today.

She was sitting on the ground in silent protest when the announcement blared over loudspeakers: “Donald J Trump is the president of the United States”.

Suddenly, involuntarily, Jessica erupted into a visceral, primal scream.

Sobbing, she apologised to the world: “I’m so sorry, I love people, this is not America, this is not what we want”, she told me.

There was so much more I could have asked her, but I left her to have her moment in peace.

(video) Stefan Molyneux: What Pisses Me Off About The Anti-Trump Riots — The daycare generation • Babies cry until their needs are satisfied

What Pisses Me Off About The Anti-Trump Riots

(video) Toby Keith’s ‘Angry American’ Anthem at Trump Inauguration: ‘Courtesy of the Red White and Blue’ — "WE’LL PUT A BOOT IN YOUR A** IT’S THE AMERICAN WAY / GOD BLESS our troops and GOD BLESS America" • Unrepentant, reverse-Christian, 9/11 warmongering continues as Donald watches and Jesus weeps – 1/19/17

This song just gets me! This is part of what’s wrong with country music. And to me, it’s one of the most disgusting songs ever written. It’s the rally cry and justification to annihilate a nation for something the country didn’t do to us. Then Toby publicly has the nerve to claim God’s blessing for the evil we do to them in Jesus’ name.

God is going to bless US for completely ignoring Jesus’ second greatest COMMANDment to love our neighbors as ourselves??

Because of our self-centered, superior attitude and actions, many now not only hate US for using our power to kill them. They also don’t want anything to with our Jesus, whom we claim we’re serving. Many will join Al Qaeda, or immigrate and be our enemy.

How would we like it if a much stronger country regime-changed US, killing many we love — which experts like Joel Skousen think Russia and China may someday do?!! And God won’t let it happen??

We call ourselves a Christian nation while completely ignoring Jesus’ second greatest COMMANDment to love our neighbors as ourselves if people are Muslim.

If we expect God to bless US, then we’re even supposed to love our enemies, as Jesus said — instead of taking the low road — because we can — and it felt good to the flesh, rallying together against a people “who hate US” (and now actually do).

Sean Hannity made it feel good:

The line, “’cause we’ll put a boot in your ass / it’s the American way,” is part of the introduction of the Sean Hannity radio show that is played at the beginning of each hour. (source)

Will we ever learn that Sean Hannity lies too? And why is Toby still singing this song? He should have shelved it long ago, and repented, admitting he was wrong; though, he was probably one of many who wouldn’t even look at the proof that the planes’ jet fuel didn’t take down the towers, and the hijackers weren’t even from Afghanistan, officially.

“(video) Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘CHRISTIANS’ have TWO SETS OF BOOKS: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???

Why is anyone still listening, and cheering to this disgusting song that should have been shelved long ago, if we had any integrity:

‘Courtesy Of The Red, White, And Blue’ (The Angry American)

By Toby Keith

Now this nation that I love
Has fallen under attack [WTC collapse not Afghani caused, proven – ed.]
A mighty sucker punch came flying in
From somewhere in the back
Soon as we could see clearly
Through our big black eye
Man, we lit up your world
Like the 4th of July [Afghanistan – ed.]

Hey Uncle Sam [Zionist controlled media did – ed.]
Put your name at the top of his list
And the Statue of Liberty
Started shaking her fist
And the eagle will fly
Man, it’s going to be hell
When you hear Mother Freedom
Start ringing her bell
And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you
Brought to you Courtesy of the Red White and Blue

[Verse 2]
Justice will be served [‘Justice’??? – ed.]
And the battle will rage
This big dog will fight
When you rattle his cage
And you’ll be sorry that you messed with
The U.S. of A [though Afghanistan didn’t do 9/11 – ed.]
`Cause we`ll put a boot in your ass
It`s the American way [not God’s way – ed.]

God bless our troops
And God bless America [really??? – ed.]

Toby Keith Trump Inauguration 01/19/17 Red White and Blue (The Angry American)


Published on Jan 19, 2017

I always get chills when I think of the Statue of Liberty “shaking her fist”. Thank you Toby for singing ! What an inspiring performance. [Sad – ed.]


(‘America is done’ video) Ron Paul was just BOOED FOR TALKING ABOUT THE GOLDEN RULE, “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” — South Carolina Fox News Republican debate 2012

Obama’s Bombing Legacy — Over 100,000 bombs and missiles striking 7 countries, surpassing the 70,000 unleashed on 5 countries by Bush/Cheney

Obama brag, in new book: I’m ‘really good at killing people’ with drones

(video) The Talmudists Created the Porn Industry

A lot of unwarranted laughing here, but at least they’re telling the truth.
Spelling and grammatical corrections mine:

A clear announcement that Jews control the porn industry, coming from the horses mouth.

Hitler saved Germany from the Synagogue of Satan where Jews controlled the cinema, and were responsible for pornography and homosexuality distribution. Their so-called modern art. Germany population were mostly Christians, and rose up.

After WW2, many Jews migrated to America, and they started where they left off in Germany. Reuben Sturman started the Porn industry in the USA. The key objective is to destroy the home values of the Christian household.

The billionaire porn industry has affected the entire world, where our young are being targeted with this porn filth.

Related: (video) Freud, Zionism and Sexual Revolution: Resentment against Christ and Gentiles is a motivating factor in promoting sexual degeneration and pornography

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How Jews Created the Largest Porn Industry

The Prophesied POWERFUL DELUSION — Most won't even know they're deceived

Most won’t know…

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(video) Starbucks Calls Cops On "Trump Cup" Customer

Amazing and important, except these people are victims of mass, Satanic, TalmudVision (TV) mind-control. Laughing AT them isn’t Christlike. We need to be praying FOR them, not mocking them.
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Starbucks Calls Cops On “Trump Cup” Customer

Where's the feminist outrage as #RapeMelania trends on Twitter? — "Perhaps I misunderstood "feminism" and thought that their good will towards women meant all of us, not just the ones who agree with them politically. Maybe "rape culture" is okay as long as it happens to a woman married to a man they don't like"

Where’s the feminist outrage as #RapeMelania trends on Twitter?
Rape Melania

(NaturalNews) Remember how Twitter kicked out Milo Yiannopolis for being mean and censored the hashtag #HillaryforPrison?
Well, I guess that censorship is a one-way street because the repugnant hashtag #RapeMelania was trending this morning and no one at Twitter seemed to feel that was worth censoring. Other recent allowable Twitter trends have been #DieWhitesDie and #AssassinateTrump – but that’s cool too.
(Article republished from
And Twitter censors aside, where is the feminist outrage? They call President Elect Trump a misogynist but they don’t denounce this?
Perhaps I misunderstood “feminism” and thought that their good will towards women meant all of us, not just the ones who agree with them politically. Maybe “rape culture” is okay as long as it happens to a woman married to a man they don’t like. Maybe Melania is asking for it because they don’t like her husband.
Learn more:

Ron Paul: "Government is merely a reflection of an IMMORAL SOCIETY that REJECTED a MORAL GOVERNMENT of constitutional limitations of power and love of freedom … all the TINKERING with thousands of pages of new laws and regulations WILL DO NOTHING TO SOLVE the problem"

This quote is from Ron Paul’s 2012 Farewell Address.
It’s now so bad that in this election, HiLIARy supporters KNOWINGLY supported an immoral government. A large percentage of America is now willfully morally corrupt!

“History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”

– Douglas MacArthur

– –

If the people are unhappy with the government performance it must be recognized that government is merely a reflection of an immoral society that rejected a moral government of constitutional limitations of power and love of freedom.

If this is the problem all the tinkering with thousands of pages of new laws and regulations will do nothing to solve the problem.

” – Ron Paul

• • •


Twitter Allows ‘Rape Melania’ to Trend After Site Explodes with Trump Assassination Threats — WHEN will "Christians" finally have enough and become 'ONE' with each other in Christ that the WORLD WILL KNOW! (John 17)

The source of the problem:
When will “Christians” get right with each other so ‘ONE’ can happen “THAT THE WORLD WILL KNOW? — Jesus’ prayer for us in John 17.
HOW LOW does America need to go before PASTORS repent?!! Arghhh!!

“History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”

– Douglas MacArthur

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Hillary Supporter Holds ‘Rape Melania’ Sign at DC Protest in Front of Trump Hotel

“The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The BELIEVERS have OPENED THE GATE TO SIN, which is why this country has deteriorated
My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”
The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.
(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’m free!’”
“Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean?

College Students Given Coloring Books & Play Doh to Help ‘Cope’ With Trump’s Victory

..universities saw themselves … as babysitters charged with comforting students who were unable to deal with reality.

Tufts University made an arts and crafts center available.

The University of Kanas invited therapy dogs to campus for comfort.

The University of Michigan had a play area with coloring books.

Cornell hosted what it termed a “cry-in” where faculty and staff handed out hot cocoa and tissues.


(video) Black women tells blacks what's up with their blind support of HiLIARy — led by MSM

Amazing TRUTH TELLING to blacks she cares so much about being manipulated by HiLIARy and the MSM.
Strong language alert!
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Beyonce Knowles, Hillary Clinton I HATE YOU BOTH

(video) Molyneux: Anti-Donald Trump Protests and Riots | True News

EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT POINTS — a must watch! Except his final statement in the last minute doesn’t appear to be Christlike. Stefan is an atheist.
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Anti-Donald Trump Protests and Riots | True News


• • •

Secret Service mostly letting it happen:

But a security source told The Post that the Secret Service would investigate all social media postings containing credible threats, adding that there’s a difference between someone saying they’re planning to kill the president and suggesting that someone else should attempt an assassination. Generally, indirect threats are not prosecuted, according to the source, and investigators will “prioritize” them before determining their credibility.

(video) Leftist Comedians In Total Meltdown At Trump Presidency

Leftist Comedians In Total Meltdown At Trump Presidency

"When you cast a vote for a proven corrupt candidate you become part of the corruption" — Almost 1/2 of Americans are!

Almost HALF of Americans who voted still chose Crooked Hillary!

We just barely skated by — even with all that was exposed about HiLIARy.

We’re living on the edge.



Fmr. U.S. Surgeon-General: “Protection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion is a smoke screen. In my 36 years of pediatric surgery I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother’s life"

The lies they told US!
– –

“Protection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion is a smoke screen. In my 36 years of pediatric surgery I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother’s life. If toward the end of the pregnancy complications arise that threaten the mother’s health, the doctor will either induce labor or perform a Caesarian section. His intention is to save the life of both the mother and the baby. The baby’s life is never willfully destroyed because the mother’s life is in danger.”

– C. Everett Koop, M.D.
Former U.S. Surgeon-General (source)

• • •


(video) *Warning-Graphic* A Partial Birth Abortion Filmed — Killary Supports This • Look HOW BIG the baby is!! • Only 1.5 minutes

(video) “Hillary is a REAL Christian” says Michael Moore

Liberals say everything backwards — in reverse — upside down.

Related: (video) *Warning-Graphic* A Partial Birth Abortion Filmed — Killary Supports This • Look HOW BIG the baby is!! • Only 1.5 minutes

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“Hillary is a REAL Christian” says Michael Moore

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Oct 26, 2016

Forget those pro-life people, Hillary Clinton, supporter of so-called “partial birth abortion” is the REAL Christian. The rest of you bitter clingers are hypocrites says Michael Moore to his liberal Amen-corner.


‘Boys Are Stupid; Girls Are Awesome’ – Most TV Shows & Movies Today

A friend correctly writes on Facebook:

Men being portrayed as weak and dumb in so many movies and sitcoms is not just a trend or coincidence. It’s a coordinated social engineering attack from the culture weapon system known as Hollywood.

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“Can’t our society build up one gender without taking down another?”


‘Boys Are Stupid; Girls Are Awesome’ – Most TV Shows & Movies Today

A friend correctly writes on Facebook:

Men being portrayed as weak and dumb in so many movies and sitcoms is not just a trend or coincidence. It’s a coordinated social engineering attack from the culture weapon system known as Hollywood.

– –

“Can’t our society build up one gender without taking down another?”


(video) *Warning-Graphic* A Partial Birth Abortion Filmed — Killary Supports This • Look HOW BIG the baby is!! • Only 1.5 minutes

Opened my eyes big-time — shocked to see how large the baby was!!!!!!

Many “Christians” actually support this and Killary, who openly supports this, which Donald pointed out in the third debate.

Absolutely Satanic and end-of-America, defiant-against-God, self-centered, sick evil!

Killary can smile and laugh, but her heart is void of love. She’s a warmonger too — has no trouble killing fully grown people too. “What difference does it make?”

IMPORTANT to know how fervently to pray!

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“If you go with what Hillary is saying, in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. Now, you can say that that’s OK and Hillary can say that that’s OK. But it’s not OK with me….”

– Donald Trump debating Killary in the third presidential debate

*Warning-Graphic* A Partial Birth Abortion Filmed

(Video aired on Colorado PBS 8/16) The Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11 — “AMERICANISM TRUMPS CHRISTIANITY for many Christians” • ~”These countries had no attack plan for us yet WE KILLED MILLIONS! How can we have any self-respect if this continues? Help people make the connection between the RUIN OF OUR NATION and 9/11 ” – David Ray Griffin • “CPT 12 is the only broadcast station in our nation that will air this information” • “Don’t mess with my comfort with how things are”

Key thoughts I transcribed:

9:18 “Nationalism in various countries became the new religion. This is certainly true in the United States where Americanism trumps Christianity for many Christians.” – David Ray Griffin

1:27:03 “Countries that had no attack plan for us. Everyone agrees now: Afghanistan was not planning to attack America. Iraq was not going to attack America, and yet we have killed millions of the people. How can we have any self-respect if this continues? So that’s the approach I would take: try to help people make the connection between the ruin of our nation with 9/11.” – David Ray Griffin

1:32:05 ‘I saw that, myself, when my brother tried to talk with me about it: ‘Don’t mess with me; don’t mess with my home; don’t mess with my comfort with how things are.'” – Deborah Lorig (Psychotherapist)

142:12 “…CPT 12, they are the only broadcast station in our nation that will air this information.” – Marti Hopper (Psychotherapist)

• • •


The Demolition of Truth: Psychologists Examine 9/11

  • Aired: 08/25/2016
  • 01:57:18
  • Rating: NR

September 11, 2001 marked one of the most tragic days in American history. 15 years later, the events of that day continue to have a traumatic impact on many Americans. Millions of citizens from around the world question the official account of that day. This film presents testimony from highly-credentialed scientists, engineers, and military experts examine the psychological impact of 9/11.


The above video is excellent, except one of the speakers during the breaks blames the Saudis, who were minor players compared to: (HD Video) Solving 9/11 Christopher Bollyn Live in Dallas TX Feb 12, 2015 — Israeli hardline Zionists named • Powerful Powerpoint presentation!

(video) POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary Airs on PBS Across Colorado (8/12)!!!!!!!

(video) A&E for 9/11 Truth Architect Richard Gage on C-SPAN 8/1/14 — “The ends of the BEAMS were partially EVAPORATED! That takes 4000 DEGREE temperatures. The only thing we’re aware of that can create that is thermite”

(6-minute video) 9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying — Low-temp kerosene/paper fires could not have MELTED, radically bent WITHOUT CRACKING, and even FUSED steel

(video) Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

(video) Bush & Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened Says Whistleblower, Susan Lindauer, Charged Under Patriot Act

(audio) The Other 9/11 Suspects: Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. — Insider, Kevin Ryan on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with John B. Wells, 8/31/13 — WTC was designed to survive an impact of airliners and certified to withstand intense fires!

Joel Skousen: Best Evidence – 9/11 attacks a government black operation from beginning to end

A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess

(video) Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11

[13-minute video] The Official 9/11 Story Defies Science — Experts PROVE that sooty black burning JET FUEL (kerosene) DOES NOT MELT STEEL!!!

(video) Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”

David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

(video) Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11

Architect Richard Gage on 9/11 truth: “98% of those who watch this presentation end up agreeing with us…. We really only get called conspiracy theorists and kooks by those who are UNWILLING TO LOOK at the evidence.”

(video) 9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections

(video) 9/11 Molten-Steel Smoking Gun! Brian Williams (NBC) presents the WTC Metorite — “Exposed to TEMPERATURES AS HOT AS THE INNER EARTH”

Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire

[Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, Full-length

(video) Pentagon security camera shows 757 sized object before fireball on 9/11 — My test demonstrates

9/11 Pentagon: What the Physical Evidence Shows — 757 landing gear, wheel hub, fuselage part — severed lamp poles

(HD video) 9/11 Pentagon Attack – Behind the Smoke Curtain – Barbara Honegger — Massive amount of research shared!

(video) Pentagon security camera shows 757 sized object before fireball on 9/11 — My test demonstrates

All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)

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