Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Why they hate US Page 11 of 25

Slaughter Caused by US Endless Wars Remains Largely Unnoticed by Americans

HUGE problem! It’s true that the VIETNAM protests were largely fueled by young people who were being forced to fight because of the draft.

Many DEMOCRATS opposed the Bush/Cheney was, but then the stood down completely after Obama was elected.

But where are the “CHRISTIANS,” the “blessed are the peacemaker Christians?”

The pastors rejected Ron Paul in 2008, because he wasn’t pro-war enough, like McCain and Palin.

When did “Christians” become warmongers?

This “bless Israel to get blessed” thing has replaced Jesus’ greatest two commandments to the degree that Ron Paul was booed in the South Caroline debate because he said we should go by the Golden Rule. War should be the LAST resort.

Genesis 12:3 doesn’t even apply to modern day Israel.

The main group that should be standing up has been hijacked, and needs to come into repentance for all the evil they’ve supported and the hatred in their hearts.

Many “Christians” are led by FOX News instead of the HOLY Spirit, watching TalmudVision (TV).

Now, we’re reaping what we’ve sewed, as the world increasingly hates US, and is getting ready to take US out.


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Slaughter Caused by US Endless Wars Remains Largely Unnoticed by Americans

Unlike in the period of the Vietnam War, Washington’s perpetual overseas military campaigns have not prompted any significant antiwar movement in the United States, US author Tom Engelhardt emphasizes, stressing that a war without an antiwar movement means a war without end.

Entire Article

(video) America is Corrupting the Entire World!

America is Corrupting the Entire World!

(video) Syrian Army captures loads of US weapons in Aleppo

USA arms ISIS to reverse-Christian regime-change yet another country for Talmudic Israel.

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Israel: We Destroyed Iraq… Iraq must Stay Divided and Isolated… The Oil of Northern Iraq will Flow into Israel!


Flashback – Israel: We Destroyed Iraq… Iraq must Stay Divided and Isolated… The Oil of Northern Iraq will Flow into Israel!

By wmw_admin on July 28, 2016

Jouhaina News — Window Into Palestine 2010

Avi Dichter, the Israeli Internal Security Minister, said in a lecture at the ‘Israeli National Security Research Center’ “about the Israeli role in destroying Iraq after it was occupied in 2003 “we achieved in Iraq more than we expected and plan!” Dichter confirmed that keeping Iraq weak and isolated is an Israeli national interest.

“Weakening and isolating Iraq is no less important than weakening and isolating Egypt,”  he said. Weakening and isolating Egypt done by diplomatic methods while everything is done to do achieve a complete and comprehensive isolation to Iraq”, Dachter added.

“Iraq has vanished as a military force and as a united country. Our strategic option is to keep it divided,” he added.

“Our strategic goal is not to allow this country (Iraq) to take its regional and Arabic role back. Iraq must stay divided and isolated from its regional environment” he said.

About the role of the Kurdish parties in facilitating occupying Iraq Dichter said “the top goal for Israel is to support and provide the Kurds with weapons and training and to make them our partners in security in order to establish a Kurdish independent state in the northern part of Iraq where it can control Kirkuk’s and Kurdistan’s oil,” he added.

Entire Article

My Mother Was the Victim of a U.S. Drone [Do any “Christian” Zionists care?]

The sad part is that most evangelicals in America don’t even care — completely ignoring Jesus’ golden rule and His second greatest commandment!

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From: Time

My Mother Was the Victim of a U.S. Drone

Rafeequl Rehman July 26, 2016

My family deserves an apology–and justice

My story isn’t much different from so many sons all over the world: I lost my mother too soon. But unlike many sons, I am still waiting for an explanation for why my mother was killed. Since the day that a U.S. drone struck and killed my mother as she stood in our family’s fields, I have waited for an acknowledgement or apology from the U.S. government. I’m still waiting to this day.

My children—Mamana’s grandchildren—watched it happen. It was a sunny October afternoon in 2012, and she was gathering okra in our family’s mostly vacant fields in Ghundi Kala village, North Waziristan, intending to cook it that evening. My children were home, standing about a hundred feet from her. They watched as she was struck by two Hellfire missiles, blown to bits before their eyes. My daughters and sons felt the explosion and were covered withthe smoke and dust. Some were struck by shrapnel. My 3-year-old son Safdar, who had been standing on the roof, fell 10 feet from the blast’s shockwave, fracturing bones in his shoulders and chest.

Entire Article

(video) CLINTON CASH OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY MOVIE ( FULL ) — How Bill and Hillary went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with over $2 billion in donations to the Clinton Foundation

“The love of money” and corrupt deals they made!

No wonder why ‘Crooked’ Hillary wanted a private email server!

‘Traitor’ Hillary gave uranium deals to Russia who plan on nuking US!

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Bashar Al-Assad Says U.S. Is ‘Not Serious’ About Defeating ISIS — We wanted to defeat those terrorists, while the United States wanted to manage those groups in order to topple the government in Syria”

I’ve been frustrated that Assad wasn’t more up front about what the US is really doing in Syria without invitation.

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Bashar Al-Assad Says U.S. Is ‘Not Serious’ About Defeating ISIS


“We wanted to defeat those terrorists, while the United States wanted to manage those groups in order to topple the government in Syria,” Assad said.

Posted July 14, 2016

Entire Article with Video

BEFORE SERVING YOUR COUNTRY first learn who your government is serving

“Before serving your country, first learn who your government is serving.”

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(3-min video) McCain is “Directly Responsible” for ISIS – Kelli Ward


The man most evangelicals voted for instead of Ron Paul in 2008.

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McCain is “Directly Responsible” for ISIS


Skousen: ISIS is a US, British and Israeli Intelligence Operation — Mossad has the Arab, Jihadist agents who take over these terrorist outfits

I transcribed this from Joel Skousen’s appearance on The Jeff Rense Show, 6/22/16.

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Jeff Rense asks:

“Who is behind ISIS, really?”

Joel Skousen answers:

“We know it’s the U.S. and British intelligence, they always work through the Mossad, because the Mossad has the Arab agents that go and serve as leaders in these terrorist organizations.

In other words, the ordinary terrorists don’t know that this is a U.S., British intelligence and Mossad operation, but the Israeli trained Arabs that become the Jihadists that take over these terrorist outfits, they know.

And that explains why Israel has been giving aid to various ISIS members — medical aid and other things. At least what they’ve admitted to. It’s obviously much more. I think there is arms and leadership — but not to Hezbollah.”

We Are ISIS…Here’s The Proof!

We Are ISIS…Here’s The Proof!

On Monday May 18, the government watchdog group Judicial Watch published a selection of formerly classified documents obtained from the US Department of Defense and State Department. Acquired through a lawsuit, the documents reveal that the Obama Administration knew that Al Qaeda terrorists were planning the Benghazi attack 10 days before it happened. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth once again emphatically proves that ISIS is a creation of the west!



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(video) What Most Syrians See of Our War On Them: “Living in the Crosshairs”

The US and Israel are doing this to Syria through mercenaries, and most Americans don’t care.

Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel — Hillary’s email proves the US is the main sponsor of the growth of terrorism in the Middle East to “protect” Israel • The “refugee” crisis which currently threatens to destroy Europe, was directly sparked off by this US government action • Over 250,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict!


Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel

MARCH 20, 2016

In the email, released by Wikileaks, then Secretary of State Clinton says that the “best way to help Israel” is to “use force” in Syria to overthrow the government.

The document was one of many unclassified by the US Department of State under case number F-2014-20439, Doc No. C05794498, following the uproar over Clinton’s private email server kept at her house while she served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. …

The email makes it clear that it has been US policy from the very beginning to violently overthrow the Syrian government—and specifically to do this because it is in Israel’s interests.


“The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad,” Clinton forthrightly starts off by saying.

Even though all US intelligence reports had long dismissed Iran’s “atom bomb” program as a hoax (a conclusion supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency), Clinton continues to use these lies to “justify” destroying Syria in the name of Israel. …

Iran’s nuclear program and Syria’s civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. What Israeli military leaders really worry about — but cannot talk about — is losing their nuclear monopoly.

An Iranian nuclear weapons capability would not only end that nuclear monopoly but could also prompt other adversaries, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to go nuclear as well. The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today.

If Iran were to reach the threshold of a nuclear weapons state, Tehran would find it much easier to call on its allies in Syria and Hezbollah to strike Israel, knowing that its nuclear weapons would serve as a deterrent to Israel responding against Iran itself. …

The end of the Assad regime would end this dangerous alliance. Israel’s leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests.

Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly.

Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted.

Clinton goes on to asset that directly threatening Bashar Assad “and his family” with violence is the “right thing” to do:

In short, the White House can ease the tension that has developed with Israel over Iran by doing the right thing in Syria.

With his life and his family at risk, only the threat or use of force will change the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s mind.

The email proves—as if any more proof was needed—that the US government has been the main sponsor of the growth of terrorism in the Middle East, and all in order to “protect” Israel.

It is also a sobering thought to consider that the “refugee” crisis which currently threatens to destroy Europe, was directly sparked off by this US government action as well, insofar as there are any genuine refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria.

In addition, over 250,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict, which has spread to Iraq—all thanks to Clinton and the Obama administration backing the “rebels” and stoking the fires of war in Syria. …

Clinton’s public assertion that, if elected president, she would “take the relationship with Israel to the next level,” would definitively mark her, and Israel, as the enemy of not just some Arab states in the Middle East, but of all peace-loving people on earth.

Entire Article

Does Google basically work for the White House? Planned to help Syrian rebels bring down Assad regime, Hillary Clinton emails claim — At a time when America’s foreign policy was to topple Assad, the tech giant – whose corporate motto is ‘Don’t Be Evil’ – sought to encourage further defections from the leader’s regime and boost the confidence of the opposition

From: Daily Mail

Does Google basically work for the White House? Internet giant revealed to have offered to help overthrow Assad as Obama reveals broadband for Cuba

  • Tech giant planned to visually map those defecting from Assad’s regime 
  • Tool’s aim were highlighted in email from Google Ideas chief Jared Cohen
  • Cohen left a job at the State Department in 2010 to run Google’s think tank 
  • His plan was to encourage more to defect and give confidence to opposition
  • Google planned to give ownership of the tool to network Al-Jazeera
  • The network would ensure the information found its way into Syria
  • It comes as it emerged Google has a deal to expand Internet access in Cuba  

Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal how Google wanted to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad using a mapping tool.

At a time when America’s foreign policy was to topple Assad, the tech giant – whose corporate motto is ‘Don’t Be Evil’ – sought to encourage further defections from the leader’s regime and boost the confidence of the opposition.

The plan’s details were passed along to Clinton’s team by a Google executive Jared Cohen, who was a senior advisor to Clinton until 2010 and is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

The 34-year-old left his State Department position after being poached by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt to run Google Ideas, now known as Jigsaw.

The revelation comes as Google’s plans to expand Internet access in Cuba were revealed by President Barack Obama on Monday. …

In 2012, Google’s intention to get involved in Syrian affairs is highlighted in a memo from Cohen, who ran the company’s think tank, which has now changed its name from Google Ideas to Jigsaw, to a number of senior members of Clinton’s team.

Entire Article

Bollyn: Why is the U.S. Waging War in Syria? — THE YINON PLAN is the Israeli strategy to dominate the Middle East, written in the early 1980s. It calls for the “dissolution of all the existing Arab states” by breaking them up into small ethnic enclaves. This is exactly what U.S. military intervention had done to Iraq and Syria • If the nations of Iraq and Syria are partitioned, there will no longer be a nation of Syria, which will allow Israel to keep the Golan Heights • The Rothschilds own the largest oil company in Iraqi Kurdistan and, along with Rupert Murdoch and others, an oil company in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The legal challenges they face to exploiting the mineral resources of the Golan Heights would vanish if Syria ceased to exist as a nation

From: Christopher Bollyn

Why is the U.S. Waging War in Syria?

May 4, 2016

On April 25, President Obama announced that the U.S. would send 250 more troops to Syria. But why is the U.S. military engaged in Syria, a nation where we have no national interest and with whom we are not at war?

Why is the U.S. waging war in Syria? Why are U.S. troops in a country where the United States has no national interest? Who are we fighting for? Why is the U.S. training, funding, and arming rebel groups that are fighting to overthrow the democratically elected government of Syria?

The first thing to grasp about Syria is that the so-called civil war would be over tomorrow if Obama and his allies were to stop supporting the rebels that are trying to overthrow the Assad government in Damascus. ISIS would also cease to exist if Obama were to demand that the U.S. allies that are supporting it to stop.  If Obama were serious about ISIS (or ISIL) being “the most urgent threat to our nations”, why would he allow his regional allies to support it and keep it armed with U.S. weapons?…

The war that the U.S. has waged by proxy in Syria has fragmented the nation in line with the Zionist Yinon Plan to “Balkanize” the Arab states, i.e. to break them up into ethnic statelets as was done in Yugoslavia. The Syrian government (red) is currently trying to oust the U.S.-supplied rebels (green) from Aleppo, Syria’s largest city and commercial center. ISIS (black) controls a large stretch along the border with Turkey, across which men and weapons freely flow to the terrorist group that is “the most urgent threat” facing the West, according to Obama. ISIS and anti-Assad rebel groups also control Syrian territory along the border with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

THE YINON PLAN is the Israeli strategy to dominate the Middle East. It was written in the early 1980s when the Likud party came to power. The Yinon plan calls for the “dissolution of all the existing Arab states” by breaking them up into small ethnic enclaves. This is exactly what U.S. military intervention had done to Iraq and Syria.

The U.S. military intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, as part of the “War on Terror”, has resulted in an unprecedented increase in terrorism in all three nations and around the world. This indicates that either the U.S. policy is utterly counter-productive due to incompetence or, more likely, that a secret Zionist policy is at work.

The dissolution of Iraq and Syria is exactly what the Israeli strategy for the region has called for since the early 1980s. If the nations of Iraq and Syria are partitioned into ethnic enclaves, as Israeli military leaders are now calling for, there will no longer be a nation of Syria, which will allow Israel to keep the Golan Heights, which it occupied in 1967. The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, recently declared that Israel will never leave the water and mineral-rich occupied Golan Heights.

The Rothschilds own the largest oil company in Iraqi Kurdistan and, along with Rupert Murdoch and others, an oil company in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The legal challenges they face to exploiting the mineral resources of the Golan Heights would vanish if Syria ceased to exist as a nation.

The United States is certainly not waging war in Syria for any noble cause or U.S. national interest. The evidence and results indicate that the U.S. is waging war in Syria in order to advance the Zionist strategy of breaking up the Arab states into weak ethnic statelets, but this is a policy that will only increase terrorism, not defeat it. 

Entire Article Here

(video) Syrian CHRISTIAN GIRLS defend their town from WESTERN BACKED “moderate” BEHEADERS

The US is again on the wrong side in this reverse-Christian war!

We should be ashamed to make these ladies do this!

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[youtube=]Syrian Christian girls defend their town from Western backed moderate beheaders

Russia Insider

Russia Insider

Published on Feb 4, 2016

(video) U.S. Soldier Who Murdered Civilians: ‘They Were All The Enemy’ — Sick America Exceptionalism

[youtube=]U.S. Soldier Who Murdered Civilians: ‘They Were All The Enemy’

Secular Talk

Published on Jun 8, 2015

The U.S. soldier who murdered 16 Afghan villagers in 2012 says he had lost compassion for Iraqis and Afghans over the course of his four combat deployments…

Read More At:……

(video) Watch Hateful “Christians” Stand as Ben Carson Says: “Destroy Them First”

Evangelical REVERSE-Christians also BOOED Ron Paul for FOLLOWING CHRIST!(‘America is done’ video) Ron Paul was just BOOED FOR TALKING ABOUT THE GOLDEN RULE, “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” — South Carolina Fox News Republican debate

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JESUS in Mt. 5: “Blessed are THE PEACEMAKERS, for they will be called CHILDREN OF GOD.”


BEN CARSON @ 16:40: “We also have to recognize that the global Jihad movement. They want to destroy us. And they want to destroy everything that has to do with us.

And we have two choices: we can sit passively by and fail to even name them, or we can destroy them first. And I think we have to do that.”

[STANDING OVATION by reverse-Christian, Jihadi evangelicals!]

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SICK @ 16:40![youtube=]

Republican Presidential Forum Faith and Freedom Plano, Tx. (Dallas) Part 5 Ben Carson

Published on Oct 20, 2015

The Republican Presidential Forum on Faith and Freedom was held at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas (Plano) October 18, 2015 Each Part of this series is a different candidate. Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush


(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of obeying Christ: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” • God’s words to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee…” (Gen. 12:3) does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel


(video) The Secret of Nagasaki – A Christian Holocaust — The Luciferians Chose the Two Most Christian Cities to Bomb, Nagasaki and Hiroshima

And we knew Japan was trying to surrender!

Unbiblical, Catholic Mary ideas at the end.

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[youtube=]The Secret of Nagasaki

Dave Dionisi

(video) Jeb Bush Ends Campaign – America Operates ‘WITHOUT APOLOGY’ — “America THINKS big, ACTS boldly, and LEADS WITHOUT APOLOGY” i.e.: “America INVADES big, INVADES boldly, and INVADES WITHOUT APOLOGY”

America, often led by the Bush family, is now a reverse-Christian nation. Our leaders and many of the people (including PASTORS) refuse to apologize for regime-changing Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now Syria — and the dozens of countries we’ve regime-changed overtly and covertly — all without apology.

I just watched American Sniper that calls the Iraqi people “SAVAGES.” But WE ARE “THE SAVAGE NATION,” led by Michael “Savage” and the other Zionist controlled, reverse-Christian neocon bullies, taking out the countries that would oppose the coming Satanic NWO — WITHOUT APOLOGY. “Hoorah!”

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“America is a country that thinks big, acts boldly, and leads without apology.”

– Jeb Bush


America is a country that invades big, invades boldly, and invades without apology.

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[youtube=]Jeb Bush Suspends Campaign. Jeb Bush Drops Out of the Presidential Race

(video) ‘Proud’ to be an American – Really? — Love for your folk and country is patriotic. Love for a government of murderous psychopaths is not • We are very proud of the founding principles that America was built upon: limited government, God given rights, free enterprise, sound currency, and a Christian-based moral code. What we are deeply ashamed of, is not what America was supposed to be, but rather, what it has become: reverse-Christian

[youtube=]‘Proud’ to be an American – Really?

Realist Report

Realist Report

Published on Feb 25, 2014

We are very proud of the founding principles that America was built upon: limited government, God given rights, free enterprise, sound currency, and a Christian-based moral code. What we are deeply ashamed of, is not what America was supposed to be, but rather, what it has become.

Love for your folk and country is patriotic. Love for a government of murderous psychopaths is not.

Bernie Sanders is a Warmonger – His Record Proves!

From: Ryan Dawson

Bernie Sanders a Warmonger and Economically Illiterate

Bernie Sander’s Foreign Policy of warmongering
He wanted ground troops in Yugoslavia. He voted yes on Bombing Kosovo.
(One of his staff members resigned over it)
He voted to finance the Iraq War multiple timesSupports the war in Afghanistan and voted for it.
Supported the coup in Ukraine and voted to give 1 billion dollars towards it.
Supports aiding Al Qaeda in Syria and calls them “moderate rebels
Voted to invade Libya. Clinton said “With all due respect, senator, you voted for regime change with respect to Libya. You joined the Senate in voting to get rid of Gaddafi, and you asked that there be a Security Council validation of that with a resolution.” About the only truthful thing that’s ever come out of her mouth. Bernie was a cosponsor of the war propaganda resolution.
Voted for sanctions on Iran and Libya
Pro Drone Strike
He’s an imperialist
He supported US intervention in Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Liberia, Zaire (Congo), Albania, Sudan, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia
He Supports Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen and he is in total denial that Saudi Arabia is backing ISIS not fighting them.

His only vote against a war was Iraq however many Democrats did that and as a vote against Bush not the War. Bernie voted to fund the war and had no problem with it once Obama was in charge of it. He also voted for the sanctions that killed hundreds of thousands of children.
He also was against impeaching George Bush and called it impractical.
He gutted the audit the fed bill (the night before it was being voted on)
He voted for several NDAAs
Calls Assad a dictator.
Totally supports Israel. He told people in a town hall meeting to shut up about it.

Entire Article Here


Bernie’s Iraq War Hypocrisy — Voted twice in support of regime change in Iraq • The economic sanctions that may have killed as many as 500,000 Iraqi children

TRUMP’s Reprehensible TORTURE Stance: “I would bring back waterboarding, and I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding”

“I would bring back waterboarding, and I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding.”

– Donald Trump at the 2/6/16 New Hampshire Republican presidential debate

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‘Just War’ Doctrine Abandoned in America — U.S. Foreign Policy Now Reverse-Christian

Paul Craig Roberts: Torture and the American Conscience — Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture

Rand Paul: Some ‘Christians’ are “Too Eager for War” — “Jesus stood up in a different sort of way … ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ not ‘blessed are the war-makers’”

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

(video) Ron Paul Booed by Reverse-Christian Debate Audience for Endorsing the Golden Rule

EVANGELICALS’ LEGACY: Biggest WARMONGERS! – 2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion

(audio/video) Was Jesus Booed In SC? Debate Reaction On The Robert Scott Bell Show 1/17/12 | Ron Paul Booed by ‘Christian’ Conservatives for Endorsing the Golden Rule

Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!

[2011] Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith

Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D##n right’ I personally ordered waterboarding

[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value.”

I was asked two questions on Facebook: (1) Brother Jeff, what’s the strategy in condemning both sides? (2) Jeff, when I think of voting, I think of the well-being of my grandchildren. How would you advise me?



Saudi Arabia Conducted 119 Airstrikes Against CIVILIAN Targets In Yemen | US to Sell $60 Billion of Arms to Saudi Arabia


US to Sell $60 Billion of Arms to Saudi Arabia – Biggest arms deal in US history — The US is the world’s largest arms supplier

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Saudi Arabia Conducted 119 Airstrikes Against Civilian Targets In Yemen, UN Panel Finds

The coalition’s targeting of civilians through airstrikes, either by bombing residential neighbourhoods or by treating the entire cities of Sa’dah and Maran as military targets, is a grave violation of the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution. In certain cases, the panel found such violations to have been conducted in a widespread and systematic manner.”

(video) Ron Paul: ‘Carpet Bomber’ Cruz – Libertarian or Neocon? — “If you want non-interventionism, a policy that defends this country and not talk about policing the world, you’ll have to look elsewhere than for Ted Cruz”

“If you want non-interventionism, a policy that defends this country and not talk about policing the world,
you’ll have to look elsewhere than for Ted Cruz.”

– Ron Paul

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‘Carpet Bomber’ Cruz: Libertarian or Neocon?

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is being advertised in some circles as the heir to the Ron Paul libertarian movement, yet one look at his foreign policy and it is immediately evident that he is anything but. His advisors are Bill Kristol, John Bolton, James Woolsey, Elliot Abrams and other washed-up neocon has-beens. No wonder he screams about “carpet bombing” the Middle East and making the sand glow in the dark. The libertarian movement is essentially built around rejection of wars of aggression and against interventionism. Ted Cruz, neocon, in today’s Liberty Report: (source)

(video) What REALLY Happened 1/25/16 – “US is still playing the covert, overthrow, regime-change game; even though, the whole world now sees what the US has been doing” – Michael Rivero on Syria

~”The United States is still playing the covert, overthrow, regime-change game; even though, the whole world now sees what the US has been doing.”

– Michael Rivero

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[youtube=]What Really Happened Show: Michael Rivero Monday 1/25/2016: (Commercial Free Video)

Ron Gibson

Ron Gibson

Published on Jan 25, 2016

— Check Out

Michael Rivero is the webmaster of and host of the What Really Happened radio shows on the Genesis Communications Network. Formerly with NASA, Michael transitioned his image processing skills (along with a brief stint as an actor) into the then-new motion picture computer animation field and has worked on films such as “Star Trek”, “The Day After Tomorrow”, and has supervised visual effects on “Brainscan,” “LOST”, and “Hawaii Five-0.” Michael has taken a sabbatical from film work to focus all his efforts on peace activism. Michaels foray into blogging began before the word was even invented, and happened almost by accident when he spotted a suspicious photograph being broadcast on ABC news in 1994 related to the death of White House deputy Council Vincent Foster. Since that sudden beginning, Michaels website has expanded to cover diverse topics including the JFK assassination, the accidental shoot-down of TWA 800, election fraud, health issues, Saddams non-existent nuclear weapons, 9-11, the economy, and of course, the lies used to trick the United States into wars of conquest on Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran. Michael resides in Hawaii with his wife Claire, who is a composer and creates much of theme music used on the What Really Happened radio show.

Watch Mike “LIVE” 3PM to 6PM CT Monday – Friday…
Genesis Communications Network –…
You can listen live at GCN –…
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Thanks to Michael Rivero for producing a great show.
Ron Gibson (1-25-16)

Professor: WWII German rape by US, British, French & Canadians more common than previously believed — 190,000 sexual assaults were perpetrated by US troops

From: NBC

Germany Shines Light on Rape by Allied Troops Who Defeated Nazis

MAY 30 2015

[Professor Miriam] Gebhardt estimates that nearly 900,000 Germans were raped by the Allied forces that freed her country from the Nazis in the wake of D-Day in 1944 until West Germany was declared fully sovereign in 1955. …

In 1945, TIME magazine published a letter penned by an unidentified American serviceman who stated that “our own Army and the British Army … have done their share of looting and raping … we too are considered an army of rapists.”

Gebhardt, a professor of history and sociology at the University of Konstanz, alleges that 190,000 sexual assaults were perpetrated by U.S. troops while defeating the Nazis and in the subsequent 10 years.

Her estimates are partially based on the assumption that one child originated from every 100 cases of rape.

Gebhardt’s research included examining police reports and interviews with German women, who were questioned by the country’s post-1945 government to evaluate child care costs.

She also used so-called “invasion reports,” compiled by priests in Bavaria to document the situation in their local communities. …

An often-quoted figure is that the Soviets committed between 1 and 2 million rapes after Germany was liberated. However, Gebhardt’s new estimates link around 430,000 rapes to the Red Army, as well as 45,000 to British troops and 50,000 to the French. …

American sociologist Robert Lilly … isn’t convinced by Gebhardt’s estimates because access to official documents has become more difficult. “Twenty-five years ago, when I started, it was a very different research world,” he said.

Entire Article Here


(video) HELLSTORM! – Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (Full) — CHURCHILL: “German cities will be subjected to an ordeal the like of which has never been experienced by a country in continuity, severity and magnitude. There are no lengths of violence to which we will not go” • US SERGEANT: “We too are considered an army of rapists” • EHRENBURG: “Kill them all, men, old men, children and the women, after you have amused yourself with them! Kill” • AMERICAN CAMP COMMANDER to German POW: “Forget the Convention. You haven’t any rights” • CHURCHILL: “Don’t mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. They will cease to exist” • PATTON: “A Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low”

(audio) Deanna Spingola: Post War Allied Mass Rape of German Women and Girls

(audio) Deanna Spingola: Post War Allied Mass Rape of German Women and Girls

Deanna reads excerpts from a chapter in her book:

The Ruling Elite: Death, Destruction, and Domination Paperback by Deanna Spingola

Some quotes I transcribed — disturbing side note: Deanna mentions Putin has criminalized Holocaust denial:

“Soviet soldiers…violated 2 million German women in the last months of WWII.”

“Impregnation was often a goal, to bastardize the race…. Not only did they rape German women, but they also mutilated them, and left them where they would remind other women of the savagery that awaited them.” (source)

“There were as many as 1.5 million cases of rape reported during the first five months of the occupation of East Prussia.”

“The Soviet soldiers raped between 50,000 and 100,000 German women just in the city of Berlin.”

“They impaled babies, and slit the throats of pets. After the brutality, the Soviets set fire to everything.”

American GI rapes: “The most frequently perpetrated war crime with a disproportionately higher number of assaults committed by black soldiers….”

“Military court records  of at least 14,000 rapes committed by US soldiers against civilians in Britain, France and Germany during the war years.”

“In a letter to the editor of TIME published in September 1945, an American army sergeant wrote, “Our own Army and the British Army along with ours have done their share of looting and raping … This offensive attitude among our troops is not at all general, but the percentage is large enough to have given our Army a pretty black name, and we too are considered an army of rapists.”[55] Robert Lilly’s analysis of military records led him to conclude about 14,000 rapes occurred in Britain, France, and Germany at the hands of US soldiers between 1942 to 1945.” (source)

“At least 1.5 million Germans starved to death” in Eisenhower’s POW camps in Germany.

– Deanna Spingola

• • •

Clearest audio is at Deanna’s site.

• • •

[youtube=]Deanna Spingola – Post War Allied Mass Rape of German Women and Girls

Justice Germans

Justice Germans

Deanna Spingola discusses the Post-War Allied Mass Rape of German Women and Girls by Russian, American, British and French Forces. She also discussed American sexual abuse in France and the American sexualization of the war. She read from her book “The Ruling Elite: Death, Destruction and Domination”. The chapter is called: “Women: Prize Plunder for the Allies”…


Deanna Spingola’s Audio Archives

(video) HELLSTORM! – Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (Full) — CHURCHILL: “German cities will be subjected to an ordeal the like of which has never been experienced by a country in continuity, severity and magnitude. There are no lengths of violence to which we will not go” • US SERGEANT: “We too are considered an army of rapists” • EHRENBURG: “Kill them all, men, old men, children and the women, after you have amused yourself with them! Kill” • AMERICAN CAMP COMMANDER to German POW: “Forget the Convention. You haven’t any rights” • CHURCHILL: “Don’t mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. They will cease to exist” • PATTON: “A Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low”

Professor: WWII German rape by US, British, French & Canadians more common than previously believed — 190,000 sexual assaults were perpetrated by US troops

(video) HELLSTORM! – Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (Full) — CHURCHILL: “German cities will be subjected to an ordeal the like of which has never been experienced by a country in continuity, severity and magnitude. There are no lengths of violence to which we will not go” • US SERGEANT: “We too are considered an army of rapists” • EHRENBURG: “Kill them all, men, old men, children and the women, after you have amused yourself with them! Kill” • AMERICAN CAMP COMMANDER to German POW: “Forget the Convention. You haven’t any rights” • CHURCHILL: “Don’t mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. They will cease to exist” • PATTON: “A Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. I can’t see how Americans can sink so low”

“It is a moral obligation to watch this film.”
– Deanna Spingola

“The winning side claimed complete control over the history of WWII.”

A glorious production of truth that WE REALLY NEED TO SEE:

Produced by Kyle Hunt

Narrated by Sinéad McCarthy

[youtube=]Hellstorm – Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (Full)


Published on May 6, 2015

This is now the completed “full length” documentary of a previous posting here of just the “trailer” for this film by Kyle Hunt. It’s truly FANTASTIC in its scope of content and quality of production..!! PLEASE share this video to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the SINGLE greatest act of terror AND of a TRUE “genocidal holocaust” near the very end of World War II…!!!

MORE people died by way of the RAF (British) [and USA – ed.] fire-bombing of Dresden on February 13th & 14th, 1945 (and the 3 following days of subsequent American fighter-plane “strafing”)., than in the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki COMBINED.!!

Holocaust (noun): “Great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life., especially by fire”

Many of these “sick & twisted” people., even go so far as to call for ANOTHER bombing of innocent Germans in Dresden today.!!

It is our sacred duty., to not only inform the world about the atrocities committed against the German people, but also to rid our nations of those who carry out and celebrate such slaughter.!!

Winston Churchill told Lord Robert Boothby the following:

“Germany’s most unforgivable crime before the Second World War, was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system (ie: World-Bankers), and to create her own exchange mechanism (ie: “Honest”, non-interest bearing money) which would deny “world finance” of its opportunity to profit”.!!

So., Germany’s unwillingness to be looted by the “international bankers” was the TRUE reason that millions and millions of Europeans had to perish.?! The “world’s elite”., definitely did NOT want the “Goyim” (ie: Anglo-Saxon & related peoples) to get any “big ideas”., especially after seeing Germany’s MORE than remarkable recovery under National Socialism (ie: one’s own nation comes FIRST.!)

Decades before in 1920, Winston Churchill, had actually written about the subject of Jewish involvement in the “looting” of Germany., already AFTER the end of the first World War., when he wrote the following:

“The same phenomenon (ie: Jewish involvement with left-wing & Communist movements) has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria) as far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. And although in all these countries, there are many non-Jews., every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries., the part played by the latter., in proportion to their numbers., is astonishing.!!”

Churchill also acknowledged the role Jews played in the bringing about of the Soviet terror in writing:

“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international, and for the most part atheist Jews. It is certainly a very great one; and it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews (Lenin’s paternal grandfather was later found to be a Jew). Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders”

Jewish power was not confined to Germany or the Soviet Union, but could be found all around the world, when Churchill also said:

“Some people like (are fond of) the Jews, and some do not. But no thoughtful man can deny the fact that they are beyond any question., the most formidable and most remarkable race which has appeared in the world.!!”

At some point Churchill became an instrument of this “power”. During World War II., Churchill’s loyalty was NOT to the British people (as the majority of the people NEVER wanted war with Germany !) but to the small “tribe” of alien elites., that has been generating wars AND reaping “the spoils” for centuries upon centuries.!!

Churchill’s TRUE “atrocities” against Germany make him one of the worst villains this world has ever known., along with his comrade., Joseph Stalin *and* FDR..!!

Senator Homer Capeheart spoke the following to the U.S. Senate on Feb. 5, 1946, in which he said:

“Since the end of the war., about 3,000,000 people,, mostly women and children and over-aged men., have been killed in eastern Germany and south-eastern Europe. About 15,000,000 people have been deported, or had to flee from their homesteads, and are on the road. About 25 % of these people., over 3,000,000 have perished / died. About 4,000,000 men and women have been deported to Eastern Europe and Russia as slaves..!! It seems that the elimination of the German population of Eastern Europe., at least 15,000,000 people., was planned in accordance with decisions made at the “Yalta Conference”. Churchill had said to Mikolajczyk when the latter protested during the negotiations at Moscow against forcing Poland to incorporate eastern Germany: “Don’t mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. You will have no trouble with them.., as they will cease to exist”..!!

• • •

Hellstorm Quotations and References

Terror Bombing

Winston Churchill: German cities . . . will be subjected to an ordeal the like of which has never been experienced by a country in continuity, severity and magnitude . . . To achieve this end there are no lengths of violence to which we will not go. [Garrett, Stephen A. Ethics and Airpower in World War II—The British Bombing of German Cities. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993. Page 31]

A RAF Crewman: To just fly over it without opposition felt like murder. I felt it was a cowardly war. [McKee, Alexander.Dresden 1945—The Devil’s Tinderbox.New York: E.P.Dutton, 1982. Page 66]

The Rape of Germany

A Horrified Witness: In the farmyard further down the road stood a cart, to which four naked women were nailed through their hands in a cruciform position. . . . Beyond . . . stood a barn and to each of its two doors a naked woman was nailed through the hands, in a crucified posture. In the dwellings we found a total of seventy-two women, including children, and one old man, 74, all dead . . . all murdered in a bestial manner, except only a few who had bullet holes in their necks. Some babies had their heads bashed in. In one room we found a woman, 84 years old, sitting on a sofa . . . half of whose head had been sheared off with an ax or a spade. [De Zayas, Alfred M. Nemesis at Potsdam: The Anglo-Americans and the Expulsions of the Germans—Background, Execution, Consequences. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977. Page 63]

Ilya Ehrenburg: Kill them all, men, old men, children and the women, after you have amused yourself with them! Kill. Nothing in Germany is guiltless, neither the living nor the yet unborn. . . . Break the racial pride of the German women. Take her as your legitimate booty. Kill, you brave soldiers of the victorious Soviet Army. [Lutz, Elizabeth. “Rape of Christian Europe—The Red Army’s Rampage in 1945.” The Barnes Review 3, no. 4 (Apr. 1997): 9–16.]

German Soldier: We had never seen anything like it—utterly, unbelievably monstrous! Naked, dead women lay in many of the rooms. Swastikas had been cut into their abdomens, in some the intestines bulged out, breasts were cut up, faces beaten to a pulp and swollen puffy. Others had been tied to the furniture by their hands and feet, and massacred. A broomstick protruded from the vagina of one, a besom from that of another. . . . The mothers had had to witness how their ten and twelve-year-old daughters were raped by some 20 men; the daughters in turn saw their mothers being raped, even their grandmothers. Women who tried to resist were brutally tortured to death. There was no mercy. . . . The women we liberated were in a state almost impossible to describe. . . . [T]heir faces had a confused, vacant look. Some were beyond speaking to, ran up and down and moaned the same sentences over and over again. Having seen the consequences of these bestial atrocities, we were terribly agitated and determined to fight. We knew the war was past winning; but it was our obligation and sacred duty to fight to the last bullet. [Testimony of “H. K.”, Bergisch-Gladbach, Germany (copy in possession of the author).]

A US Sergeant: Our own Army and the British Army . . . have done their share of looting and raping . . . [W]e too are considered an army of rapists. [Kelling, 61; Time Magazine, Nov. 12, 1945; Life Magazine, Jan. 7, 1946.]

A US Soldier: Hunger made German women more ‘available,’ but despite this, rape was prevalent and often accompanied by additional violence. In particular I remember an eighteen-year old woman who had the side of her face smashed with a rifle butt and was then raped by two GIs. Even the French complained that the rapes, looting and drunken destructiveness on the part of our troops was excessive. [Brech, Martin.“In ‘Eisenhower’s Death Camps’: Part I—A U.S. Prison Guard’s Story.” The Journal of Historical Review 10, no.2 (Summer 1990). Page 165.]

Defeat in The West

A US Soldier: [T]he men were deliberately wounding guards. A lot of guards were shot in the legs so they couldn’t move. They were then turned over to the inmates. One was beheaded with a bayonet. Others were ripped apart limb by limb. [Buechner,Howard A.Dachau—The Hour of the Avenger.Metairie, Louisiana: Thunderbird Press, 1986. Page 104]

Two German Soldiers (combined into 1 voice over): (1) [I]t’s incomprehensible to me how we could stand for many, many days without sitting, without lying down, just standing there, totally soaked. During the day we marched around, huddled together to try to warm each other a bit.  (2) The latrines were just logs flung over ditches next to the barbed wire fences. To sleep, all we could do was to dig out a hole in the ground with our hands, then cling together in the hole. . . . Because of illness, the men had to defecate on the ground. Soon, many of us were too weak to take off our trousers first. So our clothing was infected, and so was the mud where we had to walk and sit and lie down. There was no water at all at first, except the rain. . . . More than half the days we had no food at all. On the rest, we got a little K ration. I could see from the package that they were giving us one tenth of the rations that they issued to their own men. . . . I complained to the American camp commander that he was breaking the Geneva Convention, but he just said, “Forget the Convention. You haven’t any rights.” Within a few days, some of the men who had gone healthy into the camps were dead. I saw our men dragging many dead bodies to the gate of the camp, where they were thrown loose on top of each other onto trucks, which took them away. [Pechel, Peter, Dennis Showalter and Johannes Steinhoff.Voices From the Third Reich—An Oral History. Washington, D.C.: Regnery Gateway, 1989. Page 491] [Bacque, James. Other Losses—An Investigation into the Mass deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after World War II. Toronto: Stoddart Publishing Co., 1989. Page 38]

The Purge

George Patton: Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working . . . I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. [Martin Blumenson, The Patton Papers—1940–1945 (New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1972)]

Ethnic Cleansing

Winston Churchill: Don’t mind the five or more million Germans. Stalin will see to them. You will not have trouble with them: they will cease to exist. [Keeling, Ralph Franklin.Gruesome Harvest—The Allies’ Postwar War Against the German People. 1947. Reprint. Torrance, Calif.: Institute for Historical Review, 1992. Page 13]


(video) The Slaughter of Innocent Germans After WWII – “The largest ethnic cleansing in history sanctioned by the victorious allies remains an atrocity hidden in plain sight” • “Well over 2 million German woman and children were raped”

(video) Churchill’s Policy of Deliberately Bombing German Civilians – A British War Crime – To Subvert Hitler’s Attempts to Make Peace

Professor: WWII German rape by US, British, French & Canadians more common than previously believed — 190,000 sexual assaults were perpetrated by US troops

(video) Irving: Hiroshima bombing was not justified – Japanese had been desperately trying to surrender


David Irving states Hiroshima bombing was not justified – Sept 2009


Real History: Hiroshima Didn’t Have to Happen. Japan was Ready to Surrender. We Slaughtered Them and Should Repent!

Dr. Stanley Monteith On President Trumans’ Globalist Agenda: Bombing Japan When They Were Trying To Surrender, Turning China Over to the Communists & How Our Media Was Taken Over 100 Years Ago

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