Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Why they hate US Page 17 of 25

[video] Ray McGovern: Has the CIA Gone Rogue? — Biblical justice, is it an un-American activity?

Especially considering the heavy stuff he’s involved with, it’s delightful to see how freed up and even joyful Ray is at age-73, doing what he knows is right to do. No matter how heavy, his burden is light!
jeff : )
– –

Cuba, JFK, 9/11, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Joe Biden minute-50, Downing Street Memo …

* * *

Very interesting at *minute 35:45*

Biblical justice, is it an un-American activity?

God used prophets to bring clarity, to help the people see.

* * *

[youtube=]Has the CIA Gone Rogue? with Ray McGovern

Published on Jun 7, 2012

Has the CIA gone rouge? Ray McGovern, CIA analyst for 27 years and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs), addresses this question as he expounds on the history of the CIA to the Deerfield Progressive Forum. 58 min. 1/28/12

(video) Ray McGovern: Israel/Washington Dehumanize Palestinians — Like blades of grass that have to be mowed periodically — Israeli Children's textbooks don't even show pictures of Palestinians

Israeli hardliners:
“They’re just, after all, blades of grass
that we need to mow every four years
… with U.S. weaponry.”

Israeli Children’s textbooks don’t even show pictures of Palestinians.
“Make them into the demons that you have to fight.”

“They’re going to mow some more grass unless people like us speak up.”

– Ray McGovern

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=]Profiteering on Gaza Conflict: Business as Usual for Military INC

Published on Nov 25, 2012

On the Monday, November 19 edition of the Alex Show, Alex inaugurates TSA “Opt Out Week” by covering ongoing abuses by the federal agency as the holiday season approaches. Alex also talks about Gaza descending into bedlam as the prospect of world war once again arises. On today’s worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with constitutional lawyer and the former associate deputy attorney general in the Reagan administration, Bruce Fein, and also retired CIA officer turned activist and journalist Ray McGovern about war in the Middle East and Israel’s latest actions in Gaza. …

Bombing Gaza Like ‘Mowing the Lawn’: Israeli hardliners JOKE about the periodic need to decimate each new generation of Palestinians
Israeli General’s Daughter: How Israeli School Textbooks Teach Kids to Hate
[4-minute video + text] Israelis Who Want Gaza “Wiped Out” Actually CURSE the Palestinians — “The man giving a speech in this video is Michael Ben Ari, an Israeli Knesset member. This is NOT some extreme minority but the consensus of the vast majority of the Israeli public!”
Israeli General’s Son, Miko Peled: Israel’s war crimes must stop. There is a better solution.
Micael Grenholm: ‘Blessing’ Israel = Ignoring Gaza? — WWJD! “What would Jesus do? Would He be silent when people with the “wrong” nationality were dying? Would He bomb Gaza and say “whoops” when an 11-month baby was killed? NO!!He would proclaim peace for the nations, heal the sick, help the poor and bring salvation to the terrorists!”
Wonderful Israelis Soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza! — “We will not bomb children”
Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel—Omer Goldman, daughter of a former Mossad chief, tells why she prefers jail to the military draft
Pentecostals in Palestine – 6 minute trailer
[Photos] Rocket Comparison: Aftermath of Hamas rocket attack on Israel vs AFTERMATH of ISRAELI ROCKET ATTACK ON GAZA!
Micael Grenholm: Blessing Israel = Ignoring Gaza? — WWJD! “What would Jesus do? Would He be silent when people with the “wrong” nationality were dying? Would He bomb Gaza and say “whoops” when an 11-month baby was killed? NO!!He would proclaim peace for the nations, heal the sick, help the poor and bring salvation to the terrorists!”
[5-minute video] “Israel started this not Hamas” — Actually both sides are responsible, which the MSM carefully covers up
[music video] Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) ‘Song for Gaza’: We shall overcome — End the blockade of Gaza — WWJD?!!
Ray McGovern: Willing to risk his life to help Israel be humane to the Palestinians
Red Cross on the Gaza blockade: Israel is in clear violation of international humanitarian law | What Would Jesus Do?
Israel admits it will again annihalate civilians, using “disproportional force” if… (with U.S. weaponry, of course)
Israel has so far missed “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” | But so has the US. We give them the weapons, finance their attrocities, and silence our own press. And we lead by example: our regime-change, reverse-Christian wars and numerous covert actions (including assassinations and even torture!). What would Jesus Do? What would “pro-Israel” mean to Jesus? What does Jesus think of evangelicals’ support-Israel-no-matter-what cheer that may soon bring about WWIII, the destruction of America and the one-world antichrist government! Is this being pro-life?
Israel’s & U.S.’ Attrocities: May We No Longer Be Silent
Israel’s Deputy PM admits Iran DIDN’T threaten to wipe Israel out
The Attack on the USS Liberty — Purpose: (1) to hide Israel’s illegal actions in the 6-Day War and (2) to bring America into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty
‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret — Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House
Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty — Israel murders Americans & LBJ/McNamara cover-up!
Israel, the highest rate of prostitution in the world (CNN) | One million visits made by clients every month to brothels in Israel (population 7 million) | “For this we yearned?”
Sex and Lies in Israel: What would be the media response if the Pope issued an edict saying Catholic girls should sexually seduce enemies of the Church? Certainly such would be on the front pages of every newspaper in Europe and America, but when Jewish religious authorities make such a pronouncement, there is no media coverage at all.
[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.
Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads
Alex Jones on Israel’s attrocities: Because Israel has been given so much unconditional support Israel does what it wants whenever it wants. Governments are corrupt…
Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building — Ken O’Keefe in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2011
Joel Skousen: Media Inflaming Case Against Iran — “The US has long had plans to take down both Iraq and Iran and planted nuclear information in both countries to provide a pretext for an eventual attack” — “Although Iran has a blustering, extremist president the West has taken great pains to make his remarks out to be far worse than they really are”
Specifics in how the media sides with Israel against the peace activists
Calling People ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a ‘Trick’ We Always Use to Discredit Critics, says Former Israeli Minister
US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias
[media bias exposed!] Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC’s Defense of Israeli Attack
CNN, “The Most Trusted Parrot in News”: How they treat Iran verses how they treat Israel
Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy
Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel
Secret but not forgotten: Israel’s facility 139 — Where Palestinian, Lebanese, and other Arab prisoners are detained and subjected to torture
Kucinich: WE ACCEPT the Slaughter of the Innocent BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY Slaughtered the Innocent
Kucinich: “U.S. Weapons Being Illegally Used to Kill Children”
Kucinich: UN should investigate Israeli Gaza strikes — “this…is disproportionate indiscriminate mass violence”
One-third of Gaza dead, injured are children
Ron Paul: The Invasion of Gaza and its Implications for America — Blowback!
One Very Brave Palestinian Woman
Devvy Kidd: Bomb Iran now because…uh, what’s the reason? — Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision.
How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?
Charles Lindbergh’s – September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech. Provocateuring for war then just as now — “They planned to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict.” “I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders…”
Articles About Human Trafficking in Israel
Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?
Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord
[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!
Most of Israel’s military leaders are against war on Iran — Netanyahu and Barak are the power-over warmongers
[Haaretz poll] 60% of Israelis are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is pushing to bomb Iran
Dr. Stan: Is War With Iran A Set-up? Lies that led US into all of the wars in the last 120 years! “It’s really all about bringing about the one-world government.”
Peace activist Kenneth O’Keefe defends his Gaza aid flotilla actions to the attack-dog BBC journalist: “If you wanted peace, and you carried out the policies of Israel…. It’s like America saying it wants peace, yet conducting State sponsored terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s a lie. Israel is lying. They don’t want peace…”
Hero US Marine Disarms Israeli Commandos — Kenneth Nichols O’Keefe was later beaten by the Israelis — Look at his face!
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sets the record straight on Israel’s aid flotilla massacre
Inhumane Israelis CELEBRATE attack on Turkish Aid Ship – in front of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv
Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!
[Illustration] USA and Israel totally ignore: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.” Who are we listening to instead?
[OPINION] ‘Christian’ backed Republicans Plot Israel-Iran Apocalypse and the Collapse of the US Economy
Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees
Hagee: “Unrepentant Heretic” — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.
Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election
Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

[4-minute video + text] Israelis Who Want Gaza “Wiped Out” Actually CURSE the Palestinians — “The man giving a speech in this video is Michael Ben Ari, an Israeli Knesset member. This is NOT some extreme minority but the consensus of the vast majority of the Israeli public!”

WARNING: The Israelis’ language in this video is horrendous!

Iran did NOT threaten to wipe Israel off the map, but Israel is definitely threatening to wipe Gaza off the map — actually jumping up and down and cursing them!

And the evangelicals in America are in full support?!!

Jesus said: “Blessed are the warmongers, for they shall be called children of God?”

No: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God?”

May our hearts be clean — never supporting evil. Only then can God show up. ‘ONE’ can happen (Jesus’ heart-cry for us in John 17) when we are clean and right with ALL people everywhere!

“God resists the proud (hubris), but gives grace to the humble.”

We must repent and have nothing to do with U.S. and Israeli warmongering. These are reverse-Christian wars.


– –

[youtube=]Israelis Who Want Gaza “Wiped Out”

Published on Nov 18, 2012 by CrusaderLuis

… On 15/11/2012 some anti-war organizations held anti-war demonstration in Tel Aviv against the latest massacre in Gaza. this is some footage from the counter demonstration. The man giving a speech in this video is Michael Ben Ari, an Israeli Knesset member. This is NOT some extreme minority but the consensus of the vast majority of the Israeli public.

Footage by Omer Manor and description from Pirhah. …

From: RT

Bloodlust in Israel: ‘Flatten Gaza, send it back to Middle Ages, they need to die!’

Published: 20 November, 2012

A new wave of hatred towards Palestine is sweeping through Israel from public figures to the man on the street. …

Interior Minister Eli Yishai said Operation Pillar of Defense would continue and likely be expanded….

“Destroy and damage infrastructure…. A few days ago he said, “The goal of the operation is to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages, only then will Israel be calm for the next 40 years.”

His words were relatively mild compared to some of the comments that have been coming out of Israel in recent days.

Journalist, Gilad Sharon, the son of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, in an editorial in the Jerusalem Post on Sunday called for Gaza to be flattened like the US flattened the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945 with an atomic bomb.

“We need to flatten all of Gaza. The American’s didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough – so they hit Nagasaki too. There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they’d really call for a ceasefire,” ranted Sharon.

As the former Prime Minister’s son publicly urged the military to wipe Gaza off the map, a member of the Knesset and the National Unity Party, Michael Ben-Ari, called for Israeli soldiers to kill Gazans without thought or mercy.

“There are no innocents in Gaza, don’t let any diplomats who want to look good in the world endanger your lives – mow them down!” it was reported on the Hakol HaYehudi website.

He also told soldiers to ignore Goldstone; in reference to the UN commissioned Goldstone report on Israel’s 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza, which found evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Israel Katz, the country’s transport minister, has called “for Gaza to be bombed so hard the population has to flee into Egypt.” While Avi Dichter, the minster of home front defense, has urged the IDF to “reformat” Gaza – to wipe it clean with bombs.

Even religious leaders joined the fray, with a prominent Israeli rabbi, Yaakov Yosef, the son of former chief rabbi, Ovadia Yosef, in a sermon at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron blessed IDF soldiers while urging them “to learn from the Syrians how to slaughter the enemy.”

The Syrian army has come under widespread international criticism for indiscriminately shelling and bombing whole civilian areas.

Incitement to kill by Israeli rabbis is nothing new. In 2007 Eliyahu, chief rabbi of Safad, urged Israel to kill a million Palestinians to stop the rocket fire from Gaza.

Regular Israeli citizens have also taken to the streets to almost gleefully express their racist hatred of the inhabitants of Gaza and other Arab states.

A group of Israelis demonstrating in Tel Aviv on Thursday night shouted They don’t deserve to live, they need to die”, “May your children die” and “Now we want to go back there [Gaza] and kick out all the Arabs”.

While anti-war voices exist, they are in a minority and much of the population is firmly behind it.

Entire Article Here
Micael Grenholm: ‘Blessing’ Israel = Ignoring Gaza? — WWJD! “What would Jesus do? Would He be silent when people with the “wrong” nationality were dying? Would He bomb Gaza and say “whoops” when an 11-month baby was killed? NO!!He would proclaim peace for the nations, heal the sick, help the poor and bring salvation to the terrorists!”
Israeli General’s Son, Miko Peled: Israel’s war crimes must stop. There is a better solution.
Wonderful Israelis Soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza! — “We will not bomb children”
Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel—Omer Goldman, daughter of a former Mossad chief, tells why she prefers jail to the military draft
Pentecostals in Palestine – 6 minute trailer
[Photos] Rocket Comparison: Aftermath of Hamas rocket attack on Israel vs AFTERMATH of ISRAELI ROCKET ATTACK ON GAZA!
Micael Grenholm: Blessing Israel = Ignoring Gaza? — WWJD! “What would Jesus do? Would He be silent when people with the “wrong” nationality were dying? Would He bomb Gaza and say “whoops” when an 11-month baby was killed? NO!!He would proclaim peace for the nations, heal the sick, help the poor and bring salvation to the terrorists!”
[5-minute video] “Israel started this not Hamas” — Actually both sides are responsible, which the MSM carefully covers up
[music video] Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) ‘Song for Gaza’: We shall overcome — End the blockade of Gaza — WWJD?!!
Ray McGovern: Willing to risk his life to help Israel be humane to the Palestinians
Red Cross on the Gaza blockade: Israel is in clear violation of international humanitarian law | What Would Jesus Do?
Israel admits it will again annihalate civilians, using “disproportional force” if… (with U.S. weaponry, of course)
Israel has so far missed “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” | But so has the US. We give them the weapons, finance their attrocities, and silence our own press. And we lead by example: our regime-change, reverse-Christian wars and numerous covert actions (including assassinations and even torture!). What would Jesus Do? What would “pro-Israel” mean to Jesus? What does Jesus think of evangelicals’ support-Israel-no-matter-what cheer that may soon bring about WWIII, the destruction of America and the one-world antichrist government! Is this being pro-life?
Israel’s & U.S.’ Attrocities: May We No Longer Be Silent
Israel’s Deputy PM admits Iran DIDN’T threaten to wipe Israel out
The Attack on the USS Liberty — Purpose: (1) to hide Israel’s illegal actions in the 6-Day War and (2) to bring America into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty
‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret — Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House
Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty — Israel murders Americans & LBJ/McNamara cover-up!
Israel, the highest rate of prostitution in the world (CNN) | One million visits made by clients every month to brothels in Israel (population 7 million) | “For this we yearned?”
Sex and Lies in Israel: What would be the media response if the Pope issued an edict saying Catholic girls should sexually seduce enemies of the Church? Certainly such would be on the front pages of every newspaper in Europe and America, but when Jewish religious authorities make such a pronouncement, there is no media coverage at all.
[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.
Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads
Alex Jones on Israel’s attrocities: Because Israel has been given so much unconditional support Israel does what it wants whenever it wants. Governments are corrupt…
Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building — Ken O’Keefe in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2011
Joel Skousen: Media Inflaming Case Against Iran — “The US has long had plans to take down both Iraq and Iran and planted nuclear information in both countries to provide a pretext for an eventual attack” — “Although Iran has a blustering, extremist president the West has taken great pains to make his remarks out to be far worse than they really are”
Specifics in how the media sides with Israel against the peace activists
Calling People ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a ‘Trick’ We Always Use to Discredit Critics, says Former Israeli Minister
US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias
[media bias exposed!] Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC’s Defense of Israeli Attack
CNN, “The Most Trusted Parrot in News”: How they treat Iran verses how they treat Israel
Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy
Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel
Secret but not forgotten: Israel’s facility 139 — Where Palestinian, Lebanese, and other Arab prisoners are detained and subjected to torture
Kucinich: WE ACCEPT the Slaughter of the Innocent BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY Slaughtered the Innocent
Kucinich: “U.S. Weapons Being Illegally Used to Kill Children”
Kucinich: UN should investigate Israeli Gaza strikes — “this…is disproportionate indiscriminate mass violence”
One-third of Gaza dead, injured are children
Ron Paul: The Invasion of Gaza and its Implications for America — Blowback!
One Very Brave Palestinian Woman
Devvy Kidd: Bomb Iran now because…uh, what’s the reason? — Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision.
How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?
Charles Lindbergh’s – September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech. Provocateuring for war then just as now — “They planned to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict.” “I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders…”
Articles About Human Trafficking in Israel
Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?
Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord
[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!
Most of Israel’s military leaders are against war on Iran — Netanyahu and Barak are the power-over warmongers
[Haaretz poll] 60% of Israelis are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is pushing to bomb Iran
Dr. Stan: Is War With Iran A Set-up? Lies that led US into all of the wars in the last 120 years! “It’s really all about bringing about the one-world government.”
Peace activist Kenneth O’Keefe defends his Gaza aid flotilla actions to the attack-dog BBC journalist: “If you wanted peace, and you carried out the policies of Israel…. It’s like America saying it wants peace, yet conducting State sponsored terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s a lie. Israel is lying. They don’t want peace…”
Hero US Marine Disarms Israeli Commandos — Kenneth Nichols O’Keefe was later beaten by the Israelis — Look at his face!
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sets the record straight on Israel’s aid flotilla massacre
Inhumane Israelis CELEBRATE attack on Turkish Aid Ship – in front of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv
Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!
[Illustration] USA and Israel totally ignore: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.” Who are we listening to instead?
[OPINION] ‘Christian’ backed Republicans Plot Israel-Iran Apocalypse and the Collapse of the US Economy
Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees
Hagee: “Unrepentant Heretic” — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.
Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election
Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

[Photos] Rocket Comparison: Aftermath of Hamas rocket attack on Israel vs AFTERMATH of ISRAELI ROCKET ATTACK ON GAZA!

I just wrote this as a response to a comment on my Facebook post of this photo.

These photos show the difference between Hamas homemade unguided rockets that hardly ever hit humans, and US-made rockets that are too often directly aimed at innocent civilian targets on purpose, and blow all of the men, women and children to smithereens.
This son of an Israeli general, whose grandfather signed the Israeli Declaration of Independence talks about Israel’s war crimes in this interview. I painstakingly include over 50 related articles and videos which I have compiled in this post [included below].
Michael Franti says it best: “The F-15 is a homicide bomber” — whether piloted by Israelis or US.
Jesus said: “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD.”
“The truth will set us free, and our media refuses to tell the truth about Israel’s war crimes and now our own. But the truth is still the truth, and that’s what God will judge us for.

* * *

Wonderful Israelis Soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza! — “We will not bomb children”
Israeli General’s Son, Miko Peled: Israel’s war crimes must stop. There is a better solution.
Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel—Omer Goldman, daughter of a former Mossad chief, tells why she prefers jail to the military draft
Pentecostals in Palestine – 6 minute trailer
[music video] Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) ‘Song for Gaza’: We shall overcome — End the blockade of Gaza — WWJD?!!
Ray McGovern: Willing to risk his life to help Israel be humane to the Palestinians
Red Cross on the Gaza blockade: Israel is in clear violation of international humanitarian law | What Would Jesus Do?
Israel admits it will again annihalate civilians, using “disproportional force” if… (with U.S. weaponry, of course)
Israel has so far missed “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” | But so has the US. We give them the weapons, finance their attrocities, and silence our own press. And we lead by example: our regime-change, reverse-Christian wars and numerous covert actions (including assassinations and even torture!). What would Jesus Do? What would “pro-Israel” mean to Jesus? What does Jesus think of evangelicals’ support-Israel-no-matter-what cheer that may soon bring about WWIII, the destruction of America and the one-world antichrist government! Is this being pro-life?
Israel’s & U.S.’ Attrocities: May We No Longer Be Silent
Israel’s Deputy PM admits Iran DIDN’T threaten to wipe Israel out
The Attack on the USS Liberty — Purpose: (1) to hide Israel’s illegal actions in the 6-Day War and (2) to bring America into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty
‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret — Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House
Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty — Israel murders Americans & LBJ/McNamara cover-up!
Israel, the highest rate of prostitution in the world (CNN) | One million visits made by clients every month to brothels in Israel (population 7 million) | “For this we yearned?”
Sex and Lies in Israel: What would be the media response if the Pope issued an edict saying Catholic girls should sexually seduce enemies of the Church? Certainly such would be on the front pages of every newspaper in Europe and America, but when Jewish religious authorities make such a pronouncement, there is no media coverage at all.
[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.
Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads
Alex Jones on Israel’s attrocities: Because Israel has been given so much unconditional support Israel does what it wants whenever it wants. Governments are corrupt…
Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building — Ken O’Keefe in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2011
Joel Skousen: Media Inflaming Case Against Iran — “The US has long had plans to take down both Iraq and Iran and planted nuclear information in both countries to provide a pretext for an eventual attack” — “Although Iran has a blustering, extremist president the West has taken great pains to make his remarks out to be far worse than they really are”
Specifics in how the media sides with Israel against the peace activists
Calling People ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a ‘Trick’ We Always Use to Discredit Critics, says Former Israeli Minister
US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias
[media bias exposed!] Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC’s Defense of Israeli Attack
CNN, “The Most Trusted Parrot in News”: How they treat Iran verses how they treat Israel
Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy
Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel
Secret but not forgotten: Israel’s facility 139 — Where Palestinian, Lebanese, and other Arab prisoners are detained and subjected to torture
Kucinich: WE ACCEPT the Slaughter of the Innocent BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY Slaughtered the Innocent
Kucinich: “U.S. Weapons Being Illegally Used to Kill Children”
Kucinich: UN should investigate Israeli Gaza strikes — “this…is disproportionate indiscriminate mass violence”
One-third of Gaza dead, injured are children
Ron Paul: The Invasion of Gaza and its Implications for America — Blowback!
One Very Brave Palestinian Woman
Devvy Kidd: Bomb Iran now because…uh, what’s the reason? — Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision.
How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?
Charles Lindbergh’s – September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech. Provocateuring for war then just as now — “They planned to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict.” “I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders…”
Articles About Human Trafficking in Israel
Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?
Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord
[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!
Most of Israel’s military leaders are against war on Iran — Netanyahu and Barak are the power-over warmongers
[Haaretz poll] 60% of Israelis are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is pushing to bomb Iran
Dr. Stan: Is War With Iran A Set-up? Lies that led US into all of the wars in the last 120 years! “It’s really all about bringing about the one-world government.”
Peace activist Kenneth O’Keefe defends his Gaza aid flotilla actions to the attack-dog BBC journalist: “If you wanted peace, and you carried out the policies of Israel…. It’s like America saying it wants peace, yet conducting State sponsored terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s a lie. Israel is lying. They don’t want peace…”
Hero US Marine Disarms Israeli Commandos — Kenneth Nichols O’Keefe was later beaten by the Israelis — Look at his face!
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sets the record straight on Israel’s aid flotilla massacre
Inhumane Israelis CELEBRATE attack on Turkish Aid Ship – in front of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv
Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!
[Illustration] USA and Israel totally ignore: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.” Who are we listening to instead?
[OPINION] ‘Christian’ backed Republicans Plot Israel-Iran Apocalypse and the Collapse of the US Economy
Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees
Hagee: “Unrepentant Heretic” — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.
Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election
Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

[video – real history] Israeli General's Son, Miko Peled: Israel's war crimes & dehumanization must stop. There is a better solution.

Evangelicals have been brainwashed into thinking that Israel can do no wrong, just like the myth that U.S. military can do no wrong. Jesus wants us to embrace the truth and love all people as much as we love ourselves.
This is beautiful! Please watch the whole thing before drawing conclusions.
The dropped-from-the-air warning pamphlets are discussed at minute 12:50.
– –

[youtube=]Jewish Man Exposes Israel’s Lies

Uploaded by  on Jun 24, 2011

The General’s Son. Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. Born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family, his grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His Father, Matti Peled, was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and Sinai.

Miko’s unlikely opinions reflect his father’s legacy. General Peled was a war hero turned peacemaker.

Miko grew up in Jerusalem, a multi-ethnic city, but had to leave Israel before he made his first Palestinian friend, the result of his participation in a dialogue group in California. He was 39.

On September 4, 1997 the beloved Smadar, 13, the daughter of Miko’s sister Nurit and her husband Rami Elhanan was killed in a suicide attack.

Peled insists that Israel/Palestine is one state—the separation wall notwithstanding, massive investment in infrastructure, towns and highways that bisect and connect settlements on the West Bank, have destroyed the possibility for a viable Palestinian state. The result, Peled says is that Israelis and Palestinians are governed by the same government but live under different sets of laws.

At the heart of Peled’s conclusion lies the realization that Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace as equals in their shared homeland.

(video – Israel’s Real History) Miko Peled: The General’s Son & Return of the General’s Son — Israel’s war crimes & dehumanization must stop. There is a better solution (includes part 2)
Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If ‘THEY’ didn’t take down the towers…???
Wonderful Israelis Soldiers refuse to serve in Gaza! — “We will not bomb children”
Father, forgive me, I will not fight for your Israel—Omer Goldman, daughter of a former Mossad chief, tells why she prefers jail to the military draft
Pentecostals in Palestine – 6 minute trailer
[Photos] Rocket Comparison: Aftermath of Hamas rocket attack on Israel vs AFTERMATH of ISRAELI ROCKET ATTACK ON GAZA!
Micael Grenholm: Blessing Israel = Ignoring Gaza? — WWJD! “What would Jesus do? Would He be silent when people with the “wrong” nationality were dying? Would He bomb Gaza and say “whoops” when an 11-month baby was killed? NO!!He would proclaim peace for the nations, heal the sick, help the poor and bring salvation to the terrorists!”
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.
[5-minute video] “Israel started this not Hamas” — Actually both sides are responsible, which the MSM carefully covers up
[music video] Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) ‘Song for Gaza’: We shall overcome — End the blockade of Gaza — WWJD?!!
Ray McGovern: Willing to risk his life to help Israel be humane to the Palestinians
Red Cross on the Gaza blockade: Israel is in clear violation of international humanitarian law | What Would Jesus Do?
Israel admits it will again annihalate civilians, using “disproportional force” if… (with U.S. weaponry, of course)
Israel has so far missed “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” | But so has the US. We give them the weapons, finance their attrocities, and silence our own press. And we lead by example: our regime-change, reverse-Christian wars and numerous covert actions (including assassinations and even torture!). What would Jesus Do? What would “pro-Israel” mean to Jesus? What does Jesus think of evangelicals’ support-Israel-no-matter-what cheer that may soon bring about WWIII, the destruction of America and the one-world antichrist government! Is this being pro-life?
Israel’s & U.S.’ Attrocities: May We No Longer Be Silent
Israel’s Deputy PM admits Iran DIDN’T threaten to wipe Israel out
The Attack on the USS Liberty — Purpose: (1) to hide Israel’s illegal actions in the 6-Day War and (2) to bring America into the war by blaming Egypt for sinking the Liberty
‘The USS Liberty’: America’s Most Shameful Secret — Israeli warships closed and poured machine gun fire into the crowded life rafts, sinking two. As American sailors were being massacred in cold blood, a rescue mission by US Sixth Fleet carrier aircraft was mysteriously aborted on orders from the White House
Dead In The Water – The Sinking of the USS Liberty — Israel murders Americans & LBJ/McNamara cover-up!
Israel, the highest rate of prostitution in the world (CNN) | One million visits made by clients every month to brothels in Israel (population 7 million) | “For this we yearned?”
Sex and Lies in Israel: What would be the media response if the Pope issued an edict saying Catholic girls should sexually seduce enemies of the Church? Certainly such would be on the front pages of every newspaper in Europe and America, but when Jewish religious authorities make such a pronouncement, there is no media coverage at all.
[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.
Former Israeli Soldier Reveals Murder Squads
Alex Jones on Israel’s attrocities: Because Israel has been given so much unconditional support Israel does what it wants whenever it wants. Governments are corrupt…
Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building — Ken O’Keefe in Gaza, Feb. 8, 2011
Joel Skousen: Media Inflaming Case Against Iran — “The US has long had plans to take down both Iraq and Iran and planted nuclear information in both countries to provide a pretext for an eventual attack” — “Although Iran has a blustering, extremist president the West has taken great pains to make his remarks out to be far worse than they really are”
Specifics in how the media sides with Israel against the peace activists
Calling People ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a ‘Trick’ We Always Use to Discredit Critics, says Former Israeli Minister
US Media’s “Israel Can Do No Wrong” Bias
[media bias exposed!] Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC’s Defense of Israeli Attack
CNN, “The Most Trusted Parrot in News”: How they treat Iran verses how they treat Israel
Zionist Lobby Paid Off U.S. Journalists To Sell Israeli Foreign Policy
Secret jail torturer becomes police chief in Israel
Secret but not forgotten: Israel’s facility 139 — Where Palestinian, Lebanese, and other Arab prisoners are detained and subjected to torture
Kucinich: WE ACCEPT the Slaughter of the Innocent BECAUSE WE’VE ALREADY Slaughtered the Innocent
Kucinich: “U.S. Weapons Being Illegally Used to Kill Children”
Kucinich: UN should investigate Israeli Gaza strikes — “this…is disproportionate indiscriminate mass violence”
One-third of Gaza dead, injured are children
Ron Paul: The Invasion of Gaza and its Implications for America — Blowback!
One Very Brave Palestinian Woman
Devvy Kidd: Bomb Iran now because…uh, what’s the reason? — Puppets of the new world order elites automatically smear anyone who questions our foreign policy with regards to Israel as “anti-Semitic.” Of course, most people don’t even know what that label means other than it’s the kiss of death for politicians and journalists who are trying to be rational and fair in making an informed decision.
How Come Israelis Can Criticize Israel, But Americans Can’t?
Charles Lindbergh’s – September 11, 1941 Des Moines Speech. Provocateuring for war then just as now — “They planned to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict.” “I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders…”
Articles About Human Trafficking in Israel
Does Talmud Teach Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality?
Netanyahu admits on video he deceived US to destroy Oslo accord
[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!
Most of Israel’s military leaders are against war on Iran — Netanyahu and Barak are the power-over warmongers
[Haaretz poll] 60% of Israelis are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is pushing to bomb Iran
Dr. Stan: Is War With Iran A Set-up? Lies that led US into all of the wars in the last 120 years! “It’s really all about bringing about the one-world government.”
Peace activist Kenneth O’Keefe defends his Gaza aid flotilla actions to the attack-dog BBC journalist: “If you wanted peace, and you carried out the policies of Israel…. It’s like America saying it wants peace, yet conducting State sponsored terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s a lie. Israel is lying. They don’t want peace…”
Hero US Marine Disarms Israeli Commandos — Kenneth Nichols O’Keefe was later beaten by the Israelis — Look at his face!
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sets the record straight on Israel’s aid flotilla massacre
Inhumane Israelis CELEBRATE attack on Turkish Aid Ship – in front of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv
Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!
[Illustration] USA and Israel totally ignore: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.” Who are we listening to instead?
[OPINION] ‘Christian’ backed Republicans Plot Israel-Iran Apocalypse and the Collapse of the US Economy
Protesters assaulted and spit on by “Christians United for Israel” Summit Attendees
Hagee: “Unrepentant Heretic” — The church is embarrassed to name Christ to those He first came to redeem — the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It disobeys Christ’s great commission to spread the gospel to the whole world, starting with Jerusalem.
Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election
Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

[Illustration] Don't forget to vote… Republican or Democrat — Let's not be guilty for what they do

* * *

Political Deception: Romney or Obama? Which would Jesus vote for?
Should Christians Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils? — We must be free!
I was asked two questions on Facebook: (1) Brother Jeff, what’s the strategy in condemning both sides? (2) Jeff, when I think of voting, I think of the well-being of my grandchildren. How would you advise me?
Fritz Springmeier: “ROMNEY is the type to take us into war; and then we’ll have the world blame his war on the CHRISTIANS. Romney will carry out the NWO agenda. A vote for him is NOT a vote for the lesser evil, but simply makes you in part GUILTY FOR WHAT HE IS TO DO. People keep your hands and HEARTS CLEAN.
Bill Schoebelen: The Occult Origins of Halloween & Mitt Romney’s Mormon Occultic Agenda — Why Christians shouldn’t participate
[Video] Greg Boyd on ‘Charlie Rose’: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.
The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated
All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights — “I think we should practice A POLICY OF GOOD WILL to other people. What about saying that we don’t do anything to any other country that we don’t have them do to us?
Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”
Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time
Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”
Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”
Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War
[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”
Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Rick Perry: We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush — If James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul!
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion
Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???
Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!
Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.
Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?
“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!
[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus

[30-minute audio] Joel Skousen on Coast to Coast AM 10/31/12: Sandy & the NWO — U.S. WARS are not to free countries, but TO INSTALL GLOBALIST PUPPETS. In Iran, the U.S. WON'T JUST ATTACK the NUCLEAR. They're "going to rearrange the entire middle east and make the U.S. and Israel EVEN MORE HATED than they are in that area."

“They [PTB] did in fact, and have been using MEK in Iran to destabilize the government. …They don’t really want freedom in these countries. They want someone who will be a puppet to them. That’s like in Libya, they had their favorite al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood people fighting against others. But it’s a matter of favoritism: who you can control.

In Egypt, it was a matter of picking a controlled opposition. And when you look at the history of the United States, bringing Mao Tse Tung to power by cutting off the military aid to Chiang Kai Shek; bringing Castro to power by cutting off the aid to Batista; bringing the Sandinistas to power in Nicaragua by cutting off aid to Sermosa.

They build up communist governments, and then they take them down decades later, and replace them with what? Not freedom, but globalists, which they control.

But Iran is like Syria. It’s a tough nut to crack. It’s got a very heavy military. And they’re going to take it out militarily. And it’s not just attacking the nuclear. They’re going to try to devestate the entire military and civilian infrastructure, so they don’t have to go in and occupy.

It’s going to rearrange the entire middle east and make the U.S. and Israel even more hated than they are in that area.”

– Joel Skousen

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *


Sandy & the NWO

In the first hour, political scientist and expert in relocation for personal security, Joel Skousen, discussed Hurricane Sandy as well as the globalist agenda for a New World Order. Regarding Sandy, he observed that the majority of damage has been the result of flooding and suggested that it will take about 3 months for the area to fully recover from the disaster. He also noted that the hurricane exemplified a key area of concern for survival situations, because it struck “high density population centers” which created tremendous competition for supplies. On the subject of the New World Order, Skousen contended that an impending war with Iran will be used as an excuse for an economic meltdown in the United States and to also forward a globalist agenda to “create an image that the West is the bully of the world.”


* * *

Joel is on from minutes 7-38 (after which is probably witchcraft disinfo)[youtube=]Coast 2 Coast AM: Ghost 2 Ghost 2012 ~ Oct 31 2012

Published on Nov 1, 2012 by bugsy5656

Please rate & subscribe!!!

Ghost to Ghost 2012
Wednesday October 31, 2012
George Noory hosted the annual “Ghost to Ghost AM” Halloween show, where callers and guests shared tales of ghostly encounters, and contact with the afterworld. In the first hour, political scientist and expert in relocation for…
Host: George Noory
Guest(s): Joel Skousen

[10-minute video] History of Iran & USA in 10 min, Every American must watch this!! — We should be ashamed!

[youtube=]History of Iran & USA in 10 min, Every American must watch this!!

Published on Feb 5, 2012 by 

A brief history of Iran and America’s relations and the facts that have led to this political gridlock. This is something that as an American you MUST WATCH!

[video] CNN Insider, Amber Lyon: CNN is A Hoax

Minute 6 19 24 26 26b sovereignty

[youtube=]CNN Insider: CNN is A Hoax

Published on Oct 4, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

If you’ve been paying attention, you know that the American media act as presstitutes for rich and powerful Americans.

But it turns out that the American media will turn “tricks” for foreign johns as well …

Specifically, three time Emmy award winning reporter Amber Lyon was until very recently a respected CNN reporter:

Lyon was fired from CNN after she refused to stop reporting on her first-hand experience of the systematic torture and murder of peaceful protesters by the government of Bahrain.

Lyon’s special report on Bahrain was scheduled to run on both CNN’s U.S. and international networks, but was pulled after only a limited showing due to pressure from the Bahrainis and their lobbyists.

At the same time that Lyon was risking her life to do on-the-ground reporting in Bahrain, another CNN journalist was filming a paid propaganda piece on how the Bahraini leaders are a bunch of friendly pro-democracy reformers.

That’s right … the Bahraini government paid CNN to do what was literally an infomercial for that brutal regime and pretend it was real journalism.

Lyon says that China and many other foreign, authoritarian regimes also pay CNN and other mainstream networks to run flattering propaganda pieces.…!/RealAlexJones

Real-journalist Amber Lyon (former CNN correspondent): Mainstream Media Covered Up State Sponsored Terrorism — Soon to Launch!

Romney Vows To Arm Al-Qaeda Terrorists In Syria — The reverse-Christianity continues…

The neocon reverse-Christian slaughtering continues through Romney,
supported by American ‘Christians.’

* * *

“He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.”

“Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.”

– Jesus

– –
From: Prison Planet

Romney Vows To Arm Al-Qaeda Terrorists In Syria

Presidential candidate to back militants who burn U.S. flag in public

Paul Joseph Watson
October 8, 2012

Mitt Romney will vow to arm Syrian rebels today during a major foreign policy speech, illustrating once again how there is virtually no difference between Romney and Obama when it comes to serving the interests of the military-industrial complex.

“Mitt Romney will call for an escalation of the conflict in Syria by arming rebels with the heavy weapons needed to confront president Bashar al-Assad’s tanks, helicopters and fighter jets,” reports the London Guardian.

“Romney is to make the proposal on Monday in what his campaign team has billed as a major foreign policy speech in Lexington, Virginia.”

In promising to arm the “Syrian” rebels – the majority of whom are not even Syrian – Romney has pledged to send taxpayer money to Al-Qaeda militants who have been responsible for carrying out terrorist attacks which have killed hundreds of people.

The Obama administration has already sent over $200 million dollars in “humanitarian” and non-lethal aid to the rebels, while the CIA has helped the likes of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar funnel heavy arms to rebel groups in the region.

As the London Guardian reported in July, rebels in Syria are admittedly being led by Al-Qaeda terrorists, who meet with them “every day” and train them how to make bombs.

The Council on Foreign Relations, America’s most influential foreign policy think tank and a close ally of the U.S. State Department, recently praised the presence of Al-Qaeda fighters in Syria, while the RAND Corporation reportedthat the terrorist group had been responsible for suicide attacks and car bombings that have caused more than 200 deaths and 1,000 injuries. Given a spate of recent attacks, these numbers have probably at least doubled since then.

As we have previously highlighted, Syrian rebel fighters are routinely photographed wearing the Al-Qaeda motif. There are also innumerable You Tube videos that show opposition forces flying the Al-Qaeda flag – the same distinctive black flag with white Arabic lettering that was flown by rioters during anti-U.S. demonstrations in numerous countries last month.

Syrian opposition forces have also been filmed on several occasions burning the U.S. flag. An opposition fighter recently spoke of his desire to see the Al-Qaeda flag fly over the White House once the rebels are victorious across the region. These are the same people Mitt Romney is pledging to support with heavy weaponry.

French Surgeon Jacques Bérès, who worked at a hospital in Aleppo admits that at least half of the militants he treated for injuries were Al-Qaeda terrorists whose goal is to impose sharia law across Syria and the whole region. A German report estimated the figure of foreign fighters in Syria to be even higher – a staggering 95 per cent.

FSA rebels have also committed acts of brutality that equal anything the regime of President Bashar Assad has been accused of, including massacres and war crimes such as forcing prisoners to become unwitting suicide bombers.

Given that conservative commentators have slammed Obama for his failed foreign policy in backing some of the same militants in Libya who later attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, will they also skewer Romney for vowing to support Islamic extremists in Syria, especially given the fact that many of the fighters in Syria are Libyan militants?

Although the media is ludicrously framing Romney’s approach to Syria as a change in direction from Obama’s, it merely represents an intensification of the same policy.

Romney’s aim, or the aim of the neo-con advisers telling him what to say, in escalating the conflict in Syria is to draw Iran into the mix, risking the United States’ involvement in another unaffordable conflict and potentially triggering a chain of events that analysts have warned could lead to world war three.

Further illustrating Romney’s commitment to prolonging a disastrous foreign policy that has cost 2,000 American lives and achieved virtually nothing as the conflict enters its 12th year, the former Governor of Massachusetts will also signal his intention to keep U.S. troops in Afghanistan beyond the 2014 deadline – a war that was supposed to eliminate the very Al-Qaeda terrorists Romney now seeks to arm in Syria.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Ron Paul: Christian Just War Theory — “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”
Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’
Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!
Chuck Baldwin: Why Do Evangelicals Ignore Ron Paul? | My Opinion
Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”
Ron Paul’s Statement of Faith
The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”
Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?
Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

What is Anchorage’s new statue sitting there thinking? “Why does Alaska still support Sarah Palin, the OPPOSITE OF RON PAUL on foreign interventionism?” — & — “Why did ‘Christians’ in this town vote for George W. Bush, the OPPOSITE OF JESUS on foreign interventionism, TWICE?”

Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’
My observation: Satan is using US to take out regimes that oppose his one-world government/anti-Christ reign. Be on God’s side. Don’t follow the crowd; follow Jesus. “Come out from them and be separate,” says God. Be holy. Let’s love!
Alex Jones: Qaddafi is another tyrant the globalists can’t control, so they’re going after him. The globalists are running the whole world and mopping up the final few countries they don’t control. They’re knocking over the old puppets, putting new ones in.
EXCELLENT! Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster: “The American people are being lied to.” Kadafi was standing in the way of a globalist, Mediterranean states alliance with Europe.
Col. Bob Bowman: The immorality they’re foisting on this country — We haven’t been the good guys for a long time. The countries we’ve invaded happen to be the few countries in the world that are not part of the Rothschilds’ banking cartel.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin: Will Evangelicals Ever Admit They Were Duped by Bush?
Reverse-Christian George W. Bush: ‘D___ right’ I personally ordered waterboarding — When will evangelicals admit they were wrong, voting for this known Skull and Bonesman for even his 2nd term?
[Reverse-Christianity] Torture and the American Conscience: Most white ‘Christian’ evangelicals and white Catholics condone torture
President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List
Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified
The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!
Ron Blessed-are-the-PEACEmakers Paul: U.S. War On Libya Totally UnConstitutional | Jesus: Peacemakers = “Children of God”
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?
Ron Paul on Evangelical Christians Expected to Be Pro-War All the Time
Ron Paul on what precedes LIBERTY: Life “and I mean all LIFE!”
Ron Paul: “Fascism Comes Wrapped In A Flag, Carrying A Cross”
Ron Paul: Jesus is the Prince of PEACE, Not Preemptive War
Ron Paul’s Christlike Attitude: Love, Peace & Hope – No *Initiation* of Aggression!
Ron Paul Speaks To The Right To Life Foundation
Ron Paul at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference: “Life does begin at conception.” — We would like to think all we have to do is elect the right politicians and everything is going to be okay. But the government is a reflection of the people. The people change before the laws change. Morality has a lot to do with legislation.
Lew Rockwell: The Enemy is in Washington. That’s why RON PAUL runs NOT FOR GLORY, not for POWER, not for CONTROL. He runs to dismantle the aperatus in Washington. He wants to stop the war, stop the Fed’s counterfeiting, stop the rip-offs for the big bank, the big corporation, and for Big Pharma.” | CAN RON PAUL WIN? CAN THE ‘CHRISTIANS’ put their DESIRE FOR BLOOD below their desire to have some kind of standard of living…?
“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS” Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!
Vote For Peace – Ron Paul 2012 — “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus
[Repentance from Power-OVER music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!” | Lets’ be real Christians — “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” – Jesus
[Daily Paul comment] The real reason evangelical ‘Christians’ won’t support Ron Paul — “the so called evangelical right wing’s incredible and insatiable lust for war. War is not a family value. War is certainly not a Christian value. … Christ’s views on love and peace and so forth are pretty clearly spelled out. … Many professing Christians will be numbered with the goats on judgement day.”

[2012 Video] Hillary Laughs About Bombing Iran, AGAIN!

One of the comments read:

“Everyone on that stage have attended Bilderberg meetings.”

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[youtube=]Hillary Clinton Laughs At Possible War With Iran (Disgusting)

Published on Oct 3, 2012 by 

Couple of neocons giggling about war.

[2007 Video] Hillary Laughs About Bombing Iran
McCain Laughs, Sings “Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran”
McCain Laughing About Killing Iranians Again
Huckabee Thinks McCain’s “Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran” Was Funny
N.H. Debate: Candidates Mock Ron Paul – Persecuted for Righteousness!

[video] Exclusive: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing "State Sponsored News" in Bahrain — The Amber Lyon story is just the latest in a series of articles that expose the total Joseph Goebbels like censorship rampant in mainstream media today!

“I was having trouble sleeping at night, knowing that I had this information that the public needed to hear. And that really was the straw that broke the camel’s back, Alex. And then I came forward with the Guardian articles, full fledged.”

“Has CNN turned into State TV?”

“They’re shaping the conversation. … Watch the news, now. Watch how much they mention Iran.”

– Amber Lyon

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]Exclusive: CNN Exposed! Caught Producing “State Sponsored News” in Bahrain

Published on Sep 29, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

The Amber Lyon story is just the latest in a series of articles that expose the total Joseph Goebbels like censorship rampant in mainstream media today. The first one I posted several weeks ago exposed how the NY Times basically just regurgitates whatever government officials tell them, while the other showcased how an NPR reporter covering D.C. had to leave and do her own thing out of frustration. This is precisely why alternative media sites are taking off. They provide the only outlets left for genuine journalism.

So back to Amber. Back in March 2011, CNN sent a four person team to Bahrain to cover the Arab Spring. Once there, the crew was the subject of extreme intimidation amongst other things, but they were able to record some fantastic footage. As Glenn Greenwald of the UK’s Guardian writes in his blockbuster article from today:

“In the segment, Lyon interviewed activists as they explicitly described their torture at the hands of government forces, while family members recounted their relatives’ abrupt disappearances. She spoke with government officials justifying the imprisonment of activists. And the segment featured harrowing video footage of regime forces shooting unarmed demonstrators, along with the mass arrests of peaceful protesters. In sum, the early 2011 CNN segment on Bahrain presented one of the starkest reports to date of the brutal repression embraced by the US-backed regime.

Despite these accolades, and despite the dangers their own journalists and their sources endured to produce it, CNN International (CNNi) never broadcast the documentary. Even in the face of numerous inquiries and complaints from their own employees inside CNN, it continued to refuse to broadcast the program or even provide any explanation for the decision. To date, this documentary has never aired on CNNi.

Having just returned from Bahrain, Lyon says she “saw first-hand that these regime claims were lies, and I couldn’t believe CNN was making me put what I knew to be government lies into my reporting.”…
Michael Krieger

Many EVANGELICALS STILL BELIEVE America wears the WHITE HAT in our REVERSE-CHRISTIAN Wars — The Fox News/Rush Limbaugh media disinfo deception hides what our numerous disgusting atrocities, not just the millions dead!

I just wrote this on my Facebook page.
I could have also shown videos of the numerous deformed children from all of the ‘depleted’ uranium we unloaded onto their country. Imagine if someone did this to US.
America has largely become a reverse-Christian nation. We don’t really love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves:

I’m amazed to still see that MANY evangelicals STILL THINK THAT AMERICA WEARS THE WHITE HAT in these reverse-Christian wars.

It actually started at the top: Dick Cheney said that our nation’s efforts “must go to the dark side” – including ignoring the Geneva Conventions.

And the atrocities committed on Iraqi civilians have been suppressed by our pro-war-and-torture media. This is just a small part of what they don’t want US to see, so they can do more wars and more countries, until we have no reputation left. The world will cheer when Russia and China take US out, perhaps 10 years from now.

Jesus said: “Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.” That’s US.

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New Photos Released of Iraq Atrocities: On the Dark Side in Al Doura – A Soldier in the Shadows | Dick Cheney: this nation’s efforts “must go to the dark side” – including ignoring the Geneva Conventions

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Winter Soldier on the Hill: War Vets Testify Before Congress About the Horrors of War — Dehumanization = “What makes the green grass grow? Blood, blood, blood” | Policy = looking good over doing right* * * Iraq veteran, Jon Michael Turner throws his medals and stars!!! and tells his story with photos and video — “I AM SORRY for the hate and destruction that I have inflicted on innocent people, and I’m sorry for the hate and destruction that others have inflicted…. Everyone sitting up here has these stories, and there’s been a million trips….”

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[youtube=]U.S. Soldiers Rape, Murder and Burn Iraqi family

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A ‘brave’ soldier tells of his exploits: “The CIA taught us a lot of sh**.

Soldier Brags of Torture, Rape & Murder

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Our “courageous soldiers” laughing: ha, ha, ha. That’s so funny…

[youtube=]American Soldiers attack on Terrorist sheep

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Like in Germany:‘I liked to shoot everything – women, kids… it was kind of sport’: Secret Nazi tapes reveal how ordinary German soldiers were responsible for war crimes and not just SSMy take:“Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

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Pastor Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

“The kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world are two very separate things. One uses the sword (power over) to influence people; the other uses love (power under). To understand this distinction is much easier than letting it affect the way we live.

But “we’ll lose face” if we admit we’ve been wrong and apologize. I transcribed this in my post:

Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from this video:

[youtube=]A Revival Account: Asbury 1970

Dennis Kinlaw, President of Asbury College (1970) recalls this amazing event.

A format had been developed. It started in that opening chapel. A student would give his witness. He would tell about how God was dealing with him about sin in his life. He’d make his confession. And then he would tell how God had brought forgiveness to him, and restoration. Or how the need of his heart had been met—the spiritual need.

As he would speak, there would be somebody in the audience who would say, ‘that’s like me.’ And then that person would come under conviction and come forward and kneel at the altar.

So a pattern had been developed of testimony, of sharing. Then after the testimony, prayer, and after the prayer, singing and praise and adoration. And then more witnessing, sharing how God had met human need.”


“I suppose I had been there about an hour when a young lady came up…and she walked back and knelt side of the seat where I was sitting, and looked up at me and said:

‘Dr. Kinlaw, may I talk with you?’

I said, ‘why yes.’

She said, ‘I need help…. I’m a liar’ [Dr. Kinlaw breaks up with emotion] Excuse me. Forgive me for a minute.

She said, ‘I lie so much, I don’t even know when I’m lying. I am a liar. Now what do I do?’

Well I sat there for a moment or two, and I had never said this to anybody else, but I looked at her and I said, ‘why don’t you start back to the last person you remember that you lied to. Confess it to that person, and ask him or her to forgive you.’

‘Oh,’ she said, ‘that would kill me.’

I said, ‘no, it would probably cure you.’

Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’

I said, ‘what do you mean, ‘you’re free.?’

She said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’m free [Kinlaw raises both hands in the air in the way she probably had]!’

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Are we willing to follow and obey the Holy Spirit so ‘ONE’ can happen? So we can be free and then the world will know (John 17)?

U.S. GENERAL charged with FORCIBLE SODOMY, other sex crimes — Served five combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan


FT. BRAGG, N.C. — An Army brigadier general who served five combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan has been charged with forcible sodomy, multiple counts of adultery and having inappropriate relationships with several female subordinates, two U.S. defense officials said Wednesday.

The defense officials spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to provide details on the case.

Brig. Gen. Jeffrey A. Sinclair faces possible courts martial on charges that include forced sex, wrongful sexual conduct, violating an order, possessing pornography and alcohol while deployed, and misusing a government travel charge card and filing fraudulent claims.

Entire Article Here
Former Marine Colonel’s Wife: Sleeping With The Enemy — Kay Griggs Talks About Sexual Perversion Deep Within the Highest Levels of U.S. Military and Government, Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, and Illegal Weapon Deals — “Why are Good People Silent?”

Joel Skousen: Media Inflaming Case Against Iran — "The US has long had plans to take down both Iraq and Iran and planted nuclear information in both countries to provide a pretext for an eventual attack" — "Although Iran has a blustering, extremist president the West has taken great pains to make his remarks out to be far worse than they really are"

World Affairs Brief, September 28, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Armed Drones An Instrument of Terror
Media Inflaming Case Against Iran
China-Japan Conflict Heating up, but no War
New York Police Mimic Dark-Side CIA Tactics
Why People are Leaving California
New Bogus Video Attacking Obama Leaks
“Don’t Travel Between Now and November” Warning
My take on Iran is that Iran is, indeed, attempting to build a nuclear weapon, but that it is years away and has been set back several years by the killing of some of its scientists by the Mossad, as well as the sabotage of its Siemens equipment through the Stuxnet virus and other indirect misdirections by the Siemens corporation as well.
Any nation that sees themselves as targets of Western attack will want to acquire the means to defend themselves. The CIA has even helped foment Iran’s desire for nuclear weapons by setting up the supposed rogue nuclear proliferation network run by Dr. A. Q. Khan which sold nuclear secrets to Iran.
Abdul Qadeer Khan was one of Pakistan’s top nuclear scientists who helped other countries gain nuclear technology. Although he confessed to doing this, he also admitted that these activities were sanctioned by the Pakistani government and its military intelligence wing, the ISI. The ISI has been an extension of CIA black operations, which not only gave Pakistan much of its military secrets, but used Dr. Khan to spread tainted nuclear technology to Iran. The nuclear information he gave Iran had errors in it, which Iran eventually discovered and bypassed through their own expertise.
The implications of all this is that the US has long had plans to take down both Iraq and Iran and planted nuclear information in both countries to provide a pretext for an eventual attack. Israel capitalized on this when it took out Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981, and is intending to do the same for Iran soon.
Obama claimed this week during his speech to the UN that “a nuclear Iran cannot be contained.” But this is disingenuous given that the US has actively helped its future enemies to gain weapons of mass destruction. Are they even trying to contain Iran or provoke an excuse to attack? US companies gave chemical weapons technology to Saddam Hussein, and the attack on Iraq followed as night follows day.
The doctrine of containment has been used for decades to claim success at keeping the Soviet Union at bay out of fear of MAD–Mutually Assured Destruction. However, MAD doesn’t really exist. Nuclear weapons don’t assure total destruction if a nation prepares for it—so containment doesn’t work and never has worked. The only true deterrence is to have better preparations for war than your enemy.
The only reason the Soviets never struck is because they weren’t ready yet. They were getting behind in the arms race for high tech weapons and decided to fake their own demise in order to gain more aid and even technological assistance from the West. Russia’s spying has never stopped, and neither has the West’s invitations for Russian spies to enter our weapons labs—disguised as scientific and military exchange. The US does the same for China, a known future enemy who is laying direct plans to attack the West in the future.
Although Iran has a blustering, extremist president the West has taken great pains to make his remarks out to be far worse than they really are. All of this is necessary to get the world prepared for the coming war on Iran. This week Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said, “History proves that those who wanted to wipe us off the map failed in that objective, while the Jewish people overcame all obstacles.”
The “wipe us off the map” statement is the promulgation of a direct mistranslation deliberately perpetuated by the media. Reuters is one of the worst, stating incorrectly that “Ahmadinejad’s speeches in the U.N. forum included a prediction that Israel would be ‘eliminated’.” writes that “Headlines are designed to grab the reader’s attention and pull ‘em in. Today, Reuters rolled out a serious eye-grabber: In New York, defiant Ahmadinejad says Israel will be ‘eliminated’ Just sounds like par for the course when it comes to Iran’s dangerous doom-dealer, right? Well, there is a bit of a problem. You see, the headline doesn’t quite match the actual quote in the story.
“Ahmadinejad’s quote in paragraph eleven of the story comes across a bit differently: ‘We don’t even count them as any part of any equation for Iran. During a historical phase, they (the Israelis) represent minimal disturbances that come into the picture and are then eliminated.’ Put into the context of… the threats being made against it. It sounds like Ahmadinejad is saying he disregards the threats being made [which he does at Iran’s risk, as I point out below].
“Reuters takes this fast and loose word game even further by following up the quote in question with this little remark: ‘In 2005, Ahmadinejad called Israel a ‘tumor’ and echoed the words of the former Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, by saying that Israel should be wiped off the map.’
“Apparently, the folks at Reuters haven’t been reading newspapers. Why? Because he never actually said it. This misquote, which entered the public’s consciousness in 2005 and been repeated ad infinitum by politicians and war advocates, has been thoroughly debunked by Professor Juan Cole and a real, live Farsi speaker at the Mossadegh Project.
“Even more damning, Dan Meridor, Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intelligence said that Mr. Ahmadinejad and Iran’s ruling cleric, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had said repeatedly ‘that Israel is an unnatural creature, it will not survive. They didn’t say, ‘We’ll wipe it out,’ you’re right, but, ‘It will not survive.’”
Ahmadinajad’s other statements seem to indicate a sense of bravado about Iran’s ability to ward of the coming strike that is utterly foolish: ‘In the story, there are a number of other quotes responding to questions about the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran, to which Ahmadinejad offers a number of dismissive responses and some blustery posturing about Iran’s centuries-long history and fearlessness in the face of these threats:
“‘Fundamentally we do not take seriously the threats of the Zionists,’ Ahmadinejad, in New York for this week’s U.N. General Assembly, told reporters. ‘We have all the defensive means at our disposal and we are ready to defend ourselves.’ and ‘We do believe that they have found themselves at a dead end and they are seeking new adventures in order to escape this dead end. Iran will not be damaged with foreign bombs,’
I can assure the uncareful Iranian President that Israel’s threats are real and that the Western powers do intend to take him and his whole country’s infrastructure down as well. Whatever his defensive preparations, they are not enough. I’m not in favor of this provoked war, but it certainly seems to me that Iran’s president is looking for a fight, and is going to get it. But like the drone war in Pakistan, the end result of the war will be more hatred toward the US and Israel—all of which is intended by the globalists.
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[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!
Most of Israel’s military leaders are against war on Iran — Netanyahu and Barak are the power-over warmongers
Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to “wipe Israel off the map”
Israel’s Deputy PM admits Iran DIDN’T threaten to wipe Israel out
[Haaretz poll] 60% of Israelis are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is pushing to bomb Iran
Israeli Military Chief: Iran Won’t Develop Nuclear Weapons — Warns Against ‘Hysteria’
Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!

[video] Senator Rand Paul Filibuster Succeeds, 09/21/12 — Rand stands up to the warmongers!

Pretty AMAZING!!

– –
“Yesterday, Senate neocons from both parties pushed a resolution
that may lead to war with Iran. 
“One Senator stood up to them, all alone. 

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[youtube=]Sen. Rand Paul Filibuster Succeeds – 09/21/12

Published on Sep 21, 2012 by 

[Video] 60 Minutes: Meir Dagan, former Israeli CHIEF of MOSSAD tells Lesley Stahl that an AIRSTRIKE anytime soon AGAINST IRAN is premature and COULD LEAD TO *DISASTER*!
Most of Israel’s military leaders are against war on Iran — Netanyahu and Barak are the power-over warmongers
[Haaretz poll] 60% of Israelis are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is pushing to bomb Iran
Israeli Military Chief: Iran Won’t Develop Nuclear Weapons — Warns Against ‘Hysteria’
Sean Stone (Oliver Stone’s son): Should the United States Bomb Iran? Sean Stone returns from Iran — ATTACKING IRAN COULD MAKE THINGS WORSE for ISRAEL!

[14-minute video] The Road to World War 3 — The history of THE DOLLAR, its relation to oil, and the REAL MOTIVES behind the WARS of the past two decades

Important video showing the US dollar’s role in our reverse-Christian wars, launched in the name of freedom. It’s my opinion that we’re not only taking out the countries that refuse to trade in dollars, but these countries also sovereignly resist the one-world government, which our military is actually helping to create.
Edward Griffin says:
“The US military has been funded by fiat money & stolen gold.
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[youtube=]The Road to World War 3

Published on Sep 11, 2012 by 

We are on a road that leads straight to the World War 3, but in order to see that and to fully understand what is at stake you have to look at the big picture and connect the dots. This video examines the history of the dollar, its relation to oil, and the real motives behind the wars of the past two decades.

[Video & Transript] From Guantánamo to NDAA: Obama Admin Bids to Preserve Indefinite Detention at Home and Abroad — "America, what has happened to you?"

From: DemocracyNow!

Earlier this month, a Yemeni man named Adnan Latif became the ninth foreign prisoner to die at Guantánamo since the military prison opened in 2002. Latif spent nearly 4,000 days at Guantánamo, despite being cleared for release on three separate occasions. In one ruling, a U.S. district court judge called the accusations against Latif, quote, “unconvincing” and said his detention was “not lawful.” Nevertheless, the Department of Justice appealed the district court’s decision and won. In a letter released in 2009, Latif wrote, quote, “I have seen death so many times. Everything is over. Life is going to hell in my situation. America, what has happened to you?”

Entire Article and Video Here

[video] "They" Hate Us Because We Bomb Them | Weapons of Mass Destraction

“[These protests] can only be understood by taking into account the historic role of imperialism, which has left a deep reservoir of anger toward the United States….”

– Michael Prysner

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[youtube=]“They” Hate Us Because We Bomb Them | Weapons of Mass Destraction

Published on Sep 19, 2012 by 

Abby dissects the narrative about anti-American Gulf protests in the establishment.
LIKE Breaking The Set @
FOLLOW Abby Martin @

Abby dissects the ongoing narrative of sweeping generalizations resounding in the establishment following a wave of protests that have spread across the Muslim world and explores why ‘they’ really hate the West.

[video] New Photos Released of Iraq Atrocities: On the Dark Side in Al Doura – A Soldier in the Shadows | Dick Cheney: this nation's efforts "must go to the dark side" – including ignoring the Geneva Conventions

Very heavy; very important to see what we are really doing in these reverse-Christian wars.
– –

U.S. Army Ranger John Needham, who was awarded two purple hearts and three medals for heroism, wrote to military authorities in 2007 reporting war crimes that he witnessed being committed by his own command and fellow soldiers in Al Doura, Iraq. His charges were supported by atrocity photos which, in the public interest, are now released in this video. John paid a terrible price for his opposition to these acts. His story is tragic.

This video is placed with the context of Vice President, Dick Cheney, insistence that this nation’s efforts “must go to the dark side;” which included ignoring the Geneva Conventions.

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WARNING: Graphic and disturbing photos between 38:47 and 40:00.[youtube=!]On the Dark Side in Al Doura – A Soldier in the Shadows

Uploaded by  on Dec 17, 2011

WARNING: Graphic and disturbing photos between 38:47 and 40:00.

U.S. Army Ranger John Needham, who was awarded two purple hearts and three medals for heroism, wrote to military authorities in 2007 reporting war crimes that he witnessed being committed by his own command and fellow soldiers in Al Doura, Iraq. His charges were supported by atrocity photos which, in the public interest, are now released in this video. John paid a terrible price for his opposition to these acts. His story is tragic.

CBS reported obtaining an Army document from the Criminal Investigation Command suggestive of an investigation into these war crimes allegations. The Army’s conclusion was that the “offense of War Crimes did not occur.” However, CBS also stated that the report was “redacted and incomplete; 111 pages were withheld.”

This video is placed with the context of Vice President, Dick Cheney, insistence that this nation’s efforts “must go to the dark side;” which included ignoring the Geneva Conventions.

John’s story is told, here, by his father, Michael Needham. It is produced in the spirit of the public interest and towards promoting justice foundational to the rule of law.


Thanks to Cindy Piester for the excellent video and all of this information.

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New Photos Released of Iraq Atrocities, With Documents and Video

Every American should read this letter:

December 18, 2007
To:   Mr. Randy Waddle, Assistant Inspector General, Ft Carson, Colorado
CC:  LTC John Shawkins, Inspector General, Ft Carson, Colorado
Major General Mark Graham, Commanding Officer, Ft Carson, Colorado
Major Haytham Faraj, USMC, Camp Pendleton, California
Lt General Stanley Greene, US Army Inspector General
Subject: Formal Notification of War Atrocities and Crimes Committed by Personnel, B Company, 2-12, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division in Iraq

Dear Mr. Waddle,

My name is John Needham.  I am a member of Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry division, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, (BCo,2-12INF,2BCT,2ID .  I deployed with my unit to Iraq from October 2006 until October 2007 when I was medically evacuated for physical and mental injuries that I suffered during my deployment.  The purpose of my letter is to report what I believe to be war crimes and violation of the laws of armed conflict that I personally witnesses while deployed in Iraq.

Upon arriving in Iraq in October of 2006 my unit was assigned to the ¼ Cavalry unit at Camp Prosperity.  In March of 2007 I was sent back to my unit, B Company 2-12 at Camp Falcon.  It was at Camp Falcon that I observed and was forced to participate in ugly and inhumane acts against the Iraqi citizens in our area of responsibilities.  Below I list some of the incidents that took place.

In March of 2007, I witnessed SSG Platt shoot and wound an Iraqi national without cause of provocation.  The Staff Sergeant said that he suspected the Iraqi be a “trigger” man.  We had not been attacked and we found no evidence on the man to support the suspicion.  As the Iraqi lay bleeding on the ground, PVT Smith requested to administer first aid to the Iraqi.  SSgt Platt said no and “let him bleed out.”  When SSG Platt walked away, Pvt Smith and PVT Mullins went to the Iraqi, dragged him to an alley, and applied first aid.  They then drove him to the cache for further treatment.

In June of 2007 1SG Spry caused an Iraqi male to be stopped, questioned, detained, and killed.  We had no evidence that the Iraqi was an insurgent or terrorist.  In any event when we stopped he did not pose a threat.  Although I did not personally witness the killing, I did observe 1sg Spry dismembering the body and parading of it while it was tied to the hood of a Humvee around the Muhalla neighborhood while the interpreter blared out warnings in Arabic over the loud speaker.  I have a photo that shows 1SG Spry removing the victim’s brains.

On another occasion an Iraqi male was stopped by a team led by Sgt Rogers as he walked down an alleyway.  The Iraqi was detained and questioned then with his hands tied behind his back, SGT Rogers skinned his face.

1ST Spry shot a young Iraqi teenager who was about 16 years old.  The shooting was unprovoked and the Iraqi posed no threat to the unit.  He was merely riding his bicycle past an ambush site.  When I arrived on the scene I observed 1SGT Spry along with SSG Platt dismember the boy’s body.

In August of 2007, I responded to radio call from SGT Rogers reporting that he had just shot an Iraqi who was trying to enter through a hole that the platoon had blown in a wall to allow them observation of the area during a security patrol.  When I arrived, I saw a one armed man who was still alive lying on a barricade.  The man was about 30 years old.   He had an old Ruger pistol hanging from his thumb.  It was obvious to me that the pistol was placed there because of the way it hung from his thumb.  The Iraqi was still alive when I arrived.  I saw SGT Rogers shoot him twice in the back with hollow point bullets.  The Iraqi was still moving.  I was asking why they shot him again when I heard Sgt Hoskins say “he’s moving, he’s still alive.”  SPEC Hoskins then moved to the Iraqi and shot him in the back of the head.  SSG Platt and SGT Rogers were visibly excited about the kill.  I saw them pull the Iraqi’s brains out as they placed him in the body bag.  CPT Kirsey must have learned something about this incident because he was very upset and admonished the NCOs involved.

I have seen and heard 1SGT Spry brag about killing dogs.  He kept a running count.  At last count I remember he was boasting of having killed 80 dogs.

On many occasions I observed SGT Temples, SSG Platt and SGT Rogers beat and abuse Iraqi teenagers, some as young as 14, without cause.  They would walk into a house near areas where they suspected we had received sniper fire, then detain and beat the kids.

I have photos that support my allegations.  I also have numerous other photos on a laptop PC that the unit illegally seized from me.  I have requested its return but they have refused.

My experiences have taken a terrible toll on me.  I suffer from PTSD and depression.  I had no way to stop the ugly actions of my unit.  When I refused to participate they began to abuse and harass me.  I am still in treatment at the Balboa Naval hospital.  I respectfully request that you investigate these matters, that you protect my safety by reassigning me to a different unit that is not located at Fort Carson, that you return my PC or, at least, seize it to protect the evidence on it, and that you issue a military protective order to prohibit the offending members of my unit from harassing, retaliating, or contacting me.

I have some photographs and some supporting documentation to these allegations.

PFC John Needham
US Army

Two Comments from the above post [spelling and punctuation cleaned up in first comment]:

  1. Allen says:

    As bad as what happened we are overlooking the major problem: These Wars were illegal in the first instance! …
    Time we all reflect on this one life lost; however, what about the Millions of Iraqis Slaughtered in some cases just for macabre Fun!
    Now 100.000 Libyans Slaughtered — not to mention all the Young Kids that were in Military that were just carpet Bombed, also based upon Propaganda and Lies?
    We as parents should not send our sons in harms way unless we as a country are threatened, and no one has or is threatening USA.
    USA you will reap what you sow!

  2. You are `shocked´? THIS American & British brutality was de rigeuer in Germanny after the war; during the Normandy invasion Americans, unlike the Germans, took NO prisoners but murdered all of them on the spot. Ditto in the Pacific theatre. Colonel Lindbergh was outraged at the brutality of the Americans, mostly directed and even ordered to commit such crimes by their superior officers. Americans under the direct orders of Eisenhower dumped severely wounded German prisoners in open fields with no protection, no medical attention and no food leaving them there to die. The DANES (!) did the same with over 10.000 German CHILDREN etc., etc. The massive guilt of the Anglo-American world as it regards misstreatment of German POW´s defies description.- Conversely, three American Generals seeked out SS General Berger in 1962 to award him an official certificate of appreciation for the fair treatment Anglo-American prisoners had received at the hands of the German guards under his command! Gerry Frederics

Iraq veteran, Jon Michael Turner throws his medals and stars!!! and tells his story with photos and video — “I AM SORRY for the hate and destruction that I have inflicted on innocent people, and I’m sorry for the hate and destruction that others have inflicted…. Everyone sitting up here has these stories, and there’s been a million trips….”
Winter Soldier: US Vets, Active-Duty Soldiers from Iraq & Afghanistan Testify About the Horrors of War

Winter Soldier on the Hill: War Vets Testify Before Congress About the Horrors of War — Dehumanization = “What makes the green grass grow? Blood, blood, blood” | Policy = looking good over doing right

NY Times Scrubs Mention Of CIA Arming Syrian Rebels — Establishment media careful to hide direct aid to terrorist-aligned FSA

NY Times Scrubs Mention Of CIA Arming Syrian Rebels

Establishment media careful to hide direct aid to terrorist-aligned FSA
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
In an article about France urging Syrian rebels to form a provisional government, the New York Times scrubbed a passage which revealed that the CIA was helping funnel arms to rebel groups that have aligned themselves with Al-Qaeda terrorists.
Version three of the story, posted at 19:45:05 UTC yesterday and entitled France Says It Would Recognize Provisional Syrian Government, included the line, ” American intelligence agents have helped funnel arms to rebel groups.”
However, fifteen minutes later the revelation that the CIA was arming the rebels was removed and replaced with the words, “American intelligence agents have helped to identify the rebel groups that receive arms.”
Copies of the two different versions of the article can be viewed here.
This change of wording, albeit subtle, serves to absolve the CIA of directly arming rebels, who are admittedly being led by Al-Qaeda terrorists as the London Guardian reported last month.
Earlier this month, President Barack Obama signed a secret order authorizing the CIA to aid Syrian rebels in attempting to overthrow Bashar Al-Assad. However, the order stopped short of allowing the CIA to provide lethal weapons.
Despite public claims on behalf of the White House that no weapons are being sent to the rebels, reports that the CIA has been doing precisely that have been circulating for months, including a recent story about CIA spies smuggling 14 stinger missiles into Syria so rebels could defend themselves with ground to air technology.
The New York Times admitted in a June 21 report that the CIA was “steering” arms to Syrian rebels from the Turkish border, but claimed the weapons were paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The New York Times’ decision to alter the wording of the article is another example of how NATO-aligned media outlets are concerned about overemphasizing western support for the rebels given their involvement in terrorist attacks and other acts of brutality.
Last week, the BBC removed a video clip which documented how FSA rebels were committing war crimes by using prisoners as unwitting suicide bombers.
In a related development, hackers infiltrated Amnesty International’s website last night and used the NGO’s blog platform to post stories about the plight of protesters in Bahrain, Kurds in Turkey, as well as an article entitled Amnesty Calls on UN to stop the US, Qatar and Turkey funding and arming Syria Rebels.
The Associated Press dismissed the article as a “fake blog post” and refused to divulge its content. Yet the story, a cached copy of which can be read here, cited confirmed reports that Syrian rebels are engaging in war crimes, as well as FSA fighters being responsible for the Houla massacre, which was initially blamed on Assad’s forces.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

[5-minute video] Ben Swann Reality Check: The U.S. Government Created Al Qaeda — "It's not a conspiracy. It's history, and it's history that's being repeated…. Why are we giving al Qaeda fighters money and weapons to overthrow yet another government in the middle east?"

Once again, Ben Swann of Cincinnati’s local Fox station goes where the MSM would neither dare nor understand. In this ‘Reality Check’ segment he takes a look at how the US government created Al Qaeda. Indeed, in today’s Middle East turmoil it’s fighting Al Qaeda in some countries while supporting them in others. Take note of Hillary’s confirmation and explanation of how that all started. (4:43) […]

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“Fact #1: There is no question that al Qaeda fighters are part of the opposition forces attempting to overthrow Syria’s government. …

Fact #2: The creation of al Qaeda wasn’t Islamic fundamentalism. It was the CIA. The Mujahideen was created by the CIA to cause problems for the Soviets.

[After Hillary’s statement] Ah, It’s not a conspiracy. It’s history, and it’s history that’s being repeated….

This is not propaganda, rather, it is a question that every American should be demanding answers on…. Why are we giving al Qaeda fighters money and weapons to overthrow yet another government in the middle east?”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]Reality Check: The U.S. Government Created Al Qaeda?

Published on Aug 8, 2012 by BenSwannRealityCheck

Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look at how the United States government created Al Qaeda and yet in some countries is still fighting them while in others is supporting them.

Syria: Western journalists who were captured by anti-Assad rebels reveal that none of the rebels were Syrian, with some of them sporting British accents

Headline above by Edward Griffin.
al CIAda in Syria!
_ _

Captured UK Journalist –
‘None Of The Rebels Were Syrian’

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[video] The Huckabee Hypocrisy — Warmonger pretending to be conservative and Christian…

This really bothers me too, but this is exactly why Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News hires people like ‘Pastor’ Mike Huckabee.
This is #42 of my Mike Huckabee posts. The rest are linked below, if you’re still not convinced that in many ways ‘Pastor’ Mike Huckabee is reverse-Christian, and leading many astray.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” – Jesus
Very serious. I would not want to be Mike on judgment day, unless he repents, big-time.
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[youtube=]4409 — The Huckabee Hypocrisy

The 4409 Activist store —

I’m so sick and tired of these __ on cable news like Mike Huckabee who pretend to be conservative and Christian then run around advocating the eradication of certain people and have no problem spending trillions on foreign escapades.

They run amuck boasting how they care about the troops then advocate them being sent to foreign nations to occupy and kill people for the elites. …

All 40+ Mike Huckabee posts at ToBeFree (latest appear first, 10 posts per page)
Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

[3-minute video] Lionel: Americans' Sick Drone Fetish — Used on them – and now US!

Really serious!
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[youtube=]Americans’ Sick Drone Fetish

Published on Jul 18, 2012 by LionelY2K

NY’s PIX 11 News Commentary
Aired: July 18, 2012
Why are folks so crazy about drones and UAV’s? Especially domestically. And they’re so cute.

[Why-they-hate-US video] Webster Tarpley: Syria & Iran, the Colorado Shooting — We are murdering Syrians, falsely blaming it on Assad in order to justify invasion so Syria can't strike us when we/Israel strike Iran. The German people are being told while our presstitutes go along with the deception.

Jesus said: “Those who live by the sword will die by the sword.”
We’re digging our own tomb. War is supposed to be the last resort. Repentance should be the first: getting right with God and people.
– –

[youtube=]The Colorado Shooting, Syria and Iran with Webster Tarpley

Published on Jul 25, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

Joel Skousen’s brilliant analysis! Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections — The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.

Skousen – Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections — The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran … so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.

World Affairs Brief, July 20, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections
Obama’s Statist View of Success
Obama Protects Russian Uranium Deal from Litigation
Another Obama Illegal Executive Order
HSBC Executive Resigns over Money Laundering
Book Review: Gen. Brady’s Vietnam Saga: “Night in the Dog’s Head”
Ron Paul Takes on Bernanke One Last Time
A well coordinated rebel attack on Damascus has been going on all this week. Although the chances of beating Assad’s well-equipped army are slim, it appears that the West (who is directing the tactics for the rebels) is unleashing this attack, combined with a terror attack to spur a lot more people in the Syrian leadership to defect. Just to prove how vulnerable these leaders might be if they stay with Assad, western security services planted a bomb at the meeting place of the country’s top military and civilian leaders—undoubtedly timed to create panic among Assad’s ranks.
According to Reuters, “An explosion inside the Syrian national security headquarters in Damascus targeted ministers from President Bashar Assad’s regime who were meeting with defense officials on Wednesday, killing two of the most senior members of Assad’s inner circle, including his brother-in-law. The Syrian Army said Defense Minister Gen. Dawoud Rajha and his deputy Asef Shawkat were both killed in the explosion. Shawkat, Assad’s brother-in-law, also held the title of Deputy Chief of Staff [and had a ruthless reputation].
“Other ministers and military officials were seriously wounded in the explosion, according to the state-run TV channel… The explosion appeared to be part of a coordinated assault on the fourth day of fighting in the capital that rebel fighters have called the ‘liberation of Damascus’ after months of clashes which activists say have killed more than 17,000 people [highly exaggerated].”
The US is openly trying to make it appear as if the Assad regime is on the verge of collapse, which they are actively working to make true: Reuters said, “The United States said on Wednesday that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was losing control of his country and urged Russia and the international community to get behind a political transition plan to avert sectarian civil war.”
And the Guardian added, “US defense secretary, Leon Panetta, says the situation in Syria is spiraling out of control. He called on the international community to ‘bring maximum pressure on Assad to do what’s right to step down and allow for that peaceful transition.’ Abdelbasset Seida, head of the opposition Syrian National Council, said today was ‘a turning point in Syria’s history,’ and said the Assad regime would ‘fall soon.’”
Given the strength of the Syrian Army, there’s only one way in which the rebels can win: The US has to gain at least a dozen more key defections from top Syrian military leaders, just as they did in Libya. When you can’t beat an army directly, you have to compromise its leaders so the Army ceases to back its political leaders. I think the infiltration of a suicide bomber into Assad’s highest level of security is a major coup and must have shaken the confidence of Assad’s core leaders badly. This is the kind of terror act that is capable of scaring the rest into cutting a deal with the West before they are killed too.
There are two other conflicting stories on timing relative to the attacks on Syria and Iran that are adding fuel to the fire. Jason Ditz reports that “Pro-Syrian-opposition lobbyists say the Obama Administration has warned Syrian rebel factions as well as other pro-war allies that they will not intervene in a serious way against the Assad regime until after the November US election [judging by this week’s actions, the US is hoping they won’t have to intervene in a direct way, even though they are deeply involved in every covert way possible using third parties].”
The Syrian overthrow is a “must accomplish” goal of the US and Israel prior to the coming attack on Iran. The West must overthrow Assad prior to any attack whether it be before the election or after so that Israel doesn’t have to face Syrian missiles as part of the inevitable Iranian retaliation.
In another leaked prediction date, Debka-Net-Weekly says, “It is already decided…. The first week of October is now tagged as decision-time for attacking Iran.” If that timetable is correct, then that would explain why the desperate push to eliminate Assad now. That said, Debka publishes a lot of hype each week and has only about a 50% success rate in predictions. This small Israeli outfit claims to get all of their info from western intel sources, much of which has to be disinformation, judging by how often Debka is led astray. So, we’ll have to wait and see on this prediction.
The only reason the US would not intervene directly in Syria before the election is if they were sure that other black operations on behalf of the rebels would produce the necessary results—which remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, the propaganda machine continues to gear up to ever higher levels against Syria. One not-so-subtle threat that is being communicated to the Syrian leadership is that of being tried as war criminals. That’s why the West went to all that trouble to condemn Mubarak even though he was on his death bed. It sends a message.
This is also the reason why it has been so important to falsify the evidence of massacres against Syria, so that US or Israeli agents can make good on their threats against Syrian leaders about future war crime tribunals. The BBC, perhaps the worst purveyor of the big lie, promoted the myth about the massacre of Houma. Here’s Justin Raimundo’s brief summary on how the West is falsifying these massacres:
“For what seems like months we have been inundated with reports of ‘massacres’ carried out by Syrian government troops against defenseless villagers. The sourcing for these reports is always Syrian ‘activists,’ sometimes named but often not, and the details are always quite horrific: There was the ‘massacre’ at Houla, touted by the BBC in a story that included a photo of a boy jumping over the shrouded bodies of the victims. The report claimed Syrian forces had murdered children and women in a house to house rampage in the village of Houla: it was all very dramatic.
“There was just one problem with the story: it wasn’t true. The photo used by the BBC to illustrate this tall tale was taken in Iraq, not Syria, and it had been pilfered by the Syrian ‘activists’ who palmed it off to the BBC as ‘evidence’ of atrocities committed by the regime.
“Now we have another such attempt: in Tremseh, a village near the city of Hama, the rebels claim, hundreds of civilians were wantonly slaughtered in a full-scale military operation by the Syrian army and air force. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon denounced the Syrian action as ‘an outrageous escalation of violence,’ and went on to ‘condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the indiscriminate use of heavy artillery and shelling of populated areas, including by firing from helicopters.’”
Except the firing wasn’t indiscriminate. As the New York Times reports: “New details emerging Saturday about what local Syrian activists called a massacre of civilians near the central city of Hama indicated that it was more likely an uneven clash between the heavily armed Syrian military and local fighters bearing light weapons.”
Now the BBC is on the forefront of another big lie campaign. Blaring the headline, “Assad regime ‘ready to use chemical weapons,’” the Brits are trying to set up the public for a phony “weapons of mass destruction” justification for intervention. This one is easier than Saddam since there is no question Assad has chemical and biological weapons. In fact, Assad took possession of many truck loads of Saddam’s weapons when the Russians convoyed them out of the country into Syria, just prior to the US invasion.
But the threat of Syria using these weapons on the rebels is pure hype. Having captured Libya’s chemical weapons, the West can easily plant some chemical weapons at will and blame it on Assad– making the case for immediate intervention. offered the following analysis: “After unconfirmed reports [always the mantra of media propaganda] by nameless US officials that Syria was moving chemical weapons out of storage, and now in the midst of a massive media disinformation campaign, several leading ‘activist’ Twitter accounts have been hysterically warning about an ‘imminent’ chemical attack by a ‘desperate regime.’ The US has repeatedly insinuated that any use of chemical weapons would require either it, or Israel to militarily intervene [naturally].
“In reality, it is NATO’s militant front that has the means (chemical weapons brought in from Libya), the motivation (subsequently receiving military intervention on their behalf), and a demonstrated willingness to carry out indiscriminate, mass-casualty terrorist attacks as demonstrated by their months’ long bombing campaign.”
Then, there’s this little “coincidence” which just happens to add urgency to the agenda to attack Iran: “With confusion surrounding events in Syria, there is now news of a bombing in Bulgaria involving buses full of Israeli tourists. Before any investigation has been carried out, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has already placed the blame on Iran [latest report says the suspect had a fake Michigan driver’s license and fake American passport]
“Similar attacks, but on a smaller scale, were carried out in Georgia and Thailand with all signs pointing not to Iran, but Israeli and US trained, armed, funded, and directed MEK terrorists. Not only is the timing of the most recent attack in Bulgaria suspicious – corresponding with a major push to destabilize Syria, but the rush to judgment by Israeli officials seems all to conveniently assisting Western, not Iranian objectives.” Correct. Iran knows the West is just looking for an excuse to attack. They aren’t stupid enough to provide that excuse. This smells like agent-provocateurs.
Assad also knows exactly how the cards are stacked against him. He’s not about to do anything stupid that gives the West an excuse to intervene like using chemical weapons or killing hundreds of unarmed people [the “protestors” the Syrian army did kill were armed]. So if some chemical weapons show up, they will be planted. Of course, the way our lackeys in the media operate, all the US has to do is say they have ‘reliable intel’ about chemical weapons and the media will run with the story as fact.
Once again, let me say that I’m no fan of Bashar al-Assad and his tyrannical regime. I also have contempt for our own government which used the Assad regime to torture subjects sent to Syria under “extraordinary rendition.” But I’m also completely convinced that the entire Arab rebellion in the name of democracy is contrived. Not that there aren’t legitimate longings for freedom in Syria, but that the US never lifted a finger for decades to help till now—when it serves a globalist purpose of taking down Iran and creating hatred against the West among the Muslim world.
As in Egypt and Libya, the so-called democratic opposition will be no better than Assad, or Saddam, or Gaddafi. Syrians will be trading one tyrant for a different form of oligarchical control, masquerading as democracy. It’s a bit more complicated to keep up pretenses of elections and representing the people, but the US has proved how it’s done for decades. This is not going to turn out well for the Syrians no matter what the outcome.
Skousen: Beheading of James Foley as a New Provocation for War — “Remember that the US has a long history of creating horrific stories to justify going to war. Remember the supposed ripping of premature babies out of incubators in Iraq? It didn’t happen. The supposed chemical weapons attack on civilians by Assad in Syria? Also not true”
U.S.-Backed ISIS Beheads American Journalist — U.S. government provided weapons and training to the same jihadists in Syria who later crossed into Iraq!

OBAMA PLANS TO ‘FIGHT ISIS’ BY ARMING ISIS — ISIS the excuse to get done what the PTB have so far failed to accomplish – the overthrow of the Assad government

NSA Doc Reveals ISIS Leader is U.S., BRITISH and ISRAELI Intelligence Asset | Israel’s Hornet Nest Strategy
(video) Leaked Documents: U.S. Framed Syria in Chemical Weapons Attack
(video) U.S. Intelligence: Rebels Used Sarin — And is there a moral imperative to bomb Syria even if there were 400 children killed? How about 500,000 killed by US foreign policy that Albright said was worth it?
[Why-they-hate-US video] Webster Tarpley: Syria & Iran, the Colorado Shooting — We are murdering Syrians, falsely blaming it on Assad in order to justify invasion so Syria can’t strike us when we/Israel strike Iran. The German people are being told while our presstitutes go along with the deception.
Joe Biden (2012 Hypocrisy): If Romney Wins, We’ll Go To War With Syria | CNN (2012): ROMNEY has accused Obama and his administration of being weak in dealing with President Bashar al-Assad, and has called for the United States and allies to ARM SYRIAN REBELS

David Kretzmann: Defending Empire — I am continuously amazed how quickly people attempt to defend politicians, regardless of the hypocrisy and sheer lunacy displayed … Let us not forget those who have been unjustly killed. Let us not forget, lest we neglect the preciousness of human life, lest we become ignorant of liberty.


Defending Empire
By David Kretzmann on October 31st, 2011

I am continuously amazed how quickly people attempt to defend politicians, regardless of the hypocrisy and sheer lunacy displayed by political figures. What have these politicians done to earn your trust? What makes them worth defending? We’re led to believe that without these cherished political behemoths starting new wars, torturing people and ignoring the rule of law, chaos would erupt in the streets.

People within an empire are blind to the empire itself. U.S. citizens have been trained to trust and protect their leaders, even when these leaders are escalating the slaughter of innocent human beings abroad. Is the U.S. different from previous tyrannical empires? Some claim the U.S. is defending freedom and democracy by preemptively invading tens of countries around the world. How many wars must be fought before we acknowledge the miserable strategical failure of killing other human beings in far off lands in supposed efforts to promote peace?

I am not a stubborn pacifist. But I am not a blind follower either, which is what the majority of people in the U.S. appear to be today. People blindly followed and supported George W. Bush. After eight years of horrendous atrocities abroad, torturing human beings, and Bush ignoring his own promises to stop nation building, people decided they wanted a change. Barack Obama promised change, and he even campaigned that he was “Change we can believe in.” Give people a catchy slogan and a decent speech and they’ll believe and defend just about anything.

Three years into Obama’s presidency, you can count on one hand the number of the policies Obama has ended from the Bush era. Obama has started new wars, continued torturing untried human beings, and today his administration defends the very policies he strongly criticized just four years ago. Some say Obama just needs more time. “You can’t change everything in a day, Obama’s doing the best he can!”

How long must Obama continue and expand Bush’s abominable policies before I can legitimately criticize his policies? Three years? Five years? Eight years?

No one in government has done a thing to earn my trust. Conservatives” who preach against government intervention in our domestic economy praise the very same government when it sanctions, invades, and militarily occupies foreign countries. “Liberals” who criticize a Republican president for war crimes and the destruction of the Constitution turn a blind eye when a Democrat does the exact same things, instead giving him a pat on the back while writing a check for his reelection.

Think outside the box. Think like a human being. Would you retaliate against a foreign government that attempted to rig your country’s elections, prevented economic trade, and opened permanent military bases on your own soil? Answer that question honestly, and you will understand why “insurgents” and “terrorists” in numerous countries around the world are retaliating against the U.S. They do not do it for religious purposes, they don’t do it because we’re “free” (which is a laughable accusation in and of itself), they do it because they’ve had enough of their friends, family, and countrymen killed by an intruding foreign army. …

I am not going to support any politician who thinks for a second that the U.S. can do whatever it wants around the world without inciting retaliation against those actions. It is the height of arrogance to think the U.S. can only do good, only be welcomed in these countries, and never do anything evil that might warrant a justified retaliation. Put yourself in the shoes of someone in the Middle East, or you will never understand.

Let us not forget those who have been unjustly killed. Let us not forget, lest we neglect the preciousness of human life. Let us not forget, lest we become ignorant of liberty.

[youtube=]The Truth About War – Who Are The Real Terrorists?

Uploaded by  on Jul 29, 2011

Since being in Iraq and Afghanistan over 1 million civilians have been killed and thousands of soldiers have lost their lives to empire, to the bankers and elite who make a profit from human suffering, they are the real terrorists..This video was dedicated to those who have lost their lives to these criminals….

Entire Article Here

[video] US drugged detainees with Haldol for false Gitmo confessions — Haldol was used in the Soviet Union to break the prisoners' wills

From Wikipedia:

Soviet dissidents, including medical staff, have reported several times on the use of haloperidol [Haldol – editor] in the Soviet Union for punitive purposes or simply to break the prisoners’ wills.[15][16][17]

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[youtube=]‘US drugged for false Gitmo confessions’

Published on Jul 13, 2012 by 

Detainees in secret US prisons were drugged with mind-altering substances – a Pentagon report has revealed prisoners were interrogated while on medication, putting their evidence into question. Investigative journalist Jason Leopold was one of those who requested the release of this information. He says the US was just looking to get confessions, no matter whether they were true or false.

Media Hyping War with Syria — So called 'massacre' videos showing Syrians allegedly killed or injured by Assad’s forces have been staged, while footage of rebels committing acts of savagery have been buried

From: Infowars

Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters”

NATO-backed “pro-democracy” activists commit brutal atrocities

Despite the fact that parties on both sides of the conflict in Syria have been responsible for violence, the international NATO-aligned media has hyped often dubious accusations of Assad-sponsored massacres while virtually ignoring massacres, beheadings and other acts of brutality carried out by rebel insurgents.

Whereas the establishment media, particularly the likes of CNN and the London Guardian, have prostrated themselves as 24-hour rolling propaganda platforms for anonymous “activists” with Twitter accounts, showcasing unverified You Tube clips of alleged atrocities, equally disturbing footage of rebels committing acts of savagery have been buried.

In addition, it has come to light that many of the alleged “massacre” videos and other clips showing Syrians allegedly killed or injured by Assad’s forces that were broadcast globally by the mainstream media have been staged.

Entire Article with Videos Here

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