Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Why they hate US Page 23 of 25

Alex Abella on Rand Corporation: The Shadowy Think Tank That Shaped Our Modern World — “These guys don’t think in terms of ethics”

“These guys don’t think in terms of ethics.” – Alex Abella

“That’s why they don’t like real Christians.” – Alex Jones


“The original title that I had for the book, which was changed by my editor was:
Soldiers in reason: the Rand Corporation and the rise of the New World Order.”

– Alex Abella

[youtube=]Alex Abella on Rand Corporation: The Shadowy Think Tank That Shaped Our Modern World 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | September 28, 2010

Alex talks with Emmy-nominated TV reporter and screenwriter Alex Abella, author author of Soldiers of Reason: The Rand Corporation and the American Empire, a study of the world’s most influential think tank. Abella was the first journalist to have full access to RAND’s files in Santa Monica, California. Abella, who migrated with his family to the United States at age 10 from Cuba, is also the author Shadow Enemies, a non-fiction account of a plot by Adolf Hitler to start a wave of terror and destruction in the United States. He is also the author of several novels, including The Killing of the Saints and The Great American.

Paul Craig Roberts: The Collapse Of Western Morality — “Americans will be the first people sent straight to Hell while thinking that they are the salt of the earth”

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.

From: Rense

The Collapse Of Western Morality
By Paul Craig Roberts

…permit me to acknowledge that the US dropped nuclear bombs on two Japanese cities, fire-bombed Tokyo, that Great Britain and the US fire-bombed Dresden and a number of other German cities, expending more destructive force, according to some historians, against the civilian German population than against the German armies, that President Grant and his Civil War war criminals, Generals Sherman and Sheridan, committed genocide against the Plains Indians, that the US today enables Israel’s genocidal policies against the Palestinians, policies that one Israeli official has compared to 19th century US genocidal policies against the American Indians, that the US in the new 21st century invaded Iraq and Afghanistan on contrived pretenses, murdering countless numbers of civilians, and that British prime minister Tony Blair lent the British army to his American masters, as did other NATO countries, all of whom find themselves committing war crimes under the Nuremberg standard in lands in which they have no national interests, but for which they receive an American pay check.

I don’t mean these few examples to be exhaustive. I know the list goes on and on. Still, despite the long list of horrors, moral degradation is reaching new lows. The US now routinely tortures prisoners, despite its strict illegality under US and international law, and a recent poll shows that the percentage of Americans who approve of torture is rising. Indeed, it is quite high, though still just below a majority.

And we have what appears to be a new thrill: American soldiers using the cover of war to murder civilians. Recently American troops were arrested for murdering Afghan civilians for fun and collecting trophies such as fingers and skulls. …

The US government, a font of imperial hubris [def. – excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance], does not believe that any act it commits, no matter how vile, can possibly be a war crime. One million dead Iraqis, a ruined country, and four million displaced Iraqis are all justified, because the “threatened” US Superpower had to protect itself from nonexistent weapons of mass destruction that the US government knew for a fact were not in Iraq and could not have been a threat to the US if they were in Iraq. …

Some sports teams now have a win-at-all-cost attitude that involves plans to injure the star players of the opposing teams. …

Americans will be the first people sent straight to Hell while thinking that they are the salt of the earth. The Americans have even devised a title for themselves to rival that of the Israelis’ self-designation as “God’s Chosen People.” The Americans call themselves “the indispensable people.”

Entire Article Here

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

– Jesus


More of what’s really going on spiritually is at my internal freedom site: ONEcanhappen

Would you like to know if you’re going to heaven? We must be peacemakers: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

James Morris on Afghanistan War: “Most Americans don’t even have a clue”

[youtube=]Press TV’s Kaneez Fatima talks to James Morris on War in Afghanistan

Presstvupload | September 22, 2010

Press TV’s Kaneez Fatima talks to James Morris on War in Afghanistan

Burn, Witch, Burn!: America Rages Against Islam

From: revoltoftheplebs

Islamophobia is sweeping the nation….

What we don’t understand, we fear.  What we fear, we judge as evil.  What we judge as evil, we attempt to control.  And what we cannot control…we attack.

Entire Article Here

Kucinich criticizes ‘privatization of war’ after Obama’s speech. “We need to dispense with the fiction…”

From: Raw Story

A leading congressional opponent of the Iraq war welcomed the formal end of US combat operations on Tuesday but warned of the increased reliance on private mercenaries.

“The President is rightly celebrating that less American troops are in harm’s way,” Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) said Tuesday night. “I join the President in that celebration.”

“We need to dispense with the fiction, though, that this announcement in any way diminishes our financial or resource commitment to Iraq,” he continued.

Fifty thousand ‘non-combat’ troops will remain, and that number does not include the State Department’s plan to double the amount of mercenaries through next year–whose only loyalty is to the highest bidder–and fortify numerous ‘enduring presence posts’ throughout the country. This fortification will include the recent State Department request for Black Hawk helicopters, mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles, and advanced surveillance systems.

Such a substantial reliance on mercenaries amounts to a privatization of war.”

Read Entire Article Here

Why they hate US: The USA Deadly Legacy in Iraq

From: Uruknet

August 25, 2010

The USA Deadly Legacy in Iraq – Part One


The USA Deadly Legacy in Iraq – Part Two


The number of babies born with severe deformities and children developing leukaemia is rising dramatically in parts of Iraq.

US forces used depleted uranium weapons to attack the city, which locals say has left them with this devastating legacy.

One report even says the number of such illnesses in Falluja is higher than that recorded after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

See some of the deformed and desperately ill children, and meets some of the people battling against the odds to rebuild their lives, and their city.


Read about the work of the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW)

The ICBUW is petitioning for an immediate end to the use of uranium weapons and for medical treatment and compensation for depleted uranium victims. You can read more about its petition:


Iraq Exit is Merely “Rebranding the Occupation!”

[youtube=]‘Iraq Exit: Rebranding the Occupation!’

RussiaToday | August 19, 2010

The last U.S. combat brigade has left Iraq two weeks ahead of their planned withdrawal at the end of the month. But a fifty thousand-strong American military contingent will remain in the country for support and training until the end of 2011. They’ll have the power to use their weapons in self-defense or at the request of the Iraqi government. Over seven years of being in Iraq, more than four thousand U.S. soldiers have died, according to the Pentagon.

Former Pakistani ISI Chief Hamid Gul: “Everywhere it is lies, lies and nothing else.” “The Americans have evil designs on Pakistan.” “She [Benazir Bhutto, Prime Minister] has been killed by the Americans.”

[youtube=]Former Pakistani ISI Chief Hamid Gul: “God Help America!!” – The Alex Jones Show 1/4

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 16, 2010

In a landmark interview, Alex talks with former director of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, Hamid Gul. Mr. Gul recently characterized the “leaked” Wikileaks documents implicating him in a string of attacks against US and NATO forces in Afghanistan as “malicious, fictitious, and preposterous.”

The Kinsey Syndrome: Ph.D. pedophiles designed the sex education programs in America. Does an addiction to porn create a kind of shadow person, someone who ends up leading a double life?

Transcriptions by Jeff Fenske

“It’s said that the greatest myth about pornography is that nobody gets hurt.

…does an addiction to porn create a kind of shadow person, someone who ends up leading a double life…?”


This documentary shows how “The Kinsey Reports” have been used to change the laws concerning sex crimes in America, resulting in the minimal sentences so often given to rapists and pedophiles. Further explained is that the Kinsey data laid the foundation for sex education — training teachers, psychologists and even Catholic priests in human sexuality. What has been the consequence? And what was Kinsey’s research really based upon?

Working secretly in his attic, Dr. Kinsey was one of America’s original pornographers. His influence inspired Hugh Hefner to launch Playboy Magazine – the “soft” approach to porn – which in time would escalate the widespread use of pornography through magazines, cable TV and the Internet. In 2006 the California Child Molestation & Sexual Abuse Attorneys reported that: “The number of victims of childhood sexual abuse and molestation grows each year. This horrific crime is directly tied to the growth of pornography on the Internet.”

Perhaps most disturbing, Alfred Kinsey has been accused of training pedophiles to work with stopwatches and record the responses of children being raped – all in the name of “science.” Among his workers was a Nazi pedophile whose relationship to Kinsey was exposed in a German court. The information from these crimes was then recorded in “Table 34” of Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. How can lawmakers use such a document to define the moral parameters of our society?

Why has the truth about Kinsey been suppressed for so long? And what can Americans do to make a difference?

[youtube=]The Kinsey Syndrome 1/17

RefuseResistProd | February 25, 2010

The Kinsey Syndrome unfolds the work and influence of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, considered to be “the father of the sexual revolution.” But did Kinsey liberate America from its prudish view of sex? Or help to unleash the horrors of our present society?

American History Films Presents, A Jude 3 Production
Written & Directed by: Christian J. Pinto
Associate Producers: Clark Aliano, Steve Aguilar
Executive Producers: Joseph M. Schimmel, Christian J. Pinto
Package Design: Robbie Destocki, Creative Image Design Group
Running Time: Approx 3 hours
(c) 2008. All rights reserved.
Consumer Release Date: December 2008





“The experts were the rapists.”

“This is the torture of children!”

– Judith Reisman, author:
Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences




The children of table 34

Many of the children abused by Kinsey’s pedophiles
probably had no idea that they were a part of
a government sponsored study

• • • •

“Children aren’t sexual from birth.”

– victim


Nazi/Kinsey tie


Aleister Crowley/Kinsey tie

“Do what thou wilt….”




J. Gator Henry, former Penthouse producer:

“What delivered me, what took me out of that was plain and simple:
nothing but the power of Jesus Christ and the power of His Spirit
through the fear of God.”


That fear might be summed up in the Gospel of Luke.
When speaking about children,

Jesus said:

‘It were better for a man that a millstone
were hanged about his neck,
and he cast into the sea,
than that he should offend one of these little ones

• • • •

A sexual predator in the act,
focusing lust spirits, “celestial warmth” on his boy victim,
a form of James-3 cursing, says:

“I as a human being am bathing him
in a certain kind of celestial warmth.”



“There is a whole issue of denial. …
Pastors need to address it from the pulpit.”

I’m grieved at the lack of moral outrage
that there is lacking today in our culture,
and particularly in the church
in the whole area of sexual perversion.
I believe it is the Mount Whitney.

I think addiction, and particular, sexual addiction is
the Mount Whitney of sin in the church today

If I could use a more effective metaphor,
I really think it’s like an iceberg.
We just barely see the tip of it,
but underneath the surface
there is such deep denial

– Jeff Reinke,
pastor of North Coast Calvary Chapel


“Many of the Ph.D.s who teach in our universities
have not only been associated with The Journal of Paedophilia,
but have also served as the board members for pornographic magazines
like Penthouse Forum.

These are the people who have designed
the programs for sex education in America

“When you consider that the Ph.Ds. who have designed these programs
openly support the pedophile philosophy
we can only wonder:
is sex education really intended to protect America’s children
or to condition them

The Kinsey institute continues to lead the way in sex education,
and continues to be funded by the American taxpayer.”



All of my Lust Freedom! posts at ToBeFree

All of my Lust Freedom! posts at ONEcanhappen

The solution is the fear of the Lord. Willfully lusting is a salvation issue — no ifs, ands or buts:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God

Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved

Hillary Clinton ADMITS That the US and Pakistan Created the Mujahaddin (aka Al CIA DUH)


I happened to be flipping through the channels last night, when I stumbled onto this interview. I chose to watch, as I was curious as to what the justification for the recent decision to give Pakistan billions of dollars, was going to be.

Needless to say, my jaw dropped when Hillary admitted with a straight face, that the US and Pakistan created the supposed enemies we now face. This is obviously something that most of us knew, but to watch them admit it, and use it as a reason to stay there and or expand, is beyond insanity. The hits just keep on comin’


WikiLeaks Reveals the Enemy … and It’s Us

I posted this mainly because I liked the title, but the article is here.

Ron Paul: We Must Break the Vicious Circle of Violence!

[youtube=]Ron Paul: We Must Break the Vicious Circle of Violence!

RonPaul2008dotcom | August 08, 2010

08/09/2010 –

by Ron Paul

Last week the National Bureau of Economic Research published a report on the effect of civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq that confirmed what critics of our foreign policy had been saying for years. The killing of civilians, although unintentional, angers other civilians and prompts them to seek revenge. This should be self-evident. The Central Intelligence Agency has long acknowledged and analyzed the concept blowback in our foreign policy.

It still amazes me that so many think that attacks against our soldiers occupying hostile foreign lands are motivated by hatred toward our system of government at home, or by the religion of the attackers. In fact, most of the anger toward us is rooted in reactions towards seeing their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and other loved ones, being killed by a foreign army. No matter our intention, the violence of our militarism in foreign lands causes those residents to seek revenge if innocents are killed. One does not have to be a Muslim to react this way – just human.

Our battle in Afghanistan resembles the battle against the many-headed Hydra monster in Greek mythology. According to former General Stanley McChrystal’s so-called insurgent math, for every insurgent killed, ten more insurgents are created by the collateral damage to civilians. Every coalition attack leads to six retaliatory attacks against our troops within the following six weeks, according to the NBER report. These retaliatory attacks must then be acted on by our troops, leading to still more attacks, and so it goes. Violence begets more violence. Eventually more and more Afghanis will view American troops with hostility and seek revenge for the deaths of a loved one. Meanwhile we are bleeding ourselves dry militarily and economically.

Some say if we leave, the Taliban will be strengthened. However, those who make that claim ignore the numerous ways our interventionist foreign policy has strengthened groups like the Taliban over the years. I have already pointed out how we serve as excellent recruiters for them by killing civilians. Last week I pointed out how our foreign aid to Pakistan specifically makes it into the Taliban’s coffers. And of course we provided the Taliban with aid and resources in the 1980s when they were our strategic allies against the Soviet Union.

For example, our CIA supplied them with stinger missiles to use against the Soviets, which are strikingly similar to the ones now allegedly used against us on the same battlefield according to the Wikileaks documents. As usual, our friends have a funny way of turning against us. Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein are also prime examples. Yet Congress never seems to acknowledge the blowback that results from our interventionism of the past.

Our war against the Taliban is going about as well as our War on Drugs or our War on Poverty, or any of our government’s wars. They all tend to create more of the thing they purport to eradicate, thereby dodging any excuse to draw down and come to an end. It is hard to image even winning anything this way. We have done enough damage in Afghanistan, both to the Afghan people and to ourselves. It’s time to reevaluate the situation. It’s time to come home.

Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

For more information visit the following sites:

Ron Paul: Why Do They Want To Kill Us? Because We Occupy Their Land!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

The Taliban, we have to remember, had nothing to do with 9/11.”

Too often our government is involved in secret wars.”

“I think we’re going to be less secure because of this activity,
and we will finally, someday,
have to meet up to the question of
why do they want to come here to kill us?
Do they want to do it because of their religion?
Do they want to do it because we are rich and because we are free?
No, they want to come here because we occupy their territory.”

– Ron Paul

[youtube=]Ron Paul: Why Do They Want To Kill Us? Because We Occupy Their Land!

July 27, 2010 C-SPAN

The Amazing Ron Paul: Bribe Money — “Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians…. This is not what America is supposed to be about.”

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

– Jesus

[youtube=]Ron Paul: Congress Could End Obama’s Wars

RonPaul2008dotcom | August 01, 2010

08/02/2010 –

by Ron Paul

Our foreign policy was in the spotlight last week, which is exactly where it should be. Almost two years ago, many voters elected someone they thought would lead us to a more peaceful, rational coexistence with other countries. However, while attention has been focused on the administration’s disastrous economic policies, its equally disastrous foreign policies have exacerbated our problems overseas.

Especially in times of economic crises we cannot afford to ignore costly foreign policy mistakes. That’s why it’s important that U.S. foreign policy receive some much-needed attention in the media, as it did last week with the leaked documents scandal. Many are saying that the Wikileaks documents tell us nothing new. In some ways that is true. Most Americans knew that we have been fighting losing battles; these documents show just how bad it really is. The revelation that Pakistani intelligence is assisting the people we are bombing in Afghanistan shows the quality of friends we are making with our foreign policy.

This kind of thing supports points that Rep. Dennis Kucinich and I tried to make on the House floor last week with a privileged resolution that would have directed the administration to remove troops from Pakistan pursuant to the War Powers Resolution. We are not at war with Pakistan. Congress has made no declaration of war. Actually, we made no declaration of war on Afghanistan or Iraq either, but that is another matter. Yet we have troops in Pakistan engaging in hostile activities, conducting drone attacks and killing people. We sometimes manage to kill someone who has been identified as an enemy, yet we also kill about ten civilians for every one of those. Pakistani civilians are angered by this, yet their leadership is mollified by our billions in bribe money. We just passed an appropriations bill that will send another $7.5 billion to Pakistan. One wonders how much of this money will end up helping the Taliban.

This whole operation is clearly counterproductive, inappropriate, immoral, and every American who values the rule of law should be outraged. Yet these activities are being done so quietly that most Americans as well as most members of the House don’t even know about them.

We should follow constitutional protocol when going to war. It’s there for a reason. If we are legitimately attacked it is the job of the Congress to declare war. We then fight the war, win it and come home. War should be efficient, decisive and rare. However, when Congress shirks its duty and just gives the administration whatever it wants with no real oversight or meaningful debate, wars are never-ending, wasteful and political.

Our so-called wars have been become a perpetual drain on our economy and liberty. The founders knew that heads of state are far too eager to engage in those very conflicts. That is why they entrusted the power to go to war with the deliberative body closest to the people: the Congress. Decisions to go to war need to be supported by the people. Wars should not be covert or casual. We absolutely should not be paying off leaders of a country while killing their civilians, without expecting to create a lot of new problems. This is not what America is supposed to be about.

Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

For more information visit the following sites:

Monsanto: The world’s poster child for corporate manipulation and deceit

From: Natural News

(NaturalNews) At a biotech industry conference in January 1999, a representative from Arthur Anderson, LLP explained how they had helped Monsanto design their strategic plan. First, his team asked Monsanto executives what their ideal future looked like in 15 to 20 years. The executives described a world with 100 percent of all commercial seeds genetically modified and patented. Anderson consultants then worked backwards from that goal, and developed the strategy and tactics to achieve it. They presented Monsanto with the steps and procedures needed to obtain a place of industry dominance in a world in which natural seeds were virtually extinct.

This was a bold new direction for Monsanto, which needed a big change to distance them from a controversial past. As a chemical company, they had polluted the landscape with some of the most poisonous substances ever produced, contaminated virtually every human and animal on earth, and got fined and convicted of deception and wrongdoing. According to a former Monsanto vice president, “We were despised by our customers.”

So they redefined themselves as a “life sciences” company, and then proceeded to pollute the landscape with toxic herbicide, contaminate the gene pool for all future generations with genetically modified plants, and get fined and convicted of deception and wrongdoing. Monsanto’s chief European spokesman admitted in 1999, “Everybody over here hates us.” Now the rest of the world is catching on.

Entire Article Here


Monsanto: The evil corporation in your refrigerator

Why they hate US: How would you like one of these flying over your head?

Click HERE
for photo of our remote controlled,
hunter-killer MQ-9 Reaper

From: Wikipedia

The General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper (originally the Predator B) is an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) developed by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) for use by the United States Air Force, the United States Navy, the Royal Air Force, and the Italian Air Force. The MQ-9 is the first hunter-killer UAV designed for long-endurance, high-altitude surveillance.[3] …

Operators, stationed at bases such as Creech Air Force Base, near Las Vegas, can hunt for targets and observe terrain using a number of sensors, including a thermal camera. One estimate has the on-board camera able to read a license plate from two miles (3 km) away.[11] …

The MQ-9 carries a variety of weapons including the GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bomb, the AGM-114 Hellfire II air-to-ground missiles, the AIM-9 Sidewinder.[12] and recently, the GBU-38 JDAM (Joint Direct Attack Munition). Tests are underway to allow for the addition of the AIM-92 Stinger air-to-air missile. Air Force believes that the Predator B will give the service an improved deadly persistence” capability, with the RPV flying over a combat area night and day waiting for a target to present itself.


We killed almost 700 Pakistan civilians in 44 REMOTE-CONTROL drone strikes in 2009. How would we like it if a country did this to US?

Armchair Pilots ‘Zap & Maim’ By Remote Control — Roger Waters: “The Bravery of Being Out of Range”

Scott Ridder: Our Murderers in the Sky

All of my Why They Hate US posts (It’s not “because we’re free”)

US — Hands Stained With the Killing of Innocent Muslims: “What Was My Father’s Crime?” Afghan Tells Story of His Father’s Killing in a U.S. Night Raid

[youtube=]“What Was My Father’s Crime?” Afghan Tells Story of His Father’s Killing in a U.S. Night Raid

rethinkafghanistan | July 21, 2010

“What was my father’s crime? And what was the danger from him? He was 92 years old.”

On March 21, 2010, a joint U.S. and Afghan force, likely including U.S. special forces, killed a 92-year-old civilian, Abdul Ghani Khan, in Wardak Province, Afghanistan. In this exclusive interview obtained by Brave New Foundation’s Rethink Afghanistan campaign, the slain man’s son, Zaitullah Ghiasi Wardak, relates the family’s account of the night his father died.

Khan’s death is the latest in a string of civilian killings by U.S. special forces in night raids. Earlier this year, special forces killed 3 women–two of them pregnant–along with two local Afghan government officials and then tried to cover it up. The U.S. military strategy in Afghanistan is expected to rely even more heavily on special forces in the future.

These incidents are moral outrages, and don’t make Americans any safer. If you’re fed up with this brutal, costly war, join us at .

Uncle Sam: Iran, You’re Next!

Afghanistan war logs: How US marines sanitised record of bloodbath

From: guardian

Brevity is the hallmark of military reporting, but even by those standards the description of one disastrous event is remarkably short: “The patrol returned to base.”

It started with a suicide bomb. On 4 March 2007 a convoy of US marines, who arrived in Afghanistan three weeks earlier, were hit by an explosives-rigged minivan outside the city of Jalalabad.

The marines made a frenzied escape, opening fire with automatic weapons as they tore down a six-mile stretch of highway, hitting almost anyone in their way – teenage girls in fields, motorists in their cars, old men as they walked along the road. Nineteen unarmed civilians were killed and 50 wounded.

None of this, however, was captured in the initial military account, written by the marines themselves. It simply says that, simultaneous to the suicide explosion, “the patrol received small arms fire from three directions”.

And the subsequent rampage as they drove away – which would later be the subject of a 17-day military inquiry and a 12,000-page report – is captured in five words: “The patrol returned to JAF [Jalalabad air field].”

Entire Article Here

WikiLeaks Releases 90,000+ Secret Military Documents Painting Devastating Picture of Afghanistan War — “What it shows is that this is a war that not only cannot be won, but in which the United States is on the wrong side”

From: DemocracyNow!

The New Pentagon Papers: WikiLeaks Releases 90,000+ Secret Military Documents Painting Devastating Picture of Afghanistan War

It’s one of the biggest leaks in US military history. More than 90,000 internal records of US military actions in Afghanistan over the past six years have been published by the whistleblower website WikiLeaks. The documents provide a devastating portrait of the war in Afghanistan, revealing how coalition forces have killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents, how a secret black ops special forces unit hunts down targets for assassination or detention without trial, how Taliban attacks have soared, and how Pakistan is fueling the insurgency. We host a roundtable discussion with independent British journalist Stephen Grey; Pentagon Papers whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg; former State Department official in Afghanistan, Matthew Hoh; independent journalist Rick Rowley; and investigative historian Gareth Porter. [includes rush transcript]


RICK ROWLEY: Well, I mean, what these documents show—prove—is that the US military has been whitewashing the war in Afghanistan for years and that most of the media has been along for the ride. They’ve systematically covered up civilian casualties. They’ve covered up the successful attacks by the Taliban and their significance. And they’ve covered up the violent criminality of the security forces that we’ve created there, security forces that are preying on Afghan civilians. I mean, the picture that emerges from these documents is, on the one hand, of an insurgency that is resilient and adapting and that is winning the war on the ground, and, on the other hand, of an Afghan state that we’ve constructed there that looks less like a government and looks more like a patchwork of warlords and criminal gangs that’s extorting the local population and that has become more hated in many parts of the country than the Taliban who they replaced.

A third interesting thing that these documents do is they put flesh on a process that we’ve been tracking, along with reporters like Jeremy Scahill, for some time, of a transition to what some people call a special forces war, an entirely covert and classified war that’s conducted with drone strikes and midnight raids and targeted assassinations, where everything is classified, there are no media embeds, and there’s very little accountability. I mean, I think that is the trajectory that this war is taking right now.

Now, the White House has responded. They haven’t denied anything here. They haven’t even denied the conclusions that people are drawing about how terrible the war has been there. Their response has been that this is old news, we knew about this a long time ago, and that, in fact, Obama’s war, Obama’s surge, the new war that began in December 2009, has changed everything. Well, I came back from Afghanistan ten days ago. And while I was embedded with the Marines in Marjah and elsewhere in the country, I can tell you that this picture matches perfectly with what’s going on on the ground there right now.

it is an abject failure, as far as a nation-building operation on the ground. And, you know, whether you’re talking about the last ten years of the war or 2010, I mean, the picture doesn’t change.


DANIEL ELLSBERG: … We now have a president who has asserted—Barack Obama, who has asserted a right to do what other presidents have done in the past, but have done it covertly. He’s asserting the right to assassinate American citizens abroad who he suspects, or intelligence suspects, are serving the cause of terrorism. And I’m sure, by the way, that the phrase “the most dangerous man alive,” which Henry Kissinger put to me because of the disclosures I was making, that’s the way they would think of Julian Assange right now.


AMY GOODMAN: Let’s go back to Gareth Porter in Washington, DC. Talk more about the significance, what you think is most important to highlight here, as we go through these hundreds of thousands of pages of top-secret documents, classified documents.

GARETH PORTER: Well, again, I mean, there are very few things here that have not, in some fashion, been reported by the news media over the last—particularly over the last year or so. But there is one set of documents, in particular, that I thought were particularly insightful in terms of revealing the basic nature of the society and of the Afghan government that the United States is supporting, and that is a set of documents that show, for example, a police commander, a district police commander, who had raped a sixteen-year-old girl and who was confronted with a civilian complaining about this rape. He ordered his bodyguard, according to this report, to shoot the civilian. The bodyguard refused to do so, and then the police commander simply killed his own bodyguard in order to basically deal with the situation. This sort of laid bare the basic structure that the United States has stumbled into, or, perhaps I should say, has allowed itself to take control of, and—or tried to take control of, and I think what it shows is that this is a war that not only cannot be won, but in which the United States is on the wrong side.

And I just want to make one more point about the releases, and that is that I think that the real story here, the most important story, is WikiLeaks itself. I think what we have here is a new institution that is undoubtedly the most important antiwar institution that has been created so far and that I have no doubt is frightening the US military and intelligence establishment, as well as the Obama administration, very strongly. And I think that’s for very good reason. I think they understand that this represents a potentially powerful weapon for the future against war crimes as well as other illegal actions by the United States.


DANIEL ELLSBERG: Well, this is the closest that I’ve come to what I’ve been calling for for years, and that is for people to do not what I did, which is to wait years, until bombs were falling and until more countries have been invaded or escalation, before revealing documents to Congress and the public through the press. And now, of course, we have a way of doing that, thanks to WikiLeaks, that does bypass the press, even if they are reluctant to do it.

Entire Article and Video Here

Ray McGovern: “There are basically two CIAs” — The President now has his own personal Gestapo

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“There are basically two CIAs.”

“Now we have two separate and distinct entities: one trying to do objective analysis (against great odds, by the way) and the other doing these operations.”

Contractors do the dirty work.

“The Congress used to do oversight. Now they’re really the overlook committees. They haven’t done any oversight.”

“Judge shopping….” “If they find the right kind of judge to make this kind of ruling, they’re able to get off scot free.”

“The Executive can pretend that this will do undo harm to national security….”

“That gives the President his own, personal Gestapo.”

– Ray McGovern

[youtube=]CIA out-of-control?

RTAmerica | July 19, 2010

Last week, a Federal Judge ruled that the government can suppress information about basically whatever they would like, even if it is illegal. The decision was made as a response to the Freedom of Information Act, which was filed by the ACLU. Ray McGovern says the CIA has broken into two organizations that differ in their ideology about information.

Wayne Madsen: ‘CIA can get away with murder’

[youtube=]‘CIA can get away with murder’

RTAmerica | July 19, 2010

Last week, a Federal Judge ruled that the government can suppress information about basically whatever they would like, even if it is illegal. Wayne Madsen says that the decision was made in order to protect the CIA’s sources. The decision was made as a response to the Freedom of Information Act, which was filed by the ACLU


Abducted Iran scientist: CIA offered me $50m to lie about nuclear secrets

From: The Independent

An Iranian scientist who says he was abducted and taken to the United States by the CIA returned to Tehran yesterday to a hero’s welcome and claimed that he had been pressured into lying about his country’s nuclear programme.

Shahram Amiri said that he was on the hajj pilgrimage when he was seized at gunpoint in the city of Medina, drugged and taken to the US, where he says Israel was involved in his interrogation. In the US, officials were reported to have admitted that Mr Amiri was paid more than $5m (£3.2m) by the CIA for information about Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

The US claims to have received useful information from him in return for the money, but is clearly embarrassed by his very public return to Iran. The offer of a large bribe is reportedly part of a special US programme to get Iranian nuclear scientists to defect.

Flashing a victory sign, Mr Amiri returned to Tehran International Airport to be greeted by senior officials and by his tearful wife and seven-year-old son, whom he had not seen since he disappeared in Saudi Arabia during a visit 14 months ago. Iran said it was demanding information about what had happened to him. …

At his press conference at Tehran airport, Mr Amiri stressed that he had acted under compulsion. “Israeli agents were present at some of my interrogation sessions and I was threatened to be handed over to Israel if I refused to cooperate with Americans,” he said. “I have some documents proving that I’ve not been free in the United States and have always been under the control of armed agents of US intelligence services.”

He says he was offered $50m to stay in the US. …

Entire Article Here


All of my “Why They Hate US” articles

Oliver Stone gets it: Why they hate US — “The U.S. has knocked off so many reformers over the last hundred years.” “We support the bad guys.”

From: PBS

Tavis Smiley

Oliver Stone

airdate July 2, 2010

Oscar- and Emmy-winning filmmaker Oliver Stone is known for writing and directing powerful and often controversial films. His credits include Midnight Express, Scarface, Platoon, JFK and W. The NYC native taught school in Vietnam and lived in Mexico. He’s a decorated Vietnam War vet who, after his discharge, studied filmmaking at NYU and began his career as a screenwriter in the late ’70s. His latest projects include the documentary South of the Border, the Wall Street sequel, Money Never Sleeps and a Showtime series on the history of the 20th century.


Tavis [Smiley]: What’s the danger of our writing off what’s happening in South America?…

[Oliver] Stone: Well, not only are we ignoring it, we’re actively working to get them out [the independent-from-US South American leaders – ed.]. We’re against the Kirchners; we’re against Lula da Silva in Brazil, although we’re definitely supporting the other candidates. There’s a big election coming up in Brazil this year. It’s very important.

We hope Lula’s successor will win, but I’ll bet the United States is betting on the other guy because he represents the central bankers. Wherever we can get our claws back in, by making them loans to the International Monetary Fund, any form of control. Whether it’s the war on drugs which is a big thing down there.

In Colombia, we have seven military bases. That’s our big ally in South America. They’ve been condemned by every other country in South America who are unified under this UNASUR arrangement now. They’ve condemned Colombia. That’s our ally. We have seven bases. What do we need seven bases there for, Tavis? It’s a war on drugs? What is the war on drugs?

Tavis: What’s most disturbed you about the lack of difference between the Bush policy in the region and the Obama policy in the region?

Stone: It’s a Bush light. You know, Obama has basically made a beautiful gesture in Trinidad. He reached out, they shook hands, he made a big deal about it in the United States, but he didn’t follow up with deeds. It was like his Cairo speech to the Muslims. It was a beautiful speech, but he didn’t follow up.

The biggest thing was this Colombian expansion of the military bases and also, the coup in Honduras is a big deal to them. Not to us because it’s a small country with bananas to us, but it was a crucial mandate for Obama. He failed the test. He didn’t do anything to get these thugs out.

Seven journalists have disappeared in Honduras since then, so it’s a serious business. You know, this is real human rights violations going on. This is not just you hear about Chavez. It’s no pattern of repression. So we support the bad guys.

You know, Hillary was down there a few weeks ago and there she was trying to separate Ecuador from Venezuela. She’s an agent of the old empire game. It’s a dead end for us. We keep overreaching. We want to control anybody who steps out of line, which is a regional power. Regional powers are, what, China, Russia.

In Turkey recently, when Turkey went into this Iran sanction deal, remember they got their head cut off and now they’re the bad guy. We’re fighting with Turkey. Also Brazil was criticized. These are regional powers. Venezuela with its oil – it’s got 500 hundred billion barrels of oil reserve – Venezuela is a big regional player. We’re making enemies of them. They’re not enemies to us.

We are saying – basically, you know what it is? The pact for the New American Century [Project for a New American Century, PNAC – ed.], remember from the 1990s, when Bush and Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz, wrote that pact about the American unilateral control of the world. We will brook the appearance. We will not allow for the emergence or any military or economic rival. I went into that in the W film I did on Bush.

This is our policy and, whatever Obama says, this is what he’s pursuing in Afghanistan. There’s been no real change in that policy. We have our empire; we are number one. We are the world’s policemen and we will not brook an interference in that. The tone is lighter; the words are lighter, but it’s a soft power.


The U.S. has knocked off so many reformers over the last hundred years, but they’ve all emerged independently. Except for Castro, they all went down, every single one from Guatemala, Panama, Brazil, Chile, constantly. This is the first time we have not been able to do anything. Hopefully, this is going to stay stable, but right now we’re fighting actively to get rid of them.

Entire Video and Transcript Here

Paul Craig Roberts: US uses the hedge funds to short the Euro and drive the dollar up

“The United States government uses Goldman Sachs and the hedge funds
to short the Euro, to drive down the Euro and thus drive the dollar up.”

– Paul Craig Roberts

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:
Paul Craig Roberts on RT:
Are Military Spending and Debt
Bringing Down the American Empire

Who Cares About The Iranian People?

From: Rense

Who Cares About The Iranian People?
By Kourosh Ziabari

The world countries are competing with each other in imposing new financial sanctions against Iran. While the Iranian people still hasn’t forgotten the bitter memory of 8-year war with the Baathist Iraq which was masterminded and fostered by the United States and its European allies, new rounds of crippling sanctions directed against the most strategic industries of Iran come after one another in what is claimed to be the international movement of preventing Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

Although the International Atomic Energy Agency and the G5+1 have so far failed to put forward hard evidence that demonstrates the deviation of Iran in its nuclear activities towards military purposes, the fourth round of United Nations Security Council sanctions was agreed on June 9, 2010, targeting a number of Iranian companies and individuals who have allegedly participated in Iran’s nuclear and missile program.

The Iranian people still remember the painful days of war with Iraq under the late dictator Saddam Hussein who was armed and equipped by the United States and 14 European countries. The First Persian Gulf War cost the lives of more than 500,000 Iranians and imposed some US $500 billion damage on Iran.

On June 9, 1992, Ted Koppel reported on ABC’s Nightline program that Saddam Hussein received much of its financing, intelligence and military help from the United States and the administration of George H. Bush. In 1982, Iraq was removed from the U.S. list of State Sponsors of Terrorism and this enabled the Reagan Administration to transfer a huge amount of dual-use technology to Iraq. According to a May 1994 report by the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, pathogenic (disease producing), toxigenic (poisonous), and other biological research materials were exported to Iraq [during the 8-year war with Iran] pursuant to application and licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Entire Article Here

America’s School of Death, Fort Benning, Georgia: torture and execution training center

From: APFN


In a picturesque Spanish-style structure resembling a mission or cathedral and located in historic Fort Benning, Georgia, is housed what is called “The School of the Americas” (SOA). Its benign sounding name, however, belies the malignancy of its curriculum. …

The School of the Americas was founded for the purpose of training foreign counterintelligence forces to operate in Latin America. In the training of these forces the “U.S. Army…used training materials that condoned ‘executions of guerillas, extortion, physical abuse [a sanitized term for torture], coercion, and false imprisonment”, according to the U.S. Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB) in a report issued June 28, 1996. The IOB is a four-person committee created three years ago by order of President Clinton for the purpose of independent investigations of alleged abuses by the United States intelligence community.

Representative Joseph P. Kennedy (D. Mass.) has called for legislation to dismantle the SOA. “Our country,” Kennedy says, “has taught those soldiers how to create suffering amongst the poorest people of Latin America….[The SOA training] manuals taught tactics that come right out of a Soviet gulag and have no place in civilized society.”

Kennedy’s opening statement in the Executive Summary of his office’s review of SOA states:

Entire Article Here


Colonel Prouty: CIA Torture Techniques used in Honduras

Col. Fletcher Prouty: US surveillance is so precise and comprehensive that we could have stopped the DRUG TRADE instantly anytime

Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, the real Mr. X in Oliver Stone’s JFK: COVER STORIES are WRITTEN BEFORE the crises even happen. War HISTORY BOOKS aren’t accurate.

Colonel Prouty: CIA Torture Techniques used in Honduras

[youtube=]Torture Techniques used in Honduras

Colonel Prouty discusses CIA Torture Techniques used in Honduras


America’s School of Death, Fort Benning, Georgia: torture and execution training center

Col. Fletcher Prouty: US surveillance is so precise and comprehensive that we could have stopped the DRUG TRADE instantly anytime

Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, the real Mr. X in Oliver Stone’s JFK: COVER STORIES are WRITTEN BEFORE the crises even happen. War HISTORY BOOKS aren’t accurate.

Jesse Ventura: “Why do you think Che Guevara grew to hate us so much?” — How MSNBC censored his show — Ends by quoting Col. Prouty: “Nothing just happens. Everything is planned.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“Why do you think Che Guevara grew to hate us so much?”

“…when I was doing my show.
One of the big fights I had with MSNBC on a daily basis:
They would send you what topics you could talk about.”

Quoting Col. Prouty:
“Nothing just happens. Everything is planned.”

– Jesse Ventura

[youtube=]Jesse Ventura Exclusive: “Stop Nation Building and Bring The Troops Home!” Alex Jones Tv 1/5

TheAlexJonesChannel | June 25, 2010 | 10 minutes

Alex welcomes back to the show Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota, retired professional wrestler and color commentator, Navy Seal veteran, actor, and former radio and television talk show host. Jesse’s TruTV show, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, is the most popular show in the network’s history. Ventura’s latest book, American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us, is available at the Infowars Store.…

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