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Category: Why they hate US Page 3 of 24

The Evangelicals Who Pray for War With Iran – Pence and Pompeo, who urged Trump to kill Soleimani, ardent proponents of ‘Christian’ Zionism

Note my comment below (in blue), showing how Hagee deceived Trump into thinking he’s helping rebuild the temple for good; though, it will be an abomination where animal sacrifices will burn, and from where the antichrist will rule during the tribulation, giving the order to chop off Christians’ heads.

Hagee told Trump instead that Jesus will rule from the temple, but this can only happen after the end of the tribulation — if there really will be a millennium.

This is reverse-Christianity.

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.” — Jesus in Mt. 5:9

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The Evangelicals Who Pray for War With Iran

Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, who urged Trump to kill Qassem Soleimani, are ardent proponents of Christian Zionism.

Last Friday, a day after Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani and nine others were killed in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq, the Christian Zionist advocacy group Christians United for Israel emailed its millions of supporters to praise President Trump’s move. …

Iraqi PM says Soleimani was in Iraq for peace deal; Trump asked for help mediating talks after embassy attack

Iraqi prime minister says Qassem Soleimani was in Iraq to ‘discuss de-escalating tensions between Iran and Saudis’ when he was killed – and claims Trump had asked for help mediating talks after embassy attack

(vid) Tulsi: Trump disgraces our military — Admits using troops to steal Syria’s oil

Trump has again fully admitted he’s using American troops to take Syria’s oil, which is illegal and immoral.

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“Trump disgraces our military by using our men & women in uniform as mercenaries serving the interests of multinational corps (e.g. Exxon) & foreign countries (e.g. Saudis). We must stand side by side—no matter our political party—to end this travesty #NoWarWithIran #StandWithTulsi

Skousen: Setting a Trap for Trump on War with Iran — Soleimani was on a diplomatic mission initiated by the US • ‘Pompous’ Pompeo’s lies • Iran’s missiles’ precision worrisome for US planners

World Affairs Brief, January 10, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Trump’s approval of the assassination attack on Iran’s top general, Qassem Soleimani, was based on lies and half-truths fed to him by his advisors. They claimed Soleimani was coming to Baghdad to direct more terror against diplomats, when, in fact, Soleimani was there on a diplomatic mission initiated by the US. The US worked with Saudi Arabia to draft a peace plan and then asked Iraq to invite Iran to come to Baghdad for negotiations. Iran sent Soleimani. That is why he came on a commercial airliner, carrying a diplomatic passport and meeting with the PM.

He was tracked and killed along with a top Iraqi general, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, at the airport. This assassination set the Iraqi and Iranian world on fire, as it was intended to do, destroying what little goodwill the US had left in the region, and fomenting rioters who chant “death to America.” Advisors also fed Trump the 52 targets in Iran they were planning on hitting if Iran retaliated, which included “cultural sites” on the list. The advisors had to know that hitting cultural sites was a war crime, but did so on purpose in order to embarrass Trump. Trump stumbled deeper into the trap after he was criticized by the media, by tweeting rude justifications for striking cultural sites, but in the end had to recant and say he would obey international law. But in a sense, Deep State advisors went too far in embarrassing Trump, for when Iran limited its revenge strike—to make sure no Americans were killed, Trump saw a way out and took it, thus evading the trap —for now. But the globalists aren’t through manipulating Trump into war. …

5 Times the US Actively Supported ISIS or Similar Groups

Everyone knows U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East has more to do with destabilization than diplomacy.


Fascinating Photos Reveal Life in Iran Before the Revolution

In 1953, our CIA removed Iran’s elected leader and installed the Shah, to control their oil. ’79 was the Muslim overreaction, when Khomeini implemented religious law which still exists today.

We started this mess, getting people to hate US, and then react with what means they had — a different type of tyranny.

From locals doing the ‘Tehran twist’ to students sporting mullets and miniskirts: Fascinating photos reveal life in Iran before the revolution

(vid) Trump admits on Fox he “left troops in Syria to take the oil!” — Breaking commandment after commandment

Trump admits he “left troops in Syria to take the oil,” and then says “we have the oil.” If this isn’t reverse-Christianity, what is?

We were unsuccessful in regime changing Syria, the last country that needed to be destabilized before taking out Iran for the Greater Israel Project, so then Trump figures we’ll just take the oil, which the Bible calls stealing.

Someone recently said Trump has broken all of the 10 commandments now, with his recent assassinations in Iraq (though he’s murdered others before in his military campaigns). Here he’s breaking “Thou shalt not steal,” and tells us about it on the war channel, Fox News.

Skousen: The Anger of Iraqis Against the US – Trump also assassinated Muhandis, Iraqi leader who fought ISIS, as did Soleimani


The US Deep State may not need to concoct another false flag attack if anti-US militias in Iraq decide to take revenge for Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who was killed along with Soleimani. Qais al-Khazali, a commander of the Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq, vowed to exact revenge for the killing of their leader saying,

“The first Iranian response to the assassination of the martyr leader Soleimani took place,” he tweeted. “Now is the time for the initial Iraqi response to the assassination of the martyr leader Muhandis.”

Muhandis was particularly disliked by the Deep State because he documented more than anyone else in Iraq the fact that the US refused to help them eliminate ISIS once it overran the US-trained Iraqi army in Mosul. In fact the Iraqi army ran away like rabbits and left all their heavy armor and guns behind for ISIS to capture. He points out that it was Iran that provided them the weapons and ammunition to defeat ISIS—thus Soleimani was not supporting terror, but fighting against it.

(vid) E. Michael Jones & Dennis Nilsen: Just War and the Middle East

Obama ordered CIA to train ISIS jihadists: Declassified documents

Posted by Alec Cope | May 28, 2015

U.S. intelligence documents released to a government watchdog confirms the suspicions that the United States and some of its so-called coalition partners had actually facilitated the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as an effective adversary against the government of the Syrian dictator President Bashar al-Assad. In addition, ISIS members were initially trained by members and contractors of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) at facilities in Jordan in 2012. The original goal was to weaken the Syrian government which had engaged in war crimes against their own people, according to a number of reports on Sunday. The non-profit, non-partisan Judicial Watch — a group known for its investigation of government corruption and abuse — had obtained more than 100 pages of classified documents from both the US Department of Defense and the State Department through a federal lawsuit.

Entire Article

(vid) Galloway on Trump’s Assassination: “Blunder of Unprecedented Proportions”

This reminds me of Hitler’s foolish decision to invade Poland, which started WWII.

How Americans Think The World Sees Them

Ben-Nun: Gen Soleimani Was On Official Saudi Iranian Peace Trip

Ron Paul: Why Was Soleimani Assassinated?

(vid) Mike Pompeo Admits the CIA “Lies, cheats and steals” – Former CIA director and now Secretary of State

“I Was The CIA Director – We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole”

Ron Paul: After Trump’s Attack, Iraq Finally United…Against Us! — “Our country is morally bankrupt”

Ron Paul: The Afghanistan War is the Crime of the Century — $Two trillion; 3,000 Americans and 150,000 Afghans killed;  Gov’t lied throughout!

Afghanistan War – The Crime of the Century

monday december 16, 2019

“We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan. We didn’t know what we were doing.” So said Gen. Douglas Lute, who oversaw the US war on Afghanistan under Presidents Bush and Obama. Eighteen years into the longest war in US history, we are finally finding out, thanks to thousands of pages of classified interviews on the war published by the Washington Post last week, that General Lute’s cluelessness was shared by virtually everyone involved in the war.

What we learned in what is rightly being called the “Pentagon Papers” of our time, is that hundreds of US Administration officials – including three US Presidents – knowingly lied to the American people about the Afghanistan war for years. This wasn’t just a matter of omitting some unflattering facts. This was about bald-faced lying about a war they knew was a disaster from almost day one.

(vid) Tulsi: Afghanistan War: Betrayal of American People – “End this nonsense!”

Tulsi: “End this nonsense!”

2400 Americans & countless Afghans have been killed in Afghanistan War that our leaders have known for 18yrs is unwinnable. They’ve lied about progress in that war to get the $4bn/month it costs. My new bill calls for congressional investigation. Let us stand together and demand accountability.

Shock Video: Syria’s Raqqa, a ‘2nd Dresden’ After US Saturation Bombing

Thu, Dec 19, 2019

… The CIA and Mossad created and funded ISIS, which they used to invade Syria, and then, when the jig was up and they had to pretend to be on the right side, they bombed a few Syrian cities back into the stone age, not to destroy ISIS, which fled well in advance with ample warning from their friends, but to make sure the Syrians had nothing left. The infrastructure of Raqqa is non existent, they’d be better off if it was just sand. That’s how Israel plays the game. Time for the Western voters to wake up and realize who has them by the tail.

PROOF: US Government Lying to Americans About Afghanistan

Starts at 16:15

32:25 Death tolls: US government figures say 150,000 civilians died. 1 million Iraqi civilians died in the Iraq war.

Ron Paul: The Afghanistan War Revealed – An 18 Year, Trillion Dollar Lie!

Molyneux: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack – Still no evidence…

We didn’t even have evidence beyond reasonable doubt before launching our missiles, let alone the proof that was needed and a mandate.

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Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain breaks down the pro-war propaganda in the latest revelations about the supposed Syrian chemical attack…

Bombshell Assad Interview MEDIA IGNORES! Why Are We In Syria?

It’s horrible what the US and Israel have done to Syria covertly through ISIS, and then openly push the propaganda created by the “White Helmets,” who staged the fake chemical attacks. Assad is a wonderful, gentle leader who had brought Syria into near first world status with religious freedom. And TalmudVision, including Fox News mocks him, and won’t air this interview.

And why don’t most “Christians” in America care, when Jesus said: “Blessed are the *peacemakers*, for they shall be called the *children of God*.”

Most “Christians” in America aren’t real Christians. Real Christians must be peacemakers according to what Jesus said in Matthew 5, quoted above.

Pilger’s film, ‘The Coming War On China’ shows how American aggression is viewed in the Pacific

Americans should watch this film to understand why so many view Americans as non-Christlike aggressors who only care about Americans. This is part of the real history of what we’ve done to others.

The film’s goal is to help people see America’s aggressions, including having almost 1,000 military bases worldwide, which Ron Paul so often talked about. Many Okinawans are currently outraged by our base there, and are trying to get it removed. Many of their women have been raped by GIs, etc..

This film is definitely one-sided, whitewashing China, whom many believe does have a world domination plan, and are gearing up to EMP and nuke US. I pulled this quote, which is absolutely not true:

1:00:25 “China’s objectives are modest, compared with their weight. They’re not trying to run the world.”

The film spends a lot of time showing the devastating effects of our brazen nuclear testing on the people in the Marshall Islands, who we treated as Guinea Pigs. Many died from cancer.

The adulterous bikini that blew off modest restraints was named after US blowing up Bikini Island. John Pilger explains:

15:05 “In 1946, the bikini swimsuit was launched to celebrate the nuclear explosions that have destroyed life on Bikini Island. … The bodies of the people of Bikini and other islands are the most irradiated in the world. All these women [in the photo] have had thyroid cancer.

A Conversation with John Pilger: “The bikini swimsuit was actually named after the explosions that devastated that island of Bikini”

Pilger @ 3:30: “The bikini swimsuit was actually named after the explosions that devastated that island of Bikini in the Marshall Islands.”

Ron Paul: Bolivia Coup – Is Washington Pulling The Strings? – Bolivia has Lithium!

Mike Rivero: “Everything the U.S. is doing in Syria is a war crime under the U.N. Charter and international law”

38:10 “Everything the United States is doing in Syria right now is a war crime under the U.N. Charter and international law.”

Mike’s stories on Syria at

TruNews: Baghdadi Dead AGAIN? – Buried in sea like the fake bin Laden!

Watch especially at 25:50!

58:15 Montage of previous media reports of Baghdadi’s death!

1:05:50 The REAL reason we’re doing these regime-change wars. It’s not about oil. But Trump wants some.

1:26:15 Why we’re past the point of no return.

What Really Happened 10/28/19: The Baghdadi Fabrication – Mike Rivero : Today’s News Talk Show

TruNews: “Syria Tells UN America Has Genetically Modified Super-Soldiers Deployed In Country”

NOTE: True story; though, the originating country isn’t stated. We know that the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia support the terrorist opposition in Syria, and only the U.S. or Israel has the sophistication to create these. Both of the Syrian ambassador’s statements are filmed and are shown in this TruNews report.

TruNews also shows a clip of what looks like giant ISIS soldiers escorting Coptic Christians in Libya just prior to execution in 2/2005. Rick Wiles calls these out as the Nephilim of Genesis 6 and “after that.”

Syrian ambassador to the UN, Bashar Jaafari reported twice in statements at the UN on 2018 and 2016 that genetically modified soldiers were committing crimes in Syria:

“And I say to all those who exported to us armed, moderate, genetically modified opposition….” – Bashar Jaafari  speaking through an interpreter at the UN on 4/9/18

“Unfortunately, some member states and the Security Council and the mainstream media continue to defend and support the genetically modified, armed Syrian opposition, moderate by definition, while turning a blind eye to the crimes committed by them.” – Bashar Jaafari speaking in English on at the UN on 12/19/16

Watch TruNews report HERE at 22:28!

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