Freedom from Alaska!

Month: December 2016 Page 2 of 4

Chiropractic adjustments shown to reverse autism in three-year old girl


Google sued by its own employee for running an internal “spying program”


Quantifying South African Rape & Murder Since the Fall of Apartheid (2014-2015 South African Rape Statistics) — 3,600 rapes occur in South Africa every day by…

-South Africa has the most rapes per capita of any nation on earth. 3,600 rapes occur in South Africa every day. Statistics show that 40% of South African women will be raped.

-In another government survey, 1 in 4 men actually admitted to being rapists.

Although the victims were a racially diverse bunch, the rapists were not. Over 98% of all convicted rapists in South Africa are black. These are facts- as is the statistic that 92% of the black children raped in the country have been attacked by black males. The other 8%? Black females. Not one non-black amongst them. That’s 100% of all rapes of black children perpetrated by other blacks.


Exit Polls: Racial Divide Huge – 89% of black voters chose Hillary Vs 37% of white voters & 66% of latinos

Not good. A nation divided!
Women led the way in voting for Hillary in all three ethnic groups. 12% more black and white women voted for Trump than did men of the same color.
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CNN Election Exit Polls

SNOPES FACT CHECKER ACCUSED OF FRAUD FOR PROSTITUTE EMBEZZLEMENT SCHEME – Founder of "fact checking" website caught up in dirty legal dispute with wife


TED KOPPEL: ALEX JONES ‘SPREADING THE MANURE THAT FERTILIZES CONSPIRACY THEORIES ALL OVER THE INTERNET’ – White House press secretary claims Americans willing to accept “limitations on constitutional rights”

Now I know why I had the good sense to stop watching “Nightline” about 20 years ago.
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Story & Nightline Video


The media so desperately tried to get Americans to believe Russian hacking influenced the outcome of the 2016 election in hopes the Electoral College could be swayed against Trump. A new poll shows they have once again failed epically. 

According to a Politico/Morning Consult poll only 29 percent of Americans believe the following statement: “We know with near certainty that Russia is responsible for the hacking and cyber-attacks that impacted the U.S. elections. Numerous U.S. intelligence agencies have used advanced techniques to determine Russia is responsible for these attacks and we are only playing into an unfriendly country’s hand when we deny this.”

Unsurprisingly, the numbers were fairly consistent “along party lines,” with most Democrats going for broke to believe that a Russian conspiracy


EPIC MONTAGE VIDEO ILLUSTRATES HOW BADLY THE MEDIA FAILED IN 2016 — MSM's most mortifying moments of the year

Highlights include;

– NBC host Lester Holt telling Hillary Clinton he “winced” after an audience member at a forum asked Hillary if she was “dishonest”. Holt’s hard-hitting question to Hillary was, “Do you get your feelings hurt sometimes?”

– The glorification of Fidel Castro, a brutal dictator who had political dissidents, black people and gays executed and exiled in labor camps.

– Andrea Mitchell fawning all over Hillary Clinton for the entire campaign cycle, claiming her lethargic, sparsely attended rallies were packed with enthusiastic supporters.

– Blaming the Islamic terror attack in Orlando on “white nationalists,” refusing to even have a conversation about Islam, blaming the attack on Donald Trump’s “rhetoric,” and exploiting the massacre to push gun control and demonize the NRA.

– Showing more concern for the alligator who killed a toddler at a Disney resort than concern for the actual victim and his family.

– Democrats staging a a sit-in on the floor of the House of Representatives after the Orlando massacre to lobby for gun control, a pointless symbolic gesture that whipped the media up into a joyous frenzy.

– Endless predictions of a Hillary Clinton “landslide” that were proven spectacularly wrong on election day.


(video) Detective Jim Rothstein: Pizzagate, Pedophilia & The Cult w/ Jeff Rense — "One of the plans was a 50-year plan to legalize sex with children. And look what's happening" • "The biggest problem right now: in our politically correct, feel-good society there is no place for truth or honesty. You can't talk about this or that because it's going to offend this one…. That's why they're getting away with this"

Part 2:

(audio part 2) Detective Jim Rothstein: Pizzagate, Pedophilia & The Cult w/ Jeff Rense — “One of the plans was a 50-year plan to legalize sex with children. And look what’s happening” • “The biggest problem right now: in our politically correct, feel-good society there is no place for truth or honesty. You can’t talk about this or that because it’s going to offend this one…. That’s why they’re getting away with this”

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I transcribed these quotes from the actual show archive, which I subscribe to. This portion is not included in this video.

“The biggest problem right now: that in our politically correct, feel-good society there is no place for truth or honesty. You can’t talk about this or that because it’s going to offend this one, it’s going to offend this. That’s why they’re getting away with this.”

“One of the plans was a 50-year plan to legalize sex with children. … And look what’s happening.”

– Detective Jim Rothstein

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Jeff Rense & Det. Jim Rothstein – Pizzagate, Pedophilia & The Cult


(video) Michael Stipe on Colbert's "Late Show" a Public Disgrace! — Enters butt first, tells electors how to vote, swings butt at end

This is from Colbert last Friday, a messed up, disinfo “Late Show.” Letterman was disinfo, but Colbert pushes the agenda blatently.
Michael Stipe (R.E.M.) enters the set butt first, swings his butt at the end, has toothlike metal coming out of his nose, and says the electors need to vote their conscience and be patriots (just before the end).
Of course, he’s telling them to switch their vote to Killary.
Thankfully, this didn’t work. But they surely did give it a go — on national TV.
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Michael Stipe Wrote A Book With No Pages

(video) SNL Asks Electors To Switch To Hillary And It’s Not Even Funny

The strategy didn’t work, but still…!
SNL is at 2:35

SNL Asks Electors To Switch To Hillary And It’s Not Even Funny

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Dec 18, 2016

Alex reiterates the points about the attacks on Infowars in the last hour and plays a propaganda piece from SNL about Hillary manipulating electoral Voters and using Satire to do it.

Chuck Baldwin: Assassination of the Russian ambassador has all the markings of a CIA hit

Chuck Baldwin writes on Facebook:

The assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, has all the markings of a CIA hit.
Karlov was a serious and determined enemy of ISIS. And as most of you MUST know by now, our own federal government has been protecting and supplying ISIS from the beginning. However, with Russia’s help, Syria is in the process of totally expunging ISIS.

BUT the US WANTS ISIS to survive. The target of the US, Israel, and Saudi-backed ISIS has ALWAYS been regime change in Syria.

Killing Karlov was a serious set back to the anti-ISIS momentum in Syria. I think Putin knows it was a CIA-orchestrated hit.

The question is what will be do about it? What would YOU do about it if you were Putin? My take is that Vladimir Putin has been EXTREMELY patient with an overbearing, bullying, intimidating, murdering CIA and NATO. But I don’t see him being patient forever. I doubt that Putin will give Donald Trump too long to prove that he truly intends to change US foreign policy and STOP trying to enforce its will on countries and governments all over the world–including on Russia’s backdoor step.

IS ‘NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC’ PROMOTING CHILD ENDANGERMENT AND SEX ABUSE, featuring 9-YEAR-OLD TRANSGENDER on its cover? — What was morally shocking twenty years ago is acceptable and PROMOTED as an enlightened form of morality • WHAT IF a boy confides in a teacher that he’s really a girl but his parents won’t allow him to be and dress as a girl? WILL THE STATE INTERVENE? • Will sex reassignment surgery be performed against the will of the parents to mollify the sexual confusion of the child? • ‘It is not enough for the DEVIANT to be NORMALIZED. The NORMAL MUST BE found to be DEVIANT’

Doing an online search, I had a hard time finding an article challenging Nat Geo’s blatant reengineering of society in this edition, even when I included words like ‘God’ in my search. Mostly only articles supporting NatGeo would come up, even then! Google used to post everything, but they now seem to have a big filter, waiting until later to post articles they don’t like.
One one hand, National Geographic has done outstanding photographic work, on the other, they have been anti-God for as long as l can remember, going out of their way to promote the false science/religion of evolution, endlessly saying “millions” and “billions of years.” And it seemed the more breasts they could post the better — to normalize nudity in our culture.
But what they’re doing here is as blatant as it gets, which this author nails!
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[…] “‘When I was born, doctors said I was a boy, but I knew in my heart I was a girl,’ Jackson explained in her first video. ‘So I may have some boy body parts, but that’s not wrong, that is OK.’”


This boy did not make the cover of the magazine. National Geographic chose to put him on the cover as sexual exploitation. … Today’s defenders of this type of sexual insanity, in the words of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “defined deviancy down”1 so that what was morally shocking twenty years ago is acceptable and promoted as an enlightened form of morality. Robert Bork explains the phenomenon:

“Emile Durkheim, a founder of sociology, posited that there is a limit to the amount of deviant behavior any community can ‘afford to recognize.’ As behavior worsens, the community adjusts its standards so that conduct once thought reprehensible is no longer deemed so.”2

At the same time, these same moral misfits are defining their own brand of moral deviancy up. What was considered morally normal thirty years ago – two parents of the opposite sex married and living together, participation in the Boy Scouts and being protected from homosexual predators, rejecting a pro-death culture, and stay-at-home moms – is now

“portrayed as oppressive and shot through with pathologies, ‘As part of the vast social project of moral leveling,’ [Charles] Krauthammer wrote, ‘it is not enough for the deviant to be normalized. The normal must be found to be deviant.’ This situation is thoroughly perverse. …”3

This type of moral deviancy has infected the mind of a nine-year-old boy who fancies himself to be a “transgender rights activist.” Instead of debunking the falsity of the claim, the folks at National Geographic promote it as some kind of moral high ground.

Avery Jackson knew in his heart he was a girl? Give me a break. He knows no such thing. This kid is confused, and his parents, the LGBT propagandists, and the editors at National Geographic are enabling and legitimizing a form of sexual abuse. […]

National Geographic is now plumbing the depths of pseudoscience. None of this nonsense should surprise us given the fact that fake news and fake science have been the modus operandi of the Left for decades – everything from evolution and abortion to the claim that the climate is warming/changing because of humans and cow farts.

If this type of propaganda is promoted as the new morality, how many second and third graders might come to believe they are not what their obvious sex organs tell them they are? Could a child call the local government child protective agencies and claim that he or she is being abused because his or her parents won’t allow him or her be what he or she really is? What if a boy confides in a teacher that he’s really a girl, but his parents won’t allow him to be and dress as a girl?

Will the State intervene and take the child away to ensure that the “appropriate” steps are taken to accommodate the child’s “true gender”? Maybe the child is taken from his parents and placed in a safe “transgender family” environment. Will sex reassignment surgery be performed against the will of the parents to mollify the sexual confusion of the child?

Entire Article
I wrote a warning here, recently, about Nat Geo’s agenda even back then; though, their photography has been truly amazing!: (film) Chased by the Light A Photographic Journey with Jim Brandenburg — Moved early in life to swap a hunting rifle for a camera

ALL THE RAGE: Taxpayer-Funded Colleges Offer Courses On America’s ‘Problem Of Whiteness’

How about classes on the Satanic, Talmudic ‘Jewish’ supremacy — which actually is a serious problem? They’re taking us out — because people are afraid to, or even think God doesn’t want them to research it.
Jesus warned us. Stephen tried to get them to repent. But today’s pastors support everything they do — by their silence in the face of the storm.
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Genesis 12:3 does NOT apply to modern day, unrepentant Israel, proven here:

Real history of Cyrus Scofield at 27:20

Scofield Reference Bible at 31:15
• God’s words to Abraham in Gen. 12.3, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel
• Oxford Press further Zionized the notes

Praying for war instead of peace at 46:45
• Christian Zionists enable war
• “Blessed are the peacemakers” bothers them

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” – Jesus

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(video) I Was a Sex Slave to Europe's Elite at Age 6 — "At the age of 11, I was about to be killed"

“At the age of 11, I was about to be killed.”

– Anneke Lucas

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I Was a Sex Slave to Europe’s Elite at Age 6

Poll: Female Dems More Likely to Unfriend people due to political posts

From: The Hill

Poll: Dems more likely to unfriend people due to political posts

Democratic voters are almost three times as likely to have “blocked, unfriended, or stopped following someone on social media” after Donald Trump‘s victory, according to a study released Monday.

The nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI ) found 24 percent of Democrats distanced themselves from people on social media because of a political postings. Nine percent of both Republicans and independents reported doing the same to those in social media circles.

Additionally, 28 percent of liberals surveyed said they removed someone from their social media circle because of the content that person posted, compared with 8 percent of conservatives.

For moderates, 11 percent said they blocked, unfriended or unfollowed someone due to what that person posted online.

The survey shows considerable splits along gender lines as well.

Women were “twice as likely as men to report removing people from their online social circle because of the political views they expressed online,” 18 percent to 9 percent, according to the study conducted by Daniel Cox and Robert P. Jones.

Three in 10 Democratic women said they removed someone from a social media platform due to a political opinion shared. This compares to just 14 percent of Democratic men doing the same.

Republican men and women were about equal on this front….

Entire Article

ANALYSIS: Russian Ambassador Killed in False Flag – Haskell/Fetzer

Only 16 minutes. Good overview.
Pedophilia really is rampant in our government (up to 70%, investigator who knows says). They’ll try just about anything to keep Trump from getting in.
– ––oBvCe-4Ww

BREAKING: Russian Ambassador Killed in False Flag- Haskell/Fetzer

Red Ice Radio – Dr. Joseph Mercola – How Prolonged Sitting Kills You & Effortless Healing

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Red Ice Radio – Dr. Joseph Mercola – Hour 1 – How Prolonged Sitting Kills You, Effortless Healing &



Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos (CVPR 2016 Oral)

Computer graphics can make anyone mimic whatever face the source person makes!
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Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos (CVPR 2016 Oral)


Wayne Madsen: is a CIA operation


(video) Ron Paul: What's Missing From The Russian Hack Argument? — "The media is part of the secret government"

The man the evangelicals rejected in 2008, choosing warmonger and pro-abortion John McCain instead.
Ron Paul shares his wisdom and truth here: “The media is part of the secret government.”
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(video) Reality Check: 5 Problems with CIA Claim That Russia Hacked DNC/Podesta emails

Reality Check: 5 Problems with CIA Claim That Russia Hacked DNC/Podesta emails

NSA Whistleblower Destroys Obama's Russia Narrative – "Hard Evidence Points To An Inside Leak, Not Hacking"

Binney further notes that the manner in which the media’s “sources” are equivocating by using phrases like “our best guess” implies that the NSA has not been able to trace the Hillary or DNC “hacks” across fiber networks. And, since the NSA tracks basically every packet that travels across U.S. networks, Binney concludes that it’s effectively impossible that the WikiLeaks data came from a “hack.” …

Asked why intelligence sources would be leaking such dangerous allegations without proof, Binney echoed our thoughts that they’re simply “concocting these things to support the existing administration and to also support the move toward a new Cold War.”


Megyn Kelly Caught Editing Tape To Demonize Alex Jones

Megyn Kelly Caught Editing Tape To Demonize Alex Jones



(video) Alison Weir: How Pro-Israel Neocons Pushed for War in Iraq

How Pro-Israel Neocons Pushed for War in Iraq (Alison Weir)

WikiLeaks operative: Russia did NOT provide Clinton emails – they were handed over to him at a D.C. park by an intermediary for 'disgusted' Democratic whistleblowers


Facebook is going to use Snopes and other fact-checkers to combat and bury 'fake news'


(video) WOW: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Releases New Information on President Obama's Birth Certificate

WOW: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Releases New Information on President Obama’s Birth Certificate

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