Freedom from Alaska!

Month: January 2018

(vid) Jake's Vegas Trip Quick Update: Bundy Trial / Jesus Campos Info – Las Vegas Shooting – Part 72

Interesting, short recap on Jake’s just completed, Las Vegas visit!!!

(vid) Roy Potter: Bundys Free!!!


Monika’s address currently is:
Monika Schaefer
Schwarzenbergstr. 14
81549 München

(vid) Las Vegas fuel tank angle test using 7.62x54mm armor piercing incendiary rounds

Leaves the black, burn mark. .50 caliber would leave a larger black mark.
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(vid) Las Vegas Fuel Tank Test – Shooter had to be lower than 32nd floor?

If this test is correct, the upper shot in the fuel tank had to be shot from lower than the 32nd floor to clear the lip of the tank.
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Jerome Corsi w/ Tracy Beanz: Demystifies Q-Anon, who must have access to Trump

Interesting, but with caveats.
Corsi was with WND for 12 years, and now works for Alex Jones, who blames Saudi Arabia and the Muslims for everything international. Covers for Talmudic Israel and the Mossad.
Tracy is an independent freelancer who also analyzes Q with some friends!
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(vid) Study: Feminism Fail – Women Unhappier Than Men — 24% of middle age women classifiable as mentally ill • Parents with 4 or more children most satisfied

“As they enter middle age, 24 per cent of women – almost a quarter of 45 to 54-year-olds – are classifiable as mentally ill.”

“Parents with four or more children were found to be the most satisfied of all the groups because the family provided a large support network and they were ‘rarely bored.'”

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LIAR & PHONY – Wolff, the author of the "Fire and Fury" book which bashes Trump should not be trusted

No doubt, some of the book is true, but Wolff, the author of the “Fire and Fury” book that bashes Trump is a known liar, and should not be trusted.
Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor
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(vid) Did Paddock Fire 200 Bullets At Campos? – Las Vegas Shooting – Part 71

It’s GREAT to see Jake on the ground in Vegas continuing the research!
I wrote these comments under the video:

“Jake, UFO UK Hunter’s video is misleading. Paddock’s guns fired *full metal jacket rounds that don’t expand,* like the video’s pistols do. The door is probably also *not wood, so would not splinter* like UFO’s video shows. Maybe you could determine what type of door that is, and then *do a test* on a similar door using 5.62 full metal jacket rounds.”

More evidence these are exit holes: The *entry holes in the Sutherland Springs Baptist church don’t show any damage around the bullet holes:* that these photos do. These were also shot with *AR-15 5.62 full metal jacket, non-expanding rounds:* PHOTOS: Many Bullet Holes in Sutherland Baptist Church — The only damage seen in most photos is the large hole in the window. That’s because AR-15 rounds are tiny. 

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Holocaust Or Holohoax? 21 Amazing Facts — Out of 139 German witnesses who testified, 137 had “damage to their testicles that is beyond repair”

(audio) Joel Skousen w/ Richard Syrett — Trump’s failure to drain the swamp • Role of North Korea as ‘trigger’ for WWIII • Nuclear showdown between Russia, China and US inevitable • Treasonous actions taken during the Clinton administration that secretly changed the United State’s nuclear response doctrine, leaving America vulnerable to a nuclear first-strike


Skousen: The North Korean, Russian and Chinese Strategic Threat

Mormons proxy baptize dead people — Humphrey Bogart, Marilyn Monroe, mother of Queen Elizabeth II, grandparents of Kim Kardashian, Carrie Fisher, Joe Biden, John McCain and Mike Pence — LDS the only major religion that baptises the dead

(vid) Body Language: Micheal Wolff – Bannon Author

(photo) Truth Tellers Monika Schaefer & Alison Chabloz in Alberta – March 2017

(vid) Ron Paul: Mr. President, 'FIRE JEFF SESSIONS!'

(vid) Mike Adams FURIOUS! Jeff Sessions just re-criminalized all CANNABIS nationwide!

What the true Torah Jews have to say about the Third Temple: "It will not be the long-awaited Third Temple of G-d, but a temple of Satanic forces"

Here is what the true Torah Jews have to say about the Third Temple:

“At the same time, we wish to warn Jews that even if the Zionists do, G-d forbid, succeed in building a temple, it will not be the long-awaited Third Temple of G-d, but a temple of Satanic forces. This was stated 90 years ago by Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg, the Slonimer Rebbe, on his deathbed: “Jews, you must know that before the coming of the messiah, a group of unsavory people will travel to Eretz Yisroel, and they will enjoy great victories there, and they will build a temple, and a fire will come down from heaven in this temple as it did in the First Temple. And you must know that this fire will not be from the Holy Side, but from the Other Side.” (source)

(vid) Monika Schaefer arrested in Germany!

Chelsea Clinton Wishes The Church Of Satan A Happy New Year


(vid) ReallyGraceful: Zionism Unmasked in 10 minutes

(vid) Are the Iran protests a CIA/Mossad Color Revolution? — Media using 'regime' word repeatedly

US Empire Is Running The Same Script With Iran That It Ran With Libya, Syria

Christopher Bollyn writes on Facebook:

Who is behind the events in Iran?

The title of the following article, “US Empire Is Running The Same Script With Iran That It Ran With Libya, Syria,” suggests that the U.S. is the driving force behind the events in Iran. This ignores the fact that the master plan to undermine the nations of the Middle East is an Israeli plan (i.e. Oded Yinon’s plan of 1982) which has been imposed on the United States using 9/11 and other devices. To understand how this has been done, read my book “The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East.”

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(vid) Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo Talks About New Years Security – America's Party — 300 National Guard TROOPS employed, snipers, NO BAGS, BACKPACKS or LARGE PURSES!

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