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Category: Christian Zionism Page 3 of 8

Ted Pike: Does Israel Own the Land? — Yes! God promised the land of Israel to Abraham and his descendants forever (Gen. 12:7). Yet God said Jews can only occupy it in obedience (Lev. 26, Deut. 4, 6, 28 …)


By Rev. Ted Pike

Yes! God promised the land of Israel to Abraham and his descendants forever (Gen. 12:7).

Yet God said Jews can only occupy it in obedience. He told Moses that if Jews rebelled, He would expel them (Lev. 26:27-34, Deut. 4:26, 6:18, 28:58-64). They could not return except in obedience.

The Marxist Zionists who reoccupied Palestine during the last century were not obedient to God. Israel today still rejects Jesus Christ. In violation of God’s law (Lev. 19:34), they cruelly oppress the “strangers in the land.”

Result? Strife, war, terrorism.

Someday, at Christ’s second coming, a repentant remnant will give Christ true obedience. Then, as their Redeemer, He will uphold their right to all the land, from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates.

Israel today is spiritually lawless. Hers is a counterfeit return. Israel is preparing the world, not for the coming of Christ but anti-Christ.

Why Christians Should Never Use the Term ‘Judeo Christian’

A Palestinian Christian’s Perspecrtive on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Alex Awad

Alex co-founded Bethlehem Bible College in Bethlehem (yes, that one) and served as a professor and dean of students for many years. Alex received his MA in Missiology (1989) from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore KY; MA in Education (1976) from N. Georgia University in Dahlonega GA; BS in Secondary Education (1973) from Lee University in Cleveland, TN; BA in Biblical Education (1970) from Lee University in Cleveland, TN. He has also been a pastor and missionary for the United Methodist Church. Having lived in Israel from 1946-2015, Alex has seen a LOT! He shares his perspective about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as a Palestinian Christian who has lived through much of the conflict.

Rick Wiles: Christian Zionism’s Sin of Displacement Theology

“Jesus never promised to bless warmongers. Jesus said ‘blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.'” – Rick Wiles @ 28:00


Michael Brown: Rabbis consider the Pharisees their founding fathers – “They built on the Pharisaic tradition”

In Jesus’ day, according to their Babylonian Talmudic tradition, the Pharisees believed the Jews have higher souls than non-Jews, the Goyim, whom as such can be treated like cattle. They believed they’re entitled to rule over all. The messiah would lead their New World Order quest. So when Jesus refused, saying His kingdom was not of this world, they rejected Him, and have become revolutionaries ever since. E. Michael Jones calls this the Jewish revolutionary spirit, which is based on their Satanic Talmud and Kabbalah, not the Bible.

Paul says in Romans 11 that “a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come,” which Michael Brown believes is the coming last days, greatest move of God ever: Jesus’ prayer in John 17 fulfilled — “that the world will know!”

Paul then says in verse 28: “concerning the good news [the gospel], they are enemies for your sake

TruNews: Morality Meltdown – U.S. Culture Now a Demonic Dumpster Fire



20:45 Jay Sekulow compromised

31 Max Lucado compromised

31:50 Ravi Zacharias compromised

New sexual misconduct claims surface about Ravi Zacharias

Ravi Zacharias: Spa Scandal

“The whole evangelical, religious right broadcasting complex  is a complete farce. There’s no salt. There’s no fire. There’s no Spirit, and the country is imploding.”

36:50 “The proof of whether you are a Christian is whether you obey Him.”

“Hell is eternal. There are no exit doors in hell.”

39:30 Alyssa Farah, daughter of Joseph Farah (WorldNetDaily, condemned Nick Fuentes in a 3/1/21 tweet to homosexual politician and activist Richard Grenell for saying we have to stand for Christian values, calling standing up for God a “scam.”

1:02:30 ‘Christian’ child placement agency to now place straight parents’ children in homosexual couple homes where their children can be gender changed with scalpel.

1:19:50 Rick Wiles: “America’s values used to be Christian values. Today, America’s values are Jewish values. Homosexual rights is a Jewish value. Abortion is a Jewish value. Abortion on demand is straight out of the Talmud. Our laws, our court decisions are Talmudic. They’re no longer based on the Christian Bible. They’re based on the Talmud.

Chuck Baldwin: Millions of Christians Now Filled With Fear After Trump’s Removal

6:10 “Since the removal of Donald Trump from office, Christians by the millions have fallen into a deep state of discouragement, disillusionment and depression. They are filled with fear.”– Chuck Baldwin

From Infancy To Maturity, From Bondage To Liberty: My Story – Dr. Chuck Baldwin on Jan. 24, 2021

Chuck Carlson: American Christians, Israel and Zionism — Supporting Israel to get blessed is destroying real Christianity – like 16th century indulgences


(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — God’s covenants require OBEDIENCE • “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘ANGRY’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” – Jesus

Filmed in 2004. Chuck tells about his visit to Palestine in 2002.

25:10 “Nobody knows what happens to them [arrested Palestinian terrorists that are never seen again]…, because torture is legal in Israel.”

26:00 MURDER BY PROXY — The ‘Christian’ Zionist mindset: “They must love their brother [Jesus’ command], so they can’t kill them themselves, so they appoint leaders like George W. Bush to kill them for them.”

30:10 The truth about Cyrus Scofield, criminal and supposed author of the Scofield Reference Bible, also called the Scofield Study Bible. Recommended reading: The Incredible Scofield and His Book He stole material from John Nelson Darby.

36:00 The truth about Genesis 12:3 and modern day Israel

39:40 In 1962, Oxford University Press added ‘antisemitism’ to the Scofield Bible [Scofield died in 1921] in a footnote: “For a nation to commit the sin of antisemitism brings inevitable judgment.”

41:00 “It’s destroying Christianity. … It’s the most destructive thing that’s happened since Martin Luther’s time. … The Catholic church had essentially destroyed Christianity by selling in terms of the little promises you can buy from them, eternal salvation through a scroll [indulgences].” — the idea that people, get blessed, are right with God for blessing modern, Talmudic Israel — which amounts to supporting war and whatever they do overtly and covertly.

48:15 Strong evidence that Cyrus Scofield was financed by Samuel Untermeyer, the Lotus Club.

49:50 “If you want to take over a country…, the thing to do is start a movement within the church.”

Steven Ben-Nun w/ Adam Green: The ‘peace’ accord is a war accord • Israel using Russia and China to bring US down • Israel used US to destroy their neighbors

MY NOTES – Steven Ben-Nun said:

22:40 “Through violence, the Jewish state is trying to make it look like these prophecies (which many have been fulfilled…), they’re trying to make it look as if they are coming to pass, but in fact they are not.”

23:30 “This is really not a ‘peace accord.’ It’s a war accord. They’re using this ‘peace initiative, or this Abrahamic accord in order to prepare their coalition to go against Iran.”

33:30 “The sad thing is that when it comes to the United States, they [Israel] is done with America. I was told that straight up by people I know in Israel. China will be the next superpower, and they [Israel] will work with China. And they will use Russia to bring down this nation down, along with China.”

54 Truth about Syria: Turkey brought in the Sarin gas to falsely blame Assad for gassing his own people.

Christians and Jews say Damascus must be destroyed according to Bible prophecy, but Isaiah 17 actually says God holds Christians and Jews responsible for the destruction of Damascus, because they armed a faction to destroy Syria.

59:00 GREATER ISRAEL PROJECT: “They [Israel] had to go a long way to instigate all America’s wars on the Middle East to create this scenario. As we know, General Wesley Clark said seven nations would be taken down in five years. Of course, the timeline is off, but not the nations. The United States has played a heavy role in bringing down these nations.”

Gets interesting, starting at 17:45

(vid) WHTT – Chuck Carlson – Friend of Eustace Mullins – The Oxymoron of “Christian Zionism”

(vid) Sebastian Gorka Supports Silencing Critics of Israel – “1st Amendment is a Smokescreen”

Gorka interview at minute-33:30

(vid) Ben-Nun: Israel’s Third Temple – Big Business

(vid) TruNews: Christianity Vs. Evangelical Zionism – Steve and Jana Ben-Nun!

Landmark, very important show today! The only thing I disagree with is Rick saying everything with the Jews has been fulfilled. Paul clearly says in Romans 11 that the true Jews will be saved after the fullness of the Gentiles happens. There is no other way to interpret what Paul said.

Otherwise, great show!

Michael Brown blasts Rick Wiles as “antisemitic” for revealing anti-Logos Israel’s evil ways

(vid) Ben-Nun: Last Days Update

TruNews in Davos: Putin’s Rabbi Reveals Trump Peace Plan • Rick Wiles states EMJ’s/Paul’s “Jewish revolutionary spirit” mindset

At 37:29, Rick Wiles basically states E. Michael Jones’ revolutionary spirit hypothesis, transcribed by me.

[Note, Paul clearly said in Rom. 11:28 that the “natural branches,” “all Israel” are “enemies” of Christians because of Jesus’ gospel: “As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes….” 25-26: “…a partial hardening has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, and so [when] all Israel will be saved.” Their Babylonian Talmud is anti-Logos, against Christ — the “leaven of the Pharisees” Jesus warned us about.]

“The unsaved Jews, because they rejected Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Messiah — and now for 2,000 years, they have been in rebellion against God by rejecting Jesus Christ. And they are still searching for a Jewish king. They don’t want a savior, they want a king. And Jesus was not the king that they wanted, because He did not promise them physical land. He did not promise an insurrection against the Roman empire. He promised them to bring them into the kingdom of God. … And they’re still searching for a king today. But this person that the Jews are going to turn to, I believe is antichrist. … The son of perdition, the man of destruction, but he’ll be Jewish. And the Jews will rally to him; they’ll worship him. And sadly, the evangelical Zionists in America will also fall for this man. They will worship him. And they will be excited that the Jewish messiah has arrived.”


(vid) Adam Green w/ Brother Nathanael: First Time Together!

Groundbreaking, historically important discussion! Hopefully, there will be more.

Chuck Baldwin: Trump’s Unholy War


Trump’s Unholy War

Published: Thursday, January 9, 2020

Just as many of us have been warning, Donald Trump is joining his fellow PNAC puppets G.W. Bush and Barack Obama in taking the United States into yet another quagmire of a Middle Eastern war for the benefit of the military industrial complex—and Israel, of course.

Here is General Wesley Clark exposing the U.S. (PNAC) plan to topple the governments in seven Middle Eastern and North African countries back in 2007.

The Evangelicals Who Pray for War With Iran – Pence and Pompeo, who urged Trump to kill Soleimani, ardent proponents of ‘Christian’ Zionism

Note my comment below (in blue), showing how Hagee deceived Trump into thinking he’s helping rebuild the temple for good; though, it will be an abomination where animal sacrifices will burn, and from where the antichrist will rule during the tribulation, giving the order to chop off Christians’ heads.

Hagee told Trump instead that Jesus will rule from the temple, but this can only happen after the end of the tribulation — if there really will be a millennium.

This is reverse-Christianity.

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.” — Jesus in Mt. 5:9

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The Evangelicals Who Pray for War With Iran

Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, who urged Trump to kill Qassem Soleimani, are ardent proponents of Christian Zionism.

Last Friday, a day after Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani and nine others were killed in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq, the Christian Zionist advocacy group Christians United for Israel emailed its millions of supporters to praise President Trump’s move. …

(5 min vid) Chuck Baldwin Exposes Donald Trump’s Tyrannical “Antisemitism” Executive Order

“Donald Trump’s so-called “antisemitism” Executive Order Is abominable, reprehensible & downright tyrannical. It is a blatant attack against the First Amendment protection of free speech and for all intents and purposes elevates all things Jewish to royalty status in America–being granted official government protection against any kind of criticism.”

James Perloff with Ben-Nuns: The Attempted Destruction of Christianity

James Perloff with Steven and Jana Ben-Nun, Israeli News Live

19:30 Jesus won’t rule from Jerusalem, like many evangelicals expect

23:30 The millennial reign? Only Revelation 20 mentions it, whereas 2 Pet. 3:10, 2 Th. 1:7-10 and Mt. 24 [parts already fulfilled] indicate the destruction of Earth instead. Revelation is known for being figurative.

32:30 History of Cyrus Scofield

45:35 Why preterism isn’t true

(vid) TruNews: Chuck Baldwin & Rick Wiles Expose Israel Worship – Building a temple for the Antichrist. “Our duty to Satan is one of resistance, not assistance!”

Chuck Baldwin and Rick Wiles, together for the first time in many years tell their stories of how they woke up to the deception of blessing currently Talmudic Israel to get blessed, a misreading of Gen. 12:3.

Chuck and Rick are both heroes in my view — having the courage to admit they were wrong, and now warn the people instead!

Steven & Jana Chat with Adam Green – Discussing Adam Green | Michael Brown Debate

Steven Ben-Nun @ 139:10: “You have to have a Jewish bloodline to be a Jesuit priest.”

Noahide Laws Debate | Dr. Michael Brown vs. Adam Green

Excellent discussion!

Steven Ben-Nun’s wonderful chat comment to Adam before the event:

Israeli News Live ​We stand with you Adam. May Lord help you to recall all facts. You know your stuff well. Will be watching and praying. Judaism needs to be exposed, Chabad needs to be exposed and noahide laws must go!

TruNews: “Heaven’s Mandate” – Christian Zionist Evangelicals Threaten Trump over Syria Withdrawal

Megan McCain upset on ‘The View,’ rallies the left for war at minute-14!

“Christian” warmonger Pat Robertson claims we’ll lose “heaven’s mandate” at 1:05:40. Hogwash! We’re illegally in Syria in the first place, supporting ISIS to regime-change Syria to further the Greater Israel Project, which failed because of Russia’s intervention.

“Do you ‘Christian’ Zionists understand that the Christians in Syria were praying to Almighty God to stop America…, the destruction that America was carrying out in Syria?! – Rick Wiles @ 31:28

Super soldiers at 29:15: Syria’s foreign minister stated twice that genetically modified soldiers were fighting his troops.

DESCRIPTION:  Today on TruNews, host Rick Wiles takes a look at the rabid response from the warmongering left and right to President Trump’s announcement that he will be removing troops from Syria.  We detail the shrills from Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and Meghan McCain as they scream for more war.  We also consider remarks from CBN founder Pat Robertson, who says that President Trump is about to lose ‘Heaven’s Mandate’ over his decision.  Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart.  Airdate 10/7/19

Michael Brown (Ask Dr. Brown) Not a Semitic Jew

The goal here is to help Michael get out of debate mode and into truth mode. He’s overly confrontational, and is hurting Godly people whom he openly names. He needs to get off his high horse, and walk in love, not superiority.

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Michael Brown says he’s “thoroughly Jewish” because of his DNA test — Youtube Exclusive Chat 05/24/19  at minute-44:30. I transcribed:

“DNA tells me that I’m thoroughly Jewish: 90% Ashkenazi, 10% Sephardic.”

But we now know that Ashkenazis are not Semitic, not from Palestine, but originate from Turkey:

DNA Study: Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ Not Semitic, but Turkish Origin

Michael says he’s called by God to be a world changer and carry a lot of weight because he’s a Jew. From: YouTube Chat 08/01/19 at minute-22:25:

(vid) Chuck Baldwin: The Talmud, Chabadism And Noahide Laws — “We have much more to fear from Talmudism than we do Islam!”

Strong message from Chuck Baldwin! I do differ in one area though: Christians, who are to be empowered and led by the Holy Spirit are not supposed to be willfully sinning every day. Hopefully, Chuck will re-study this just like he has ‘Christian’ Zionism.

1:04:00 “I hear these Christian preachers and book authors and radio broadcasters and TV preachers constantly fearmongering about Sharia law to our churches. … Our U.S. Congress has not codified Sharia law into the laws of our nation, but they have codified Talmudic law into the laws of our country. We have much more to fear from Talmudism than we do Islam!”

(vid) Christopher Jon Bjerknes Confronts Michael Brown Over Noahide Laws

Christopher Jon Bjerknes Confronts Talmud Apologist Michael Brown Over Noahide Laws

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