Category: James Perloff – Real-Historian!!! Page 1 of 4
James Perloff, published author and historian, joins guest host Matt Wakulik to discuss the actual events of World War 1 and World War 2, leaving the question, “Did we fight the wrong enemy?” [Gen. George Patton asked before the OSS killed him.]
This post, like many of my recent ones, utilizes graphics and ultra-short videos (1-3 minutes) to get its message across….
“There’s always a public story and a backstory.” – James Perloff
Jim Perloff, author of “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline” gives a lecture on the Wilson’s war against Mexico to support Big Oil. This presentation at Camp Constitution’s 3rd Annual Memorial Day Weekend Barbecue Lexington, MA Saturday May 27, 2023.
May 28, 2023
There was always one minor mystery that nagged at me, though—why there had been such a craze for westerns during the 1950s. Hollywood produced more than 1,000 western movies during that decade.1,2
But it was the abundance of Westerns on television that puzzled me most. In 1959 alone, 30 westerns were featured in prime-time. …
Why so many westerns? I didn’t believe it was from public demand, because, as I pointed out in my post on the “Golden Age,” it has really always been agendas that have driven network programming, not “public opinion.” …
I believe the basic purpose of the westerns craze was to de-sensitize the public to killing, to weaken respect for the Sixth Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” Killing was made laudable. Of course, in the film or TV show, the killing would be made to look justifiable. And there is no question that, in real life, weapons sometimes have to be used in self-defense. Let’s just say the westerns went way overboard. Not that there wasn’t real lawlessness in the Old West, but this made it the perfect venue for dramatization of violence.
There were other genres, of course, that included killing, such as police shows, but on TV I think westerns won the body count prize.
During the sixties, westerns largely fell out of vogue. By 1969, by my count, the number had dropped from 30 to 6. Westerns had served their purpose, and the networks shifted from attacking the Sixth Commandment to the Seventh—“Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery”—as the “new morality” of the “swinging sixties” was to be normalized for the public.
I am Sean’s latest guest on SGT REPORT to discuss the World Economic Forum’s sudden switch from COVID to Climate Change as their current primary agenda: wars on carbon dioxide, gas-driven cars, livestock, fertilizer, eggs and even pets. We also addressed whether or not Climate Change is really happening. (This information is also the subject of my latest blog post.) As this was a video interview, it may be my best on the topic. (source)
SGT Report Published December 2, 2022
Outstanding at 38:00 — the holiness required!
Regarding what’s said about Russia, I must say: many serious Christians have had visions/dreams of Russia attacking America. Joel Skousen has documented how they’ll soon be capable of easily doing so along with China. Most Russians are also not abiding in Christ (not walking according to the Spirit).
James Perloff writes on Twitter:
I’m Tony Arterburn’s latest guest on “Paratruther” to discuss my new book “Missing Saints, Missing Miracles.” Tony, a former paratrooper, is fully awake & a great host. We focused on why America may need spiritual answers now much more than political ones.
Listen here: #9 Paratruther – James Perloff – Missing Saints Missing Miracles
“The hourglass is running out on America right now.”
Mary Ellen Moore writes:
THE REST OF THE STORY. The attack on Pearl Harbor was PROVOKED & FOREKNOWN; FDR put the fleet in Hawaii AGAINST naval advice—then scapegoated the Navy. My friend’s post—“Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s 9/11” is an important read. We had Foreknowledge..and had broken CODE PURPLE.. we needed an excuse to enter the war… Which was very much rejected by the American people.… to get involved in yet another European conflict. This article is from my friend, James Perloff, who wrote the book that our third documentary ShadowRing is based on.
This is Perloff’s first appearance in a number of months.
21:00 Perloff’s own vaccine injury history
1:04:50 Who owns the fact checkers!
1:08:00 Evidence that Covid wasn’t an accident
1:16:30 It’s backfiring on them. They pushed down the accelerator too fast. …instead of just boiling the frog, like they usually do.”
1:34:30 Perloff: “You can really see the Satanic nature of the hierarchy that runs this country from the top. … This is a battle of good verses evil.”
Vernandas: “I’m not a religious person.”
Perloff was born in 1951.
“If the founding fathers were truly Christian they would have rendered unto Caesar that minimal 3 cent custom duty on tea, instead of going to war and causing bloodshed and the death of tens of thousands of people.” – James Perloff
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Spingola Speaks w/ Deanna Spingola – August 17, 2019
I was Deanna Spingola’s guest live on her RBN radio show. Main topic: Who really wrote the Declaration of Independence? We looked at some of the darker aspects of America’s origins and history. Archived as Hour 1 and Hour 2.
Hour 2, minute-4:30 Truth about the Revolutionary War. Britain was not enslaving American colonists with taxation.
Related: (video) James Perloff: Who Fired the Shots Heard Round the World? – REVOLUTIONARY WAR a FREEMASONRY FALSE FLAG • There were NO ONEROUS TAXES laid on Americans, nor other legitimate reasons to revolt • The BREWERS of revolution: SAMUEL ADAMS was a Dick Cheny-like warmonger; Paul Revere’s role; HIDDEN GUNMEN fired the first shots; THOMAS *PAYNE* (an atheist) wrote the Declaration of Independence • The 50 year PLEDGE TO SECRECY
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James Perloff writes on his site:
January 27. I was the latest video guest of Rachael McIntosh (who describes her defense industry experiences in novels) on her revived show Shadow Citizen. We discussed Biden, COVID, censorship, writing, 5G, and false flags, including 9/11.
James Perloff is my favorite real-historian — dedicated to telling the truth!
As we approach the final days of 2020, Spiro is joined by author, journalist and recently retired registered nurse, James Perloff, to reflect on what is widely considered to be the wildest and worst year perhaps in our lifetimes.
The media and the governments around the world would like us to believe this is all by chance and we must blindly follow their mandates and restrictions in order to mitigate this crisis.
Spiro and Perloff delve beyond the surface of this crisis to explore potential motives behind what appears to be a pre planned agenda attached to the current crisis in order to facilitate the most significant transition in human history.
James Perloff shares information from his new book titled ‘COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come, Red-Pilled’ which reveals what the social engineers have in store for the future of humanity.
James Peloff Website
James Perloff’s new book
Original WHO Herd Immunity Definition
New WHO Herd Immunity Definition
Excellent overview! I would add: Vitamin C+D is pennies, treats covid, and is ignored by Big Pharma. Zinc was mentioned, which they also hate. Regarding 5G, James didn’t mention that Iran didn’t have 5G but got hit hard with covid. Also, Wuhan residents got a SARS vaccination in 2019. No one is mentioning the toxic fumes breathed by New Yorkers, having impaired many people’s respiratory systems, perhaps making NYC’s numbers worse.
James Perloff’s accompanying document: COVID-19 Red-Pilled
My Notes:
“Normally with infectious diseases, you quarantine the infected, not the healthy.”
“This is the first time that Easter was cancelled.”
“We’re seeing the formation of a worldwide police state.”
19:50 “Professor Knut Wittkowski… says Dr. Fauci is doing the exact opposite of what should be done…. Having everyone locked in their homes, he says is going prolong this virus, and we’ll probably see it recur in the fall.”
Lacking a transcript, I’m going to paraphrase verbal remarks from Professor Knut Wittkowski, for 20 years head of Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, and 35 years an epidemiologist. He says social distancing and lockdown are the worst ways to deal with an airborne respiratory virus. Yes, he says, keep the elderly and immunocompromised people safe, but there should be no isolation for the rest of the population. He says the lockdown prolongs the virus by preventing herd immunity, and may result in a new outbreak later on. As the interview lasts 41 minutes, I’m not embedding it, but it may be watched here. (from COVID-19 Red-Pilled)
47:30 “One way that I know Bill Gates is not sincere in improving people’s health: when you ever seem him talk publicly, he never talks about getting exercise or vitamin C, or vitamin D, or improving your immune system. He only talks about the VACCINES!
James Perloff with Steven and Jana Ben-Nun, Israeli News Live
19:30 Jesus won’t rule from Jerusalem, like many evangelicals expect
23:30 The millennial reign? Only Revelation 20 mentions it, whereas 2 Pet. 3:10, 2 Th. 1:7-10 and Mt. 24 [parts already fulfilled] indicate the destruction of Earth instead. Revelation is known for being figurative.
32:30 History of Cyrus Scofield
45:35 Why preterism isn’t true
I only listened to the James Perloff segment, which is excellent!
The Antedote’s hosts are Jeremy Rothe Kushel and Greg McCarron.
34:55 “I believe that America was founded as a new Atlantis. The original Atlantis being perceived by the secret societies and the Freemasons at their upper levels, the original Atlantis being perceived as that developing Satanic world that God had wiped out with the great flood.” – James Perloff
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The Antedote’s hosts are Jeremy Rothe Kushel and Greg McCarron.
33:30 “..Iran the final target…. Certainly, an objective of the Greater Israel Plan is to destabilize Iran. And once that happens, I feel that the Rothschilds and Benjamin Netanyahu would have no further use for America, and they would happily see the dollar collapse and America collapse.” – James Perloff
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The Talmudists played the ‘Holocaust’ card to break the 31-year decency code.
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1st Hollywood film to show bare female breasts—THE PAWNBROKER, about Holocaust survivor. BLACKMAIL. “Censor the breasts? You’re ANTISEMITIC”
4:01 PM – 23 Jan 2016