Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Police State Page 20 of 26

[video] ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement – An Alex Jones Film

[youtube=]ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement – An Alex Jones Film

THElNFOWARRlOR | January 05, 2011 | 149 likes, 4 dislikes

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world’s population, while enabling the “elites” to live forever with the aid of advanced technology. For the first time, crusading filmmaker ALEX JONES reveals their secret plan for humanity’s extermination: Operation ENDGAME.

Jones chronicles the history of the global elite’s bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire.

•Watch as Jones and his team track the elusive Bilderberg Group to Ottawa and Istanbul to document their secret summits, allowing you to witness global kingpins setting the world’s agenda and instigating World War III.

•Learn about the formation of the North America transportation control grid, which will end U.S. sovereignty forever.

•Discover how the practitioners of the pseudo-science eugenics have taken control of governments worldwide as a means to carry out depopulation.

•View the progress of the coming collapse of the United States and the formation of the North American Union.

Paul Craig Roberts: 2011 Is 1984 — “When they got away with 9/11 that sealed our fate”

“I think 2012 will mark the end of American democracy.”

The population, itself is not sufficiently clued in,
and time is vanishing.”

“The population will end up electing the Republican goons
who will complete the police state.”

“The Republicans have become a party of brown shirts.”

“You have people demanding revenge against people who tell us the truth.
And so many ordinary Americans agree.”

– Paul Craig Roberts

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts: 2011 Is 1984 – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | December 31, 2010 | 69 likes, 1 dislikes

Alex welcomes back to the show economist and columnist Paul Craig Roberts. Mr. Roberts served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He has written or co-written eight books, contributed chapters to numerous books and has published many articles in journals of scholarship. He has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of economic policy. His latest book is How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds.



“2011″ By Paul Craig Roberts

[audio] Joel Skousen on ‘Coast’ with Excellent Interviewer John B. Wells, 12/29/10: What’s Really Going On?!!


Lots of wisdom here!

Great overview analysis!

The BIG picture!

Watch & See

“There’s never a report about Russia.”

“They’re setting us up.”

EMP Strike — without electricity for a year!

~ 2020: “Probably 8 years before this holocaust….”

* * *

[youtube=]Geopolitics, War, & the New World Order – Coast to Coast AM

Published on Aug 4, 2012 by Astraltravelex

Description from ‘Coast to Coast AM’:


On Wednesday night, guest host John B. Wells ( email) spoke with political scientist and personal security expert Joel Skousen about the growing government assault on privacy and liberty, as well as New World Order and war scenarios. The current security precautions such as at airports are not really to stop terrorists, but to ferret out potential dissidents and resistors who could pose a problem for the future police state, he suggested. We are already seeing the three aspects necessary to establish this police state, Skousen outlined– a false threat of terrorism, thug-like individuals in the police, and a judiciary that won’t prosecute the police.

He laid out a financial end game in which the US national debt will become untenable, with the rise of inflation, sometime between 2020-2025. People have been diverted with the false threat of terrorism in order to cover up “our real enemies,” Russia & China, with whom the US will battle in a World War, he continued. “In the aftermath of that, they’re going to have an excuse to walk away from the debt,” because the US financial centers and computers will be destroyed.

Skousen described a Russian surgical nuclear attack on 15 American cities with military facilities such as San Diego, Seattle, Jacksonville, Norfolk, Colorado Springs, and Washington DC. While 20% of Americans will die in such attacks, he argued that nuclear attacks are survivable and promoted the idea that people construct fall-out shelters in their basements, as well as increase their self-sufficiency, as an EMP attack will knock out electricity for up to a year. He also foresees that America will go to war against Iran, probably in 2011— the U.S. is just waiting for the right provocation.

Why Joel Skousen Preaches Against Hyperinflation

Former Alaskan, Attorney Gary D. Fielder: Taking on Janet Napolitano and D.H.S. — Helped Keep Naked Body Scanners Out of Anchorage, Alaska and Castle Rock, Colorado Courthouses!

Gary’s website:

[youtube=]Attorney Gary D. Fielder: Taking on Janet Napolitano and DHS – Alex Jones Tv

TheAlexJonesChannel | December 08, 2010 | 160 likes, 1 dislikes

Alex talks with Colorado attorney Gary Fielder who has filed a lawsuit under the Fourth Amendment against the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security over the use of naked body scanners. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

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[youtube=]GGN- Constitutional Lawyer Refuses Body Scanning

ddarko2012 | January 25, 2010 | 11 likes, 0 dislikes

Gary D. Fielder is a constitutional and criminal lawyer of 20 years. Mr. Fielder has conducted over 350 jury trials, appeared in Federal District Court, and argued before the Colorado Court of Appeals and Supreme Court. After graduating from the University of Texas at Austin, Mr. Fielder earned his Juris Doctorate at the University of San Diego in 1990. Mr. Fielder grew up in Eagle River, Alaska, and now lives in Denver.

Visit Gary’s website to sign up on his newsletter and receive details about his national tour called Sovereignty: The peoples first right and last stand.

Gary was mandated by the court to represent his client in the courthouse but he refused to be scanned by a body scanner under constitutional grounds that since he was not leaving the city and traveling between jurisdictions and since he had not violated any laws he had a right to not be scanned. The court deputies were surprised to see any dissident reaction since most people mindlessly follow orders and assume that is is legal. It isn’t. It was not approved by the people and Mr. Fielder demanded that they allow him to enter the courthouse.

He was told by deputies that he had a choice not to be scanned and could leave but the truth of the matter is he didn’t have a choice, it was mandatory to be scanned in order to enter the courthouse. Mr. Fielder believes his right to privacy was more important and that consent must be given by the person being scanned since it stores nude photographs of the people who enter the machine. Since consent was not given, the deputies had no right to scan the attorney but unlike travel situations where jurisdiction falls into the hands of the Federal Authorities, they had to let Mr. Fielder into the courthouse.

The deputies don’t realize that it is not a choice to go to court, it is required. They were to comply with his request, not the other way around. This police state style event is exactly what Mr. Fielder specializes in as a constitutional lawyer and he believes his interpretation of the situation should be thoroughly examined. Others are urged to do the same as Mr. Fielder.

Video recorded by

Austin Woman Thrown to Floor, Arrested for Refusing Pat Down at Airport

[youtube=]Woman Arrested for Refusing To Be Groped By TSA at Austin Airport

MikeHansonArchives | December 23, 2010 | 27 likes, 0 dislikes

George Orwell would be proud.

Helping your child understand that it’s okay to be groped


ToBeFree: What the Bible says about NAKED BODY SCANNERS? Where is our line in the sand? It’s been right here all along!

[BANNED on TV] Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 4 (THE POLICE STATE) – FULL LENGTH

The BANNED “Police State” Episode — Full Length

[youtube=]Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 4 (THE POLICE STATE) – FULL LENGTH

Federaljacktube3 | December 11, 2010 | 25 likes, 0 dislikes

Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 4 (THE POLICE STATE) – FULL LENGTH


“Conspiracy Theory” with Jesse Ventura (Season One)

Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 7 (BP OIL SPILL) – FULL LENGTH

JESSE VENTURA’S CONSPIRACY THEORY Season 2, Episode 4 – POLICE STATE & FEMA CAMPS [in parts, but with links to other episodes]

Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 6 — Great Lakes (Water Conspiracy)

“They’re turning all of America into one big airport” – Alex Jones

“They’re turning all of America into one big airport.”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed from The Alex Jones Show, 12/7/10




“Well it’s here,
1984 in America.”

“We have all better come together and defend the Bill of Rights
and our Constitution or it’s over for our society.”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske


TheAlexJonesChannel | December 07, 2010 | 36 likes, 0 dislikes…

WASHINGTON — Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano today announced the expansion of the Department’s national “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign to hundreds of Walmart stores across the country—launching a new partnership between DHS and Walmart to help the American public play an active role in ensuring the safety and security of our nation.

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools

* * *

[youtube=]Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All The Schools – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | December 06, 2010 | 81 likes, 1 dislikes

Alex also talks with whistleblower Charlotte Iserbyt who served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration. Iserbyt is the author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, a chronological history of the past 100+ years of education reform. The book argues that the academic meltdown in our public education system is intentional. It is now available at the Infowar Store. Alex also covers the latest breaking news and takes your call.…

ToBeFree: What the Bible says about NAKED BODY SCANNERS? Where is our line in the sand? It’s been right here all along!

I’m surprised that pastors aren’t warning the people to not take their clothes off in front of the TSA, for the naked body scanners are a virtual strip search. For the Bible couldn’t be any more clear.

And besides that, there are the health risks. And the threat of terrorism has been mostly manufactured, including 9/11. Here is just one article from the many listed in the links, below:

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

The real purpose of the naked body scanners is to dehumanize and break the will of the people in order to bring us into a police state, just like in Nazi Germany, where most pastors also did not take a stand: Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners.

Benjamin Franklin said “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

Congressman Ron Paul said: If we tolerate this there’s something wrong with us” ~”SHOWING OUR PAPERS, we’ve capitulated on that a long time ago, because we show our social security number, but NOW THEY WANT US TO SHOW OUR GENITALIA!”

And what matters most is what God says. It’s very clear. We shouldn’t be wondering — if only the pastors would speak out — or step down.

It’s time to take a stand. When flying, it seems to me that if they continue to only offer the naked body scan or the enhanced full-body patdown, the Godly thing is to go for the patdown from a same-sex TSA and if a woman especially, in the optional private room.

I refused the naked body scanner in Fresno, recently. The TSA said: take everything out of your pockets. I asked, “why,” because we only removed metal objects before. She said, “you’re going to go through the full body scanner.” I said, “I’m not going through the full body scanner.” She made sure, and then said (but didn’t yell, like some are saying happens): “We have an opt out.”

I chose the enhanced pat-down, declining the private room option, and that was no big deal for me. But if I was female, for sure I’d go in the ‘private’ room.

During that whole time in the TSA area, I was the only one who opted out. That was the biggest shock to me — which is one reason I’m writing this.


Question: … What does the Bible say about nudity?”

Answer: There is nothing essentially sinful about nudity (Genesis 2:25). Adam and Eve did not realize they were naked until after the Fall (Genesis 3:7-11). Before the Fall, they were naked, and it was good (Genesis 1:31). Sin is what caused nakedness to become a problem. Sin introduced lust, immorality, and perversion into the human race. As a result, we can no longer look at a nude person of the opposite sex in a pure manner. God made clothing for Adam and Eve to resolve this problem (Genesis 3:21). If God approved of nakedness, He would have simply told them that being naked was okay, and they did not need to feel embarrassed or ashamed. The fact that God clothed Adam and Eve indicates that God expects us to be clothed.

* * *


Several actions concerning nakedness (outside marriage where the bed is undefiled – Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
See All…) are condemned in the Bible:

  1. It is a shame and wrong to uncover your nakedness to others. The priests were warned to wear undergarments so that their nakedness would not be discovered when they went up the steps to the altar in their robes. Their undergarments (linen breeches) were to cover from their loins (waist) to their thighs (Exodus 28:42 And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach:
    See All…). When the children of Israel made and worshipped the golden calf, Aaron “made them naked unto their shame (Exodus 32:25 And when Moses saw that the people were naked; (for Aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies:)
    See All…). Isaiah 47:3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man.
    See All… speaks of the shame of having your nakedness uncovered.
  2. It is a sin to uncover the nakedness of another. This is seen as leading to other sins (see Leviticus 18:6-18 [6] None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD. [7] The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. [8] The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness. [9] The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover. [10] The nakedness of thy son’s daughter, or of thy daughter’s daughter, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover: for theirs is thine own nakedness. [11] The nakedness of thy father’s wife’s daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. [12] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s sister: she is thy father’s near kinswoman. [13] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother’s sister: for she is thy mother’s near kinswoman. [14] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt. [15] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: she is thy son’s wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. [16] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother’s wife: it is thy brother’s nakedness. [17] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son’s daughter, or her daughter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness. [18] Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life time.
    See All…).
  3. It is wrong to look on the nakedness of others. Ham’s son was cursed because Ham saw the nakedness of his father and went and talked about it (Genesis 9:22-23 [22] And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. [23] And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.
    See All…). Habakkuk 2:15 Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!
    See All… speaks of the wickedness of those who get someone drunk in order to “look on their nakedness.”

One important point I need to make concerns the biblical definition of nakedness. We sometimes get the idea that nakedness refers only to having no clothing at all. However, this is neither true in the Bible nor in the English dictionary. One of the definitions for “naked” in my English dictionary is “without conventional or usual clothing.” Many people do not know that the Bible often calls improper covering of the body nakedness. Most often it refers to the wearing of undergarments in public. This explains the nakedness of Saul (1 Samuel 19:24 And he stripped off his clothes also, and prophesied before Samuel in like manner, and lay down naked all that day and all that night. Wherefore they say, Is Saul also among the prophets?
See All…), of David (2 Samuel 6:14 And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.
See All…, 20; 1 Chronicles 15:27 And David was clothed with a robe of fine linen, and all the Levites that bare the ark, and the singers, and Chenaniah the master of the song with the singers: David also had upon him an ephod of linen.
See All…), of Isaiah (Isaiah 20:2-4 [2] At the same time spake the LORD by Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, Go and loose the sackcloth from off thy loins, and put off thy shoe from thy foot. And he did so, walking naked and barefoot. [3] And the LORD said, Like as my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and barefoot three years for a sign and wonder upon Egypt and upon Ethiopia; [4] So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.
See All…), and of Peter (John 21:7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher’s coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.
See All…). It is interesting that Peter did not want Jesus to see him naked.

* * *

From my essay:
The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount teaching is so crystal clear. Lust is adultery and a damming sin!

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery;’ but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. If your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off, and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. (Matthew 5:27-30)

Likewise, Paul was clear in his teaching toward Christian women:

I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. (1 Timothy 2:8-10)

One author interprets shamefacedness this way:

The word shamefacedness comes from a Greek word which means literally “downcast eyes,” but it is meant in a good sense and refers to one who is ashamed to overstep the limit of womanly reserve.

In my Let Us Be One prophecy, God said it this way in the chapter I call Jesus’ Dress Code:

My people, live as one, not judging one another, being critical of how they dress, one more popular than another. We are all different. Everyone is unique. Give people space, as long as it’s holy. You need to have righteousness girded about your loins. Hide yourself. They don’t need to see everything. That is for your husband, only him. Be careful; this is right.

God designed women to be very attractive to men. And there are certain things that only the woman’s husband should see—no matter what the Devil through society is telling us.

Freedom in Christ is in part freedom from actual lust demons that drive probably the majority of Americans [including TSAs!] to not be free in the lust area. Not giving the demons a place at all is the only way to be lust-demon free.

We need to “be careful. This is right.”


Radiation scientists agree TSA naked body scanners could cause breast cancer and sperm mutations

PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION: FBI manufactures terrorism to cause fear so public will accept the naked body scanner police state

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

IMPORTANT! Alex Jones: Another Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot — “…so they can sit up there on the news and say: ‘We’ve got terrorists everywhere. We’ve gotta have naked body scanners!’”

Naked body scanners: You can see the bones in people’s fingers. They’ve been giving the public de-rezzed images.

The real purpose of naked body scanners: Using phony terrorist scares to bilk Americans out of millions in tax dollars and rob them of their privacy and dignity

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

RON PAUL: Crotch Groped by TSA, Calls for Boycott of Airlines — “If we tolerate this there’s something wrong with us” ~”SHOWING OUR PAPERS, we’ve capitulated on that a long time ago, because we show our social security number, but NOW THEY WANT US TO SHOW OUR GENITALIA!”

Naked body scanners will be everywhere! Napolitano: Next step for body scanners could be trains, boats, metro

Gerald Celente on naked body scanners and full-body pat-downs: They freaked the whole country out over the underwear bomber who didn’t even have an igniter!

TSA Tactics Find Ominous Parallel in Nazi Germany — It took Hitler and the Nazis nearly a decade to impose a murderous police state on the German people. In the wake of the staged burning of the Reichstag…

IRRATIONALlY FEARFUL: Why are people so willing to show their naked bodies? “More people die each year from honey bee stings than from terror” — Alex Jones

More Proof! Photo: Naked Body Scanners Really Can Show Naked Bodies — and Even Bones!

Photo/Video: Naked Body Scanners Really Do Show Naked Bodies

Benjamin Franklin on naked body scanners: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

Paul Craig Roberts: “People have forgotten the warnings of the founding fathers that you can’t trade your rights for safety, because the minute you don’t have your rights anymore you’re not safe”

Naked Body Scanners, Michael Chertoff and NPR

Airport Naked Body Scanners: Experts Now Warn X-ray Devices “could give you cancer” “because the beam concentrates on the skin — one of the most radiation-sensitive organs of the human body — that (the) dose may be up to 20 times higher than first estimated”

Excellent! How to opt out of the TSA’s naked body scanners at the airport — “They all just lined up like cattle to have their bodies scanned with ionizing radiation”

Feds Caught Storing Naked Body Scanner Images at Florida Courthouse Security Checkpoint

Katherine Albrecht: Nakedizing Machines — “Would you get naked for Big Brother?” Katherine won’t.

Biochemist: ‘Naked’ scanners may increase cancer risk — “While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high”

Miami airport security guard attacks colleague over ‘manhood’ jokes after walking through full nudity body scanner

Full-Body Airport Scanners May Not Have Thwarted Alleged Christmas Day Bomber, GAO says.

Airport security guard was given a police warning after he was caught staring at images of a female colleague in a body scanner. — Their solution is training and monitoring to ensure that TSAs will only be able to lust “lawfully, with fairness and without discriminating.” Where is the outcry from women, from fathers — from the pastors???

Transportation Security Administration is misleading the public (lying). Body scanners can store, send images, group says.

Airport Worker Caught Ogling Image of Woman on Naked Body Scanner — called “perv scanner” in Europe

Pornographic Scanners: The TSA has been trying to turn airports into peep-shows courtesy of these strip-machines since 2002. Then along comes Umar Farouk Abdullmutallab and his burning britches, and bingo …

Exposed — Naked Body Scanner Images Of Film Star Printed, Circulated By Airport Staff

Aussie TSA on ‘naked’ full-body scanners: “It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities.”

It’s Official: A Majority Of Americans Would Give Up Liberty In Order To Be Safe From Terrorism. Almost 4 out of 5 Americans are perfectly fine with letting airport security officials gawk at their naked bodies just so they can feel a bit safer from terrorists.

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners

FBI LIED 5 TIMES about the underwear bomber. Full-body scanners were scheduled to be installed in hundreds of US airports BEFORE incident! PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION. But body scanners wouldn’t have stopped incident anyway?

The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Separation from the World — What the Early Christians Believed About Separation from the World. D. Bercot. The Bible exhorts us: “Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” So…

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Modest Dress and Cosmetics — How literally did the early Christians take Peter’s exortation?

Wes Hall: It’s Not Just Porn! “You’re asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life. … I’m not talking about the R-rated movies. I’m talking about the PG-13s … certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled.”

A Nation ‘Bewitched’: Farrah Fawcett — “When the show [Charlie’s Angels] got to be No. 3, I figured it was our acting. When it got to be No. 1, I decided it could only be because none of us wears a bra”

1942 Minnesota: Bathing beaches prior to the low-cut top epidemic

All of my Lust Freedom! posts

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

UPDATE: “Police State” episode of hit Ventura show covering FEMA camps pulled from air — “due to pressure from within the government”

This is a good summary of how media is manipulated in
the land of the cowards and home of the slaves.

[youtube=]UPDATE: “Police State” episode of hit Ventura show covering FEMA camps pulled from air!

TheAlexJonesChannel | December 03, 2010 | 274 likes, 4 dislikes


UPDATED FRI, DEC. 3 11:25 AM CST — This is an update on the now-confirmed bizarre cancellation of the “Police State” FEMA camp episode from TruTV’s schedule, which is we now know is due to background pressure.

Alex Jones, a consultant to the show who appears in “Police State”, noticed three weeks ago that the episode was scheduled to air before the then-newest episode on Fridays at 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST. Alex knew that encore episodes were consistently replayed over-and-over prior to brand new Friday premiere episodes, so red flags went up when it did not re-air like all the others. Now that more inconsistencies have been documented, Alex made some phone calls to get to the bottom of the matter.

This morning, Alex spoke with Gov. Jesse Ventura and discovered that he was fully aware of the fact that “Police State” had been pulled due to pressure from within the government. The former Minnesota governor and star of the show indicated that he’s not ready to make a full statement yet as he’s still investigating the details and talking with network execs. However, Ventura urged that people have a right as citizens to contact TruTV and let them know that they want to see it back on air.

Write us:
600 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Call us: 800.268.7856

Whatever the full cause of the behind-the-scenes pressure, it is clear that the government does not want audiences discussing FEMA camps and Fusion Centers or looking up H.R. 645, the bill named and read in the episode that authorizes FEMA emergency centers. Alex has done all he can to make sure the TruTV series is packed with hard-hitting facts and full of real, substantial issues. Though the show employs the dramatic techniques used throughout TV land, this is not the typical fluff. People had better understand that these are truly groundbreaking shows that are discussing damning evidence that the establishment doesn’t want sinking into the minds of a mainstream audience. Who knows if tonight’s water episode investigating lithium, uranium and fluoride being added to drinking water as a means of population control will itself even air or be replayed after the fact.

Lovers of liberty and supporters of Conspiracy Theory had better cue their DVRs and other recorders and save the episode for good, because with the censorship we’ve already seen, it is difficult to know how long this program will remain on air, or which episodes will be allowed to repeat.…

UPDATE: “Police State” episode of hit Ventura show covering FEMA camps pulled from air

From: Infowars


UPDATED FRI, DEC. 3 11:25 AM CST — This is an update on the now-confirmed bizarre cancellation of the “Police State” FEMA camp episode from TruTV’s schedule, which is we now know is due to background pressure.

Alex Jones, a consultant to the show who appears in “Police State”, noticed three weeks ago that the episode was scheduled to air before the then-newest episode on Fridays at 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST. Alex knew that encore episodes were consistently replayed over-and-over prior to brand new Friday premiere episodes, so red flags went up when it did not re-air like all the others. Now that more inconsistencies have been documented, Alex made some phone calls to get to the bottom of the matter.

This morning, Alex spoke with Gov. Jesse Ventura and discovered that he was fully aware of the fact that “Police State” had been pulled due to pressure from within the government. The former Minnesota governor and star of the show indicated that he’s not ready to make a full statement yet as he’s still investigating the details and talking with network execs. However, Ventura urged that people have a right as citizens to contact TruTV and let them know that they want to see it back on air.

Whatever the full cause of the behind-the-scenes pressure, it is clear that the government does not want audiences discussing FEMA camps and Fusion Centers or looking up H.R. 645, the bill named and read in the episode that authorizes FEMA emergency centers. Alex has done all he can to make sure the TruTV series is packed with hard-hitting facts and full of real, substantial issues. Though the show employs the dramatic techniques used throughout TV land, this is not the typical fluff. People had better understand that these are truly groundbreaking shows that are discussing damning evidence that the establishment doesn’t want sinking into the minds of a mainstream audience. Who knows if tonight’s water episode investigating lithium, uranium and fluoride being added to drinking water as a means of population control will itself even air or be replayed after the fact.

Lovers of liberty and supporters of Conspiracy Theory had better cue their DVRs and other recorders and save the episode for good, because with the censorship we’ve already seen, it is difficult to know how long this program will remain on air, or which episodes will be allowed to repeat.

Entire Article Here

Jason Bermas: WARNING — Barbie’s Big Brother

[youtube=]Barbie’s Big Brother?

JasonJustice911 | December 02, 2010 | 18 likes, 0 dislikes

Jason Bermas talks about Video Girl Barbie and what it might mean this Christmas

Jason Bermas: WARNING — Microsoft Kinect is in Kontrol

[youtube=]Kinect is in Kontrol

JasonJustice911 | December 01, 2010 | 129 likes, 20 dislikes

My very first Iphone video blog about the Microsoft Kinect device. Check me out over at
If you would like to donate towards my next WebTv/Radio project “Punk Rock Politics” via PayPal you can do so at

National talk show host considers CIA connection to false flag terror

[youtube=]Mark Williams agrees with 911 Truther

MegaNewsReader | November 27, 2010 | 38 likes, 0 dislikes

Mark Williams admits Republican and Democrat connection to false flag terror.

Paul Craig Roberts: Fabricating Terror — Why does the FBI orchestrate fake terror plots? “Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?”


November 29, 2010

Fabricating Terror

By Paul Craig Roberts

Why does the FBI orchestrate fake terror plots?

The latest one snared Osman Mohamud, a Somali-American teenager in Portland, Oregon. The Associated Press report by William Mall and Nedra Pickler (11-27-10) is headlined in Yahoo News: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Oregon.”

This is a misleading headline as the report makes it clear that it was a plot orchestrated by federal agents. Two sentences into the news report we have this: “The bomb was an elaborate fake supplied by the [FBI] agents and the public was never in danger, authorities said.”

The teenager was supplied with a fake bomb and a fake detonator.

Three sentences later the reporters contradict the quoted authorities with a quote from Arthur Balizan, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon: “The threat was very real.”

The reporters then contradict Balizan: “White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said Saturday that president Barack Obama was aware of the FBI operation before Friday’s arrest. Shapiro said Obama was assured that the FBI was in full control of the operation and that the public was not in danger.”

Then Shapiro contradicts himself by declaring: “The events of the past 24 hours underscore the necessity of remaining vigilant against terrorism here and abroad.”

The story arrives at its Kafka highpoint when President Obama thanks the FBI for its diligence in saving us from the fake plot the FBI had fabricated.

After vacillating between whether they are reporting a real plot or a orchestrated one, the reporters finally  come down on the side of orchestration. Documents released by US Attorney Dwight Holton “show the sting operation began in June.” Obviously, the targeted Portland teenager was not hot to trot. The FBI had to work on him for six months. The reporters compare “the Portland sting” to the recent arrest in Virginia of Faroque Ahmed who was ensnared in a “bombing plot that was a ruse conducted over the past six months by federal officials.”

Think about this.  The FBI did a year’s work in order to convince two people to participate in fake plots.

If you are not too bright and some tough looking guys accost you and tell you that they are Al Qaeda and expect your help in a terrorist operation, you might be afraid to say no, or you might be thrilled to be part of a blowback against an American population that is indifferent to their government’s slaughter of people of your ethnicity in your country of origin. Whichever way it falls, it is unlikely the ensnared person would ever have done anything beyond talk had the FBI not organized them into action. In other cases the FBI

entices people with money to participate in its fake plots.

Since 9/11, the only domestic “terrorist plot” that I recall that was not obviously organized by the FBI is the “Times Square plot” to which Faisal Shahzad pleaded guilty to trying to set off a car bomb in Manhattan. This plot, too, is suspicious.  One would think that a real terrorist would have a real bomb, not a smoke bomb.

In the May 19, 2009, online site, (reprinted Nov. 27, 2010), Joe Quinn collects some of the fake plots, some of which were validated by torture confessions and others by ignorant and fearful juries. The-Tortured-and-Manipulated-Terrorist-Threat-Evidence The US government comes up with a plot, an accused, and tortures him until he confesses, or the government fabricates a case and takes it to jurors who know that they cannot face their neighbors if they let off a media-declared “terrorist.”

Perhaps the most obvious of these cases is “the Miami seven,” a hapless group of Christian-Zionist-Muslims that called themselves the “Sea of David” and were quietly living in a Florida warehouse awaiting biblical end times. Along came the FBI posing as Al Qaeda and offered them $50,000 and an Al Qaeda swearing in ceremony.

The FBI told them that they needed to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago and various government buildings. An honest reporter at Knight Ridder revealed: “The Justice (sic) Department unveiled the arrests with an orchestrated series of news conferences in two cities, but the severity of the charges compared with the seemingly amateurish nature of the group raised concerns among civil libertarians,” who noted that the group had “no weapons, no explosives.”

The Justice (sic) Department and tamed media made a big show out of the “militaristic boots” worn by the hapless “plotters,” but the FBI had bought the boots for them.

The biggest piece of evidence against the hapless group was that they had taken photos of “targets” in Florida, but the US government had equipped them with cameras.

The US government even rented cars for its dupes to drive to take the pictures.

It turns out that the group only wanted the $50,000, but an American jury convicted them anyhow.

When the US government has to go to such lengths to create “terrorists” out of hapless people, an undeclared agenda is being served. What could this agenda be?

The answer is many agendas. One agenda is to justify wars of aggression that are war crimes under the Nuremberg standard created by the US government itself. One way to avoid war crimes charges is to create acts of terrorism that justify the naked aggressions against “terrorist countries.”

Another agenda is to create a police state. A police state can control people who object to their impoverishment for the benefit of the superrich much more easily than can a democracy endowed with constitutional civil liberties.

Another agenda is to get rich. Terror plots, whether real or orchestrated, have created a market for security. Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff, former head of US Homeland Security, is the lobbyist who represents Rapiscan, the company that manufactures the full body porno-scanners that, following the “underwear bomber” event, are now filling up US airports. Homeland Security has announced that they are going to purchase the porno-scanners for trains, buses, subways, court houses, and sports events. How can shopping malls and roads escape? Recently on Interstate 20 west of Atlanta, trucks had to drive through a similar device. Everyone has forgotten that the underwear bomber lacked required documents and was escorted aboard the airliner by an official.

The “war on terror” provides an opportunity for a few well-connected people to become very rich. If they leave Americans with a third world police state, they will be living it up in Gstaad.

This despite the fact that everyone on the planet knows that it is not lactating mothers, children, elderly people in walkers and wheelchairs, members of Congress, members of the military, nuns, and so on, who are members of Al Qaeda plotting to bring aboard a bomb in their underwear, their shoes, their shampoo and face creams.

Indeed, bombs aboard air liners are a rare event.

What is it really all about? Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?  On November 24, National Public Radio broadcast a report by Dina Temple-Raston: “Administration officials are looking at the possibility of codifying detention without trial and are awaiting legislation that is supposed to come out of Congress early next year.” Of course, the legislation will not come out of Congress. It will be written by Homeland Security and the Justice (sic) Department. The impotent Congress will merely rubber-stamp it.

The obliteration of habeas corpus, the most necessary and important protection of liberty ever institutionalized in law and governing constitution, has become necessary for the US government, because a jury might acquit an alleged or mock “terrorist” or framed person whom the US government has declared prior to the trial will be held forever in indefinite detention even if acquitted in a US court of law. The attorney general of the United States has declared that any “terrorist” that he puts on trial who is acquitted by a jury will remain in detention regardless of the verdict. Such an event would reveal the total lawlessness of American “justice.”

The United States of America, “the city upon the hill,” “the light unto the world,” has become Nazi Germany. It was the practice of the Gestapo to ignore court verdicts and to execute or hold indefinitely the cleared defendant in the camps. The Obama regime is in the process of completing Dick Cheney’s dream by legislating the legality of indefinite detention. American law has collapsed to the dungeons of the Dark Ages.

This Nazi Gestapo policy is now the declared policy of the US Department of Justice (sic).

Anyone who thinks the United States is a free society where people have liberty, “freedom and democracy” is uninformed.

Paul Craig Roberts [email him] was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term.  He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal.  He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider’s Account of Policymaking in Washington;  Alienation and the Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.


Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

Paul Craig Robers: The Latest Orchestrated Threat — Time for a new, more threatening, bogyman, the pursuit of which will keep the “war on terror” going — Haqqanis and Pakistan

The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot — Wouldn’t the FBI’s resources be better spent on detecting and breaking up actual Terrorist plots – if there are any – rather than manufacturing ones?

Google & YouTube Warn They’re Shutting Down Alex Jones’ Videos — “Google’s motto ‘Don’t be evil’ is a joke!”

[youtube=]Google & You Tube Ban Alex Jones

TheAlexJonesChannel | November 29, 2010 | 111 likes, 1 dislikes…

Both Google and its subsidiary company You Tube have banned Alex Jones and his websites, as attempts to curtail free speech widen.

Within the past 2-3 weeks, Jones and his team have confirmed that after years of being listed under Google News, one of the largest platforms for news dissemination, that and have been blocked from its search results, effectively censoring their content from wide web coverage. Only smaller sites that re-post the content have appeared in Google searches since early November.

In a separate matter, TheAlexJonesChannel on YouTube has learned that it will be either frozen or blocked from uploading new content for several weeks following a “Community Guidelines” violation decision. According to YouTube’s support team, users from its site flagged a video on the channel that contained controversial video of the Apache helicopter “collateral murder” that occurred in Iraq in 2007 and was released by Wikileaks. When TheAlexJonesChannel attempted to challenge the removal of this video via YouTube’s counter-notification form, it was subsequently told that the account would be disabled and new content blocked (apparently due to the challenge, as no other strikes exist on the account).

The graphic content in the video– which documents real events the Pentagon never wanted released– has been posted by hundreds of other channels on YouTube, including major media outlets like CBS News and Russia Today without being flagged or removed, yet TheAlexJonesChannel has been told that its posting of a smaller portion of this incident is offensive or otherwise against its community guidelines. This appears to be double standard as even the age-verification barrier set-up for some of the postings was not offered for TheAlexJonesChannel version; it was simple deleted by user demand and YouTube mandate.

It is evident that the system revels in any chance to dampen the loud voice that Alex Jones, and its supporters have raised on the Internet, effectively challenging the status quo and mainstream media spin on major news and events. With the easy passage of the web censorship bill, it is further clear that what is happening now to and Alex Jones will soon happen to anyone without a politically-correct message, particularly when that message is capable of resonating throughout large parts of the globe.

It is up to supporters and lovers of freedom to challenge censorship and oppression on the web, because only resistance can slow the attempts to curtail free speech and expression online. As Frederick Douglass said, “Find out just what the people will submit to and you’ve found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” This will be prove to be more true than ever in the age of the Internet.

IMPORTANT! Alex Jones: Another Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot — “…so they can sit up there on the news and say: ‘We’ve got terrorists everywhere. We’ve gotta have naked body scanners!'”

“…so they can sit up there on the news and say:
‘We’ve got terrorists everywhere.
We’ve gotta have naked body scanners!'”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot – Alex Jones Tv

TheAlexJonesChannel | November 29, 2010 | 85 likes, 2 dislikes
• • •

Just like when police women pose as prostitutes….

That’s how we roll.

• • •

Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot

From: infowars

They not only hate us for our freedom, but also for our Christmas trees – or at least that’s what the FBI and cops in Oregon would have you believe.

“The FBI thwarted an attempted terrorist bombing in Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square before the city’s annual tree-lighting Friday night, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Oregon,” The Oregonian reports. “A Corvallis man, thinking he was going to ignite a bomb, drove a van to the corner of the square at Southwest Yamhill Street and Sixth Avenue and attempted to detonate it.”

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, a Somali-born U.S. citizen, had a little help from the FBI. “The arrest was the culmination of a long-term undercover operation, during which Mohamud had been monitored for months as his alleged bomb plot developed.”

In a repeat of a now familiar pattern, the FBI told Mohamud they were building the bomb. They went so far as to travel to a remote spot in Lincoln County, Oregon, where a bomb concealed in a backpack was detonated as a trial run for the upcoming Christmas tree attack. The FBI eagerly assisted their clueless mark when he decided to shoot a video explaining his half-witted act.

Mohamud and the FBI operative agreed to meet in Portland where Mohamud allegedly told the FBI operative that he had written articles that were published in Jihad Recollections, an online magazine that advocated holy war against American infidels and assorted Christmas revelers.

Mr. Mohmud’s mentally disturbed fantasy fueled by the FBI is reminiscent of the Christmas Day non-bombing attributed to Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who it is said planned to take down an airliner over Detroit in spectacular fashion by igniting his underwear.

According to the FBI affidavit, Mohamud’s absurd bomb plot began….

Entire Article Here

Ex-Illuminati Interviewed by Henry Makow

From: Henry Makow

Children Sacrificed by Illuminati –Defector “Mary Anne”

by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

The Illuminati sacrifice children in rituals eight times a year, “Mary Anne,” an Illuminati defector who had been groomed for high political office, told me Sept 21, 2008 .

I spoke to Mary Anne again last week. She said new and disturbing memories had surfaced. I will present her incredible new information tomorrow evening in “Part Two.”

In preparation, I am summarizing my 2008 interview here for people who don’t have 45 min to listen to it. Much of what she says in both interviews is simply outrageous. I can’t vouch for any of it. But it is consistent with the testimony of other defectors, Svali, Sue Ford and Cathy O’Brien.

The Illuminati count on people to be incredulous. That’s their protection. The more egregious their crimes, the safer they are.

Mary Anne sounds convincing to me. Why would anyone defy the most powerful people in the world? The first interview is available here so you can decide for yourself. Also, both interviews, although 14 months apart, are consistent. People who invent stories rarely can keep track of them.

Entire Article Here

[youtube=]Ex-Illuminati Interviewed by Henry Makow-1 of 5

thefifthseal | September 22, 2008 | 182 likes, 23 dislikes

On September 21, 2008, Henry Makow, on the Republic Broadcasting Network, interviewed an ex-Illuminati member named ‘Mary Ann.’

Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot

Just like when police women pose as prostitutes….

That’s how we roll.

From: infowars

They not only hate us for our freedom, but also for our Christmas trees – or at least that’s what the FBI and cops in Oregon would have you believe.

“The FBI thwarted an attempted terrorist bombing in Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square before the city’s annual tree-lighting Friday night, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Oregon,” The Oregonian reports. “A Corvallis man, thinking he was going to ignite a bomb, drove a van to the corner of the square at Southwest Yamhill Street and Sixth Avenue and attempted to detonate it.”

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, a Somali-born U.S. citizen, had a little help from the FBI. “The arrest was the culmination of a long-term undercover operation, during which Mohamud had been monitored for months as his alleged bomb plot developed.”

In a repeat of a now familiar pattern, the FBI told Mohamud they were building the bomb. They went so far as to travel to a remote spot in Lincoln County, Oregon, where a bomb concealed in a backpack was detonated as a trial run for the upcoming Christmas tree attack. The FBI eagerly assisted their clueless mark when he decided to shoot a video explaining his half-witted act.

Mohamud and the FBI operative agreed to meet in Portland where Mohamud allegedly told the FBI operative that he had written articles that were published in Jihad Recollections, an online magazine that advocated holy war against American infidels and assorted Christmas revelers.

Mr. Mohmud’s mentally disturbed fantasy fueled by the FBI is reminiscent of the Christmas Day non-bombing attributed to Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who it is said planned to take down an airliner over Detroit in spectacular fashion by igniting his underwear.

According to the FBI affidavit, Mohamud’s absurd bomb plot began….

Entire Article Here

Thanksgiving: THANK YOU to all who participated in the National Opt Out Day. In getting the TSA to turn off its naked body scanners, we exposed the TSA’s “big lie” about air travel safety.

From: Natural News

TSA turns off naked body scanners to avoid opt-out day protests

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles…)

(NaturalNews) Anticipating a nationwide grassroots surge of protests against naked body scanners and aggressive pat-downs, the TSA simply turned off its naked body scanners on Wednesday and let air travelers walk right through security checkpoints without being X-rayed or molested.

All across the country, air travelers are reporting that the TSA simply deactivated the naked body scanners and let people go right through without a scan. “Backscatter scanners are off. No scan. No patdown.” reported a traveler from the Seattle airport. “Backscatter machines aren’t being used at LAX,” reported another traveler. “They’re all roped off.”

Much the same story is being reported all across the country.

The TSA is desperate to avoid protests

Shutting down the “National Opt-Out Day” by turning off the machines is the only logical move for the TSA, of course: The agency needed a way to defuse the growing grassroots resistance to its criminal violations of Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights. So instead of facing what was sure to be widespread protest, the agency simply decided to turn off the machines for a day.

This action tells us all sorts of fascinating things about the TSA and its fabricated security excuses. Perhaps most importantly, it proves that the naked body scanners are not needed for air travel security in the first place. When it wants to, the TSA can just turn the machines off and resort to baggage X-rays and metal detectors. That’s worked for years, and it apparently worked today, too.

And yet, up until today, the TSA has insisted that the naked body scanners are absolutely essential to detecting hidden bombs, and that “travelers won’t be safe” unless they use the naked body scanners. So all of a sudden today it’s okay for the TSA to put air travelers at risk of being blown up?

The TSA can’t have it both ways. Either the naked body scanners are vital for air security and they need to be running 24/7 to keep everybody safe, or they’re just another security con game being played out for the financial benefit of Chertoff and others who profit from the sale of such machines.

How can the TSA — with a straight face — say that naked body scanners are vital for air security but not on the busiest air travel day of the year?

As you can see, there are some serious holes in the TSA’s mythology, and interestingly, this National Opt-Out Day indirectly exposed them by getting the TSA to turn off the naked body scanners. This is effectively an admission that they aren’t important to air security.

Trying to avoid any challenge to its power

This action by the TSA also shows that the TSA is desperately trying to avoid being publicly embarrassed by the national-opt-out day protests. Lots of local and national news film crews were out at the airports today, hoping to catch something interesting on camera. But by turning off the naked body scanners, the TSA was able to stage a “calm looking” day at the airport.

As soon as the TV cameras leave, however, they can turn those machines right back on and start molesting people once again. This is classic behavior of police state tyrants: They present a calm, professional image to the media, but once the cameras leave, all of a sudden their hands are back down in your pants.

I predict the TSA will have the machines turned right back on by Friday, and more reports of sexual molestation and inappropriate pat-downs will continue to emerge.

Many people just skipped the airports altogether

The other big travel news today was that lots of travelers decided to simply skip the airports altogether. NaturalNews received emails from several travelers who described major U.S. airports as “nearly empty.”

Meanwhile, traffic was terrible on the freeways. The Massachusetts Turnpike played host to a 30-mile traffic jam today (…).

A new Zogby poll indicates that 43% of the American public will seek alternatives to flying due to the TSA’s aggressive pat-downs and naked body scanners (….). That’s going to add up to a huge financial hit for the air travel industry in the months ahead. The TSA could end up destroying much of the air travel industry altogether!

Learn more about freedom, security, American history and the Bill of Rights

For a full discussion of the issues that really matter here, check out my new commentary audio / video about the Don’t Touch My Junk song.

The first 13 minutes or so are about the song itself. After that, it’s mostly a discussion about freedom and the Bill of Rights. You can watch that video commentary for free at:…

Thank you to all who participated in the National Opt Out Day. In getting the TSA to turn off its naked body scanners, we exposed the TSA’s “big lie” about air travel safety.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and travel safely, no matter what method of transportation you choose.

Senator Jay Rockefeller To TSA Chief John Pistole: “I Think You’re Doing A Terrific Job”

Entire Article Here

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists.

From: Foreign Policy Journal

TSA Gestapo Empire
by Paul Craig Roberts
November 23, 2010

It is difficult to imagine New Yorkers being porno-screened and sexually groped on crowed subway platforms or showing up an hour or two in advance for clearance for a 15 minute subway ride, but once bureaucrats get the bit in their teeth they take absurdity to its logical conclusion. …

There are also news reports of federal trucks equipped with backscatter X-ray devices that secretly scan cars and pedestrians.
With such expensive counter-terrorism activities, both in terms of the hard-pressed taxpayers’ money and civil liberties, one would think that bombs were going off all over America.  But, of course, they aren’t. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event.

Subsequent domestic terrorist events have turned out to be FBI sting operations in which FBI agents organize not-so-bright disaffected members of society and lead them into displaying interest in participating in a terrorist act.  Once the FBI agent, pretending to be a terrorist, succeeds in prompting all the right words to be said and captured on his hidden recorder, the “terrorists” are arrested and the “plot” exposed.

The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists.

If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible, they might wonder why all the emphasis on transportation when there are so many soft targets. Shopping centers, for example. If there were enough terrorists in America to justify the existence of Homeland Security, bombs would be going off round the clock in shopping malls in every state. The effect would be far more terrifying than blowing up an airliner. …

If Al Qaeda was anything like the organization that the US government claims, it would not be focused on trivial targets such as passenger airliners. The organization, if it exists, would be focused on its real enemies. Try to imagine the propaganda value of terrorists wiping out the neoconservatives in one fell swoop, followed by an announcement that every member of the federal government down to the lowest GS, every member of the House and Senate, and every governor was next in line to be bumped off.

This would be real terrorism instead of the make-belief stuff associated with shoe bombs that don’t work, underwear bombs that independent experts say could not work, and bottled water and shampoo bombs that experts say cannot possibly be put together in airliner lavatories.

Entire Article Here

[reality check video] Paul Craig Roberts: It’s All a Successful Propaganda Venture — “There’s only one candidate for President. That’s Ron Paul. The rest of them are all trying to outdo one another in starting WWIII.” “I don’t think Ron Paul can awaken more than about 20% of the population.”

[ audio ] Paul Craig Roberts on The Alex Jones Show 11/09/11: Military Works for the Globalists — “They’re now trying to create more false intelligence like they did about Sadaam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. They’re pulling the same stunts now with Iran.” “The minute we fell for 9/11 we signed our doom.”

Paul Craig Roberts Reality Check: America Going Into Greece Style Bondage — Why the bailouts won’t work. The truth about the ‘terrorists’ which we must be so AFRAID of, so we must have PORNO scanners so we can’t be free. It really is this simple. How can Americans be so gullible — so easily deceived?!!

Paul Craig Roberts: 9/11 After A Decade, HAVE WE LEARNED Anything? | THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE THE DOLLAR is to greatly reduce the trade deficit and stop the wars. They won’t, so the TRAIN WRECK is coming.

[great guy!] Update from Paul Craig Roberts — “Who is the real butcher? We’ve murdered more people…”

Paul Craig Roberts: Fabricating Terror — Why does the FBI orchestrate fake terror plots? “Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?”

The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot — Wouldn’t the FBI’s resources be better spent on detecting and breaking up actual Terrorist plots – if there are any – rather than manufacturing ones?

Naked body scanners will be everywhere! Napolitano: Next step for body scanners could be trains, boats, metro


Full-body scanners popping up at courthouses

From: The Hill

The next step in tightened security could be on U.S. public transportation, trains and boats.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says terrorists will continue to look for U.S. vulnerabilities, making tighter security standards necessary.

“[Terrorists] are going to continue to probe the system and try to find a way through,” Napolitano said in an interview that aired Monday night on “Charlie Rose.”

“I think the tighter we get on aviation, we have to also be thinking now about going on to mass transit or to trains or maritime. So, what do we need to be doing to strengthen our protections there?”

Entire Article Here

Gerald Celente on naked body scanners and full-body pat-downs: They freaked the whole country out over the underwear bomber who didn’t even have an igniter!

Gerald clearly shows he’s not a Christian,
but his other points are excellent!

[youtube=]Gerald Celente on Fox and Friends 21 November 2010

geraldcelente | November 21, 2010 | 115 likes, 3 dislikes

Gerald Celente on Fox and Friends 21 November 2010
Trends Journal:
Copyright Fox Business News

Jeff Rense’s TSA Scanners & Groping Violation Links


TSA Scanners & Groping Violation

TSA Agents Hate Fat & Dirty Travelers

Body Scanner-Proof Underwear

DHS Head Chertoff Got $350m Scanner Contract – Vid

The TSA Naked Body Scan Picture Hoax

Passenger Spends Hours – Beats TSA Checks

US Considers Ending Invasive Airport Security Checks

Woman On TSA ‘Pat Downs’ – ‘I Feel Molested’

TSA Boss Admits He Withheld Pat-Down Info

TSA Thugs Harassing Our Returning Troops

TSA Takes Mother’s Child

TSA Screening Soaks Cancer Survivor in Urine

Iris Scan & Fingerprints Substituted For TSA Screening

Celente – Groping & Stripping Americans Of Their Pride – Vid

‘I’d Avoid Them If I Could’ – Hillary Over TSA Screening

Obama Replies To Growing Outrage Over TSA Scans

TSA Pull Pants Off 71 Yr Old Man w/Knee Implant

A Full Body Scan Of American Corruption

Pistole Says No Change in TSA Screening Policy

LA Times – ‘Shut Up And Be Scanned’

Humorous TSA Parody From Saturday Night Live – Vid

GOP Push vs TSA May Bring Blackwater Groping Goons

LA Times – ‘Shut Up And Be Scanned’

TSA Bumper Stickers

How To Love Letting TSA Grope You

Travelers Who Refuse TSA Scans Will Be Fined, Arrested

Pilots Get OK To Skip Scans And Pat Downs

Americans Plan Mass TSA Protest

Orlando Airport Plans To Fire TSA

UNBELIEVABLE – Cancer Survivor Flight Attendant TSA Outrage

Chertoff’s TSA Death Scanners – Vid

TSA – Full-Body Radiation Scanners Safe (endless lies)

The TSA Is Insane And Out Of Control


TSA – Full-Body Radiation Scanners Safe (endless lies)

CA DA Warns TSA Over ‘Bad’ Touching

Exposed – Michael Chertoff And TSA Scanners

TSA Scanners As Likely To Kill You As A Terrorist

Ron Paul – Stop Irradiating US And Fondling Our Children – Vid

‘Stop Touching Me!’ Screams 3 Yr Old Girl At TSA

TSA Rape Scan Images Will Reverb Around World

TSA Asks ‘Patience’ (To Grope And Fry More Citizens)

TSA Checkpoint Cherthoff – A Neo American Nightmare

TSA Expands Into VIPER

The World Laughs At TSA – Vid

TSA Tactics Find Ominous Parallel in Nazi Germany — It took Hitler and the Nazis nearly a decade to impose a murderous police state on the German people. In the wake of the staged burning of the Reichstag…

From: Infowars

TSA Tactics Find Ominous Parallel in Nazi Germany

It took Hitler and the Nazis nearly a decade to impose a murderous police state on the German people. In the wake of the staged burning of the Reichstag in February of 1933, the Nazis suspended the civil liberties of the German people and began a concerted effort to eliminate all opposition to their fascist regime. The Nazis would later stage a false flag incident known as the Gleiwitz incident in order to provide an excuse to invade Poland and start the Second World War.

Left unchallenged, government invariably evolves into a tyrannical force at odds with the interest of the people. Minus effective opposition, the people of Germany had little choice but to support Hitler and his ill-fated war.

It has taken the federal government and its Department of Homeland Security – an agency on the drawing board well before September 11, 2001 – to implement police state tactics in regard to travel that far surpass anything devised by the Nazis.

Even before the attacks of September 11, 2001, the government planned to create and impose a police state control grid on the American people. For instance, the Bill of Rights crushing Patriot Act was devised well before the attack and its predecessor, the 1996 Antiterrorism Act, was rushed into law following the first suspicious attack on the World Trade Center and the equally suspicious attack in Oklahoma City. Habeas corpus law was forever changed by the law touted by then president Bill Clinton.

Armed with its new and draconian palette of laws and mandates, the federal government, including the FBI, the CIA, and the Pentagon, have exploited the September 11 attacks to go after the real enemy – the American people.

Entire Article Here

TSA now needs false flag security incident to convince Americans to accept obscene pat-downs — The sheeple are always willing to give up their rights if they can be scared into doing so.

From: Natural News

(NaturalNews) With the grassroots backlash over the TSA’s obscene pat-downs growing by the day, it’s becoming fairly obvious that the only way the U.S. government is going to get the public to accept these Fourth Amendment violations is if there is another “terrorist incident” that’s stopped by the TSA and its naked body scanners.

So far, the TSA is molesting children, teens and grannies without being able to demonstrate that this gross violation of Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights is having any effect whatsoever on improving air travel safety. But if there’s anything to be learned from 9/11, it’s that the sheeple are always willing to give up their rights if they can be scared into doing so. (…)

“After 9/11 people were scared and when people are scared they’ll do anything for someone who will make them less scared,” said Bruce Schneier, a Minneapolis security technology expert, in an AP story (…). “But [this TSA] is particularly invasive. It’s strip-searching. It’s body groping. As abhorrent goes, this pegs it.”

TSA is fighting for its survival

The TSA is being threatened right now in a big way: One airport in Florida is already planning to ditch the agency and hire private contractors to run security. A NYC lawmaker has called for the “dismantling” of the TSA, and Rep Ron Paul has introduced legislation that would result in TSA agents being arrested for felony crimes if they touched peoples’ junk.

The TSA, in other words, is fighting for its very survival right now. What it desperately needs is some new terrorist incident to remind the American people how much they need to give up their freedoms in exchange for security.

Entire Article Here

Joe Biden: NAKED BODY SCANNERS and Airport Pat-Downs Intrusive and ‘NECESSARY’

Related: Biden Tells Roberts: You Will Rule On Human Microchipping

Joel Skousen suggests the reason the government is risking mass outrage is to get exactly that so the people will accept biometric scanning. The end-goal is probably the microchip.

Listen to the Radio Liberty broadcast here: Date: 11-18-10, Hour: 2, 4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief

From: CNN


Interview With Vice President Joe Biden

Aired November 18, 2010 – 21:00   ET


KING: OK. Thanksgiving’s right around the corner. What do you make in a lot of discussion now in America, you — everybody’s got an opinion, the pat-down policy? Cause there’s going to millions at airports.

JOE BIDEN: Well look, Larry, maybe because I spend so much time every morning dealing with the threat assessment that’s out there and the fact that it’s real — I understand peoples’ frustration, but I — unless there’s a new technology that comes along pretty quickly, I think it’s — I think it’s a necessary policy. I think it will have the effect of saving lives intercepting explosives or — or before —

KING: But in a democracy, it’s an invasion. I mean, it is an invasion.


JILL BIDEN: It is, but if you think about it, I mean, really, we’re fighting — I mean, terrorism is — it’s a threat. And I think Americans should — I mean, they should realize it and — and put up with it, I think.

KING: Anyone in the administration against doing it?


Entire Transcript Here

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