Freedom from Alaska!

Month: January 2012 Page 3 of 4

Santorum says there’s a US program to kill Iranian scientists and dead ones are a wonderful thing

[youtube=] Santorum says there’s a US program to kill Iranian scientists and dead ones are a wonderful thing

Uploaded by on Jan 12, 2012

US Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has callously described the assassination of Iranian scientists as “wonderful,” threatening that those who work for Iran’s nuclear program “are not safe.”

“On occasion, scientists working on the nuclear program in Iran turn up dead. I think that’s a wonderful thing, candidly,” said Rick Santorum addressing an election campaign in Greenville, South Carolina.

He added that, “I think we should send a very clear message that if you are a scientist from Russia, North Korea, or from Iran and you are going to work on a nuclear program to develop a bomb for Iran, you are not safe.”

Santorum claimed that while Iran is “in the process of developing a nuclear weapon, it appears obvious to me that the [US] administration is doing little to nothing.”

“We have done it; we have done it for American citizens. We are concerned when someone is producing a nuclear bomb that can be dropped on the state of Israel or provides a nuclear shield for a country which spreads terrorism with impunity and changes the face of the world,” he said.

Santorum’s remarks come as yet another Iranian scientist, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, was assassinated on January 11 in Iran’s capital, Tehran.

An unknown motorcyclist attached a sticky bomb to Ahmadi Roshan’s car near Allameh Tabatabaei University in Tehran.

Ahmadi Roshan, a Sharif University of Technology chemical engineering graduate and the deputy director of marketing at Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility, was killed immediately and his driver, who had sustained injures, passed away a few hours later in hospital.

The latest terrorist attack comes as Iran has reached an agreement with the P5+1 — Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United States plus Germany – to hold negotiations in Turkey.

The US, Israel and their allies accuse Iran of pursuing a military nuclear program and have used this allegation as a pretext to sway the UNSC to impose four rounds of sanctions on Iran.

Based on these accusations, they have also repeatedly threatened Tehran with the “option” of a military strike.

This is while in November 2011, some of the US presidential hopefuls called for conducting covert operations ranging from assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists to launching a military strike on Iran as well as sabotaging Tehran’s nuclear program.

The calls for assassinations are not idle threats as a number of Iranian scientists have been assassinated over the past few years. Professor Majid Shahriari and Professor Masoud Ali-Mohammadi are among the victims of these acts of terror.

On November 29, 2010, Shahriari and Fereydoun Abbasi were targeted by terrorist attacks; Shahriari was killed immediately and Dr. Abbasi, the current director of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, only sustained injuries.

Iran says as the UN Resolution 1747, adopted against Tehran in March 2007, cited Abbasi’s name as a “nuclear scientist,” the perpetrators were in a position to trace their victim.

According to reports, Ahmadi Roshan had recently met International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors, a fact which indicates that the IAEA has leaked information about Iran’s nuclear facilities and scientists.


Defense Secretary Panetta admits Iran NOT developing nukes: “Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No.” — And they call Ron Paul’s foreign policy ‘insane’ while they pressure Iran with sanctions that could cut off all middle east oil!

[video] No More Victims: Working for Peace, One Child at a Time – Working for Peace, One Child at a Time

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[youtube=]No More Victims: Stop the Wars and Bring the Troops Home

Uploaded by on Aug 25, 2011

Narrated by Steve Ballantine ( Since 2003 No More Victims ( has secured treatment for children injured by US forces. After ten years of war, it’s time for Americans to act decisively: we must end the wars and commit our resources to creating jobs and rebuilding the ramshackle infrastructure of our own country. As Eisenhower said: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.”

[video] Bohemian Club member Newt Gingrich denies Bohemian Grove existence

[youtube=]Newt Gingrich Denies Bohemian Grove Existence: Some People Have “Fantasy Lives”

Uploaded by on Jan 11, 2012

Please help support our existence so we can do more road trips to primary states and ask the questions that are never asked

[youtube=]Newt Gingrich, Bohemian Grove and media lies

Uploaded by on Jan 2, 2012

The Bohemian Grove is an all male “club” in Sonoma California where the elite of the world meet once a year. The most powerful, wealthiest men meeting in secret yet the “media experts” don’t want to talk about it. Mark Dice called many stations to try and spread this info. followed by Anthony Antonello.


Bohemian Grove Exposed!

Known Members of Bohemian Grove

Both George Bushes
Ronald Reagan
Henry Kissinger
Richard Nixon
Casper Weinberger
Dick Cheney
Malcom Forbes
Colin Powell
Helmut Schmidt
Stephen Bechtel (Bechtel Corp.)
James Baker
Jerry Cole
David Rockefeller
Newt Gingrich

I’m having fun on Facebook

Great Ron Paul Photo — POWER to the PEACEFUL!!!

to the

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[Media Bias Exposed Screenshot!] CBS Reporter Blatantly Excludes Ron Paul From Coverage — It’s a familiar picture for Paul supporters…

I have many examples of this here at ToBeFree. It was even worse in 2008!

And now we know that Paul came in a strong 2nd in this New Hampshire race.

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From: Infowars

CBS Reporter Blatantly Excludes Ron Paul From Coverage

Despite the fact Paul is surging and Romney sliding, gap now only 15 points

Steve Watson
January 9, 2012

CBS excludes Ron Paul

Despite the fact that Ron Paul is polling in second place in New Hampshire, and rapidly closing the gap on Mitt Romney, according to the latest polls, one CBS reporter did her best to convince viewers that Paul does not even exist.

It’s a familiar picture for Paul supporters who have had to watch over and over as mainstream media talking heads and pundits have consistently either laughed off the Texas Congressman’s chances for GOP nominee or simply excluded Paul from their coverage altogether.

However, within the past few weeks, the networks were forced to begin taking Paul seriously as he began consistently polling in first and second ahead of the Iowa caucuses, eventually finishing third in what was essentially a three way tie.

Going into New Hampshire and ahead of two debates this weekend, Paul was polling in strong second, as he has been for some time. However, That did not stop CBS political correspondent Jan Crawford from showing graphics and talking about recent polling, without even mentioning Paul’s numbers or even that he was involved in the race at all.

Crawford even used a graphic referencing a Suffolk University Poll of New Hampshire voters, omitting Paul’s numbers, even though he came second, and was the only candidate other than Mitt Romney to poll in double figures.

Watch the video:

Entire Article Here

Infowars Featured Stories

From:… | “I think the intellectual revolution that’s going on now to restore liberty in this country is well on its way.”

National Journal | “We’re next in line to [Romney]. I would say we’re the only ones really in the race with him.”

Infowars | As Mitt Romney takes New Hampshire, Ron Paul holds a strong second, well ahead of third place Huntsman.

Infowars News | How a single individual sparked a revolt against SOPA legislation; how the media views its sheep-like audience and New Hampshire-era attacks on Ron Paul. | Ron Paul winning with nearly 30 percent of the votes.

Kurt Nimmo & Paul Joseph Watson | Tells husband John King Republicans also worried about Paul.

Steve Watson | New Hampshire voters should know Huntsman is a dead end beyond their state.

Paul Joseph Watson | Paul supporters worry New Hampshire chicanery could cost him second place finish.

Kurt Nimmo | France and Britain say new enrichment provocative, even though it is permitted under IAEA rules.

Paul Joseph Watson | System throws weight behind former Obama administration official in desperate bid to cheat Paul out of second place in New Hampshire.

Steve Watson | Fares better than Romney among independents.

Paul Joseph Watson | Don’t believe anonymous Internet posts, unless you’re the mainstream media. | Ron Paul’s photo showing him with one of his children [Rand] while serving during the Vietnam era is going viral on the net.

Infowars Nightly News | Ron Paul’s mobbing by the corporate media today in New Hampshire on the eve of the primary.

Infowars Nightly News | Alex talks with Greg Hunter of about the situation in the Persian Gulf as Iran and the West draw closer to all-out war.

BLOOMBERG | Dennis Ross says US president has “made it very clear” that he would be willing to use force if necessary.

The American Dream | One of the unique things about the Constitution of the United States was that it guaranteed certain rights for its citizens.

New American | A high French government official confirmed last week that an FTT — Financial Transaction Tax — will be implemented by the European Union by the end of 2012.

Infowars | Alex talks withGreg Hunter of

Kurt Nimmo | Paul said chaotic situation at a New Hampshire eatery was created by media.

Paul Joseph Watson | Ron Paul hounded while Scandal that undermines Santorum’s “family values” swept aside.

Patrick Henningsen | Defense profits and oil prices are up, so stalemate looks like a tastier option for the globalists

Kurt Nimmo | Even provided a video of his terrorist fantasy to government.

Paul Joseph Watson | Establishment attempts to ostracize Independents from voting for Paul.

Steve Watson | Media ignores Paul’s service record and fact he has most donations from military.

Kurt Nimmo | It is not clear if this is a new tactic to prevent Ron Paul from interacting with voters.

Kurt Nimmo | U.S., British, French and Russian warships converge in Middle East as Iran, U.S. and Israelis launch war games in Persian Gulf.

The Alex Jones Channel | Alex speaks with Tyrel Ventura, the son of former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura.

NBC | All of Ron Paul’s answers from last night’s debate in New Hampshire.

DEBKAfile | US, Russian French and British air and naval forces streamed to the Syrian and Iranian coasts over the weekend on guard for fresh developments at the two Middle East flashpoints.

Bloomberg | Iran has the ability to block the Strait of Hormuz “for a period of time.”

Alt Market | There is nothing more disgusting or detestable than a citizen informant.

Activist Post | It is an unfortunate reality that those who pass for being informed in this country are often much less informed than those who simply no longer care.


[video] Ron Paul’s Speech After New Hampshire Primary — 2nd Place!

This is sweet!

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Can anyone say:

“Ron Paul rocks?!!!”

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[youtube=]Watch Ron Paul’s Speech After New Hampshire Primary

Uploaded by on Jan 10, 2012

More from Ron Paul and the Campaign here:
Texas Congressman Ron Paul addressed a crowd of supporters in Concord, New Hampshire after placing second in the state primary. He told the crowd, “We are dangerous to the status quo of this country.”

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt, author of “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”: How public education was deliberately programmed to destroy America’s conscience — The ‘Christian’ community stopped helping Charlotte fight behavioral operant conditioning of our children’s minds. “You cannot give up!”

Free book:

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“If someone calls you a kook, thank them, and say,
‘you know, you’ve put me in really good company.
I’m in with Solzenitzen;
I’m in with all these great people who fought for freedom.'”

“We’re ‘crazy’ because we think.”

– Charlotte Izerbyt

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

[youtube=]America on The Road to Total Destruction with Author Charlotte Iserbyt 1/4

Uploaded by on Jan 6, 2012

On this Friday, January 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Charlotte Iserbyt, who served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and improvement at the Department of Education during the Reagan years. During her stint there, she blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms. She subsequently wrote and compiled the deliberate dumbing down of america, a chronological history of the past one hundred plus years of education reform. A new version of Iserbyt’s book is now available at the Infowars store.

[ The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: Revised and Abridged ]…





[EXCELLENT 75-minute video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America — Charlotte found documents that show the federal government and tax exempt foundations have been changing the education system from fundamental academic study to what amounts to operant conditioning dog training to bring us into the Marxist one-world government system!

Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed | More on the Secret History of Western Education & Psychology!

[IMPORTANT! 74-minute, real history video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education — The Scientific Destruction of Minds

Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes

Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt: MIND CONTROL in PUBLIC SCHOOLS — CHARTER schools even worse than regular public schools • School CHOICE? If PRIVATE schools take just one penny they’re done • “OUTCOME-BASED education is the Soviet system” • FED-programmed COMPUTERS override independent, local teachers • MINORITIES targeted first • ‘HERITAGE’ Foundation isn’t doing God’s work

Norman Dodd: Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations INTENTIONALLY ALTERED AMERICAN HISTORY in Order to Merge America Into a Monopoly They Control

Patrick Buchanan: The Dumbing-Down of America — “Is our children learning?” George W. Bush so famously asked. Well, no, they is not learning…

Defense Secretary Panetta admits Iran NOT developing nukes: “Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No.” — And they call Ron Paul’s foreign policy ‘insane’ while they pressure Iran with sanctions that could cut off all middle east oil!

From: Raw Story

Panetta admits Iran not developing nukes

By Stephen C. Webster
Monday, January 9, 2012

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta let slip on Sunday the big open secret that Washington war hawks don’t want widely known: Iran is not developing nuclear weapons.

Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday, Panetta admitted that despite all the rhetoric, Iran is not pursuing the ability to split atoms with weapons, saying it is instead pursuing “a nuclear capability.”

That “capability” falls in line with what Iran has said for years: that it is developing nuclear energy facilities, not nuclear weapons.

“I think the pressure of the sanctions, the diplomatic pressures from everywhere, Europe, the United States, elsewhere, it’s working to put pressure on them,” Panetta explained on Sunday. “To make them understand that they cannot continue to do what they’re doing. Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon? No. But we know that they’re trying to develop a nuclear capability, and that’s what concerns us. And our red line to Iran is, do not develop a nuclear weapon. That’s a red line for us.”

Republicans have been beating the drums of war in recent weeks as tensions in the Iranian gulf have soared. Iran has threatened to shut down the Strait of Hormuz, a key oil transport hub crucial to global industry, if U.S. warships return to monitor their activities.

Entire Article with Video Here


Congressman Dennis Kucinich: The MEDIA COVERAGE on IRAN is MIRRORING the coverage in the lead-up to the IRAQ war – grand claims about a smoking gun that doesn’t exist

[POWERFUL music video] Golden State: Bombs (End This War/The Ron Paul Song) — “It’s not impossible that we can end this war / Just let your heart explode / It’s not to late for a miracle! — No more lying; No more sighing; I’m still trying, Arms wide open!”

[youtube=]Golden State – Bombs (The Ron Paul Song)

[classic video] Ron Paul’s consistency exposed in this old video!

Ron looking very strong!

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[]Ron Paul EXPOSED in this old video!

Uploaded by on Sep 9, 2011

Ron Paul is exposed in this old video. I can’t believe the things he is saying. You’ve got to see this. How can this man be so absolutely right in predicting what America would be facing today? Because our founding fathers knew what fiat money and a central bank would do if they gained control of the U.S. economy, that’s how. Apparently Ron Paul is the only candidate running for President that takes the founders seriously.

Infowars Featured Stories

Can anyone say:

“Alex Jones rocks?!!!”

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Paul Joseph Watson | Former Governor: Incident “never happened…someone is out to destroy my credibility”.

Kurt Nimmo | Def. Sec. Panetta and JCS General Martin Dempsey say U.S. will respond to keep waterway open.

Kurt Nimmo | Evidence points to likelihood video came from source within or closely tied to Huntsman campaign.

Infowars Nightly News | The admitted Obama administration propaganda front Media Matters has launched yet another pathetic smear attack.

The Hill | Ron Paul returned to the spotlight Saturday night by attacking his rivals for the Republican nomination.

The Hill | Paul jabbed at Gingrich during Saturday night’s Republican presidential debate for not serving in the military while advocating for foreign intervention as a candidate.

Washington’s Blog | The U.S. and Israel are conducting their largest-ever joint warfare exercises near Iran.

David Icke | British author and researcher David Icke presents his experiences and thoughts from on the ground at the Occupy Wall Street protest.

State Column | Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, dominated the Idaho Republican Party Straw Poll Friday night.

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines

Can anyone say:

“Mike Adams rocks?!!!”

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Pepsi’s lawyers say Mountain Dew can dissolve a mouse


By Tara Green
January 9 – While drinking Mountain Dew, have you ever seen (or perhaps felt on your tongue) a thick, jelly-like substance? Maybe you assumed the ingredients in the soda had gelled. According to Mountain Dew manufacturer Pepsi, you may have been ingesting some extra protein with…

Publicly funded GMO research in India exposed as fraud to secretly sneak in Monsanto seeds


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 9 – The nation of India is currently embroiled in a massive scandal involving the use of taxpayer dollars to fund research into genetically-modified organisms (GMO). The Coalition for a GM-Free India (CGMFI) is demanding an immediate end to public sector funding of GMO research…

Eating healthy on a budget


By Paul Fassa
January 9 – Not everyone is able or ready to grow their own food yet. With food prices rising and the dollar shrinking, it’s a good idea to know what to buy and where. The first thing to realize is eating solely for taste and eating out often are the wrong approaches. Allocating…

Juicing medical marijuana the latest trend in amazing cures


By PF Louis
January 9 – There have been a few articles written about the multitude of environmentally sustainable industrial applications of hemp. There have been perhaps many more written about the medical applications of cannabis. Now there is a formerly skeptical California doctor who has…

FTC lawsuit targets acai berry marketing ads that pose as legitimate product reviews


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
January 9 – Earlier in the year, the Consumer Wellness Center (CWC) conducted an investigation into those tricky acai berry diet advertisements that lure web surfers into purchasing “free” or low-cost trials of weight loss supplements, only to have their credit cards charged for…

Homeopathic alternatives to antidepressant drugs


By Dana Ullman
January 9 – Depression lowers the spirits and drowns the eyes in sorrow, though tears aren’t the only reason why depressed people sometimes can’t see straight. Depression also caves in the chest, slumps the shoulders, and inhibits full breathing, usually forcing unhappy people to…

Proteins, not sugar, increase energy expenditure


By Michelle Bosmier
January 9 – A study published in the November issue of the science journal Neuron subverts the commonly held belief that consuming sugar can make you feel more energetic. Researchers at the University of Cambridge reveal that protein is responsible for activating cells that keep…

Law enforcement officials can now secretly install GPS tracking on your vehicle and spy on you without a warrant, says judge


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
January 9 – As long as law enforcement officials claim to have reasonable suspicion that you might be involved with committing a crime, they are free to affix a GPS tracking device to your car without your knowledge and monitor your every movement. At least this is the opinion of…

Mediterranean diet and reduced calorie intake promote brain health and longevity


By John Phillip
January 8 – Researchers have long theorized that a Mediterranean diet full of vegetables, fruit, fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil can help promote good health. Scientists at the Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden reporting in the European journal AGE provide the unanimous results: four…

Gardasil – Don’t Cry for Me Argentina – I Have Come to Kill Thousands of Your Girls


By Rosemary Mathis, Vice President of Victim Support, SANE VAX, INC.
January 8 – Last February, Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez announced the launch of the country’s HPV vaccine program at the National Institute of Tropical Medicine conference. In a stunning admission and before an audience of her countrymen, who did not react to her gaffe…

New Clancy ‘Rainbow Six’ vid game labels OWS protesters as the new domestic terror threat


By J. D. Heyes
December 21 – Is it getting increasingly harder to voice your opinion in the U.S. without someone labeling you a terrorist or a subversive? The latest outrage comes from the Tom Clancy-inspired “Rainbow Six” videogame series, in which Occupy Wall Street protesters are the new domestic…

Vitamin C mega-dosing continues to unleash healing miracles around the world


By PF Louis
January 8 – Remember the story of Alan Smith from New Zealand, and his dramatic recovery from a coma with mega-dose vitamin C? That story went viral and was featured in the New Zealand version of “60 Minutes.” But some sources didn’t have it quite right. The mega-dose vitamin C…

Salt – friend or foe?


By Michelle Bosmier
January 8 – For many years we have been told by medical experts and nutritionists alike that it is crucial for our health to cut down on sodium as much as possible. Statistical data seems to show that a high dietary salt intake (primarily consisting in sodium chloride) can put people…

Goal setting that sticks every time


By Mike Bundrant
January 8 – (This goal setting anecdote was written based on the experience of an iNLP student.) I sat at the dining room table on the day after Christmas, loathing myself for being 60 pounds overweight. Then I loathed myself more for loathing myself. Vicious cycle. I said to my…

FBI pushes to classify undercover animal abuse investigations as ‘terrorism’


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
January 8 – The USA Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and various other unconstitutional “anti-terrorism” legislation all appear to be getting turned right back around on the American people. It has been revealed that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation…

Obama lawyers claim Americans who oppose U.S. government are ‘legitimate’ targets for government bombings, assassinations


By J. D. Heyes
January 8 – Do you remember when Barack Obama, as a senator and onetime constitutional law professor, opposed legislation he felt incriminated on the rights of American citizens? If that seems like a political lifetime ago, that’s because it was; it was back in a time (2007) when…

Study: Fukushima killed at least 14,000 people in the US, mostly babies, in weeks following disaster


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 7 – For the very first time, a scientific study published in a peer-reviewed journal has come up with a solid estimate of the total number of US deaths caused by the Fukushima nuclear disaster in the weeks following it. Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano, MPH, MBA, and his colleagues…

Large southwest dairy farm to lose organic certification following USDA investigation


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
January 7 – The first dairy to ever become US Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified organic in the State of Arizona is now set to lose that certification following an investigation spearheaded by the Cornucopia Institute (CI), a small-scale organic farm advocacy group. Shamrock…

IBM helped automate Hitler’s holocaust death machine, author reveals


By J. D. Heyes
January 6 – It is not known that one of America’s most successful technology companies was complicit in helping Nazi leader Adolph Hitler build a more efficient killing machine before and during World War II, one author charges. Edwin Black, who’s groundbreaking work, “IBM and…

Monsanto spends whopping $2 million in third quarter 2011 lobbying federal government


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 6 – If you have ever wondered how the biotechnology industry has been able to develop the cozy and unquestioning relationship with the federal government that it has today, you need not look much further than Big Biotech’s lobbying expenditures. According to a recent Bloomberg…

Journal commentary suggests flawed studies intentionally obscured benefits of vitamin therapy in preventing strokes


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 6 – Prior to the release of several studies that claim the therapy is ineffective, taking high doses of B vitamins was considered an effective regimen for lowering homocysteine levels, and thus helping to prevent strokes and cardiovascular disease. But a new commentary published…

Vitamin B-12 and folic acid prevent memory loss and improve cognition as we age


By John Phillip
January 6 – Researchers from the Australian National University have shown that essential B vitamins combat stress that results in a loss of memory and normal thought patterns that cause abnormal brain aging. Published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists found…

Alternate treatment for chronic acne sufferers


By Fleur Hupston
January 6 – Certain pharmaceutical medications prescribed for acne sufferers come with serious side effects. Many sufferers, desperate to be rid of their embarrassing acne, have found out too late that their treatment choice can cause severe, life-threatening diseases. Using a more…

All that glitters is gold: Metal theft rising in UK and around the world


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 6 – Ten years ago, it would have been almost unheard of to hear about thieves targeting facilities like churches or hospitals for their copper trim work, steel-encased generators, wiring, and other metal materials. But today, in the midst of a spiraling global economy, a…

Click here for more articles »    

Steve Quayle’s Hot Headlines

Can anyone say:

“Steve Quayle rocks?!!!”

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Disclaimer: This is cutting edge info of which all cannot be totally trusted (but that’s absolutely true of the mainstream media too). It’s good to put it in your seed box to see what will sprout.

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Vision Of The Coming Martial Law / Sent In From Reader

I heard you mention the vision of Brother Bob the other night on Omega Man, which I had read in the past and have since re-read. This is perhaps one of the most, if not THE most, chilling visions/dreams I have ever read and I believe it to be true. I heard you say that you too have seen horrific things the LORD has shown you and also similar things that were revealed to you (like the red and blue lists). I wanted to pass something along I found for your discernment. It is not mine, and it is not as detailed as brother bob’s but it definitely gives brother bob’s even more credibility. more


Program Note: Did you catch Steve’s Dec. 29 interview with John B. Wells on Coast To Coast AM? He covered timely topics under the broad umbrella of: Earth Changes & Alien Bases. If you had to catch some zzzz’s or want to hear it again, here you go: Hour 1, Hour 2, Hour 3, Hour 4.

Guillotine Display Stuns Rothschild’s ‘Tent City’ A guillotine, the symbol of the French Revolution, has been placed Wednesday in the center of Tel Aviv’s “tent city,” turning into one of the biggest attractions in this ongoing social protest. The surprising display arrived in Rothschild Boulevard following another long night of protests across the country, this time focusing on contractor conditions. Demonstrators in five different cities participated in rallies Wednesday night against working conditions, wearing white masks and chanting: “Contractor companies are organized crime.” more

Eruption Update: New Etna Eruption, Kilauea Anniversary, Busy Indonesia, Zubair Video and Callaqui in Chile: After taking the holidays off, Italy’s Etna decided to start off 2012 with another paroxysm, this one producing an impressive eruptive plume after some smaller explosions. The eruption itself (see image above) was very similar to the paroxysms of 2011, with a mix of lava fountaining and flows – you can see it all in the timelapses of the eruption (put together by Eruptions readers) but this time we had the added bonus of significant snow on the volcano adding to the explosivity of the eruption. more

Former SS Boss Proposes Global Email Fusion Center: Ronald Noble – the former head of the Secret Service, the BATF, and secretary general of Interpol – wants to create a fusion center with the ability to track and trace your email. Noble says that although there is no known threat posed against the Olympics planned for 2012 in London, the state needs a fusion center to make sure. “A smart terrorist would know that if the world’s attention is focused on something and they commit a terrorist act it will help them create the kind of fear that would make people want to leave London,” Noble told The Independent before visiting Scotland Yard to discuss arrangements for the Games. more

Strength Through Appeasement… Obama to Share US Missile Secrets With Russia: Despite giving away nuclear secrets and implementing a policy of appeasement, the Russians announced in November that they will deploy new missiles aimed at U.S. missile defense sites.But that didn’t divert President Obama from his mission of appeasement. President Obama signaled Congress this week that he is planning on providing Moscow with US missile defense secrets. The Washington Times reported: more

Spiritual Conflict – Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – SQ NOTE: This is the single most important tape series I have ever listened to! go to archives


Jan 6
Look Out Below – The Nightmarish Decline Of The Euro Has Begun
Ann Barnhardt: The Financial System House of Cards Is Ready to Topple Living on Borrowed Time – audio
Why Iran Could Start The Next Global Recession
No Warrant Needed for GPS Monitoring, Judge Rules
DHS Officers Armed With Semiautomatics Set Up Unannounced ID Checkpoint
Savage: Here’s What America Will Look Like If Obama Wins
Laughing In The Face Of Goliath: The Virtue Of Fighting Back
Strength Through Appeasement… Obama to Share US Missile Secrets With Russia
Sheriff Joe to Eric Holder: ‘Prove it!’
Former SS Boss Proposes Global Email Fusion Center
Spiritual Conflict – Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – SQ NOTE: This is the single most important tape series I have ever listened to!
Judge Napolitano Endorses Ron Paul; Slaughters Romney and Santorum
Getting Out Before the Gates Slam Shut on the U.S. Police State
How The Federal Government Is Chasing Millions Of Good Doctors Out Of The Medical Profession
Radiation Doctor Says TSA Naked Body Scanners Can Cause Cancer
Eruption Update: New Etna Eruption, Kilauea Anniversary, Busy Indonesia, Zubair Video and Callaqui in Chile
Guillotine Display Stuns Rothschild’s ‘Tent City’
Violence Explodes In Iraq … Again
Wave Of Shootings Baffle Swedish Police
Israeli Drone Over Turkish-Syrian Border
First Mixed-Embryo Monkeys Are Born in US
Army’s Leaping ‘Bots Grow Lizard Tails
The “Black Hole” of Britain – Top Secret Military Base Experimentation Causing Strange Effects?
Giant Foot Print 200 Million Yrs Old – South Africa
Obama’s New Defense Plan: Drones, Spec Ops and Cyber War
Mayan Ruins in Georgia? Archaeologist Objects
Scripture of the Day

Jan 5
34 Shocking Facts About U.S. Debt That Should Set America On Fire With Anger
8 Analysts See Gold Going to $3,000 – $10,000 in 2012
Air Force Will Lose Hundreds of Planes in New Pentagon Plan
Is College Worth The Money And Debt?
Silver Sales Up As Supply Slips
Gold Jumps As Citi Says Gold Sell Off Over, Reiterates $2400 Target
‘Resign Now’ Protest Against Sheriff Joe Fizzles
Bill Of Rights Is No More
Totalitarian State Mind Control Wars
Establishment GOP Insider Admitted to Plan to Subvert Iowa Caucus In Order to Prevent Ron Pauls Win
Obama Fundraising E-Mail Expresses Fear Over “Tea Party Extremists”
Obama Launches Bureau Of Counterterrorism
Unknown Magma Pool Causing Ground Uplift In Oregon
Private: Scientists Secretly Evacuating Mexican Port Town Of Ensenada Due To Impending Cataclysm
Sakurajima Hits 996-Eruption High
Panic Grips People As Rumors Of “People Turning Into Stone Statues” Floated
Saudis, Gulf States On War Alert For Early US-Iran Clash
What is an Emergency Action Message or EAM? – flashback
Vision Of The Coming Martial Law / Sent In From Reader
Faith And Mystery, Interwoven
Catholic Takes On Anti-Christian ‘Art’
Cahokia: America’s Lost City
Pentagon-Backed ‘Time Cloak’ Stops The Clock
Pentagon’s Non-Lethal Weapon Projects Leaked – Including A Laser Beam That ‘Steers Enemy Planes’

Jan 4
NDAA Follow-up and Further Treasonous Acts
Happy New Year: Don’t Bother Asking for an Attorney When You’re Detained
Former CIA Head Of Bin Laden Unit: Iowans Should Vote Paul For Safer America
Meet the Mainstream Press
White House Denies CIA Teleported Obama to Mars
The Tea Parties and the Jealous Power and Money
The Outlook for the New Year
When Times Get Tough, The Tough Get A Backbone
Lady Gaga Accused of Performing Satanic Ritual in Hotel Room
The Possibility of $1,000 Silver Before Hyperinflation
World’s Biggest Economies Face $7.6 Trillion Bond Tab as Rally Seen Fading
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: 2012 Could Be The Year Germany Lets The Euro Die
US Economic Forecast for 2012 and the Election Year Cycle
Foreign Central Banks Cut US Treasuries
The Gold Panic And Whatto Expect In 2012
Dream of Universal Currency Just Won’t Die
Psychopaths Caused the Financial Crisis … And They Will Do It Again and Again Unless They Are Removed From Power
Sakurajima Hits 996-Eruption High
2012: The Year of Fear is Here!
2011 Medication Shortages Set New Record at 267
35 Terror Training Camps Now Operating Inside U.S.
Barak: Assad Will Be Toppled Within Weeks
Pentagon Sends US Troops to Israel. Iran is the Unspoken Target
The End of Free Will?
Scripture of the Day

Jan 3
Senior Obama Admin Official: “We Are Going to Kill the Dollar”
New Asian Union Means The Fall Of The Dollar
2011 – Catch-22 Year In Review
Chinese Central Banker Declares That ‘Gold Is The Only Safe Haven Left’
Jim Rogers Isn’t Too Optimistic About Stock Markets In 2012, Sees Longer Term Systemic Collapse
The Iowa Caucus – Ron Paul Win or a GOP Heist?
R.I.P. Bill of Rights 1789 – 2011
New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows
Never Surrender–A Resolution for 2012 And Beyond Predictions for 2012
South Island Of New Zealand Rattled By Unending Spasm Of Earthquakes
20 Tons Of Dead Fish Wash Up On Norway Beaches- Cause Of Massive Fishkill Unknown
Increased Seismic Activity Seen At Dangerous Santorini Caldera
Unusual Geological Event In Germany
10 Things To Do to Survive 2012
Iran Warns US Over Aircraft Carrier, ‘we Insist That This Warship Not Return…and We Warn Only Once’
Safety and Preparedness
Thousands of Bird Mysteriously Fall from Sky in Arkansas Town
Hong Kong Avian Outbreak – Kickoff to the Diabolic Globalist Agenda?
The Quest to be Gods
When Really Big Human Giants Left Their Imprints On the World; There Were Giants in The Earth in Those Days
Etruscan Mural Depicting a Giant
Child Sacrificed, Liver Offered To Gods: Indian Police
Derek Prince – Do You Realise How Valuable You Are?
Scripture of the Day

Dec 30
Financial Crises and Narcissism
The Number One Catastrophic Event That Americans Worry About: Economic Collapse
JPMorgan Swaps Occupying Cassino Prove Curse Like World War II Destruction
American’s Comfortably Numb on the Highway to Economic Collapse
Iran Announces Long-Range Missile Test Amid Strait Of Hormuz Row With U.S.
Arab Spring: The Revolution Has Only Just Begun
Kahlili: The Coming War With Iran
US Commander Visits Israel To Finalize Missile Drill
Alaska’s Cleveland Volcano Erupts By Unleashing 15,000 Ft. Ash Cloud
What’s Erupting? – List Of Volcanoes Erupting At Present
Will 2012 Be A Record Disaster Year?
Two Four Star Generals Write New York Times Op-ed Against NDAA and Indefinite Detention of Americans
The Next Step
Oath Keepers Launches Effort to Recall Members of Congress
The Phony Rightwing: Ron Paul
Video: U.S. Special Ops Team Crosses the Border into Mexico; Escorted by Mexican Military
Will We Soon Be Able to Fire Laser Beams From Our Eyes?
Vatican’s Official Newspaper Says Science Cannot Explain Turin Shroud
North Korea: Giant Man Spotted At Kim Jong Il Funeral Procession
Mysterious Mass Sacrifice Found Near Ancient Peru Pyramid
Barna: 8 Out Of 10 Young Christians Can’t Apply Their Faith To Everyday Life
The Only Hope In The Coming Storm

[Truth-about-war music video] Images of Iran and “Peace Train,” sung by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)

This makes me cry, thinking of what many want to do to these people.

– –

[youtube=]Disturbing images from Iran you rarely see

Uploaded by on Jul 2, 2008

Disturbing images from Iran you rarely see.


[Thought provoking video] Rick Steve’s Iran: The average Iranian does not hate us though we’re taught to hate them

Rick Steves’ Lectures: IRAN Personal Impressions — A fascinating, honest, non-whitewashed slide show

Mark Dice on The Alex Jones Show: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True — THEY WANT US TO HATE. Part of this show is to enlighten ourselves into the truth so we can become more loving people

[illustration] Ron Paul Express — Come on, Come on Peace Train!

Now I’ve been crying lately, thinking about the world as it is
Why must we go on hating, why can’t we live in bliss

Cause out on the edge of darkness, there rides a peace train
Oh peace train take this country, come take me home again

Awesome Ron-Paul Entrance and Bold Speech by Fighter Jared Downing! — Wearing Ron Paul sweater and playing Aimee Allen’s Ron Paul song over the speaker!

I’m not into fighting, but this is GREAT!

Check out the sweater and listen to the music at the start, and then his 15-second speech at 3:15 — followed by the boos from the haters — eeeeeeeeh.

This guy has guts!

– –

[youtube=]Jared Downing Ron Paul 2012 entrance

Uploaded by on Jan 5, 2012

Ron Paul aimeeallensongs

[video] Judge Napolitano and guest stunned by Santorum remarks — Santorum is a big-government-control freak!

[youtube=]Rick Santorum On Small Government (spread far and wide)

Uploaded by on Jan 4, 2012
Rick Santorum On Small Government (spread far and wide)

[video] CIA Chief Endorses Ron Paul!

Watch Here

[video] Judge Napolitano (good guy!): What if they’re lying to you about Ron Paul?

“What if the whole purpose of the Democratic and Republican parties
was not to expand voter’s choices, but to limit them?”

– Judge Napolitano

* * *

[youtube=]Judge Napolitano: What if they’re lying to you about Ron Paul? – Fox Business

Uploaded by on Jan 6, 2012

The Judge ponders whether elections are simply means of social control and what “public opinion” actually tells us about what free people think.
See the media black-out of Ron Paul on:

Video broadcast on Fox Business Freedom Watch Jan 07 2012:…

New Ron Paul Campaign Ad Takes On Santorum — “Betrayal”

[youtube=]Ron Paul Ad – Betrayal

Uploaded by on Jan 6, 2012

Learn more here:

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2011 DECEMBER 31 – 2012 JANUARY 6

Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.

Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

Saber rattling in the Hormus Strait: US and Israel plan a massive military exercise in the Persian Gulf in response to Iran’s threat to shut down the Strait of Hormuz over a proposed EU embargo on Iranian oil. The UK will join in military action if Iran stands firm. DailyMail 2012 Jan 6 (Cached)

Zimbabwe rejects GMOs. The official explanation is that GMOs endanger health, pollute the environment, contaminate essential crops, and are more expensive in the long-term. [Bravo! They got it exactly right.] Bernama 2012 Jan 6 (Cached)

US: General Accounting Office says that the government has been secretly funding the UN’s IPCC, which is the home of climate disinformation and the driving force for expansion of government based on the myth of global warming. [He who pays the piper calls the tune.] WattsUpWithThat 2012 Jan 5 (Cached)

Head of radiology at Florida Cancer Center says that TSA body scanners can cause cancer, especially among those over 65. Naturalnews 2012 Jan 5 (Cached)

Argentina: GlaxoSmithKline vaccine manufacturers recruited doctors to persuade illiterate families to sign over their children for illegal medical experiments. 14 babies died in the program. NaturalSociety 2012 Jan 5 (Cached)

Pepsi is sued by a man who claims he found a dead mouse in his can of Mountain Dew. Pepsi denies responsibility, claiming that a mouse would have disintegrated within 4 days in anything as acidic as that. [What’s the real story here? Toxicity from a dead mouse or from drinking a substance that can disintegrate a mouse in 4 days?] NaturalSociety 2012 Jan 4 (Cached)

China rejects US-led sanctions against Iran. Says that diplomacy is the correct path. [If other nations reject sanctions, the US may be on its own in which case it will suffer more than Iran. Higher oil prices and international isolation would be the consequence.] PressTV 2012 Jan 4 (Cached)

Virginia residents file a class-action lawsuit against Monsanto for Agent-Orange pollutants from its chemical plants. Currently, Dow Chemical is seeking deregulation of GMO corn that is resistant to Agent Orange ingredients. [If GMO crops are resistant to Agent Orange, then farmers can spray them freely with the hope that only weeds will be killed. There is a potentially huge market for both Dow and Monsanto: one for the seeds and one for the pesticide. The health effect on livestock and humans? Well, that’s another story.] NaturalNews 2012 Jan 4 (Cached)

The Republic of Belarus now bans its citizens from using the Internet to visit any web site outside the country. Emails to or from other countries are also banned. Violators will be fined and prosecuted. Cryptogon 2012 Jan 3 (Cached)

US: After a 3-year battle, a Georgia court will allow attorney Orly Taitz to depose Obama about his birth certificate and social security card.
Orly Taitz 2012 Jan 3 (Cached)

US: Nephew of Presidential candidate, Rick Santorum, says he supports Ron Paul and that his uncle is a big-spending interventionist.
DailyCaller 2012 Jan 3 (Cached)

Leaked documents show the US government intends to wage military-style trade wars with nations that ban GMO foods. Also revealed is that some US ambassadors work directly for GMO producers like Monsanto. [Here is yet more proof that the US government has been captured by transnational corporatons.] NaturalSociety 2012 Jan 3 (Cached)

World’s largest model railroad – and still growing. Click & be amazed.

Obama signs the National Defense Authorization Act that provides for the indefinite detention of Americans without charges or trial. He previously said that he disagreed with this feature of the bill but he put pressure on Congress to make sure it was included. This bill is a companion to the new law that gives the President power to order the assassination of US citizens. InfoWars 2012 Jan 2 (Cached)

Library in Charlton, Massachusetts, sends police to the home of a 5 year-old girl because her books were overdue. CBS Boston 2012 Jan 2 (Cached)

US: Whirlpool has petitioned the Department of Commerce to impose stiff import taxes on its Asian competitors. [The argument in favor of this is that it will help protect American jobs. The argument against it is that the cost of protecting some American jobs is passed on to all Americans in the form of higher prices for their appliances, so the few benefit from the many. Which view do you favor? Send your response to the Forum.] New American 2012 Jan 2 (Cached)

US: The Enemy Expatriation Act, now in committee, allows the government to strip away US citizenship and rights from any person said to engage in or support hostilities against the US. [Those terms are not defined and can be interpreted as any criticism of the actions or policies of those who rule.]
Loss of Privacy
2012 Jan 1 (Cached)

Obama signs into law an all-out trade war against Iran. Countries or corporations continuing to deal with Iran’s central bank or oil industry will be barred from trading in American markets. Countries will have to choose between Iran and the US. [Retaliation by Iran is likely, and may be what the Obama Administration wants — a harsh reaction that could be used as justification for a full US military attack. Another war is in the air.] DW-World 2012 Jan 1 (Cached)

US: Uninsured people are able to get routine health and dental services at bargain rates through Groupon deals. DailyMail 2011 Dec 31 (Cached)

US: Federal government launches new program to grab even larger chunks of state and private land in the name of protecting animal migration corridors. Promoters admit that they are trying to spin the describe the program in an emotional manner to gain public acceptance.
Washington Examiner
Posted 2011 Dec 31 (Cached)

US: The FBI wants to prosecute ‘food activists’ (those who expose unclean food-processing plants or inhumane livestock treatment) as terrorists. [Once again, we see the hand of large corporations pulling the levers of government power.]
Posted 2011 Dec 31 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

US: 17 reasons that a vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for the New World Order.
American Dream
2012 Jan 3 (Cached)

Professor Walter Block explains why he, as a Jew, supports Ron Paul for President and destroys the claim that Ron Paul is anti-Semitic.
2012 Jan 2

US: Proposed new Constitution reflects the laws already in place in America and would make everything much easier to understand for the average citizen. [This is powerful satire.]
2012 Jan 1 (Cached)

Important discovery: Beehives in cities are more successful than those in the country. This urban beekeeper thinks it is because modern farmlands are saturated with pesticides and cities are not.
YouTube Posted 2011 Dec 31

Nancy Banks, MD, explains that autism and auto-immune disorders in children are caused by vaccines. Manufacturers cannot admit guilt because too many people have been injured, the lawsuits would be astronomical, and the cash flow would end. YouTube Posted 2011 Dec 31.

Here is what to expect now that China and Japan have dumped the dollar for use in trade within Asia. An Asian Union is being formed to wage trade war with the West. The U.S. is economically doomed, because the government and the Federal Reserve, by creating an endless fountain of fiat money to bail out banks and fund the warfare/welfare state, have killed the dollar as an international trade currency. Alt-Markets 2011 Dec 30 (Cached)

“Vote Ron Paul and let my people go.” This message from Israel is as unexpected as it is inspiring. The writer is Rafi Farber, a member of Jews for Ron Paul. He advocates an end to US foreign aid to Israel. SettlersOfSamaria 2011 Dec 29 (Cached)

Most vitamin studies are misleading because they use low quality vitamins and formulations that contain toxic additives. This is the reason many studies find that vitamin supplementation either is of no value or dangerous. Some of the most popular brands, such as Centrum, are in this category. [In short, not all vitamin supplements are beneficial.] NaturalSociety 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

Vitamin D can radically reduce your chances of premature death, and it prevents many diseases. Here are the basics of what you need to know, including information on correct doses. [Sunlight is the best source but supplements also can do the job.] Mercola posted 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

Precious-metals ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) are risky. Here’s why: Banking cartels created the gold and silver futures market primarily to manipulate their prices and keep them artificially low. For decades, short-term futures and spot prices have been disconnected from the forces of physical supply and demand. Gold and silver ETFs do not trade precious metals. They trade promises (contracts) to do so. Typically, sellers have very little bullion on hand but they promise to acquire it if buyers actually want to take physical delivery when their contracts mature. Most of the buyers are speculators, not users of precious metals, so they prefer payment in dollars, so most of the trades are merely a form of gambling. However, if many buyers really want physical bullion, this forces up the price as sellers bid against each other to obtain the real thing. If this rise in price is beyond the ability of sellers to honor their contracts, they declare bankruptcy, and buyers lose their money. This is what caused the recent collapse of MF Global, which was a reality check for many bullion buyers who now insist on physical-delivery only. Seeking Alpha 2011 Dec 27 (Cached)

Freedom Force         GREAT PHOTOS
Some photos just have to be shared. Nature and animals are the greatest entertainers. If you see some you would like to share, please send them here.

                            Click to enlarge

Freedom ForceUnfiltered News is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.

A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him “Why do you carry a 45?” The Ranger responded, “Because they don’t make a 46.”

The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm. “Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?” He promptly replied, “No Ma’am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my shotgun.”

Gun-control advocates say that those who have guns are compensating for something. I guess that’s true. I am compensating for the fact that I am smaller and weaker than most violent criminals.

Gun control is based on the theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.

Infowars Featured Stories


Is Negative Huntsman Video Attributed to Paul Supporters a False Flag? – January 7th, 2012

Kurt Nimmo | Huntsman campaign first to showcase obscure video and politically exploit it.

Kurt Nimmo | Romney supports neocon line that Iran is greatest threat to the world since the fall of Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. | Should we be concerned that Americans are cheering when Obama suggests he bypass Congress and become a dictator?

Haaretz and Reuters | Daily Telegraph reports that deployment of the HMS Daring is intended to send a message to Iran following its recent 10-day exercise in the Gulf.

Infowars Nightly News | West Point graduate and Iraqi war veteran Antonio Buehler appears to discuss his harrowing treatment & arrest on New Year’s Eve in Austin, TX.

Infowars Nightly News | Alex Jones speaks with Talk Radio Host Lionel with an update on his outrageous take on contemporary politics and media.

Foster’s Daily Democrat | GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul made a final push to gain undecided voters on Friday night at a town hall style meeting.

The Alex Jones Channel | Alex talks with Charlotte Iserbyt, who served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and improvement.

Infowars News | Talk radio host Lionel; War veteran who witnesses police brutality witness becomes arrest victim; Obama’s executive fiat rule & more.

Curt Linderman Sr. | Judge: Vaccine Giant Just Bad at Paperwork After Fault Found Over Consent Forms.

Aaron Dykes | Insider Charlotte Iserbyt reveals a wealth of information on the secret agendas working against America, including an all-new updated and revised master document book.

Patrick Henningsen | Warning: here come federal ID cards, disguised under the banner of a DHS ‘state ID’

Steve Watson | Ron Paul supporter adamant of 20 vote discrepancy during caucus.

Paul Craig Roberts | There is no safety in a police state and a debauched currency.

Kurt Nimmo | Wristwatch-like devices called Polar active monitors to surveil children – not only at school, but also at home.

Steve Watson | Check out the letters the Paul campaign is mailing out in South Carolina.

Kurt Nimmo | “How many wars do you want to have in your lifetime?”

Kurt Nimmo | Britain says it will use military force to keep Strait of Hormuz open.

Steve Watson | Repeats jibe about Paul being anti-semitic.

Paul Joseph Watson | Presidential candidate calls for Congressional action.

KCCI | Edward True, 28, of Moulton, said he helped count the votes and jotted the results down on a piece of paper to post to his Facebook page.

The American Dream | Most Americans do not realize this, but we are on the verge of a major doctor shortage in the United States.

CURRENT TV | The Young Turks breaks down Obama’s actions in signing indefinite detention into law.

Mac Slavo | Economics Professor Jack Chambless of Valencia College in Florida had his sophomore students write a short essay on what the American dream means to them.

Infowars Nightly News | In the wake of Mitt Romney’s dramatic close finish in Iowa, Rob Dew will put together a number of reports on anomalies during the Iowa caucus voting process.

Infowars Nightly News | Reports show that Homeland Security conducted an unannounced ID checkpoint at a Florida social security office.

Joel Skousen: Stopping Ron Paul in Iowa — How They Did It


– –

World Affairs Brief, January 6, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Stopping Ron Paul in Iowa—How They Did It

Brokering the Republican Convention

Embargo of Iranian Oil—How Effective?

Pentagon Budget Cuts Modest but Dangerous

Missile Technology Leaks to Russians

Hillary Signs UN anti-Gun Treaty

Obama’s Eligibility challenge


As the Iowa caucus drew near, the establishment GOP and the power that be (PTB) were faced with a dilemma: Ron Paul—that pesky anti-war libertarian Republican — kept rising in Iowa polls despite all establishment attempts to evade, denigrate, and dismiss him. Ron Paul was drawing crowds like a rock star and the nearest candidate in the polls was Romney, who the establishment is also trying to stop. Where could they steer the delegates? The establishment hates Paul even more than Romney and wanted to make sure he didn’t win a primary election in any state. The first blip of manipulation showed up last Friday when the polling numbers showed a “surge” for Rick Santorum, an establishment candidate that had been otherwise going nowhere. The Iowa Republican establishment pulled out all the stops from within to make sure Paul didn’t win. Even still, he came very close. Here’s how they did it.

In the end it was Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum tied for first at 25% and Ron Paul in third place with a close 21.5%. Despite media attempts to crucify Paul as someone to the Left of Obama (Clinton’s old buddy-turned-RINO-Republican, Dick Morris), Paul took it all in stride and told followers he was happy with a top tier third place result. Paul has always been satisfied with slow and steady growth, knowing that all the other candidates who have been flung ahead by the PTB have fallen flat once the voters find out more about them.

It’s one thing to take a candidate new to the race like Rick Perry and artificially boost his polling numbers, as they did last summer (after all, there was nothing to compare him to previously), but Santorum has been in the race from the beginning and never demonstrated more than single digit support, despite a presence in each and every debate. As I said before in the WAB, people don’t suddenly change their opinions about someone without some dramatic incident or change of position that is very popular and unique. Santorum has done nothing spectacular this whole race.

Disgusted, Aaron Dykes of asks: “What accounts for Santorum’s swift rise to the top of polls in Iowa only days out from the contest when he barely showed a pulse in ANY state, let alone Iowa, among the crowded GOP field at any time in the weeks and months before?” Nothing. It was a total fraud.

In fact Rick Santorum is an establishment insider who is playing conservatives for fools. Sure he talks like a conservative but he’s voted for every expansion of federal power to come along. He advocated for and voted in favor of big government programs in education and transportation and benefits for low-income people while in Congress. Now that he is running for office again, he rails against big government. How convenient.

The real telling issue was his past support for Senator Arlen Specter who, although feigning Republican ideals for many years, was actually a Democrat in action and even a co-conspirator in the JFK assassination cover-up. Rick Santorum played the establishment lackey by backing Specter over the very conservative Pat Toomey who was challenging Specter. That alone tells volumes.

Although Santorum claims to be opposed to same-sex marriage, gay marriage and allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military, he supported Specter who switched to his home Democratic Party in 2009 and was a supporter of gay rights, gay marriage and repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military. Specter is also a staunch supporter of abortion rights.

Brian Montopoli of CBS news focuses on Santorum’s dilemma: “As he works to build on his momentum and become the consensus conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, social conservatives are taking a second look at the two-term Pennsylvania senator’s record.

“There is one position, however, that social conservatives ask Santorum about regularly on the campaign trail, an issue that also comes up regularly on conservative talk radio: His support for former Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter in the 2004 GOP Senate primary. Santorum said he made a hard decision [claiming] that [it] was grounded in his opposition to abortion, saying Specter had agreed he would support then-President George W. Bush’s Supreme Court nominees no matter what. Specter denies this assertion [One or both are lying].”

The bottom line is that Santorum is someone who the establishment can get to do their bidding and that should be a disqualifier for conservatives, no matter what verbal positions he takes that please them. He’s business as usual in Washington, just like Gingrich and Perry. As further evidence that Santorum is an insider, consider how he got very wealthy after being defeated for re-election. He stayed within the revolving door system of the Washington Beltway:

Businessweek records, “Since his 2006 re-election defeat, the former Pennsylvania lawmaker has gone from being one of the poorer members of the U.S. Senate to earning $1.3 million between January 2010 and August 2011. In 2007, he spent $2 million to buy a 5,000-square foot home in Great Falls, Virginia, according to property records.

“Santorum’s financial rise was powered by consulting contracts with fuel producer Consol Energy Inc., faith advocacy group Clapham Group and American Continental Group, a Washington consultancy, as well as media engagements. ‘If he’s claiming he’s not an insider, this is the thing that insiders do — after public office they cash in,’ said Kent Cooper, a campaign finance expert and former Federal Elections Commission assistant staff director.”

As for Santorum’s sudden surge, the only thing that changed about this candidate was that GOP leaders on the national level conspired with the GOP establishment in Iowa to make sure Ron Paul got no extra votes beyond his faithful cadre of followers. The kingmakers did not want Ron Paul to benefit from the growing perception that he was leading in the polls.

A caucus system produces a much higher percentage of activists than an open primary where all voters are invited to participate—thus a bit harder to manipulation as many caucus delegates already have fixed positions. But still, at least a third of caucus participants in the Republican Party are conservatives by gut feeling only and not well schooled in the arguments. These are those that are concerned only about beating Obama, no matter how it is done, and without carefully considering what we’ll get instead. These are the votes that normally flow to the perceived leader (Romney).

The PTB knew that they couldn’t convert the Paulites to Santorum, and the pro-Romney votes were also pretty solid. So, they concentrated on the conservatives with evangelical tendencies who would not switch to support a Mormon candidate like Romney. Then the media drummed up the issue of Ron Paul’s position against foreign aid (even to Israel) knowing that this would elicit a negative reaction from Christians who have been fed the line that “Israel can do no wrong because God is behind Israel.” While God may be behind the Biblical doctrine of Israel’s return to its consecrated homeland, He certainly does not endorse the unrighteous policies and moral habits of Israel’s globalist leaders who masquerade as Right-wing conservatives (just like Republican leaders in the USA).

Santorum’s drum beating militarism is the perfect attraction for conservatives who can’t see the ulterior motives behind US intervention and unconditionally supporting Israel’s government.

Paul voters have solid intellectual, libertarian roots and can’t easily be persuaded to vote for another unless equally as principled and persuasive. But non-thinking Christians who base their conservatism on some generic notion of small government, militaristic patriotism and restoring Christian values in education can be fairly easily duped by wolves in sheep’s clothing who promise them the world (and always betray them once in office).

Few Christians understand the conspiratorial nature of the battle we are fighting in America and Israel and the necessity to elect someone who will directly fight against the establishment instead of going along with the globalist interventionist agenda. Only Ron Paul qualifies, even though he is reluctant to admit to conspiratorial evidence in government affairs (though privately he understands some of it). To say so publicly would be political suicide.

In Iowa, there were about 20-25% of caucus participants that were undecided. The Republican leaders decided they would concentrate on two forms of pressure to make sure these undecided didn’t vote for Ron Paul: 1) Create a false surge for Rick Santorum and promote his credentials that appeal to Christian conservatives. 2) Use fear tactics at the caucus meetings to ram home the message that if they voted for Ron Paul, Iowa would become the laughing stock of the nation and that the National GOP leadership would deny Iowa its coveted slot as the first primary in the nation.

They did all this with some degree of success. But it wasn’t enough. They had to fudge the voting results. However, the bane of all election manipulators are the entrance or exit polls, usually done by college students working for extra credit in political science. These are hard to falsify without students becoming aware of a conspiracy to commit fraud. This restricts manipulation of the results to within 5-10% of exit polls lest people get suspicious.

In Iowa the pollers use entrances where people are not all arriving at once, making it easier to do polling. These polls all showed Ron Paul leading both Romney and Santorum. The reversal of the end results were not totally attributable to GOP leaders in the caucus making threats about a Ron Paul win. They had to falsify some votes.

First they manufactured a reason for counting the votes in secret: the media announced that Occupy Wall Street was threatening unrest and that possibly the hacker group Anonymous would infiltrate the recording. All this to justify taking the vote count into secret chambers somewhere at GOP headquarters in Des Moines. I don’t believe there was any threat at all. However, this ruse did provide the Iowa GOP the suitable excuse to take the vote count away from the numerous volunteers who had assembled to make sure everything was done in the open.

So, instead of being public and audible to all in attendance (as happens in most caucus meetings), the results were only tallied among the Republican elite who, by open admission, had vowed not to allow Ron Paul to win. These intentions surfaced on as one anti-Ron Paul GOP leader (Dee Dee Benki) told Brietbart how the GOP were going to stop people from voting for Paul. Here’s the link to the interview:

Aaron Dykes of then declares: “It is no secret that all the stops have been pulled to minimize Paul’s media visibility throughout the campaign trail, with many top GOP figures and media commentators going so far as to pre-script a plan to ignore Iowa in the event that Ron Paul won the caucuses, in order to prevent the Congressman from dominating the national stage. Did the GOP establishment succeed in sabotaging Ron Paul in the Iowa caucus vote as it vowed to do?

Fudging the vote in New Hampshire: the mechanism is being set in place to alter the vote in New Hampshire if necessary. This year New Hampshire has decided it will be optional to record how many people come in to vote so there may be no way to completely match up how many came in vs. actual vote count.

Even with Paul’s third place finish in Iowa, his star is rising significantly in New Hampshire. People are no longer embarrassed to say they are supporting Paul, especially since three local newspapers have endorsed him.

Doctor Admits TSA Body Scanners Can Cause Cancer: Infowars Nightly News

[youtube=]Doctor Admits TSA Body Scanners Can Cause Cancer: Infowars Nightly News

Uploaded by on Jan 6, 2012

Co-host Rob Dew will cover news for the day, including calls from the former head of the Secret Service to establish a ‘global e-mail fusion center’ that would effectively be capable of tracking and tracing all private mail sent over the Internet– in the name, of course, of stopping terrorism.

Reports show that Homeland Security conducted an unannounced ID checkpoint at a Florida social security office, refusing to explain to the media or Florida officials the rationale behind the heavily-armed “drill.” “With their blue and white SUVs circled around the Main Street office, at least one official was posted on the door with a semiautomatic rifle, randomly checking identifications. And other officers, some with K-9s, sifted through the building,” reported the Daily Commercial.

The TSA continues to face not only opposition to its policies from travelers, but from credible critics as well. Dr. Edward Dauer, head of radiology at the Florida Medical Center, has come forward to warn that the controversial body scanners used at airport checkpoints can cause cancer, particularly affecting those over age 65, as well as women of all age who’ve been found with genetic predisposition to developing breast cancer.

[video] Meet the Mainstream Press Who Decides All with Former ABC Correspondent Greg Hunter

[youtube=] Meet the Mainstream Press Who Decides All with Former ABC Correspondent Greg Hunter 1/3

Uploaded by on Jan 5, 2012

Alex talks with Greg Hunter, creator and producer of Before creating and producing the site, Greg spent nearly 9 years as a network and investigative correspondent. He worked for ABC News and Good Morning America for nearly 6 years. Alex covers the latest on the fallout from the Iowa caucus as the New Hampshire primary approaches and the establishment continues its attempt to sabotage the Ron Paul campaign. Alex also takes your calls.

“Nothing is more emblematic of the mainstream media (MSM) than NBC’s “Meet the Press.” I wonder if it should be renamed “Meet the Corporate Mainstream Press” because that is exactly what it was on Sunday. Before the first vote was cast, Sunday’s panel anointed Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate to face Barack Obama this fall. I really wonder why we have caucuses or primaries at all.”

Greg Hunter



[Very Heavy Video Preview] Senator Paul Wellstone: They Killed Him For 9/11 Questions — Although warned by Dick Cheney to “tow the line”, Senator Paul Wellstone questioned the official version of 9/11. For that he paid with his life. What follows are interviews with eyewitnesses, first responders and friends on his fatal “air crash”…

Now we know why — Senator Paul Wellstone, good guy!!!

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From: BeforeItIsNews

by Julius Sequerra

“There are so many things going on re 9/11 that just don’t make sense”.

— Senator Paul Wellstone

“I asked him how his week had been. He said, ‘it’s been tough. Vice President Cheney called me in and told me to get on their bandwagon or there would be serious ramifications in Minnesota. ‘And stop sticking your nose into 9/11; there are some rumors going around, but we are going to get to the bottom of this.’ When Paul made this statement, there were about 10 military veterans standing around us, and he spoke to them about 9/11…’There are so many things going on about 9/11 that just don’t make sense…’ Wellstone knew 9/11 was staged. Wellstone was after 9/11.”

–Pat O’Reilly, Wellstone’s close friend.

Although warned by Dick Cheney to “tow the line”, Senator Paul Wellstone questioned the official version of 9/11. For that he paid with his life. What follows are interviews with eyewitnesses, first responders and friends on his fatal “air crash”…

“The Joint Operations Command (JSOC): It is a special wing of our special operations community that is set up independently. They do not report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days, they reported directly to the Cheney office. Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination ring essentially, and it’s been going on and on and on.”

[youtube=]Wellstone: They Killed Him – preview

Uploaded by on Nov 7, 2011

A comprehensive look into the official story of the supposed “accident” ..interviews and analysis of witnesses, first responders and the official report of the fatal crash – October 25, 2002 – including much of the information that the FBI ignored or suppressed.

Infowars Featured Stories


Dr. Mary’s Monkey, Unannounced DHS Checkpoints, Iowa & More: Nightly News – January 5th, 2012

Aaron Dykes | Author Edward Haslam sheds light on web of secret CIA research linked to JFK assassination plot.

Kurt Nimmo | Refuses to accept fact government engages in terrorism for political gain.

Paul Joseph Watson | Romney losing two percentage points a day, Paul shows huge gains.

Steve Watson | Fresh figures once again show Paul received more military donations than all other candidates combined.

Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones | One of the nation’s most well known legal precedents, Marbury vs. Madison, set in 1803, makes clear that any “law” that is “repugnant to the Constitution is null and void.”

Steve Watson | Agent ensured marijuana traffickers avoided full body scanners.

Kurt Nimmo | Fusion centers are notorious for conducting surveillance on political opponents of the government.

Steve Watson | Spy agency will “neither confirm nor deny” existence of relationship.

Paul Joseph Watson | Staff of Florida Social Security office not informed of drill, Homeland Security officials refused to talk to media.

Kurt Nimmo | Iran threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz if sanctions go into effect at end of the month.

Infowars Nightly News | Cobra Commander announces his run for the office of supreme leader.

Becky Akers | Demopublicans supported this blatantly unconstitutional legislation in droves.

Steve Watson | Huntsman plays down incident: “I thought it was pretty funny”.

Steve Watson | Paul is the only candidate with the resources to challenge financially.

Infowars Nightly News | Alex discusses CNN’s brazen attempt to shut down a live feed of a soldier talking about his plan to vote for Ron Paul.

Whiteout Press | The US military is preparing to send thousands of US troops, along with US Naval anti-missile ships and accompanying support personnel, to Israel.

Mac Slavo | Another example of the absolute necessity of the right to bear arms in a free society.

CNS News | Obama, hitting a key swing state on Wednesday, defended his decision to recess appoint Richard Cordray.

The Economic Collapse | We have all been lied to.

Before It’s News | Senator Paul Wellstone questioned the official version of 9/11. | Will announce his run for office of supreme leader and will lavishly detail his outstanding record.

Kurt Nimmo | Says nothing we can do about his illegal appointment.

Kurt Nimmo | Truly, we live in Bizarro World.

Patrick Henningsen | All the talk points to an attack on Iran this spring, but all the signs say the empire won’t have it

Paul Joseph Watson | Ruling denies Obama’s attempt to have complaint that seeks to strike President from Georgia ballot dismissed.

Steve Watson | Young voters provided Congressman with one third of his total votes in Iowa.

Kurt Nimmo | Both sides of the establishment one party system take aim at Ron Paul and the Constitution.

Steve Watson | “Gingrich has no business talking about danger because he is putting other people in danger”.

Paul Joseph Watson | Santorum has not eaten into Texan Congressman’s numbers.

Steve Watson | Congressman was unaware of strange swipe at Huntsman.

Kurt Nimmo | Gold prices reached $1,600 an ounce at the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, a ten week high.

Greg Buls | His supporters can’t possibly be discouraged.

Infowars Nightly News | The soldier starts explaining how pre-emptive war is the greatest danger and the feed is cut.

The Daily Caller | Gore offered particularly harsh words for the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul.

Business Insider | This isn’t exactly the start to 2012 Team Romney was expecting.

MSNBC | Ron Paul addresses his supporters in Iowa and around the world.

Infowars Nightly News | Baldwin is a published author, public speaker and student of political philosophy.

Infowars Nightly News | Alex covers the latest from the Iowa Caucus, top news stories from around the U.S. and more.

Business Insider | Iowa’s Republican caucuses are actually non-binding… only those who became delegates count.

J. D. Heyes | President describes the provision as “unnecessary,” adding it only “affirms the executive branch’s authority to detain persons covered by the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force.”

Infowars | Iowa caucuses didn’t matter last week, but now it signals Romney’s race to the nomination.

Aaron Dykes | 2008 GOP Presidential running mate Sarah Palin tonight warned the GOP against marginalizing Ron Paul in the wake of his 3rd place Iowa finish.

Washington Post | Romney and Santorum deadlocked as final votes come in.

Kurt Nimmo | Ron Paul urged his supporters to prepare themselves for the next contest in New Hampshire.

Infowars | Ron Paul concedes third with Romney, Santorum tossing for first as final precinct results come in.

The Atlantic | The Republican candidate is doing the nation an important service.

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines


IBM helped automate Hitler’s holocaust death machine, author reveals


By J. D. Heyes
January 6 – It is not known that one of America’s most successful technology companies was complicit in helping Nazi leader Adolph Hitler build a more efficient killing machine before and during World War II, one author charges. Edwin Black, who’s groundbreaking work, “IBM and…

Monsanto spends whopping $2 million in third quarter 2011 lobbying federal government


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 6 – If you have ever wondered how the biotechnology industry has been able to develop the cozy and unquestioning relationship with the federal government that it has today, you need not look much further than Big Biotech’s lobbying expenditures. According to a recent Bloomberg…

Journal commentary suggests flawed studies intentionally obscured benefits of vitamin therapy in preventing strokes


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
January 6 – Prior to the release of several studies that claim the therapy is ineffective, taking high doses of B vitamins was considered an effective regimen for lowering homocysteine levels, and thus helping to prevent strokes and cardiovascular disease. But a new commentary published…

Vitamin B-12 and folic acid prevent memory loss and improve cognition as we age


By John Phillip
January 6 – Researchers from the Australian National University have shown that essential B vitamins combat stress that results in a loss of memory and normal thought patterns that cause abnormal brain aging. Published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists found…

Alternate treatment for chronic acne sufferers


By Fleur Hupston
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All that glitters is gold: Metal theft rising in UK and around the world


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Chemicals in fast food wrappers show up in human blood


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Busted! Scientists leave out data to produce bogus findings


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Protect health freedom at the state level – help pass the Wisconsin Consumer Choice and Wellness Act


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Sauerkraut promotes good health (and good fortune, too)


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Rosemary oil can be used as a natural meat preservative, and it works better than chemical additives


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
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FDA backs off regulation on agricultural antibiotic abuse


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And then they came for the food activists


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Radiation doctor says TSA naked body scanners can cause cancer


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
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[video] Alex Jones: Soldier Cut Off by CNN, But 2nd Interview Revealed, Ron Paul Winning, Al Gore’s Lies & More

[youtube=]Soldier Cut Off by CNN, But 2nd Interview Revealed, Ron Paul Winning, Al Gore’s Lies & More

Uploaded by on Jan 4, 2012

CNN’s brazen attempt to shut down a live feed of a soldier talking about his plan to vote for Ron Paul.

A report that admits the plain truth — Ron Paul may have secretly won the Iowa caucus.

Paul’s takedown of the scurrilous neocon and unrepentant globalist Newt Gingrich.

[Great Show – audio] Dr. Harvey Bigelsen on Coast to Coast AM, 1/3/12: Alternative Health Treatments — “Surgery is a legal assault with a knife.” Avoid elective surgeries unless no other option — even cosmetic surgery! Here’s why…


Don’t go under the knife!


An advocate for homeopathy and biological medicine, Dr. Harvey Bigelsen has courted controversy and endured legal persecution, while helping to change the public perception of healthcare. He discussed beneficial natural therapies and nutrition, and why elective surgeries should be avoided. Western medical doctors practice “disease care management” rather than healthcare, and in medical school “we learn what poisons to give, and what surgeries to do, and we were taught never to use the word cure,” he lamented. Medical research is consistently looking for “genes and germs, and nothing else,”— in an Orwellian scenario, the research is sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry, who also runs the medical journals, he continued. …

He suggested seeking a naturopathic or osteopathic doctor as your primary care physician. Dr. Bigelson employs a method of looking at a patient’s live blood cells under a darkfield microscope. American medicine stains the blood which kills and fixes it, but “there’s so many live things in the blood,” that can yield diagnostic information, he noted. He offers a “remote blood consult” through his office (email info).

[youtube=]3.1.2012 – 2/4 – Alternative Health Treatments

Uploaded by on Jan 4, 2012



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