Freedom from Alaska!

Category: 1st Amendment Page 2 of 6

To “Combat Antisemitism,” NY Launches Chilling New Surveillance Program | SYSTEM UPDATE

Super important, explained well by Greenwald!

How they use fear to destroy Constitutional rights.

Don’t fall for it!

Nikki Haley Wants to Take away Your Constitutional, God-Given Right to Privacy

Minneapolis becomes first major US city to allow loudspeaker blasted Muslim call to prayer at all times

Minneapolis becomes first major US city to allow Muslim call to prayer at all times

Minneapolis officials have approved loudspeaker broadcasts of the Muslim call to prayer at all times – making it the first major American city to do so.

The Minneapolis City Council on Thursday unanimously agreed to amend the city’s noise ordinance, allowing the “adhan” — Arabic for “announcement”–to sound five times a day, year-round.

The prayers had previously been broadcast three times a day there before, but the ordinance prevented dawn and late evening calls at certain times of the year due to noise restrictions.


California church must pay $1.2M in fines over draconian Covid restrictions

Thanks to an extraordinary ruling by a California judge, a church based out of Santa Clara County must now fork over $1.2 million in fines to the county for refusing to abide by the county’s draconian masking and social distancing orders.

The ruling comes after years of Calvary Chapel San Jose being fined for not abiding by the county’s strict COVID rules. Instead of taking the fines sitting down, the church sought to challenge the county’s COVID rules in court. But sadly for the church, Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Evette Pennypacker has ruled against them. …

Second, the church plans to appeal the ruling, and judging by its previous legal victories, it may be in for an eventual win.


Leigh Sloan: Anchorage Assembly resolves to extinguish discourse


On Tuesday night the Anchorage Assembly introduced and passed a resolution the members believe will promote “civil discourse.” Let’s look at a few of some of the loaded terms that are peppered throughout the document. You may read it in its entirety here. [AR 2023-137 – ed.]

Hate speech most often refers to any speech that disparages a social group or member of that group. Hate is attached to a person’s inner motive. One could wonder why we don’t use the term “disparaging speech.” Even though the term “disparaging” is subjective, it does a better job of pointing to the actual speech of the person rather than inserting itself into the person’s inner workings.

The term “hate” elevates the severity of the offender and effectively labels a person a “hater.” When the state of someone’s inner motives is being judged not by the speaker, but by the hearers, whoever has the most power gets to decide that person’s label. When we begin judging hate, we elevate ourselves as a judge and jury to shame the “offender.” 

Assembly Member Meg Zaletel wanted to make it clear that this is not a law with teeth. It is merely a “resolution.” So, is not yet about creating legal consequences.

Instead, it is an effort to shame those who do not internally ascribe to the values or loaded language held within. Once legislators shift from a focus on the concrete actions of constituents into judging our heart motives and values, our relationship with our government lacks protective boundaries.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 19: Free Speech

Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


JP Sears: They Now Want $2.75 Trillion from Alex Jones – Is This Real?

Skousen: Alex Jones Ordered to Pay $965 Million — “The Plaintiffs distorted defamation law and the judge refused to allow Jones his First Amendment defense”

World Affairs Brief, October 14, 2022 — Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Alex Jones Ordered to Pay $965 Million to People who Claim they were Defamed:

Juries can really be stupid, especially when the judge is so biased she rigged the trial against defendant Alex Jones. The jury in Waterbury, Connecticut decided that Infowars host Alex Jones and his company, Free Speech Systems, should pay nearly a billion dollars for spreading a conspiracy theory that the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School never happened. It was a mistake I warned Alex about, and he later changed sides and admitted it was real (though instigated by government for gun control purposes).

Mainstream and alternative media often make mistakes but they are never sued with defamation, especially when they don’t name names. But the Plaintiffs distorted defamation law and the judge refused to allow Jones his first amendment defense.

Kanye West SLAMMED By $250M Lawsuit For Saying George Floyd Died From Drugs

Floyd was saying he couldn’t breathe before any physical pressure was applied.

Hennepin County medical examiner concluded the knee caused it.

As Assembly begins to curb free speech, Anchorage newspaper joins ‘racist’ fray, and university professor suggests ‘people’s brains have been polluted’

Select comments:

“..if you go back a couple years and do the research you can see that the Villages get rid of the drunks and problem children. It’s called Banning and they do it quite frequently. Just think. Your Banned from you booze free village and come to Anchorage and there is booze on almost every street corner. Like going to heaven and we the people are paying them to be here, What a shame.” filtering out all data except for ANCHORAGE, AK states that Anchorage homeless clients self-identified as:

– American Indian/Alaska Native/Indigenous at 45% and
– identified themselves as White at 38% (A snapshot in time for 2022-sure to change daily, weekly, yearly). They can identify as more than one race (i.e. mixed race AK Native/White) and get counted in each.

Joe Rogan Owns Rolling Stone Founder on Government Censorship

Importance of being humble, willing to admit when we’re wrong.

‘Rolling Stones’ founder, Jann Wenner doesn’t excel in humility, so seriously lacks wisdom — even doing a hit-piece on Rogan, when Joe used the Covid treatments that work, including vitamin D, and hardly got sick at all.

JP Reacts

Darren Beattie: Alex Jones’ case setting dangerous precedent against 1st Amendment

Sandy Hook Case Violates the Constitution as Alex Jones Is Fined $965 Million for Speech

Daren Beattie, a former Trump adviser, said that the $965 million jury award in the Sandy Hook case against Alex Jones sets a dangerous legal precedent that has a chilling effect of silencing people speaking out against the regime. He said that Americans should be allowed to question national tragedies with political implications, especially when politicians use a significant event to pass extreme legislation such as gun control. Beattie said that Alex Jones was only recently targeted for financial destruction following his support fro Trump and the 2016 election. He added that it is cynical to use grieving families to silence political opposition. He warned against feelings being used to rewrite the Constitution. – G. Edward Griffin

Darren Beattie: Freedom of Speech Has Had a Price Set That Americans Must Pay

Steve Bannon’s War Room

Alex Jones Ordered To Pay Nearly ONE BILLION DOLLARS In Defamation Trial

Published October 13, 2022

Alex Jones on the Hook for Nearly $1 Billion in Damages to Sandy Hook Plaintiffs

Parent Eviscerates School Board Over Censorship


Soldotna City Counsel Meeting: LGBTQ Twerking in the Park – Public Testimony

The story: Soldotna permits drag queen shows for kids at outdoor stage next to park built for kids

City of Soldotna, Alaska meeting, 07/13/2022 — WATCH HERE


1:05:00 A lady quoted from this list, saying “Studies show that exposure to sexually explicit material may:”

  • Prematurely sexualize a child.
  • Incite a child to experiment with sexually explicit behaviour to make sense of it.
  • Lead a child to normalize and become desensitized to high risk behaviour.
  • Shape a child’s expectations in relationships.
  • Shape a child’s expectations of physical appearances and certain sexual acts.
  • Blur boundaries and increase a child’s risk of victimization.
  • Increase a child’s health risks (i.e. sexually transmitted infections, sexual exploitation, etc.).
  • Increase a child’s risk of problematic sexual behaviour against other children in an effort to experiment.
  • Interfere with a child’s healthy sexual development.

Jewish groups adopt same strategy as Satanists, demand legal abortion based on ‘religious freedom’

A recent Florida lawsuit seeks to apply a broad new claim by many Jewish groups that legal abortion is necessary for the practice of their religion.

(LifeSiteNews) — In an apparent new strategy seeking to maintain the decriminalization of preborn child killing, a south Florida synagogue filed a lawsuit against the State of Florida’s new 15-week abortion ban arguing that it violates the “religious freedom” of Jews.

Justice Clarence Thomas Confirms Some COVID Vaccines “Developed Using Cell Lines From Aborted Children”

“They object on religious grounds to all available COVID–19 vaccines because they were developed using cell lines derived from aborted children,” Thomas wrote. …

..most COVID-19 vaccines in the United States, including those from Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer – were tested, developed and/or produced using cell lines created from aborted babiesaccording to the Charlotte Lozier Institute. …

Being Anti-Abortion is being Antisemitic — According to Jewish law, a fetus is not considered a living being until it comes out of a woman’s uterus. By not allowing Jewish women to have abortions, you are violating her civil rights to practice her faith

From: The Times of Israel

Being Anti-Abortion is being Antisemitic

What occurs inside a woman’s uterus is nobody’s business other than the woman who owns her own body. We all need to do what ever is possible to stop the United States from turning into “The Republic of Gilead”.

According to Jewish law if a fetus is a danger to the life of a woman (emotionally, psychologically and or physically), she is required to have an abortion. According to Jewish law, a fetus is not considered a living being until it comes out of a woman’s uterus. By not allowing Jewish women to have abortions, you are violating her civil rights to practice her faith.

(Alaska) Scott Kendall: Abortion is a First Amendment right According to Judaism — Child ‘not human’ until first breath outside womb


Abortion is a Jewish Value, Rabbi Simons, 5/13/22 — “Reform, Conservative, Reconstruction, Orthodox Judaism all conclude abortion must remain legal”

Being Anti-Abortion is being Antisemitic — According to Jewish law, a fetus is not considered a living being until it comes out of a woman’s uterus. By not allowing Jewish women to have abortions, you are violating her civil rights to practice her faith

Scott Kendall says here: “the Jewish faith at times actually encourages abortion up until the moment when the child takes his or her first breath.” This is because modern day Judaism considers the Talmud as higher than the Old Testament, as did the Pharisees who persecuted Jesus. And when they site the Torah as their source, that includes the Talmud, which they revere as higher than the first five books of the Bible.

– –

Kendall Democrat Doctrine is religion: Alaska’s legal analyst on Left says abortion is a First Amendment right

By Suzanne Downing – May 4, 2022

Only Russian Orthodox have religious freedom in Russia. Others must register and can’t proselytize

45:45 “In Russia, you only have religious freedom if you belong to the Orthodox Church. If you are any other denomination, you have to register, and you cannot proselytize outside your church. In Ukraine, there is 100% religious liberty, no restrictions at all.” – Trevor Loudon


Trevor Loudon: Top 10 Facts About the Russia-Ukraine War

AwakenWithJP: How to NOT Get Deplatformed in 2022

OUTSTANDING, and shockingly true, gutsy end!

Except, warning about the BlueBlocks commercial. *Alaskans need blue light* in winter to overcome SAD — which we’ve know for how many decades now.

Just like with face masks, how we didn’t use them for decades until now, because…? Though higher-in-the-sky sun might be different.

OUTSTANDING from JP!!!!!!!!!!!!

FBI is EVIL! Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe speaks out after FBI raided home: On my phone were many of my reporters’ notes. A lot of my sources…

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe appeared on “Hannity” for his first interview since the FBI raided his home on Saturday morning as part of a federal investigation into the missing diary of President Biden‘s daughter, Ashley Biden.

“I woke up to a pre-dawn raid,” O’Keefe told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Monday. “Banging on my door, I went to my door to answer the door and there were ten FBI agents with a battering ram, white blinding lights, they turned me around, handcuffed me and threw me against the hallway. I was partially clothed in front of my neighbors. They confiscated my phone. They raided my apartment. On my phone were many of my reporters’ notes. A lot of my sources unrelated to this story and a lot of confidential donor information to our news organization.”


AwakenWithJP: The Next 4 Mandates Coming Your Way! Totalitarianism is Great

Please ignore the bra (trying to reach the ‘woke’)

2:52 Why they’re trying to ban God — VERY GOOD!

4:10 2nd Amendment — Why Australia/Canada…

5:55 Excellent “I Will Not Comply” segment!



Court Sides With Unvaccinated Michigan Athletes in Mandate Case — “First Amendment, as incorporated through the 14th Amendment, prevents a state from ‘prohibiting the free exercise’ of religion”

Sixteen unvaccinated athletes won another round in their legal battle to play sports, despite Western Michigan University’s mandate that all of its inter-collegiate athletes get the COVID-19 vaccination shot.

In a unanimous published decision issued Oct. 7, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Cincinnati, Ohio, held that the university violated the athletes’ First Amendment rights.

All 16 athletes had filed for religious exemptions, which, according to the court, the university “ignored or denied.”

The court stated: “The university put plaintiffs to the choice: Get vaccinated, or stop fully participating in intercollegiate sports. By conditioning the privilege of playing sports on plaintiffs’ willingness to abandon their sincere religious beliefs, the university burdened their free exercise rights.” …

First Amendment Free Exercise Clause – Protection of Religious Freedom

The Free Exercise Clause protects not just the right to believe or the right to worship; it protects the right to perform or abstain from performing certain physical acts in accordance with one’s beliefs. Federal statutes, including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (“RFRA”), support that protection, broadly defining the exercise of religion to encompass all aspects of observance and practice, whether or not central to, or required by, a particular religious faith.

From: Federal Law Protections for Religious Liberty

SICK! Salon: “Why Satanists may be the last, best hope to save abortion rights in Texas” — “prevent future Abortion Rituals from being interrupted”

Why Satanists may be the last, best hope to save abortion rights in Texas

The “nontheistic” organization joins the fray with a last-ditch legal maneuver to save abortion rights in Texas



As pro-choice and reproductive health groups are scrambling to make sense of Texas’ new, near-total abortion ban that went into effect this week….

The Supreme Court on Wednesday night allowed the state to implement a ban on the procedures after six weeks….

Enter The Satanic Temple.

The “nontheistic” organization, which is headquartered in Salem, Massachusetts, joined the legal fray this week by sending a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration demanding access to abortion pills for its members. The group has established an “abortion ritual,” and is attempting to use the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (which was created to allow Native Americans access to peyote for religious rituals) to argue that its members should be allowed access to abortion drugs like Misoprostol and Mifepristone for religious purposes.

NPR Trashes Free Speech!

The woke love NPR instead of talk radio, where people can question what’s being said. NPR can shove anything they want down listener’s throats, true or completely false and treasonous.


Elected officials cannot silence critics on social media, appeals court rules


COVID Natural Remedies BANNED as DOJ Silences Doctors Promoting Vitamin D, Zinc, etc.

Trump betrayed us! Pushed multi-billion dollar, no liability, experimental vaccines, then threatened doctors with fines who tell the truth about vitamin D3, etc. for Covid!

So this is why Dr. Mercola took down his articles on natural treatments for Covid that have been proven to work. Ugh!

Donald Trump signed the ‘COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act’ last December that makes it illegal for anyone to promote non-pharmaceutical products as treatments for COVID-19. The law threatens doctors with $10,000 fines for each violation if they tell you the science about how vitamins and minerals can help with COVID. The Department of Justice is pursuing a case against a Missouri chiropractor for “deceptive marketing” of COVID treatments after he publicly stated that a vitamin-D and zinc supplement could prevent or effectively treat COVID—claims that are well-supported in the scientific literature. – G. Edward Griffin

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