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Babylon Bee: Constitution Dies Of Coronavirus

Babylon Bee

Constitution Dies Of Coronavirus

April 6th, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to sources at the National Archives, doctors rushed the United States Constitution to the hospital and were forced to hook the document up to a ventilator after it began having trouble breathing Sunday afternoon.

The document reportedly slipped into a coma en route to the emergency room and was in critical condition for many hours. Doctors confirmed the worst: the founding document of our nation was infected with the novel coronavirus. Finally, surrounded by one or two mourners, as most people in Washington abandoned it a long time ago, it slipped away Sunday night.

“Between both political parties constantly trampling all over the Bill of Rights and stretching and distorting the Constitution for political gain whenever it’s convenient, I just don’t know how much more abuse it could have taken,” said one doctor as he pronounced the Constitution’s time of death: 20:20, ironically.

The 232-year-old Constitution has had its share of health scares, nearly being killed in the 1860s, the 1930s and 40s, and the early 2000s, but medical experts say this last crisis was just more than it could take.

“It had many underlying conditions, of course, already being incredibly sick with Obamacare, Obergefell, Roe v Wade, the Patriot Act, and many more diseases,” said the doctor. “But it’s still sad to see this old boy pass on.”

The Constitution’s close relatives, including the Declaration of Independence, simply asked for Americans to send “thoughts and prayers” during this time of mourning.


Ben Swann: Massive Police Response To Child’s Birthday Party During Lockdown

3.9 billion people on lockdown from a virus that’s killed 47,000 people worldwide!

“What does our future look like, and how many rights are we allowing to be taken from us?”

(1st Amendment) Churches Now “Essential” in 7 States – Rodney Howard-Browne Victory!


Rodney Howard-Browne church’s extra precautions: 6-ft. distance, staff wore gloves, $100,000 hospital grade air purifier, everyone received hand sanitizer

Rodney Howard-Browne: “This whole stand was about the 1st Amendment. If America falls, the whole world will fall under global tyranny”

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GOP Governor Refuses To Cave, Keeps Church Doors Open As ‘Essential’

Despite national media pressure to close down houses of worship, Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has refused to cave, overruling some counties within his state and designating churches, synagogues, and mosques as so-called “essential.”

The Republican governor imposed a statewide stay-at-home order on Wednesday as a precaution against the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, carving out exceptions for “essential” businesses and activities.

The house of worship carveout comes on the heels of the arrest of Revival International Ministries pastor Rodney Howard-Browne, who held two large, in-person services….

Other states, however, like Michigan, New Mexico, Delaware, Ohio, Texas, and West Virginia, have also allowed “some exemption” for religious servicesThe Hill noted.

Grandma Defends Constitution Holding “LIBERTY LOST, LOST FOREVER” — During unconstitutional virus lockdown

KrisAnne Hall’s friend Debby, a grandma standing up for liberty during the unconstitutional coronavirus lockdown, mentioned at minute-10:30 here:

KrisAnne Hall Daily Journal *LIVE* What Are The Governors Doing Now?

Rodney Howard-Browne: “This whole stand was about the 1st Amendment. If America falls, the whole world will fall under global tyranny”

“This whole stand was about the 1st Amendment. … This is the last stand for freedom on the planet. If America falls, the whole world will fall under global tyranny.”

“The Republic is in a crisis. The light of liberty is flickering. It’s like any little wind can blow it out. And when it blows out, it’s gone forever.”

– Rodney Howard-Browne

NYC Mayor Threatens to Close Churches ‘Permanently’ for Meeting during Coronavirus – Michael Foust


(vid) Ben Swann: Quarantining the Constitution?

(vid) Sebastian Gorka Supports Silencing Critics of Israel – “1st Amendment is a Smokescreen”

Gorka interview at minute-33:30

Tucker Talks to Rock Legend Roger Waters: Assange being used as a warning to journalists

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters: Assange being used as a warning to journalists

Judge tosses Gabbard lawsuit against Google — 1st Amendment doesn’t apply to Google

A federal judge on Wednesday tossed Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard‘s lawsuit against Google, dismissing the Hawaii congresswoman’s allegations that the tech giant censored her free speech rights by briefly suspending her presidential campaign ads.

Judge Stephen Wilson shot down Gabbard’s key arguments, most prominently affirming that Google is not the government and therefore can’t be held liable for violating her First Amendment rights.

(4 min vid) Ron Paul: Trump’s Betrayal of Julian Assange

Israel’s Netanyahu boasts of destroying US 1st Amendment & free speech

Anti-boycott laws do not only punish companies, they are the most dangerous assault on free speech in the United States since the McCarthy era.

by Juan Cole Reposted from Informed Comment

Israeli caretaker prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who has been indicted for corruption and is facing an election soon, just boasted that his ministry of strategic affairs has managed to undermine first amendment protections for free speech in the United States by lobbying state legislatures to pass laws forbidding the boycott of Israel.



National Prayer Network


17 December, 2019 By Rev. Ted Pike

President Trump’s recent Executive Order IS THE TEXT of the Jewish ADL’s “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, S852, recently denied US Senate Committee consideration. See the Senate Bill here:, and See the Executive Order here:   S852 can make a “hate criminal” of any student, teacher, administrator or even employee of U.S. Public Education who strongly criticizes Israel. It says they can be arrested for the crime of “anti-Semitism” and “intimidation” of Jewish students on campus. They then can be punished under the harsh “anti- discrimination” rules of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

(5 min vid) Chuck Baldwin Exposes Donald Trump’s Tyrannical “Antisemitism” Executive Order

“Donald Trump’s so-called “antisemitism” Executive Order Is abominable, reprehensible & downright tyrannical. It is a blatant attack against the First Amendment protection of free speech and for all intents and purposes elevates all things Jewish to royalty status in America–being granted official government protection against any kind of criticism.”

(vid) Jake: The Truth About Trump’s Executive Order on Antisemitism


(6 min vid) EMJ: The Truth About The ADL – Talmudic group regulates speech in America

Jesus warned about the “leaven of the Pharisees,” their Talmudic, anti-Logos thought!


(vid) E. Michael Jones Full Interview With Alex Jones

Wonderful, important discussion showing it’s the Talmudists who are banning speech and pushing sexual liberation, which is used as a weapon to destroy Christian culture! Alex needs to stop defending this group that deplatformed him.

Alex accuses Hitler of pushing porn on the Germans, when it was the Talmudists. Michael correctly points out that Hitler burned some of this in the book burning. And Hitler was also not a saint, as Michael points out. Hitler threw many Catholic priests into Dachau, where many died, because they stood up to Hitler’s tyrannical rule that got Germany destroyed. The Lutherans mostly supported everything Hitler did, including all of the reverse-Christian, offensive wars that ended up getting Germany destroyed.

Alex says he’s a Christian, but doesn’t follow Christ, and protects the Talmudists who were behind him being deplatformed.

(vid) E. Michael Jones w/ Vince James: “antisemitism,” free speech, Michael Brown, porn free!

Michael Brown cannot refute this quote by Paul, who clearly says in Rom. 11:28 that the Jews as a people (not just the leaders) are “enemies” of Christians because of Jesus’ gospel: “As concerning the gospel, *they are enemies* for your sakes….” Their Talmud is anti-Logos, against Christ — the “leaven of the Pharisees” Jesus warned us about.


4:55 “An antisemite used to be someone who didn’t like Jews, and now it’s someone the Jews don’t like.”

7:45 “I don’t hate anyone. I’m taught to love anyone, including enemies, and pray for many people.” – Vince James

14:50 It’s about the rejection of Logos, not DNA.

28:40 The Michael Brown situation

35:15 A film about the Holodomor, which Hollywood completely ignores, because the Jews did this proven atrocity. A film called “The Chekist,” a Russian film.

42:05 The “Jew coup” that TruNews reported. “The tragedy of Donald Trump is that he gave them everything they wanted, and they still turned on him.” [Trump won’t regime-change Iran though.]

51:10 EMJ on the leaders or the leaders and the people?

5620 Pornography used as a weapon. Many are getting free!

ZOA Demands Nick Fuentes Be BANNED from Twitter – ‘Holocaust’ only historical event not allowed to question

‘Holocaust’ discussed at 4:15

More Than Half Of Americans Want The Government To Censor Speech – They also want what is essentially, state-owned media

More Than Half Of Americans Want The Government To Censor Speech


The First Amendment, which guarantees Americans freedom of speech, should be overhauled to reflect current cultural norms, according to 51 percent of the respondents to a survey published on Wednesday by the Campaign for Free Speech. The campaign is hoping to call attention to the dire state of Americans’ preeminent civil rights with the poll, which breaks down opposition along gender, race, class, and educational lines.

History will continue to repeat until humans learn the lessons of the past.  Censorship is always necessary for tyranny to thrive.

Pink Floyd Co-Founder Roger Waters: The US and UK are Trying to KILL Julian Assange!

(trailer & teaser) ‘No Safe Spaces’ – New movie confronts the alarming trend of suppressing free speech at colleges and beyond

Sadly, the group that made this movie is also against free speech on campuses and beyond when it’s speech that tells the truth about the Talmudic NWO agenda, the “leaven of the Pharisees” Jesus warned about.

Study: Women Support Censorship More Than Men

Cory Clark tweeted on 10/3/19:

Across multiple topics and conditions, women were consistently more supportive of censorship than men. The one exception was for text that argued that women evolved to be better leaders than men. For this passage, women were equally as (non)supportive of censorship as men.

The study that Cory Clark co-researched: The Ideology of Censorship, June 2019

(vid) Congressman Pete McCloskey: History of ADL Bullying – “Israel, the Anti Defamation League and Free Speech”

Ted Pike: Congress to Debate Talmudic Bill Attacking Free Speech – “Anti-Semitism Awareness” Bill Worse Than “Equality” Bill!

Ted Pike on Israeli News Live with Steven Ben-Nun!

Michael Brown: Will Amazon Ban the Bible Next? – Christian Psychologist’s Books Banned— “When political leanings influence censorship decisions we move a step closer to burning books in the streets”

Ironically, 155 books (mostly scholarly) that completely refute the claims made by Michael Brown about WWII history in his July 5 video (minute-3) were banned by Amazon in 2017. Brown was silent. Now it’s too late.

(vid) The Day Amazon Murdered History – On March 6, 2017, Amazon banned 155 ‘Holocaust’ truth books, mostly scholarly

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From: WND


Michael Brown: Site crossed a very dangerous line removing psychologist’s books

July 6, 2019

In a very disturbing move, Amazon has removed the books of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the psychologist whom critics have dubbed “the father of conversion therapy.” In other words, for claiming that sexual orientation is not innate and immutable, and for claiming that change is possible, Dr. Nicolosi’s books must be banned.

This leads to the logical question: Will Amazon ban the Bible next?

HERO! Project Veritas Features – Pinterest Insider Speaks Out: “The tech companies can’t fight us all”

Real life HERO!!!

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Trump administration preparing charges against media companies that discriminate against conservatives

Justice to convene meeting on whether social media companies are ‘intentionally stifling’ free speech


Attorney General Jeff Sessions has scheduled a meeting with state attorneys general in September to discuss a “growing concern” that tech companies may be “intentionally stifling” the free flow of ideas on their platforms.

In a statement issued right after executives from Facebook and Twitter finished testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Department of Justice (DOJ) also suggested that the platforms were running afoul of antitrust laws.

“The Attorney General has convened a meeting with a number of state attorneys general this month to discuss a growing concern that these companies may be hurting competition and intentionally stifling the free exchange of ideas on their platforms,” DOJ spokesman Devin O’Malley said in a statement issued near the end of the congressional hearing.

President Trump and conservative House Republicans have repeatedly aired complaints about bias against conservatives on Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media platforms.

Entire Article

Skousen: Is It Illegal to Censor Alex Jones?

World Affairs Brief, August 10, 2018 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (



Alex Jones is the most prominent conservative fighting a battle against censorship and financial revenue as the major internet media platforms ban his content and refuse to pay him for his popular content. The Powers That Be (PTB) are working every angle to bankrupt Alex. It started months ago when YouTube denied him his advertizing revenue from the millions of viewers who watched his video commentaries. Then an establishment legal firm conjured up a lawsuit against Jones on behalf of several Sandy Hook families complaining they have been threatened and harassed by Jones supporters. This week it mushroomed to an outright censorship ban on Facebook, Youtube, the Apple Store, Spotify and others after CNN orchestrated a pressure campaign against him and targeted all the major social media tech giants. Supposedly, Alex is guilty of “hate speech,” one of those nebulous and political correct epithets that can be skewed to cover almost any criticism of anyone else. The claim of hate speech itself, if left to stand, is a major attack on the principle of free speech. This week I’ll discuss the backlash in support of Jones, and the issue of whether these are strictly private companies are, in fact, really public/private partnerships akin to public utilities that should not be able to suppress free speech.


Is It Illegal to Censor Jones? This is bound to become more of an issue as this attack on free speech continues and expands against other conservative, conspiratorial voices. The first question is “Are these companies truly private?” If yes, then they can do whatever they want on their social media platform. Or can they?

According to the reigning legal argument in civil rights and anti-discrimination circles, once you (as a private person or private company) open your business to the public, you are no longer private as to your ability to discriminate. I oppose this expansive view against the privacy of property, but as long as it is accepted by the Left, it can and should be used against them.

These social media companies are clearly inviting all the public to participate and thus are not free to discriminate. That is perhaps why they are justifying this in the name of “hate speech,” as if that gives them a legitimate test of criminality that allows for discrimination. As I and others have pointed out, you can’t make hatred illegal any more than you can any form of negative opinion against another is illegal. In fact, if there was ever was an outpouring of hatred here, it is against Alex Jones and his points of view.

You can outlaw incitement to violence, and it appears they are trying to equate hate speech to violence, as if they are always synonymous, but they are not. Only when someone is yelling hateful speech and directly inciting violence is this true, but the Left is trying to expand the view of hate speech backward to any negative criticism of someone. Point of fact: there is no way to draw the line except at the most violent prone end of the incitement spectrum. Everything less than that has to be protected speech or Free Speech is gone.

(VID) Former Alex Jones Employee, Melissa (Melton) Dykes: Meet the Strawman to Erase Our First Amendment Online

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