Freedom from Alaska!

Category: 1st Amendment Page 5 of 6

Almost half of Republicans say Trump should be allowed to close media outlets – Willing to trash 1st Amendment

It’s good many are waking up to the Talmudic media’s bias; though, desiring the president to violate the 1st Amendment is foolhardy.
Amazingly, many ‘Christians’ still actually believe that also-Talmudic Fox News is ‘fair and balanced’.
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‘Enemy of the people’: Almost half of Republicans say Trump should be allowed to close media outlets

President Trump’s attacks on the media, whom he dubbed “enemies of the people,” have struck a chord with supporters. A new poll found that 43 percent of Republicans want to give him the power to shut down certain news outlets.

Public trust in the press has diminished since the days of Woodward and Bernstein, falling by 30 percentage points since the late 1970s. While an overwhelming majority of Americans surveyed by Ipsos agreed that the concept of a free press is essential for democracy, many are unhappy with how the press behaves in reality.

Less than half of Americans surveyed believe that news outlets strive for honest reporting. Only 29 percent of Republicans believe in the honesty of the media, and 80 percent believe the press treats President Trump unfairly.

Their concerns are shared by Trump, who regularly bashes the “fake news” media for dishonest reporting. …

According to the Ipsos poll, one third of all Americans agree that the “news media is the enemy of the American people.” Among Republicans, this number rises to 48 percent.

While 68 percent of Democrats believe that the media is honest, and only 23 percent think that most outlets have a liberal bias, a Harvard study found that the media portrays Trump’s presidency in an overwhelmingly-negative light.

In covering Trump’s first 100 days in office, 80 percent of articles and reports from CNN, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and Fox News were negative. 93 percent of CNN’s reports were negative, while Fox went easiest on Trump, with a relatively even split of positive and negative coverage.

(VID) 'BIBLE BAN' IN CALIFORNIA Moves One Step Closer to Reality

(3 min vid) Deep State Eyes Alex Jones Courtroom Showdown to Justify Ending Free Speech Online — What may seem like a simple trial over libel, actually poses damaging consequences for the future of free speech in America. In an excerpt from the Tuesday, July 31st edition of TruNews, the team discusses the significance of InfoWars founder Alex Jones' looming courtroom showdown over statements made on his program, and how a ruling against him could be used to create a national precedence on where the 1st Amendment ends, and Fake News begins

(VID) Nick Begich: Freedom Of Speech Under Attack – "Once you start deciding what the level of acceptability is the whole thing collapses"

My Notes:
9:40 “Once you start deciding what the level of acceptability is the whole thing collapses.”
GREAT point at 19:00!
20:05 “The beginning of the mark [of the Beast]”
25:50 Do NOT support DISINFOWARS. I must disagree with Nick here. Alex is doing more harm than good, sadly.
It also sounds like Nick thinks the one-world government is a good thing, but won’t happen for a couple of hundred years from now? I’ve never heard him say this before.
Russia and China are getting ready to take US out, and may actually do it in the next decade.

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(VID) Vince: Censorship About To End? | Twitter and Facebook Forced to Uphold Free Speech? #InternetBillofRights

E. Michael Jones: "Three Rich Jews Control U.S. Foreign Policy, and we're in a situation where we can't even say the word 'Jew'" | Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and Brendon Marcus

“..Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and Brendon Marcus — it’s three rich Jews control the foreign policy of the United States of America, and we’re in a situation where we can’t even say the word ‘Jew.’ … We’re hoping to achieve something here when we can’t even name the people who are doing what we are objecting to” [without being labelled ‘anti-Semitic’].
– E. Michael Jones, transcribed by me from this interview

Angelo John Gage on Free Speech & Israel: "These people want to pass a law that says we can't criticize a country that we give billions of dollars to. If we let this go, we will become like Europe"

“So here’s a country we give billions of dollars to [Israel], and these people want to pass a law that says we can’t criticize a country that we give billions of dollars to. … If we let this go, we will become like Europe….”

– Angelo John Gage

From USMC Veteran Angelo John Gage Drops Truth Bombs! at 5:45, transcribed by me

Jared Taylor Wins a Round for Free Speech to Fight Twitter in Court! — Judge Kahn seemed sympathetic to the idea that Twitter had misled the public by saying its platform was open to everyone

Jared Taylor Wins a Round for Free Speech
Published: 2018-06-18

Last December, Twitter purged numerous far-right, white-nationalist, and Holocaust-revisionist accounts as part of its updated “terms of service.” In February Jared Taylor, founder of the publication American Renaissance,sued Twitter for banning his account, claiming the censorship “violated civil rights and contract law.” Rather than discuss the matter, Twitter came out nasty, claiming Taylor’s suit violated its rights to free speech and was trying to intimidate the internet giant: this under California’s anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) law. Fortunately, California Judge Harold Kahn rejected Twitter’s claim of being frightened by Mr. Taylor and found that Taylor was fighting “a classic public-interest lawsuit.” Taylor’s suit will proceed.

Jared Taylor

A very important case.
We have been taught from childhood that the First Amendment has made America the “Land of Free Speech,” but  the First Amendment protects Americans only from governmental censorship, not purges by the huge corporations. The dream of greater freedom for discussion and debate is evaporating  as internet access has been concentrated in the hands of a few huge corporations; Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Amazon, E-Bay. No more do these giants talk of free speech; now the buzzword is “community standards” and the goal is to ban anything “controversial,” starting with unpopular political or historical beliefs.
Taylor sued Twitter based on its earlier free speech promises and Judge Kahn seemed sympathetic to the idea that Twitter had misled the public by saying its platform was open to everyone.  Twitter at one point in the past described itself as the “free-speech wing of the free-speech party.” But breach of contract aside, our rights to internet access hang by a very thin thread. In this case it is a clause of the California Constitution, Article I, Section 2, which reads: “Every person may freely speak, write and publish his or her sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of this right. A law may not restrain or abridge liberty of speech or press.”
In the case Robins v. Pruneyard Shopping Center, the Court held that public sidewalks at a shopping center were a valid locus for free speech, ranging from union pickets to voter-registration drives. Taylor v. Twitter would extend that theory to the Internet.

(vid) Trump Loses Lawsuit, Is Twitter Now a Public Forum? – Lawyer Will Chamberlain with Tim Pool

28:45 Twitter “should lose their safe harbor protections.”

Safe Harbor Protection – Website Liability

A “safe harbor” is defined as a harbor considered safe for a ship during a storm at sea, or any place or situation that offers refuge or protection. A safe harbor is also a provision of a statute or a regulation that specifies that certain conduct will be deemed not to violate a given rule. Websites that host content are always at risk of someone posting an image they don’t own, or music they haven’t licensed, or content they haven’t created. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) provides websites with protection from liability for material posted by their users. This protection is legally referred to as a safe harbor. (source)

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Landmark bill restricting criticism of Israel sneaks through South Carolina Senate

Can question anything except what’s Talmudic, the Satanic, racial supremacist “leaven” that Jesus warned about.
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(vid) YouTube To Ban Gun Demo Videos And Channels

YouTube Bans Firearms Demo Videos, Entering the Gun Control Debate

From: Bloomberg

YouTube Bans Firearms Demo Videos, Entering the Gun Control Debate

YouTube, a popular media site for firearms enthusiasts, this week quietly introduced tighter restrictions on videos involving weapons, becoming the latest battleground in the U.S. gun-control debate.

YouTube will ban videos that promote or link to websites selling firearms and accessories, including bump stocks, which allow a semi-automatic rifle to fire faster. Additionally, YouTube said it will prohibit videos with instructions on how to assemble firearms. The video site, owned by Alphabet Inc.’s Google, has faced intense criticism for hosting videos about guns, bombs and other deadly weapons. …

The National Shooting Sports Foundation, a gun industry lobbying group, called YouTube’s new policy “worrisome.”

“We suspect it will be interpreted to block much more content than the stated goal of firearms and certain accessory sales,” the foundation said in a statement. “We see the real potential for the blocking of educational content that serves instructional, skill-building and even safety purposes. Much like Facebook, YouTube now acts as a virtual public square. The exercise of what amounts to censorship, then, can legitimately be viewed as the stifling of commercial free speech.”

Entire Article

(vid) Stossel: China's Freedom-Crushing 'Social Credit Score' — Coming to America?

China is starting a “social credit system.” The state will monitor social media and web use to make it “hard for the discredited to take a single step.” Will it come to America? Has it, already?



'Free Speech' Suit Aims to End Twitter's Political Censorship | Breitbart

If Taylor prevails in the California court system and successfully expands the Pruneyard Doctrine to Silicon Valley’s social media companies, it could entirely upend the meaning of free speech on the internet and give the — mostly conservative — voices that feel they are being silenced a cause of action against the overwhelmingly leftist and increasingly intolerant big tech.


(illustration) Censorship has only recently become American

(illustration) Zuckerberg Thought Police

Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments – While Israelis have virtually free rein to post whatever they want about Palestinians. Calls by Israelis for the killing of Palestinians are commonplace on Facebook

From: The Intercept

Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments

Glenn Greenwald
December 30 2017

IN SEPTEMBER OF last year, we noted that Facebook representatives were meeting with the Israeli government to determine which Facebook accounts of Palestinians should be deleted on the ground that they constituted “incitement.” The meetings — called for and presided over by one of the most extremist and authoritarian Israeli officials, pro-settlement Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked — came after Israel threatened Facebook that its failure to voluntarily comply with Israeli deletion orders would result in the enactment of laws requiring Facebook to do so, upon pain of being severely fined or even blocked in the country.

The predictable results of those meetings are now clear and well-documented. Ever since, Facebook has been on a censorship rampage against Palestinian activists who protest the decades-long, illegal Israeli occupation, all directed and determined by Israeli officials. Indeed, Israeli officials have been publicly boasting about how obedient Facebook is when it comes to Israeli censorship orders:

Shortly after news broke earlier this month of the agreement between the Israeli government and Facebook, Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said Tel Aviv had submitted 158 requests to the social media giant over the previous four months asking it to remove content it deemed “incitement.” She said Facebook had granted 95 percent of the requests.

… What makes this censorship particularly consequential is that96 percent of Palestinians said their primary use of Facebook was for following news.” That means that Israeli officials have virtually unfettered control over a key communications forum of Palestinians. …

A 2016 report from the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms detailed how extensive the Facebook censorship was….

Needless to say, Israelis have virtually free rein to post whatever they want about Palestinians. Calls by Israelis for the killing of Palestinians are commonplace on Facebook, and largely remain undisturbed.

Entire Article

U.S. Senate has passed the "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” – Gradual erosion of the First Amendment


Zionist students on American campuses are free to denigrate, insult and mock every nationality, government and religion on earth. On the glass toilet known as television, Zionist Larry David urinated on a portrait of Jesus Christ in October of 2009, on the HBO TV show, “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” There’s no “Anti-Christian Awareness Act”….

Comcast, Verizon and AT&T want to end net neutrality so they can control what we see & do online. First, they want to gut FCC rules. Then, they plan to pass bad legislation that allows extra fees, throttling & censorship. But Congress can put a stop to all of this …


(meme) Hum An Alison Chabloz Germany Real-History Truth Song & Get SWAT Teamed!

My Alison Chabloz posts tell the story.
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Stormfront website forced offline ‘by its own host’ — Where will this end up if the people don’t stand up?

This sets a bad precedent. Where will this end up if the people don’t stand up?

…while the ‘Kill Trump’ and ‘Kill Stormfronters’ discussion forums won’t be touched.

Even Christian sites telling what the Bible says about homosexuality could be banned.

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Network Solutions, the site’s host, has also prohibited the web forum from being updated, transferred or deleted.

The prohibition will prevent the site’s owners from re-creating it on another domain, meaning if it is deleted, they would have to start from the beginning.


(audio) Alison Chabloz: The Campaign Against Antisemitism Is Anti Civil Rights & Terrified Of Debate! — “What’s wrong with having an open debate? … The anti-revisionists don’t want this because they know that they will lose”

That was an absolute home run!!! Richie was wonderful! Hats off to David Icke too! WoW!!!

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“What’s wrong with having an open debate? … The anti-revisionists don’t want this because they know that they will lose.” – Alison Chabloz

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Alison Chabloz “The Campaign Against Antisemitism Is Anti Civil Rights & Terrified Of Debate!”

Published on Aug 25, 2017

(video) Mike Adams: Google, Facebook and Twitter censorship pushing America toward CIVIL WAR

Google, Facebook and Twitter censorship pushing America toward CIVIL WAR

Published on Aug 15, 2017

The violence on America’s streets must end, and that means the overt censorship of all conservative voices by Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter must also end. It is time to regulate internet gatekeepers and outlaw their politically-motivated censorship of conservative voices.

The echo chamber of the illogical, irrational and enraged Left is magnified by the selective censorship of internet gatekeepers like Google and Facebook, all of which are engaged in the most outrageous distortions and censorship imaginable, deliberately silencing all conservative voices while amplifying left-wing channels and news sources, no matter how dishonest or hypocritical they are. This is all part of a deliberate scheme to silence White people, conservatives, heterosexuals and Christians in order to favor lunatic left-wing culture that’s rooted in delusional thinking, anti-science “biology” and intense racism, bigotry and hatred toward anyone who doesn’t bow down to their totalitarianism.

(video) Lew Rockwell Says Google Is CIA

Lew Rockwell Says Google Is CIA

Published on Aug 14, 2017

(video) David Icke Dot-Connector: ‘MONSTERS Inc’ – Amazon, Google and Facebook — “A handful of corporations will control the flow of information….”

Where this is heading unless something is done:

“A handful of corporations will control the flow of information….”

– David Icke

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Monsters Inc – Amazon, Google and Facebook – David Icke Dot-Connector

Published on Aug 11, 2017

Google – Straight out of Orwell’s 1984… — While you may think of all the links returned to you in a Google search as “information choices,” Google thinks of them as “bugs” that need to be eradicated from their system

While you may think of all the links returned to you in a Google search as “information choices,” Google thinks of them as “bugs” that need to be eradicated from their system. These new policies are the extermination squad. Now the search engine giant will be delisting and censoring content that doesn’t follow “well-established” scientific, medical, or historical “facts”. Remember 1984? There was a huge difference between “truth” — what actually is — and “facts” — what a consensus has been led to believe.

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It’s Official: This Is Straight out of Orwell’s 1984…

Published on Aug 9, 2017

You can’t get a more literal interpretation. It’s 1984. Is anyone going to say anything? And if they do, will anyone hear us?

(video) YouTube’s New Censorship Will Creep You Out

YouTube’s New Censorship Will Creep You Out

Published on Aug 2, 2017

YouTube’s new censorship policies are right out of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, and are designed to shut down the growing independent media outlets and critics like myself.

YouTube Will Censor Non-Rulebreaking Content, Manipulate Search Results, and Work with ADL

YouTube Will Censor Non-Rulebreaking Content, Manipulate Search Results, and Work with ADL

YouTube censored

Content creators on YouTube who follow all of the site’s rules may still face censorship by the platform, under new plans announced by Google.

According to a post on YouTube’s official blog, videos will now be subject to the rule of the mob. If enough users flag a video as “hate speech” or “violent extremism,” YouTube may impose restrictions on the content even if it breaks none of the platform’s rules.

We’ll soon be applying tougher treatment to videos that aren’t illegal but have been flagged by users as potential violations of our policies on hate speech and violent extremism. If we find that these videos don’t violate our policies but contain controversial religious or supremacist content, they will be placed in a limited state. The videos will remain on YouTube behind an interstitial, won’t be recommended, won’t be monetized, and won’t have key features including comments, suggested videos, and likes.

YouTube has also rolled out a “trusted flagger” program, in which 15 “expert NGOs and institutions” to help them identify hate speech and extremism on their platform.

Among these organizations are the No Hate Speech Movement, a left-wing project pushed by the Council of Europe, as well as the Anti-Defamation League, an organization whose president has been accused of “manufacturing outrage” by the World Jewish Congress.

YouTube is also planning to artificially alter its search results so that searches for “sensitive” topics on YouTube no longer return the most popular videos, but a “playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages.”

The platform also plans to artificially promote videos created via its “Creators for Change” program,  which, in YouTube’s words, features creators who are “using their voices and creativity to speak out against hate speech, xenophobia and extremism.”

Entire Article

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