Arrogance and lies appear to have driven these unnecessary (and in the US, unconstitutional) lockdowns.
Whatever happened to “don’t get fooled again” regarding Neil Ferguson? Look at his track record!
Fake leaders, fake proxies like Bernie Sanders. Discovering how Jessie Jackson was establishment is when Shiva woke up.
8:15 Turned down ‘London Real’ interview because Dr. Buttar would be involved
“We’re not going to win it by people sucking up to Bobby Kennedy.”
36:45 Buttar plagiarizes Shiva’s content
Kennedy’s chose MLK to engineer the civil rights movement
Gandhi, a racist brought in by the establishment to keep India from becoming truly independent: a transfer of power from the British elite to the Indian elite.
8:20 “Immune compromised cannot wear masks. They need oxygen.” – Dr. Judy Mikovitz
59:15 “The people who are all scared [of Covid-19] are the ignorant, educated elites.”
1:01:10 The academic priesthood: they want control. “Control is the opposite of love. … It’s a sociopathic sickness. … That’s where you put a guy like Bill Gates.”
The problem with RFK, Jr.
1:53:40 “We have a dysfunction in this new age, yoga community. They’re the people supporting vaccine mandates.” “They’re out of touch with reality.”
1:56:50 This is a giant opportunity! “Moments like this don’t come in history all the time, where there is an opening. … That’s why it’s extremely important that we take advantage of this opportunity.”
“you don’t top-down medicine” “we have to decentralize medicine.”
Our goal is to educate.
“Learn, teach and serve.”
“Truth, freedom and health.”
20155 We need to go after the media, all out. expose them every step of the way.
NY Post article:
April 24, 2020
A New Jersey driver crashed head-on into a pole — after passing out from wearing an N95 mask for hours, police said Friday.
Lincoln Park police believe that the driver, who was not named, lost consciousness while behind the wheel Thursday from lack of oxygen and breathing in excessive carbon dioxide thanks to the mask, the department wrote on Facebook.
Finally I got a number of current hospitalizations for Covid-19 patients in Alaska, but still don’t have the written source. Big Pharma and Big Media have been hiding these numbers, pushing fear by focusing on every single death (now a total of 9 statewide), confirmed cases and the Alaska Airlines Center’s overflow emergency beds!
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This morning on KENI radio, Dan Fagan said there are only “four people that are currently hospitalized in the state of Alaska as a result of Covid-19. … Four people and we’ve shut down the state.”
And we’ve only had 37 total hospitalizations in the entire state of Alaska due to Covid-19 throughout this entire event — “cumulative,” according to Alaska Department of Health and Social Services Coronavirus Response.
Dan Fagan at 17:45:
“I think we’ve got four people now — that’s what I read this morning — four people that are currently hospitalized in the state of Alaska as a result of Covid-19. … That’s four people, and we’ve shut down the state.”
Alaska has only since yesterday, 4/27/20 started to lift the unconstitutional lockdown bans. Big Pharma, the media, and our government have needlessly done much harm to Alaskans and Alaska.
Big Pharma and Big Media have said nothing about vitamin D, which should have been high priority, but Dr. Shiva said 90% of the MDs don’t know what vitamin D does, which quote is also below.
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Data from 212 COVID-19 patients show that clinical outcomes for how severely you are affected by COVID-19 are directly related to your vitamin D serum levels.
Specifically, study authors said: “For each standard deviation increase in vitamin D level, the odds of having a mild case compared to a severe case were 7.94 times more, and the odds of having a mild case compared to a critical case were 19.61 times more … This means that serum (OH)D levels in the body could account for the clinical outcomes of the patients infected with COVID-2019.”
REPORT: First Data to be Published on COVID-19 Severity and Vitamin D Levels
How John D. Rockefeller Used the AMA to Take Over Western Medicine
1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Big Pharma blasphemes the Lord’s supper — mocking — having rejected God’s natural remedies which cost pennies that defend against Covid-19, that would have prevented this tyrannical, medical lockdown!
“They think they are gods because they toy with peoples lives under Rockefeller medicine and police power” – a friend.
Universities have turned many away from Christ!
[Update 4/27/20: Racking up over 5 million views, the ABC affiliate’s press conference video (on their YouTube channel) of Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Martin Massihi has been removed from YouTube for violating their terms of service! (story)]
Two doctors working on the ground not only are questioning the extraordinary shelter-in-place measures being taken with the COVID-19 pandemic, but the system of counting the cases and deaths. No matter how you add them up, the numbers don’t justify the social isolation and shut downs, they say. The numbers are similar to flu — and we don’t shut down for flu.
If that weren’t enough, secondary effects that no one’s talking about will last a lifetime — child molestation, spousal abuse, alcoholism, anxiety, depression and suicide numbers are all going up. These are all real things that are spiking across the country that emergency doctors and health care providers are reporting.
Social isolation isn’t doing your immune system a bit of good, either — and these doctors explain why.
James Perloff’s accompanying document: COVID-19 Red-Pilled
My Notes:
“Normally with infectious diseases, you quarantine the infected, not the healthy.”
“This is the first time that Easter was cancelled.”
“We’re seeing the formation of a worldwide police state.”
19:50 “Professor Knut Wittkowski… says Dr. Fauci is doing the exact opposite of what should be done…. Having everyone locked in their homes, he says is going prolong this virus, and we’ll probably see it recur in the fall.”
Lacking a transcript, I’m going to paraphrase verbal remarks from Professor Knut Wittkowski, for 20 years head of Rockefeller University’s Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, and 35 years an epidemiologist. He says social distancing and lockdown are the worst ways to deal with an airborne respiratory virus. Yes, he says, keep the elderly and immunocompromised people safe, but there should be no isolation for the rest of the population. He says the lockdown prolongs the virus by preventing herd immunity, and may result in a new outbreak later on. As the interview lasts 41 minutes, I’m not embedding it, but it may be watched here. (from COVID-19 Red-Pilled)
47:30 “One way that I know Bill Gates is not sincere in improving people’s health: when you ever seem him talk publicly, he never talks about getting exercise or vitamin C, or vitamin D, or improving your immune system. He only talks about the VACCINES!
So we’d have enough ventilators, was the stated reason for the unconstitutional lockdown, on which 86% die.
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11:45 “With Covid-19 patients who have ARDS who require ventilation through a breathing tube, their average time on a ventilator is 17 days [unconscious in an induced coma], and only 14% of those who get the breathing tube actually survive.” – Dr. Mike Hanson
Source cited is Respiratory support for patients with COVID-19 infection, where on this page it says:
The ICU mortality rate among those who required noninvasive ventilation was 23 (79%) of 29 and among those who required invasive mechanical ventilation was 19 (86%) of 22.
Article she’s commenting on:
Comments under a different post of this same video:
Amanda Holley
shortage of breath! masks restrict oxygen intake and he’s demonstrating that really well …
Kristin Burton
Moist breath slowly moistens the inside of the masks, then bacteria and virus sits on the mask and make their way through the fabric and get onto the mouth. They’re ridiculous, but they make patients and staff feel important, which is the main thing….LOL
We’re supposed to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. A mask forces you to inhale the carbon dioxide you just exhaled back into your lungs, which can make you ill. Masks are useless and dangerous.
Big Pharma’s flu shot puts people at greater risk for Covid-19, just as Covid-19 shots will likely put people at greater risk for Covid-20, because they mess with people’s God-given immune systems.
The absolute worst medical decision a parent of a newborn child can make is to allow doctors and nurses to severely compromise the immune system of their infant by injecting him or her with known neurotoxins, foreign proteins, and carcinogens like mercury, formaldehyde, monkey kidney cells, pig viruses, and genetically modified cells from human abortions. That’s why billionaire Bill Gates, the infamous and insidious population control freak and Microsoft mogul, refused to vaccinate his own children when they were growing up, even while he promotes toxic jabs all over the world, especially in third world countries.
It’s true. Gates’ former private doctor from Seattle back in the 1990s said, “I don’t know if he had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children.” We know this because the quote was taken from Gates’ doctor during a side note conversation at a medical symposium….
Posted April 6, 2020: by Bill Sardi
The long-standing bias against natural over patentable synthetic molecules in the practice of medicine has now resulted in the avoidable premature death of thousands of the most vulnerable individuals and the abrupt and near-complete economic collapse of modern society due to an unwarranted over-response by health authorities, political overseers and sensationalist news media.
The narrow and archaic vaccine-only paradigm to treat infectious diseases has left human populations vulnerable to a highly transmissible and potentially pathogenic virus with no approved drugs or vaccines in place.
Unprepared public health authorities should all have resigned by now. Instead, they wield unelected power as they mandate countermeasures such as indoor quarantine that will further deprive the sunlight-deprived masses in the northern hemisphere of the natural vitamin D needed to prevent this seasonal infectious disease.
The power hungry must produce deaths to spread the fear needed to extend control over the planet’s human populations. What looms is a decree for universal vaccination before the multitudes are permitted to return to normal life. The supposition is that only health authorities know what is best for 7 billion hostages presumed to be medically ignorant.
This unprecedented man-made chaos could have been avoided by putting into practice a remedy described nearly a decade ago.
In 2010 a collaboration of university-based researchers in The Netherlands and the USA reported that the combination of the trace mineral zinc plus a zinc transport molecule (ionophore) that facilitates zinc’s entry into cells efficiently impairs the replication of RNA viruses, like the newly mutated COVID-19 coronavirus, to effect a cure.
Touchy subject that love requires be addressed:
Big Pharma’s frontman ignores key factors that would save many from getting ill. Big Pharma pose as the know-it-alls, and then ignore simple, natural remedies that cost pennies and work — which would free the people from the love-of-money driven Big Pharma and the destructive unconstitutional lockdowns which hit blacks especially hard!
The U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams, who is himself black refuses to tell blacks and whites what we need to know to ward off Covid-19. He says there is nothing inherent in blacks that make them more prone. There is one significant trait he ignores:
While black skin defends against sunburn, it also requires more sun exposure for the body to create vitamin D.
Dr. Shiva says this about vitamin D and Covid-19:
“But if you say vitamin D, vitamin A, which will frankly do the exact same thing [as HCQ] with vitamin C. What does vitamin D do? It’s a thing that will destroy viruses. It’s antimicrobial. That’s why when you go out in the sun, your body creates vitamin D…, and you literally start blowing up the membranes of the viruses or the bacteria. … But the notion of getting vitamin D, it’s so simple. … The establishment does not want the k.i.s.s. principle. … That’s why vitamin D, which will literally be an antimicrobial — and by the way, 90% of the MDs don’t know this…. And vitamin A, which literally builds beautiful sheets/walls to protect the virus, so the viruses don’t even get in.”
Also, a large percentage of black men are active in sports, which sweats out zinc. Zinc is one of the Covid-19 cures. Covid-19 patients often say they lost their sense of smell, which is zinc deficiency. Many Covid-19 deaths may be due mainly to zinc deficiency. In Alabama, 23% of deaths from Covid-19 had no underlying condition. Mike Adams reports:
We have a zinc deficient population. And do you know why some of these young triathletes and really active people are dying from this coronavirus is because they’re missing zinc, because they sweat it out. You have to replenish the minerals, especially if you’re sweating a lot. If you are exercising a lot, you are probably mineral deficient.”
The globalists have targeted black culture, destroying families and morality within the black community greatly. The majority of Covid-19 deaths are male. Frequent sex and/or masturbation depletes zinc because sperm is high in zinc.
If the surgeon general was legitimate and really cared, wouldn’t he warn black and white people of these basic causes, and instead of just telling people to social distance and wash their hands, he could offer simple and inexpensive solutions that could make a huge difference, minimizing the fear, hospital visits and deaths?
CNN reports blacks getting hit harder:
…in some cities, the overwhelming majority of those who are losing their lives are African American. In Chicago, Milwaukee and New Orleans, African Americans represent 70-80% of the coronavirus deaths. And in St. Louis, according to the Associated Press, African Americans comprise all but three of the coronavirus deaths, as of Monday.
…national news outlets have drawn attention to Alabama for some of the highest coronavirus-related death rates and hospitalizations in the country, with African Americans comprising 35.7% of confirmed cases and 53.2% of deaths, despite only representing 27% of state’s population.
Instead, Dr. Jerome Adams’ solution is “wash your hands”:
Here is a smoking gun. An esteemed Israeli professor has followed coronavirus and found that the virus rose and peaked the same way regardless of lockdown in most of the world, vs business as usual in Sweden. It seems we are being told a lie and sold a “bill [Gates]” of goods or a “bill of Gates” by Bill Gates and his pawn the WHO, which receives 1.5 billion (yes you read that right) from Gates Foundation. So WHO do you think the WHO will serve getting funding like that? There is a stench of sewage.
The world economy has been destroyed and MILLIONS of Americans are abjectly suffering because of a bogus lockdown which, according to Prof. Ben Israel, has done nothing but devastate us, leaving people to die alone, and cause “mass hysteria”.
April 15th, 2020
Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University, who also serves on the research and development advisory board for Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, plotted the rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain. The numbers told a shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way. In the exact, same, way. His graphs show that all countries experienced seemingly identical coronavirus infection patterns, with the number of infected peaking in the sixth week and rapidly subsiding by the eighth week.
The Wuhan Virus follows its own pattern, he told Mako, an Israeli news agency. It is a fixed pattern that is not dependent on freedom or quarantine. “There is a decline in the number of infections even [in countries] without closures, and it is similar to the countries with closures,” he wrote in his paper.
“Is the coronavirus expansion exponential? The answer by the numbers is simple: no. Expansion begins exponentially but fades quickly after about eight weeks,” Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel concluded. The reason why coronavirus follows a fixed pattern is yet unknown. “I have no explanation,” he told Mako, “There are is kinds of speculation: maybe it’s climate-related, maybe the virus has its own life cycle.”
But what about Italy and their staggering 12% mortality rate? “The health system in Italy has its own problems. It has nothing to do with coronavirus. In 2017 it also collapsed because of the flu,” Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel told the news agency. Indeed, Italy’s exceptionally high coronavirus mortality rate is eerily reminiscent of their unusually high flu mortality rates. Supportive of this theory, Germany, has low flu infection and mortality rates and similarly low coronavirus rates. …
The numbers simply do not support quarantine or economic closure.
Kurt writes:
“This video is pretty good and not real long (13 minutes). It’s of the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics. It’s eerily predictive of what we’re seeeing now with the plandemic. Ask yourself why an event comprising the world’s top athletes would have an opening ceremony comprising sick people in hospital beds.
My comment:
VERY interesting Covid-19 parallels with this demonic Illuminati ritual!
Splicing in the Covid-19 dance scenes is hilarious and genius! Mike Oldfield plays the hypnotic music, and his “Tubular Bells” was also the music used for “The Exorcist” movie. The black hooded people are clearly demons, which people are probably much less concerned about than Covid-19 now. Both demons and viruses are invisible.
The author mentions the Nephilim a lot. Steve Quayle has demonstrated there are actual giants among us. Some are used as super soldiers.
I think for the most part, this is what’s going on with the Nephilim. Caleb was supposed to wipe them out, but didn’t, so they interbred with humans, so we now have many part demon part humans, which is why the most sinister psychopaths have no empathy, like Bill Gates, and often look strange.
Steven Ben-Nun agrees. I asked him about it.
Note: the earth is not flat, as mentioned at 12:40.
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