Freedom from Alaska!

Category: BIG Pharma Page 34 of 39

[IMPORTANT & ENCOURAGING video] Alex talks with pharmacist Ben Fuchs in studio about getting radically healthy from “High nutrients, low calories!” — “You’re not going to be able to withstand cravings with just willpower alone.” “We’re not sick, we’re starving.”


“I’m going to try to go down to 180 pounds.”

“We could have a revolution just on this front,
exposing this corrupt medical system.”

“High nutrients, low calories.”

“You’re not going to be able to withstand cravings with just willpower alone.”

“We’re not sick, we’re starving.”

“Why is the FDA so terrified of vitamins?”

– Ben Fuchs

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Pharmacist Ben Fuchs: The Immune System, Nature’s Perfect Machine 1/4

Uploaded by on Dec 12, 2011

Alex talks with pharmacist and radio talk show host Ben Fuchs.





Pharmacist Ben Fuchs: The Secrets of Fat Loss and Super Health Revealed — Disengaging from what they want us to eat so we’re FREE to fight the dark side!

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs: Big Pharma Exposed! — Dry skin (low essential fatty acids) shortens your life; Doctors intentionally shut down people’s immune systems!

Ben Fuchs: How Much Iodine Should I Take?

Dr. Ben Fuchs: Potassium Iodide is A Must for Nuclear Disaster

[Dees Illustrations] Paxil

[Dees Illustrations] Zoloft

[video] Mike Adams Breaks Down How Prozac is 94% Fluoride!

[youtube=]Mike Adams Breaks Down How Prozac is 94% Fluoride!

Uploaded by on Nov 23, 2011

Mike Adams hosts the Wednesday, November 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Mike talks about his recent article, Trickle-Down Tyranny — Why Ordinary People in Positions of Local Power Are Adopting Tactics of Tyrants, and covers the latest news

Ron Paul on The War on Drugs: The real deadly drugs are the prescription drugs — “Why don’t we handle the drugs like we handle alcohol? Alcohol is a deadly drug. The real deadly drugs are the prescription drugs. They kill a lot more people than the illegal drugs.”

“Why don’t we handle the drugs like we handle alcohol? Alcohol is a deadly drug. The real deadly drugs are the prescription drugs. They kill a lot more people than the illegal drugs.”

– Ron Paul

In the CNN National Security Debate, 11/22/11

[ audio ] Coast to Coast AM 11/08/11: Natural & Herbal Medicines for Cancer — “The latest figures are $850,000 for your average cancer patient to be treated conventionally.”

“The latest figures are $850,000 for your average cancer patient to be treated conventionally.”

– Ty Bolinger

* * *

[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 8.11.2011 – 2/4 – Natural & Herbal Medicines

Uploaded by on Nov 9, 2011


Guests: Ty Bollinger, Dr. Michael Farley, Jesse Ventura

Natural & Herbal Medicines:

On Tuesday’s show, author and health freedom advocate, Ty Bollinger, and naturopathic doctor, Michael Farley, discussed the uses of herbal and natural medicines and addressed why harmless herbal products may be taken off the market while deadly drugs are still legal, and how the FDA is attacking herbs and vitamins. Recent articles declaring the inefficacy of dietary/herbal supplements are backed by Big Pharma, said Bollinger. But when it comes to products that have no medicinal value, he continued, statin drugs have been shown by pharmaceutical companies’ own research to not extend lifespans, and antidepressants actually double your risk of relapsing into depression.

The FDA is looking to change earlier legislation about dietary supplements, and gain further control over them, like the UN’s Codex Alimentarius is doing, Bollinger cautioned. Their restrictive plan would have supplement makers remove their products for 75 days, and fill out an approval application for each new ingredient combination since 1994, he detailed. Dr. Farley (joining the program in the third hour) cited the difference between allopathic medicine, which treats symptoms, and the naturopathic approach which treats the whole person. “Dr. Farley has developed numerous herbal remedies for cancer that are amazingly effective,” Bollinger said.

Among the natural compounds Farley cited were: Chrysin, a flavonoid from the Passion Flower, that works with hormone levels to prevent the invasion of cancer cells; Coriolus Versicolor, a Chinese mushroom which increases the cytotoxity of natural killer cells; Diindolymethane, a phytochemical from cruciferous vegetables that inhibits cancer cells; as well as turmeric, resveratrol, and green tea extract. He also mentioned a quick, natural cure for food poisoning such as from E.coli or Listeria: a cup of raw honey mixed with a couple tablespoons of ginger.



First Hour Program:

[ audio ] Jesse Venura on Coast to Coast AM 11/08/11: Ventura’s TSA Lawsuit — “It’s not going to end with the airports. … It’s going to the bus stations; it’s going to the train stations, and it’s even going to be out on the highways.” “These people saying that I’m unpatriotic, I find how shallow their thought process is, because I’m here fighting for our Amendment rights in this country.”


Cancer Truth – Author Ty Bollinger — Chemotherapy has a success rate of only 2.1%!

[ audio ] Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Job’s Cancer & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE is LIKE a RELIGION — “The NIH, NCI, or American Cancer Society has its TEMPLES, PRIESTHOOD. It has its IRRATIONAL BELIEFS. It has its own SPECIAL LANGUAGE. It has its TOOLS, it has its RITUALS. … The reason Linda McCartney went for a bone marrow transplant is not because she read the data…. It was a FAITH issue. … Conventional doctors can fail and still be considered HEROES. Alternative doctors succeed, and…”

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines: Turmeric spice could have cured pancreatic cancer that killed Steve Jobs, suggests oncologist; Shock vaccine study reveals influenza vaccines only prevent the flu in 1.5 out of 100 adults (not 60% as you’ve been told); Breast cancer prevention that really works; Eliminate and reverse BPA toxicity; and more…

Dr. Mercola: The Mineral That Helps Fight Fatigue, Stress, Pain, Cancer, and Wrinkles, Too — “With age, the flexible tissues in your body tend to lose their elasticity, leading to sagging and wrinkling of skin, stiff muscles and painful joints. A shortage of sulfur…”

[The love of money…] The $93,000 a Year Cancer Drug: Big Pharma’s Grotesque Profits From Human Suffering

The Power Hour with Massimo Mazzucco: Beating Cancer Naturally!

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines: Rick Perry — Big Pharma President? | Breast cancer drugs may stop cancer, but they also cut life short due to toxicity | Preventing Radiation Poisoning with Homeopathic Medicines | and more…

Dr. Russell Blaylock with Dr. Stanley Monteith: Tumeric (Curcumin) Fights Cancer Tumors, Neurodegenerative Brain Disorders, and More!

Burkas Cause Major Vitamin D Deficiency & Hence Breast Cancer?

The News from Prison Planet: Government Ignored 1998 Report Finding up to 100 Cancer Deaths from TSA Naked Body Scanners Per Year; New Kent State Video Evidence Points Towards FBI Provocateuring; and more …

World Health Organization: Cell phones may cause cancer

Budwig Cancer Fighting Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese Recipe

Art Mathias on It’s Supernatural: Spiritual Roots of Disease — Healed Through Forgiving (If there is pain in a memory there is unforgiveness)

Lionel: Vaccine (Talk) Mania

I need to lighten things up a bit…

…with Lionel.

What a gift he has!

: )

– –

[youtube=]Vaccine (Talk) Mania

Uploaded by on Oct 28, 2011

NY’s PIX 11 News Commentary
Aired: October 29, 2011

Do you remember there ever being a time when so much talk took place over vaccines?
It seems that’s all we ever talk about today.

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines: Hospitals raking in cash from unnecessary surgery for dying seniors; How the medical monopoly hides inconvenient vaccine truths; Boost testosterone naturally; Hawthorne berry improves cardiovascular function; and more …


Hospitals raking in cash from unnecessary surgery for dying seniors


By S. D. Wells
October 29 – Doctors and hospitals in the United States have a financial incentive to perform surgery on dying seniors because Medicare is guaranteed to pay for it, and most of the procedures fail to improve the patients’ lives at all. Several colleagues from the Harvard School…

How the medical monopoly hides inconvenient vaccine truths


By PF Louis
October 29 – Carl Bernstein, one of the journalists of Watergate fame, once cautioned that what isn’t printed in the news is as harmful as inaccurate reporting. Lately, much of the mainstream media has indulged in malicious omission. The lack of true vaccination reportage is worse…

Officials admit link between nutrition and health, award $6 million contract to study nutrition for US troops


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
October 29 – Soldiers in the American military are apparently not performing to their full potential. This has prompted the federal government to award a $6 million contract to the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La., to study how to improve the quality and…

Not all trans fat is created equal: Could ‘natural’ trans fats actually be good for you?


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 29 – If you were to ask any random person on the street today if trans fats are bad for health, he or she would most likely respond in the affirmative. But a new study out of the University of Alberta (UA) in Canada clarifies a common misunderstanding about trans fats –…

The super herb boswellia – de-inflame and heal


By Dr. David Jockers
October 29 – Herbs that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered ‘super-herbs.’ Boswellia is called Indian Frankincense and is known to have originated in the dry areas of India, Africa, & the Mediterranean. Boswellia…

ANH exposes blatant lies in latest anti-vitamin study


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 29 – The medical-industrial complex has a fetish for maligning natural health protocols, taking every opportunity it can to swipe at the effectiveness of natural vitamins and dietary supplements. But its most recent scare campaign over the supposed dangers of taking vitamins…

Boost testosterone naturally


By Dr. David Jockers
October 29 – Most people associate testosterone with facial hair, gigantic muscles & illegal steroids. Naturally produced testosterone plays a very important role in male/female metabolic function. Lowered testosterone is a chronic epidemic that is threatening lives all around the…

Adya Clarity response: Label to be modified for full transparency, no internal use marketing without clinical proof (updated)


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
October 28 – I’ve been in discussions with Matt Monarch, the owner of The Raw Food World and the primary distributor of Adya Clarity, about their response to the questions that have been raised. This is the product covered in my article yesterday which raised questions about several…

NaturalNews issues consumer alert about Adya Clarity, imported as battery acid and sold for internal consumption


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
October 28 – A product called Adya Clarity has been sweeping across the natural health community in the last year or so. It has been sold with recommendations for internal use — taking “super shots” — and often accompanied by wide-ranging claims that it treats cancer, kidney stones…

CDC advisory panel declares that young boys should be vaccinated against HPV, cervical cancer


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 28 – In a shocking display of utter corruption and ignorance, a US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advisory committee has officially declared that young boys and men between the ages of 11 and 21 should be vaccinated against human papillomavirus (HPV), the…

Halloween face paint found to contain high levels of toxic heavy metals


By Elizabeth Walling
October 28 – Ghouls and goblins may be spooky, but what should really give you the creeps this Halloween is the decorative makeup you might be putting on your face. New evidence from the nonprofit Ecology Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan shows many novelty face paints used for Halloween…

Corporate marketers now stamping ‘artisan’ on factory food products to make them appear healthy, unique


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 28 – There is never a shortage of deception in the factory food industry, which jumps on seemingly every marketing bandwagon in order to retain customers and convince them that junk food is healthy and nutritious. The latest marketing absurdity is the food industry’s growing…

Hawthorne berry improves cardiovascular function


By Dr. David Jockers
October 28 – Hawthorn berry is a grouping of tree plants in the rose family that is native to the temperate regions of Europe, Middle East, Asia, & North America. Parts of the Middle East consider the plant sacred. This medicinal herb is known to be one of the greatest natural agents…

Alaska passes ordinance to end its water fluoridation program


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 28 – For 44 years, the town of Palmer, Ak., has been fluoridating its water supply, which is sourced from natural wells in the area. But thanks to concerted public outcry and growing momentum in Alaska and elsewhere to end the practice, the Palmer City Council has officially…

Using the mind to ease pain and fight disease


By Mike Bundrant
October 28 – I was recently speaking to my friend Darielle Archer, a guided imagery specialist, who reminded me that back in the 1970’s it was a provocative notion to suggest a connection between the mind and the body to heal the effects of a disease like cancer – if anyone spoke…

Click here for more articles »    

[video] Dangerous HPV Vaccinations Forced on Boys & Much More! — Why are we doing this to each other? — Those people who stand up there and laugh about these things …

[youtube=]Dangerous HPV Vaccinations Forced on Boys with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny 1/2

Uploaded by on Oct 27, 2011

In tonight’s Wed, October 26, 2011 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the attempt to now push dangerous HPV vaccinations on boys after years of a large effort aimed at girls. They also discuss the wider vaccine hoax, as well as the numerous vaccine developments, including a push to test a new anthrax vaccine on children and the general ineffectiveness of flu shots.


[video] The Mission – Gwen Olsen – the Rx Reformer

[youtube=]The Mission – Gwen Olsen – the Rx Reformer

Uploaded by on Jan 26, 2011

This is the story of Gwen Olsen. Once a very successful pharmaceutical sales rep., now her mission is to stop the over-medication of our children. Gwen is the author of Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher and travels around the United States speaking to groups


Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher with Author Gwen Olsen (In-Studio)

Do anti depressants dull feelings so you are unable to cry anymore or feel much at all? — various opinions …

Skousen: Anti-Depressants Suppress the Conscience Part of the Brain

Dr. Scott Johnson: Pharmakeia — Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry. “You cannot drug your body into good health.” “Drugs are not going to take the demons away.” “They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”

[ audio ] Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Job’s Cancer & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE is LIKE a RELIGION — “The NIH, NCI, or American Cancer Society has its TEMPLES, PRIESTHOOD. It has its IRRATIONAL BELIEFS. It has its own SPECIAL LANGUAGE. It has its TOOLS, it has its RITUALS. … The reason Linda McCartney went for a bone marrow transplant is not because she read the data…. It was a FAITH issue. … Conventional doctors can fail and still be considered HEROES. Alternative doctors succeed, and…”

[video] Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher with Author Gwen Olsen (In-Studio)

[youtube=]Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher with Author Gwen Olsen (In-Studio) 1/2

Uploaded by on Oct 25, 2011

Mike talks with author Gwen Olsen in-studio. Olsen, a sales rep in the pharmaceutical industry for fifteen years, wrote Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher, a book that describes how big pharma entices doctors to push prescription meds on patients.



The Mission – Gwen Olsen – the Rx Reformer

Do anti depressants dull feelings so you are unable to cry anymore or feel much at all? — various opinions …

Skousen: Anti-Depressants Suppress the Conscience Part of the Brain

Dr. Scott Johnson: Pharmakeia — Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry. “You cannot drug your body into good health.” “Drugs are not going to take the demons away.” “They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”

[ audio ] Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Job’s Cancer & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE is LIKE a RELIGION — “The NIH, NCI, or American Cancer Society has its TEMPLES, PRIESTHOOD. It has its IRRATIONAL BELIEFS. It has its own SPECIAL LANGUAGE. It has its TOOLS, it has its RITUALS. … The reason Linda McCartney went for a bone marrow transplant is not because she read the data…. It was a FAITH issue. … Conventional doctors can fail and still be considered HEROES. Alternative doctors succeed, and…”

Anthrax Vaccine Testing on Children Stirs Debate with Mike Adams

[youtube=]Anthrax Vaccine Testing on Children Stirs Debate with Mike Adams

Uploaded by on Oct 25, 2011

By Rob Stein, Published: October 24
The Obama administration is wrestling with the thorny question of whether scientists should inject healthy children with the anthrax vaccine to see whether the shots would safely protect them against a bioterrorism attack.

The other option is to wait until an attack happens and then try to gather data from children whose parents agree to inoculate them in the face of an actual threat.

A key working group of federal advisers in September endorsed testing, sparking objections from those who consider that step unethical, unnecessary and dangerous. The National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), which advises the federal government, is to meet Friday to vote on its working group’s recommendation.

“At the end of the day, do we want to wait for an attack and give it to millions and millions of children and collect data at that time?” said Daniel B. Fagbuyiof Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, who chaired the group. “Or do we want to say: ‘How do we best protect our children?’ We can take care of Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle and Auntie. But right now, we have nothing for the children.”

The vaccine has been tested extensively in adults and has been administered to more than 2.6 million people in the military. But the shots have never been tested on or given to children, leaving it uncertain how well the vaccine works in younger people and at what dose, and whether it is safe. Unlike with measles, mumps and other diseases, the chance that children will be exposed to anthrax is theoretical, making the risk-benefit calculus of testing a vaccine on them much more questionable.

“It’s hard to believe that it’s something that makes a great deal of sense,” said Joel Frader, a pediatrician and bioethicist at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. “It would be difficult to justify testing it on kids simply on the hypothetical possibility that there might be an attack.”

Anthrax is a life-threatening infection caused by a toxin-producing bacteria long considered a bioterrorist’s likely choice because it is relatively easy to produce and distribute over a large area. A week after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, letters containing anthrax spores arrived at several media offices and two Senate offices, killing five people and sickening 17 others. The FBI eventually concluded that the letters were mailed by Bruce Ivins, a disgruntled scientist at Fort Detrick in Maryland who committed suicide in 2008, although some experts question the FBI’s findings.

As part of broad effort to better protect Americans against bioterrorism, the Pentagon began a controversial military anthrax immunization program in 1998 that was challenged in court over questions about the vaccine’s safety and reliability. Currently, the Pentagon requires the shots for personnel assigned to bioterrorism defense activities and some other special units, as well as those deployed 15 or more days in the Middle East and some nearby countries, and in South Korea.

The federal government has spent $1.1 billion to stockpile the vaccine to protect Americans in the event of an attack. Antibiotics would help protect those immediately exposed. The vaccine would defend against lingering spores, which is how the pathogen lurks in a dormant state. The vaccine is made from a piece of a strain of anthrax that doesn’t cause the illness.

In April, Nicole Lurie, the assistant secretary in charge of bioterrorism at the Department of Health and Human Services, asked the 13-member biodefense board to evaluate whether the vaccine should be tested in children. A federal simulation of an anthrax attack on San Francisco, called Dark Zephyr, raised quesions about how to handle children.

“If there were an anthrax release and we needed to administer anthrax vaccine, we have no experience with kids. It’s never been in the arm of a kid,” Lurie said. “I started asking myself, ‘Is this the right way to respond in an emergency?’ ”

Those concerns were heightened by the public wariness that had been shown toward the H1N1 influenza pandemic vaccine.

“There is a lot of skepticism on the part of the public about vaccines in general,” Lurie said. “If you had a situation where a vaccine has never been given to a child, it’s pretty hard to think what you could say to people about its safety and efficacy.”

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines


CVS pharmacy promotes flu shot propaganda using life-sized grim reapers


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
October 19 – Finally there’s some truth in advertising about flu shots. A CVS pharmacy is promoting flu shots using images of the grim reaper, the most widely-recognized symbol of death. In a photo snapped by a NaturalNews reader and sent to us, an adult grim reaper (complete with…

The top ten signs that you might be a zombie


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
October 19 – If you burn your yard rather than mow it, you might be a redneck, says comedian Jeff Foxworthy. But how might you realize you’re a zombie? Here are the top ten signs that you just might be a zombie… Sign #1: If you routinely take flu shot vaccines and then wonder…

CSPI to file lawsuit against General Mills for selling ‘fruit’ snacks that contain no fruit


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
October 19 – Consumers are increasingly holding junk food manufacturers responsible for the false claims they make about their products, especially when such products are labeled as “natural” or as containing fruit when they really do not. Attorneys from the nutrition advocacy group…

Splenda Essentials revealed as chemical sweetener containing chlorine atoms


By S. D. Wells
October 19 – Splenda Essentials, the latest marketing venture from the makers of Splenda, includes vitamins, amino acids, and sometimes even fiber. In an attempt to win over uneducated consumers, the half real, half synthetic sweetener now sounds like it might actually be a healthy…

Ginger root supplements may prevent colon cancer


By Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor
October 19 – Ginger has been used as a natural treatment for a host of illnesses — especially gastrointestinal problems — for thousands of years in ancient healing traditions including Ayurvedic medicine, ancient Chinese medicine and western folklore, too. In fact, countless grandmas…

Infrared saunas safely detoxify the body and help heal injuries


By S. D. Wells
October 19 – Thousands of massage therapists are now incorporating infrared sauna sessions into their menu of services, and clients are routinely requesting the new technology for elimination of toxins, healing muscles, increasing circulation, firming skin, erasing sun damage, relieving…

Vitamin E increases risk of prostate cancer? More junk science from JAMA


By Mike Bundrant
October 19 – A “science skeptic” who routinely attacks vitamins and holistic health therapies recently reported the following in his newsletter: Study questions vitamin E safety. A major clinical trial has found that dietary supplementation with vitamin E appears to increase…

Food for thought – Glucose levels affect willpower and mental focus


By Paula Rothstein
October 19 – Have you ever wondered why you sometimes lack the ability to make even the simplest decision at certain times of the day, such as minutes before you break for lunch? And upon your return you are able to tackle the same task with ease? A recent study performed by a group…

Will vitamins really kill you? Health Ranger interviews Dr. David Brownstein about media’s latest attack on vitamins


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 19 – The mainstream media has been having a field day with a new study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine that came to the outrageous conclusion that vitamins may be unsafe and possibly deadly for older women. But in a recent segment on Infowars Nightly…

Global warming scam perpetuated by government, industry, and Wall Street – and taxpayers have been footing the bill!


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
October 19 – For over 20 years, the dogma of man-made global warming has been trumping sound science and even basic logic. The result has been a global movement of pseudo-scientific alarmism about climate change that seeks to solve it with scams like global carbon taxes. But a…

Amazing food fact: Miracle nutrient resveratrol is synthesized by grapes in response to fungal attacks


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
October 18 – You’ve probably heard about resveratrol, a miracle antioxidant found in grape skins and some other foods and linked to a lower risk of heart disease and to lessened effects of aging. Unlike other antioxidants such as anthocyanins, which give blueberries their color and…

Freedom Riders to stage demonstration at FDA headquarters on November 1 in defense of raw milk


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 10 – Tired of having their health freedom oppressed by an overbearing US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), mothers from across the US are joining together for a “freedom ride” and protest on November 1, 2011, in defense of the right to transport raw milk across state lines…

Women endangered by high rate of false-positive mammograms


By S. L. Baker, features writer
October 18 – According to mainstream medicine, mammograms are the key to surviving breast cancer because they supposedly catch the disease early for quick treatment. What this advice invariably leaves out is evidence that exposure to the radiation used in the tests may actually cause…

CDC caught in blatant lies about pandemics and vaccines


By PF Louis
October 18 – The CDC relies on an authoritative presence to influence not just USA health policy, but world health policy. This prestigious presence also demands more federal funding, which is being questioned. It seems that the CDC’s research, practices, and expenditures have been…

Report: Antibiotics can permanently destroy gut flora balance, leading to lifelong illness


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
October 18 – Overuse and overprescription of antibiotic drugs has become a widely known culprit in causing the emergence of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs,” as well as the onset of digestive and other health problems, caused by the elimination of beneficial gut flora. But a new…

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Focus needs to shift to prevention


By Paula Rothstein
October 18 – If October were properly devoted to educating women on the causes of breast cancer, this single shift of focus could greatly empower women. Instead, however, the over-hyped campaign of “awareness” simply makes women part of the “big business of cancer,” offering only…

Click here for more articles »    

[video] Jeffrey Smith: RIGGED RESEARCH — Specifically how corporate science riggs GMO research — Monsanto!

Watch Video Here

Do antidepressants dull feelings so you are unable to cry anymore or feel much at all? — various opinions …

From: Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers

Do antidepressants dull feelings
so you are unable to cry anymore
or feel much at all?

Read Responses Here


Skousen: Anti-Depressants Suppress the Conscience Part of the Brain

Dr. Scott Johnson: Pharmakeia — Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry. “You cannot drug your body into good health.” “Drugs are not going to take the demons away.” “They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”

[ audio ] Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Job’s Cancer & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE is LIKE a RELIGION — “The NIH, NCI, or American Cancer Society has its TEMPLES, PRIESTHOOD. It has its IRRATIONAL BELIEFS. It has its own SPECIAL LANGUAGE. It has its TOOLS, it has its RITUALS. … The reason Linda McCartney went for a bone marrow transplant is not because she read the data…. It was a FAITH issue. … Conventional doctors can fail and still be considered HEROES. Alternative doctors succeed, and…”

Boot camp kills the conscience so soldiers can do evil without being convicted in their hearts

What I think is represented in how I titled this post on my spiritual site, ONEcanhappen, which also has spiritually related links:

Various testimonies: Do anti-depressants dull feelings so you are unable to cry anymore or feel much at all? — What happens when you treat a spiritual and/or nutritional deficiency problem with a brain altering chemical? It doesn’t cure the root problem, which is often demonic. When people were sick in Jesus’ day He often merely cast out the demons, which is what I do every day. Dulling one’s senses chemically is very dangerous spiritually. If we’re guilty we want to be able to FEEL the guilt so we’ll get right so we can be FREE!

[ audio ] Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Job’s Cancer & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE is LIKE a RELIGION — “The NIH, NCI, or American Cancer Society has its TEMPLES, PRIESTHOOD. It has its IRRATIONAL BELIEFS. It has its own SPECIAL LANGUAGE. It has its TOOLS, it has its RITUALS. … The reason Linda McCartney went for a bone marrow transplant is not because she read the data…. It was a FAITH issue. … Conventional doctors can fail and still be considered HEROES. Alternative doctors succeed, and…”


There are too many dead,
spending too much money,
and the doctors are still praised.


* * *

From: Dr. Mercola

Was there Another Option for Steve’s [Jobs] Cancer?

I am certainly not an expert in the treatment of cancer but it seems that Steve got the best cancer care possible. He avoided all treatments for nine months before electing to have a surgical intervention that frequently is curative for this type of cancer. It appears he also was able to avoid chemotherapy and radiation. Of course, the question remains on how he got the original cancer. It is impossible to know for sure as there are so many variables.

However, the biggest issue may have been the decision to have a liver transplant and go on the anti-rejection drugs. Conventional oncologists are stating that was, perhaps, a mistake.

I thought it would be helpful to interview an expert in the natural treatment of cancer on this so I contacted Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, who is widely known for his work with pancreatic cancer. I previously interviewed Dr. Gonzalez about his remarkable cancer program, in which he discussed the details of his history and the therapeutic approaches he employs-with a rate of success that is entirely unheard of in conventional medicine, I might add.

As explained in our first interview, Dr. Gonzalez has been involved in the natural treatment of cancer for over 25 years, and offers really innovative therapies for this devastating disease. He’s known internationally for his expertise on pancreatic cancer specifically, but his therapies have wider applications and can be applied to all forms of cancer.

Many of his pancreatic cancer patients are still alive and well today, having survived up to 20 years… In conventional medicine, this is simply unheard of. Using the best conventional therapies we have, the typical survival rate for a pancreatic cancer patient is about 12-18 months.

To summarize Dr. Gonzalez’ program, it consists of three basic components:

  1. Individualized diet based on nutritional (metabolic) typing
  2. Individualized supplement program, which includes vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and pancreatic enzymes
  3. Detoxification, which includes coffee enemas and colon cleanses

To review the details of his program, please see our previous interview.


For More Information
For more information about Dr. Gonzalez and his practice, see

He’s also working on a series of books, two of which have already been published and received five-star reviews: The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer, and One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley. Three others are in the works, one of which will contain 100 of Dr. Gonzalez’ case reports of patients with advanced cancer who successfully recovered on his program.

Thankfully, Dr. Gonzalez is still on the front lines and actively engaged in helping people by coaching them with natural alternatives instead of toxic drugs and radiation. I would personally not hesitate to recommend him to a family member or a friend diagnosed with cancer. His office is in Manhattan, where he can be reached at (212) 213-3337. His website, also contains information on how to become a patient, and everything a potential patient needs to know.

Another source for more information about alternative cancer treatments in general is Suzanne Somers’ book, Knockout. She reviews Dr. Gonzalez’ work in one chapter, and Dr. Gonzalez personally recommends the book as a well-researched resource for anyone interested in getting more information.

“For cancer, specifically, I think Suzanne did a good job,” Dr. Gonzalez says. “She really worked hard to put together resources that she thought legitimate and would be helpful for patients… So that’s a good place to start in terms of general recommendations.”

 Related Links:

  Twelve Changes That Will Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half

Entire Article Here

AUDIO[youtube=]Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Jobs

Uploaded by on Oct 7, 2011… Natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez discuss about Steve Jobs’ health condition on pancreas tumor.

* * *

From: Dr. Mercola (Download Interview Transcript)

Conventional Medicine as a Religion

DG: … Conventional academic medicine is the last religion left in America. We’ve become an irreligious society. The media would never trust a politician, a religious leader, or anyone in the position of the government. But when it comes to academic medicine, if some guy in white coat says, “Boo,” everyone would say, “Oh my God he said ‘boo,’ let’s go [write] an article.”

Conventional academic medicine is like religion. Of course, they have their temple – if you look at Sloan-Kettering, it looks like the Mormon tabernacle. It looks like a temple. The priests – the doctors – they wear their own robes, like the ancient Hebrew priests. They have strict regulations about their dress or robe. These guys were robes, too, and they have the priesthood as the status quo. You know, the white code. They’re very distinguished-looking, always impeccably dressed and with shiny shoes and all. And they have their own language – the priesthood or whatever religion always has its own specific spiritual religious language that the rest of the mortals don’t understand. Of course, doctors have this scientific gibberish that the media don’t understand. The most cynical journalist who wouldn’t trust anything a politician says, when Sloan-Kettering sends out a press release, reprints it as literally the word from God.

So the way you have to look at medicine is not as a scientific profession, but rather a religious profession. It’s the last reigning religion in America. The NIH, NCI, or American Cancer Society has its temples, priesthood. It has its irrational beliefs. It has its own special language. It has its tools, it has its rituals. The doctor known for making rounds is a ritual. You learn very little making rounds as a doctor. It’s all ritual for the patient – it’s a religious ritual that doesn’t have much of a value to the patient. So they have rituals and all these things that are equivalent to kind of a priesthood class of religion, rather than an objective thing. Once you realize it, you’ll go, “Oh, that makes perfect sense.”

The reason Linda McCartney went for a bone marrow transplant is not because she read the data and realized it would work for her. It’s because she believed in it – it was a faith issue. She was going to this priesthood kept in a temple in New York City. They had resources, and she could pay for them. So it was religion to her. Patrick Swayze to the best of the best – Stanford is the West Coast mecca. It’s a religious temple. When he went there, it was faith, even though there’s not a single piece of evidence they gave him that chemo would cure him and would lead to substantial results. He did it because of faith – irrational faith, because it’s the belief that academicians really have these special secrets that none of us have and none of the lay people (we mortals) know. Their special knowledge, wisdom, or rituals would make us better.

The fact that they don’t make us better – Landon died, Patrick Swayze died, Linda McCartney died; I could list 20 celebrities that consulted or called me, never did my program, and are dead because they went to the conventional route.

Why didn’t they do mine?

I don’t have a temple. I don’t even own a white coat. I can wear a white coat – a good one – but I don’t have one on purpose. I’m not part of the academic priesthood, so I don’t wear a white coat. Yes, I have a stethoscope and a medical office like any because I need that, but I’m not part of the academic priesthood.

Michael Landon picked that up right away. In fact, his press agent, Harry Flynn, wanted him to come and see me. Harry and I remained close friends. He was really upset, and one of Landon’s comments about me is that I wasn’t fancy enough. I wasn’t fancy enough, so he went to the priesthood. He went to Cedars-Sinai.


(video) Big Pharma, Suppressed Cancer Truth with Ty Bollinger — Medical education curriculum was co-opted by the Rockefellers and the Carnegies in 1910″ (Caravan To Midnight – Episode 62)

(video) Top Medical Conspiracy Facts — America’s Getting Jacked!!

Dr. Scott Johnson: Pharmakeia — Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry. “You cannot drug your body into good health.” “Drugs are not going to take the demons away.” “They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”

Cancer Truth – Author Ty Bollinger — Chemotherapy has a success rate of only 2.1%!

The Power Hour with Massimo Mazzucco: Beating Cancer Naturally!

Doctors kill 2,450% more Americans than all gun-related deaths combined! — Your doctor is FAR more likely to kill you than an armed criminal | While Sandy Hook was mass murder, the U.S. health care system is practically a holocaust, killing far more people than Adolf Hitler!

Statistics prove prescription drugs are 16,400% more deadly than terrorists — 783,936 people in the United States die every year from conventional medicine mistakes. That’s the equivalent of six jumbo jet crashes a day for an entire year!

[ video ] Why doctors are more dangerous than guns — Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reveals why you are 6200% more likely to be killed by your doctor than by a homicidal shooter!

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines: Turmeric spice could have cured pancreatic cancer that killed Steve Jobs, suggests oncologist; Shock vaccine study reveals influenza vaccines only prevent the flu in 1.5 out of 100 adults (not 60% as you’ve been told); Breast cancer prevention that really works; Eliminate and reverse BPA toxicity; and more…

Dr. Mercola: The Mineral That Helps Fight Fatigue, Stress, Pain, Cancer, and Wrinkles, Too — “With age, the flexible tissues in your body tend to lose their elasticity, leading to sagging and wrinkling of skin, stiff muscles and painful joints. A shortage of sulfur…”

Mike Adams: How Angelina Jolie was duped by cancer doctors into self mutilation for breast cancer she never had — “You don’t hear cancer doctors telling women to ‘eat more cabbage’ because that doesn’t make the cancer industry any money”

[The love of money…] The $93,000 a Year Cancer Drug: Big Pharma’s Grotesque Profits From Human Suffering

(video) Shock Admission: Babies Only Vaccinated to ‘Train Parents’

Burkas Cause Major Vitamin D Deficiency & Hence Breast Cancer?

World Health Organization: Cell phones may cause cancer

Budwig Cancer Fighting Flaxseed Oil & Cottage Cheese Recipe

Rainforest Pharmacy Graviola Liquid Extract 2 fl oz Immune System (search: <graviola cancer>)

Herb Pharm Turmeric Extract (search: <turmeric cancer>)

[FASCINATING audio] Dr. Ann Blake Tracy with John B. Wells on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 1/19/13: ANTIDEPRESSANTS & VIOLENCE — The “HITLER SYNDROME” (overconfidence in ones own policies or decisions, no fear of consequences, criminal behavior, death of people close to the abuser as the preferred method of solving problems in the abusers life, coldness and lack of humanity). Antidepressants cause distorted thinking, abnormal behavior, and LOSS OF MORALITY to spread like a contagion.

Do anti depressants dull feelings so you are unable to cry anymore or feel much at all? — various opinions …

A warning to all psychiatric drug users — Antipsychotic drugs disturb frontal lobe activity – causing a chemical lobotomy – making emotionally distressed people more submissive and less able to feel!

Art Mathias on It’s Supernatural: Spiritual Roots of Disease — Healed Through Forgiving (If there is pain in a memory there is unforgiveness)

[ audio ] Stan and Holly Deyo on Coast to Coast AM 10/03/11: Impending Earth Changes — EMP from a solar flare? | A volcanic ridge in the Canary Islands could collapse and create a mega tsunami that within 8 hours would hit the East Coast of the US, coming around 16 miles inland | A catastrophic break up of the West Coast | The Hopi foresee an invasion from Russia, China, and the Middle East | Bible prophecy …

From: Coast to Coast AM

Impending Earth Changes

Date: 10-03-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Stan Deyo, Holly Drennan Deyo

Authors Stan & Holly Deyo discussed possible cataclysmic Earth changes, and Hopi prophecy, which paints a bleak picture for the United States. As we approach the ‘5th World,’ the Hopi foresee a huge water inundation in the Southwest, and a great Civil War, during which allied forces from Russia, China, and the Middle East will invade the US, Stan reported. Due to tectonic activity, “I think what’s going to happen is we’re going to have a catastrophic break up of the West Coast,” that will lead to the flooding of Hopi mesas in the Southwest, he continued. Deyo shared a map that showed coastal regions of the US underwater, which he believes will happen from rising sea levels.

The Deyos detailed a dangerous scenario in the Canary Islands, where the volcanic ridge of Cumbre Vieja on La Palma Island could collapse and create a mega tsunami that within 8 hours would hit the East Coast of the US, coming around 16 miles inland. A fissure bisects the volcano, making the shelf very unstable, with around a half-trillion tons of rock that would fall into the sea, if there was a large enough quake to set it off, Holly explained. One of the other Canary islands, El Hierro, is currently in the midst of an earthquake swarm and some residents have been evacuated.

Holly also presented information about a little known way that pharmaceutical companies’ profit. According to a military study, many prescription drugs have expiration dates that are listed as much shorter than they actually are. For instance…

Entire Article Here

[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 3.10.2011 – 2/4 – Impending Earth Changes

[video] Dr. Paul Connett: The Deleterious Effects of Fluoride on The Body — LOWERED THYROID function, LOWERED IQ, ARTHRITIS, etc!

[youtube=]The Deleterious Effects of Fluoride on The Body with Dr. Paul Connett

Uploaded by on Sep 30, 2011

Dr. Paul Connett talks with Alex about the deleterious effects of fluoride on the body. Connett will also talk with Alex tomorrow about the numerous victories in the ongoing war against the poisoning of the American people with the industrial toxin.
(Subscribe to Infowars Nightly News Today!)

[video] Deadly Inoculations with Dr. Andrew Wakefield

[youtube=]Deadly Inoculations with Dr. Andrew Wakefield 1/2

Uploaded by on Sep 22, 2011

The smoking-gun evidence
Professor Walker-Smith’s 1996 presentation at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School was entitled, “Entero-colitis and Disintegrative Disorder Following MMR [an immunization shot against measles, mumps, and rubella – editor] – A Review of the First Seven Cases.”

His presentation notes began with the following text: “”I wish today, to present some preliminary details concerning seven children, all boys, who appear to have entero-colitis and disintegrative disorder, probably autism, following MMR. I shall now briefly present
their case history [sic].”

He then went on to detail the clinical history of these seven children as derived from his medical team as well as senior pathologist Dr Amar Dhillon. Importantly, Dr Andrew Wakefield was not part of this investigation. This means that Dr Wakefield’s findings were independently replicated by another medical research team.

The British Medical Journal’s accusations against Dr Wakefield — that he fabricated his findings — are therefore false. The mainstream media accusation that Dr Wakefield’s findings have “never been replicated” is also blatantly false.

Here are the notes on the seven children, as presented in 1996, 14 months BEFORE Dr Wakefield published his landmark paper in The Lancet:

Child 1. Immediate reaction to MMR with fever at 1 [corrected, illegible]
Rapid deterioration in behaviour – autism
Histology active chronic inflammation in caecum
Treated Asacol

Child 2. MMR at 15 months – head banging 2 weeks later.
Hyperactive from 18 months.
Endoscopy – aphthoid ulcer at hepatic flexure
Caecum: lymphoid nodular hyperplasia with erythematous rim and pale swollen
Histology, Ileum mild inflammation, colon moderate inflammation
Acute and chronic inflammation.
Treated CT3211 [a dietary treatment]

Child 3. ? dysmorphism – chromosomes and normal development
MMR at 5 months [sic]
Measles at 2.5 years* – 1 month later change in behavior
Hyperactive with food
Colonoscopy – granular rectum, normal colon and lymphoid nodular
Histopathology: lymphoid nodular hyperplasia.
Increased eosinophils 5/5 mild increase in inflammatory cells (Dhillon)
Routine normal
[* correction: he received measles vaccine first at approximately 15 months of
age and MMR at 2.5. years]

Child 4 (2). Reacted to triple vaccine 4 months – screaming and near cot death
MMR at 15 months – behaviour changed after 1 week.
“measles rash” week before
Endoscopy – minor abnormalities of vascular pattern
Histology – non-specific proctocolitis**

Child 5 (3). MMR at 14 months.
Second day after, fever and rash, bangs head and behaviour abnormal
Endoscopy – Lymphoid nodular hyperplasia
Histopathology: Marked increase in IEL’s [intraepithelial lymphocytes] in ileum
with chronic inflammatory cells in reactive follicles. Increase in inflammatory cells in colon and IELs increased.

Child 6 (7). MMR – 16 months – no obvious reaction
2 years behavioral change – 2.5 years
Screaming attacks – / food related
Endoscopy – Lymphoid nodular hyperplasia terminal ileum
Histology – Prominent lymphoid follicles
Dhillon: moderate to marked increase in IEL’s, increase in chronic inflammatory
cells throughout the colon – superficial macrophages not quite granuloma
Child 78. MMR 14 months
16 months “growling voice”
18 months – behavioural changes – autism diagnosed at 3 years
Barium [follow through X ray] 5 cm tight stricture [proximal] to insertion of
terminal ileum
Endoscopy- prominent lymphoid follicle in ileum
Mild proctitis with granular mucosa
Ileum – reactive follicles
Colon – bifid forms, increased IEL’s
Slight increase in inflammatory cells
(1) Inflammation that is not diagnostic of either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
(2) Child 6 in The Lancet paper. The chronological order was corrected for the final Lancet paper.
(3) Child 3 in The Lancet paper
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The Dangers of Gardasil with Dr. Russell Blaylock: Gardasil is a big hoax — THE FACTS — but it’s all being covered up because Big Pharma makes billions when vaccines are made mandatory. What they should be recommending is folic acid and vitamin B12, but they can’t patent vitamins.

[video] The Dangers of Gardasil with Dr. Russell Blaylock: Gardasil is a big hoax — THE FACTS — but it’s all being covered up because Big Pharma makes billions when vaccines are made mandatory. What they should be recommending is folic acid and vitamin B12, but they can’t patent vitamins.

[youtube=]The Dangers of Gardasil with Dr. Russell Blaylock 1/2

Uploaded by on Sep 20, 2011

Dr. Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, lecturer, and editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report.

He talks about the dangers of Gardasil and the upcoming flu vaccination season and the threat it poses to unsuspecting Americans who are inundated with flu vaccination propaganda on a daily basis.

Gov. and GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry is currently enveloped in controversy over his decision in February of 2007 to issue an executive order mandating that Texas girls receive the HPV vaccine.

In 2009, Blaylock told Newsmax that the 14,000 reported incidents of side effects is an underestimation. “Multiply the number of incidents actually reported by ten and you’ll get an accurate number,” he said.

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Vaccine Lobby Launches Gardasil Safety Hoax

‘In the aftermath of Rep. Michele Bachmann’s comments about the Gardasil shot causing mental retardation, vaccine lobbyists and the pharmaceutical-friendly establishment media have launched a new hoax claiming the vaccine is completely safe, despite the CDC’s own figures confirming over 18,000 cases of adverse reactions.

The HPV vaccine has become a presidential campaign talking point, after Ron Paul slammed rival Rick Perry when he pointed out that the Texas Governor’s former chief of staff was a lobbyist for Merck at the same time Perry mandated all girls in Texas receive the shot with an executive order.’

Read more: Vaccine Lobby Launches Gardasil Safety Hoax

[video] Dr. Andrew Wakefield with Mike Adams: Forced Injection of Children Without Parents Consent! – Dr. Andrew Wakefield

[youtube=]Exclusive: Forced Injection of Children Without Parents Consent! – Dr. Andrew Wakefield 1/2

Uploaded by on Sep 16, 2011

(NaturalNews) In seeking answers to why adolescent girls are suffering devastating health damage after being injected with HPV vaccines, SANE Vax, Inc decided to have vials of Gardasil tested in a laboratory. There, they found over a dozen Gardasil vaccine vials to be contaminated with rDNA of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The vials were purchased in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Poland and France, indicating Gardasil contamination is a global phenomenon.

This means that adolescents who are injected with these vials are being contaminated with a biohazard — the rDNA of HPV. In conducting the tests, Dr. Sin Hang Lee found rDNA from both HPV-11 and HPV-18, which were described as “firmly attached to the aluminum adjuvant.”

That aluminum is also found in vaccines should be frightening all by itself, given that aluminum should never be injected into the human body (it’s toxic when ingested, and it specifically damages the nervous system). With the added discovery that the aluminum adjuvant also carries rDNA fragments of two different strains of Human Papillomavirus, this now reaches the level of a dangerous biohazard — something more like a biological weapon rather than anything resembling medicine.

As SANE Vax explains in its announcement, these tests were conducted after an adolescent girl experienced “acute onset Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis within 24 hours” of being injected with an HPV vaccine.

[[ Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted presence of SV40, AIDS and cancer viruses in vaccines ]]


Washington Post: Rick Perry and HPV vaccine-maker have deep financial ties

Rick Perry/Merck Article Here

Perry’s ‘contributions’ from Merck/Gardasil MUCH larger than the $5,000 he claimed!

Read Article Here

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines: Rick Perry — Big Pharma President? | Breast cancer drugs may stop cancer, but they also cut life short due to toxicity | Preventing Radiation Poisoning with Homeopathic Medicines | and more…


Rick Perry — Big Pharma president?

By Christina Luisa
August 23 – Rick Perry has officially announced he is running for president, and we now face the possibility having a tyrant in control of our country. Not only does Perry have a bad track record – including having the…

Breast cancer drugs may stop cancer, but they also cut life short due to toxicity

By S. L. Baker, features writer
August 23 – Here’s another case of a so-called “wonder drug” heavily promoted by Big Pharma having a darker side than anyone knew. It turns out aromatase inhibitors (sold under the names Femara, Aromasin, and Arimidex)…

Big government gone wild: Social Security on the verge of insolvency

By J. D. Heyes
August 23 – Do you remember the recent debate in Congress and the White House to raise the government’s ability to borrow even more money? The “debate” that was long on raising the debt ceiling but short on actually cutting…

Medical science may use genetically modified pigs to grow human replacement organs

By PF Louis
August 23 – There are too many heavily funded, highly praised scientists who think they can outwit nature and play God. A recent medical science development in Japan is leading the way to using animals for creating organs…

Many vaccines contain polysorbate 80 which can cause anaphylactic shock

By Brigid Shaw
August 23 – Add anaphylactic shock to the long list of disastrous effects of vaccinations. A recent article in identifies the potentially fatal allergic reaction as one of the consequences of polysorbate 80…

Preventing Radiation Poisoning with Homeopathic Medicines

By Dana Ullman
August 23 – The depth and breadth of contributions to conventional medicine and science is often ignored and simply suppressed. And yet, history reveals that it was a homeopath by the name of Emil Grubbe, MD (1875-1960…

Pregnant Women and Strokes

By Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
August 23 – We have known for a while that increasingly, children are having strokes, according to the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. In a study of over 200 children who had suffered a stroke, nearly…

Click here for more articles »    

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines


Proof that the FDA’s assault on raw milk has nothing to do with consumer safety

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 16 – An astonishing two-thirds of all fresh chicken meat sold in grocery stores today is contaminated with salmonella ( Diet soda is laced with aspartame…

Major drug research company faked thousands of documents to get drugs approved, FDA says no big deal

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
August 16 – It is truly astounding to witness the utter corruption that takes place — and practically in plain sight — within the pharmaceutical drug industry. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that…

Study: Children who take antibiotics more prone to contracting ‘superbugs’

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 16 – A group of Canadian researchers has found a link between taking antibiotics and a higher likelihood of harboring deadly “superbugs” like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which kills tens of…

Risperdal drug maker faces $1B in lawsuits, yet mother charged for refusing use on child

By Monica G. Young
August 16 – What irony. Detroit mother, Maryanne Godboldo, was just charged with child neglect for refusing to obey a Child Protective Services order to give her daughter Risperdal, a powerful psychoactive drug. Meanwhile…

Study: 80 percent of antidepressant prescriptions are written for people without psychiatric conditions

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 16 – There is a reason why antidepressants have become the third most commonly prescribed class of medications in the US, and it has nothing to do with their supposed efficacy (antidepressants do not actually work…

New research: Moving for just 15 minutes a day can save your life

By S. L. Baker, features writer
August 16 – Imagine a Big Pharma prescription that will slash your risk of dying by 14 percent and give you at least an extra three years of life. How much you would be willing to pay for it? Many people would find a way…

Charlotte Gerson Speaks Out on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour

By Jonathan Landsman
August 16 – Get yourself ready for an unforgettable program. Raw and uncensored – the NaturalNews Talk Hour presents Charlotte Gerson Speaks Out with our special guest Charlotte Gerson. Discover how to avoid pain and disease…

Health Ranger interviews Mark McAfee from about raw milk and FDA raids

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 15 – Mark McAfee is the celebrated founder and operator of Organic Pastures (, one of the largest and most successful raw milk producers in America. After the FDA’s armed raid on Rawesome…

Twisted web of lies in Godboldo Case: Big Pharma, multiple agencies, judge, DHS all profit from child abduction

By Christina Luisa
August 15 – (NaturalNews)There is a good chance you have heard the story of Maryanne Godboldo and how armed government agents broke down her door and attempted to kidnap her 13-year-old daughter Ariana to turn over to CPS because she…

Babies forced onto formula feeding because of IV fluids given to their mothers

By S. L. Baker, features writer
August 15 – Breastfeeding has long been known to be one of the most important ways mothers can protect the health of their baby. According to the American College of Pediatrics, breastfeeding slashes the rate of sudden…

Relieve joint and muscle pain, maintain healthy bone density with high doses of vitamin D

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 15 – A recent study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment has found that taking high doses of vitamin D can help relieve the joint and muscle pain caused by taking aromatase inhibitor drugs…

Unplugging from The Man, Part II

By Sherry L. Ackerman, Ph.D.
August 15 – One of the things that we need to do in order to Unplug is change our thinking. This is huge: much bigger than most people realize. Most people, in fact, have no real idea what they are thinking. They are on…

Why is George Soros selling gold and buying farmland?

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 14 – Food prices are skyrocketing all across the globe, and there’s no end in sight. The United Nations says food inflation is currently at 30% a year, and the fast-eroding value of the dollar is causing food prices…

NaturalNews publishes names of government agents who masterminded Rawesome Foods raid

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 14 – The Rawesome Foods raid that took place August 3, 2011, is being publicly described by many as an act of “government terrorism” against innocents (…

‘Big Latch On’ holds breastfeeding awareness day to help eliminate cultural stigmas

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 14 – Mothers who breastfeed their babies in public are probably used to frequent stares and occasional negative comments about keeping such affairs in private. However, Big Latch On, an international group started…

Disappearing act: Job approval ratings for Congress, Obama sinking

By J. D. Heyes
August 14 – In past election years, there was a joke that the choices for president were so bad someone ought to put Mickey Mouse on the ballot because he’d probably win. Based on the most recent public opinion polls, Mickey…

Super sports medicine

By Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
August 14 – In the world of sports medicine nutrient therapy can mean the difference between winning and losing and between health and injury. Besides attitude and training nothing affects athletic performance like an athlete’s…

UNICEF using African refugee crisis to target 300,000 Kenyan children for vaccination

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
August 13 – You never want a serious crisis to go to waste: these are the now-infamous words uttered by former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel during the early days of the currently-in-motion financial meltdown…

New NASA images show what appears to be liquid water on Mars

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 13 – Images recently captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter undoubtedly illustrate the strongest evidence yet that the “Red Planet” likely contains liquid water, and potentially even life forms of some sort…

Fukushima update: Radiation danger continues

By Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
August 13 – Five months ago today, the nuclear crisis began in Fukushima, and the government began lying about the threat and the dangers to its people. Now they are beginning to build a gigantic tent over reactor number…

Obamacare ruled unconstitutional by federal appeals court

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 12 – The 11th circuit appeals court ruled today that Obama’s health care mandate — which forced Americans to purchase an insurance product that many did not want or need — was unconstitutional and that Congress…

Raw Milk Rover animation depicts raw milk victory against FDA

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 12 – A new animation created by Mike Adams and released by NaturalNews depicts a happy dog achieving a unique victory over FDA tyrants who conduct armed raids on raw milk farmers and merchants. Scripted and voiced…

Monsanto preys on popularity of omega-3s by developing GMO soybean that produces fake fish oil

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
August 12 – Leave it to Monsanto to take a good thing and corrupt it for financial gain. According to a recent report in Forbes, the multinational biotechnology-slash-agriculture-manipulating monolith has developed a new…

Pharma now pushing for 20 new vaccines in next decade

By PF Louis
August 12 – The mainstream media is extremely one sided with its vaccine reporting. It is a PR outlet for the pharmaceutical industry, especially when it comes to the pharmaceutical industry’s sacred cow – vaccines. A…

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[video] Purity First: Human Augmentation Enslaves

[youtube=]Purity First

Uploaded by on Jul 21, 2011

Human Augmentation – Enslaving Us All

GM Human-Hybrids Future Market for Organs, Babies

[youtube=]GM Human-Hybrids Future Market for Organs, Babies

Uploaded by on Jul 26, 2011

Advances in artificial fertility and transgenic human-animal hybrid pose lucrative possibilities for monopoly on babies, organs despite risks of degrading genetic code of life

Author Jim Marrs: Andreas Behring Ties to Knights Templar and The Global Elite

“The Prozac-type drugs destroy your inhibition.”

– Alex Jones

[youtube=]Author Jim Marrs: Andreas Behring Ties to Knights Templar and The Global Elite 1/2

Uploaded by on Jul 26, 2011

Alex welcomes back to the show former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author Jim Marrs. Jim is the author of The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America and The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America.



Skousen: Anti-Depressants Suppress the Conscience Part of the Brain


Why is this medication prescribed?

Sertraline is used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (bothersome thoughts that won’t go away and the need to perform certain actions over and over), panic attacks (sudden, unexpected attacks of extreme fear and worry about these attacks), posttraumatic stress disorder (disturbing psychological symptoms that develop after a frightening experience), and social anxiety disorder (extreme fear of interacting with others or performing in front of others that interferes with normal life). (…)


Skousen: Anti-Depressants Suppress the Conscience Part of the Brain

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