Freedom from Alaska!

Category: China Page 9 of 10

Lindsey Williams: The Elite Speak — Dollar to devalue by 30-50% in the next 12 months

Our greatest concern should be the decline of the dollar.

Inflation big.”
Dollar to devalue by 30-50% in the next 12 months

Get out of paper.

Government takeover of every area of our lives

“The Chinese are the strong ones.
Watch China.”

War is planned,
but not within the next year’s time.”

Set your spiritual house in order.
“I have looked for repentance in America, but…”

[youtube=]Lindsey Williams The Elite Speak HD Full Length 58 Minutes

ajxm | December 24, 2010 | 13 likes, 1 dislikes

Lindsey Williams The Elite Speak Full Length HD. Patriot Pastor Lindsey Williams spills the beans on the dire predictions foretold by Ken Fromm formerly of Richfield Oil on his death bed confession.


Lindsey Williams Returns: Get Ready for $5 a Gallon Gasoline and Major Food Price Increases! – Alex Jones Tv

Lindsey Williams on Radio Liberty: Lindsey predicts…

Lindsey Williams Returns: Confessions of an Elitist Who Has Now Passed. When the Euro dies we just have 2 to 3 weeks until it happens to US!

Lindsey Williams Returns: Get Ready for $150 Barrel of Oil and Mr. X Revealed!

Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist “Spills Gut” On Plan to Destroy America

Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv: Lindsey talked with elite insider again (2/24/10) about the future of America and monetary system, the globalist plans for the rest of the world — “The dollar will be dead by 2012.”

Lindsey Williams on the Two Year Globalist Timetable: “They have some definite plans. Now whether they will succeed and accomplish it or not is another story. I hope they don’t, but on the other hand, that is their timeline”

[10/23/09] Lindsey Williams: We Have Just 2 Years to Get Our Act Together?

[10/20/09] Lindsey Williams Back on Alex Jones Tv: Total Economic Collapse of America in 2 Years? / “The Devil’s Messiah”

[10/19/09] Globalist Insider Tells Lindsey Williams: “Within TWO YEARS you will not recognize America. … You will be so poor you will not be able to rebel”

Lindsey Williams’ Book Now Online: “The Energy Non-Crisis”

Lindsey Williams’ Life Threatened by Tycoon for Speaking Out About the Non-Energy Crisis

Skousen: Gas Price Manipulation—Public Needs to Demand Opening of the Gull Island Oil Field (Alaska)

Lindsey Williams: The Energy *Non*-Crisis—Alaska’s ‘Classified’ Oil Reserve Largest on Earth?

Stunning Photos Of 2010 Asian Games Opening Ceremony In China

Click Here

A shot across the bow: Missile expert says southern California projectile was a foreign-made cruise or ICBM missile launched from a submarine

If this is the George Freund I know about, he’s a great guy who is on Joyce Riley’s The Power Hour on occasion.

All it takes is a few nukes to be blow above the US and the EMP pulses would put us back into the stone age. See the links following the article, which includes my dream of all cars stopping in Anchorage, very possibly from an EMP.

We could be very close to the end of America.

Perhaps this launch was meant just to be a message. We better take heed and get off of our high horse.

Just like that, it could be all over: One EMP nuke could take down the entire U.S. power grid. Study estimates 90% of all Americans dead within a year

Roger Waters:
It was the Greatest Show On Earth …
And when they found our shadows grouped ’round the TV sets …

Jeff Fenske

From: Rense

More On SoCal Missile From A Missile Tech

By George Freund

“Finally there is something that has occurred, in which I am actually an expert and qualified to give a real answer about. I am a retired U.S. Navy FireControl Technician, who is platform certified in the gun and missile systems on board Adams class guided missile destroyers, I have also worked with the Navy’s Harpoon, Tomahawk and ASROC missile systems. (FireControl Techs operate, maintain and repair the computer, radar and periphial systems used to launch and guide the various naval weapon systems, we are the guys who “PUSH THE BUTTON”).

Anyway, what I saw in the recent video concerning the object 30 miles off the coast of CA. Is blatantly a foreign made, Large Cruise or ICBM missile, being launched by a sub-surface aquatic platform.

First, I know it’s a large missile because it did not exhibit the typical “corkscrewing” trajectory of a beam riding missile as it trys to aquire the targeting beam. This tells me its a Big Boy with a complete guidence system installed in it, what is nicknamed a “fire and forget” missile, as once its launched its internal guidance system takes over and there is no real need for external guidance.

Second, I’m fairly confident it’s not one of ours, as the vapor trail appears “dirty” it looks brownish.

I have personally been involved in (5) SM2 missile launches, and (2) ASROC missile launches, and have been on safety observation for at least 15 more launches of Harpoons, Tomahawks and other missiles. We put alot of sweat and money into our “birds” and part of that is the fuel cells, they burn very clean, a whitish-blue infact, not a dirty blackish brown. That missile had rather crude fuel cells, which tells me its not one of ours.

I bet the brass in Washington is freaked out big time, because of what I know of our “defenses” they should really have had a pretty good idea this thing was sitting there, and they should have been watching it, not only that the moment it broke the surface of the water and ignited our early warning dopplar should have picked it up, and relayed the info to NORAD, and the CAP units flying patrol over the country… Any high ranking expert who believes this is a condensation trail off of a commercial airliner is lying or stupid. I hope you hear from other Fire Control Techs who saw the same thing I did.”


Wayne Madsen: China Fired Missile Seen In Southern California

China Builds Secret Nuclear Submarine Base in South China Sea

Coincidence? “Missile” Fired Off California Coast On Same Day That Chinese Sub Surprised US Carrier Group

Our senators traitors? Senate dumps strategy to prevent EMP damage

Discovery Channel: Ford Taurus Gets Zapped by EMP

One EMP nuke could take down the entire U.S. power grid. Study estimates 90% of all Americans dead within a year

My EMP Dream (10/23/08): All Cars Suddenly Stopped From Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon?

Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist “Spills Gut” On Plan to Destroy America

[youtube=]Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist “Spills Gut” On Plan to Destroy America – Alex Jones Tv 1/6

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 21, 2010

Lindsey Williams reveals new bombshell information on the Alex Jones Show today. Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for nearly 30 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary and because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in his book, The Energy Non-Crisis. In 2009, Williams told Alex Jones about the plan by the global elite to sabotage the dollar, destroy the economy and America by 2012.

Kurt Nimmo
October 21, 2010

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, Pastor Lindsey Williams provided further details on the ongoing plan by the global elite to destroy America, consolidate financial power, usher in world government, and reduce humanity to a slave class.

Gas prices will rise to between $4 and $5 per gallon in the next few months.

Lindsey Williams told Jones his source — described only as a CEO in the Big Three Oil industry who traveled in Bilderberger circles — is suffering from terminal cancer and “spilled his guts” to him on particular details of the globalist agenda now unfolding.

Pastor Williams said the world is now at a critical phase in the globalist takeover scheme and that within the next few months we will witness the following important developments.

Watch Russia and China

The globalists plan to use China and Russia to strangle America and Europe and eventually reduce both to third-world status.

Lindsey underscored the importance of a major oil export deal between Russia and China. “China reached a long-term deal to lend $25 billion to two Russian energy companies in exchange for an expanded supply of Russian oil, highlighting how the world’s No. 3 economy is using its financial muscle to lock up access to natural resources,” the Wall Street Journal reported in February. “Russia wants to secure customers and find a counterbalance to its dependence on Western Europe.”

According to Williams, trade between Russia and China will be not be conducted using the world’s reserve currency — at present the U.S. dollar — and this will further erode the value of the dollar and hasten its demise. In addition, the new trade will likely be used to bribe Europe into paying higher prices or possibly lose altogether its energy source provided by Russia.

This prospect become painfully obvious in January when Russia and Belarus failed to renew an agreement on crude oil export tariffs and a cut-off of oil threatened the European continent.

China is now the world’s largest energy consumer, having just passed the United States. As China becomes the preferred globalist model for the 21st century, its need for energy will come into conflict with the west.

On October 19, the New York Times reported on China’s aggressive stance on resources. “China, which has been blocking shipments of crucial minerals to Japan for the last month, has now quietly halted some shipments of those materials to the United States and Europe, three industry officials said this week,” thus exacerbating already rising trade and currency tensions with the West.…

China Controls Over 90% Of World’s Rare Earth Minerals

China Controls Over 90% Of World’s Rare Earths

Gerald Celente: Even the billionaires are worried. China wins; we lose.

[youtube=]Gerald Celente on RTAmerica September 17, 2010

GeraldCelenteChannel | September 17, 2010

Gerald Celente on RTAmerica September 17, 2010
Trends Journal:

Joel Skousen: “I’m not predicting an economic collapse, but a downward spiral that will keep going. But they’ll milk it along, keep people basically fat, dumb and happy until the surprise war comes.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske


TheAlexJonesChannel | August 19, 2010

Alex also welcomes to the show Joel Skousen, a political commentator non-fiction Survivalist author, retreat consultant and is the founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news analysis service. Mr. Skousen will talk about Chuck Baldwin’s article, Top Secret America: The Rest Of The Story, and the dark side of America’s army and secret police.

[youtube=]Joel Skousen: The Dark Side of America – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

“My theory indicates that we’re going to have a major third world war,
coming probably the end of this next decade

If they run Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney critiqued

Ron Paul a real problem for the establishment!

Ron Paul responsible for delaying Iran attack

Newt Gingrich, the betrayer

North Korea

CIA the establishment’s tool


Russia and China are legitimate predator competitors
for world government control.

These are not being controlled directly
by the Anglo/American establishment.”

Three powers:

Russia, China, the globalists

Russia has a lose relationship with China for now.

The globalists are enabling Russia
by hiding from the American public
Russia’s preparation for nuclear war with US.

The globalists want Russia to strike
so they can then emerge from their underground bunkers
to bring in the one-world government
claiming they didn’t know we’d be attacked,
just like they claim they didn’t know 9/11 would happen.


Joel doesn’t believe economic collapse will be immediate.
To avoid rebellion, the PTB don’t want the people to wake up sufficiently..

When WWW III comes, they can implement martial law then.

“An EMP strike will take down this nation without electricity
to a 3rd world nation within hours.”

“[They’ll] milk this thing along with inflation,
[because] that’s the only weapon they’ve got left.

So I’m not predicting an economic collapse,
but a downward spiral that will keep going.
But they’ll milk it along,
keep people basically fat, dumb and happy
until the surprise war comes.

And it will be a shock to everybody.

And they’ll use that shock value to talk people into giving up
essential sovereignty
in favor of the new world order.”

“So much of the tea party movement is being co-opted
by people with money
and that’s always the key that they’re not of us
because our people don’t have money.
The people with big bucks never are principled enough
to run with a no-compromise strategy

Prison camps exist?

Absolutely a government inside operation

I don’t think the people running the airplanes knew
they were working directly for the US,
but the people at the higher level of al Qaeda
were working for the CIA through Saudi Arabia


[] Obama’s National Security Advisor: “I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger”

Our senators traitors? Senate dumps strategy to prevent EMP damage

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

Joel Skousen analyzes Glenn Beck, how government agents are corrupted & etc. on The Alex Jones Show 8/31/10

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 31, 2010

Alex welcomes back to the show Joel Skousen, founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news analysis service. Mr. Skousen is a political scientist by training who specializes in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory. He is also a designer of high security residences and retreats. Joel served as a fighter pilot for the US Marine Corps during the Vietnam era. During the 80’s he took a leave of absence to serve as the Chairman of the Conservative National Committee in Washington DC and concurrently served as the Executive Editor of Conservative Digest.

[youtube=]Joel Skousen: Order Out of Financial Chaos, End of Paper Money and The American Way of Life 1/7

The dark side of government has grown to be larger than the white side.


How CIA agents and politicians get blackmailed.

“They’ve got to make sure that you’re morally corruptible.”

“They like to have people who have a clean cut appearance who can fool other people,
but they want to make sure they’re corruptible.”


“We need more leakers.”

God won’t make evil people good.
He won’t interfere with their free will.

Alex asks advice on how to not be so frustrated
with people’s unwillingness to look at what’s going on:

We have to give them space.
We have to not be too pushy on people,
and give them time to absorb this….
Wait till they sense something is wrong.

That takes the frustration away.”

Joel’s take on Glenn Beck


More on Glenn Beck

He’s gone so far down the river now
in condemning conspiracy

I happen to know from private sources that
he’s actually beginning to believe that conspiracy really occurs.
But he can’t say so now.
He knows he’d lose his position at Fox News,
and so he’s in denial
. …

They can’t admit they were wrong….
They actually have to screw up their mind
and convince themselves that what they feel is not right

“I think we have to understand that Glenn is a weak person.
He, himself admits that he’s a weak person.
And the establishment really loves to use that.

Sarah Palin is a weak person.”

“They’re putting false heroes in front of us
to divert the public from those who would really do a good job.”

“There’s a difference between people like Rush Limbaugh and O’Reilly and Hannity.
These people are actually on the other side, in my opinion,
and they’re just playing the conservative.

Glenn Beck is sincerely on our side,
but he’s manipulated

Barack Obama co-opted:

“This guy is a fraud from the very beginning,
but the real sign is when they make him wealthy.

This guy has been co-opted.
I think he’s a controlled entity.”

Media personality litmus test:
how do they handle the conspiracy issue?

Rush Limbaugh sold out

“He made that contract,
and the next day….


“That constant smirk…”

“They won’t even let them finish a sentence.”


“They bought into the concept,
which I believe is part of
the media conspiracy
that we must denigrate this issue of conspiracy
so no one dares bring that up

The big picture


90% chance by 2020



Mexican/US CIA drug pipeline



Joel Skousen: “I’m not predicting an economic collapse, but a downward spiral that will keep going. But they’ll milk it along, keep people basically fat, dumb and happy until the surprise war comes.”

Skousen: Hyperinflation – What It Takes To Get There. “I think the financial PTB will continue to gradually increase inflation sufficient to keep people pacified, but not so much as to create panic buying”

Max Keiser: China to be number one very shortly

“China…is going to be number one very shortly, very soon, because they have all the keys. They’ve got a trillion dollars in U.S. debt securities. And when the moment is ripe, they will pull the plug, and they’ll sell those securities, and America is finished. … China is about to win.”

– Max Keiser
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Max Keiser: The American Empire is Done! – The Alex Jones Show 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 16, 2010

Alex also welcomes back to the show film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader, Max Keiser. Max is the host of On the Edge, a program of news and analysis, and also hosts Keiser Report, a financial tabloid. He formerly hosted The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News and previously produced and appeared regularly on the TV series People & Power on the Al-Jazeera English network. In addition to his broadcasting work, Keiser is known for his invention of “Virtual Specialist Technology,” a software system used by the Hollywood Stock Exchange. Alex also welcomes a special guest, to be announced later in the show.

IMPORTANT! Joel Skousen on Radio Liberty 8/12/10: Unnecessary war with Iran imminent; Russia and China preparing to preemptively nuke America; Senate drops House-approved plan to protect U.S. from an EMP attack; False conservatives taking over tea party

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“My personal belief is that we are going to war very, very soon with Iran. Israel will lead off with a preemptive strike on Iran, pretending as if there is a nuclear threat problem there, and the U.S. will join in.

But ultimately, the long term problem is that Russia and China are preparing for nuclear war with America. And we’re treating them as allies. We’re continuing to transfer weapons and technology to them. We’re basically setting our own nation up for a third world war. And I think that’s what the globalists want in order to force the United States into giving away their sovereignty and seeking protection from the international community.”

• • • •

The U.S. Senate has dropped the House-approved plan that would prepare the United States to defend itself from an attack from electromagnetic pulse, whether it be from a natural solar flare or from a space located nuclear weapon.

This is not surprising. Despite U.S. government knowledge that Russia and China are preparing to strike the west with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, FEMA says nothing to the American people about preparing for nuclear war. And the federal government, itself, is building at least six new, deep, underground bunkers, specifically to protect government officials from a preemptive nuclear strike — but no warnings to the public.

So obviously, Stan, the feds know this strike is coming. They’re not building bunkers 1/4 mile underground for some local terrorist strike.

• • • •

We are being set up in this country for false conservatives to take the lead of the tea party movement.”

– Joel Skousen

Listen to MP3 Here

More Great Programs At:

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Archives


My EMP Dream (10/23/08): All Cars Suddenly Stopped From Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon?

Afghanistan’s drug quagmire: Thanks to US, Afghanistan produces twice as much heroin as the entire world produced 10 years ago!

[youtube=]Afghanistan’s drug quagmire

RTAmerica — June 16, 2010 — Afghanistan produces twice as much heroin as the entire world produced 10 years ago. Consumption of opiates in the EU topped all last year, and drugs kill 10 thousand people in Europe annually. Today Wayne Madsen is talking about the significant increase of drug production in Afghanistan after the coalition forces gained control over the country.

Estulin Exposes Bilderbergers At EU Parliament

[youtube=]On Bilderberg Follow-up with Daniel Esturin after Press Conference in European Parliament

Dreadytube — June 02, 2010 — European Parliament, Brussels – 1 June 2010

Daniel Estulin replies to questions following the Press Conference – “Bilderberg Group – Towards the Creation of a One orld Company Ltd.?”

Daniel Esturin, Author of “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” – 2007, and “Shadow Masters” – 2010.

On the initiative of Mario Borghezio, Italian Member of the European Parliament (Lega Nord, Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group)

China’s proposed ban on dog meat draws angry outcry

[youtube=]China ban on dog meat draw angry outcry

The Chinese government is considering taking meat from domestic animals off menus across the country, raising concerns among dog farmers who have relied on the industry for generations.

The draft proposal to ban dog and cat meat has drawn an angry outcry from regions where the dish is popular.

Opponents say the ban would destroy local culinary traditions.

Al Jazeera’s Melissa Chan reports from Jiangsu province in eastern China. (Feb 08, 2010

Bob Chapman: A ‘Fed’ meeting attendee says that by the end of the year the banking system is going to come down

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

The Federal Reserve, instead of being audited like they should be [now that Ron Paul’s Audit-the-Fed bill was gutted – editor], is going to have one audit, and it’s going to be restricted to just one certain area, and that’s it. And so what they’re doing is throwing the public a bone.”

The privately owned ‘Fed’ and Congress don’t care what the law says. You heard what the last President said about…used expletives to describe the Constitution. They don’t care. They’re members of the Illuminati. They think they’re masters of the universe. And they will break every single law….”

“I just got a letter, today, from a friend of mine who attends the Fed meetings. And he says that by the end of the year, maybe as early as November, that the banking system is going to come down. And he says that they believe that all of the banks will be wrapped up in those five or six major banks in the United States. And they will control everything from a banking viewpoint. And that’s what they’re after.”

– Bob Chapman

[youtube=]Bob Chapman’s Friday 5/21/2010 Economic Report on Alex JonesTv

Bob Chapman, publisher of the International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide.

Why Paul Craig Roberts quit: “It’s futile to write about what’s happening…the wars, the police state, the lack of our civil liberties, as long as the event that set those in motion, itself, can’t be analyzed.” “It’s impossible for experts, even, to bring facts.” & “The people fall for everything.” “The people are just so gullible.” “Really nothing can be done.”

Related: Paul Craig Roberts says “Good-bye.” Militarism and corporate greed will now run their course. As the pen is censored and its might extinguished, I am signing off.

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“It makes you wonder what will be the consequence of the recklessness of the United States’ government when there is a nuclear armed Soviet Union and a China….

We could see the United States’ government doing what Hitler did. He marched off into Russia and destroyed himself in it. How will our destruction come about?”


Paul Craig Roberts (born April 3, 1939 age 71 – ed.], in Atlanta, Georgia) is an economist and a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate. He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration earning fame as a co-founder of Reaganomics.”[1] He is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. Roberts has been a critic of both Democratic and Republican administrations.

He has written or co-written eight books, contributed chapters to numerous books and has published many articles in journals of scholarship. He has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of economic policy. His writings frequently appear on OpEdNews,, Lew Rockwell‘s web site, CounterPunch, and the American Free Press. Roberts has been featured as a guest on the Political Cesspool radio show. (Wikipedia)

[youtube=]Alex’s Farewell Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on The Alex Jones Show

April 07, 2010 — Alex welcomes back to the show economist and a nationally syndicated columnist Paul Craig Roberts, who recently announced his journalistic retirement in an article entitled “Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It.” He served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration. Mr. Roberts is the author of several books, including The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice and How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds.

George Soros: China will lead “New World Order” and the dollar must be replaced as the world currency. “The system we have now has actually broken down only we haven’t quite recognized it”

Related: “Conspiracy?” “Surely People Couldn’t Be That Evil?” George Soros: Republic Enemy #1: Illegal Market Manipulation, Felony Insider Trading, Villain, Currency Collapses


“You need a new currency system … The system we have now has actually broken down only we haven’t quite recognized it, so you need to create a new one and this is the time to do it”


Soros: China Will Lead New World Order

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Billionaire globalist George Soros told the Financial Times during an interview that China will supplant the United States as the leader of the new world order and that America should not resist the country’s decline as the dollar weakens, living standards drop, and a new global currency is introduced.

Asked what Obama should discuss when he visits China next month, Soros stated, “This would be the time because I think you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order, financial world order,” adding that China was a reluctant member of the IMF who didn’t make enough of a contribution.

“I think you need a new world order that China has to be part of the process of creating it and they have to buy in, they have to own it in the same way as the United States owns…the current order,” said Soros, adding that the G20 was a move in this direction.

Soros said that there was a flight from currencies across the board, and that this is why the price of commodities, notably gold and oil, were generally rising. He also stated that an orderly decline of the dollar was “desirable” and that the entire system needed to be reconstituted towards a global currency.

“You need a new currency system and actually the Special Drawing Rights do give you the makings of a system and I think it’s ill-considered on the part of the United States to resist the wider use of Special Drawing Rights, they could be very useful now when you have a global shortfall of demand, you could actually internationally create currency through Special Drawing Rights,” said Soros, explaining that this was already in process after the IMF injected an allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) equivalent to $250 billion into the global economy.

Soros also stated that richer countries were already transferring wealth to poorer countries via SDR’s, with the IMF paying for the half per cent transaction cost.

Soros said the world would have to go through a “painful adjustment” following the decline of the dollar and the introduction of a global currency. Reading between the lines, he essentially threatened to kill the dollar completely if the United States did not get on board with the global currency.

Soros predicted that China would become the new engine of the global economy, replacing the U.S., and that this would slow economic growth and reduce living standards. Soros characterized the United States as a drag on the global economy because of the declining dollar.

Watch the video interview below.


full vid can be found here

Director Chris Pinto: Our National Heritage Has A Second Side To It

From: Jeff Fenske

“The entire purpose of masonry is a continual progression toward THE LIGHT.”

“LUCIFER, is it he who bears THE LIGHT? Doubt it not.”

— Albert Pike, founder:
Scottish Rite Freemasonry & Ku Klux Klan


Alex talks with Chris Pinto, award-winning filmmaker and director of Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings, a documentary revealing the esoteric tradations hidden within the signs and symbols of the infrastructure of the United States. The DVD is available at the Infowars Store.

“…170 to 200 million people were slaughtered by corrupt governments
just in the 20th century.”

— Chris Pinto

Chris Pinto also quotes from this comment from Skull-and-Bonesman George W. Bush, emphasizing the fire-burning part:

“Because we have acted in the great liberating tradition of this nation, tens of millions have achieved their freedom. And as hope kindles hope, millions more will find it. By our efforts we have lit a fire as well, a fire in the minds of men. It warms those who feel its power; it burns those who fight its progress. And one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world.”

Antiwar explains what is likely the true origin of Bush’s comment, saying:

In Dostoevsky’s novel, that fire in the minds of men is not a yearning for liberty, but a nihilistic will to power that can only end in destruction. Put in George W. Bush’s mouth, those words are not a paean to freedom, but a manifesto of pure destructionism.”

Mao, But Not Rockefeller: Beck Fails to Call Out the Real Monsters

It’s Beck’s job to keep us focused on the small stuff while the beast continues its quest to enslave the entire world and turn it into a prison planet based on the very slave plantation Beck criticizes.

From: Infowars

Mao and Rockefeller: Beck Fails to Call Out the Real Monsters

Kurt Nimmo

October 17, 2009

Glenn Beck continues his false right-left shell game in the video clip here. He spotlights a speech by Anita Dunn, the interim White House Communications Director, who says Mao is her favorite political philosopher. Glenn Beck feigns outrage and tells us Obama is surrounded by progressive radicals. His now infamous chalkboard contains photos of Mao, Stalin, Dunn, and the Soviet hammer and sickle.


Beck’s diatribe comes a few days after Dunn issued a denunciation of Fox News on CNN. She said Fox is a “vehicle for Republican Party propaganda and an ideological opponent of the president.” She accused Fox of operating “as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party. And it is not ideological… what I think is fair to say about Fox, and the way we view it, is that it is more of a wing of the Republican Party.”

Beck and Dunn are playing a diversionary game. Fox’s owner, Rupert Murdoch, courted Democrat Hillary Clinton and backed her run for president. CNN enthusiastically covered Republican Bush’s murderous invasion of Iraq and refused to allow equal time for those opposed to the carnage. CNN has maintained a close relationship with the Pentagon and the non-partisan war and mass murder machine, as Alexander Cockburn has noted. Beyond the phony partisan theatrics, there is not a lick of difference between the two disinformation and propaganda outlets. Both are disinfo mills for the New World Order.

featured stories   Mao and Rockefeller: Beck Fails to Call Out the Real Monsters
kissinger and mao featured stories   Mao and Rockefeller: Beck Fails to Call Out the Real Monsters
Rockefeller minion Henry Kissinger forges relations with one of history’s most notorious serial killers.

Beck wants you to believe the people surrounding Obama are communists. That’s why he has the Soviet symbol on his blackboard. In fact, the people surrounding Obama — not minor and peripheral figures like Anita Dunn — are bankster operatives, members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. The really important figures behind Obama are one-world globalists who admire the sort of authoritarianism put into practice by Mao.

Tim Geithner, Susan Rice, Gen. James L. Jones, Paul Volker, Richard Haass, Richard Holbrooke, and Dennis Ross — these are members of the Trilats, the CFR, and the Bilderberg Group. Volker and Geithner are former Federal Reserve operatives. Sec. State Clinton is married to a high-level Bilderberger and Trilateral Commission member. She has attended Bilderberg meetings. Geithner cut his teeth at Kissinger Associates.

Henry Kissinger has spoken fondly of Obama. So has Rockefeller operative Zbigniew Brzezinski. Kissinger was the first diplomat to visit Communist China. A few years before Kissinger met with Mao Zedong, the Chinese dictator launched the Cultural Revolution and had 30 million people killed. Kissinger, a world-class war criminal, was in good company.

Why didn’t Beck mention Kissinger in his diatribe about China and Mao? He didn’t dare. Glenn Beck knows who the boss is — the global elite and a coterie of international bankers. It’s easier and far more safe to pick on a crop of puny socialists and academic dreamers with hangovers from the 1960s.

The banksters loved Mao because he represented the sort of government they cherish – a brutal dictatorship ready to slaughter millions at the drop of a hat.

“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose,” declared David Rockefeller. “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

China’s “social experiment” includes the murder of nearly 80 million people, a vast political prison system, the brutal repression in Tian’anmen Square (between 6,000 – 10,000 killed), the systematic murder of political prisoners for their internal organs, and a sprawling slave labor complex cranking out manufactured goods.

“Communism or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite,” wrote the late Gary Allen. “If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead, it becomes logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs.”

Behind the flaccid rhetoric of Glenn Beck with his blackboard of academics and low-level Obama bureaucrats stands the power-seeking megalomaniacs who own lock, stock, and barrel the government and the corporate Mockingbird media. The elite use media to divert serious discussion and activism into a dead end circus side show of Republican vs. Democrat, progressive vs. neocon, ad nauseam.

Beck’s show is instructional for members of the 9-12 movement, specifically designed to foster hatred of Democrats and “socialists” who in fact work for the same bankers Beck does. Most people following Beck’s 9-12 have their hearts in the right place. It’s too bad they are following the Pied Piper of the global elite.

ACORN and Anita Dunn, while despicable, are warts on the backside of a Tyrannosaurus rex. It’s Beck’s job to keep us focused on the small stuff while the beast continues its quest to enslave the entire world and turn it into a prison planet based on the very slave plantation Beck criticizes.

What Obama Reads

From: Infowars

October 17, 2009

In the photo here, Obama is spotted with a book penned by Fareed Zakaria, The Post-American World. Zakaria’s book argues that a world order is emerging led by the authoritarian slave state China and India.

Entire Article Here

How America Will End? Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama Opened US to Russian/Chinese Nuclear Takeout


Canceled European Missile Defense
Signals New Disarmament Race To War

By Joel Skousen
World Affairs Brief

Begin Excerpt


This week Obama scrapped the Bush era proposal to build an anti-ballistic-missile system in Poland along with its corresponding search and tracking radar in the Czech Republic, which was supposedly designed to protect against a rogue missile attack from Iran. Getting Obama to dump the ABM system was a top priority for Russia, which knew that the Iran threat was an excuse to justify placing a system close to Russia capable of intercepting Russian missiles in their upward boost phase. This is where US interceptors would be most effective, having no warhead–instead of trying to knock down incoming Russian warheads, traveling at hyper speeds, over the target area. That’s a recipe for failure, especially if Russian claims about maneuvering warheads are true. This sudden backing down from directly confronting Russia appears to be part of a new and massive disarmament campaign as heralded by Obama in his speech to the UN–something the West always reverts to prior to sinking into a new world war. This week I’ll analyze why all such disarmament measures, without actual and verifiable Russian and Chinese reductions, will make the US more susceptible to a nuclear first strike.

The UK Guardian reported that, “Barack Obama has demanded the Pentagon conduct a radical review of US nuclear weapons doctrine to prepare the way for deep cuts in the country’s arsenal, the Guardian can reveal.” This is exactly the same thing President Bill Clinton ordered in 1996 that led to the secret issuance of PDD-60 completely changing the Reagan era nuclear doctrine designed to win a nuclear war with Russia. PDD-60 is still secret, but a few public statements issued in late 1997 by Clinton disarmament advisor Robert Bell and Craig Cerniello of Arms Control Today (who was part of the drafting and review process) [<[> ] indicated that the Presidential Decision Directive instructed US missile commanders “not to depend on launch-on-warning” (a tactic of launching all fixed silo missiles at the enemy before opponents first strike missiles landed and destroyed ours), –in essence, this PDD directed our country to absorb a first strike and retaliate later.

A frustrated Marine General is said to have exclaimed, “Retaliate with WHAT?” He knew, as did other commanders of our Trident nuclear submarines that Clinton had unilaterally agreed to keep half of all our SLBM submarines in port at any one time “to assure our Russian friends that we are not a threat.” When you telegraph a subtle message to the Russians that we are going to absorb a first strike, you induce them to make sure they hit us with everything necessary to make sure we cannot respond after a first strike.

PDD-60 also removes all alternate submarine launch codes so that our subs cannot fire without direct communications with the President. Those vital communications links will assuredly not survive a massive first strike. Even if they did, it is probable given what we know that the President would simply not issue the orders to launch until a first strike had landed. This is not deterrence. This is suicide, or a very carefully planned agenda to make the US vulnerable. Why would US leaders do this? It is designed to drive Americans into a New World Order that has military power over member nations–something no amount of public manipulation in past decades has been able to do. When our leaders come out of their bunkers they will declare the “Russians and Chinese deceived us” and now (that our military forces are mostly destroyed) we have no choice but to enter into a military alliance with the UN to save us.

Chuck Baldwin: Red Flag To Fly Over White House. “Why is the mainstream press not all over this story?”

From: News with Views

Lest anyone doubt the communist leanings of President Barack Obama, look no further than to his decision to hoist the Red Chinese flag (for the first time in history) over the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, September 20.

According to China Daily, “Chinese associations in the United States had applied to hold a ceremony in front of the US President’s residence to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC [People’s Republic of China] . . .

“More than 1,000 people will attend the ceremony and the performances held after it, according to Zhao Luqun, who will direct the performances.

“Zhao said the performances will demonstrate the friendship, magnanimous spirit and kindness of modern Chinese people.”

Trying to find words to describe the extreme offensiveness of flying the Communist Chinese flag over the White House challenges my vocabulary. Words such as UNBELIEVABLE, UNREAL, HORRIFIC, OBSCENE, even TRAITOROUS quickly come to mind. Maybe Obama really is the Manchurian Candidate.

Remember, the communist leaders of Mao’s China are not called the “Butchers of Beijing” for nothing. Since seizing power in 1949, it is estimated that the communist government in China has murdered more than 50 million people (some reports say the number is over 70 million). …

Why is the mainstream press not all over this story? Where is the outrage by veterans’ organizations (especially Korean War veterans)? Where is the national VFW? Where is the American Legion? Where is John Murtha? Where is John Kerry? Where is John McCain?

Perhaps one blogger summed it up the best. He said, “It can now be official–leave the [Chinese] flag there.” His point is well taken.

Entire Article Here

Dr. Stanley Monteith On President Trumans’ Globalist Agenda (Bombing Japan When They Were Trying To Surrender, Turning China Over to the Communists, etc.) & How Our Media Was Taken Over 100 Years Ago


Real Historian, Dr. Stanley Monteith

One of the greatest patriots ever!!

From: Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Newsletter – August 2001


What is the “painful truth” we face today? The fact that our government has two levels, an outer level everyone recognizes and an inner level that operates behind a cloak of secrecy. The outer level consists of our elected officials, our court system, and the vast bureaucracy they’ve spawned. The inner level is controlled by powerful men who control our intelligence agencies, our politicians, most media outlets, many of our major corporations, and our tax-exempt foundations. They operate outside the law and interlock with the “Brotherhood of Darkness.” Henceforth I will refer to the men and the groups that work in the inner level as “the dark side.” [14]

Where did the “dark side” come from? How does the “dark side” conceal its existence? How does the “dark side” control our legitimate government? I will answer each question in turn because you can’t grasp the significance of the Oklahoma City bombing without an understanding of the “dark side” of government.

Where did the “dark side” come from? Those who have heard my talk on Geopolitics or read my book, Brotherhood of Darkness, know that two different ideologies have been competing for supremacy in our country for the past 380 years. One ideology is based on Christianity, truth, and righteousness; the other on occultism, deception, and depravity. Occultists consider Manly P. Hall the leading esoteric philosopher of modern times. If you read his book, The Secret Destiny of America, you will learn that the Rosicrucians sent a group of men to North America shortly after the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth. Their assignment was to prepare this country to lead the world into the Novo Ordo Seclorum, the coming Secular World Order. [15] One hundred and fifty years later, our Founding Fathers established the United States. They based our laws, our calendar, and the structure of our government on the Bible. The new nation prospered as no nation has ever prospered before, but that didn’t discourage those who were dedicated to “the dark side.” When Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President, they consolidated their power. President Roosevelt was a 32nd degree Mason; both he and Eleanor were involved in the occult. [16] FDR replaced every retiring Supreme Court judge with a Mason, or someone sympathetic with their goals, who was willing to undermine the Constitution, centralize power in Washington, D.C., and destroy our Christian heritage. Vice President Harry Truman was a 33rd degree Mason, and when President Roosevelt died, Truman continued to pack the Supreme Court with Masons. As a result, Freemasons controlled the United States Supreme Court from 1941 to 1971. During those years they removed God and prayer from public schools, increased the power of the Federal bureaucracy, and established the “dark side” of our government. [17]

Establishment historians praise President Truman and ignore the fact that he was personally responsible for the death of millions of human beings. We are told that he saved the lives of thousands of American soldiers because he forced the Japanese to surrender by dropping atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That isn’t true. The Japanese government tried to surrender seven months before Harry Truman sanctioned the murder of 200,000 Japanese civilians. The war ended on August 14, 1945. Four days later (August 19, 1945) the Chicago Tribune reported:

[Editor’s Note] After first reading this very newsletter, years ago, upon my request, Dr. Stan sent me a photocopy of the Chicago Tribune article which I transcribed and sent out in full to my email list at the time. It is what it is.

Tonight on ‘Coast’: Joel Skousen

From: Coast to Coast AM

Tuesday May 12, 2009

Political scientist and expert in relocation for personal security, Joel Skousen will share his analysis of why the financial bailouts of the major banks are corrupt, and how the U.S. financial turmoil will be resolved by WWIII with China and Russia.



… Skousen said the collapse of the Soviet Union was a deception, and the heads of the Communist party went underground and became oligarchs. Russia plans a preemptive nuclear strike against America, he declared, by targeting such cities as Long Beach, San Diego, Seattle, Colorado Springs, Kansas City, Amarillo, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Kings Bay, GA, and Omaha, which all have military presences, as well as Washington D.C. …

A nuclear attack by North Korea, or uprising in former Soviet states could act as a trigger event, drawing the U.S. in, and setting the stage for the world war, Skousen noted.

China vs United States: A Visual Comparison

Click for Chart

CBS News 4/2/09: China Rising


A Global Currency? Watch Bernanke Lie

“… when Bachmann asked Bernanke if he would completely renounce any suggestion of replacing the U.S. dollar with an international currency, his eyes looked down and away from her when he replied in the affirmative–i.e., he couldn’t look her straight in the face because he was lying.”

[youtube=]Rep. Michele Bachmann Grilling Geithner and Bernanke

World Affairs Brief, March 27, 2009 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief


China even called for a replacement this week of the dollar by some yet-to-be-defined international currency. This is another key New World Order goal that globalists at the CFR and Trilateral Commission would relish. However, they can’t solve the dollar’s current woes by introducing a new currency now since everyone would require a fair exchange value for their existing currencies. This merely changes the name–not the actual quantity of inflation that threatens everyone’s value.

Only during a war, can you get away with forcing an unfair exchange upon current holders of dollars.

‘Coast’ 1/6/09 Recap: Oil as Economic Warfare

“Things are not good between the U.S. and China.
I don’t care how happy-faced they look on the surface.
I think under the table,
they’re kicking each other on the shins like mad.”

– Jim Norman
(my transcription)

From: Coast to Coast AM

…business and energy journalist Jim Norman argued that the United States manipulates the price of oil as a kind of economic weapon against countries such as Russia and China.

In the futures exchange, an unlimited amount of money was used to overwhelm sellers of crude oil, as a way of running up the price, he explained.

China is hurt by high oil prices much more than the United States, and has experienced reduced exports, the closing of factories, and massive unreported unemployment, he noted.

The opposite technique, the lowering of oil prices, is currently wrecking the Russian economy, Norman suggested. Russia has little besides its natural resources, and the softening of the crude market could eventually force regime change there, he said.

The real reason we went to war with Iraq was because of China, Norman asserted. As sanctions were lifting in 2003, Saddam was going to cut a deal with China so they could acquire ownership of underground oil fields, and the US sought to prevent this, he said.

While the US is propping up India as a foil to China, Russia is now moving in a direction of realigning with China, against the US and the West, he added.


Brief History of Elite’s Manipulation of U.S. Through Wars

From: News with Views, If War Had Not Come in Fierce and Exaggerated Form, by Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

A new movie, Valkyrie, with Tom Cruise has just premiered, and in an interview Cruise said he was surprised by the openness of Col. Claus von Stauffenberg (the character Cruise plays) in discussing his plot to kill Hitler in 1944. What Cruise and most people don’t understand is that Hitler’s ability to begin and wage WWII were facilitated by the Power Elite (PE)!

From the American perspective, the PE’s use of wars goes back over 200 years. The PE was concerned that the young American Republic was too independent of their control. I’ve mentioned in previous columns Philip Freneau’s article in AMERICAN MUSEUM in 1792 describing how the PE would regain control of the U.S., and their use of a war and its predetermined outcome. I’ve also already described how the Civil War was designed to create a Gulf Empire, splitting the South from the rest of the U.S.

On February 5, 1891 Cecil Rhodes as a member of the PE began his secret Society of the Elect after writing to his close friend W.T. Stead that his (Rhodes’) idea would “ultimately lead to the cessation of all wars. . . . The only thing feasible to carry this idea out is a secret one (society) gradually absorbing the wealth of the world to be devoted to such an object. . . . Fancy the charm to young America. . . to share in a scheme to take the government of the whole world!” Among Rhodes’ Association of Helpers (AH) were two Germans, Helmuth James von Moltke and Adam von Trott zu Solz. The AH formed Round Table groups, out of which would come the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), largely funded by J.P. Morgan interests.

World War I was manufactured by the PE for the purpose of creating the first attempt at a world government (the League of Nations). PE agent Col. Edward House in the CFR’s FOREIGN AFFAIRS (June 1923) wrote that “if war had not come in fierce and exaggerated form,” the League would not have materialized. In John Kenneth Turner’s SHALL IT BE AGAIN? (1922), one finds that the J.P. Morgan firm had drawn up plans to scare Americans into joining the war….

When the League failed to produce the desired world government, then a Second World War had to be manufactured to produce the United Nations, which was discussed long before the end of WWII. American (e.g., J.P. Morgan) and British banks funded German industries such as I.G. Farben from Hitler’s early days. According to G. Edward Griffin, Farben “was the primary source of funding for Hitler (and) staffed and directed Hitler’s intelligence section and ran the Nazi slave labor camps. . . . During the Allied bombing raids over Germany, the factories and administrative buildings of I.G. Farben were spared upon instructions from the U.S. War Department.” The War Department widely was staffed by agents of the PE, who had worked for Rockefeller’s National City Bank, Rockefeller’s Dillon, Read & Company, J.P Morgan’s Equitable Trust, etc. …

No-win wars like in Korea and Vietnam were planned as well. In U.S.A. magazine (May 1951), Gen. Douglas MacArthur revealed: “I am convinced I was restrained in Korea by some secret Administration policy directive or strategy about which I was not informed.” The PE through its agent, Gen. George Marshall, facilitated the Chinese Communists coming to power in 1949. This was because as State Department Study Memorandum No. 7 (published under Rhodes scholar Secretary of State Dean Rusk in 1961) stated: “If the Communist dynamic was greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government.”

The American loss in Vietnam (remember Freneau’s 1792 revelation about planned war losses) was to undermine patriotism, thus making a world government more acceptable. …

Thus, it was critical to have a war involving Iraq…. Of course, there was an American military response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, and President Bush delivered his famous “Toward a New World Order” address to Congress on September 11, 1990.

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[video] Why Jim Rogers Moved His Family Close to China

[youtube=] 2009 will be the year of Total decline for US Jim Rogers

Uploaded by on Dec 18, 2008

For more on Jim Rogers

From: Wikipedia

In December 2007, Rogers sold his mansion in New York City for about 16 million USD and moved to Singapore. This is due mainly in his belief that this is a ground-breaking time for investment potential in Asian markets. Rogers’ first daughter is now being tutored in Mandarin to prepare her for the future, he says. “Moving to Asia now is like moving to New York City in 1907,” he said. Also, he is quoted to say: “If you were smart in 1807 you moved to London, if you were smart in 1907 you moved to New York City, and if you are smart in 2007 you move to Asia.” In an CNBC interview with Maria Bartiromo broadcast on May 5, 2008, Rogers said that people in Asia are extremely motivated and driven, and he wants to be in that type of environment so his daughters are motivated and driven. He said during that interview that, this is how America and Europe used to be. He chose not to move to Hong Kong or Shanghai due to the high levels of pollution causing potential health problems for his family. His second daughter was born in 2008.


If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that investor Jim Rogers is a huge fan of China. In fact, he’s so sold on its future that he moved his family from New York City to Singapore at the end of last year. Why Singapore and not China? I discussed this in Investorazzi’s sister blog,, back on December 27 of last year. On Christmas Eve, CNN Money got the chance to speak to the CEO of Rogers Holdings. From that post:

CNN MONEY: Why move to Singapore and not Shanghai or Beijing? ROGERS: Well, we would like to move to China, but the air is so terrible, the pollution is so bad, that we can’t bring ourselves to do it. Everything works in Singapore. It’s an astonishing place. It’s got the best education system in the world. It’s got the best health care in the world. And it’s Chinese-speaking. Our 4-year-old daughter, Happy, goes to a school where they only speak Chinese. One of our motivations was that she continue to speak Chinese. It may not be as exciting as Shanghai or New York, but it’s exciting enough for me.

Fast forward to today. Sounds like Jim and his family are settling in just fine, according to a piece by Mak Mun San of the Singapore publication The Straits Times. In reference to Jim, his wife, Paige Parker, and their two daughters, five-year-old Hilton Augusta, or “Happy,” and three-month-old Beeland Anderson, the reporter wrote:

The couple sold their New York mansion and moved to Singapore last December so that Happy can learn Chinese in a Mandarin-speaking environment. Rogers, who co-founded the Quantum Fund with legendary investor George Soros in the 1970s, has repeatedly said he believes China will be the next great country in the world.

The best gift we can give our children is to let them learn Chinese and prepare them for the future,” he tells The Straits Times, while carrying the baby in his arms.

From: CNN Money

You mention the terrible pollution in China. Do environmental and political issues give you pause as you call this the Chinese century?

First of all, the environmental problems are a huge opportunity. Somebody’s going to make a fortune on that. I talk about that in the book and mention some of the companies that will be trying to address the problems. Can they solve their problems? There are going to be horrible setbacks along the way. There certainly were in America as we grew and boomed. In 1907 our whole system collapsed and went bankrupt. Turns out that was a good time to buy. That’s going to happen in China too. They will probably have political setbacks, environmental setbacks. I don’t know when they’re going to be, but take advantage of them.


Lessons for Life and Investing with Author, Investor Jim Rogers (on his treadmill) — More on why he moved his family to Asia. People aren’t waking up fast enough while America moves closer and closer to financial collapse, dictatorship and police state. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are the only candidates who have the solutions, and they’re being ignored. Should we move to Asia?

Rogers: The Elite Are Turning A Recession Into A Depression

From: Prison Planet

Veteran investor Jim Rogers warns that the policies of central banks and politicians are turning what would have been a recession into a new great depression, and that Barack Obama’s taxation agenda will only make the problem much worse.

Speaking to Bloomberg News, Rogers said that the crisis would at least be the worst since the second world war and that “it could well be” as bad as the great depression.

1929 was the stock market bubble which popped, we were going into a recession and then the politicians around the world starting making horrendous mistakes which turned it into a depression, it would have been just a normal recession otherwise but the American politicians and the European politicians – everyone got in on the act and that seems to be happening this time too,” said Rogers.

Rogers labeled it “unfathomable” what central banks were doing and totally at odds with the lessons of history, adding that President elect Barack Obama’s intention to impose protectionism and taxation of capital would fuel a depression.

If that happens, it’s all over,” warned Rogers, adding that the same thing will happen to the U.S. as happened to Britain between 1918 and 1939, which went from being the richest and most powerful country in the world to being a shambles. China would replace America as the great superpower in the 21st century, said Rogers.

Read Entire Article, Watch Clip

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