Watch Dane’s documentary, “The Dimming”:
• The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engi…
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Watch Dane’s documentary, “The Dimming”:
• The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engi…
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“If we look back in time, we’ve never had a correlation between temperature and carbon dioxide.”
“No one has ever shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming. It’s never been shown scientifically.”
“Incredibly, during a drought the appointed California Water Board is dumping precious stored water from reservoirs to fatten stream water for a variety of environmental causes, including increasing fish production—while farmers lose billions in lost crops even as food shortages for humans increase.” Joel Skousen
CA reservoirs were designed to provide a steady five year supply for all users, and were filled to the top in June 2019
May 21, 2021
“The Scientism surrounding the Wuhan panic has turned reasonable people into fanatics – from the “Karens” who call the police on anyone who is not religiously following Dr. Fauci’s edicts to the politicians and journalists who treat Fauci’s every utterance as if it emanated from a burning bush.
“Believing in science, like believing all women, has become a mark of cultural virtue. Yet the people most likely to say that they believe in science are the least likely to value objectivity and healthy skepticism. Science, for such people, has taken the place of religion in providing certainty in an uncertain world. When science is used to signal virtue and provide certainty, it’s not science, but a hollow religion.
Like California, the main undiscussed problem is fuel load due to forest mismanagement.
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In this conversation (recorded before the recent record rainfall in New South Wales), Joanne Nova of joins us to analyze the recent Australian bushfires and debunk the notion that they were caused by climate change. We discuss the historical patterns, the lack of drought trends in the long-term data, and the reality that this type of mega-fire could be prevented with simple and well-known land management techniques like controlled burns.
57 Bushfire Inquiries isn’t enough. We need one more for leaders to hide behind
178 years of Australian rain has nothing to do with CO2, worst extremes 1849, 1925, 1950
Climate change and bushfires — More rain, the same droughts, no trend, no science
On average bushfires burn an amazing 50 million ha every year in Australia
My notes:
5:35 “All of these young guys who write to me, they’re all addicted to pornography. …and they’re looking to find some way out. The first way out is to explain what it is and what it is not. What it is not is ‘liberation,’ and what it is is control. … With the grace of God you can break that addiction.”
12:10 Greta explained
30:00 “…Mom feels guilty, and the daughter feels full of rage.”
32:30 “…basically a stand-off in the family where Mom’s consumed with guilt and Greta is consumed with hatred, and it can’t go on this way. And then suddenly, they discover climate change.”
34:20 How psychology is demoralizing society
37:10 Sigmund Freud
My Notes
9:30 “It’s almost impossible to perform a persistent contrail. need unique atmospheric conditions in order to form a contrail, and these conditions are hardly ever present. … You have to be an airplane above 30,000 feet; the temperature has to be below -40°C [or -40°F], and you have to have relative humidity of 67% [or higher].”
15:30 In the fuel for commercial planes and aerosol sprayers on military
Airlines may be involved.
28:15 Weather modification
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My notes/transcriptions:
22:00 Scott’s “Ah-Ha” Moment as TV weatherman looking at satellite photos: “But then I had my own “Ah-Ha” moment. I saw my own square cloud. And it was this day that my stomach sank.”
Bottom-left arrow shows the square chunk missing from the cloud, and the right arrow shows the square cloud: “this cut-out matched precisely this cloud.”
52:30 Jet aerosol streams keep storms from developing enough so they produce rainfall: “the thunderstorms look like they’re going to get enough vertical development to where we’ll get more than just a few sprinkles out of them. But then the planes come along; the trails are laid out; and the storm collapses — time after time after time.”
1:00:00 About other weathermen: “There is a point where enough is enough, where you have to have some courage to speak what you see, to speak your truth.”
1:02:30 Scott’s story as a TV weatherman: an unknown factor was messing up his forecasts. “There was some bit of data that’s not being included into the models, and that was affecting my accuracy. And I don’t like being wrong. And that is the joke with weathermen: ‘they’re wrong all the time and they still get paychecks.’ Trust me. It’s painful, It’s painful; it’s your reputation; and I don’t like being wrong, so I needed to find a cause. And that was the driving factor behind this for me. I wanted to figure out what was going on.”
1:15 “Is this planet really warming?”
1:18 “When you’re in that victim mentality, you’re not standing in your sovereignty.”
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I really like the first guy’s comparison to us breathing in really cold weather while walking, and how we then can’t look back and see a 2 mile vapor trail.
Contrails dissipate. Chemtrails can last for hours, and merge with others to form clouds.
The decrease in light hitting the planet is now measurable, and called “global dimming.”
California is especially getting hit.
These testimonies convinced Shasta County supervisors to pass a resolution!
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“I 100% know that the U.S. Air Force was involved. … I’ve had pilots come forward. I’ve had people come forward that actually load the canisters on the planes.” – Kristan Meghan
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Commercial jets started flying across America in 1959. Chemtrails didn’t start until the mid-’90s.
For THIRTY FIVE YEARS, there were no chemtrails. Contrails didn’t linger, spread and turn into clouds. This is a completely new phenomenon.
The geo-engineers are causing so many manmade clouds that the dimming of the sun, called ‘global dimming’ is now measurable.
For those who don’t remember what the skies looked like back then, notice the proof is on TV. Compare the skies in today’s shows verses those filmed in the ’60s through ’80s.
Chemtrails are now a nature photographer’s nightmare. They even show up in some of my night sky photos, and some are almost impossible to remove.
And researchers like Dane Wigington GeoEngineering Watch are proving that stratospheric aerosol injection is radically affecting the climate, especially California’s.
It never used to be this way; though, for decades there were plenty of jets up there still.
This meme is trying to help us open our minds so we can see the reality of what the climate engineers are actually doing to us and our country.
Amazing ending, comparing to the way it was!
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DISPERSING DRY ICE FACT: When I worked at the airport in Anchorage, Alaska, when it was too FOGGY for planes to land and take off, the tower would dispatch a small, specialized plane to go up and drop DRY ICE onto it, after which we could see the fog dissipate as the snow/ice crystals would fall (which moments ago had been fog).
We saw this happen many times. Our dispatchers would sometimes request for it to be done. Imagine how effectively a group of large planes could drop the temp of a hurricane, to reduce it suddenly from a cat 4 to cat 2, which happened with Irma.
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Dane Wigington
Was the recent rash of destructive cyclones just an act of nature? Or is there more to the story? Climate engineering (including the manipulation of hurricanes), is not just theory, speculation, or conjecture, it is verifiable fact and has been since project “Cirrus” was deployed by the US military in 1947. Anyone who takes the time to legitimately investigate the climate engineering / geoengineering issue, without preconception or programmed bias, can only come to the conclusion that climate engineering is real and ongoing. Why are global powers intervening with Earth’s natural systems, and thus completely derailing them? Though the answers are complex, ultimately the global climate engineering Manhattan program comes down to power and control on many fronts and with many layers. One of the primary objectives is this, geoengineering / solar radiation management is being utilized to mask the true severity of biosphere and climate damage already done, while inflicting exponentially more damage in the process. Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have already made their mark, is Hurricane Jose next? The 8 minute video below provides some answers.
We must all bear the burden of exposing and halting the global climate engineering assault. This monumental effort cannot be waged by only a few on behalf of the many. We must each arm ourselves with credible data, and help with the critical effort to sound the alarm.
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Hurricane Harvey brought an abrupt and catastrophic end to the 12 year long major hurricane landfall drought in the US.
“Why the change of course in strategy for climate engineers?”
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“Powerful frequency transmissions kept Harvey from migrating further inland and breaking up.”
“Massive atmospheric aerosol dispersions in conjunction with radio frequency, microwave transmission grids are used to broadcast the atmospheric moisture created by Harvey into the widest possible region of cloud cover.”
– Dane Wigington, transcribed by myself
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Worth watching; he connects a lot of dots, and is probably mostly correct. I’ve known about weather modification for 20 years, and have watched hurricanes ever since. They were often forecasted to be strong, but then suddenly would fizzle out just before they hit land, which is almost certainly caused by man-made geoengineering.
It’s possible that they just let this one go. They didn’t necessarily have to make it worse, but have the means to do that too.
I don’t see how it’s correct to say at the end that Christians are “protected no matter what.” Some may have just died in Texas.
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THE REAL TRUTH About Hurricane Harvey And What They’re NOT Telling You!!!!
On the morning of Thurs., Aug. 24th, 2017, the National Hurricane Center had been tracking Harvey as a then-tropical storm… However, within a 48-hour timespan, this now-hurricane would become the strongest hurricane to hit the United States in more than a decade and inundating the nation’s fourth-largest city, Houston, Texas.
Ever since the category-4 storm dissipated into a tropical storm, record flooding devastated the entire southern-Texas region — with rainfalls totaling up to more than 50 inches in certain areas. More than a quarter million were left without power due to the storm, and up to 450,000 Harvey disaster victims are expected to file for assistance, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). However, Brock Long, who is the current FEMA administrator, has also said that FEMA is expected to remain in Texas for years now… And Michael Brown, former FEMA director, has called Hurricane Harvey “worse than Katrina.”
Now that the entire National Guard has been called, curfews are enforced in Houston, FEMA is involved, and a ton of other Alphabet Soup organizations along with Walmart are teaming up — there is more to this storm than what the mainstream media wants you to know…
Because on the exact same week as Hurricane Harvey, Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with the Fraternal Order of Police… where the Trump administration quietly lifted the ban on military gear to local police forces, allowing for the militarization of police… and, House Joint Resolution 76 was also recently passed and quietly signed into law as of Tue. Aug. 22nd, 2017… allowing for the warrantless searches of homes, where only 1% opposed. Just in time for the National Guard and local police force to raid the flooded streets of Texas…
And mind you, the storm formed only DAYS before the FEMA National Preparedness Month, and DAYS following the international EarthEx 2017 drill that took place as of Wed., Aug. 23rd, 2017… barely DAYS following the total solar eclipse over America on Mon., Aug. 21st, 2017. EarthEx 2017, short for Emergency All-Sector Response Transnational Hazard Exercise, is, according to host Electric Infrastructure Security Council (EIS), “designed to improve community resilience to large scale, long duration power outages through multi-sector exercises.” Other organizations involved were the usual Alphabet Soups such as FEMA, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Department of Energy (DOE)…
However, their main focus is on the impact of long-duration power outages… They also address severe hazards to critical societal infrastructures against uniquely severe Black Sky Hazards, defined as “catastrophic event that severely disrupts the normal functioning of our critical infrastructures in multiple regions for long durations.”
Considering the power outages due to Hurricane Harvey AND the power outage in Taiwan affecting MILLIONS only a week before this event took place, we can see that none of this is a mere surprise or coincidence whatsoever…
Couple that with all the mudslides in Sierra Leone, and major flooding in regions such as Nepal, Bangladesh, and India (where over 40 MILLION people have been affected worldwide, according to the United Nations) — one begins to wonder if Hurricane Harvey is really even a “natural disaster,” and if “global warming” is the one to blame for this storm.
What’s The REAL TRUTH About Hurricane Harvey?!?!
ALSO SEE — More On EarthEx 2017:
ALSO SEE — More Military Drills Worldwide:
More On Hurricane Harvey (Timeline):…
Trump Lifts Ban — Militarization Of Police:…
Congress — Warrantless Search (HR 76):…
Weather Modification & Tampering Reports
NASA Report (November 1966):…
DHS Operation HAMP (Published October 2010): https://antioligarch.files.wordpress….
National Science Foundation Weather Modification Report (December 1965):…
Weather Modification Patent (Filed October 2007):…
EarthEx 2017
Black Sky Hazards:
Government National Preparedness Month (September):
Christopher Bollyn writes on Facebook:
Galveston Hurricane of 1900 killed between 6,000 and 12,000 – before Climate Change!
There are articles that seek to blame Hurricane Harvey on “climate change.” The reader should keep in mind that this area has been hit by devastating hurricanes before, such as the storm that hit Galveston on September 8, 1900. As the Wikipedia article on the 1900 Galveston hurricane says:
The Great Galveston Hurricane was a Category 4 storm, with winds of up to 145 mph (233 km/h), which made landfall on September 8, 1900, in Galveston, Texas, in the United States, leaving about 6,000 to 12,000 dead. It remains to the present day the deadliest natural disaster in US history. See: 1900 Galveston hurricane
Excellent & slam-dunk! Will blow people’s minds!
Begins with the history of weather modification. Many news reports and experts!
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Support the film release here!!
FrankenSkies is an 80 minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening truth feature.
An impeccably timed eye opening expose, the film reveals the campaign to normalize chemical cloud formations via atmospheric aerosol dispersals. Up against a normalization timetable encompassing a controlled media and an indoctrinated educational and political system, activists ask the question : Is your silence your consent?
A shocking informative film on climate engineering, frequency control and CIA manipulation, the film’s narrative unfolds through a historical timeline of experimentation on humanity, bringing us to a modern day laboratory that encompasses the air we breath and dictates when and where the sun shall shine, or not…
(GLARING Hypocrisy) Weather modification has drastically changed skies and weather systems across the globe, especially in the last ten or twenty years. Go anywhere in the world and it’s quickly apparent that the same heinous crimes are being committed, and no matter which terms are used — chemtrails, geoengineering, solar radiation management (SRM), stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), and so on — the results are Frankenstein-inspired skies, weird weather and lacklustre light. The skies are streaked, smeared, filled with bizarre cloud formations, white, grey or, at best, a chalky blue. Sunshine is greatly diminished and when it shines it’s extremely rare for the earth to be bathed in warm, yellow light. The [unimpeded] golden hour, a gift for photographers, has all but disappeared. …
I used to be an enthusiast until I heard testimonies of how they make nearby people sick from the annoying subsonic hum vibrations, and that they kill millions of birds. And now we find out this:
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…the problem is the wind resource itself, and we cannot change that. It’s a fluctuating stream of low–density energy. Mankind stopped using it for mission-critical transport and mechanical power long ago, for sound reasons. It’s just not very good. …
Even put together, wind and photovoltaic solar are supplying less than 1 per cent of global energy demand. From the International Energy Agency’s 2016 Key Renewables Trends, we can see that wind provided 0.46 per cent of global energy consumption in 2014, and solar and tide combined provided 0.35 per cent. Remember this is total energy, not just electricity, which is less than a fifth of all final energy, the rest being the solid, gaseous, and liquid fuels that do the heavy lifting for heat, transport and industry.
Such numbers are not hard to find, but they don’t figure prominently in reports on energy derived from the unreliables lobby (solar and wind). Their trick is to hide behind the statement that close to 14 per cent of the world’s energy is renewable, with the implication that this is wind and solar. In fact the vast majority — three quarters — is biomass (mainly wood), and a very large part of that is ‘traditional biomass’; sticks and logs and dung burned by the poor in their homes to cook with. …
As for resource consumption and environmental impacts, the direct effects of wind turbines — killing birds and bats, sinking concrete foundations deep into wild lands — is bad enough. But out of sight and out of mind is the dirty pollution generated in Inner Mongolia by the mining of rare-earth metals for the magnets in the turbines. This generates toxic and radioactive waste on an epic scale, which is why the phrase ‘clean energy’ is such a sick joke and ministers should be ashamed every time it passes their lips.
It gets worse. Wind turbines, apart from the fibreglass blades, are made mostly of steel, with concrete bases. They need about 200 times as much material per unit of capacity as a modern combined cycle gas turbine. Steel is made with coal, not just to provide the heat for smelting ore, but to supply the carbon in the alloy. Cement is also often made using coal. The machinery of ‘clean’ renewables is the output of the fossil fuel economy, and largely the coal economy.
A two-megawatt wind turbine weighs about 250 tonnes, including the tower, nacelle, rotor and blades. Globally, it takes about half a tonne of coal to make a tonne of steel. Add another 25 tonnes of coal for making the cement and you’re talking 150 tonnes of coal per turbine. Now if we are to build 350,000 wind turbines a year (or a smaller number of bigger ones), just to keep up with increasing energy demand, that will require 50 million tonnes of coal a year. That’s about half the EU’s hard coal–mining output.
And wind generators are killing millions!
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WATCH This Solar Electric Facility VAPORIZE Birds And Bats
This $2.2 Billion, Federally-backed solar plant is not delivering as promised using more that 170,000 mirrors, but it does zap the living daylights out of things!
This footage was recently released by the United States Geological Survey. Birds and bats should beware!
The United State Geological Survey made the following claim: “Fewer than 15 birds were being observed impacted by the solar flux in more than 700 hours of video.” They go on to say, “We are uncertain of the origin of dark trails following the birds.”
That is kinda scary, don’t you think?
There are a number of details that are not mentioned in their statement, such as: When did the solar flux happen, day or night? Was some of the imaging thermal or infrared? What percentage of the 700 hours of footage used multiple cameras?
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the plant may be force to shut down for failing to produce the energy that it is contractually required to deliver to PG&E Corporation. State regulators will need to intervene to keep the plant operating normally.
The electric generating system uses its 170,000 ground-mounted mirrors to reflect sunlight to tower that are 450-feet hight. Boilers atop the towers create steam that is used to generate electricity.
In truth, the project has killed thousands of birds, angering environmentalists. The project was funded with $1.5 billion in Federal Loans, so people are paying attention. …
Here is another video that is similar:
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