Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Climate Change Page 4 of 6

[video] KSLA News 12 Discusses Chemtrails & Government Secret Experiments on Americans

[youtube=]Government ADMITS secretly SPRAYING POISON on us!!! Also admit secret tests hundreds of times!

Uploaded by  on Feb 1, 2009

Nick Begich on The Alex Jones Show 1/5/11: “We each have the ability to step forward into what we are and what we are created to be!”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“I believe that human beings are created in the image of a Creator. … We are very potent as human beings, each and every one of us. There is no insignificant human on this planet. … We each have the ability to step forward into what we are and what we are created to be, which is a much different way of living then the way we’re living now as really slaves, in so many respects, under so many different systems that control every aspect of our lives.”

Nick again talks about the gifts of the Spirit. See: Nick Begich: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit Demonstrate What’s Possible for Human Beings. Today, about them, he said:

“How we use our gifts and what those are intended to do will change the face of this planet.”

Nick talks about how the evil people “in the New World Order crowd” don’t want us using our gifts because then there would be nowhere for them to hide, their dark secrets.

“How do you control this kind of activity from breaking out within populations where they can actually be free. You do it with fear and worry.”

Nick talks about supernatural awareness he has gotten, when he sensed something wasn’t right about a person and later was glad that he avoided them.

“Each of us is a catalyst for change.”

“Anyone that I have ever met that’s done anything decent in the world has a deep underlying religious/philosophical underpinning.”

“…as you start to run into what you call ‘coincidences’ and you realize they’re not coincidences at all. …miraculous living.”

Alex and Nick discuss EMF:
Cell phone towers’ radiation range
: “The range is 1500 meters.”

Something good can happen from these tough times!

“I really appreciate the prayers I get from listeners. And I don’t want to understate that. I need that every day. And I appreciate it.”

– Nick Begich the GREAT!

[youtube=]Dr. Nick Begich: The Technologies of Political Control Over It’s People – Alex Jones Tv 5/5

TheAlexJonesChannel | January 05, 2011 | 18 likes, 2 dislikes

Alex talks with Dr. Nick Begich, co-author of Angels Don’t Play This HAARP. Begich has pursued independent research in the sciences and politics for most of his adult life. He received Doctor of Medicine (Medicina Alternitiva), honoris causa, for independent work in health and political science, from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo, Sri Lanka, in November 1994. Begich has served as an expert witness and speaker before the European Parliament. He has spoken on various issues for groups representing citizen concerns, statesmen and elected officials, scientists and others. Begich is also the author of Earth Rising II: The Betrayal of Science, Society and the Soul with the late James Roderick, and Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance. Begich’s books and his DVD, Angels Still Don’t Play This HAARP, are available at the Infowars store. Alex also covers the news and takes your calls.

James Corbett: Climategate, The Spin Proven As Such

[youtube=]Climategate is Still the Issue

corbettreport | November 19, 2010 | 400 likes, 16 dislikes

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: This week marks the one year anniversary of the release of emails and documents from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia that we now know as Climategate.

Sitting here now, one year later, it’s becoming difficult to remember the importance of that release of information, or even what information was actually released. Many were only introduced to the scandal through commentary in the blogosphere and many more came to know about it only weeks later, after the establishment media had a chance to assess the damage and fine tune the spin that would help allay their audience’s concern that something important had just happened. Very few have actually bothered to read the emails and documents for themselves.


Weather Wars and the Devil’s HAARP

It’s important to note that there are many ‘HAARPs’ throughout the world.

From: activistpost

The weather forces of Earth are volatile indeed.   Even in the human era we have passed through cataclysmic times of both fire and ice, destruction and rebirth; recorded throughout the world in legends and religious texts. Are the current weather events part of that natural wave pattern of upheaval and stability, man-made global warming, a cyclical eruption of the sun, or are there clear manufactured patterns emerging?

The HAARP project has been shrouded in secrecy and speculation since its inception.  Despite recent high-profile attempts to access its inner workings, only more questions continue to emerge. Conclusions about its operational capacity are those that have caused a drift toward “conspiracy theory.”  Defense operations have quite a history of harebrained boondoggle schemes that never become operational. However, weather modification (and weaponization) has been consistently discussed and researched by the military and the Elite to a level that indicates there is something worth pursuing.  Let us look at a few things we know for certain:

Entire Article here

Al Gore’s faky smile is fake, just like we thought — as is his sing-song voice

[youtube=]Al Gore’s little 2006 Sexcapade in Portland, Oregon May Cost Him Everything! – Alex Jones Tv

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 28, 2010

Alex looks at the once and mighty global warming fearmongering “kind,” Al Gore, and how far he’s falling in the latest “crazed sex poodle” scandal.

From: thesmokinggun…

Al Gore A “Crazed Sex Poodle?”

JUNE 24…

The woman’s statement–which could be mistaken for R-rated Vice Presidential fan fiction–describes Gore as a man with a violent temper as well as extremely dictatorial commanding attitude besides his Mr. Smiley Global Warming concern persona.” After fleeing Gore’s suite…

CLICK HERE to download a PDF of the Portland Police Bureau’s file on the Gore allegation (it includes the 67-page transcript of the woman’s January 2009 interview with cops).


Al Gore sex scandal accusers multiplying

Police in the U.S. and Japan are investigating charges from two additional masseuses that former Vice President Al Gore sexually molested them, according to the New York Daily News.

From: CNN

Al Gore won’t face prosecution in sexual assault allegation

The Sun is Waking Up? The Northern Lights are Back? EARTH GETS GEOMAGNETIC WALLOP

Click Here for Article and Photos


Nasa says large CME on Sun headed for Earth: Expected Arrival August 3rd



Video Of KC-10 Chemtrail MegaSprayer ====✈

Video Of KC-10 Chemtrail MegaSprayer ====✈

[youtube=]The insider: chemtrails KC-10 sprayer air to air – The proof ====✈

tankerenemy | July 17, 2010……………
Original video here:…

A pilot shoots a chemical plane from his cockpit: the video shows an aircraft that spread chemtrails over Canada from the nozzles. The footage is the irrefutable proof of a chemical and clandestine operation that a bold pilot offers to the public in order to demonstrate that chemtrails are real. The “smoke” we can see is neither a fuel dumping nor a contrail. The chemtrails, in fact, is iridescent too. Don’t listen to hoaxers who repeat that this document is false or similar lies. The author of this important video writes to Tanker Enemy:

“Nice job tanker enemy… I like the enhancements. Btw, I took the video while we were flying over Canada. Thanks for translating the video so more people will understand what’s going on. I’ll post more as I see them”.

USAFFEKC1O’s account has just been resetted (last visit:one year ago!). No normal user could do that to his own channel. This thing confirms that another individual had preyed it,stealing his access’ data (another military or one of the stalkers) and writing all that nonsense in every copied video around the internet:this actions come clearly from the Youtube Staff. I’ve never seen such things before,really!The gravity and truthfulness of the footage is strengthened. Let’s spread it everywhere!


[youtube=]CHEMTRAILS IN GOOGLE MAPS – Pray for everyone affected by the BP gulf oil spill disaster.

commando602 | July 13, 2010

I have found many chemtrails in google maps. Some are just frightening. Google updates their maps every so often and when they do they are also updating the sky’s. The clip will show how to easily find chemtrails, chem bows, contrails, HAARP and even a UFO or two.

It is important to distinguish between contrails and chemtrails. Contrails are streaks of condensed water vapor created in the air by jet airplanes at high altitudes. Contrails can exist in two forms: water droplet and ice crystal. Contrails typically become visible about a wingspans distance behind an aircraft flying at high altitude. The trail dissipates quite quickly, usually within a minute or so. Chemtrails, on the other hand, are visible directly behind an aircraft, with little or no gap between the aircraft and the start of the trail. Chemtrails are said to vary from contrails in their length of persistence. Chemtrails do not dissipate quickly; they tend to form into mushy clouds which can block sunlight. Some people are reporting what they describe to be unusual activity in the sky, including jets leaving trails at low altitudes, spray lines creating X’s, S’s and parallel lines, lines that slowly spread to create a canopy of haze, and reports of unusual smells, tastes, and even illness related to the trails. Also, a reddish-brown gel, dropped from low-flying aircraft, has been observed by people in the past and was even documented on Unsolved Mysteries. Samples of this substance have been alledgedly analyzed by Margareta-Erminia Cassani and found to be teaming with biological organisms. Other tests have shown that chemtrails contain more than 3 times the legal level of the toxic substance, barium. Chemtrails may also be one of the primary contributory factors in the collapse of honey bee colonies worldwide. Albert Einstein clearly knew the importance of the honey bee when he said: “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live.”

There are currently three main hypothesis for the purpose of chemical spraying in the skies: weather modification, population control, and testing of biological agents on the general poplace.
The only way we can have any hope of getting to the bottom of this, and to stop our skies from being polluted, is to raise awareness of this subject. We need to get the word out to as many people as possible. Please remember to rate, comment and share this video.

[Official Trailer] G. Edward Griffin’s “What in the World are They Spraying?”

[youtube=]”What in the World are They Spraying?” – Official Trailer

Truthmediaproduction — May 24, 2010 — “What in the World are They Spraying?” – Official Trailer

The Reality Zone is producing a documentary that explores the murky world of atmospheric geo-engineering, commonly called chemtrails. The title of the program is: What in the World Are They Spraying! and we can tell you with confidence that it will be one of the most important programs you will ever see. There are plenty of dramatic video clips of chemtrails on the Internet, and your innate intelligence tells you that what you see in the sky with your own eyes is not caused by mere vapor trails from jet aircraft, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. All of that is about to change. We are working with two young journalistic film makers, Michael Murphy and Paul Wittenberger who already are far advanced in the development of this incredible story.

Internet video sites such as YouTube and Google Video have become powerful platforms for breaking the media cartel’s monopoly over public information. Through these channels, millions of people now are exposed to truth that is blacked out in the corporate media. This undoubtedly has slowed down the progress of The New World Order, and it will play an increasingly important role in our battle for the minds of the public in the days ahead.

That’s all for the good, but on the downside is the fact that viewers have come to expect free access to these programs, which makes it almost impossible for producers to sell enough DVDs to sustain themselves. Sometimes, they cannot even recover production costs. The economic model that has emerged from this new technology is that programs from a freedom perspective either must be subsidized or sponsored, just as traditional TV programs are.

In Hollywood, those who provide funding for feature films often are referred to as angels. As you might guess, that word has little to do with their spiritual quality. It is just a colloquialism for someone with lots of money; and, usually, it is a hard-nosed investor with a team of attorneys to negotiate a deal with maximum profit as the sole object.

We need angels, too, but not the Hollywood type. We are not looking for one or two tycoons to invest millions of dollars. We are seeking a hundred-or-so average-income donors to provide an amount approximately equal to what they routinely pay for sixty day’s of cable service. For this, they will receive a copy of the exclusive “Angels’ Edition” of the program, which will be the first edition released and will be given only to those who contributed, so it definitely will be a collector’s item. Each copy will be autographed by me, Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger. In addition, the names of all donors (whether they are individuals, families, or business enterprises) will appear on screen in the credits at the end of the program under the heading: “Funding Angels.”

That is our “deal.” We cannot offer an investment for profit. Our goal is to create a highly important documentary that corporate media does not want to public to see. Reality Zone angels must be motivated by a passion for freedom and have an abundance of spirit. In other words, they must be the real thing.

If you are unable to become a Funding Angel, please consider being one of our cherubs. (Definition: An angel of the second order, usually depicted as a small child with wings.) Cherubs purchase one or more copies NOW for delivery when completed. That’s it. Advance purchases will help us cover production costs and are greatly appreciated.

WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING! is scheduled for release in October, provided we can obtain $24,000 to complete the job. That goal can be met if only 120 Zone Dwellers become Funding Angels by donating $200 each. That sounds like a realistic goal to us. I hope you agree. If you are looking for something meaningful to do in this battle against collectivism but are unable to spend time in organizational work, here is a way to make a huge difference. Thank you.


G. Edward Griffin Talks Candidly About Chemtrails

German Mainstream Media: Military Exposed Spraying Chemtrails

CHEMTRAILS — Weatherman Admits Military Spraying Chemicals In The Sky

“Now, they won’t confirm that, but I was in the Marine Corp for many years, and I’ll tell you right now, that’s what it is.”

– Kevin Lollis, News 10 KTVL, Medford, Oregon
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

From: noonehastodietomorrow

At approx. 1 min into the video, the weather man points out “a bit of an unusual situation” and he describes “bands of very distinct cloud cover” in the region.  He reveals those bands are not rain or snow on the radar, but offers a simple explanation; its military aircraft (Oh!) “dropping chaff – small bits of aluminum, sometimes its made of plastic or even metalized paper products.”  He goes on to stay that its used for “anti-radar” and that the military is “up there practicing” and although they would not confirm that- HE knows because he was in the Marine Corps for many years, and “that’s what it is”.

[youtube=]CHEMTRAILS – Weatherman Admits Military Spraying Chemicals In The Sky

From our yard, Climate change example: Our snow melted about 2 weeks LATER this year than what used to be

For the record, for whatever this is worth.

The snow in our yard in Anchorage, Alaska usually totally melts around April 15th. This year, it looks like today will be the day it melts, April 28th (except where the neighbors had plowed a big pile into our yard, which I won’t count).

So the end of spring break-up for us is about 2 weeks late this year, compared to what used to be our norm.

Last year was even later: May 3rd.

[movie] Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined — Featuring G. Edward Griffin

[youtube=]Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full (Order it at

Jason Bermas presents Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined produced by Alex Jones. The film can be ordered here…

German Mainstream Media: Military Exposed Spraying Chemtrails

[youtube=]Chemtrail Proof – German Military Exposed

EpiphanyProductions — December 17, 2007 — The German Military are exposed spraying Chemtrails. This is a Mainstream Media Exposé. Here is the proof that brings this subject to the realm of ‘Conspiracy Fact’

They are spraying Barium & Aluminum into our skies to control the weather & our health!…

Here is the ‘Weather Modification Bill-H.R. 2995’ that was presented to Congress in 1995 to try and make this Orwellian population control legal:….


Here’s information from the “About This Video-section”:
“suddenly a [meteorological] radar registers the presence of a cloud — but it’s not clear how did this happen? The answer seems to be that this was the result of a military experiment. What are these [mysterious] trails and what is their purpose? We will try to find out…

The military planes of the German Federal Army are manipulating our climate; this is what the weather researchers are presuming and their suspicions are confirmed.

Sinister clouds, up to 350 km long, appear all of a sudden on the radar, but only on the [meteorological] radars. The first time it happened was in the summer of 2005. and then in March of 2006. The german army has admitted having war exercises towards the borders with the Netherlands.

For Karsten Brandt, meteorologist, this is the answer to the enigma:

Read Entire Transcript


G. Edward Griffin Talks Candidly About Chemtrails

G. Edward Griffin Talks Candidly About Chemtrails

[youtube=]G. Edward Griffin Talks Candidly About Chemtrails/SAG


[Official Trailer] G. Edward Griffin’s “What in the World are They Spraying?”

German Mainstream Media: Military Exposed Spraying Chemtrails

Haiti and the seismic weapon

From: voltairenet

The controversy that followed the publication on our website of an article entertaining the possibility that the earthquake in Haiti was caused artificially, calls for clarification. Yes, seismic weapons do exist and the United States, among others, have them. Yes, the U.S. military forces were pre-positionned to be deployed to the island. These facts are not conclusive in themselves but they certainly warrant heightened scrutiny into this matter.

Entire Article Here

[video] “Conspiracy Theory” with Jesse Ventura (Season One) — All 7 Episodes

NOTE: Episodes 3, 4 and 7 are now gone

Overview from TruTV.
(video links, bolding, and comments in brackets, mine)


[Watch Episode #1 online — features Nick Begich – ed.]
Premiered: Wed, December 2 at 10P
Is it a communications research project or a doomsday weapon that can change the weather, shoot satellites out of orbit – and trigger mind control
across the globe? Jesse Ventura and his team head north to a remote region of Alaska to confront the military installation called HAARP. TV-14-L

[Watch Episode #2 onlinefirst show since 9/11 to challenge the official cover-up (that launched the wars) without mocking those seeking the real truth about what really happened – ed.]
Premiered: Wed, December 9 at 10P
Jesse Ventura steps into America’s most controversial conspiracy by challenging the 9/11 Commission Report and searching for evidence that the September 11th attacks may have been an inside job. At the urging of victims’ families, he finds witnesses who claim the towers were brought down by explosives, the missing black box flight recorders were actually recovered and ground control knew the hijackers were in the cockpits before the jets took off. TV-PG-LV

Global Warming
[Watch Episode #3 online — features Alex Jones – ed.]
Premiered: Wed, December 16 at 10P
Whether global warming is real or not, it’s believed some people are using the issue to make billions of dollars, start a one-world government and control our lives, from the cars we drive to the foods we eat. Jesse Ventura starts with Al Gore and goes far beyond as he uncovers the evidence that leads to one man thought to be behind the global warming conspiracy.

Big Brother
[Watch Episode #4 online — features Katherine Albrecht – ed.]
Premiered: Wed, December 23 at 10P
Big Brother is watching and it’s not who you think. Jesse Ventura’s investigation of government surveillance on its citizens tears the lid off a nationwide program that is thought to turn local businessmen and office workers into spies, snooping on their neighbors and ratting on their friends in exchange for information and special privileges from the FBI- including, some charge, a “license to kill.”

Secret Societies
[Watch Episode #5 online — briefly features Dr. Stanley Monteith – ed.]
Premiered: Wed, December 30 at 10P
They’re thought to be a group of the world’s elite who meet once a year at a luxury hotel and decide how they will run the world. It’s believed they plan to thin out the population through disease-and vaccines. Jesse Ventura infiltrates the Bilderberg Group.

Manchurian Candidate
[Watch Episode #6 onlineanyone think: the underwear bomber — to bring in the ‘naked’ body scanners – ed.]
Premiered: Wed, January 6 at 10P
Authors and experts warn that forces within the government have revived a program that uses mind control techniques to turn ordinary citizens into programmed assassins. This real-life Manchurian Candidate seems outlandish-until Jesse Ventura searches for the evidence and goes face-to-face with a man who claims he’s one of the killers.

Apocalypse 2012
[Watch Episode #7 onlineNWO artwork shown at Denver International – ed.]
Premiered: Wed, January 13 at 10P
It’s believed that the world is heading for disaster in 2012 and the government is preparing to save and protect the elite – while leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves. Jesse Ventura investigates claims of top secret underground bunkers being built in places ranging from the Nevada desert to the White House, including the largest, now under construction beneath a major metropolitan airport.


Jesse Ventura Discusses His Important New Show, “Conspiracy Theory” — On TruTv In December

Alex Jones’ appearance on the excellent Secret Societies episode of ‘Conspiracy Theory’ with Jesse Ventura

Amazing coincidence or conspiracy? Alaska’s TV cable monopoly GCI drops TruTV before the landmark 7-part “Conspiracy Theory” series completely airs!

McClatchy-owned Anchorage Daily News quotes Star and Tribune’s disgusting “Conspiracy Theory” hit piece

Nick Begich’s HAARP info

George Hunt: The Inner Workings of a One-World, New Age Government. Globalists Plan to Collapse and Take Over All Banks in 2012. “If you don’t cooperate you won’t be able to buy or sell!”

Very important interview!

“It was God. …
I received a prophecy about 12 years earlier
that I was going to do this.”


“I asked them as an official host:
‘When is this bank going to come to pass?’
What I got out of them was there will be a collapse in 2012,
the world currency,
and that the world conservation bank will come in to save the world.”

“If you don’t cooperate
you won’t be able to buy or sell.”

— George Hunt

(transcribed by Jeff Fenske)

[youtube=]George Hunt on Alex Jones Tv: The Inner Workings of A One World, New Age Government

Alex welcomes to the show George Washington Hunt, a former naval officer and an official host at the UNCED 4th World Wilderness Congress. Hunt is educating the public on a secret bank set in motion by international financier Edmond de Rothschild and Maurice Strong. Hunt exposes this conspiracy in his 30 minute documentary, The Big Bad Bank.

Alex Jones Breaks Down Obama’s Copenhagen Speech Lie By Lie

[youtube=]Alex Jones Tv 1/3: Alex Breaks Down Obama’s Copenhagen Speech

Alex talks about the many lies that are in Obama’s Copenhagen Speech from Friday.

Alex Jones: Copenhagen births World Gov’t framework despite fallout over science fraud

[youtube=]Alex Jones: Copenhagen births World Gov’t framework despite fallout over science fraud

Alex Jones breaks down the conclusion of the Copenhagen United Nations Conference on Climate Change (UNFCC), including the foundations of a new era of Global Governance– as evidenced by quotes directly from the mouths of Al Gore, UN Head Ban Ki-Moon and bankster heir David de Rothschild.

Though new taxes have been levied and mechanisms for world regulation have been layed down, the Climate Change agenda has taken a lot of political damage. The beginnings of Climategate with the East Anglia CRU email leaks were just the beginning of a chain reaction of revelations that has fueled anger, doubt, denial and speculation worldwide. Compromised or fudged data have been identified from research centers in Russia, New Zealand, Australia and beyond.

Further, many leaders from Third World nations became angered at the ‘Danish text leak’ revealing plans to burden lesser-developed nations with greater emissions cuts and plans to levy a proposed $100 Billion in ‘green’ debt system. George Soros has proved to be at the center of what has been critiqued as ‘Climate Colonialism’ and would prove deadly to at-risk for starvation populations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe, in particular. Already, growing ethanol in the place of food has been blamed for millions of deaths in the LDCs.

Alex also breaks down revelations about the carbon trading and other green schemes. It’s not only players like Al Gore, the Rothschilds and George Soros who stand to make a killing. President Barack Obama– with a great conflict of interest– was a founding investment partner in the Chicago Climate Exchange alongside Maurice Strong, a top Rockefeller agent and leading climate change schemer. Chicago Climate Exchange is written into the architecture of many of the proposals for alternative energy credits, carbon derivatives and other green financial products and stands to enrich its membership.

In the end, the forced-incrementalism towards total world government, with complete dominance over money, debt, food, engery and resources, paid a price in exposure at COP15. Many politicians, journalists and people in general are now well aware that a scam has been forced down upon them– and both their freedom and sovereignty are certainly at stake.

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2009 DECEMBER 12 – 18

Click on headlines to see full articles
If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon. See
the entire collection here.

UK: Briton wants to pry into private lives as condition of crossing border, but EU law stands in the way. One must have mixed emotions about this. Invasion of privacy should be prohibited, but EU should not have power to supersede British law. Citizens lose either way. Mail Online 2009 Dec 18 (Cached)

Copenhagen: Climate skeptic activists board Greenpeace ships and, using tactics made famouse by Greenpeace itself, show large banners that say “SHIP OF LIES.” How refreshing to see the tables turned. Infowars 2009 Dec 17 (Cached)

Copenhagen Climate Summit: US government offers $100 billion per year toward climate-change slush fund in effort to forge agreement among delegates many of whom who covet the money. U.S. taxpayers once again are forced to pay for the forging of their own shackles. Yahoo 2009 Dec 17 (Cached)

Study shows that aspartame in diet sodas attack kidney function. Natural News 2009 Dec 17 (Cached)

Copenhagen: Global-warming skeptic, Lord Monckton, with his hands in his pockets, is assaulted and knocked unconscious by Danish police outside climate conference. Here is his account.
SPPI 2009 Dec 17 (Cached)

UN sponsors slick movie posters with strong visual images to implant into the subconscious mind the message that humanity is the enemy. If so, then humanity must be conquered. Powerful propaganda, indeed. Infowars 2009 Dec 17 (Cached)

Copenhagen: At Climate Summit, Schwarzenegger promotes so-called “public-private partnerships,” which are mergers of government and corporate interests with corporations usually in control. That is the definition of fascism. COP15Post 2009 Dec 17 (Cached)

UK: Banks reveal plans to stop using checks by 2018, and some stores are already refusing them. Transactions requiring positive action of the depositor are being replaced by those that can be automated. Daily Express 2009 Dec 16 (Cached)

UN climate expert reviewer lays out the facts on climate science. This is an excellent overview, which flies in the face of the supposed “scientific consensus”. Lawrence Journal 2009 Dec 16 (Cached)

US: Biden says 40 million homes will have ‘smart meters’ within 6 years. This article makes it sound like a wonderful benefit to conserve energy and lower utility bills but makes no mention of capacity to allow authorities to remotely control your power usage and turn off your appliances.
USA Today
2009 Dec 16 (Cached)

Copenhagen: 230 activists arrested protesting Climate Summit, but don’t assume they are opposing cap-and-trade or expansion of government. Just the opposite. They are controlled opposition and are complaining that the conference may not produce those results. Mainstream media conceals this fact. Guardian 2009 Dec 16 (Cached)

The “Public Option” explained in 40 seconds. YouTube 2009 Dec 16

US: Time Magazine names Bernanke as Person-of-the-Year. This is timed to boost his reputation in the face of Congressional pressure for his alarming performance as Fed Chairman. There can be no better illustration of how mainstream media is aligned with the financial power structure.
Reuters 2009 Dec 16 (Cached)

UK: Prince Charles created a 6-ton carbon footprint in one day on his private jet to Copenhagen where he gave a speech on the need to reduce everyone else’s carbon footprint. He creates over 2600 tons of carbon a year compared to 11 tons from average citizens. 98% of Britons believe they are being snowed by the “man-made global-warming” myth. Daily Express 2009 Dec 16 (Cached)

FDA seizes American expatriate in Ecuador for selling unapproved herbal cancer treatment. Scratch Ecuador as a safe haven from the long arm of U.S. control. Natural News 2009 Dec 16 (Cached)

UK: New surveillance cameras that can recognize faces also have speakers, so authorities can deliver messages and orders for the public good, of course. Hounslow Guardian 2009 Dec 16 (Cached)

Afghanistan: The “surge” of 30,000 more troops will be augmented by up to 56,000 more military contractors. That would bring the total number of mercenaries to 130,000 to 160,000, and the count continues to climb. This is orchestrated by a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Washington Post
2009 Dec 16 (Cached)

Arab Gulf states of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar agree on a single currency, the “Gulfo,” with other countries to join later. A united military strike force is also planned. First the Euro. Then the Gulfo and the Amero. The New World Order grows, region by region. Telegraph 2009 Dec 15 (Cached)

Australia will censor the Internet by blocking web sites not acceptable to the government. Supposedly this is to protect children from porn, but the list of targeted sites already includes religious groups, certain dentists, and selected entries on Wikipedia. The list can and will be expanded.
Sydney Morning Herald 2009 Dec 15 (Cached)

Radiation from medical CT scans is suspected as the CAUSE of 2% of all cancers that’s almost 25,000 new cases per year. Women are more susceptible. Globe and Mail 2009 Dec 15 (Cached)

Citibank and GM say they will repay TARP loans by issuing new stock. Legislators want the money for new spending projects instead of returning it to taxpayers. [As we said after a similar announcement from Bank of America, this story has the smell of fish. Where will these firms get that much money? It will not likely come from eager investors. Is it possible that the Fed is “buying” the new securities with taxpayers’ money? If so, it is a bookkeeping trick to take the heat off Congress and the banks. We will follow this and report what we learn.] Miami Herald 2009 Dec 15 (Cached)

UK: School teacher reprimanded for having sweets on hand to reward good students. The Nanny State has decreed that this is not acceptable nutrition. Government is everywhere and controls everything. Daily Mail 2009 Dec 15 (Cached)

NY pension fund sues Goldman Sachs over excessive employee bonuses. Basis of suit is that pension fund holds Goldman Sachs stocks, and their value is reduced by excessive executive pay.
NY Times
2009 Dec 14 (Cached)

Director of UN climate-change panel (IPCC), who is a major promoter of the global-warming myth, is exposed as having financial interest in businesses that will profit from cap-and-trade legislation. He has dismissed the importance of Climategate, of course. Telegraph 2009 Dec 14 (Cached)

Copenhagen: Communists demonstrate to “scrap capitalism” to save the planet from [non-existent] global warming. Little do they realize that capitalism was scrapped decades ago. They are merely demanding more of the same collectivism they already have. Did someone say that Communism is dead? CFACT 2009 Dec 14

Clean Water Restoration Act will expand government control of water on private land, including seasonal puddles and snowfall, with particular impact on farms and ranches. This is the ultimate excuse to grab control over private property. Fox 2009 Dec 14 (Cached)

China: Investigators speak to an eyewitness of organ-harvesting of a live victim. Falun Gong practitioners, among others, are subject to such horrific treatment. Epoch Times 2009 Dec 14 (Cached)

US: Kids have become a gold mine to companies making psychiatric drugs. The adult market is not far behind. It’s popular now to have a mental disorder that, supposedly, can be controlled only by drugs. If alive today, Barnum and Bailey would be in the pharmaceutical business.
Truth Out Posted 2009 December 14 (Cached)

Tamiflu anti-viral drug revealed as complete hoax; Roche studies based on scientific fraud.
Natural News 2009 Dec 14 (Cached)

UK: Tony Blair admits climate science may be in error but says that’s not important. He urges government controls anyway “just to be safe.” [We say that freedoms must be protected against tyrannical government “just to be safe.” But then we are not collectivists.] Telegraph 2009 Dec 13 (Cached)

US: The crime syndicate is at it again. Congress passes $1.1 trillion spending bill authorizing increased budgets in all areas of government. This money will be created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve and eventually dump even more inflation on the taxpayer. MSNBC 2009 Dec 13 (Cached)

Climategate Ignored by Obama, Gore and the Elite Media

From: News with Views

President Barack Obama and other world leaders are preparing for their international climate change summit in Copenhagen this month and their supporters are ignoring the evidence of fraud and corruption exposed in emails exchanged by leading “climate experts.” …

The scandal is also raising questions about members of the news media being complicit in covering up ClimateGate. For example, a BBC meteorologist and climate change expert, Paul Hudson, admits he was sent the leaked emails a month prior to their discovery by bloggers, radio and television talk hosts and other interested parties.

Meanwhile in the US, major media outlets continue to ignore the story, according to the media watchdog group, Accuracy in Media.

Since the emails where first discovered, ABC had only mentioned the story once, on Sunday’s This Week with George Stephanopolous, and CBS and NBC still has never reported the leaked emails on the morning or evening news, according to AIM.

“Rather than focus on this huge scientific scandal, the timing of which is critical considering the cap and trade legislation stalled in the Senate and the upcoming Copenhagen meeting supposedly intended to combat global warming—the mainstream media have done their best to ignore it.

“The scandal involves the destruction of data, the manipulation and cover-up of data, and a plan to punish scientific journals that might dare to publish the views of skeptics of the man made global warming theory. They realize that a full airing of the facts would likely undermine an important part of President Obama’s agenda, and expose the corruption of a significant part of the scientific establishment,” writes AIM’s contributing editor Allie Duzett.

Alden Meyer, director of strategy and policy for the Union of Concerned Scientists, said in an interview with the Washington Post from that Obama’s decision to go to Copenhagen suggests that “he’ll be here at the end to help seal the deal.”

“The Washington Post is one of the culprits in this enormous cover up,” accuses Mike Baker. “And why aren’t reporters flocking to Al Gore for his reaction to this proof that climate change is a farce?”

Entire Article Here

—> Copenhagen: Global Carbon Tax

Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” Series on TruTV starts TOMORROW (12/2) — topic is the HAARP project in Alaska

Jesse Ventura:

“What do you think they’re hiding up there in Alaska?”

Watch Trailer

(HAARP: Sneak Peek with Nick Begich!!!)

From: TruTv


Premiere On: Wed, December 2 at 10P [9PM in Alaska – ed.]
Is it a communications research project or a doomsday weapon that can change the weather, shoot satellites out of orbit- and trigger mind control across the globe? Jesse Ventura and his team head north to a remote region of Alaska to confront the military installation called HAARP. TV-14-L

9/11 – NEW!
Premiere On: Wed, December 9 at 10P
Jesse Ventura steps into America’s most controversial conspiracy by challenging the 9/11 Commission Report and searching for evidence that the September 11th attacks were an inside job. At the urging of victims’ families, he finds witnesses who claim the towers were brought down by explosives, the missing black box flight recorders were actually recovered and ground control knew the hijackers were in the cockpits before the jets took off. TV-PG-V

Global Warming – NEW!
Premiere On: Wed, December 16 at 10P
Whether global warming is real or not, it’s believed some people are using the issue to make billions of dollars, start a one-world government and control our lives, from the cars we drive to the foods we eat. Jesse Ventura starts with Al Gore and goes far beyond as he uncovers the evidence that leads to one man behind the global warming conspiracy.

Big Brother – NEW!
Premiere On: Wed, December 23 at 10P
Big Brother is watching and it’s not who you think. Jesse Ventura’s investigation of government surveillance on its citizens tears the lid off a nationwide program that is thought to turn local businessmen and office workers into spies, snooping on their neighbors and ratting on their friends in exchange for information and special privileges from the FBI- including, some charge, a “license to kill.”

Secret Societies – NEW!
Premiere On: Wed, December 30 at 10P
They’re thought to be a group of the world’s elite who meet once a year at a luxury hotel and decide how they will run the world. Their latest plan? To thin out the population through disease-and vaccines. Jesse Ventura infiltrates the Bilderberg Group, exposes its well-known members and tries to stop their latest “soft kill” plan– before it’s too late.

Manchurian Candidate – NEW!
Premiere On: Wed, January 6 at 10P
Authors and experts warn that forces within the government have revived a program that uses mind control techniques to turn ordinary citizens into programmed assassins. This real-life Manchurian Candidate seems outlandish-until Jesse Ventura searches for the evidence of how it’s being done-and goes face-to-face with a man who claims he’s one of the killers.

Apocalypse 2012 – NEW!
Premiere On: Wed, January 13 at 10P
It’s believed that the world is heading for disaster in 2012 and the government is preparing to save and protect the elite- while leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves. Jesse Ventura uncovers the evidence, and the Top Secret underground bunkers being built in places ranging from the Nevada desert to the White House, including the largest, now under construction beneath a major metropolitan airport.

[youtube=]Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theories Coming to TV This Fall


Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” Episode 1: Alaska’ HAARP — Includes 10 Minutes With Nick Begich At His Beautiful Home

Jesse Ventura Discusses His Important New Show, “Conspiracy Theory” — On TruTv In December

McClatchy-owned Anchorage Daily News quotes Star and Tribune’s disgusting hit piece

Nick Begich’s HAARP info

ClimateGate For Dummies

ClimateGate For Dummies

ClimateGate For Dummies 271109climatgate

Core reading on one of the greatest scandals in modern history. How prominent scientists skewed the data on global warming

Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, Nov 27, 2009

On Thursday 19th November 2009 news began to circulate that hacked documents and communications from the University of East Anglia’s Hadley Climate Research Unit (aka CRU) had been published to the internet.

The information revealed how top scientists conspired to falsify data in the face of declining global temperatures in order to prop up the premise that man-made factors are driving climate change.

The documents and emails illustrated how prominent climatologists, affiliated with the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change, embarked on a venomous and coordinated campaign to ostracize climate skeptics and use their influence to keep dissenting reports from appearing in peer-reviewed journals, as well as using cronyism to avoid compliance with Freedom of Information Act requests.

Here follows a compendium of articles and videos on what was quickly dubbed as “ClimateGate”.

The Backstory:

CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to “hide” the real data on manmade climate change

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?

Hiding the Decline:

Hacked E Mails: Climate Scientists Discuss “Hiding Decline” In Temperatures

Mike’s Nature Trick

McIntyre: The deleted data from the “Hide the Decline” trick

Hide The Decline – Climategate

Bishop Hill’s compendium of CRU email issues

The Codified Smoking Gun:

Forget The Emails, Code Discusses “Artificially Adjusted” Temperatures

Climategate: hide the decline – codified

CRU Emails “may” be open to interpretation, but commented code by the programmer tells the real story


Hijacking The Peer Review System:

“Climategate”: Peer-Review System Was Hijacked By Warming Alarmists

Climate Expert: “Compromised” UN Scientists should be excluded from IPCC, Peer-Review Process

UK Scientist: ‘Case for climate fears is blown to smithereens…whole theory should be destroyed and discarded and UN conference should be closed’

British climate change scientists ‘conspired to keep skeptics in the dark’

Calls For Investigations:

Call For Independent Inquiry Into Climategate as Global Warming Fraud Implodes

Global Warming On Trial: Inhofe Calls For Investigation Of UN IPCC

US Congress investigates Climategate e-mails: this could be the beginning of the end for AGW

Congress may probe leaked global warming e-mails

Government petition started in UK regarding CRU Climategate

Calls For Criminal Prosecutions:

Another Prominent Scientist Calls CRU Scientists “Criminals”

ClimateGate: People need to go to jail

Lord Monckton: Prosecute the Climate Change Criminals

Author Points To “Climategate’s Perry Mason Moment”

Denying Email Deletion

Skeptics Vindicated:

Climate Alarmists Finally Admit The Debate Is Not Over

The New ‘Deniers’

TV Environmentalist Goes Nuts Over ClimateGate

Global Warming Meltdown: Climategate!

U.S Fallout:

Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama’s Cap and Trade laws

Australian Fallout:

Ripples of Climategate? Liberal MP’s desert Turnbull in Australia over emissions trading scheme

Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax


New Zealand Fallout:

New Zealand Climate Data Shows Clear Evidence Of Fraud

Climategate: the scandal spreads, the plot thickens, the shame deepens…

Woeful Mainstream Media Coverage:

BBC Climate Correspondent Was Forwarded CRU Emails Five Weeks Before They Were Made Public

Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science

Climategate: Monbiot makes it all suddenly OK through medium of satire

Climategate: BBC website still thinks it’s a story about computer hacking

Climategate: How Faine censored the skeptical news

CNN Sucks: Climategate Never Happened

CNN Finally Does Their Propaganda Piece On Climate Gate

NYT Tackles Damning Global Warming Emails, But Reveals Own Hypocrisy

NY Times reporter whitewashes Climategate story he is part of

Alex Jones Coverage of ClimateGate:

Emergency Viral: ClimateGate Fraud Exposes Dirty Tricks Agenda For Global Government

Alex Jones on Climategate: Hoax of all time a global Ponzi scheme

Alex Jones Tv:How to Expose The Climate Fraud!!

Alex Jones TV: Hacked Emails Show Blatant Climate Change Fraud

Dr. Tim Ball on Alex Jones Tv 1/5: Myth on Global Warming & The CRU Hacked Documents

Marc Morano on Alex Jones Tv 1/2:The Case For Al Gore’s Climate Change is Falling Apart

Alex Jones Tv: Climate-Gate ” THE E-MAILS ARE REAL!!!”

An Inconvenient Arrest

Lord Monckton: Shut Down The UN, Arrest Al Gore

Lord Monckton: Shut Down The UN, Arrest Al Gore

Anti-climate cult crusader calls for world to rise up against communistic killers behind global warming fraud

Lord Monckton: Shut Down The UN, Arrest Al Gore 281109top

Paul Joseph Watson
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Appearing on The Alex Jones Show yesterday, Lord Christopher Monckton went further than ever before in his vehement opposition to the elitists running the climate change scam, calling for the UN to be shut down and for fraudulent peddlers of global warming propaganda like Al Gore to be arrested and criminally prosecuted.

Monckton said that those who are threatening to shut down economies, bankrupt nations, and deepen the problems of the third world by implementing draconian policies in the name of global warming should be indicted, prosecuted and imprisoned “for a very long time”.

“The fraudsters and racketeers from Al Gore to the people at the University of East Anglia who have been making their fortune at the expense of taxpayers and the little guy,” should be criminally charged, said Monckton, in response to the climategate scandal.

“We the people have got to rise up worldwide, found a party in every country which stands for freedom and make sure we fight this bureaucratic communistic world government monster to a standstill – they shall not pass,” he added.

Monckton said that the United Nations should be “closed down,” adding that he talked to a senior UN ambassador in Canada who told him that he no longer saw any purpose in the UN and it exists “only to enrich itself at the expense of the nations it claims to serve, it’s time it was brought to an end.”

“We would all save billions if we shut down the UN and just about all of its hideous bureaucracy,” said Monckton.

Lord Monckton emphasized how the emails released as a result of climategate prove that global warming alarmism was still prevalent in public but behind closed doors, warmist scientist are admitting that the “deniers” as they label people like Monckton are correct.

“Publicly they’re saying the science is settled, we’re all doomed unless you close down the economies of the west, whereas privately they’re saying to each other ‘we’ve got it wrong, none of this adds up and it’s a travesty that we can’t explain it’.”

Monckton also slammed Obama’s science czar John P. Holdren, who in his 1977 book Ecoscience called for draconian population measures to be enforced by a “planetary regime” in the name of saving the earth, as an “openly admitted communist”.

Monckton pointed out how Holdren had been once of the most prominent alarmists in the 70’s warning about the onset of rapid “global cooling”.

“Now with seamless mendacity he says that what we’re now facing is global warming,” said Monckton.

“How can anyone like Holdren stand up with a straight face and expect anyone to believe it,” he added.

Monckton said that the agenda behind the global warming movement was to set up a communistic world government which will be run by people who “do not care how many people they kill with their policies” and that their goal is to “do away with democracy forever by stealth using the excuse to save the planet.”

Monckton said that the people running the scam had a “deliberate desire to control population by killing people in large numbers deliberately if necessary.”

The former advisor to Margaret Thatcher said that the warmists were sounding more and more desperate and knew that they had been rumbled as a result of climategate, which would only make it more urgent for them to try and force through a binding treaty in Copenhagen.

Monckton said that the answer to combating the move towards neo-feudalism and global government was to form a worldwide “freedom party” that would operate nationally in every country in order to defend freedom, democracy and prosperity while routing out every aspect of the communistic takeover.

“Every time these people try to take it away, we in the freedom party will stop them, and I think now is the time,” said Monckton.

Watch the interview in full below.

Full Article with Video Here

Infowars Headlines: Leading Climate Change Scientists Manipulated Data So They Could Defraud Everyone With a Global Government Tax

Alex Jones’ Infowars:
There’s a war on for your mind!

Lord Monckton: Prosecute the Climate Change Criminals

Kurt Nimmo | The so-called researchers colluded to modify climate data in favor of their man-made climate change fairy tale.


“Climategate”: Peer-Review System Was Hijacked By Warming Alarmists

Steve Watson | Dissenting viewpoints on warming were shut out regardless of their scientific merit.


Alex Runs Down Man-made Climate Change Hoax Exposed in CRU Emails

Kurt Nimmo | Alex Jones examines the CRU files and spells out what it means for the global elite.


Inhofe to call for hearing into CRU, U.N. climate change research

The Hill | Inhofe announced he would probe whether the U.N.’s IPCC “cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not.”


Dr. Tim Ball On the Significance of the CRU Hacked Documents

Corbett Report | Retired climatologist Dr. Tim Ball talks about the significance of the recently leaked emails and documents from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University.

Church of Climatology

Rush Limbaugh Censors Mention Of Prison Planet From His Own Archives

With Hurricanes At Thirty Year Low, Gore Turns To Photoshop

Rush Limbaugh Censors Mention Of Prison Planet From His Own Archives

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, November 21, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Censors Mention Of Prison Planet From His Own Archives 201109top3

Neo-Con talk show host Rush Limbaugh has sensationally censored any mention of Prison from his own transcript archives after he discussed a story we had posted yesterday about Al Gore using Photoshop to insert fake hurricanes into the cover of his new book on global warming.

The original transcript posted on Limbaugh’s website accurately carried the statements he made on his show yesterday, which included the words, “And the website where this is taken place is”

The transcript page also featured an image of Limbaugh with a screenshot of the Prison Planet logo behind him.

However, both the Prison Planet logo and Limbaugh’s mention of the website, owned by Texas radio host Alex Jones, have since been “memory-holed” from the Limbaugh archives.

Rush Limbaugh Censors Mention Of Prison Planet From His Own Archives 201109top4

Limbaugh originally featured a huge link at the top of his website to Prison Planet, but all links have now been deleted from the archives.

In the new version of the transcript, the words, “And the website where this is taken place is,” have been culled, despite the fact Limbaugh clearly said them, as can be verified via the You Tube clip at the bottom of this page.

Any links to the Prison story, which were prominently featured all over Limbaugh’s website, have also been deleted and replaced with a similar story by Newsbusters, a Neo-Con news website.

What caused Limbaugh to order the material removed? Our guess is that he was probably bombarded with e mails from the legions of virulently retarded Neo-Cons that make up the audience of phony right-wing websites like Free Republic, on which all Alex Jones material is aggressively banned.

It’s highly unlikely that Limbaugh ordered his webmaster to link to Prison by mistake, he knows who we are because he’s attacked us on several occasions before. But any hopes that Limbaugh may be abandoning his Neo-Con base and coming across to the Ron Paul/Libertarian perspective appear to be dashed.

As one of our forum members put it, “I knew I was too optimistic to think that Limbaugh may have had a conscience.”


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