Freedom from Alaska!

Category: $Money$ ToBeFree Page 10 of 21

Robert Kiyosaki: Americans with 401Ks will get fleeced — “you put up 100% of the money; you take 100% of the risk and they take 80% of the profit”

“I don’t know if you know the ratio, but John Bogle of Vanguard says:
~’you put up 100% of the money;
you take 100% of the risk
and they take 80% of the profit.'”

“It’s not socialism; it’s fascism.”

[youtube=]Icon Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad’s Conspiracy of The Rich – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 19, 2010

Alex welcomes to the show investor, businessman, self-help author and motivational speaker, Robert Kiyosaki. Mr. Kiyosaki is best known for his Rich Dad Poor Dad series of motivational books and other material published under the Rich Dad brand. He has written 15 books which have combined sales of over 26 million copies. He has created three “Cashflow” board and software games for adults and children and has a series of “Rich Dad” audio cassettes and disks. Other books by Kiyosaki include: Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom, Why We Want You To Be Rich, and Before You Quit Your Job.

Joel Skousen: Preparing for The Worst — “Frankly, I believe that we’re never going to take back the country as a whole because of the unthinking majorities that are controlled by a corrupt media.”

“Frankly, I believe that we’re never going to take back the country as a whole
because of the unthinking majorities that are controlled by a corrupt media.”

“…I don’t think it’s going to come off for another 8 to 10 years.”

– Joel Skousen
transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Joel Skousen: Preparing for The Worst – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 16, 2010


Ron Paul: Complete implosion of the U.S. currency system “95% likely… [especially] if the bombs started to fall on Iran”

From: Hotline On Call

Paul Says ’12 Run Depends On Fall Of U.S. Dollar

Texas Rep. Ron Paul (R) told reporters Saturday that the bulk of the economic crisis is yet to come, and that a White House ’12 bid largely hinges on his anticipated fall of the U.S. dollar.

Prior to appearing before the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Convention in Richmond, Paul called a complete implosion of the U.S. currency system “95% likely… [because] right now the whole world is racing to beat their currencies because they think it’s going to help trade…But let me tell you, if the bombs started to fall on Iran, hold your hat, because that would be, I believe, the end of our dollar system. And we would have a real skirmish to find out what we’re going to replace this government with.”

Paul’s “End of Dollar Hegemony” is nothing we haven’t heard before from the Congressman, but at this point it’s largely indicative of his decision to run for president in ’12. He is slated to speak at the University of Iowa later this month, an appearance many pundits have pegged as his first WH stump in the critical caucus state. He denied that rumor today, saying, “I don’t any precise plans for 2012. I don’t have an organization [in Iowa], and there are some who are very well organized. It’s a long way off, and events can change quickly, and I believe sincerely we’re moving toward a much more major economic crisis. Depending on where we are on that might help me make that decision.”

Entire Article Here

Ron Paul: “Fear is The Tool of The Thugs in Government”

“I always keep a door open for the left.”

– Ron Paul
‘The gold standard’

[youtube=]Ron Paul: Fear is The Tool of The Thugs in Government – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 08, 2010

Alex welcomes back to the show physician, Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas, and former presidential candidate, Ron Paul. He is the founder of the advocacy group Campaign for Liberty and his ideas have been expressed in numerous published articles and books, including End The Fed (2009), and The Revolution: A Manifesto (2008). Paul serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the Joint Economic Committee, and the Committee on Financial Services. Mr. Paul was honorary chair of, and is a current member of, the Republican Liberty Caucus.


Banksters’ Sleight of Hand At The Fony Reserve Private Bank

Specifically how gold and silver prices are manipulated down | The whistleblower injured the next day in hit-and-run

Listen to Interview Here

Andrew Maguire & Adrian Douglas

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Andrew Maguire & Adrian Douglas: Discuss What Could Be the Largest Fraud in History – Andrew is an independent metals trader turned whistleblower at the center of a storm for exposing what could be the largest fraud in history involving countries, banks and government leaders. Adrian Douglas Board of Director from GATA, the man who Andrew reached out to joins in this interview where they discuss a fraud so extraordinary and so unimaginable that it is the kind of thing that only happens in hollywood thrillers. They also discuss the CFTC sponsored meeting on metals which was an unmitigated disaster because it additionally exposed the fraud on a grander scale.

From: gata

CFTC whistleblower injured in London hit-and-run

Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2010-03-27 22:39. Section:

6:39p ET Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

London metals trader Andrew Maguire, who warned an investigator for the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission in advance about a gold and silver market manipulation to be undertaken by traders for JPMorgan Chase in February and whose whistleblowing was publicized by GATA at Thursday’s CFTC hearing on metals futures trading —

— was injured along with his wife the next day when their car was struck by a hit-and-run driver in the London area.

According to GATA’s contact with Maguire, board member Adrian Douglas, Maguire and his wife were admitted to a hospital overnight and released today and are expected to recover fully.

Maguire told Douglas by telephone today that his car was struck by a car careening out of a side road. When a pedestrian who witnessed the crash tried to block the other driver’s escape, the other driver accelerated at the pedestrian, causing him to jump out of the way to avoid being hit. The other driver’s car then struck two other cars in escaping. But the other driver was caught by police after a chase in which police helicopters were summoned.

We’ll convey more information about the incident as it becomes available.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


New York Post: Trader blows whistle on gold, silver price manipulation

Is there any gold inside Fort Knox, the world’s most secure vault?

The American People’s Gold is All Gone? Fake Gold Bars in Fort Knox!

Feds Accused of Gold-Price Manipulation—Anybody Seen Our Gold?

Ron Paul: Audit the Gold!

Michael Ruppert: The love of money really is the root of all evil

From: vtcommons

My first question for you is this: What are three or four of the most important things you’ve learned since you began your public work in 1998?

Michael Ruppert: That there is a God and that God knows who I am; that the “love of money is the root of all evil”; and that until you change the way money works, you change nothing.

Entire Article Here

Gold Plated Tungsten Bars: Biggest Financial Swindle In History?

[youtube=]Gold Plated Tungsten Bars: Biggest Financial Swindle In History?

matsutakneatche | January 17, 2010

Bob Chapman from the International Forecaster explains the debacle [on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley]. Like ‘Climategate’ this story is getting nearly ZERO coverage. It seems to me, that this should be front page news…Investigate this story, it is rich, and there are a lot of opinions. I tend to think this will explode. Will anyone go to jail? I doubt it, seems like a guy can go to jail for smoking a reefer, but to rip off the world, no big deal. What a joke. Bob Chapman’s website: http://www.theinternationalforecaster…

Skousen: Hyperinflation – What It Takes To Get There. “I think the financial PTB will continue to gradually increase inflation sufficient to keep people pacified, but not so much as to create panic buying”


Hyperinflation – What It Takes To Get There
By Joel Skousen
Editor – World Affairs Brief

Begin Excerpt

I’m not optimistic about where this country is heading, but to properly confront what’s coming it’s very important to understand the real risks facing us and not get misled by hype. I’m getting increasingly irritated by conservative pundits claiming that hyperinflation is imminent, and just around the corner. It is not, and here’s why: simply put we don’t have the automatic, direct injection structures in place for government to deliver those ever-increasing quantities of money directly into the hands of consumers, as they did in the Weimar Republic in Germany. That doesn’t mean it can’t still happen, but the process currently in place works more slowly. We need to understand the process in order to correctly foresee when this threat is really upon us. This week I will dig into this and other intricacies of hyperinflation.

First, let me set the stage by quoting one of the typical hyperinflation projections. Note that all the basic data is correct, only the leap to hyperinflation is unsupported. Here’s Charles Scaliger of the New American magazine [my comments in brackets]:

“Think you’re scared enough about the economy, the ballooning deficit, and the prospect of ruinous tax rates and runaway inflation to pay for astronomical government debts? If you haven’t read Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff’s August 10 article for Bloomberg, ‘U.S. Is Bankrupt and We Don’t Even Know It,’ you probably aren’t.

“Dismissing official federal debt figures out of hand as misleading ‘fiscal labeling,’ Kotlikoff estimates that our true fiscal gap is a staggering $202 trillion — about 15 times the ‘official’ debt level pronounced by government statisticians. The reason for this vast discrepancy is the scurrilous practice — used by the federal government to conceal real levels of indebtedness — of declaring certain liabilities, like Social Security and Medicare payouts, as ‘off budget.’ It’s as though these are not enormous sums of money that the federal government has committed to pay out over the next couple of decades as waves of Baby Boomers and Generation X-ers retire.

“The federal government has behaved like an imprudent householder who, having taken out a mortgage, a car loan, and a student loan, proceeds to run up an enormous credit card debt — then declares the last ‘off budget’ and ignores it. Just as laws, credit ratings, and debt collectors will eventually catch up with such behavior in the private sector, so too the pitiless laws of economics will eventually bring our federal government to heel.

“And the day of reckoning won’t be pleasant. Kotlikoff minces no words in describing an outcome comparable to what Weimar Germany endured in the great hyperinflation of the 1920s: ‘Herb Stein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under U.S. President Richard Nixon, coined an oft-repeated phrase: ‘Something that can’t go on, will stop.’ True enough. Uncle Sam’s Ponzi scheme will stop. But it will stop too late.’

“And it will stop in a very nasty manner. The first possibility is massive benefit cuts visited on the baby boomers in retirement [won’t happen–politicians have to pander to the voters to get reelected]. The second is astronomical tax increases that leave the young with little incentive to work and save [that too is political suicide, unless you only “tax the rich”]. And the third is the government simply printing vast quantities of money to cover its bills [and they don’t actually have to print money to create more–electronic creation is the modern way]… And bond traders will kick us miles down our road once they wake up and realize the U.S. is in worse fiscal shape than Greece [actually bonds are probably the first to realize when the government starts to inflate it’s way out of debt–it destroys their market, which dwarfs stocks].

“Simply put, the lies our government continues to tell itself and us about the debts run up over the past few decades will soon be laid bare. What Kotlikoff has labeled ‘Enron accounting’ has enabled the federal government to perpetuate the deception whereby older generations are subsidized by younger generations. Few Americans are even aware that the so-called ‘Social Security trust fund’ consists only of IOUs [same with the FDIC guarantee of bank deposits]– the federal government spends Social Security ‘contributions’ before they are even paid, just as it spends every last cent of money extracted from the collective taxpayers’ hide. Government neither saves nor invests; it consumes.

“One unpleasant point that Kotlikoff avoids is that there is a difference between tax rates and tax revenues. Simply put, Americans will be neither able nor willing to pay significantly higher taxes [true]. Demands to pay higher income taxes will most likely be met with non-payment or outright revolt, which will leave the federal government only the option of printing its way out of debt. Once the rest of the world figures out that game, though, the feds will find no takers for their bonds, and the end of America as we know it will come about in a tsunami of hyperinflation.”

For that to be true, it requires a detailed analysis of how hyperinflation happened in Germany, 1923-24. Here are a few interesting historical highlights, an excerpt from “Paper Money” by George J.W. Goodman. “Why did the German government not act to halt the inflation? It was a shaky, fragile government, especially after the assassination [Walter Rathenau, the SPD foreign minister was killed in 1922], … In January 1923, Germany failed to make a payment, and France invaded the Ruhr. The vengeful French sent their army into the Ruhr to enforce their demands for reparations, and the Germans were powerless to resist. More than inflation, the Germans feared unemployment. In 1919 Communists had tried to take over, and severe unemployment might give the Communists another chance. The great German industrial combines — Krupp, Thyssen, Farben, Stinnes — condoned the inflation and survived it well. A cheaper Mark, they reasoned, would make German goods cheap and easy to export, and they needed the export earnings to buy raw materials abroad.

“Inflation kept everyone working as the pace of the economy [and velocity of monetary circulation] kept accelerating. The cost of living index was 41 in June 1922 and 685 in December, an increase of more than 16 times. The occupation of the industrial region of Germany in the Ruhr valley took place to ensure that the reparations were paid in goods, such as coal and steel. The Mark was viewed as practically worthless. [Now here is one key:] Inflation was exacerbated when workers in the Ruhr went on strike, and the German government printed more money in order to continue paying them for ‘passively resisting.'[That was the first structural step that allowed the German government to start injecting currency directly into the hands of citizens–which allows for a rapid expansion of the money supply, in ever-increasing quantities]

“So the printing presses ran, and once they began to run, they were hard to stop. The price increases began to be dizzying. Menus in cafes could not be revised quickly enough. A student at Freiburg University ordered a cup of coffee at a cafe. The price on the menu was 5,000 Marks. He had two cups. When the bill came, it was for 14,000 Marks. ‘If you want to save money,’ he was told, ‘and you want two cups of coffee, you should order them both at the same time.’ …By late 1923, the German government required 1,783 printing presses, running around the clock, to print money.”

The payment of “resistance money” to the workers in the Ruhr was not sufficient in itself to cause hyperinflation. Germany was also forced to pay for war victim pensions and compensation for their families. This broadened the flow to a majority of all Germans. So, with over half the citizens having access to an ever-increasing flow of income, the rest of the country began to respond in kind and demand increased wages. Businessmen started raising prices regularly to pay for their increasing labor and material costs, and the process started to gallop away.

A History of the Modern World pointed out that the only ones destroyed initially were those on fixed income: “Annuities, pensions, proceeds of insurance policies, savings accounts in the banks, income from bonds and mortgages – every form of revenue which had been arranged for at some time in the past, and which often represented the economy, foresight, and personal planning of many years – now turned to nothing. The middle class was pauperized and demoralized.” Eventually, almost everyone was hurt.

Tax revenue was quickly devalued by the government’s own rapid inflation, which further induced the government to rely almost solely on inflation to pay for government expenditures. Tax rates couldn’t be changed except once a year, so that source of revenue quickly became irrelevant. Notice that had the government not been able to directly pay so much money into the hands of a majority of citizens, the inflation spiral would have been limited. Price inflation can’t continue unless a large percentage of people have automatically increasing amounts of cash to pay for the rising prices. If the majority does not, buying (for them) slows down dramatically with rising prices and that forces prices to fall in order to attract more buyers.

This has a bearing today. Except for Congressionally mandated stimulus money, which takes time to debate and pass, there is no automatic way for the government to create money and hand it out to consumers. Ben Bernanke’s famous suggestion that he might hire helicopters to fly around and distribute cash from the air earned him the moniker of “helicopter Ben,” but otherwise was only a figure of speech. With exception of one stimulus check, all the bailout money went to the big bankers and insiders. Even if the government started boosting SS payments and pension and welfare payments, it would only cause a slow rise in inflation, but would also damage those on fixed incomes which would complain–forcing Congress to slow down or stop the increases.

There was another factor–the relative size of the monetary base before the inflation. Germany was a moderate sized nation, and had a large economy compared to most other European countries. Nevertheless, the German Mark was not used around the world as an international currency–the British Pound was the major world currency at that time. So, it was not particularly difficult to double the money supply in Germany in one year, and then quadruple it the next. In a 4 year period, the German Mark went from 14 Marks to the dollar to a Trillion to 1. You can’t do that with the dollar today. The dollar has spread out so much around the world as an international currency that there are at least $200 Trillion printed dollars outstanding, and probably $800 trillion in contracts that have never been monetized. That’s a staggering amount.

As I have pointed out before, a $3 trillion bailout of the banks was less than 1.5% inflation of the money supply. I don’t approve of bailouts like this (and there is a lot more money suspected of being created off the books) but one has to understand how this huge base of dollars allows the US to keep inflating without it showing up dramatically as inflation–let alone hyper-inflation. It was inflationary, but only within the speculative economy that the big banks control: the paper stock, bonds, mutual funds, FOREX, and derivative markets. Most of this money just stays in these speculative bets through roll-overs and only about 25% gets invested in the real economy (and most of that is in the industrial military complex. That’s the reason we haven’t had a lot of price inflation. But stocks and bonds are inflated–because they are on the receiving end of government money creation.

Now the last point I want to make about the claims of imminent hyperinflation has to do with misunderstanding the terminology. In short, some misinformed people are saying hyperinflation is synonymous with a loss of confidence in the currency or a flight from currency. This is a factor but it is distinct from hyperinflation. Here’s a typical example from a self-styled economic commentator, Gonzalo Lira, who is actually an expat American novelist living in Chile.

“Most people dismiss the very notion of hyperinflation occurring in the United States as something only tin-foil hatters, gold-bugs, and Right-wing survivalists drool about… [Other more] amiable souls diligently point out that in a deflationary environment–where commodity prices are more or less stable, there are downward pressures on wages, asset prices are falling, and credit markets are shrinking–inflation is impossible. Therefore, hyperinflation is even more impossible.

“This outlook seems sensible; if we fall for the trap of thinking that hyperinflation is an extension of inflation [It is but he’s going to try and disprove that reality]. If we think that hyperinflation is simply inflation on steroids–inflation-plus–then it would seem that, in our current deflationary economic environment, hyperinflation is not simply a long way off, but flat-out ridiculous. But hyperinflation is not an extension or amplification of inflation. Inflation and hyperinflation are two very distinct animals. They look the same–because in both cases, the currency loses its purchasing power–but they are not the same.

“Inflation is when the economy overheats: It’s when an economy’s consumables (labor and commodities) are so in-demand because of economic growth [always fueled by government pumping too much new money into the hands of consumers by inducing banks to loan at rates too low], coupled with an expansionist credit environment, that the consumables rise in price. This forces all goods and services to rise in price as well, so that producers can keep up with costs. It is essentially a demand-driven phenomenon. Hyperinflation is the loss of faith in the currency.”

His definition of hyperinflation is totally insufficient and improper. It is definitions like this that allow Lira and other to claim that hyperinflation is imminent. But, there are many degrees of loss of faith that precede true hyperinflation. We have it right now, to some degree, but are not experiencing hyperinflation. Even with moderate inflation there is a loss of faith in currency. But it is even more true of hyperinflation.

With moderate inflation of around 10% investors and people start trading dollars for other currencies or gold–anything which appears to hold its value better than the dollar. Nations with bigger hoards of dollars can’t unload them all at once on the FOREX lest the dollar’s declining value collapse halfway through the transaction. So they start buying companies in America or commodities for future stockpiles which they intend to use. China is currently on a dollar spending spree buying up industrial metals and oil.

For it to qualify as hyperinflation the rate of inflation needs to rise above the level where panic buying starting to happen –usually in the 20-50% inflation rate per year. Once it goes about 100% per year (doubling the inflation each year) it starts going exponentially upward until government stops the money creation process. Only at that level do we see the total collapse of confidence where people feel that if they wait any amount of time, the money will be worthless.

But this can’t and won’t happen in the US until government gets Congress to allow it to hand out regular stimulus checks to all Americans. Nothing less than that would allow for unrestrained spending. As I have long predicted, I think the financial PTB will continue to gradually increase inflation sufficient to keep people pacified, but not so much as to create panic buying.

Michael Pento explains where the current inflation is going and why it isn’t showing up as significant price inflation: “Wall Street analysts seem to believe that the Fed’s doubling of the monetary base after the credit crunch has not had an inflationary impact on our economy. Their logic can be summed up like so: ‘The money the Fed created and dropped from helicopters has all been caught in the trees.’ In other words, the Fed is creating money, but it is just being held as excess reserves by the banking system instead of being loaned to the public. Therefore, the money supply hasn’t truly increased, there is no money multiplier effect, and aggregate price levels are behaving themselves. But this is only a half-truth.

“Yes, most of the money created by the Fed has been kept by commercial banks as excess reserves. However, the Fed doesn’t conjure reserves by magic. It first creates an electronic credit by fiat, then purchases an asset held by a financial institution. Those primary dealers then deposit that Federal Reserve check into their reserves. The act of creating money from nothing and buying an asset — be it a Treasury bond or Mortgage Backed Security (MBS) — drives up the price of that asset in the open market. Those price distortions send erroneous signals to private buyers and sellers, eventually creating gross economic imbalances. Therefore, the inflation created by the Fed first gets concentrated in whatever asset it has chosen to purchase — before spreading throughout the economy.” In reality, it doesn’t get spread throughout the economy. Too many of the big boys are keeping their funds in the speculative markets and not spending normally.

End Excerpt

Commentary And Insights On A Troubled World
Copyright 2010 Joel Skousen – All Rights Reserved
Partial quotations with attribution permitted.
Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief <

World Affairs Brief, 290 West 580 South, Orem, UT 84058, USA

Catherine Austin Fitts: We Must be Self-Sufficient Ahead of The Coming Global Disasters

“I don’t think we’re looking at a collapse. …
We’ve been in what I call a slow burn.
I think the slow burn is going to continue.

And in the slow burn,
you have insiders and outsiders.
And the insiders protect themselves and financial assets
by basically draining the outsiders.”

“What you’ll always hear me say
is don’t worry whether or not there is a conspiracy.
If you’re not in one you need to start one.

we’re watching a planet that’s being managed by conspiracies.”

– Catherine Austin Fitts

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Catherine Austin Fitts: We Must be Self-Sufficient Ahead of The Coming Global Disasters 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 24, 2010

Alex welcomes back to the show Catherine Austin Fitts, president of Solari, Inc., the publisher of The Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services. Fitts served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.

Catherine Austin Fitts’ understanding of the global financial system and the inner workings of the Wall Street-Washington axis are unparalleled. As the former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner, Catherine was one of the first to warn of an approaching housing bubble. Her prediction that a ‘strong dollar policy’ would ultimately lead to a weakened federal credit is currently being proven correct.

Tony Robbins’ Economic Warning: Late Fall or Early 2011 Major Retracement

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“Sometime —
[from] most of the people that I know that are the very best
some times in the late fall or early 2011
we’re likely to see a major retracement —
on a major scale.”

“Get smart and know what season we’re in.”

“God bless.”

– Tony Robbins

[youtube=]Tony Robbins Economic Warning 1-2

CHo0ZE | August 16, 2010

THE ▀█▀ █▀ █_█ ▀█▀ █▬█ Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ ☼ N

Tony Robbins, renowned success coach and motivational speaker shares an insight from some of the influential people he works with and why he believes a breakdown is underway. 3rd August, 2010.



All of my Timing Predictions posts at ONEcanhappen

Charlie McGrath: ‘UNEXPECTED’

Excellent Analysis!


crabbydogtrix | August 19, 2010


Ron Paul: “Since they’re doing all the same things they did to put us into this crisis we can expect this economy to get much worse.” Or bombing Iran could collapse the dollar sooner.

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Since they’re doing all the same things they did to put us into this crisis, we can expect this economy to get much worse.”

“They’re going to keep printing money, and that’s going to precipitate the dollar crisis….”

If next week they go ahead and bomb Iran, and the oil prices double or triple, and one of our ships get sunk, that war would spread rather quickly. That would be a whole new ball game and may be what would collapse the dollar.”

– Ron Paul

[youtube=]Ron Paul: The American Empire Can’t Afford Another War! – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 18, 2010

Alex welcomes back Congressman Ron Paul to the show to discuss the latest on Iran, legislation in the house, and more. Dr. Paul is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. During the 1960s, he served as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force.

Gerald Celente: Wall Street Boys Run The Show Only Ron Paul Has Firm Grasp

[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Wall Street Boys Run The Show Only Ron Paul Has Firm Grasp

RussiaToday | July 22, 2010

U.S. President Barack Obama has signed into law the biggest financial overhaul since the Great Depression. The main goal is to prevent another economic crisis. Meanwhile, Gerald Celente, the director of the Trends Research Institute, argued that the banks and Wall Street approve of this bill because it is a white wash. “It does nothing to prevent the coming crash of 2010. The bigs only got bigger,” he told RT.

Paul Craig Roberts: The Year America Dissolved – 2017. The dollar had collapsed as world reserve currency in 2012 when the worsening economic depression made it clear to Washington’s creditors that the federal budget deficit was too large to be financed except by the printing of money.

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts: We Are Almost Past The Point of No Return! – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 30, 2010

Alex talks with economist Paul Craig Roberts about his article, The Year America Dissolved. Roberts served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. His articles appear widely across the alternative media. Dr. Roberts’ latest book is How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds.


From: Infowars…

The Year America Dissolved

Paul Craig Roberts
July 28, 2010

It was 2017. Clans were governing America.

The first clans organized around local police forces. The conservatives’ war on crime during the late 20th century and the Bush/Obama war on terror during the first decade of the 21st century had resulted in the police becoming militarized and unaccountable.

As society broke down, the police became warlords. The state police broke apart, and the officers were subsumed into the local forces of their communities. The newly formed tribes expanded to encompass the relatives and friends of the police.

The dollar had collapsed as world reserve currency in 2012 when the worsening economic depression made it clear to Washington’s creditors that the federal budget deficit was too large to be financed except by the printing of money.

With the dollar’s demise, import prices skyrocketed. As Americans were unable to afford foreign-made goods, the transnational corporations that were producing offshore for US markets were bankrupted, further eroding the government’s revenue base.

The government was forced to print money in order to pay its bills, causing domestic prices to rise rapidly. Faced with hyperinflation, Washington took recourse in terminating Social Security and Medicare and followed up by confiscating the remnants of private pensions. This provided a one-year respite, but with no more resources to confiscate, money creation and hyperinflation resumed.

Organized food deliveries broke down when the government fought hyperinflation with fixed prices and the mandate that all purchases and sales had to be in US paper currency. Unwilling to trade appreciating goods for depreciating paper, goods disappeared from stores.

Washington responded as Lenin had done during the “war communism” period of Soviet history. The government sent troops to confiscate goods for distribution in kind to the population. This was a temporary stop-gap until existing stocks were depleted, as future production was discouraged. Much of the confiscated stocks became the property of the troops who seized the goods.

Goods reappeared in markets under the protection of local warlords. Transactions were conducted in barter and in gold, silver, and copper coins.

Other clans organized around families and individuals who possessed stocks of food, bullion, guns and ammunition. Uneasy alliances formed to balance differences in clan strengths. Betrayals quickly made loyalty a necessary trait for survival.

Large scale food and other production broke down as local militias taxed distribution as goods moved across local territories. Washington seized domestic oil production and refineries, but much of the government’s gasoline was paid for safe passage across clan territories.

Most of the troops in Washington’s overseas bases were abandoned. As their resource stocks were drawn down, the abandoned soldiers were forced into alliances with those with whom they had been fighting.

Washington found it increasingly difficult to maintain itself. As it lost control over the country, Washington was less able to secure supplies from abroad as tribute from those Washington threatened with nuclear attack. Gradually other nuclear powers realized that the only target in America was Washington. The more astute saw the writing on the wall and slipped away from the former capital city.

When Rome began her empire, Rome’s currency consisted of gold and silver coinage. Rome was well organized with efficient institutions and the ability to supply troops in the field so that campaigns could continue indefinitely, a monopoly in the world of Rome’s time.

When hubris sent America in pursuit of overseas empire, the venture coincided with the offshoring of American manufacturing, industrial, and professional service jobs and the corresponding erosion of the government’s tax base, with the advent of massive budget and trade deficits, with the erosion of the fiat paper currency’s value, and with America’s dependence on foreign creditors and puppet rulers.

The Roman Empire lasted for centuries. The American one collapsed overnight.

Rome’s corruption became the strength of her enemies, and the Western Empire was overrun.

America’s collapse occurred when government ceased to represent the people and became the instrument of a private oligarchy. Decisions were made in behalf of short-term profits for the few at the expense of unmanageable liabilities for the many.

Overwhelmed by liabilities, the government collapsed.

Globalism had run its course. Life reformed on a local basis.

Paul Craig Roberts is an economist who served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration. He is published widely in the alternative media, including, and is a frequent guest on the Alex Jones Show. Dr. Roberts’ latest book is How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds.

Editor’s note: In the special video presentation below, Alex Jones talks about the engineered bankruptcy and implosion of the United States orchestrated by the Federal Reserve and private central banks. The ultimate plan is to loot the people and turn the once great United States into a third world hell hole like Mexico and North Korea.

Fall Of The Republic : The Presidency Of Barack H Obama documents how these private banks and a cartel of multinational corporations are dismantling America and details what we can do to restore our once cherished republic. Get the DVD here.

Videos are included HERE

World Collapse Explained in Three Minutes

[youtube=]World Collapse Explained in Three Minutes

Secret Gold Tax In ObamaCare

[youtube=]Secret Gold Tax In ObamaCare

SaveOurSovereignty3 | July 21, 2010

Airing Date July.21, 2010

Bob Chapman: Monetary Update

“Because they won’t tell you these things,
you have to assume that they’re lying.”

– Bob Chapman

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Bob Chapman: The United States Middle Class is being Wiped-Out!!! – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 16, 2010

Alex talks with regular Friday guest Bob Chapman, publisher of the the International Forecaster newsletter, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own brokerage firm and was probably the largest gold and silver stockbroker in the world during that period. Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200 publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers.

Alert! China Dumping T-Bills in Real Time! USA Depression Update!

[youtube=]Alert! China Dumping T-Bills in Real Time! USA Depression Update!

visionvictory | July 16, 2010

Get Your Dose of Economic Reality at

Fed gets even more power with new regulation… was right…
U.S. Dollar…

New regulations piled on top of old regulations…

banks reposses homes at record…

Wall Street Is Laundering Drug Money And Getting Away With It

From: AlterNet

Wall Street Is Laundering Drug Money And Getting Away With It

Too-big-to-fail is a much bigger problem than you thought. We’ve all read damning accounts of the government saving banks from their risky subprime bets, but it turns out that the Wall Street privilege problem is far more deeply ingrained in the U.S. legal system than the simple bailouts witnessed in 2008. America’s largest banks can engage in flagrantly criminal activity on a massive scale and emerge almost completely unscathed. The latest sickening example comes from Wachovia Bank: Accused of laundering $380 billion in Mexican drug cartel money, the financial behemoth is expected to emerge with nothing more than a slap on the wrist thanks to an official government policy which protects megabanks from criminal charges.

Bloomberg’s Michael Smith has penned a devastating expose detailing Wachovia’s drug-money operations and the government’s twisted response. The bank was moving money behind literally tons of cocaine from violent drug cartels. It wasn’t an accident. Internal whistleblowers at Wachovia warned that the bank was laundering drug money, higher-ups at the bank actively looked the other way in order to score bigger profits, and the U.S. government is about to let everyone involved get off scott free. The bank will not be indicted, because it is official government policy not to prosecute megabanks. From Smith’s story:

No big U.S. bank . . . has ever been indicted for violating the Bank Secrecy Act or any other federal law. Instead, the Justice Department settles criminal charges by using deferred-prosecution agreements, in which a bank pays a fine and promises not to break the law again . . . . Large banks are protected from indictments by a variant of the too-big-to-fail theory. Indicting a big bank could trigger a mad dash by investors to dump shares and cause panic in financial markets.

Wachovia was acquired by Wells Fargo in late 2008. The bank’s penalty for laundering over $380 billion in drug money is going to be a promise not to ever do it again, and a $160 million fine. The fine is so small

Entire Article Here

Peter Schiff running for Senate: the economy, health care, Israel, etc.

[youtube=]Peter Schiff: Ready to Lay The “Smackdown” on Linda McMahon Come August 10th! 1/4

Alex welcomes to the show author, businessman, financial commentator, economic adviser to Ron Paul’s 2008 presidential campaign, and a 2010 candidate for the United States Senate, Peter Schiff. He is president and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut. Schiff is the author of Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse and How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes.

Paul Craig Roberts: American Hegemony. If you look at the middle east, what countries are not American puppet states? Only Iran and Syria. Syria, they can ignore because …

If you look at the middle east,
what’s the remaining independent countries?
What countries are not American puppet states?

And we have only Iran and Syria.

Now, the reasoning,
I’m told from the people that I still know in Washington,
is that Syria, they can ignore,
because if they knock of Iran
Syria will simply voluntarily become an American puppet state

And so they’re after Iran. …

That’s the reason for all of the years of demonization and lies.”

– Paul Craig Roberts

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts: Americans to be Financially Raped to Fund War with Iran 1/4

Alex welcomes back to the show economist, former syndicated journalist, and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, Paul Craig Roberts. He is the author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice and How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds.

Paul Craig Roberts: US uses the hedge funds to short the Euro and drive the dollar up

“The United States government uses Goldman Sachs and the hedge funds
to short the Euro, to drive down the Euro and thus drive the dollar up.”

– Paul Craig Roberts

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:
Paul Craig Roberts on RT:
Are Military Spending and Debt
Bringing Down the American Empire

Ron Paul Discusses the future of “Audit the Fed” efforts (Includes link to Campaign for Liberty’s “HR 1207 Hall of Shame”)

[youtube=]Ron Paul Discusses the future of “Audit the Fed” efforts

campaignforliberty | July 01, 2010

Congressman Ron Paul discusses the latest in the efforts to get a full and complete audit of the Fed as well as the future of Fed transparency.

See a list of H.R. 1207 cosponsors who voted against the motion here [HR 1207 Hall of Shame]:…

Bill Still: The Secret of OZ / Solutions For a Broken Economy. “Support the state bank concept based on the Bank of North Dakota.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“All of these things throughout history
have disappeared from history books”

“Their goal is to return us to a state of serfdom.”

“Support the state bank concept
based on the Bank of North Dakota.”

“Support Iceland. Iceland is our best shot
to get a toehold for a correct money system.”

“No more national debt!”

– Bill Still

[youtube=]Bill Still: The Secret of OZ / Solutions For a Broken Economy – Alex Jones Tv 1/4

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 02, 2010

Alex talks with Bill Still, the man behind the monetary reform documentary The Secret of Oz(available at the Infowars Store). Still’s previous films include the popular The Money Masters and Capital Crimes. The Secret of Oz won best documentary of 2010 at the Beloit International Film Festival, the Silver Sierra Award for Excellence in Filmmaking at the Yosemite Film Festival, and other prestigious awards.


Independence Day Emergency S.O.S.: America Falling to Foreign Bank Takeover — America is in Peril! “We’re being conquered by financial fraudsters!”

[youtube=]Emergency S.O.S.: America Falling to Foreign Bank Takeover – Fourth of July PT 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 03, 2010…

Alex Jones breaks down the takeover by offshore banking powers– newly empowered by Congress’ banking “reform,” expanded taxes worldwide, as well as accelerated moves towards ending the Dollar’s reserve status, including urging from a recent United Nations report.

This Fourth of July, the United States is indeed in peril; it is not only the Gulf Oil Spill, Russian spies and threats of war with Iran which Americans must worry about. Instead it is the quiet but deadly conquest by private, central banks, who lobbied Congress to once again vest new powers in the Federal Reserve and, by all indicators, further weaken the U.S. economy through its future actions.

The financial crisis has indeed been developed in such a way that no nation can ever repay all the debt, and control by global economic forces is all but inevitable.

“This is as big as World War I or World War II,” Alex Jones comments.
“What is happening now is bigger than the banking takeover of 1913… it is a worldwide financial coup d’etat.”

Will the Bail-Out Boys ride again? Ron Paul: “The philosophy of bail-outs has not changed one bit…. We’re in a big mess, but they’re still not telling us the truth about how bad it really is.” | Judge Andrew Napolitano: “Legislation is not morality … It’s horse trading”

[youtube=]Ron Paul and Judge Napolitano on Fox Business, 6/30/2010

campaignforliberty | July 01, 2010

On Wednesday, June 30, 2010, Congressman Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano appeared on Fox Business’ “Money Rocks” to discuss the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill and the need to end the federal government’s interference in the economy.

Col Fletcher Prouty Explains how oil came to be classified a fossil fuel — “There’s a dollar sign behind almost everything”

“These aren’t accidental things, you see.
There’s a dollar sign behind almost everything.”

– Col. Fletcher Prouty

[youtube=]Col Fletcher Prouty Explains how oil came to be classified a “fossil fuel”

Col Fletcher Prouty explains how oil was falsely classified a “fossil fuel” in 1892 and how that deception was advanced further in the 70’s by Kissinger and Rockefeller.

Col. Prouty spent 9 of his 23 year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955 he was appointed the first “Focal Point” officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961), and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Colonel Prouty: CIA Torture Techniques used in Honduras

Col. Fletcher Prouty: US surveillance is so precise and comprehensive that we could have stopped the DRUG TRADE instantly anytime

Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, the real Mr. X in Oliver Stone’s JFK: COVER STORIES are WRITTEN BEFORE the crises even happen. War HISTORY BOOKS aren’t accurate.

[video] Roger Morneau’s SECRET SOCIETY occult experience: How the SPIRITS SEDUCE AND EMPOWER the ‘elite’ to control society and make big MONEY — SUPERNATURAL GAMBLING* insight — MUSICIANS are spirit energized — TEACHERS OF EVOLUTION receive great capacity and power to induce spiritual blindness so students reject the Creator

* Today, “SUPERNATURAL GAMBLING insight” would include special STOCK TRADING revelations. Morneau’s experiences were in the mid-40s (1945?).


(edited and drastically shortened by Bryan Bissell from Roger Morneau’s book and an interview)

That was the beginning of it. When you get into a secret society of spirit worshippers and especially when you are invited there by the direction of the higher ups in the spirit world, you never get out of there alive. And that’s exactly what my friend and I were involved in; But, we didn’t know anything about that.

First Meeting with “Elite” Spirit Worshippers

…when Wednesday night rolled around, and he arrived outside with his big Lincoln. So we obligingly stepped inside and were taken to one of the most beautiful areas of Montreal, the place that we entered was a mansion. It was a most beautiful place. This was really a big surprise for me, as I had already made up my mind they were going to be rough looking characters. However, as we entered the place I was amazed to see that they were all superbly dressed, well mannered and that a lot of the people that we were being introduced to were the great and highly successful people of the city. They included prominent professionals, doctors, attorneys, and a lot of high placed business people. …

These people spent about two hours telling of the fantastic accomplishments and successes that they had attained through the workings of the spirits. They spoke mostly about major business transactions in which they had successfully used clairvoyance and mental telepathy to influence the outcomes. This all resulted in great profits to them. I recall a one lumber dealer….

Typewriters That Typed By Themselves!

Seeing my hesitancy, the high priest said, “Look, I’m not going to pressure you into anything, OK? But I want to show you what the spirits can do for a devoted servant.” We then went downstairs, not through the impressive staircase that I talked about that leads to the worship room of the gods, but down a stairs located at the other end of the building. A number of times I had gone there to the men’s room and I was mystified, as I always heard typewriters clicking like the dickens, in an adjoining room. I thought to myself, they must have a lot of people typing in that particular room. That evening when the high priest knocked on the door, someone responded, “come on in”. There were all of these typewriters rapidly typing all by themselves and typing at a speed that I’d never seen before. And not only that, the high priest then said to us, “I want to show you something clever, follow me.” So we went around the table, there were two long tables, on which there were about ten typewriters operating, and he said, “Now notice that the typewriter types to the right and then doesn’t go back, it types back to the left. Isn’t that something?” I had never heard of or seen anything like this before. He then said, “The spirits are doing all of the work. They type backward to show off their extraordinary intelligence”

He then introduced us to the man in this room, who it turned out was a prominent criminal lawyer. The high priest then asked him, “How much money did you make last year?” “Oh, he said, it’s up in the six figures.” All this person did was to put paper in each machine and different briefs for court cases came out, typed by the fallen spirits. He provided this service for the legal profession, and he would sell these briefs at a very high price to other criminal lawyers in both the United States and Canada. It was also explained to me that it was in the master’s best strategic interests to keep certain criminals free from incarceration. …


…in setting up the principles of his theories of evolution, Darwin was tutored by Satan himself, the master fallen angel. And at that time it was well understood, by this mastermind and his spirit counselors that if a person were led to believe in the theory of evolution, it would in his mind and heart destroy completely any confidence in the Biblical record of creation week, as detailed in the book of Genesis. This would also effectively destroy all belief in the fall of human kind, and in God’s plan of redemption. Thus in one master stroke they could do away with all of the foundational historical realities which point to the reality of man’s rebellion against his Maker and his desperate need for salvation.

Now the high priest made a unique statement, he said that according to the spirit intelligences, anyone who teaches other persons the theory of evolution is considered to be a minister of a great religious system. You see they actually understood it to be a religious system, this theory of evolution. This is because it was ingeniously devised by the master himself, as a system of schooling people to disqualify themselves – by making a spiritual choice – to reject the reality of the Creator and of Christ’s future eternal kingdom.

And the priest explained to us that every teacher of this theory is recognized in the spirit world, as a person of great value to the master’s kingdom, and such teachers receive a very special unction from Lucifer himself who gives them great capacity and power to induce spiritual blindness, to totally convince and convert the mind.

A Trip Into the Supernatural Part 1 Roger Morneau Spiritualism The Occult Rothschild Family Satanism

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