Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Why they hate US Page 9 of 25

(video) Sean Spicer’s Freudian Slip: TRUMP’S GOAL IS TO “DESTABILIZE SYRIA”


(video) Distant Shores Visits Beautiful, Pre-ISIS Syria! – ‘The best kept secret!’ — “The Syrian people have been fabulous. Everyone has been so friendly, just one-to-one in the streets. They try to help you in any way they can. It really is the best kept secret. So if you get a chance, I think you should try to get out to Syria. It is really one of the most beautiful countries we’ve visited, and I think you will find the same thing” – Sheryl Shard

This is so sad now. If Americans only knew….

I’ve watched about 50 Distant Shores’ episodes: Distant Shores The Sailing Adventure TV Series. The two on Syria were among the most impactful, because they opened my eyes as to how wonderful this country was, before the CIA/Mossad decided to regime-change Assad through ISIS — and would have, but Russia stepped in. Much of the country is now destroyed, including some historical artifacts.

Distant Shores’ other episode on Syria showed city life more than this one, and how modern much of Syria was. With a secular government, all of the people have freedom of religion. Many are ‘Christian.’

This is where the apostle Paul prayed and studied for three years after becoming a Christian. The most accurate New Testament manuscripts are Syrian. It’s rich in history, and we have no business being there.

I transcribed the following:

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@9:45 Paul Shard: “The people are so friendly.”

@18:50 German engineer: [Sheryl Shard: “Do you like it here in Syria?”] “Oh, I like it so much. If you spend 10 years of your life in the country it’s like your home country. [“What is it that you like here? What made you stay here?”] “Especially the loving of the people. The people are so kind here.” [‘We’re finding that too.”]

@22:30 Sheryl Shard: “The Syrian people have been fabulous. Everyone has been so friendly, just one-to-one in the streets. They try to help you in any way they can. It really is the best kept secret. So if you get a chance, I think you should try to get out to Syria. It is really one of the most beautiful countries we’ve visited, and I think you will find the same thing.”

Damascus, Syria – Distant Shores, Travel Channel

(video) No More!

“Brilliant video exposing the lies, the big lies and the monster lies related to Syria.”

– James Fetzer (Facebook)

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No More

(video) EXCLUSIVE: Michael Savage Begs Trump To Stop WWIII

EXCLUSIVE: Michael Savage Begs Trump To Stop WWIII

(video) Ron Paul: After Trump Bombed Syria, Are We All Neocons Now? – “It’s just a CON JOB on the American people”

“It’s just a con job on the American people.” – Ron Paul

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Starts @ Minute-3

After Trump Bombed Syria, Are We All Neocons Now?

New Red Trump Hat: ‘MAKE AMERICA ASHAMED AGAIN’ — “The damage done to America’s reputation and trustworthiness around the world is epic in scale!

“The damage that has been done to America’s reputation and trustworthiness around the world is epic in scale. Everybody now sees the U.S. as this rogue nation that concocts fairy tales about other countries , and then uses them to justify wars of aggression.”

~ Michael Rivero, 4/10/17 on his show, 4 days after Trump bombed Syria based on a false flag

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The Government LIED about Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya – and you think they’re telling the truth about Syria?

The Government LIED about Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya – and you think they’re telling the truth about Syria?

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WikiLeaks: US, Israel, And Saudi Arabia Planned Overthrow Of Syrian Govt. In 2006 — Cables reveal that before the beginning of the Syrian revolt and civil war, the United States hoped to overthrow Assad and create strife between Shiite and Sunni Muslims

WikiLeaks cables reveal that these plans came from the Israeli government, and show that the U.S. government intended to work with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and Egypt to encourage the breakdown of the Assad regime as a way of also weakening Iran and Hezbollah.


Pentagon Trained Syria’s Al Qaeda “Rebels” in the Use of Chemical Weapons — Also acknowledge the existence of a not so secret “US-backed plan to launch a chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime”

The Western media refutes their  own lies.

Not only do they confirm that the Pentagon has been training the terrorists in the use of chemical weapons, they also acknowledge the existence of a not so secret “US-backed plan to launch a chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime” 

London’s Daily Mail in a 2013 article confirmed the existence of an Anglo-American project endorsed by the White House (with the assistance of Qatar) to wage a chemical weapons attack on Syria and place the blame on Bashar Al Assad.


(video) Mike Rivero: Donald Trump is a ‘War Criminal’ – What Really Happened: Friday 4/7/17: (Commercial Free VIDEO)

“We’re always going to see evil in the world because evil people are willing to do things; good people are not.”

– Michael Rivero

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What Really Happened: Michael Rivero (Mike Rivero) Friday 4/7/17: (Commercial Free VIDEO)

(video) USS Ross Launches Tomahawk Strike on Syrian Air Base — Another reverse-Christian regime change

This breaks my heart! Is so wrong! More innocent blood on our hands! We are the Devil!


(detailed video!) Syrian Rebels Behind Sarin Gas Attack — The media is again blaming the Syrian President Assad for gassing innocent civilians. Remember the 2013 gas attack that was meant to justify putting boots on the ground. Eren Erdem exposed this sinister plot by ISIS and Turkey to blame Syria. Now the famed White Helmets are working with the Syrian Rebels in what appears to be another blame game gas attack

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Thursday night the United States launched 59 tomahawk cruise missiles from the U.S. Navy warships USS Porter and USS Ross at a Syrian airbase located at Shayrat. The Trump administration believes that the base was the origination of the chemical gas attack which killed over 70 civilians. This is President Trump’s first major military action. (source)

USS Ross Launches Tomahawk Strike on Syrian Air Base

Christopher Bollyn: Why are we bombing Mosul? — THE YINON PLAN: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East


(video) A US SOLDIER SPEAKING THE TRUTH! STOP THE WAR AGAINST ISLAM! — "I tried hard to be proud of my service, but all I could feel is shame. And racism could no longer mask the reality of the occupation. These were people. These were human beings. I've since been plagued by guilt anytime I see…." – Iraq Veteran Mike Prysner

Video of Iraq Veteran Mike Prysner’s entire speech is beneath this one.
And people wonder why all the PTSD and veteran suicides. These wars are all deeply reverse-Christian!
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“When soldiers discover how they were cheated into war they become the most articulate champions of peace.” – Christopher Bollyn (in his introduction this video on Facebook)

“I tried hard to be proud of my service, but all I could feel is shame. And racism could no longer mask the reality of the occupation. These were people. These were human beings. I’ve since been plagued by guilt anytime I see….” – Iraq Veteran Mike Prysner

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Uploaded on Feb 20, 2010

If a person finds god….he finds the truth……
So i pretty much think that God had something to do with opening this young man’s heart/eyes….
Truth of the matter is…This war against the islam is a fraud, its blood for oil, the expansion of the one nation with more then thousand military bases spread around the world working together with a group of selfish family’s who think they have the right that we dont have…..the freedom to choose our destiny and our future……many might see this as a joke….as a ”conspiracy theorie”…..but the signs are getting clearer every day….the economy, the expansion of wars, the drones, the union’s, the fake left/right paradygm…..My full respects to this young man who spoke out against this fraud….

Mike Prysner Full Speech 2008 Winter Soldier in Maryland

(video) Damascus condemns UN silence on US “massacres” in Syria

Damascus condemns UN silence on “massacres”

Paul Craig Roberts: “Our Western Values” No Longer Exist


“Our Western Values” No Longer Exist

Paul Craig Roberts

Let’s be honest. The US attack on Mosul, Iraq, is not an attack on ISIS. It it a repeat of Israel’s operation Cast Lead in Gaza. The purpose is to kill as many Muslims for Israel as possible. Here is the evidence:

Remember, the reason ISIS is in Iraq and Syria is that the US equipped ISIS and sent ISIS to overthrow Assad when the British Parliament and the Russian government blocked Obama’s planned invasion of Syria. ISIS is Washington’s creation, just as is Al Qaeda.

Entire Article

Michael Rivero: US Regime Change Wars are Illegal: "Nowhere is a country allowed under any kind of international law or the UN charter to decide what government another nation will have. Everyone has a right to self determination. Everyone has a right to choose the government they want to have. This label: 'the internationally approved government' is a hoax. It's a fraud. It's to try and make it look like there is some legitimacy to this imposed, puppet-ruler government that is being forced upon the people of Yemen at the point of a bayonet. There is no legal justification for it whatsoever" — What Really Happened Show, Tuesday 3/28/17 (Commercial Free VIDEO)

“Nowhere is a country allowed under any kind of international law or the UN charter to decide what government another nation will have. … Everyone has a right to self determination. Everyone has a right to choose the government they want to have. This label: ‘the internationally approved government’ is a hoax. It’s a fraud. It’s to try and make it look like there is some legitimacy to this imposed, puppet-ruler government that is being forced upon the people of Yemen at the point of a bayonet. … There is no legal justification for it whatsoever.” – Michael Rivero

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:

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72 Bombs a Day – How the U.S. Spreads Democracy and Freedom — Dropped a whopping 26,171 bombs in foreign nations • The U.S. is not legally at war with any nation, therefore all of the bombs fell on nations and people which are not engaged in open conflict against the U.S.


Dr. Rand Paul Introduces Tulsi Gabbard’s “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” In Senate

Tag team!!!
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Assad accuses EU, US, Israel of supporting terrorists

Assad is completely correct!
The US, Britain and Israel wear the reverse-Christian, black hat.
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(video) Alison Weir: Palestine & Israel If Americans Knew – NPR & Fox News' extreme bias illustrated • America's regime-changes for Greater Israel

Related: Berkeley event was successful despite efforts against it

Alison Weir Berkeley lecture: 100 Years of Pro-Israel Activism & Trump’s “Muslim Ban”

(video) Molyneux: Why Bombing Hiroshima Was Unjustified | U.S. vs. Japan in World War II

Why Bombing Hiroshima Was Unjustified | U.S. vs. Japan in World War II

(video) Stefan Molyneux: President Trump's "Muslim Ban" | What They Won't Tell You! — "You can only be outraged by these bans if you completely forget that Obama dropped 100,000 bombs on these countries" • "You can't admit military aged young men from countries that you're currently at war with" • "The left is constantly imposing these moral values that they gave a complete get-out-of-jail-free card to Obama for" • "The balkanization of reality, based upon having values you impose upon your enemy and excuse your friends for, is a fundamental, sophist trick of manipulation and destruction"

Quotes by Stefan Molyneux, transcribed by Jeff Fenske:
10:15 You can’t admit people, particularly military aged young men, from countries that you’re currently bombing or at war with.”
12:30 “You can only be outraged by these bans, these restrictions, if you completely forget that Obama dropped 100,000 bombs on these countries.”
12:40 “The left is just constantly imposing these moral values that they gave a complete get-out-of-jail-free card to Obama for, for 8 years.”
13:39 “The balkanization of reality, based upon having values you impose upon your enemy and excuse your friends for, is a fundamental, sophist trick of manipulation and destruction.”

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President Trump’s “Muslim Ban” | What They Won’t Tell You!

(video) Trump's Super Bowl Interview with O'Reilly Ignites Firestorm — What really is making America not great?

My response:
It seems that “Christian” Zionists’ replacement of Jesus’ Greatest Two Commandments with Genesis 12:3: “Bless ‘Israel’ to get blessed” (though the passage actually is referring to Abraham) is a major reason that the people of America are no longer great. Ron Paul was amazed that the evangelicals opposed him because Ron was actually a peacemaker, whom Jesus said his followers would be called in Mt. 5.
Most evangelicals seem to get their marching orders from FOX News, instead of the HOLY Spirit. It looks like they’re trying to push Trump into bombing Iran. And they don’t care about US arming the rebels to overthrow Libya and Syria, and our post-9/11 overt wars too.
The biggest problem in America seems to be that most “Christians” are no longer real Christians, according to what the Bible really says Christians must be.
EVANGELICALS’ LEGACY: Biggest WARMONGERS! – 2005-6 Gallup Poll: Protestants and Frequent Churchgoers Most Supportive of Iraq War — Least supportive are non-Christians and people with no religion 
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Trump’s Super Bowl Interview with O’Reilly Ignites Firestorm

(video) Ron Paul: Iran 'On Notice' – Will Trump Pull The Trigger?

Common sense from Ron!
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Iran ‘On Notice’: Will Trump Pull The Trigger?

(3 min video) Donald Trump's 'Muslim Ban' What You're Not Being Told

Donald Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ What You’re Not Being Told

Chuck Baldwin: Is Donald Trump going to continue the ways of the Bush Republican War Party?

Chuck Baldwin writes on Facebook:

Is Donald Trump going to continue the ways of the Bush Republican War Party?

For all of the good things Trump has done thus far, he has wasted no time in beating the war drums against Iran. The rhetoric of Trump and Mattis and Flynn is eerily similar to the rhetoric of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld back in 2002 & 3.

Iran is being painted as the next Big Bad Wolf that the U.S. must attack in order to “save the world.” But why?

Iran is condemned because Iran-backed Houthi rebels attacked a Saudi warship and Tehran tested a missile. For this, “American lives are at risk.” Really? How so?

The Saudis have been bombing the Houthi rebels and ravaging their country, Yemen, for TWO YEARS. Saudi Arabia is apparently exempt from retaliation from wars it starts. But one act of self-defense by the Yemenese and Donald Trump puts Iran “on notice”– and generals Mattis and Flynn declare it to be America and the world’s greatest threat. Really?

Where is the evidence that Iran even had a role in the Houthi’s attack against the Saudi ship? Plus the UN resolution only forbade Iran from testing nuclear missiles, not conventional ones–which Tehran insists this test was.

Of course, the globalist warmonger Benjamin Netanyahu is cheering Trump on. Perpetual war in the Middle East is Bibi’s best friend.

Is it any coincidence that the Saudi king spoke with Trump on Sunday and then suddenly the Trump administration is beating the war drums against Saudi Arabia’s mortal enemy, Iran? The Sunni Muslim government of Saudi Arabia has long salivated over conquering the Shia Muslim government of Iran.

Trump’s public rhetoric makes a collision with Iran almost inevitable. Did Trump learn NOTHING from G.W. Bush and Barack Obama? An unnecessary and unprovoked war in Iraq. Wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen costing trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives. Not to mention a global harvest of hatred against America that launched Al Qaeda and ISIS. Oh, yes, and there’s also the little matter that Iran and Russia are committed allies.

Trump said he wanted a less-hostile relationship with Putin’s Russia. Well, going to war with Iran is NOT the way to do it.

Perhaps Trump is listening to the advice of the War Party members that he foolishly appointed to his cabinet. (I tried to warn people about these appointments when they occurred–but I didn’t think the bitter fruit of these appointments would ripen in only two weeks after his inauguration) Convincing Trump to go to war with Iran would be a good way to make him a one-term President.

The American people didn’t put Trump in office for him to take the United States into yet another unnecessary and unprovoked Middle Eastern war. But it looks like that is exactly what he is going to do.

Joel Skousen: Trump Versus the Deep State — Trump seems to be totally taken in by the intelligence agency propaganda that “Iran is the biggest sponsor of terror in the world.” Wrong. Iran is the biggest sponsor of fighters trying to counter the US globalist agenda in the Middle East • Saudi Arabia is the best example of a state that depends on the US to maintain its dictatorial power over its people • US is targeting Yemenese who are against the US war to oust Assad

World Affairs Brief, February 3, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
This Week’s Analysis:
Trump Versus the Deep State
Attack on Trump’s Partial Muslim Travel Ban
Background on Neil Gorsuch
Berkeley Protests Against Free Speech on the Right
Brexit Passes Parliament
Republicans Bypass Democratic Confirmation Boycott
CFR Misinforms about China Nukes
As the second week in Donald Trump’s presidency comes to a close, it was inevitable that Trump would run up against some of those elements of the deep state firmly entrenched in government.
Another major story this week was about Trump’s first authorization of a secret US military operation in the Middle East that went badly. Apparently the al Qaeda target of the raid was heavily armed and knew the Navy Seals were coming. As the UK Daily Mail pointed out, some Special Forces people feel the operation was compromised by a leak inside the US government.

An eight-year-old American girl and a SEAL Team Six member have been named after they were killed in President Trump’s first military raid, in which officials have said ‘almost everything went wrong.’ It involved ‘boots on the ground’ at an al Qaeda camp near al Bayda in south central Yemen, officials confirmed in a statement to NBC.

The US involvement in this little known but surrogate war against Yemen is all wrong. The Yemenese government, prior to the war, was a surrogate for the US supplying terrorists in Syria, but the Houti rebels ousted the government, and the US unleashed Saudi Arabia to fight against the rebels in order to reinstall their puppet government. The Saudis have been doing badly in the war and have caused thousands of civilian casualties.
Naturally, military intelligence told Trump and the media that this target was an al Qaeda terrorist camp, but Trump has no way of knowing whether that was true or not. All we really know is that the US is targeting Yemenese who are against the US war to oust Assad.

An official told the news outlet that the raid was directed from a US base in Djibouti. A US official told ABC News that SEAL Team Six members took a Marine MV-22 [Tilt rotor transport aircraft, faster than helicopters]. That source told ABC that with armed drones above, the SEALs got to the compound where they were instantly met with heavy fire – and it was obvious that al Qaeda compound fighters had been expecting the Americans.

Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said Monday there’d been female fighters who ‘ran to pre-established positions as though they had trained to be ready and trained to be combatants and engaged with us’. Chief Special Warfare Operator William ‘Ryan’ Owens, a 36-year-old from Illinois, was killed in a firefight which left three other SEALs hurt, according to the news outlet.

There have to be CIA dark side agents embedded in the military that know all about US backing of terrorists, including ISIS, and are complicit in giving out target data for aircraft and special operations that they know will not really damage ISIS. They are also used to warning ISIS or US-backed al Qaeda terrorists that a strike is imminent, so that pilots think they did damage to a terror facility, but it turned up empty when they arrived. Obviously, US agents don’t talk directly to terrorists lest they know that the US is aiding them. They always direct orders and warnings to terror leaders higher up, so ordinary terrorists never know.
Did this operation mistakenly get leaked, out of habit, or because there is too much confusion going on about real terror versus “false-flag terror.” It must be hard for agents who manage the US part of the war on terror to reliable know which guys down the terror leadership chain of command are “in the know” and which are not. Or, did the deep state just decided to hand Trump a failure on his first try? The only good result of that will be that Trump may be more wary next time of letting the intel guys talk him into such operations.
The bad news on this theme of “Trump vs. the Deep State” is that Trump seems to be totally taken in by the intelligence agency propaganda that “Iran is the biggest sponsor of terror in the world.” Wrong. Iran is the biggest sponsor of fighters trying to counter the US globalist agenda in the Middle East, but the US and British deep state are by far the biggest sponsors of terror, including attacks on Europe and the US, aided in recent decades by their surrogates, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Qatar. It’s complex, and new subscribers are encouraged to use the archives at to find my past briefings backing up those statements.
Don’t get me wrong. The Islamic government of Iran is a problem, especially to its own educated class of people who long for a secular state, but most of its attempts to become self-sufficient in the full range of weapons, including mass destruction, is because they recognize that Iran has been targeted for destruction by western globalists—who don’t want any Muslim state to have their own weapons industry.
The globalists, ever since WWI have always treated Arabs and Muslims as cannon fodder—to be used up in wars of conflict creation and never allowed to rule their own lands without being beholden to the US for protection. Saudi Arabia is the best example of a state that depends on the US to maintain its dictatorial power over its people. No “Arab Spring” uprisings are allowed for Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, or Qatar; only for non-cooperating countries like Egypt, Libya and Syria. Iran’s beef with Israel is that they correctly realize that Israel is run by leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu that are aligned with the globalist NWO.
This week both National Security Advisor Flynn and Trump condemned and threatened Iran for testing a ballistic missile—in contravention of the still unsigned Iran deal. “As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice,” Flynn said, speaking to reporters in the White House briefing and also issuing a written statement. He didn’t specify what “on notice” means, but the globalists know that this is a prelude to war.
This was the whole reason the US pressured Iran into allowing the US to add restrictions on conventional weapons and missiles in the agreement in the last round of negotiations—to make sure the US would have an excuse to attack Iran someday. Technically, there is a clear disagreement on terms here about what the missile restriction in the agreement involves. The US claims it means any missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, and the Iranians say it only restricts missiles with a nuclear warhead—which the tests did not have.
While the Iran “Nuclear” Deal has never been signed by Iran or the US, the US did get it implemented into a UN Security Council resolution, with the stipulation that any violation of the agreement would allow the UN to automatically authorize a military response from member nations. Trump and Flynn are falling into this very carefully crafted globalist trap set for Iran.
As I have pointed out in prior briefings, the entire purpose of going after Syria was because the Israelis were demanding it as a prior condition to their initiating an attack on Iran. They were afraid that in a war with Iran, Syria would have the most retaliatory power against Israel, being right next door and having hundreds of missiles and chemical warheads. Now that Russia has essentially blocked the fall of Assad in Syria, it appears the US globalists may try to push Trump into attacking Iran even though Syria is not yet out of the way.
I think the globalists think that Syria is now so tied up fighting US-backed rebels that they couldn’t pose a retaliatory threat to Israel, so the attack plans are back on. And this nuclear deal will be the issue that triggers it. Too bad Trump doesn’t see how he is being manipulated into another globalist war, despite his desire not to intervene in other country’s affairs. Once again, I still don’t think this will escalate into a nuclear world war, even if the US and Israel do attack Iran. It would stay regional, and I don’t believe the Russians would get involved to save Iran if it meant direct combat with the US. Russia isn’t ready for that yet.

Iran Headlines from — Neocon Donald Trump? [I hope not, but doesn't look good]


Trump – Nothing Off the Table’ On Iran – A Nuke War
For IsraHell ?…The Most Racist Nation On Earth

Israel Worried Over Iran’s Missile Test – Right…
Israel Is The World’s 4th Nuclear Power On Earth

WH Puts Iran On Notice Over Its Legit Missile Tests

Defiant Iran Slams Trump – We Won’t Yield To Threats

Iran Tests Nuclear Capable Cruise Missile 

Iran Just Officially Ditched The Dollar

Oil Prices Jump As Trump Threatens Iran
Another War For The Jews Coming?

White House Issues Unprecedented Warning To Iran

National Security Boss Flynn Warns Iran

Iran Confirms Missile Test, Spurns Foreign Intervention

Iran To Ditch Dollar As Anger Builds Over Trump Ban

Saudi (Terror) King, Trump Talk On Iran And Fighting Terror

Iran Defies Globalist UN, Tests Ballistic Missile 

Neocon Congress Wants Preemptive War On Iran

Apple Starts Removing Iranian Apps

UK to Lead Joint War Games In Persian
Gulf Simulating Conflict With Iran

Iran – 1st Herbal Medicine For Alzheimer’s Treatment

Iran Vows Retaliation For Trump Banning Iranian Entry To US


(video) General Flynn Puts Iran on Notice After Yemeni Strike on Saudis — Many Americans do not even know it, but the USA is currently in a de facto war with Yemen. Yemen is the Gulf nation that is known for having had Blackwater Mercenaries slaughter civilians while posing as native Yemenis. When the Sunni Saudi puppet regime in Yemen fell, the Houthis took power. They are aligned with Iran • Saudi Arabia responded by viciously attacking Yemen in an unprovoked war. The United States is providing military weapons, logistical support, Navy support and air refueling services for the Saudi air force as they conduct their campaign against the Yemeni people

❤ PJ #2 Trump / Mike Flynn Puts Iran on Notice After Yemeni Strike on Saudis

Pre-Emptive Attack Iran Bill Active in US House

Horrible! Donald doesn’t seem to understand the Greater Israel Plan (which is also taking out countries that would oppose the NWO government), and is being influenced by the reverse-Christian, “Christian” Zionists. He could easily pull the trigger, murdering more in Jesus’ name — as Jesus weeps.
“It specifically authorizes the president to launch a pre-emptive war on Iran at any time of his choosing and without any further Congressional oversight or input.”

Article from The Ron Paul Institute

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