Freedom from Alaska!

Month: January 2013 Page 2 of 3

Prince Harry’s Mental Problem: Murdering Afghans is Like a Video Game — It's a “joy for me because I’m one of those people who loves playing PlayStation and Xbox,”

We’re just like pawns to the globalists — ‘useless eaters.’
– –
From: Infowars

Prince Harry’s Mental Problem: Murdering Afghans is Like a Video Game

Kurt Nimmo
January 22, 2013

After frolicking naked with a nude nubile in Las Vegas, Captain Harry Wales was sent to Afghanistan to co-pilot an Apache attack helicopter and fight the CIA-created opposition, the Taliban.

The dashing young grandson of the aging monarch Queen Elizabeth and the second son of heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles has since compared killing Afghan insurgents to playing video games.

Taking out officially designated enemies with Hellfire missiles is a “joy for me because I’m one of those people who loves playing PlayStation and Xbox,” Harry told the BBC. “So with my thumbs I like to think I’m probably quite useful.”

Entire Article Here
Prince Philip, In His Own Words: We Need To ‘Cull’ The Surplus Population — In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.

Prince Philip, In His Own Words: We Need To 'Cull' The Surplus Population — In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.

Prince Philip, In His Own Words: We Need To ‘Cull’ The Surplus Population
Prison Planet| June 10 2004

Here is a re-cap of some of the things “HIS ROYAL VIRUS”, Prince Philip has said in public concerning “culling the population”

Reported by Deutsche Press Agentur (DPA), August, 1988.

In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.
Prince Philip, in his Foreward to If I Were an Animal; United Kingdom, Robin Clark Ltd., 1986.
I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist…. I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.
Press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on the occasion of the “Caring for Creation” conference of the North American Conference on Religion and Ecology, May 18, 1990.
It is now apparent that the ecological pragmatism of the so-called pagan religions, such as that of the American Indians, the Polynesians, and the Australian Aborigines, was a great deal more realistic in terms of conservation ethics than the more intellectual monotheistic philosophies of the revealed religions.
Address on Receiving Honorary Degree from the University of Western Ontario, Canada, July 1, 1983.
For example, the World Health Organization Project, designed to eradicate malaria from Sri Lanka in the postwar years, achieved its purpose. But the problem today is that Sri Lanka must feed three times as many mouths, find three times as many jobs, provide three times the housing, energy, schools, hospitals and land for settlement in order to maintain the same standards. Little wonder the natural environment and wildlife in Sri Lanka has suffered. The fact [is] … that the best-intentioned aid programs are at least partially responsible for the problems.
Preface to Down to Earth by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988, p.|8.
I don’t claim to have any special interest in natural history, but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in the number of game animals and the need to adjust the “cull” to the size of the surplus population.
Lecture to the European Council of International Schools. Montreaux, Switzerland, Nov. 14, 1986.
The great difficulty about “life” is that we humans are part of it, and it is therefore almost impossible to study objectively…. It therefore tends to be anthropocentric and gives scant attention to the welfare of all the other life-forms which share this planet with us.
…|When the Bible says that man shall have “dominion” over God’s creation, the choice is between understanding dominion as in “having power over,” or dominion as “having responsibility for.”
“Conflict Between Instinct and Reason”
Fawley Foundation Lecture. Southampton University, Nov. 24, 1967.
The conflict between instinct and reason has reached a critical stage in man’s affairs, largely because the explosion of facts has revealed the instincts for what they are and at the same time it has undermined traditional philosophies and ideologies. The explosion of facts has effectively altered mankind’s physical and intellectual environment and when any environment changes, the process of natural selection is brutal and merciless. “Adapt or die” is as true today as it was in the beginning.
Introduction to “Exploitation of the Natural System” section of Down to Earth by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988.
It took about three and a half billion years for life on earth to reach the state of complexity and diversity that our ancestors knew as recently as 200 years ago. It has only taken industrial and scientific man those 200 years to put at risk the whole of the world’s natural system. It has been estimated that by the year 2000, some 300,000 species of plants and animals will have become extinct, and that the natural economy, upon which all life depends, will have been seriously disrupted.
The paradox is that this will have been achieved with the best possible intentions. The human population must be properly fed, human life must be preserved and human existence must be made safer and more comfortable. All these things are obviously highly desirable, but if their achievement means putting the survival of future generations at risk, then there is a pressing obligation on present generations to apply some measure of self-restraint.
Address to Edinburgh University Union, Nov. 24 1969.
We talk about over- and underdeveloped countries; I think a more exact division might be between underdeveloped and overpopulated. The more people there are, the more industry and more waste and the more sewage there is, and therefore the more pollution.
The Fairfield Osborne Lecture, New York, Oct. 1 1980.
If the world pollution situation is not critical at the moment, it is as certain as anything can be that the situation will become increasingly intolerable within a very short time. The situation can be controlled, and even reversed; but it demands cooperation on a scale and intensity beyond anything achieved so far.
I realize that there are vital causes to be fought for, and I sympathize with people who work up a passionate concern about the all too many examples of inhumanity, injustice, and unfairness; but behind all this hangs a deadly cloud. Still largely unnoticed and unrecognized, the process of destroying our natural environment is gathering speed and momentum. If we fail to cope with the challenge, the other problems will pale into insignificance.
Introduction to “The Population Factor” section of Down to Earth by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988.
What has been described as the “balance of nature” is simply nature’s system of self-limitation. Fertility and breeding success create the surpluses after allowing for the replacement of the losses. Predation, climatic variation, disease, starvation–and in the case of the inappropriately named Homo sapiens, wars and terrorism–are the principal means by which population numbers are kept under some sort of control.
Viewed dispassionately, it must be obvious that the world’s human population has grown to such a size that it is threatening its own habitat; and it has already succeeded in causing the extinction of large numbers of wild plant and animal species. Some have simply been killed off. Others have quietly disappeared, as their habitats have been taken over or disturbed by human activities.
Humans are the Greatest Threat to Survival
Interview with HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in People Dec. 21, 1981 titled “Vanishing Breeds Worry Prince Philip, But Not as Much as Overpopulation.”
Q: What do you consider the leading threat to the environment?
A: Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We’re in for a major disaster if it isn’t curbed–not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more resources they’ll consume, the more pollution they’ll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.
Address to the Joint Meeting of the All-Party Group on Population and Development and the All-Party Conservation Committee in London, March 11, 1987.
I do believe … that human population pressure–the sheer number of people on this planet–is the single most important cause of the degradation of the natural environment, of the progressive extinction of wild species of plants and animals, and of the destabilization of the world’s climatic and atmospheric systems.
The simple fact is that the human population of the world is consuming natural renewable resources faster than it can regenerate, and the process of exploitation is causing even further damage. If this is already happening with a population of 4 billion, I ask you to imagine what things will be like when the population reaches six and then 10 billion…. All this has been made possible by the industrial revolution and the scientific explosion and it is spread around the world by the new economic religion of development.
Address at the Salford University Degree Ceremony, July 16, 1973.
There may be disagreements about the time scale, but in principle there can be little doubt that the population cannot go on increasing indefinitely. Resources presently being used will not last for ever and pollution in its broadest sense, unless severely checked, is bound to increase with population and industrial activity.
Address to All-Party Conservation Committee in London, Feb. 18, 1981.
I suspect that the single most important gift of progress to conservation has been the development of human contraception techniques.
The survival of the “most important”
Interview with HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in People magazine, Dec. 21, 1981 titled “Vanishing Breeds Worry Prince Philip, But Not as Much as Overpopulation.
Q: Is birth control part of the solution?
A: Yes, but you can’t legislate these problems away. You’ve got to get people to understand the need for it: the more important people, the ones who have responsibilities have got to do it because they’re at the receiving end. They’ve got to accept the measures.
The Chancellor’s Lecture, Salford University, June 4, 1982.
As long ago as 1798, Malthus explained what happens when the factors limiting the increase in any population are removed. One of the factors noticed by Darwin was that all species are capable of producing vastly greater populations than can be sustained by existing resources; populations did not increase at the rate at which they are capable was the basis for his theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.
The relevance to natural selection of this capacity for overproduction is that as each individual is slightly different to all the others it is probable that under natural conditions those individuals which happen to be best adapted to the prevailing circumstances have a better chance of survival. Well, so what? Well, take a look at the figures for the human population of this world. One hundred fifty years ago it stood at about 1,000 million or in common parlance today, 1 billion. It then took about a 100 years to double to 2 billion. It took 30 years to add the third billion and 15 years to reach today’s total of 4.4 billion. With a present world average rate of growth of 1.8%, the total population by the year 2000 will have increased to an estimated 6 billion and in that and in subsequent years 100 million people will be added to the world population each year. In fact it could be as much as 16 billion by 2045. As a consequence the demand on resources of land alone will mean a third less farm land available and the destruction of half of the present area of productive tropical forest. Bearing in mind the constant reduction of non-renewable resources, there is a strong possibility of growing scarcity and reduction of standards. More people consume more resources. It is as simple as that; and transferring resources and standards from the richer to the poorer countries can only have a marginal effect in the face of this massive increase in the world population.
Speech at the Margaret Pyke Memorial Trust Dinner in London, Dec. 14 1983.
So long as they [birth control methods] … remained taboo subjects the chances of making any impression on the human population explosion were that much more remote.
In the introduction to the IUCN Red Data Books which list all animals and plants under threat of extinction, it says that virtually everywhere the major threat to a wild species is loss of habitat to a rapidly increasing human population requiring more space in order to build villages and cities and grow more food. But starvation and poverty cannot be eradicated solely by increased food and resources at the expense of what remains of the natural world. Any increase in the provision of food and resources must be accompanied by a drastic reduction in the rate of increase in the human population.
Address on Receiving Honorary Degree from the University of Western Ontario, Canada, July 1, 1983.
The industrial revolution sparked the scientific revolution and brought in its wake better public hygiene, better medical care and yet more efficient agriculture. The consequence was a population explosion which still continues today.
The sad fact is that, instead of the same number of people being very much better off, more than twice as many people are just as badly off as they were before. Unfortunately all this well-intentioned development has resulted in an ecological disaster of immense proportions.
The Chancellor’s Lecture, Salford University, June 4, 1982.
The object of the WWF is to “conserve” the system as a whole; not to prevent the killing of individual animals. Those who are concerned about their conservation of nature accept that all species are prey to some other species. They accept that most species produce a surplus that is capable of being culled without in any way threatening the survival of the species as a whole.
A Question of Balance by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Michael Russel (Publishing) Ltd., 1982.
It is curious how many philosophers from Plato to Keynes’ time have believed in and advocated the control of society by “philosopher kings.” According to Plato, “its kings must be those who have shown the greatest ability in philosophy,” but–realistically–he added, “and the greatest aptitude for war.” Such people may exist in the imagination and occasionally someone with the necessary qualities may briefly dominate the stage of history, but it is a naive appreciation of human nature to imagine that such processed paragons can be invested with the necessary powers and not be tempted to take advantage of their situation.

Devvy Kidd: Influence of the Sex Machine (TV) on American Culture — "You've come a long way, baby." The filth used to be confined to porn channels like HBO… Now, it's the 'big three' (ABC, CBS, NBC) and all the other…

From: News with Views


By: Devvy
January 19, 2013

Many can remember the ad with the slogan, “You’ve come a long way, baby.”

America’s culture has come a long way since the 60s. For decades it has resembled a filthy sewer and shows no signs of returning to decency. Children are being sexualized with markets targeting little girls as young as kindergarten age. Cable television (which includes ABC, CBS, NBC) has become nothing more than a purveyor of soft porn. Sexual imagery is everywhere. The filth used to be confined to porn channels like HBO, Cinemax and others which I have never had in my home. Now, it’s the ‘big three’ (ABC, CBS, NBC) and all the other networks that consistently pump sin and sex into households every night of the week.

I always wonder how any parent can allow their child or teen to watch what’s offered up by the stupid tube? I suppose it’s actually rather simple. Yesterday’s children and teens become parents. They also sat in front of the sex machine (TV) and apparently see nothing wrong with their children being indoctrinated into the world of sex and sin at 10 or 12. Is it any wonder preteens and teens get pregnant? Those teen mothers grow up and have teens that get pregnant. It’s a vicious cycle that has brought horrible consequences for girls and boys right through adult hood.


For those unfamiliar with the communist goals exposed so long ago, here is a refresher:

Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 – January 10, 1963 Current Communist Goals
Extension of Remarks of Hon. A.S. Herlong, Jr., of the Florida in the House of Representatives

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

Communism cannot flourish in a country where God is of paramount importance in people’s lives. The way it was from the first pilgrims. The Communist International has never wavered in its commitment to bring down these united States of America. From the same list above:

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

Entire Article Here
The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated
The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy
[Lust FREEDOM — “The Poison that Kills the Soul”] My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — The bad news is that demons drive lust. The good news is that demons drive lust, because…

25 Signs American Women Are Being Destroyed By The Sexual Revolution And Our Promiscuous Culture — The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate on the entire planet!

25 Signs American Women Are Being Destroyed By The Sexual Revolution And Our Promiscuous Culture

Michael Snyder
American Dream
Jan 22, 2013

Has the sexual revolution been good for American women?  Not at all.  In fact, when you look at the facts it becomes clear that the sexual revolution has been an absolute disaster for American women.  In the United States today, men have been trained to primarily view women as sex objects, and our culture has become exceedingly promiscuous.  As a result, the United States leads the world in teen pregnancy, there are 19 million new STD infections every single year, more than half of all children born to women under the age of 30 are being born out of wedlock and we are witnessing the systematic breakdown of the family unit in America.  And yet anyone that tries to teach our young women that they should dress modestly and keep themselves pure for marriage is severely criticized.  Well, if all Americans actually did keep themselves pure until marriage, we wouldn’t have nearly the problems with STDs, teen pregnancy and abortion that we do today.  The consequences of teaching our young women that they should be “free” to run around and sleep with a whole bunch of different men have been dramatic.  The following are 25 signs that American women are being destroyed by the sexual revolution and our promiscuous culture…

#1 There are 19 million new STD infections in the United States every single year.  Approximately half of them happen to young people in the 15 to 24-year-old age bracket.

#2 It costs the U.S. health care system approximately $17,000,000,000 every single year to treat sexually transmitted diseases.

#3 There were more than 1.4 million cases of chlamydia reported in the United States in 2011.  An astounding 33 percent of those cases involved Americans that were younger than 20 years of age.

#4 It is estimated that about one out of every six Americans between the ages of 14 and 49 have genital herpes.

#5 24,000 American women become infertile each year due to undiagnosed STDs.

#6 In the United States today, approximately 47 percent of all high school students have had sex.

#7 Sadly, one out of every four teen girls in the U.S. has at least one sexually transmitted disease.

#8 According to one survey, 24 percent of all U.S. teens that have STDs say that they still have unprotected sex.

#9 Amazingly, one out of every five teen girls in the U.S. actually wants to be a teenage mother.

#10 If you can believe it, the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate on the entire planet.  In fact, the United States has a teen pregnancy rate that is more than twice as high as Canada, more than three times as high as France and more than seven times as high as Japan.

#11 When men don’t have to wait until they get married to have sex, then they are likely to delay marriage or never get married at all.  According to the Pew Research Center, only 51 percent of all Americans that are at least 18 years old are currently married.  Back in 1960, 72 percent of all U.S. adults were married.

#12 Today, an all-time low 44.2 percent of all Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 are married.

#13 In the United States today, more than half of all couples “move in together” before they get married.

#14 The divorce rate for couples that live together first is significantly higherthan for those that do not.

#15 America has the highest divorce rate on the globe by a wide margin.

#16 For women under the age of 30 living in the United States today, more than half of all babies are being born out of wedlock.

#17 At this point, more than one out of every four children in the United States is being raised by a single parent.

#18 Approximately 42 percent of all single mothers in the United States are on food stamps.

#19 The sexual revolution has caused women to be primarily looked at as sex objects.  In this kind of environment, it should be no surprise that there has been an absolute explosion of pornography in recent years.  An astounding 30 percent of all Internet traffic now goes to pornography websites, and the U.S. produces more pornography than any other nation has in the history of the world.

#20 One survey discovered that 25 percent of all employees that have Internet access in America visit sex websites while they are at work.

#21 Overall, more than 50 million babies have been killed in America since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.

#22 When you total up all forms of abortion, including those caused by the abortion drug RU 486, the grand total comes to more than a million abortionsperformed in the United States every single year.

#23 The number of American babies killed by abortion each year is roughly equal to the number of U.S. military deaths that have occurred in all of the wars that the United States has ever been involved in combined.

#24 It has been reported that a staggering 41 percent of all New York City pregnancies end in abortion.

#25 One study found that 86 percent of all abortions are done for the sake of convenience.

Entire Article Here
The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated
The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

[FreedomQuotes Video] Proof: The Founders Wanted Americans Armed

“Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property… Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them.–Thomas Paine

“Those now possessing weapons and ammunition are at once to turn them over to the local police authority. Firearms and ammunition found in a Jew’s possession will be forfeited to the government without compensation. Whoever willfully or negligently violates the provisions will be punished with imprisonment and a fine.” – Nazi Law (Regulations Against Jews’ Possession of Weapons), 1938

“If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.” – Joseph Stalin

“The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.”
– Noah Webster, “An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution (1787)

* * *

Proof: The Founders Wanted Americans Armed

The 2nd Amendment is in place to discourage dictators and protect the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Aaron Dykes
January 22, 2012
The Founding Fathers agree: an armed population makes good government. Numerous quotes from the revolutionary era make their intent extremely clear — that individuals were meant to keep and bear arms for the protection of the country and the defense of its Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Proof: The Founders Wanted Americans Armed
The Preamble to the Bill of Rights explicitly states that these amendments to the Constitution were put in place to restrain the federal government and discourage abuse. Ratified Dec. 15, 1791, it reads:
“THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
Meanwhile, history has shown that disarmed populations and dictators always go hand in hand, with abusers and seekers of power preferring a people unable to stand up for their rights and easy to trample and dominate.
Our birthright as Americans is at stake: if we don’t stand up to defend the 2nd Amendment, we stand to let all our other precious rights slip away, from freedom of speech on down.
“One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.” – Joseph Stalin
“If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” – Anonymous American adage
“The Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms.”
– Samuel Adams

“Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man gainst his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American…” – Tench Coxe 1788
“The Constitution preserves “the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation…(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.” – James Madison, The Federalist, No. 46
“Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.” – Joseph Stalin
“In earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski
“Death solves all problems – no man, no problem.” – Joseph Stalin
“Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” – Joseph Stalin
“The only real power comes out of a long rifle.” – Joseph Stalin
“The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed.”
– Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers
“Those now possessing weapons and ammunition are at once to turn them over to the local police authority. Firearms and ammunition found in a Jew’s possession will be forfeited to the government without compensation. Whoever willfully or negligently violates the provisions will be punished with imprisonment and a fine.” – Nazi Law (Regulations Against Jews’ Possession of Weapons), 1938
“Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property… Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them.
–Thomas Paine
“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.” – Thomas Paine
“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” – Thomas Jefferson
“Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who didn’t.
– Ben Franklin
“If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.” – Joseph Stalin
“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.” – Thomas Jefferson
“A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.” – George Washington
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined…The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun.”
– Patrick Henry

“Are we at last brought to such an humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our own defense?” – Patrick Henry
“The right of the people to keep and bear…arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country…”
–James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434 (June 8, 1789)

“(The Constitution preserves) the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation…(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.” –James Madison
“If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government…” – Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist (#28)
“To disarm the people is the best and most effective way to enslave them.” – George Mason
“The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.”
– Noah Webster, “An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution (1787)
“A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate.” –Thomas Jefferson, Rights of British America, 1774
“The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. And while a single nation refuses to lay them down, it is proper that all should keep them up. Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them; for while avarice and ambition have a place in the heart of man, the weak will become a prey to the strong.” – Thomas Paine, “Thoughts on Defensive War”, July, 1775
“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” – Mao Zedong, “Problems of War and Strategy”, 1938
“To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.” – Richard Henry Lee, 1778
“The right of citizens to bear arms is just one more guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proved to be always possible.” – Hubert Humphrey, “Know Your Lawmakers”, Guns magazine, February 1960
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.” – Adolf Hitler, April 1942
“If gun laws in fact worked, the sponsors of this type of legislation should have no difficulty drawing upon long lists of examples of crime rates reduced by such legislation. That they cannot do so after a century and a half of trying — that they must sweep under the rug the southern attempts at gun control in the 1870-1910 period, the northeastern attempts in the 1920-1939 period, the attempts at both Federal and State levels in 1965-1976 — establishes the repeated, complete and inevitable failure of gun laws to control serious crime.” – Orrin Hatch, “The Right to Keep and Bear Arms”
“After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.” – William S. Burroughs, 1991
“The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.”
– George Washington
“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” – The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution

[7-minute video] Psychiatry's Stranglehold On Society

[youtube=]Psychiatry: The True Shadow Government – Ron Paul in VIDEO YOU HAVE NOT SEEN!

Published on Jul 23, 2012

Please Visit and SHARE our PAGE: Connect the blots…
It takes corrupt minds to establish a Federal Reserve, to execute a Holocaust, to forward racism propaganda from past to present, to call for mandatory mental screening and mass psychiatric “medicating” of a society. All the while, running the show through mass-media-mind-programming geared towards unawareness and quite frankly… slavery. Who corrupts these minds? Who whispers in the ears of the “world elite” while hiding behind pillars in the halls of your nation’s capitol?

Find out more about psychiatry’s strangle hold of society, Their agenda to target America and thus continue their dominance and control over world governments and all sectors of society. They run the whole damn show!
Connect the blots…

This video is a chapter from the full length video Psychiatry: An Industry of Death produced by CCHR is the worlds leading watchdog on mental health. Please also visit find out what you can do to help stop this madness.

[video] Mike Adams (The Health Ranger) talks about his background

Mike talks about his background at minute-5:30[]King Obama’s 2nd Reign as Dictator Begins

Published on Jan 21, 2013

Mike follows up on last week’s heated pro-Second Amendment developments in the wake of Obama’s support for radical anti-Second Amendment legislation and his unconstitutional signing of numerous anti-firearms executive actions.

Catholic 'Church' Wants to Ban All Guns: "The production, commerce and contraband of ALL types of arms"


Vatican Welcomes Obama Gun Control Proposal

VATICAN CITY — The Vatican praised President Barack Obama’s proposals for curbing gun violence, saying they are a “step in a right direction.”

The Vatican’s chief spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Saturday that 47 religious leaders have appealed to members of the U.S. Congress “to limit firearms that are making society pay an unacceptable price in terms of massacres and senseless deaths.”

“I am with them,” Lombardi said, in an editorial carried on Vatican Radio, lining up the Vatican’s moral support in favor of firearm limits.

`’The initiatives announced by the American administration for limiting and controlling the spread and use of weapons are certainly a step in the right direction,” Lombardi said. …

Lombardi renewed Vatican appeals for disarmament and encouragement for measures to fight “the production, commerce and contraband of all types of arms,” an industry fueled by `’enormous economic and power interests.”

Entire Article Here

Captain Kirk’s Predecessor: Star Trek Was RAND Corporation Predictive Programming

Captain Kirk’s Predecessor: Star Trek Was RAND Corporation Predictive Programming

Jurriaan Maessen
January 21, 2013

In a rare and recently unearthed interview from 1965, the actor who preceded William Shatner as first captain of the Enterprise, stated that the series was based on the RAND Corporation’s “projection of things to come”.

Actor Jeffrey Hunter, who played captain Christopher Pike in the Star Trek pilot “The Cage” told a Hollywood columnist in January of ’65 that he hoped the pilot-episode would be picked up as a series because he was intrigued by the fact that the series was based on the RAND corporation’s “projection of things to come.” …

“The things that intrigues me the most”, Hunter said, “is that it is actually based on the Rand Corporation’s projection of things to come. Except for the fictional characters, it will be like getting a look into the future and some of the predictions will surely come true in our lifetime.”…


Harvey Lynn’s role as a “technical adviser” is only part of this story. Notions such as “world government”, and a “federation of planets” are of course embedded within the series, as Gene Roddenberry’s vision was oriented towards a global society striving for “peace”. Of course to get his project launched, Roddenberry had to tolerate certain alterations and adjustments on the insistence of his benefactors. In retrospect it’s perfectly understandable that intelligence agencies had a more than average interest in the series. What better way to gradually introduce people to the concept of world government as a natural step in the evolution of things than through science-fiction. After all, the genre provides screenwriters a key to imaginative Valhalla- at the same time allowing RAND’s social engineers the perfect format for weaving its desired world government patterns into.

As Daniel Brandt wrote in his article Philanthropists at War, the interlocking system of “foundations” and think tanks after WWII were part of the push by central banks to establish, by stealth, a one world government. And this global system of control, as Carroll Quigley brought to light in his Tragedy and Hope, would not be some idealized “let’s all come together in peace” sort of political utopia. Rather this thousand-headed creature was forced into being and controlled by the major central banks on the planet acting in concert. Quigley, by the way, described the RAND corporation as “a private research and development firm, under contract to the United States Air Force.” Brandt wrote:

“Covert foreign policy became the standard mode of operation after World War II, which was also when Ford Foundation became a major player for the first time. The institute most involved in classified research was Rand Corporation, set up by the Air Force in 1948. The interlocks between the trustees at Rand, and the Ford, Rockefeller, and Carnegie foundations were so numerous that the Reece Committee listed them in its report (two each for Carnegie and Rockefeller, and three for Ford). Ford gave one million dollars to Rand in 1952 alone, at a time when the chairman of Rand was simultaneously the president of Ford Foundation.”

The involvement of RAND in Star Trek is presumably far from an isolated experiment. In a July 26 2011 article by Daniel Taylor of Oldthinkernews, the author writes about a trailer for the video game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, getting the people ready for a transhumanist future in which man merges with machine.Taylor points to a report prepared by RAND for the National Intelligence Council titled The Global Technology Revolution. In this 2001 report these themes are outlined as “possibilities”. These “possibilities” then magically find their way into fictional formats such as movies and video-games.

Entire Article Here

Dr. Ann Blake Tracy: The “HITLER SYNDROME” (overconfidence in ones own policies or decisions, no fear of consequences, criminal behavior, death of people close to the abuser as the preferred method of solving problems in the abusers life, coldness and lack of humanity). Antidepressants cause distorted thinking, abnormal behavior, and LOSS OF MORALITY to spread like a contagion.

Related: ‘Emotional Blunting’ & Antidepressants: Blunting All Feelings to Blunt Depression – Studies • An emotional inertness in which you are neither able to cry nor share a real belly laugh • Feeling distant or detached • Feeling less empathy for others

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(Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Luvox, Celexa,
Effexor, Sel7one, Remeron, Anafranil,
Deseryl, Meridia, P/len-Pen, RedUX, and




PHARMACIST COMMENT: The symptoms I see in patients who abuse serotonergic drugs of any form. ..could aptly be described as the “Hitler syndrome” (overconfidence in ones own policies or decisions, no fear of consequences, criminal behavior, death of people close to the abuser as the preferred method of solving problems in the abusers life, coldness and lack of humanity).

I feel that in twenty years or less we will be confronted not with one Hitler but with thousands or millions… numbers so great that we will be forced to interact with their distorted thinking on a daily basis. (Littleton, CO., Riverton,KS., Jonesboro, AR., eventually little Hitlers in every town in America will grow up into BIG HITLERS) It is happening right now. The most insidious factor about long-term serotonin abuse is that it enhances the individuals persona to the point that they are able to manipulate others into their way of thinking just as Hitler did.

This causes the distorted thinking, abnormal behavior, and loss of morality to spread like a contagion to otherwise normal people who have not even been exposed to the drugs. Those on the drugs are converted by the pharmacologic/physiologic processes into sociopathic demagogues.

From: Coast…

In the latter half of the show, Dr. Ann Blake Tracy talked about the violent side effects of prescription antidepressants. Tracy recalled uncovering a link between Prozac and psychosis. The drug causes hypoglycemia which in turn makes one crave alcohol, she said, noting how the combination of Prozac and drinking can send someone into a psychotic break. SSRI-type antidepressants impair the body’s ability to breakdown serotonin (which many researchers believe plays a role in depression), she explained. According to Tracy, this causes a build-up of serotonin in the brain with affects similar to using hallucinogenic drugs LSD or PCP. Research shows that elevated serotonin is found in cases of schizophrenia, mood disorders, organic brain disease, mental retardation, and autism, she reported, pointing out that even docile rabbits became aggressive when their serotonin levels were raised. Tracy suggested that depression is most often associated with low blood sugar and can in some ways be dealt with by healthy dietary changes.

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Starts at minute-1:19:35

Jan 19 2013 – HAARP, Antidepressants & Violence

Published on Jan 20, 2013

Date: 01-19-13
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Richard C. Hoagland, Dr. Ann Blake Tracy

In the first half of the program, John B. Wells was joined by Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission for a discussion on HAARP and his recent trip to Mexico. In the latter half of the show, Dr. Ann Blake Tracy talked about the violent side effects of prescription antidepressants.

News segment guest: Dan Johnson

Skousen: Anti-Depressants Suppress the Conscience Part of the Brain
Dr. Scott Johnson: Pharmakeia — Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry. “You cannot drug your body into good health.” “Drugs are not going to take the demons away.” “They’ve swept the symptoms under the rug for so long that now they’re a surgical candidate.”
Do anti depressants dull feelings so you are unable to cry anymore or feel much at all? — various opinions …
A warning to all psychiatric drug users — Antipsychotic drugs disturb frontal lobe activity – causing a chemical lobotomy – making emotionally distressed people more submissive and less able to feel!
[ audio ] Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Steve Job’s Cancer & CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE is LIKE a RELIGION — “The NIH, NCI, or American Cancer Society has its TEMPLES, PRIESTHOOD. It has its IRRATIONAL BELIEFS. It has its own SPECIAL LANGUAGE. It has its TOOLS, it has its RITUALS. … The reason Linda McCartney went for a bone marrow transplant is not because she read the data…. It was a FAITH issue. … Conventional doctors can fail and still be considered HEROES. Alternative doctors succeed, and…”
Boot camp kills the conscience so soldiers can do evil without being convicted in their hearts

[audio] Russ Dizdar on 'Coast to Coast AM' 1/17/13: Satanic Ritual Abuse — 4-10 million SRA programmed victims — some are assassins

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Former Chaplain at the University of Akron PD, Russ Dizdar, discussed Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and how many cases of multiple personality disorder are the results of occult programming. Estimates suggest that up to 4-10 million people may have been harmed by this type of abuse, he reported. While there are different brands of Satanism, such as “psycho-Satanism” (practiced by people such as Richard Ramirez), and organizations like the Church of Satan, Dizdar has focused his efforts against an “Underground” cult that is trans-generational and multi-continental. Through bloodlines they might be traced as far back as the Nephilim, but in the modern era, they came out of “the Black Flame” brotherhood/Nazi connection and have many wealthy and elite members, he claimed.

Dizdar said he’s spent 25 years tracking SRA victims both on the spiritual and law enforcement side. The Underground typically starts abusing victims when they are still a child, inflicting them with various traumas, sexual and otherwise, which cause them to disassociate and split into different personalities, he explained, adding that each of these personalities can then be programmed for specific tasks, such as becoming an assassin.

By the age of 13, a victim may have gone through up to a 1,000 different types of rituals, and could have as many as 70-80 sub-personalities programmed into them, speaking 4-5 different languages, he noted. While the main personality is supposed to be amnesiac to the other identities, when they receive a specific trigger this can set off one of the programmed personas, he continued. Regarding the ritual aspect, “the reason they use the demonic energizing is for the power…and supernatural strength behind it,” he remarked. The Underground’s endgame is for globalist rule, and the rise of the Antichrist, said Dizdar.

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Begins at minute-39[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 01.17.2013 – Satanic Ritual Abuse (C2CAM)

Published on Jan 18, 2013

Coast To Coast AM – The Largest Up-to-date Coast to Coast AM Archive is here. The Coast To Coast AM late night talk show hosted by George Noory with Ian Punnett, George Knapp, Richard Hoagland, Rob Simone and John B. Wells are the Coast To Coast AM hosts and will keep you informed late into the night.

To access a huge Coast To Coast AM archive and all the latest daily shows please visit and subscribe to this channel:

Date: 01-17-13
Host: George Noory
Guests: Russ Dizdar, Dr. Peter Breggin

Former Chaplain at the University of Akron PD, Russ Dizdar, discussed Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and how many cases of multiple personality disorder are the results of occult programming. Estimates suggest that up to 4-10 million people may have been harmed by this type of abuse, he reported. While there are different brands of Satanism, such as “psycho-Satanism” (practiced by people such as Richard Ramirez), and organizations like the Church of Satan, Dizdar has focused his efforts against an “Underground” cult that is trans-generational and multi-continental. Through bloodlines they might be traced as far back as the Nephilim, but in the modern era, they came out of “the Black Flame” brotherhood/Nazi connection and have many wealthy and elite members, he claimed.

Dizdar said he’s spent 25 years tracking SRA victims both on the spiritual and law enforcement side. The Underground typically starts abusing victims when they are still a child, inflicting them with various traumas, sexual and otherwise, which cause them to disassociate and split into different personalities, he explained, adding that each of these personalities can then be programmed for specific tasks, such as becoming an assassin. By the age of 13, a victim may have gone through up to a 1,000 different types of rituals, and could have as many as 70-80 sub-personalities programmed into them, speaking 4-5 different languages, he noted.

While the main personality is supposed to be amnesiac to the other identities, when they receive a specific trigger this can set off one of the programmed personas, he continued. Regarding the ritual aspect, “the reason they use the demonic energizing is for the power…and supernatural strength behind it,” he remarked. The Underground’s endgame is for globalist rule, and the rise of the Antichrist, said Dizdar. “In the future, there’s going to be the largest supernaturally-charged transmuted empowered military system ever. There will be a planetary ritualistic release of demonic presence to gather them for the great day,” he warned.
Psychiatric Drugs & Violence

First hour guest, Dr. Peter Breggin talked about the recent shootings and their possible relationship to psychiatric drugs. He lamented that the Obama administration has been pushing psychiatry as part of the effort to make schools safer. But psychiatrists typically prescribe medications to children, which “vastly empowers the drug companies,” and it’s fascistic to rely on psychiatry to police us, he commented. Further, data shows that people on antidepressants are 840% more likely to commit violence than if they were on other types of prescription drugs, he noted, adding that increased aggression and hostility were associated with antidepressants, stimulants, and mood stabilizers.

News segment guests: Greg Hunter, Capt. Kelly Sweeney

[video] Andrew Wakefield: Vaccines Cause Autism

[youtube=]Obama’s Psychiatric Police State

Published on Jan 18, 2013

Mike talks with former surgeon and British medical researcher Andrew Wakefield about the dangers of vaccines.

[3-minute video] Epic Win! TSA to Pull X-Ray Scanners by June

[youtube=]Epic Win! TSA Pulls X-Ray Scanners

Published on Jan 19, 2013

Good news for those who felt Transportation Security Administration officers were getting to know them a little too well. The TSA will soon remove all body scanners that show nearly nude images of people trying to board flights.

The TSA decided to end a $5 million contract with OSI’s Rapiscan Systems unit after it couldn’t meet Congressional demands to make the images less revealing. Rapiscan apparently couldn’t figure out how to make its software show less nakedness while still showing security threats.

“It became clear to TSA they would be unable to meet our timeline,” Karen Shelton Waters, the TSA’s assistant administrator for acquisitions, told Bloomberg. “As a result of that, we terminated the contract for the convenience of the government.”…





Those airport scanners with their all-too revealing body images will soon be going away.

The Transportation Security Administration says the scanners that used a low-dose X-ray will be gone by June because the company that makes them can’t fix the privacy issues. The other airport body scanners, which produce a generic outline instead of a naked image, are staying.

The government rapidly stepped up its use of body scanners after a man snuck explosives onto a flight bound for Detroit on Christmas day in 2009.

At first, both types of scanners showed travelers naked. The idea was that security workers could spot both metallic objects like guns as well as non-metallic items such as plastic explosives. The scanners also showed every other detail of the passenger’s body, too.

The TSA defended the scanners, saying the images couldn’t be stored and were seen only by a security worker who didn’t interact with the passenger. But the scans still raised privacy concerns. Congress ordered that the scanners either produce a more generic image or be removed by June.

Entire Article Here

Investigators: Lance Armstrong Lied to Oprah

From: ABC

Lance Armstrong May Have Lied to Winfrey: Investigators

Jan. 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong may have lied to Oprah Winfrey during his so-called confession Thursday night about his doping during the Tour de France bicycle race, investigators told ABC News today. …

Investigators familiar with Armstrong’s case, however, said today that Armstrong didn’t completely come clean. They say he blatantly lied about when he stopped doping, saying the last time he used the drugs and transfusions was the 2005 race. …

They said today that Armstrong’s blood values at the 2009 race showed clear blood manipulation consistent with two transfusions. Armstrong’s red blood cell count suddenly went up at these points, even though the number of baby red blood cells did not. …

Federal authorities looking to prosecute criminal cases will look back at the “last overt act” in which the crime was committed, they explained. If Armstrong doped in 2005 but not 2009, the statute of limitations may have expired on potential criminal activity.

The sources noted that there is no evidence right now that a criminal investigation will be reopened. Armstrong is facing at least three civil suits.

Entire Article with Videos Here

Joel Skousen: Sandy Hook Massacre: Real or Hoax? — "The Sandy Hook Shooting – Fully Exposed" YouTube video critiqued

I always like to see Joel’s balancing perspective.

[8-minute video] Obama's Blueprint to Destroy the 2nd Amendment Analyzed

[youtube=]Obama’s Blueprint to Destroy the 2nd Amendment Analyzed

Published on Jan 16, 2013

Barack Obama’s bold use of executive orders to ‘take action without Congress’ amounts to an outrageous unconstitutional overreach of powers, and is impeachable action on its face. And Obama isn’t even done; he has vowed to push Congress on a new assault weapons ban along with other legislative restrictions on the guaranteed 2nd Amendment, which “shall not be infringed.”

But worse, the 23 executive orders issued today by Obama make clear that the vast medical bureaucracy centralized under ObamaCare will be used to profile and harass Americans in order to disqualify them for gun ownership based on “mental health” history.

At least 7 of the 23 executive orders relate to mental health reporting that includes “clarifying” the role of doctors and health care providers in “asking their patients about guns in the home,” reporting “threats of violence” to authorities, and screening for “mental health” will create the backbone for a “no buy” list that disbars Constitutional rights from flagged individuals without due process. At least 8 executive orders relate to new rules on background checks and weapons sales & ownership restrictions.

Read more:

[2-minute video] Child Casualties As a Result of U.S. Drone Strikes

[youtube=]Child Casualties As a Result of U.S. Drone Strikes

Published on Dec 1, 2012

U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen have caused the death of 178 children. Accompanying report:…

Drone Strikes Are Causing Child Casualties — 178 So Far

[video] Injured NBA star, Theo Ratliff discovers mineral deficiencies and adds 10 years to his career! — Cartilage can be rebuilt. Bone density can be restored!

Tells his story at minute-14[youtube=]NBA Star Reveals Secrets to Healthy Living

Articles of Impeachment Against Barack Hussein Obama – Filed by Citizen Alexander Emric Jones, January 15, 2013

The only problem is that Joe Biden would then become President, with this a possibility:
My Dream: The Name of the Antichrist Revealed — Joe Biden??
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Citizens File Articles of Impeachment Against Obama

For sedition against the Constitution
Alex Jones
January 15, 2013
“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.
There can no longer be any doubt – the forces of tyranny are running wild across our once great Republic. The time has come for all good men and women to rally to the aid of their country. We have now entered a historic crossroads that will decide the destiny of the United States. Arrogance and corruption has long festered in Washington DC, but the last decade has seen an extreme acceleration of criminal looting and attacks on liberty – every freedom is under sustained assault.
We the People, the rightful masters of this Republic, will either rise up through Congress and the states or we can trade in our birthright of liberty for the chains of a technocratic slavery. Below we list some of the more egregious acts of seditious treason against the Republic of the United States. Anyone who wishes to continue to live in a free country and to pass that birthright on to their children must research this document and then lobby state legislatures and the Congress to do their duty and remove the would-be dictator.
The time has now come for a bill of impeachment to be introduced and debated in Congress. Obama’s crimes are public, and the debate in the House will serve as a court in which to display the tyrannical activities of President Obama and his cohorts. As in the case of Richard Nixon, the exposure of Obama’s crimes may cause him to resign in disgrace. If he does not step down, the full House will then vote to begin the impeachment trial in the US Senate. The time has now come to make your decision – to stand up to evil or get on your knees as a willing slave.
Articles of Impeachment Against Barack Hussein Obama – Filed by Citizen Alexander Emric Jones, January 15, 2013.
– He has clearly communicated his intent to eviscerate the second amendment rights of American citizens by pursuing executive orders to curtail the right to keep and bear arms without congressional authorization and in violation of the second amendment.
Below, Congressman Stockman has pledged to move for impeachment against Obama. I am standing up against Obama right beside him, will you?
“The President’s actions are an existential threat to this nation,” reads a statement by Rep. Steve Stockman. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms is what has kept this nation free and secure for over 200 years. The very purpose of the Second Amendment is to stop the government from disallowing people the means to defend themselves against tyranny. Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible.”
– He has aided America’s enemies, violating his oath, by sending funds to insurgents in Syria who are being commanded by Al-Qaeda terrorists.
– He has violated federal law by overseeing a cover-up surrounding Operation Fast and Furious, the transfer of guns to Mexican drug cartels direct from the federal government.
– He has lied to the American people by overseeing a cover-up of the Benghazi attack which directly led to the deaths of four American citizens. The cover-up has been called “Obama’s Watergate,” yet four months after the incident, no one in the administration has been held accountable.
– He has brazenly undermined the power of Congress by insisting his authority came from the United Nations Security Council prior to the attack on Libya and that Congressional approval was not necessary. “I don’t even have to get to the Constitutional question,” said Obama. This is an act that “constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution,” according to Congressman Walter Jones.
– He has ignored Congressional rejection of the cybersecurity bill and instead indicated he will pursue an unconstitutional executive order.
– He has signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act which includes provisions that permit the abduction and military detention without trial of U.S. citizens, violating Habeas Corpus. Despite Obama claiming he would not use the provisions to incarcerate U.S. citizens, it was his administration that specifically demanded these powers be included in the final NDAA bill.
– He has enacted universal health care mandates that force Americans to buy health insurance, a clear violation of the Constitution in exceeding congressional power to regulate interstate commerce. Obama has also handed outpreferential waivers to corporations friendly to his administration.
– He has declared war on America’s coal industry by promising to bankrupt any company that attempts to build a new coal plant while using unconstitutional EPA regulations to strangle competition, ensuring Americans see their energy costs rise year after year.
– He has violated the Constitution’s Takings and Due Process Clauses when he bullied the secured creditors of automaker Chrysler into accepting 30 cents on the dollar while politically connected labor unions and preferential others received better deals.
– He has violated Article II of the Constitution by using signing statements as part of his executive usurpation of power.
“I will seek to thwart this action by any means necessary, including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment.”
Rep. Steve Stockman, Texas.
For these, and other offenses which constitute high crimes and misdemeanors, including perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming and refusal to obey a lawful order, we call for the immediate impeachment of Barack H. Obama.

[5-minute video] The Obama Phone Lady Wakes Up

This was an amazing 24-hour transformation. I would have posted more, but the videos suffer from the low-cut top epidemic.
Guys gotta be careful!
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[youtube=]The Obama Phone Lady Wakes Up


Published on Jan 15, 2013

During an unprecedented interview, Alex talked to one of the most visible supporters of Obama during the 2012 presidential campaign, the Obama phone lady. The Obama phone lady, Michelle Dowery, who in her video notoriously says “all minorities in Cleveland gets an Obama phone!” came to represent America’s increasing dependancy on government. Well, after only one hour talking about politics and life with Alex Jones – The Obama phone lady had serious change in heart.

[2-minute video] Obama Phone Lady Comes To Texas

[2-minute video] Obama Phone Lady Comes To Texas

[youtube=]Obama Phone Lady Comes To Texas

Published on Jan 13, 2013

Join Alex today on The Alex Jones Show as we have in studio live the Obama Phone Lady.
11am to 2pm Central on radio or streamed live at
Only 39.95 for a year membership

John B. Wells on Coast to Coast AM 1/12/13: Where are the men? Why are so few men questioning…??

John wonders why so few men are questioning what is going on at
minute 8 and 2hr 11min

He also talks about Russia/China threat at 2hr 8min

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[youtube=]Jan 11 2013 – Unscreened Open Lines

Published on Jan 12, 2013

Date: 01-11-13
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Open Lines

Fritz Springmeier: It's our turn now to leave our comfort zones and suffer. What will serve us best: Fear or Faith? Let us be strong and of good courage. “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.”

From: Fritz Springmeier’s Facebook page

Passing on a spiritual message. Christ’s words years ago are alive today, “Why are you so fearful? How is it you have no faith?”

FEAR and FAITH are OPPOSITES. It’s why His people are told to go forward “strong and with good courage”. (For instance, chapter 31 of DT says this 3 times and the first chapter of Joshua says it 4 times.)

I’m often asked, “How does one deal with the New World Order?” Faith overcomes the world, and by extension the World Order (NWO). Faith in contrast with fear. As it is written in prophecy, “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer.” REV 2:10. Now why do we all need to have these repeated?

Well, there is no doubt that struggles and pain face us. (Christ told me I’d get to suffer with everyone in order to empathize, so I have been richly blessed with empathy.) The storms will come; and what will serve us best? Fear or faith? You know already…and if you were a child, you’d want parents to take you thru the storm who were strong and of good courage.

This is why Churchill’s [actually FDR – editor] words were so inspirational, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.”

I think of Moses being asked to leave his comfort and freedom to face a cruel powerful man who delusionally believed he deserved worship as god. I think of my forefathers who left comfort to create farms out of the dusty hot prairie wastes of Kansas.

It’s our turn my friends, let us be strong and of good courage.

Strange Blasphemy at Walmart: The 'Sam Pledge' – Praying to a Dead Man — "From this day forward, every customer that comes within 10 feet of me, I'm going to look him in the eye, I'm going to smile, I'm going to greet him with 'What can I do for you?' — SO HELP ME SAM!"

I just watched a documentary on Walmart, in which they showed a large group of the ‘associates’ all reciting the ‘Sam Pledge’ out loud — “so help me Sam” (deceased 1992).
Replacing the name of God with a dead man’s in their carefully crafted employee pledge…
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Samuel Moore “Sam” Walton (March 29, 1918 – April 5, 1992) was an American businessman and entrepreneur born in Kingfisher, Oklahoma best known for founding the retailers Walmart and Sam’s Club.


Wal-Mart’s Walton stresses team play


The “Sam Pledge,” which Walton has recited hundreds of times to associates, reads in part, “From this day forward, every customer that comes within 10 feet of me . . . I’m going to look him in the eye, I’m going to smile . . . I’m going to greet him with ‘What can I do for you?’ — so help me Sam!”

[6-minute video] Ted the Terrible — Ted Turner, founder of CNN wants to reduce the world's population by 95%. Less people means more resources for them.

Ted Turner, Prince Philip, Jaques Cousteau, Thomas Malthus want to reduce the population of the planet in their time because we are using too much “stuff” as Ted Turner puts it. Look at the Georgia Guidestones commandment for us written in stone. Saving The Earth is far more important than saving the lives of the Useless Eaters living on it. If there were less people on the Earth there would be more resources for the rest of us …. who are more important. Read between the lines here. Some people believe this and would carry out the Final “Solution” to the Population Problem, Pollution Problem, and Scarce Resources Problem. When there are a lot less people….there are more resources to go around and less pollution! This is their thinking.

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[youtube=]Ted the Terrible – Malthusian Ted Turner – Anthony J Hilder


Uploaded on Jul 28, 2011

Ted Turner, Prince Philip, Jaques Cousteau, Thomas Malthus want to reduce the population of the planet in their time because we are using too much “stuff” as Ted Turner puts it. Look at the Georgia Guidestones commandment for us written in stone. Saving The Earth is far more important than saving the lives of the Useless Eaters living on it. If there were less people on the Earth there would be more resources for the rest of us …. who are more important. Read between the lines here. Some people believe this and would carry out the Final “Solution” to the Population Problem, Pollution Problem, and Scarce Resources Problem. When there are a lot less people….there are more resources to go around and less pollution! This is their thinking.

(Music used in this video is by permission from Nic Green or Evan Hornsby)

Look For Anthony J Hilder Videos On UK Paradigm Shift TV Sky CH 203 & simulcast on the Net:!/anthonyjhilder


[video] Muslim Demographics — In a matter of a few decades Muslims will dominate Europe!

Pretty heavy! Another reason that we need to get real Christianity happening — “that the world will know” (Jesus in John 17).
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[youtube=]Muslim Demographics

Uploaded on Mar 30, 2009

Islam will overwhelm Christendom unless Christians recognize the demographic realities, begin reproducing again, and share the gospel with Muslims.

Ben Shapiro: WHY I BROUGHT PIERS MORGAN THAT 'LITTLE BOOK' — "Morgan grabbed the copy of the Constitution I’d brought. Waving it my face, he nearly shouted, 'You come in, you brandish your little book'"

From: Breitbart


by BEN SHAPIRO 11 Jan 2013

When I appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight to debate gun control on Thursday night, I came armed with a copy of the Constitution of the United States. 

I did so for a very simple reason: for too long, the left has been getting away with the lie that they are pro-Second Amendment. Then they proceed to violate the most basic concept of the Second Amendment: that we have a right to keep and bear arms. It is fine to have a rational conversation about how to balance rights with the risk and rewards of particular firearm ownership. But that is not what the left does. They loudly proclaim support for the right to bear arms but then ask, “Why should you be allowed to keep an AR-15 in your home?”

The left pretends it is for the Second Amendment because it recognizes that the American public likes the Second Amendment. But the left has no real defense for the Second Amendment on a philosophical level. They say that they want assault weapons gone, as Piers Morgan does, in order to prevent gun death. But then they say that they’re fine with handgun ownership, which is the instrument used in exponentially more gun death. They can’t explain this mental gymnastics. When I asked Morgan about it, he replied, “We’ll come to that.” He never did.

Here’s the truth. Ideally, the left wants to ban all guns. They just aren’t willing to go there yet, because they know it’s politically unpalatable.

How do we know that? Because that’s what Piers Morgan said the other night with me. First, he claimed he loved the Second Amendment. “I believe and respect an American’s, under the second amendment of the Constitution – that you kindly brought in – to defend themselves with a handgun or a pistol.” But when I explained to Morgan just why the Second Amendment was enshrined into law – in order to prevent the threat of foreign invasion and domestic usurpation – he balked and said that such an argument was absurd.

So he was for the Second Amendment; he just couldn’t explain why.

Which means he was really against it, as he showed seconds later. … Morgan grabbed the copy of the Constitution I’d brought. Waving it my face, he nearly shouted, “You come in, you brandish your little book –“

For just a moment, the mask slipped. To Morgan, the Constitution was nothing more than a little book, not the single most important document in American history and the basis for the freest and most powerful nation in world history. It wasn’t a document to which politicians swear allegiance and for which American soldiers shed blood. It was a little book, an annoyance in the way of his all-compassionate perspective on gun control.

But it wasn’t just a Freudian slip. He refused to admit to me that he wanted a total gun ban. Then, once I was safely off the set, he turned to another guest, Tony Robbins….

Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the book “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” (Threshold Editions, January 8, 2013).

Entire Article Here
Ben Shapiro CUTS Piers Morgan DOWN — Ben Shapiro clearly points out what the 2nd Amendment is all about. The NRA won’t say it, so others have to.

[audio] John B. Wells: Piers Morgan, when editor of The Mirror was largely responsible for turning Brits against gun ownership

John starts with some interesting information about Piers Morgan’s role in getting guns banned in the United Kingdom.
I entitled the rest of the first hour this way:

Katherine Albrecht on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with John B. Wells 1/8/12: RFID and The Mark of the Beast – and Disneyland! — ~“The mark of the Beast might have great big mouse ears.”

After Kathryn Albrecht, who is always EXCELLENT, the rest of the show is probably not worth listening to.
– –

John discusses Piers  and Alex at minute 2:30[youtube=]Jan 8 2013 – Liberation of the Planet

Published on Jan 9, 2013

Date: 01-08-13
Host: John B. Wells
Guests: Cobra -, Robert Potter, Katherine Albrecht



Kids Visiting Disney World To Be Tracked By “Magical” RFID Wristbands

[4-minute video] Piers Morgan Unethicall Past

[youtube=]Piers Morgan Unethicall Past

Published on Jan 10, 2013

For CNN’s Piers Morgan, trouble just seems to be a calling. But then again, it’s not as if the cheeky British isn’t responsible for much of his own grief.

Throughout his career Morgan seems to have been involved in a litany of ethically questionable issues, but the latest involves charges stemming from his time as editor of Britain’s Daily Mirror newspaper, from 1995-2004. Reuters reported in late December that during this time the paper may have engaged in phone hacking.

According to reports, several British papers that belong to the Trinity Mirror publishing group now face charges of phone hacking from four people, including former England football coach Sven Goran Eriksson.…

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