Freedom from Alaska!

Month: May 2020

Court Rules Public Officials Can’t Block Critics on Facebook

JANUARY 9, 2019

One of the core purposes of the First Amendment is to allow people, regardless of their views, to hold the government accountable through expression. So, if your elected representative has an official Facebook page where she invites comments, can she block you from commenting because you criticize her work?

According to a federal appeals court, the answer is a resounding no.

On Monday, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the interactive portion of a public official’s Facebook page is a “public forum,” so an official cannot block people from it because of the opinions they hold.


How to legally decline a vaccine

Israeli Historian Discovers ‘6 Million’ Holocaust Figure Was Invented at Zionist Conference In 1944

Israeli Historian Discovers ‘6 Million’ Holocaust Figure Was Invented at Zionist Conference In 1944


Boston University’s director of the Elie Wiesel archive, Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Holocaust Research historian Joel Rappel has discovered the origin of the infamous “6,000,000” number: a 1944 meeting of Zionist pioneering organizations in what is now known as the state of Israel.

For years, supporters of the Holocaust narrative have held that the number first appeared at the Nuremberg trials using highly discredited testimony by Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Hoss. The 6,000,000 figure was again repeated by Adolf Eichmann, who was kidnapped by the Mossad and forced to participate in an internationally televised 1962 show trial in Israel.

According to documents in the Central Zionist Archive, the first mention of the 6 million claim was at a meeting of high ranking Zionist political figures in Palestine on January 19th, 1944 — more than a year before the war in Europe ended and a census could be taken, and a year before the Red Army entered Auschwitz.

Hummingbird ‘Spy’ Drone Captures Stunning Video from Inside a Monarch Butterfly Swarm!

To God be the glory!

Fritz Springmeier On Coronavirus Mind-Control — “When people are afraid, they give away all of their freedoms”

“At some point, we’re going to have a real pandemic.”

Tom Hanks…

“When people are afraid, they give away all of their freedoms. … They’re handing their minds over to these people.”

“A better name [for trauma based mind-control, MK Ultra] would be ‘fear based mind-control,’ because they would torture and traumatize these little children. I worked with the adults that have been child victims of this programming, and they would be just terrified. There would just be these titanic tsunami waves of fear going through them. I think fear itself is enough to control people.”

Tucker: No one cares our leaders are ignoring the Constitution – Totalitarianism doesn’t shock us any more

MUST SEE: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health – Corbett Report

How this non-Doctor, non-scientist has monopolized Global Health following the Rockefeller model and surpassing it.

“His decisions are shaping the entire global response to the coronavirus pandemic.”

Dr. Berg: Zinc Effects on Your Respiratory System

CENSORED DOC DOUBLES DOWN – Dr. Erickson follow-up interview!

A real-life hero!

Quotes I transcribed from this interview:

“People have given up their freedoms for fear.”

“If we have a second wave, it’s because we’ve sheltered in place.”

“This is crushing Americans, and is stomping on our freedoms.”

Ben Swann w/ Dr. Dan Erickson – Under Attack for Questioning Coronavirus Mortality Rate

Ben Swann interviews whom I consider a real-life hero, Dr. Erickson!

This video also banned by Google on YouTube!

Just one day after YouTube removed video from his new conference, Dr. Dan Erickson speaks one on one with Ben Swann about the news conference in which he shared data about the actual mortality rate of the coronavirus. Since then, a number of baseless attacks have come against Erickson, including the claim that he incorrectly gathered data.

Exclusive Interview w/ Dr. Dan Erickson Under Attack for Questioning Coronavirus Mortality Rate

Just one day after YouTube removed video from his new conference, Dr. Dan Erickson speaks one on one with Ben Swann about the news conference in which he shared data about the actual mortality rate of the coronavirus. Since then, a number of baseless attacks have come against Erickson, including the claim that he incorrectly gathered data.

Posted by Ben Swann on Fimmtudagur, 30. apríl 2020

Tucker: WHO ‘Admitting’ Sweden’s ‘Model’ Is Working But US Policy Makers Won’t ‘Abandon A Sweeping Power Grab’


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