Freedom from Alaska!

Month: May 2020 Page 5 of 6

STUDY: Link between air pollution and coronavirus mortality in Italy

Air pollution would also lower sun exposure, decreasing vitamin D levels. Wuhan was so polluted that some Chinese were willing to risk imprisonment by publicly protesting.

NY City’s tall buildings also block sunlight.

Bulldog Sees Cheetah On TV, Calls Sister For Backup

Dr. Buttar: Facemasks decrease oxygen, increasing stress & cortisol; lowering the immune system

What Dr. Buttar said in a different interview, 4/27/20 with London Real about wearing face masks (transcript | video):

1.56.34 The face masks …. This info is critical. Common sense. No one thinks. Surgeons wear facemasks when we operate. When we are in high susceptible areas … do we think something is going to jump up and go into us? No it prevents exposure. So the wound doesn’t get cough, sneeze, or drool. The gowns are sterile. Far east people don’t wear masks to prevent catching something. They are doing it so they don’t give something to someone else. Facemask facemask facemask….

1.57.37 Facemasks reduce your oxygen intake. This decreases your immune system. Which increases physiological stress. What happens when you’re stressed? If you look at Steiner’s virus theory … viruses live inside our systems. We are a viral system. We can’t evolve without viruses. During periods of stress and toxicity, you have a release of viruses. Exosomes and viruses are identical. Refer to Dr Kaufman.

1.58.35 If your body is stressed you’ll release more viruses. Your body is stressed more cortisol … you’re more open to opportunistic viruses. One thing you should be doing if you are worried about covid … TAKE OFF THE MASK AND GO OUTSIDE! The sun is important. It’s necessary. If we stress our bodies, what do you think will happen? Immune system goes down and then you’re more susceptible.

1.59.19 Someone in a car was in an accident because they passed out from wearing a facemask! This type of misinformation and depowering the public.. IF YOU HEAR ANYTHING ABOUT COVID 19 THAT TAKES YOUR POWER AWAY IT IS BULLSHIT!

2:45 Why people should not wear face masks

Ohio governor says his face mask order went ‘too far’ — Actually retracted order!

May 3, 2020

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Sunday that a statewide order mandating face masks be worn in stores went “too far.”

“It became clear to me that that was just a bridge too far. People were not going to accept the government telling them what to do,” he said on ABC’s “This Week.”

Appearing from Cedarville, Ohio, Dewine told Co-Anchor Martha Raddatz, “that was just one (order) that went too far.”


PLANDEMIC – Pt. 1 Judy Mikovits — “Why would you close the beach… healing microbes in the salt water?” • HCQ only $7.00 • Italians vaccinated with H1N1 in 2019

15:40 Italians got a vaccine in 2019 that had four strains of flu and H1N1!

17:10 Hydroxychloroquine is 50 cents per dose. At 2 doses per day for 7 days is only $7.00.

20:45 Mask wearing.

“Why would you close the beach? You’ve got sequences in the soil, in the sand. You’ve got healing microbes in the ocean, in the salt water.”

22:40 Doctors need to band together and tell the truth!


Plandemic Documentary: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19

Benefits of mucus for Covid-19 – Vitamins A and D’s role!

God’s amazing defenses against Covid-19!

• It acts as a lubricant
• It’s antimicrobial
• It has good bacteria
• It acts like a flytrap for harmful microbes
• It has antibodies
• It acts as a barrier to keep pathogens out

Dr. Berg: Vitamin A and Your Immune System – Covid-19 truth!

Why don’t he specifically say it helps defeat covid? So Google doesn’t censor him.

– –

Del Bigtree admits censoring vitamin C covid cure to not be kicked off YouTube

Del admits he would get vitamin C injections if he got covid, but he can’t do videos on vitamin C because he’d get kicked off of YouTube.

Also, the study Big Pharma did to demonize HCQ didn’t use zinc, which is what kills the virus. Dell doesn’t make this crucial point. The doctors who had great success with HCQ always used zinc with it.

Google’s censorship is muting truthers, protecting Big Pharma’s medical tyranny!

Minute-17:15, where Dell says he can’t talk about vitamin C, ughhh!


Clear link between vitamin D deficiency and severity of coronavirus — Countries below 35° North have low mortality • Big Pharma USA silent!

What if covid severity is mainly a vitamin D and zinc deficiency, which Big Pharma/Big Media never recommend, because they’re driven by the “love of money,” rejecting God’s remedies outright?!

– –

Clear link between vitamin D deficiency and severity of coronavirus, says researchers

Vitamin D deficiency may play an important role in the severity of COVID-19 infections so supplementation should be strongly advised at this time, according to researchers after studying the mortality rates across the globe.

Researchers from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland studied the high prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in Northern Hemisphere countries and the possible role of vitamin D in suppressing the severe inflammatory responses seen in very ill COVID-19 patients and in COVID-19 deaths. …

Published as an editorial in the Journal of Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, the authors point out that it is becoming clear that countries in the Southern Hemisphere such as Australia are seeing relatively low mortality due to COVID-19, which can no longer feasibly be related to the later appearance and spread of the virus.

The study states that all countries that lie below a latitude of 35 degrees North have relatively low mortality from COVID-19, whereas people in countries that lie thirty-five degrees North and above receive insufficient sunlight for adequate vitamin D levels in winter and spring. These include Italy and Spain, which have low population levels of vitamin D.

Mortality rates from COVID-19 are higher at these latitudes, with the exception of Nordic countries, where vitamin D supplementation is widespread and deficiency much less common.

Vitamin D is important in regulation and suppression of the inflammatory cytokine response, which plays a role in the severe consequences of COVID-19 and ‘acute respiratory distress syndrome’ associated with ventilation and mortality in COVID-19.

Editorial: low population mortality from COVID‐19 in countries south of latitude 35 degrees North supports vitamin D as a factor determining severity


Mike Rivero’s ‘What Really Happened’ show is news-only during hour 1!

Mike Rivero’s ‘What Really Happened’ show is back to normal with news-only during the first hour, instead of mainly callers, starting today. Yay!

It was reduced to two hours total about a month ago. The same callers calling in everyday has been bogging down the show; though, Mike probably appreciated them after recovering from an illness.

Dr. Berg: Could vitamin D deficiency be the main risk factor putting covid patients on ventilators?


Why is Hypertension the Most Common Underlying COVID-19 Condition?

James Perloff COVID-19 Red-Pilled

Excellent overview! I would add: Vitamin C+D is pennies, treats covid, and is ignored by Big Pharma. Zinc was mentioned, which they also hate. Regarding 5G, James didn’t mention that Iran didn’t have 5G but got hit hard with covid. Also, Wuhan residents got a SARS vaccination in 2019. No one is mentioning the toxic fumes breathed by New Yorkers, having impaired many people’s respiratory systems, perhaps making NYC’s numbers worse.


Big Pharma is Satanic! They completely reject the vitamin C+D treatment that has excellent success with no adverse side effects. They rigged the hydroxychloroquine studies to fail by not using zinc. Now they fast-track a drug costing 50 times more using Fauci’s own rigged study, as Del shows here!

Dr. Erickson 5/4 interview: “CDC says flu vaccine about 30% effective in a good year. Other years, little to no effect” • “Sweden is our model. I’m super proud of them for standing alone and showing us all how it’s done”

A real-life hero, in my opinion!

9:20 Dr. Erickson: “I think Sweden is our model. I’m super proud of them for standing alone with their 10.3 million people, and showing us all how it’s done.”

14:10 Dr. Erickson: “If we look at the flu vaccine, the CDC website…. The CDC says that usually the vaccine is about 30% effective in a good year. Other years, to quote the CDC, it has little to no effect on herd immunity.”

Media that still lies about 9/11 can’t be trusted to report Covid-19 truth

“If we are to prevent mass manipulation based on deception, in the future, we must recognize the patterns of intentional fear-mongering lies that every time lead to voluntary subjugation with relinquishing of freedoms, enlarging surveillance systems to track us all…The Patriot Act ISN’T [patriotic]!” – Annie Bukacek

Dr. Shiva: What’s the Difference Between Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquin, Vitamin D+C – besides expense?

Remdesivir is also about 100 times more expensive than off-patent, generic Hydroxychloroquine or vitamins D+C.

Minute-32 Comparison begins with this great chart!

42:10 “Dark people need more sunlight. People who are dark are more prone to reduced vitamin D3. That may explain why a lot of the African-Americans were having more problems with ‘covid’ or flu.” 

45 Hydroxychloroquine

46:30 Remdesivir

56:45 Over 70% of covid patients treated with Remdesivir had adverse side effects!

D+C has no side effects.

Start at minute-32 for the comparison only:

Dr. Judy Mikovits: Why I opt NOT to wear a mask — The body requires AMPLE amounts of oxygen to fight illness

Dr. Judy Mikovits Statement about ‘Wearing a Mask’ Policy

The masks on walks outside and while driving in your car is mind blowing to me. Do you not know how unhealthy it is to keep inhaling your carbon dioxide and restricting proper oxygen flow? I honestly cannot believe how non-logical we have become! We as a society seem to just listen to (perceived) authority without question. I don’t see a whole lot of critical thought happening here, I’m sorry to say “Why I opt NOT to wear a mask. Well, let me break it down for you. The body requires AMPLE amounts of oxygen for optimal immune health. Especially during a so-called “pandemic”. Proper oxygenation of your cells and blood is ESSENTIAL for the body to function as it needs to in order to fight off any illness.

Masks will hamper oxygen intake. Unless you are working in a hospital setting, it is NOT necessary. But go ahead and hold onto to your security blanket if it makes you feel better. I do not listen to the government when it tries to instruct me on how to maintain health, nor do I trust their ‘stats” (which we know are based on unconfirmed numbers).


Nurse laid off says Hospitals don’t have enough patients

Her hospital in Portland, Oregon only had 1 covid patient when she said this.

Chicago Official CONFIRMS CDC Plot for Mass Vaccination

CDC FAQ does not recommend healthy people wear a face mask

“CDC does not recommend that people who are healthy wear a facemask….”

Mask Protection Efficiency: Cloth 0%, Surgical ~40%, N95 < 95% – Covid-19 Truth

The government and many businesses are making mask wearing mandatory; though, none of these masks totally keep 0ut viruses, and all leave the eyes exposed.

I was asked on Facebook to fact-check this picture chart showing how efficient face masks are. It turns out that cloth masks really don’t protect the wearer against viruses, like the chart shows. And most surgical masks and FFP1 masks aren’t effective in keeping viruses out, unlike what this chart shows.

A rule of thumb seems to be that masks that do the best job in keeping viruses out are hard to breath with, like the N95. One driver even passed out, crashing the car while wearing a N95 mask. And all leave eyes exposed.

I share what experts say below this picture chart.

Funeral Directors EXPOSE Death Certificate Frauds Behind CV Deaths

Forced face masking is a civil rights offense

Forced face masking is a civil rights offense

– The Washington Times – Friday, May 1, 2020

The face-masking of America, at first a federal no-no, then a federal recommendation, has now trickled to state and local governments, and into the private business sector, as a mandate.

As a mandated muzzle on individuals.

This seems a blatant violation of an individual’s right to choose — of an individual’s right to self-govern. America, after all, isn’t a nation founded on collectivism, but rather individualism — on the right of individuals to exercise their God-given authorities, absent government tinkering and intrusion. What gives government the authority to order citizens to cover their faces?

What gives businesses the authority to serve as government’s enforcer on this same face masking matter?

Particularly when even the federal authorities only recommend, rather than order?

If face masks can be made mandatory, then so, too, gloves — then so, too, hair coverings and facial hair and clothing and shoe standards, as well as a slew of other so-called protective measures. Masks should be individual choices, nothing more.

Story is here and here

Drs. Buttar, Shiva & Mikovits BLAST Gates, Call to ARREST Fauci as Crisis CRUSHES Economy

City demands churches turn over names, addresses, phone numbers — for ‘surveillance’ of members!

City demands churches turn over names, addresses, phone numbers!

Officials want information for ‘surveillance’ of members

Governors and mayors across the nation have claimed that their emergency powers allow them to ban large groups during the coronavirus pandemic. They don’t want groups gathering in malls, movie theaters or even churches, despite the constitutional protection of religious rights.

Now one official is moving into extreme territory, demanding churches provide him with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of anyone who shows up to worship.

The move by Quinton Lucas, the mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, already is attracting the attention of Liberty Counsel, which has been defending churches amid the coronavirus lockdowns.

Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver noted Kansas City is requiring that churches “submit list of members and attendees along with their names, addresses and telephone numbers to city officials for tracking and surveillance purposes.

“I am running out of adjectives to describe how completely insane the tyrannical abuses launched by state governors and local officials against pastors and churches are becoming,” he said in his newsletter. “It is as if these leaders never bothered to so much as glance at the Constitution they swore to uphold and defend. They seem to be governing from some make-believe, dystopian viewpoint.”

He said the order also applies to businesses, but that doesn’t make it any more constitutional.


Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs

“Are we avoiding looking too closely because we don’t want to know the answer?”

“You use more fossil fuels to do this than you’re getting benefit from it. You would have been better off just burning fossil fuels in the first place, instead of playing pretend.”

‘This absolutely cannot extend civilization’s life. This relies on the most toxic and industrial processes that we’ve ever created.”

Massive environmental destruction!

Population control.

51:50 “What I’m hearing is that if I haven’t come to grips with my own anxiety about death and life — and presented with a reminder of that — I’m highly likely to make some tragic decisions for the community.”

“Biomass plants” burn toxic substances and trees, polluting communities and clearcutting forests.

The Sierra Club

The profit motive: “What if they, themselves have become misguided? What if they made some kind of deal they shouldn’t have made, and are leading us all off the cliff? …hiding under a cover of ‘green.'”

“The takeover of the environmental movement by capitalism is now complete.”

Clearcutting, destroying the planet…

(vid) Every Covid-19 Commercial is Exactly the Same


TV DOCS OWNED BY PHARMA? – Del Bigtree Produced ‘Dr. Phil’

Dr. Berg: The Ignored Pandemic: Vitamin D Deficiency – Defeat Cytokine storm w/ Covid-19


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