Freedom from Alaska!

Month: May 2020 Page 4 of 6


“Paul said, in the face of a brutal government, to obey. He didn’t say obey if your rights are recognized, he said obey.”


Churches Refuse to Cower Before Caesar; Court Victory in Kentucky – 1st Amendment Stand!

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Churches Refuse to Cower Before Caesar; Court Victory in Kentucky

Some churches are suing. Some are asking permission to reopen in-person church services. Some are announcing they are opening in-person church services — with or without the government’s permission.

WWJD? Would Jesus Wear a Mask?

WWJM? – Would Jesus Wear a Mask?

WWJD? – What Would Jesus Do?


Covid-19 WWJD? Non-Christian challenges Christians to do what Jesus did, instead of cowering in fear!

Dr. Berg: Vitamin D – The Cheapest COVID-19 Therapy in the World

Why doesn’t everyone know about vitamin D for Covid? Why is Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Government silent about this crucial, inexpensive solution that would eliminate a lot of fear and deaths throughout this pandemic? The unconstitutional lockdowns were completely unnecessary!

Power to the Peaceful!

Made fun of for researching things on a computer by people who blindly believe TalmudVision

Made fun of for making sure what we’re being told is actually so.

Paul: “Now these [the BEREANS] were MORE NOBLE than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY TO SEE WHETHER THESE THINGS WERE SO.” – Acts 17:11

IF MASK WEARING WORKS, why do businesses need to be closed??? IF THEY DON’T WORK, why are we forced to wear masks??? THINK LOGICALLY

If mask wearing works, why do businesses need to be closed???

If they don’t work, why are we forced to wear masks???


Wearing a mask is ineffective, dehumanizing, reduces oxygen levels which puts strain on your immune system…

Wearing a mask is:

A) ineffective
B) fear inducing
C) dehumanizing
D) increases risk of respiratory infections
E) reduces oxygen levels which puts strain on your immune system
F) should be a personal choice
G) all of the above

The answer is G


Security guard shot and killed after telling customer to put on face mask — required by Michigan Gov. Whitmer’s executive order

A security guard at a Family Dollar store in Flint, Michigan, was shot and killed after telling a customer to wear a state-mandated face mask, police said.

Dr. Erickson Interviews Dr. Wittkowski World-renowned Epidemiologist – #ReopenUSA

Dr. Berg: The Sun’s Benefits Are Way More than Vitamin D

Alaska domestic violence shelters see surge in hotline calls *during stay-home orders*

“The real picture of how *stay-at-home orders* have impacted domestic and sexual violence in Alaska won’t be truly understood until after communities begin opening up, people go back to work and victims are able to make reports and seek services again, without their perpetrator watching and limiting their movement and ability to reach out,” Casto said.

Domestic violence shelters in Alaska see surge in hotline calls during stay-home orders


Alaska organizations serving domestic violence and sexual assault victims have experienced a surge in hotline calls as residents hunker down *during the coronavirus pandemic*.

That’s according to Alaska’s Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, housed within the Department of Public Safety. The council this week released the results of a survey of 30 shelter providers, covering the period from March 11 to April 24.

Hotline calls jumped by 52% during that period compared to weeks before the statewide health emergency declared March 11. As calls for help surged, shelters cut their capacity by 57% to provide for safe social distancing recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Instead of having four people to a room in bunk beds, for example, many shelters limited their capacity to one person per room. …

Anchorage Daily News shuts down comments “because a high volume require moderation” — People angry with their covid fearmongering, destroying Alaska

Anchorage Daily News constantly created fear to maximize the covid lockdowns, by what they posted and how they presented the information. Now, they won’t let online subscribers comment, who pay $140 annually, during this crisis when comments are greatly needed.

Hard left leaning ADN has also been relentlessly maligning our governor, trying to get him recalled for no valid reason.

[Because of a high volume of comments requiring moderation, we are temporarily disabling comments on many of our articles so editors can focus on the coronavirus crisis and other coverage. We invite you to write a letter to the editor or reach out directly if you’d like to communicate with us about a particular article. Thanks.]

From ADN’s article: Domestic violence shelters in Alaska see surge in hotline calls *during stay-home orders* [“Hotline calls jumped by 52%”]

Oregon State Researcher: Dietary supplements should be recommended like hand washing as an important weapon to fight COVID-19 — Especially vitamin C, D, zinc, and omega-3

Of course, this is true, as it’s true that Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Government won’t say a word suggesting any vitamins and minerals — as they shut down countries instead!

This Oregon State U researcher says: “public health officials should issue a clear set of nutritional recommendations,” which should be so obvious.

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Safe, Simple, Inexpensive Means of Fighting Off Infections Like Covid-19

Dr. Mercola writes:

Public health officials stress the importance of hand-washing, social distancing and vaccines, but leave out the importance of nutritional supplements — especially vitamins C and D and other micronutrients — for fighting off respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.

Medical officials from around the world agreed that higher doses of vitamins C and D, along with certain minerals and fatty acids will help strengthen your immune system and greatly increase your resistance to infections.

Source: Newswise April 23, 2020

23-Apr-2020 4:50 PM EDTby Oregon State University

Newswise: Dietary supplements an important weapon for fighting off COVID-19

Oregon State University

Adrian “Fritz” Gombart.

CORVALLIS, Ore. – Supplements containing vitamins C and D and other micronutrients, sometimes in amounts exceeding the federally recommended levels, are a safe, effective and low-cost means of helping your immune system fight off COVID-19 and other acute respiratory tract diseases, an Oregon State University researcher says.

Findings were published today in the journal Nutrients.

Adrian Gombart of OSU’s Linus Pauling Institute and collaborators at the University of Southampton (United Kingdom), the University of Otago (New Zealand) and University Medical Center (The Netherlands) say public health officials should issue a clear set of nutritional recommendations to complement messages about the role of hand washing and vaccinations in preventing the spread of infections.

Specific vitamins, minerals and fatty acids have key jobs to play in helping your immune system, he says. In particular vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish, docosahexaenoic acid, also known as DHA, are critical for immune function.

Dr. Mercola: Hyperbaric Finally Being Used Successfully to Treat Covid-19

This should be a no-brainer, but not for Big Pharma, who reject all of the remedies that work, every single one! And it’s not because they’re stupid.

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Dr. Mercola writes:

I have been saying for months now that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) should be far superior to ventilators. We now have the first report from a hyperbaric center associated with a hospital in Louisiana that has six HBOT chambers. They made the decision early on to deploy compassionate use and offer HBOT as an alternative to ventilators.

They started treating patients three weeks ago and have now successfully treated over 11 patients who never had to go on ventilators. This courageous hospital bucked the trend and now has had no patients die from Covid-19. 

Prior to HBOT the patients were all breathing very rapidly and were on high flow oxygen. Their next level of conventional therapy would have been the ventilator. After the first treatment all their breathing rates returned to normal, their oxygen levels improved as did their HS-CRP (measure of inflammation) and D-dimer levels (measure of blood coagulation).

Source: AAWC

E. Michael Jones: Facebook’s new commissar of content is Pamela S. Karlan


Facebook’s new commissar of content is Pamela S. Karlan, a Stanford University law school professor who described herself as a “snarky, bisexual, Jewish women” No biases here. Just full blown university style political correctness imposed on everyone, by Mr. Zuckerberg, who stole the idea for facebook from the Winkelvoss twins with Larry Summers’ assistance while at Harvard.

A Malignant Crisis Entirely Driven By Misinformation — How can the whole world be fooled by such a fact-free panic, allowing curtailment of the most basic freedoms?

A Malignant Crisis That Is Entirely Driven By Misinformation

One has to wonder how the whole world can be fooled by such a clearly fact-free “panic,” allowing itself to be led to the curtailment of the most basic freedoms. A world that thinks it has to prepare itself for a “new normal,” in which incredibly dangerous and extremely undesirable “solutions” such as “mass vaccination,” “contact tracing,” and other “surveillance” are seen as attractive.

‘They Live’ Covid-19 Snitches: “We’ve got one who’s not social distancing”

(video clip) ‘They Live’ – “I’ve got one that can see”

Report on face masks’ effectiveness for Covid-19 divides scientists


WHO: No evidence wearing a mask can protect healthy people from coronavirus – Should only be worn by health care workers and those who are infected.

WHO: No evidence wearing a mask can protect healthy people from coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) said masks should only be worn by health care workers and those who are infected.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says healthy people don’t need to wear face masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, and masks should only be for those who are sick, their caretakers and health care workers.

In guidance released by WHO Monday, the United Nations public health agency said “there is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can prevent them from infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.”

Judge Napolitano: Jailed Texas salon owner is an American hero for refusing to bend the knee

“She was not convicted of violating Governor Abbott’s guidelines, because they’re just guidelines. They don’t have the force of law. … The judge has no more authority to close her business than the governor does. Neither of them do. Shelley is an American hero for refusing to bend the knee to the two bit hack in a political black robe….”


Shocking moment a police officer bodyslams a woman in an Alabama Walmart ‘for refusing to wear a face mask’ amid the coronavirus pandemic

The woman’s face collides with the tile floor, prompting witnesses to gasp in shock!



[JP Sears Covid Satire Vid!] What It’s Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You — “This new scientific data [deaths only 0.26%] is irrelevant to me because I already made up my mind when I was the most frightened” • “The mainstream narrative helps me label them as ‘crazy,’ rather than thinking about what they’re saying” • “I spend a lot of time looking for information they shoved in my face that confirms my existing beliefs to help my mind continue to learn and expand” • “Is that a blue pill?!”

What would it be like if you stopped thinking for yourself and believed everything the media tells you? Here’s what it might look like to be completely brainwashed by the news.

Related: JP shares how quickly the ideas in this video came together between minutes 2 and 7: Inside My Recent Viral Video About Believing Everything The Media Tells You

My Notes – exact transcriptions:

[Smiling] “People are freaking out right now, like they’re tired of having their constitutional rights taken away with the mandatory stay-at-home orders. Cities are suing the California governor so their people can go back to their beaches again. Idiots. I’ll stay at home for the rest of my life if they tell me to.”

“Who knows how to make the best choices for my health and my life. Definitely not me. So I’m more than happy to put my blind trust in power hungry politicians and definitely uncorrupt groups like the World Health Organization. I think they know what’s best for me”

“..this new scientific data [covid deaths only 0.1-0.2%] is irrelevant to me because it’s like I already made up my mind when I was the most frightened. And I’m going to keep believing what makes me the most frightened, because it just feels more congruent in my being that way.”

“I also spend a lot of time looking for information that they shoved in my face that confirms my existing beliefs. There’s nothing like a little confirmation bias to help my mind continue to learn and expand.”

“It’s pretty well proven that being proactive and taking care of your health won’t keep you healthy. Our only hope is in the pharmaceutical companies protecting us. They have a very good track record of never harming anyone, so I sleep pretty good at night.”

[I skipped the excellent Bill Gates section, that shines as a whole.]

“The mainstream narrative helps me classify anyone that doesn’t go along with its narrative as an ‘irresponsible, lunatic, conspiracy theorist.’ That way I can label them as ‘crazy,’ rather than thinking about what they’re saying.”

“Thinking for yourself and making your own choices is dangerous in a time like this. Oh, is that a blue pill [picks it up, which was sitting next to the red pill this entire video]?!”

Fauci endorses intimate hook-ups with strangers during pandemic – laughing and smiling

This shows how sick Fauci is. He openly endorses sexual relationships with strangers in the middle of this pandemic, mid-April, laughing and smiling.

He’s probably involved in the “eyes wide shut” rituals.

He locked down almost everyone, insists on social distancing and wearing face masks, but people can hook up sexually with strangers. 

– –

Dr. Fauci endorses Tinder hookups ‘if you’re willing to take a risk’

Two boys drop dead in China while wearing masks during gym class


(vid) Covid-19 Patients are Being Murdered – ICU nurse’s testimony – They’re not using HCQ, zinc, vitamin C, high doses of vitamins A & D. “THEY LAUGH at that”

Nurse tells NYC ICU nurse friend’s experience working in a covid unit! MUST WATCH, only 10 minutes!

Intubators are the last resort, but NYC hospitals are using them instead of HCL+zinc, IV vitamin C+zinc, etc., treatments that would keep most off the intubators. Patients are isolated from family and sign the waivers to be ventilated, where they then die. Nurses don’t even watch the patients, not even going in their rooms often, which is not protocol ordinarily. They’re being seen as heroes, when many are callous and not heroic at all.

This is criminal!

I transcribed word for word:

“There’s no hydroxychloroquine. They’re not using that combination with Zithromax [Z-Pac]. They’re not using zinc, vitamin C, high doses of vitamins A and D. They laugh at that. This is what she’s told me: ‘they laugh at that.’ … It’s a horror movie, she says, not because of the disease, but because of the way it’s being handled. …Nurses are being celebrated as heroes…. But we have nurses being celebrated as heroes who are killing people. They’re not heroes. … People are dying that don’t have to die. … There’s no family there, so they’re not being held accountable. … They’re being scared into being giving consent to be intubated, and then for a lot of them it’s over. … Buck the system. Something is wrong with the system. Go against the grain. … Demand less invasive ventilation methods. As soon as you give that consent [to be intubated] you may not come out of it. … The ventilators are making people worse. … People are being murdered and no one cares — horrible care.”

Covid 19 patients are being Murdered: A Nurse Practitioner speaks out.

Michigan Health Center Workers Stage “Fake Patients” In COVID19 Testing Line For CBS News

“Love of money” driven, business driven Big Pharma’s outright lies need to be exposed — like this!

London Real spent $100,000 to livestream record breaking David Icke interview – 1.3 million views

Brian Rose says at 2:00, London Real spent about $100,000 to livestream the David Icke interview (after YouTube took down his channel) that had 1.3 million viewers, a record.

Brian couldn’t stream this Icke interview on Google’s YouTube, because YouTube deleted the recent Icke interview on his YouTube channel, because Icke tied 5G to covid. Icke is clearly wrong by making such a strong connection, but he still has a right to say it, and so much of the rest of the interview needed to be heard.

5G is not good, and should be stopped, but it’s not the main factor in covid deaths.

‘Spanish Flu’ Did Not Kill 50,000,000; Vaccines Did — Very Interesting!

Big Pharma was already lying back then!

Video and Story: The Vaccine that Killed 50,000,000

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