Freedom from Alaska!

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 11 of 19

Shopper pulls gun, stops robbery cold––Holds bandit at grocery store until police arrive

A grocery store customer in Indianapolis is being credited with halting an armed robbery by pulling his own weapon and pointing it at the assailant until police arrived.

According to a report in the Indianapolis Star, Charlie Merrell, 51, was in a checkout line at a grocery store called Bucks IGA on the city’s south side when a “masked man jumped a nearby counter and held a gun on a store employee.”

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Cell Phone Radiation Triggers Measurable Brain Cell Changes in Mere Minutes

As little as 10 minutes on a cell phone can trigger changes in brain cells linked to cell division and cancer, suggests a new study conducted by researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and published in the Biochemical Journal.

Previously, advocates of cell-phone safety have maintained that the phones cannot cause brain damage because the microwave radiation that they emit is at a level too low to heat the body’s cells. But in the new study, changes in biological processes began at an energy level even lower than that used by a typical phone, even without heating occurring.

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Blatant Anti-Paul Media Bias: CNN Pie Charts [Iowa]

I’m watching CNN’s coverage of the Iowa Caucus, and I’m just amazed at the how blatantly they’re ignoring Ron Paul entirely. I have always considered the bias against him to be the result of his low numbers, but as I’m watching this I can only conclude that they just don’t want him getting attention. Let me explain.

On the screen they have these pie charts showing the percentage of votes for each candidate. The pie chart shows 35% Huckabee, 24% Romney, 14% Thompson, 12% McCain, and then a big gray slice that’s not labeled. Add those up. That’s 85%, which leaves 15% unaccounted for. You would expect this perhaps if that 15% was very evenly split among many candidates. So I looked at for the full results. Here’s the shocker: Ron Paul has 11%. Look again at the numbers above. Ron Paul is only 1% behind McCain, who shows prominently in the pie chart on national TV. Giuliani has 4%, and no other candidate shows anything.

Then I look at the Democrat pie chart on TV. It shows 4 or 5 candidates called out, and then a tiny gray area for about 2%. There is no giant gray area with no name.

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Blatant Anti-Paul Media Bias: CNN Pie Charts [New Hampshire]

[media bias exposed] After Debate, CNN AIRS *INSIDERS* POLL Instead of THEIR OWN POLL in which Ron Paul Won

Shep Smith & Greta Debate the Ron Paul Fox Forum Flap




The Unconstitutional Light-Bulb Ban

…President Bush signed the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 last month. Buried in the 822 pages of the bill, among numerous new energy regulations on everything from automobiles to televisions, was a plan to ban the light bulb. Yes, the light bulb. …

When the founding fathers came together in 1787 at Independence Hall to write the U.S. Constitution, they created a government with limited powers, concerned chiefly with protecting the individual rights of American citizens….

Switching from incandescent bulbs to CFL bulbs is not like switching air fresheners. CFL bulbs take longer to warm up, the coloration is different and they contain toxic amounts of mercury. Broken CFL bulbs carry the risk of mercury poisoning for those who come in contact with them, and proper disposal methods need to be followed to prevent environmental pollution. To get the full life out of your CFL bulb (as opposed to an incandescent bulb whose purchase price is much lower), the government advises consumers to keep it turned on for at least 15 minutes.

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Ron Paul TV Ad: Troops Support Ron Paul




Fox News video bio on Edwards noted criticism of haircuts, legal career — but Huckabee bio featured no criticism

From Media Matter for America

On the January 3 edition of Fox News Live, host Shepard Smith aired two reports as part of his “Before They Were Candidates” series: one on former Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) and one on former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR). Smith — who narrated both reports — began the Edwards piece by saying “John Edwards took a lot of heat for his $400 haircut” and airing a brief clip from a YouTube video showing Edwards adjusting his hair while the song “I Feel Pretty” from the musical West Side Story played. Later in the piece, Smith said that “[c]ritics have called him an ambulance chaser.” By contrast, the Huckabee piece included no mention of any criticism directed at him.

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Ron Paul on Larry King 1-2-08 (*UNAIRED*)




This is sad. Do any other candidates give interviews that then don’t get aired? It’s not surprising why many Americans still don’t know who Ron Paul is.

This interview is currently posted on the Larry King Live’s home page with this heading:

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Ron Paul Interview!

At least Paul gets an exclamation point.

It’s more important for America to hear Suze Orman “for the hour.”

LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, will 2008 bring bigger and better numbers for your bottom line or are hard times on the horizon?

Personal finance guru Suze Orman says you’re wise if you’re worried. She’s here and she’s ready to help you save yourself and protect your economic future.

And, on the eve of the Iowa caucuses, she’ll tell us if presidential politics will have any real impact on our pocketbooks.

Who does she like?

Suze Orman for the hour, taking your calls and e-mail questions, next on LARRY KING LIVE.


Ron Paul on ‘Larry King’ Tonight! [corrected]

ABC Bans from TV the 20/20 Ron Paul Interview–Put On Net Only

Pat Buchanan: Ron Paul “Belongs on the Stage”




Mental toll of war hitting female servicemembers


Natara Garavoy, another psychologist here, says there can be added stress for those who are the only woman in a unit. “They don’t want to stand out,” she says, adding that some try to appear unattractive to ward off male soldiers who might not see another American woman for months.

Whatever their trauma, military women often hesitate to report problems. That’s partly because of the military’s ingrained emphasis on unit cohesion and the unspoken taboo against telling on a fellow soldier. It also stems from the fear of reinforcing stereotypes that theirs is the weaker sex.

“Women do have to prove themselves more,” says VA spokeswoman Kerri Childress, a Vietnam-era Navy veteran. “They have to work really, really hard to look tough.”

All that pressure must go somewhere, Resick says. Men with PTSD often are angry and act out aggressively. Women often turn inward and become depressed, she says. Both men and women “try not to deal with it” and often take years to seek counseling, Resick says.

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Ron Paul : Fox News is “Scared of Me”

PLAISTOW, N.H. — Ron Paul said the decision to exclude him from a debate on Fox News Sunday the weekend before the New Hampshire Primary is proof that the network “is scared” of him.

“They are scared of me and don’t want my message to get out, but it will,” Paul said in an interview at a diner here. “They are propagandists for this war and I challenge them on the notion that they are conservative.”

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An Open Letter to the Black Community in Behalf of Ron Paul, by Robert A. Wicks

Blacks in America have long been victims of the state and its allies. From slavery to the war on drugs, laws which prevent a person using his own body and property as he sees fit, have had terrible effects on generations of black folk. Initially, the oppression of blacks was widespread and decentralized. This required a different set of strategies from the widespread, centralized oppression of today. Many blacks are concerned when the matter of rolling back the federal government is broached. It is undeniably true that the various state governments of the past supported terrible atrocities against black people. At such a time, political strategies had to be developed to deal with the most pressing threat. As the political winds have changed, so too must the strategies change, even for those who believe in the legitimacy of government.

The war on drugs is the most pressing legal issue facing black people. Racial profiling, raids on homes which result in death and oppression, such as the cases of Kathryn Johnston and Corey Maye, are directly attributable to the war on drugs. States and localities have been moving in the direction of decriminalization for marijuana for decades. The federal government has been opposing such measures for the entire time. A Presidential candidate’s position on the war on drugs is the first legitimate political litmus test I have seen within my lifetime. The issue is serious, affecting the lives of millions. It is something which calls into question the most fundamental of all human rights: the right to treat your own body as you see fit. Of all the major Presidential candidates, one, and one alone has called for an end to this scourge to the black community: Ron Paul. The other candidates are unconcerned, in favor of the drug war, or too cowardly to speak. Ron Paul has shown the courage of his convictions through his unabashed opposition to the drug war.

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Ron Paul on ‘Larry King’ Tonight! [corrected]

11:08AM Pacific Time…..I just talked to Michael at HQ and it is true. They are updating the RonPaul2008 website right now! He will be on tonight. He said it all happened so fast, that they were all caught by surprise.Cansomebody please post this at They are all wondering too!!Larry King Live, CNN, tonight. Check local listings for times. WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!



Ron Paul NOT on Larry King tonight, apparently
Not sure what happened here, but apparently the Ron Paul campaign was mistaken in saying that Ron Paul would be on Larry King tonight.


Sorry. This is bizarre. I was just watching the live feed of the group of vets in Iowa that Ron then spoke to. And even there, they were saying that they were waiting for Ron to be finished with his Larry King interview.



See: Ron Paul on Larry King 1-2-08 (*UNAIRED*)

Watch Online: Ron Paul Live Tonight from Iowa

Starting at 6 pm (Central), watch here

FOX News Excludes Ron Paul from Forum: It is an Outrage

As we get deeper into the campaign, I do not have a problem with excluding candidates who are not generating any substantial public support. Gravel, I think, was an example of that in the Democratic debates. But I think the Paulbots have a pretty good case for outrage with Ron Paul’s exclusion from the upcoming Republican debate in New Hampshire.Paul’s supporters lay most of their claim to a place in the debate on his mammoth fundraising numbers. To me, the bigger issue is that Paul is consistently outpolling Fred Thompson, who is being allowed into the debate.

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Ron Paul will be excluded from an upcoming forum of Republican candidates to be broadcast by Fox News on January 6, 2008. Please check here for actions to take to remedy this situation. It is now paramount that we organize a solution to show Fox the meaning of “blowback” for their apparent tampering of the election process.


Ron Paul: On Foreign Entanglements, the Ties that Strangle

… My great fear is their [Pakistanis’] anger towards Musharraf’s military regime will be targetted towards his enablers – the United States.

This is the problem with our government involvement in the internal affairs of other nations. Our friend one day is our enemy the next. And all our friends’ enemies become our enemies. How many times have we armed BOTH sides of a conflict because of this? There is little for us to gain from this policy, and simultaneously a lot of trouble we get ourselves into. It is not a rational or intelligent way to interact with the world.

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New Video: The Bhutto Shooting

The latest video of the assassination, from another angle, provides evidence that Benazir Bhutto was killed by an assassin’s bullet.





Ron Paul TV Ad: We Have The Answer




Huckabee: Rivals Might Consider Suicide


Huckabee has Used ‘Razor Blades’ Line Before

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said his joke suggesting his opponents consider slitting their wrists because their support doesn’t match their fundraising wasn’t an attempt to make light of suicide, though he did not apologize for the remark.

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[video] Amazing 1988 Ron Paul Interview: American Power Structure

Former four-term Congressman Ron Paul describes the American power structure. As a member of the House Banking and Currency Committee, Paul was in a unique position to see the inner workings of economic power and control of the country, and how this power translates into political power. Paul describes how, through the control of the Federal Reserve and the banking system, the American power elite is basically out of reach of the democratic system. Concurrently, by using such organizations as the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, control over the political process is maintained, resulting in what is in reality a in the U.S.

[youtube=]Ron Paul talks about American power structure, FED, Trilateral Commission and CFR (August 1988) – YouTube

Published on Jul 19, 2011

Congressman Ron Paul (at the time for this interview, August 1988, former four-term congressman) describes the American power structure.

As a member of the House Banking and Currency Committee, Ron Paul was in a unique position to see the inner workings of economic power and control of the country, and how this power translates into political power.


[4-minute video] Ron Paul: Is the CIA Involved in Drug Trafficking? “I think George Bush is deep into it”

Ron Paul Then and Now – Is “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”

[youtube=]Ron Paul Then And Now….Same

ScaningTheWaves | September 12, 2007

Old and Recent Clips Of Ron
Hey, he dont flip flop


[1988] Feisty Ron Paul Castigated for Opposing CIA Drug Running, Shouting for State’s Rights!

George Bush THEN vs Ron Paul NOW




Ron Paul: “We the People…”




New Video Shows Bhutto Shot BEFORE Blast

Click for Sky News Video Report

Rockefellers “Joked” About Controlling The World

The elitist Rockefeller sons would sometimes “joke” about which parts of the world they would each control according to biographer Peter Collier, carving the world up into different thiefdoms. Collier’s admission that there was “something really behind the joke” is an understatement considering the revelations of the late Aaron Russo about what Nicholas Rockefeller told him.

The admission is taken from a segment of a History Channel documentary about the Rockefeller family which hit You Tube today.

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“China will be the world’s next great nation,” declared investment and commodities guru Jim Rogers….” Rogers went on:

Here’s how important I think China will be: My daughter, who was born in 2003, is learning Chinese. Her Chinese nanny speaks only Mandarin to her, and I suspect that she might learn Chinese before she learns English. In her lifetime, Chinese will be the most important language in the world, next to English. If you are young and ambitious, learn Chinese. If you have ambitions for your children, persuade them to learn Chinese.

… Its impressive advances notwithstanding, the People’s Republic of China remains an inefficient, oppressive, one-party communist state that could not have achieved its recent phenomenal development, except for the suicidal policies of the U.S. government (along with other non-communist governments) that transferred enormous capital, technology, and know-how to the Beijing regime, in violation of all economic and moral principles. And, in spite of its enormous gains and momentum, Communist China would quickly atrophy and crumble if the American people forced our politicians to end the destructive trade, spending, regulatory, and monetary policies that are destroying our middle class and transferring our manufacturing and technology base to China.

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Once a year I take time out from my normal news analysis to update World Affairs Brief subscribers to the “big picture” of events in the world, including specifically my projections for the next World War, which is the real threat we have to prepare for—not individual terrorism. More than ever, I still consider the nuclear attack on America as inevitable, both because the real axis of evil (Russia and China) are still building for that attack, and because our own government is controlled by those intent upon destroying US sovereignty and delivering our nation over to a socialist New World Order (NWO). The foundational document upon which this update is based is entitled “Strategic Threats of the Coming Decade” and is found on this webpage in the column to your right. For a one-time sample copy of these briefings, send an email to “” and request it.


World Affairs Brief December 28, 2007. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief.


Once a year I take time out from my normal news analysis to update World Affairs Brief subscribers to the “big picture” of events in the world, including specifically my projections for the next World War, which is the real threat we have to prepare for–not individual terrorism. More than ever, I still consider the nuclear attack on America as inevitable, both because the real axis of evil (Russia and China) are still building for that attack, and because our own government is controlled by those intent upon destroying US sovereignty and delivering our nation over to a socialist New World Order (NWO). The foundational document upon which this update is based is entitled “Strategic Threats of the Coming Decade” and is found at

A Larger World View of the Coming World War: Each year we see the US engaged in extensive military and covert intervention in nearly every country of the world–either under the guise of spreading democracy or promoting US interests. This intervention is the real source of hatred against America, not our freedoms. However, the true globalist purpose of all this intervention is to antagonize the world, control essential resources necessary for a future war, and to induce a massive nuclear retaliation against the US military that will create a world conflict sufficiently horrible to induce Western nations to yield essential sovereignty to a NWO. As I documented in recent briefs, however, that strategy was halted, temporarily, for the first time that I can remember. The US was planning on a massive air assault on Iran this winter but decided to postpone that attack, perhaps out of fear that another aggressive intervention and unpopular war, based on manipulated intelligence, could affect the upcoming primary elections in favor of Ron Paul–the only Republican anti-war presidential candidate–who is already dangerously close to breaking out of the single digits in the polls. I believe it was also feared, correctly, that the fragile state of the US dollar could not handle another trillion dollars in deficit spending while the establishment was busy funneling at least a trillion dollars into the world economy to bailout subprime mortagage holders and the banks that brokered these debt instruments (still ongoing).

The Bush administration has used the phony war on terror as a pretext in a seven year campaign of devious and manipulative legal wrangling to undermine Constitutional protections of the people and to incite false patriotism.

Skousen: Evidence of Government Collusion in Drug Running

World Affairs Brief, February 21, 2003 Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief.

One of the most obvious contradictions in the Bush administration’s claims to ensure Homeland Security is the government’s consistent refusal to shut down illegal immigration and drug running between Mexico and the US. DEA, INS and Homeland Security officials give hundreds of technical excuses for why they don’t have the resources or the political will to do what is necessary, but these are, I’m convinced, simply cover stories and lies.

There are tens of federal whistleblowers who tell a completely different story: that federal employees in these agencies are given direct and indirect orders by their superiors not to surveil selective areas or prosecute certain individuals. These whistleblowers also attest that when employees complain about these restrictions to higher officials in Washington, the cover-ups and stonewalling intensify. In other words, the problem is not that of a few rogue agents corrupted by bribes, as the Bush administration would have us believe. The problem is at the top, where systematic collusion is managed and covered up.

In this briefing, I will attempt to give my readers an overview of how the system works, why there is official collusion at high levels and what the ultimate purposes are. As to the specific evidence, there are numerous books and websites detailing examples of corruption and collusion by officials in the US and Mexico. Since I do not have the space to detail all of this evidence I will give you some samples plus specific references for further study. I encourage you to read enough of these accounts to understand the magnitude of the problem, keeping in mind that these stories represent only the tip of the iceberg.

Evidence of Government Collusion in Drug Running
Both the CIA/DEA and the Mexican government have been deeply involved with drug running for years. The Mexican system operates seamlessly (but compartmentalized) from the President down to border guards. Major participants in the system include the largest political party (PRI), federal and local police forces (where bribery is rampant), and the Mexican military. US Border Patrol agents have been fired upon on various occasions (on the US side of the border) by Mexican military personnel driving US-supplied Hummer all terrain vehicles, whose job it is to clear the path for drug runners crossing remote parts of the US border. Appeals by the DEA to Washington to intervene with Mexico to stop these illegal military intrusions are met with excuses and delay tactics.

Huckabee’s Elite Backers

The much-touted “Huckabee Surge” in November-December opinion polls has been attributed by the major media pundits to the former Arkansas governor’s performances in the televised GOP candidate debates and the recent discovery of him by Evangelical Christian voters. However, more skeptical observers might be inclined to note that Mike Huckabee’s sudden jump in the polls was assisted by a quantum jump in media publicity, and that Huckabee, the supposed “outsider,” has been given the stamp of approval by the ultimate political “insider” organization: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

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Fed Increases Money-from-Nothing Loans to Banks

United States banks on average borrowed $4.83 billion a day directly from the Federal Reserve in the week ended Dec. 26, up from $4.62 billion a day the previous week, Fed data released Thursday showed.

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