Freedom from Alaska!

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 17 of 19

Video: Ron Paul on The 2nd Ammendment


[music video] Keith Green’s Non-OSAS Song “The Sheep and the Goats”







Video: The Keith Green Story


Carlos Santana Playing “Samba Pa Ti” From His Heart


Carlos Santana: “If you fight with joy, you’re the solution”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from: Herbie Hancock: Possibilities, The Movie Channel, 2006

“This is the thing, man. We don’t have to worry about anybody else’s doing. All you need to do is that:

Everyday it’s a battlefield. But if you fight with anger, you’re the problem. If you fight with joy, you’re the solution.”

Conviction is from your soul. You have to go out there with conviction and say, ‘you can’t stop me. You cannot break my spirit.’ Before I go [strongly exhales] and I’m done with this body there will be some hearts that will be touched by my spirit.”

– Carlos Santana

Video: Ron Paul Slams Ben Bernanke–”People Have Been Robbed!”


Video: World’s Most Amazing Waterfall–Iguazu Falls


Video: Nature’s Top Gun––Dive Bombing, Mini-cam Equipped Peregrine Falcon


Video: Dog Floats in Zero Gravity


(video) Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11

“Bon appetit.”

– –

World Affairs Brief, February 9, 2007. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief.


Hollywood documentary producer Aaron Russo is not the typical pro-government Hollywood director. He produced the dramatic pre-9/11 exposé on the Bush administration, “America: Freedom To Fascism”–a video that the establishment didn’t like at all. Russo tells, a few years later, how his normal friends in Hollywood began to try and dissuade him from taking this anti-government stand. One of those friends was an attorney named Nick Rockefeller– yes, of THE Rockefeller family.

Thinking Russo was a typical Hollywood liberal that could easily be dissuaded, Rockefeller opened up to Russo about a lot of the things the establishment had planned, including the “terror” attack on the WTC, well before 9/11. He was clearly trying, as Russo says, to recruit him to their side. Rockefeller even knew that the powers in Washington would use the terror attack as a provocation to go into Afghanistan and Iraq. He joked about how Russo would see on television US soldiers “looking around in caves for Osama bin Laden” but would never find him. Rockefeller was cynical Russo said, and relatively unguarded.

I believe all of this is credible. We’ve never had any of the high level conspirators admit to their plans, but this comes the closest because Rockefeller didn’t intend it to be a confession to the world. Rockefeller is probably regretting now that he spilled the beans to Russo, but that’s water under the bridge (or perhaps even Russo’s death warrant someday). [Aaron Russo has since passed on – Editor]

Rockefeller talked about how they funded, through the Rockefeller family foundation, the Feminist movement in order to break up the American family and get more women out in the workplace and more children in daycare–so split and stressed families would begin to “look to the State as their family.” He mentioned goals to depopulate the world, to get people to eventually accept imbedded microchips (and how the elite could gain instant immunity by having their chips encoded with a special code telling all police that this person is part of a special group and not to be arrested). It’s a fascinating interview. See it here:

[youtube=]Nicholas Rockefeller admitted the elite’s goal is a 100% microchipped and enslaved World population

Uploaded by  on Sep 28, 2009

Aaron Russo (February 14, 1943 – August 24, 2007) was an entertainment businessman, filmmaker, libertarian political activist, and 9/11 ‘conspiracy theorist’ (which is what everyone is called by the whole western worlds ‘truth spreading media’ who questiones our highly praised ‘elite and leaders’).

He is most known for producing the movies Trading Places, Wise Guys, and The Rose. Later in life he created the documentaries Mad as Hell, which calls into question the current state of governmental affairs and America: Freedom to Fascism, which investigates the breadth of the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the IRS, and the Federal Reserve System. After a six year battle with bladder cancer, Russo died on August 24, 2007.

About 11 months before 9/11 Aaron Russo talked with Nicholas Rockefeller (one of all the traitors in the famous and praised Rockefeller family) where he (Nicholas Rockefeller, removed from the reliable Wikipedia that has NO connections whatsoever with the corrupt banking industry!!…Ha-ha!!!) admitted that the elite’s goal is to microchip the world’s entire population in order to control and enslave everyone to 100 %.

He also revealed that the events on 9/11 and the so called ‘War on Terror’ was a complete fraud in order to acheive their goal’s. …


(video) “Reflections And Warnings: An Interview With Aaron Russo” – Entire Film

(video!) POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary on Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!

(video) Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

[13-minute video] The Official 9/11 Story Defies Science — Experts PROVE that sooty black burning JET FUEL (kerosene) DOES NOT MELT STEEL!!!

Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”

David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11

Architect Richard Gage on 9/11 truth: “98% of those who watch this presentation end up agreeing with us…. We really only get called conspiracy theorists and kooks by those who are UNWILLING TO LOOK at the evidence.”

9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections

9/11 Molten-Steel Smoking Gun! Brian Williams (NBC) presents the WTC Metorite — “Exposed to TEMPERATURES AS HOT AS THE INNER EARTH”

Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire

[Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, Full-length

All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)

David Icke: Problem > Reaction > Solution

1) The globalist ‘elite’ create the PROBLEM.

2)The people REACT, out of fear, the way the ‘elite’ predicted. “Give us a solution?”

3) Then the ‘elite’ implement with public support their pre-planned, freedom destroying SOLUTION.

Contains graphic material



Master Communicator, Katherine Albrecht Summarizes the Hegelian Dialectic (Problem > Reaction > Solution) in 10 Seconds — How They Do It To Us

Nick Begich: China’s incremental “Art of War”


“They keep us over here
looking in one direction,
when the whole economy of the country
is being hijacked from another.”




“China’s factories are brand new. They’re state of the art. They’re not like some of the old, fallen factories in the US that weren’t properly maintained, and were just essentially disassembled and moved to the third world over the last forty years.

China is modern. They can make boards for computer games or they can make boards for guidance systems on missiles with the flip of a switch, because all of it is computer driven assembly systems for electronics.

They have a better educated class of engineers coming in every year in increasing numbers….

China holds the number one currency reserves in the world, $1.3 trillion.

And Russia, a bankrupt country just a few years ago holds the third largest.

And here we are, the United States, functioning under capitalism for over 200 years and not very efficiently competing against this. Why is it?

It’s because, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been incrementally sold out by both administrations, Democrats and Republicans, on the installment plan. You know, one slice at a time until the bologna is all gone…. It’s the boiling frog syndrome where you don’t even feel it cookin’.

Economic terrorism is maybe a phrase we should start to become familiar with…. This economic war has already destroyed more of the United States than anything we have seen in the past.

Multinationals, while we’re down, while we’re beaten into the ground on the manufacturing side
are ripping us off on the raw commodities side. They’re taking them out of the ground at pennies on the dollar. Most of them are foreign companies.

Here in Alaska, they’re not even national organizations. They’re foreign companies that are making their money, hijacking the resource at bargain-basement prices as our deficits increase, and as these closed meetings that take six years to find out about, finally get revealed on the outside of this administration, just in time for some indictments, and then Presidential pardons before everybody disappears to go make their [$$$megabuck$$$, payback] speeches.”

Nick Begich

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from
Changing the Way We See the World with Dr. Nick Begich on GCN Live

Water Power: Torch that Melts Steel, H2O > HHO Powered Car

Why aren’t we hearing more about this?

Could all of these reports be bogus? Some think so.

Or is the corporatocracy protecting its ability to control the people through the energy source they manage—extracting $billions$ from the people in the process?

[youtube=]Denny Klein

[youtube=]Salt Water Into Fire 2 (John Kanzius)

[youtube=]Salt Water Into Fire 3 (John Kanzius)

[youtube=]Salt Water Into Fire 4 (John Kanzius)

[youtube=]Stanley Meyer


(video) Jim Marrs in studio with Alex Jones: NWO Suppressed Technology

Why is ‘Free’ Energy is Being Stifled?

H2O-to-HHO Energy Talk on Coast to Coast AM

Water-Fuel Car Made in Japan

The Water Car

Suppression of Energy Technologies

WAVE 3 TV Louisville, KY | Car Powered By Water A Reality

Vision: The Coming Hydrogen Based Energy Revolution & Global Shift in Power

Lindsey Williams: The Energy *Non*-Crisis—Alaska’s ‘Classified’ Oil Pool(s) Largest on Earth?

What Can Ron Paul Do For Your Health?

From: Dr. Mercola

Ron Paul supports all the basic principles of the Constitution – including limited government involvement.

What does this mean for your health?

Just as I encourage you to Take Control of Your Health, Ron Paul seeks to maximize your individual freedom, including those basic rights that pertain to your health.

Already, Paul has introduced The Health Freedom Protection Act, which would strongly and positively affect and many other natural health organizations and advocates, along with the field of natural health in general. This bill would curb restrictions imposed by the FDA and FTC regarding health claims for dietary supplements, preventing the FDA from censoring truthful claims about the curative or preventative effect of dietary supplements.

The fact that we need serious healthcare reform, and wider access and education about preventative health, is nothing new. Ron Paul understands these issues, and as President, he would have even more opportunities to introduce positive, and much-needed, change in the health-care arena. In terms of your health, Ron Paul:

• Wants to expand the ability of Americans to use alternative medicine and new treatments.
• Opposes legislation that increases the FDA‘s legal powers.
• Believes the government should never have the power to require immunizations or vaccinations.

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Fluoride’s Affects on Brain Tissue

From: The Fluoride Action Network

The animal studies have also documented considerable evidence of direct toxic effects of fluoride on brain tissue, even at levels as low as 1 ppm fluoride in water (Varner 1998). These effects include:

— reduction in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors;
— reduction in lipid content;
— impaired anti-oxidant defense systems;
— damage to the hippocampus;
— damage to the purkinje cells;
— increased uptake of aluminum;
— formation of beta-amyloid plaques (the classic brain abnormality in Alzheimer’s disease);
— exacerbation of lesions induced by iodine deficiency; and
— accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland.

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Pastor Baldwin: Supposed “Pro-Life” Candidates Should Put Up or Shut Up

Excerpt from News with Views:

The only presidential candidate who has a commitment to saving the lives of unborn babies and who understands the constitutional authority of Congress to end abortion-on-demand is Texas Congressman Ron Paul (with the exception of Alan Keyes, who recently announced his candidacy). You read it right. At this point, John McCain is all talk; Mitt Romney is all talk; Fred Thompson is all talk. And even Mike Huckabee is all talk. …

When it comes to ending abortion-on-demand and overturning Roe v. Wade, the only thing Mike Huckabee (and the rest of the Republican presidential candidates, save Ron Paul and Alan Keyes) will say is that they will appoint the right judges, as if they have no power as President to do anything else. (Good grief! Even Rudy Giuliani says as much.) …

Ron Paul seems to be the only presidential candidate who understands that under Article. III. Section. 2., the Constitution gives to the Congress of the United States the power to hold rogue courts in check and to overturn outlandish rulings such as Roe v. Wade.

Accordingly, Ron Paul has introduced and reintroduced the Sanctity of Life Act (including in the current Congress). If passed, this Bill would recognize the personhood of all unborn babies by declaring that “human life shall be deemed to exist from conception.” The Bill also recognizes the authority of each State to protect the lives of unborn children. In addition, this Bill would remove abortion from the jurisdiction of the Court, thereby nullifying the Roe v. Wade decision. The Bill would also deny funding for abortion providers. In plain language, the Bill would overturn Roe v. Wade and end abortion-on-demand.

Is it not more than interesting that “pro-life” President George W. Bush, along with the “pro-life” Republican Party leadership of both houses of Congress, refused–and continues to refuse–to support Ron Paul’s Sanctity of Life Act? In addition, not a single “pro-life” presidential candidate outside of Ron Paul has even bothered to mention the Sanctity of Life Act, much less aggressively call for its implementation with a promise that, if elected President, he would sign it into law. Not Huckabee; not McCain; not Thompson; not Romney; none of them! …

Every four years, Republicans trot out a conservative façade during an election season for the purpose of obtaining the votes of susceptible Christians. And every four years, conservative Christians–like starving catfish–take the bait: hook, line, and sinker.

“Save us from the monster,” seems to be the cry of well-meaning–but easily manipulated–conservatives. The “monster” is whoever the Democrats nominate, of course. But, ladies and gentlemen, the Republican Party has done absolutely nothing to change the course of the country. Nothing! In fact, it has only gotten worse with Republicans in charge.

Ron Paul is the only candidate running against the status quo. He is the only candidate who takes his oath to the Constitution seriously. He is the only candidate who, if elected, would actually turn the country around. A Ron Paul victory would launch a new American revolution: a revolution of freedom and independence such as we have not seen since 1776. Furthermore, among the major Republican presidential contenders, Ron Paul is the only candidate whose pro-life commitment extends beyond rhetoric.

Click for Article


Ron Paul and Chuck Baldwin at the Iowa Pastor’s Forum

The Christian Heart of Ron and Carol Paul—MP3 Interview

Other Chuck Baldwin articles

Movie: “Golden Compass”–Where Bad is Good & God is Banned

From: Kjos Ministries

Flying witches, evil specters, talking bears and evolving “Dust” abound in The Dark Materials, Philip Pullman’s popular fantasy series for children. In this confusing cosmos of multiple universes, humans are linked to personal daemons, and telepathic seekers find answers to life’s mysteries through divination, Eastern meditation, ancient “wisdom” and ritual magic. These occult practices are essential to the battle for the “free” Republic — against the despised old Church.

Lyra, the pre-teen heroine, is a headstrong tomboy raised without parents at an Oxford college in a universe parallel to ours. A proficient liar, she’s first seen snooping in a forbidden area with her daemon camouflaged as a moth. From then on, she follows her intuition from one crisis to the next until all remnants of Biblical truth and authority have been destroyed. By the end of the series, God is dead. Free-spirited Lyra (still a 12-year-old) has sexually “come of age” and fulfilled her prophetic assignments in the war against Christianity.

Click for Exposé

Britney Spears’ Horrific Childhood–Why Some People Act the Way They Do

From ‘Us’ Magazine:


Britney Spears made a name for herself as a happy, wholesome pop star who was saving herself for marriage.

But lawyer Eric Ervin, who worked with Spears as a teenager, tells Us Weekly in its new cover story that the “virgin” image Spears portrayed was, in his words, a “PR blitz.” …Something Spears also kept secret: Her family’s tragic history.

Us has learned that Spears’ paternal grandmother, Emma Jean Spears, in June 1966 committed suicide at age 31. …Emma Jean Spears left behind four other children, including Britney’s father, Jamie Spears, then an eighth grader. Two of Jamie Spears’ brothers ended up with criminal records and homeless.

More troubling details on Britney Spears’ disturbing childhood — and how it plays a part in her behavior today appear in the new issue of of Us Weekly, on newsstands Wednesday nationwide.



Britney Spears: Turning ‘nice’ on and off — Have you ever met someone who was too good to be true?

Russia: Fraud, intimidation and bribery as Putin prepares for victory

From: The Guardian

In a leak to Russian media this week, one senior election official said that regional governors had been told to deliver at least 65% of the vote for Putin’s party, an “unrealistically high” total that could be achieved only through electoral fraud and by compelling people to vote. …

Regional election workers would also stuff ballot boxes – as they had done on previous occasions – boosting United Russia’s vote by about 20%, he estimated. These results could be refined still further by using the election commission’s central computer. “You can falsify as much as you want. But the result must be truthful-looking,” he said.

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[Video] Who is Ron Paul? A 2-Minute History


[5 min. video] The CFR Controls American Media


Burkas Cause Major Vitamin D Deficiency & Hence Breast Cancer?


burkas are making women sick throughout the [A]rab world. 99 percent of women in a recent study showed a deficiency of vitamin D.

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Laura Bush:

“What I found out when I was there was that they were very glad to talk about it, because it is true that breast cancer presents about 10 years younger in Arab women than it does here in the United States.” …

“I met woman who was covered, totally covered — just her eyes were exposed….”

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Related: Burka-Wearing Prompts The Return Of In Rickets In Birmingham

Ron Paul on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 10/30/07


Falling Cow Hits Car (After Church)–Always gotta be ready!

From KING 5, Seattle

MANSON, Wash. – A Michigan couple is lucky to be alive after their minivan was hit by a falling cow on Sunday.

According to a report in the Wenatchee World newspaper, Charles Everson, Jr. and his wife Linda were driving on Highway 150 about one mile east of Manson in Chelan County when a cow fell about 200 feet off a cliff and landed on the hood of their minivan.

“It was ‘bam’- you just saw something come down and hit the hood,” Everson told the newspaper from a hotel room in Manson.

Everson, 49, and his wife were visiting the area from Westland, Michigan, near Detroit, and were headed back to their hotel after attending a church service.

The newspaper cites Everson saying he didn’t see the animal until it hit and didn’t realize what happened until after the impact.

“I’m like, ‘I don’t believe this, I don’t believe this, I don’t believe this,'” Everson told the newspaper.

“It’s funny because it was such a close call,” Arnold Baker, Chelan County Fire District 5 Chief told the World.  “Inches different and the couple in this car would have been killed.”

Click for Story & Video


Charles and Linda Everson of Westland were driving in the scenic foothills of Washington state when they slowed for a fallen rock.

The boulder, however, was nothing compared to what would drop next.

Namely, a 600-pound baby cow.

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Always Gotta Be Ready: Man Killed When Engine Crashes Through Roof

Alaska: Falling Moose Nearly Takes Out Trooper—Always Gotta Be Ready

Ron Paul LAST YEAR: Monetary Inflation is the Problem

December 5, 2006:

“Politicians often manage to fool voters and the media, but they rarely fool the financial markets over time. …”

“This decline in the value of the dollar is simple to explain. The dollar loses value as the direct result of the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury increasing the money supply. Inflation, as the late Milton Friedman explained, is always a monetary phenomenon. The federal government consistently wants to spend more than it can tax and borrow, so Congress turns to the Fed for help in covering the difference. The result is more dollars, both real and electronic – which means the value of every existing dollar goes down.”

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Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced

From: Daily Mail, UK

When the U.S. Navy deploys a battle fleet on exercises, it takes the security of its aircraft carriers very seriously indeed.

At least a dozen warships provide a physical guard while the technical wizardry of the world’s only military superpower offers an invisible shield to detect and deter any intruders.

That is the theory. Or, rather, was the theory.

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Who owns the stock of the Federal Reserve Banks? – Eustace Mullins

From: “Secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullins

“Our financial system is a false one and a huge burden on the people . . . This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth.” — Congressman Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Sr.

The shareholders of these banks which own the stock of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are the people who have controlled our political and economic destinies since 1914.

They are the Rothschilds of Europe, Lazard Freres (Eugene Meyer), Kuhn Loeb Company, Warburg Company, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller family, and the J.P. Morgan interests.


Disclaimer: I don’t at all see this as a Jewish conspiracy. I never point the finger at any race of people. Even those mentioned above aren’t the main problem. Paul wrote:

“For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12).

People are not the enemy. We should never hate people.

Hate evil, not people.


Jeff Fenske



Bob Chapman: Who Owns the Fed? “The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, etc.”

Who Owns the Federal Reserve? — Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence

G. Edward Griffin: The “Federal” Reserve is a Privately Owned Cartel

Starring Ron Paul & Ed Griffin: “Fiat Empire—Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution”

Pastor Baldwin: Moneychangers Destroying America—And Christians Don’t See It

Photo: God’s Universe: Our Milky Way–90° Panorama

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Click for Photo


Scientists Find 200 Sextillion More Stars in the Sky — The new estimate is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!

How much energy does the Sun produce in a single second?

Total Energy of the Stars in the Universe!

Star Size Comparison HD

“Thousands” Illegally Rendered By Bush Administration for Interrogation, Torture

From: Global Research

In violation of international and U.S. law, “thousands” of alleged terrorists have been victims of “extraordinary rendition” by the Bush Administration since 9/11, two legal scholars say. “Instead of working to bring those committing crimes against the United States to justice in U.S. courts, the Bush Administration seems intent on doing exactly the opposite—keeping such individuals away from U.S. courts, hidden in a web of secret prisons, underground interrogation cells, and in the hands of cooperative governments”….

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MSNBC Video: Mexican Military Incursions Onto American Soil–216 Times in Last 10 Years


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