Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Barack Obama Page 5 of 16

[video] Aaron Dykes: Obama's Crass Photo Op

[youtube=]Obama’s Crass Photo Op

Published on Jan 5, 2013

Despite the fact that drone strikes personally approved by Barack Obama have killed dozens of children around the world, the White House has pulled another crass PR stunt by releasing a photograph of Obama looking upset at the moment he was told the news about the Sandy Hook school massacre.

[video] Obama Orders Children Murdered — All body-bags are equally tragic

[youtube=]Obama Orders Children Murdered

Published on Dec 19, 2012

As Obama grandstands and uses the Sandy Hook crisis to, in the words of Eric Holder “brainwash the public” that guns are bad and the cause of violent crime and misery, We decided to show just a few of the documented cases of drone attacks that he personally ordered where children were killed. Drone attack after drone attack you will see the real face of the Globalists. This man does not care about children he cares about disarming the American people to bring in a totalitarian government.

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

[video] Will Obama Cry For Children He Has Killed With Drones?

Really good at minute-4[youtube=]Will Obama Cry For Children He Has Killed With Drones?

TheAlexJonesChannel·11,927 videos

Published on Dec 17, 2012

Obama on record has killed thousands of children in 8 nations with drones attacks, will he break up in tears for them? Did Obama only cry for the shooting victims to disarm the American people, do bears crap in the woods?

Barack Obama pretends to cry about school shooting — while drone-bombing children, women and men in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan…

The goal is to take away the guns, so no one will be free.
– –


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Obama Caught Fake Crying — “They’re not letting a good crisis go to waste”
Rahm Emanuel: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”
Bill Clinton fakes crying at Ron Brown’s funeral — Suddenly switches from laughing to crying when he sees someone filming him

[video] Obama Caught Fake Crying — "They're not letting a good crisis go to waste"


“They’re not letting a ‘good crisis’ go to waste.”

– Alex Jones

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[youtube=]Obama Caught Fake Crying

Published on Dec 14, 2012

This NWO banker minion is desperate to disarm the American people and complete their journey into slavery.


Barack Obama pretends to cry about school shooting — while drone-bombing children, women and men in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan…

Rahm Emanuel: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”

Bill Clinton fakes crying at Ron Brown’s funeral — Suddenly switches from laughing to crying when he sees someone filming him

[video] Ray McGovern: Has the CIA Gone Rogue? — Biblical justice, is it an un-American activity?

Especially considering the heavy stuff he’s involved with, it’s delightful to see how freed up and even joyful Ray is at age-73, doing what he knows is right to do. No matter how heavy, his burden is light!
jeff : )
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Cuba, JFK, 9/11, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Joe Biden minute-50, Downing Street Memo …

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Very interesting at *minute 35:45*

Biblical justice, is it an un-American activity?

God used prophets to bring clarity, to help the people see.

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[youtube=]Has the CIA Gone Rogue? with Ray McGovern

Published on Jun 7, 2012

Has the CIA gone rouge? Ray McGovern, CIA analyst for 27 years and co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs), addresses this question as he expounds on the history of the CIA to the Deerfield Progressive Forum. 58 min. 1/28/12

Joel Skousen: Obama's Marxist background is the wrong target of conservatives — "I’ve made the case repeatedly that Obama long ago sold out to the Globalists and is their puppet now" | "And forget about the oft-repeated myth that it only takes 3% of Americans to lead the others to liberty. 3% can lead the people downhill, but…"

The concern about Obama being a Marxist continues to be the wrong target of conservatives. I’ve made the case repeatedly that Obama long ago sold out to the Globalists and is their puppet now. His Marxist background has little relevance to what is happening in the country. What socialism they are pushing comes from his globalist controllers.

• • •

And forget about the oft-repeated myth that it only takes 3% of Americans to lead the others to liberty—just like the Communist 3% in Russia. This is patently wrong. 3% can lead the people downhill – in the direction of their low natural proclivities (wanting something for nothing) but it takes a LOT more than 3% to lead people uphill against their natural proclivities.

– Joel Skousen


World Affairs Brief, November 16, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Evidence of Vote Fraud Mounting 
Bogus Secession Movement
The Petraeus Affair: Is That All There Is?
Other Changes in the Obama Administration
Fiscal Cliff and the Economy?
Homeland Security Youth Corps

Obama: “You Know I Tell The Truth” – FACT CHECK — 10 Flagrant Examples!

From: Infowars

Obama: “You Know I Tell The Truth” – FACT CHECK

You know when Obama is lying because his lips are moving

During a campaign event in New Hampshire, Barack Obama told an audience of his supporters, “you know I tell the truth.”

Here are ten flagrant examples where Obama has not told the truth and in fact has lied to cover up his own administration’s failings, or as a deliberate act of deception.

Entire Article with Videos Here

[video] Political Deception: Romney or Obama? Which would Jesus vote for?

Beautifully said!

: )

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[youtube=]Political Deception: Romney or Obama? Which would Jesus vote for?

Published on Oct 31, 2012 by 

Godsgirltv’s Prophecy
24/7 Fellowship | Forums | Chat
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Should Christians Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils? — We must be free!
I was asked two questions on Facebook: (1) Brother Jeff, what’s the strategy in condemning both sides? (2) Jeff, when I think of voting, I think of the well-being of my grandchildren. How would you advise me?
Bill Schoebelen: The Occult Origins of Halloween & Mitt Romney’s Mormon Occultic Agenda — Why Christians shouldn’t participate
[Video] Greg Boyd on ‘Charlie Rose’: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church
Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.
The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated

[10-minute video] Romney Vs Obama – Same Issues, Same Answers!

[youtube=]Romney Vs Obama – Same Issues, Same Answers!

Published on May 23, 2012 by 

Published on Apr 23, 2012 by channel4truth2012


Ron Paul is the only candidate who predicted and warned against the economic crisis, who understood and explained the reasons for it, and who offers a viable solution.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who really means it when he says he wants to bring our troops home and scale down our unsustainable and unreasonable empire.

Ron Paul is the only candidate who is serious about slashing spending and eliminating taxes.

Even though others are now trying to sound like him, there is only one Ron Paul. And there is only one candidate who can beat Obama: Ron Paul.
Congressman Ron Paul is the leading advocate for freedom in our nation’s capital. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. He is known among his congressional colleagues and his constituents for his consistent voting record. Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution.In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is the “one exception to the Gang of 535″ on Capitol Hill.

Ron Paul was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, before proudly serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his medical practice in Brazoria County. As a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr. Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies. He and Carol, who reside in Lake Jackson, Texas, are the proud parents of five children and have 17 grandchildren.

While serving in Congress during the late 1970s and early 1980s, Dr. Paul’s limited-government ideals were not popular in Washington. In 1976, he was one of only four Republican congressmen to endorse Ronald Reagan for president.

During that time, Congressman Paul served on the House Banking committee, where he was a strong advocate for sound monetary policy and an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve’s inflationary measures. He was an unwavering advocate of pro-life and pro-family values. Dr. Paul consistently voted to lower or abolish federal taxes, spending and regulation, and used his House seat to actively promote the return of government to its proper constitutional levels. In 1984, he voluntarily relinquished his House seat and returned to his medical practice.

Dr. Paul returned to Congress in 1997 to represent the 14th congressional district of Texas. He presently serves on the House Committee on Financial Services and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. He continues to advocate a dramatic reduction in the size of the federal government and a return to constitutional principles.

Congressman Paul’s consistent voting record prompted one of his congressional colleagues to say, “Ron Paul personifies the Founding Fathers’ ideal of the citizen-statesman. He makes it clear that his principles will never be compromised, and they never are.” Another colleague observed, “There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few.

Why doesn’t Romney use this to take down Obama?
And why don’t Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck even mention that Obama is a red diaper baby?
Even if the truth doesn’t get out fully enough BEFORE the election. Afterwards could greatly damage Obama’s credibility during his next term.
So Romney could easily do more damage during his 4 years than the exposed Obama.
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[youtube=]Rense & Joel Gilbert – Marxist Obama’s Real Father Revealed!

Published on Sep 27, 2012 by JRense

Joel Gilbert has Directed a Documentary on this very subject …..

[video and transcript] Journalist Chris Hedges Sues Obama Admin over Indefinite Detention of U.S. Citizens Approved in NDAA — Mitt Romney defended Obama’s approval of the bill, saying he would have done the same!

Last night, Republican front-runner Mitt Romney defended Obama’s approval of the bill, saying he would have done the same.

KELLY EVANS: Governor Romney, as president, would you have signed the National Defense Act, as written?

MITT ROMNEY: Yes, I would have. …

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Entire Article and Video Here

From: Democracy Now!


Journalist Chris Hedges Sues Obama Admin over Indefinite Detention of U.S. Citizens Approved in NDAA

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges has filed suit against President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to challenge the legality of the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes controversial provisions authorizing the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect anywhere in the world, without charge or trial. Sections of the bill are written so broadly that critics say they could encompass journalists who report on terror-related issues, such as Hedges, for supporting enemy forces. “It’s clearly unconstitutional,” Hedges says of the bill. “It is a huge and egregious assault against our democracy. It overturns over 200 years of law, which has kept the military out of domestic policing.” We speak with Hedges, now a senior fellow at the Nation Institute and former New York Times foreign correspondent who was part of a team of reporters that was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for the paper’s coverage of global terrorism. We are also joined by Hedges’ attorney Carl Mayer, who filed the litigation on his behalf in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. [includes rush transcript] …


AMY GOODMAN: During Monday night’s debate in South Carolina, Republican candidates sharply disagreed over a new policy to indefinitely detain American citizens. President Obama approved the measure as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, which includes controversial provisions authorizing the military to jail anyone it considers a terrorism suspect anywhere in the world without charge or trial. President Obama added a signing statement when he signed the NDAA, stating, quote, “I want to clarify that my administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens.”

Well, last night, Republican front-runner Mitt Romney defended Obama’s approval of the bill, saying he would have done the same.

KELLY EVANS: Governor Romney, as president, would you have signed the National Defense Act, as written?

MITT ROMNEY: Yes, I would have. And I do believe that it’s appropriate to have in our nation the capacity to detain people who are threats to this country, who are members of al-Qaeda. Look, you have every right in this country to protest and to express your views on a wide range of issues, but you don’t have a right to join a group that has challenged America and has threatened killing Americans, has killed Americans and has declared war against America. That’s treason. And in this country, we have a right to take those people and put them in jail.

AMY GOODMAN: That was Republican presidential front-runner Romney, talking about the controversial indefinite detention provisions in the NDAA.

Meanwhile, Rick Santorum said a U.S. citizen who’s detained as an enemy combatant should have the right to a lawyer and to appeal his case before a federal court. And Ron Paul said holding American citizens indefinitely is a breach of the U.S. judicial system.

When President Barack Obama signed the NDAA, sections of the bill were opposed by key members of his administration, including Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, FBI Director Robert Mueller and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Many civil liberties activists believe the law is unconstitutional.

Well, today, an announcement is being made in New York, filing a complaint in the Southern U.S. District Court against Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to challenge the legality of the NDAA. Their plaintiff is none other than veteran war correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges.

For more, we’re joined by Chris Hedges himself, senior fellow at the Nation Institute, who recently wrote a piece for TruthDig called “Why I’m Suing Barack Obama.” Chris Hedges is a former foreign correspondent for the New York Times, was part of a team of reporters who won the Pulitzer Prize in 2002 for the paper’s coverage of global terror. He is author of a number of books, including Death of the Liberal Class and The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress.

And we’re joined by Chris Hedges’ attorney Carl Mayer, who filed the litigation on his behalf.

Chris Hedges and Carl Mayer, welcome to Democracy Now!

CHRIS HEDGES: Thank you.

AMY GOODMAN: Chris, why are you suing President Obama?

CHRIS HEDGES: Because it’s clearly unconstitutional, for starters. But secondly, it is a huge and egregious assault against our democracy. It overturns over 200 years of law, which has kept the military out of domestic policing. And even that passage that you read from the White House, I think, is deeply disingenuous, because Dianne Feinstein had a resolution by which, within that bill, Americans would be exempted from this, and the Democratic Party and Barack Obama rejected it. All of the debate with Carl Levin, who, with McCain, sponsored the bill, was a struggle between the White House so that they would assume—they would have the right to assume which Americans would be detained by the military without due process and held indefinitely until the end of hostilities, this kind of endless war on terror. It’s an extremely frightening step backwards for American democracy. And as someone who’s spent 20 years overseas and has lived in countries where the military has that kind of power, I have friends who have disappeared into these military gulags. We have unleashed something that I think is truly terrifying.

And as discontent grows, of course, the criteria by which people can be investigated in this country are so amorphous, even bizarre—I mean, somebody who is missing fingers on a hand or somebody who has more than seven days’ worth of food. It’s a very seamless step to include in that list some of the obstructionist tactics of the Occupy movement. And I think that for those of us who care about civil liberties, the right of dissent and freedom, we have to stand up. And that’s why Carl and I have decided to do this.

Entire Article with Video Here

Joel Skousen: Romney’s First Win — The kingmakers may have to voter fraud Romney's defeat, which may actually may be best, because "the conservative movement suffers under Republican presidents who do the establishment bidding while convincing conservatives it’s the 'right thing to do.'"

How has voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’ altered the soul of America?
I’ve often said that when a Republican is elected President the conservatives stand down and rubber stamp everything he does — led by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News (‘Fair and Balanced’), etc..
This is actually a corrupting process in which conservatives then become willing supporters of the globalists’ policies that are destroying America and fomenting hatred of US from all over the world.
It appears that voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’ and then winning (during eight years of Bush/Cheney) encouraged evangelicals into accepting without question the 9/11 official story, and then supporting the reverse-Christian and unconstitutional policies like the ‘Patriot’ Act, the invasions of sovereign nations, torture, bailing out the international bankers, the skyrocketing deficit, etc.. The indoctrination was so complete that most evangelicals were fully willing to even send their daughters through the naked body scanners.
Mitt Romney supports all of the above as well as the NDAA. Isn’t it time that we stop supporting evil? I’ll probably vote for the Constitution Party candidate yet again, now that Ron Paul has been rejected one last time. It’s important to have clean hands and a pure heart.
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World Affairs Brief, October 5, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Romney’s First Win
Prelude to a Police State
Glenn Beck’s “The Project”: More Government Propaganda
Turkey’s Non-Declaration of War on Syria
Whistleblower Confirms CNN is a Shill for Government
Documentary Proposal on the History of Modern Conspiracy
I’m no fan of Romney or his constant attempts to please the establishment, but I’m even more disturbed by the establishment’s manipulation of polling numbers in order to make sure Obama wins reelection. First the establishment went undercover to illegally record Romney’s remark about 47% of Americans being “victims”, and then boosted Obama’s polling numbers in order to make this silly attack on Romney have an effect. Yes, the constant drumbeat about Romney’s unlike-ability and elitism has taken a toll, but Obama is still very much at risk of losing – especially after Wednesday’s debate where Obama, sans teleprompter, stumbled badly. Ultimately, I think the course of this election will be decided by vote fraud in key swing states where establishment political machines have a history of boosting election rolls with illegal aliens and altering electronic voting records. […]
In order to reelect Obama, the PTB are going to have to order up another round of electronic vote fraud, which is increasingly easy to do, even if there is a paper trail for these voting machines. That’s because state officials and judges almost never allow a recount based upon that paper trail. But there are limits to how much they can change the vote electronically. Because of exit polling accuracies, political machines can only get away with changing the electronic vote tallies up to about a maximum of 8-10% —otherwise the manipulation is too obvious and people become outraged. If they keep the difference below 10% they can always explain it away by “margin of error” —just like in polling manipulation (which can often exceed the 4% margin of error by double).
With Romney’s big win in the debate this week, it appears the PTB are going to have to really alter the electronic vote toward Obama to ensure his win., a left-wing site had to admit that “Each candidate leads in states considered safe for their party. In safe GOP states, Romney leads by 8. In safe Democrat states, Obama leads by a massive 22 points. But, in the more numerous and more important swing states, Romney leads by 4 points, hitting the critical 50% threshold, nationwide”. Even the liberal press had to admit that Obama lost badly. Of course there was little substance in either candidates statements, but debates are won on speaking ability and how you come across to voters. […]
All this is more evidence that the PTB intend to reelect Obama. The constitutional right continues to assert that Romney is an insider and just as much controlled by the PTB as Obama. I continue to explain, for the sake of new subscribers, that this isn’t true. The kingmakers wouldn’t have tried so hard to stop him from getting the nomination in 2008 and 2012 if he were one of them. In fact, he’s not an insider, and they resent anyone trying to get into the race with their own money, bypassing their vetting process. Even more than that, they fear what an outsider may see about illegal operations inside the White House that they might not be able to keep from a president who is no dummy. Lastly, they never pick insiders or puppets who aren’t morally compromised or blackmailed, and Romney doesn’t fit that mold.
But that isn’t to say Romney would save us from much of the Obama agenda. He’s already sending messages that he would retain most of Obamacare even if repealed. Romney’s problem is that he has too much ambition and is trying desperately to please the establishment. He has hired virtually all establishment and neocon advisors. I hope he loses—not because I want Obama back, but because the conservative movement suffers under Republican presidents who do the establishment bidding while convincing conservatives it’s the “right thing to do.” It’s not.
Republicans are sending out mass emailings aimed at Ron Paul supporters trying to convince them that they ought to vote for Romney rather than a third party alternative in order to ensure that any new Supreme Court nominees are appointed by a Republican rather than Obama. But that strategy has never produced good results. The Senate confirmation processalways blocks any strict constructionist, like judge Robert Bork, from being nominated—refusing to pass on anyone except those controlled by the establishment. All of the justices confirmed during Republican presidencies have turned out to be compromised–like Justice Roberts, who just betrayed conservatives on Obamacare.

Ralph Nader To POLITICO: Obama Is A ‘War Criminal,’ ‘More Aggressive’ Than George W. Bush


Ralph Nader To POLITICO: Obama Is A ‘War Criminal,’ ‘More Aggressive’ Than George W. Bush

When it comes to foreign policy issues, Ralph Nader gives Barack Obama a lower grade than for George W. Bush. Nader said that Obama’s expansion of Bush-era drone strikes and other foreign policy measures are more concerning under the current president because Obama “raised expectation levels” about changing the status quo before his election in a way that Bush never did. Nader accused Obama of being a “war criminal” who is “violating [the law] with abandon.”

Patrick Gavin asked Nader if he believes Obama is one of the better or worse presidents in the span of the nation’s history. Nader put Obama on the bottom end of the scale.

“He’s below average because he raised expectation levels. I mean, what expectation level did George Bush raise? Number two, he’s below average because he’s above average in his intellect and his knowledge of legality, which he is violating with abandon.”

“He’s worse in the sense that he’s more aggressive, more illegal worldwide. He has basically stated… that he has the authority to kill an American citizen or citizens anywhere in the world if he suspects them of trouble.” …

Watch the video below, courtesy of POLITICO…

Entire Article Here

[video] Joel Gilbert: The True Origins of Obama's Life and Politics Revealed — At age 18, Barack Obama arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. "Dreams of My REAL Father" DVD reveals the source of Obama's foundation in Marxism that is destroying America!

Skull and Bonesman George W. Bush (whose grandfather funded Hitler) just handed the baton to Obama, and said “run!”

And ‘run’ he has.

This is the 4th Infowars interview with Joel Gilbert.

Very important!

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[youtube=]Was Obama’s Real Daddy Running a Sex Club in Hawaii?

Published on Aug 21, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama’s foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama’s family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama “autobiography,” offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President’s life and politics.

In Dreams from My Real Father, Barack Obama is portrayed by a voiceover actor who chronicles Barack Obama’s life journey in socialism, from birth through his election to the Presidency. The film begins by presenting the case that Barack Obama’s real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama’s world view during his formative years. Barack Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics. Was the goat herding Kenyan father only a fairy tale to obscure a Marxist agenda, irreconcilable with American values?
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Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama’s Real Father Exposed!
The True Origins of Barak Obama with Director Joel Gilbert
Alex’s 3rd interview with director Joel Gilbert: “Dreams From My Real Father” presents the case that Barack Obama’s real father was Communist Party USA propagandist Frank Marshall Davis
[DVD] “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception” — Is this why President Obama is the way he is? The pieces seem to fit. Yikes!!!

What's 'Barry Soetoro' hiding, spending millions of dollars in legal fees to keep his past sealed? Obama was admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia.

This article disagrees:
Oops! Barack Obama’s Mom Forgot To ‘Change Him Back’ To An American
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From: Lew Rockwell

What’s ‘Barry Soetoro’ Hiding?

by Wayne Allyn Root

why are the college records, of a 51-year-old President of the United States, so important to keep secret? I think I know the answer. …

The Wall Street Journal reported in 2008 that Fox News randomly called 400 of our Columbia classmates and never found one who had ever met Obama.

Now all of this mystery could be easily and instantly dismissed if Obama released his Columbia transcripts to the media. …

I believe Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. Did his mother ever change him back to a U.S. citizen? I’m betting not. He was abandoned by his mother and sent back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. …foreign students have a much easier path being admitted to U.S. universities. And even more amazingly, they get loads of aid and scholarships to attend college for free – something unavailable to U.S. citizens. …

That would explain how a poor student who rarely attended class and got mediocre grades, and with no money, was able to get accepted and pay for Occidental, Columbia and Harvard Law. The door magically opened for a foreign student with an exotic background. …

That would also explain the great mystery of how in the summer of 1981 Barry Soetoro was able to travel to Pakistan when no U.S. citizen was allowed to travel there. Did he use his Indonesian passport?

Of course a foreign student isn’t qualified to serve as President of the United States. So that secret had to be sealed and covered up for the rest of all time. In 2007 everything happened so fast no one could even ask questions…ask Hillary! That explains why a sitting President of the United States would spend millions of dollars in legal fees to keep his past sealed.

If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records I believe you’d find that:

A) He rarely ever attended class.
B) His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.
C) He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.
D) He never paid for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreigner like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia

Entire Article Here

Jerome Corsi: "Dreams of My Real Father" filmmaker reveals new evidence that radical communist, Frank Marshall Davis was President's real father

I’ve now seen the movie, Dreams of My REAL Father. I’ve wondered for years how Obama can so frequently lie; though, it didn’t seem to bother his heart, appearing as a lie. But if he was trained by his real father to believe that Communism is best for America, then our President’s Communist ends justify his deceptive means.
It’s far beyond socialism. Obama also had a close association with extreme communist radical Bill Ayers, and his real history shows his deep involvement with other communist party radicals.
The film also shows what Obama’s role as community organizer really was: a socialism change agent.
Very sinister and telling.
However, I think the movie tries to say too much in 95 minutes. It either should have been longer or simplified. This DVD covers a lot of ground, much of it new. And the narrator (acting as Obama in first person) gives key facts while we’re shown portions of key articles to read. To get everything, I found myself frequently pausing and rewinding parts.
It can be watched straight through to get the big picture though. It’s definitely worth watching!
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From: WND


Filmmaker reveals new evidence Frank Marshall Davis was president’s real father

by Jerome Corsi

Was Obama’s goal in writing his autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” to misdirect Americans away from a deeply disturbing family background and a Marxist political foundation? …

In his film, Gilbert documents that Ann Dunham gave her father, the “Gramps” of Obama’s autobiography, instructions to make sure young Barry would be taken regularly to visit Davis.

“Obama chronicles his childhood interaction with Frank Marshall Davis in his autobiography by mentioning ‘Frank’ 25 times, the only person Obama refers to by using his real first name instead of a completely fabricated pseudonym,” Gilbert stressed.

Neighbors of Davis have said Obama began visiting Davis every week at his home from the time Obama was 10 years old. …

Obama’s election was not a sudden political phenomenon, Gilbert maintains.

“It was the culmination of an American socialist movement that Frank Marshall Davis nurtured in Chicago and Hawaii and has been quietly infiltrating the U.S. economy, universities and media for decades,” he said. “To understand Obama’s plans for America, look no further than communist Frank Marshall Davis.”

Entire Article with Video Here

[video] Larry Pinkney: Black Panther Veteran Warns of A Trojan Horse Named Obama — Skin pigmentation doesn't matter — What the establishment hates most is 'we the people' coming together!

“We must begin to understand and look at them [Romney and Obama, etc.] for what they are — not for what we want them to be.”

“When we become organized collectively, that gets their attention.”

“The vast majority of the so called left in this country are hypocrites. … If you’re antiwar, how can you be pro-Obama. … Be honest with yourselves. Regain your humanity.”

– Larry Pinkney

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]Black Panther Veteran Warns of A Trojan Horse Named Obama

Published on Aug 10, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Alex welcomes veteran of the Black Panther Party, former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, and author-activist Larry Pinkney to discuss a host of various topics.
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[video] Informant Larry Grathwohl: Weathermen Terrorist Ties to Obama Revealed! — Who is Obama, really?!!

Alex talks with former FBI Weather Underground informant Larry Grathwohl who quoted Obama confidant and the former leader of the Weathermen as stating that those Americans who could not be re-educated in communist camps after the Revolution would be eliminated in Mao cultural revolution style.

Grathwohl authored a book, Bringing Down America, following his testimony before the Senate and also appeared in the 1982 documentary No Place to Hide.

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[youtube=]Informent Larry Grathwohl: Weathermen Terrorist Ties to Obama Revealed!

Published on Jul 13, 2012 by 

On the Friday, July 13, edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with former FBI Weather Underground informant Larry Grathwohl who quoted Obama confidant and the former leader of the Weathermen as stating that those Americans who could not be re-educated in communist camps after the Revolution would be eliminated in Mao cultural revolution style. Grathwohl authored a book, Bringing Down America, following his testimony before the Senate and also appeared in the 1982 documentary No Place to Hide.
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Obama signs an illegal executive order, allegedly giving him the INTERNET KILL SWITCH — to be used in times of crisis

World Affairs Brief, July 20, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Syria: West Using Terror to Provoke Defections
Obama’s Statist View of Success
Obama Protects Russian Uranium Deal from Litigation
Another Obama Illegal Executive Order
HSBC Executive Resigns over Money Laundering
Book Review: Gen. Brady’s Vietnam Saga: “Night in the Dog’s Head”
Ron Paul Takes on Bernanke One Last Time
Executive orders can only direct federal departments under the Executive Branch’s control, and cannot create new law. Obama has overstepped this legal boundary by issuing an Executive Order taking over all communications during an emergency. Dara Kerr of CNet has the story:
“A new executive order addresses how the country deals with the Internet during natural disasters and security emergencies, but it also puts a lot of power in the government’s hands. President Barack Obama signed an executive order last week that could give the U.S. government control over the Internet.
“With the wordy title ‘Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions,’ this order was designed to empower certain governmental agencies with control over telecommunications and the Web during natural disasters and security emergencies. …
“According to The Verge, critics of the order are concerned with Section 5.2, which is a lengthy part outlining how telecommunications and the Internet are controlled. It states that the Secretary of Homeland Security will ‘oversee the development, testing, implementation, and sustainment’ of national security and emergency preparedness measures on all systems, including private ‘non-military communications networks.’ According to The Verge, critics say this gives Obama the on/off switch to the Web. …
It’s time the Congress begins to challenge these illegal forays into legislation and reassert its exclusive authority to enact laws. It’s time to raise the threat of impeachment and tie it to the illicit use of Executive Orders. But that won’t happen as long as the dirty tricks boys in the FBI have incriminating files on about 75% of Congress. Only about a dozen Congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system.
All 50+ of my Republicans Blackmailable posts (latest appear first, 10 posts per page)

[video] Alex's 3rd interview with director Joel Gilbert: "Dreams From My Real Father" presents the case that Barack Obama's real father was Communist Party USA propagandist Frank Marshall Davis

[youtube=]Obama’s “Deeply Disturbing” Family Background with Director Joel Gilbert

Published on Jul 24, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Alex speaks to writer-director Joel Gilbert, whose most recent film “Dreams From My Real Father” presents the case that Barack Obama’s real father was Communist Party USA propagandist Frank Marshall Davis.

Dreams From My Real Father
Your Price: $14.95

In Dreams from My Real Father, Barack Obama is portrayed by a voiceover actor who chronicles Barack Obama’s life journey in socialism, from birth through his election to the Presidency. The film begins by presenting the case that Barack Obama’s real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama’s world view during his formative years. Barack Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics. Was the goat herding Kenyan father only a fairy tale to obscure a Marxist agenda, irreconcilable with American values?!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[Shocking, Disturbing, Worse-than-born-in-Kenya BOMBSHELL?!! – video] Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama’s Real Father Exposed!
The True Origins of Barak Obama with Director Joel Gilbert
[DVD] “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception” — Is this why President Obama is the way he is? The pieces seem to fit. Yikes!!!

Satire [video] Alex Worships Kim Jong-il — We must all worship the state because we don't build anything. The government does — according to President Obama, who begins this satirical presentation. Alex Jones is hilarious!

[youtube=]Alex Worships Kim Jong-il

Published on Jul 19, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

[DVD] "Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception" — Is this why President Obama is the way he is? The pieces seem to fit. Yikes!!!

Is this why our President is acting the way he is? I haven’t seen the documentary, but have seen Alex’s interview with the filmmaker (linked below). The pieces seem to finally fit. Very sad and tragic — and very important!
Recently, I was told that if a child doesn’t receive love from their parents during the first 3 years of their life it is very difficult to remedy, and they often become sociopaths.
“Hurt people hurt people.” And we may all be on the receiving end of this one. And we’re not just talking about a lack of love here: mentored by his porn-pushing, communist father, who wanted to overthrow the American government?!!
WARNING: It’s possible this video contains nudity.
– –
From: WND

Was communist mentor
intimate with Obama’s mother?

Filmmaker reveals new evidence Frank Marshall Davis
was President Obama’s real father

Did Barack Obama’s mother pose nude for communist poet and journalist Frank Marshall Davis?

Did Obama build his political career on a fairy tale that his father was a Kenyan who grew up herding goats?

Was Obama’s goal in writing his autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” to misdirect Americans away from a deeply disturbing family background and a Marxist political foundation?

These are questions filmmaker Joel Gilbert poses in the full-length documentary “Dreams from My Real Father,” which argues Frank Marshall Davis is the president’s biological father, not the Kenyan Barack Obama.

Entire Article with Video Here
[Shocking, Disturbing, Worse-than-born-in-Kenya BOMBSHELL?!! – video] Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama’s Real Father Exposed!
The True Origins of Barak Obama with Director Joel Gilbert
Seven Signs of a Sociopath — “Sociopaths never accept the slightest responsibility for anything that goes wrong, even though they’re responsible for almost everything that goes wrong. You’ll never hear a sincere apology from them.”
Clive Boddy: Corporate Psychopaths Rule Over Us — The key thing about psychopaths is they’ve got no conscience. If you caught them lying, they wouldn’t be flustered. They come across as almost better than everybody else, and they can make you feel as if you’ve just met your next best friend. By the time that you realize who they really are…
Study: Politicians share personality traits with serial killers
Mitt Romney’s Disturbed Character Reveals Psychopathic Mindset — He demonstrates a lack of empathy, no remorse or guilt for past assaults or mistreatment, a high degree of narcissism, and a capacity to ceaselessly lie and manipulate to get what he wants.

[video] Manufacturing A President with Journalist Wayne Madsen

[youtube=]Manufacturing A President with Journalist Wayne Madsen

Published on Jul 4, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Joel Skousen on Obamacare (Obamneycare?): "I personally think that, if elected, Romney will fail to repeal Obamacare. This is another of those causes so dear to the PTB that they won’t take no for an answer. That’s why they got Roberts to switch sides and write this deplorable court ruling.

World Affairs Brief, June 29, 2012 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World. Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
Joel Skousen on Obamacare (Obamneycare?):

I personally think that, if elected, Romney will fail to repeal Obamacare. This is another of those causes so dear to the PTB that they won’t take no for an answer. That’s why they got Roberts to switch sides and write this deplorable court ruling.

One thing is for sure: Obamacare will turn into the largest future deficit driver in history. Nothing will be solved in the health care industry and the benefit mentality of free health care will march forward inexorably adding to the total government control scheme.

One final side note: Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch was quick to voice his opposition to the decision, claiming that most Americans want the law repealed, but Utah Democrats responded with the irony that Hatch was the biggest supporter of John Robert’s ascension to the high court.

As usual, Congressman Ron Paul said it best, “I strongly disagree with today’s decision by the Supreme Court, but I am not surprised. The Court has a dismal record when it comes to protecting liberty against unconstitutional excesses by Congress.” Indeed!

[video] The True Origins of Barak Obama with Director Joel Gilbert

[youtube=]The True Origins of Barak Obama with Director Joel Gilbert

Published on Jun 29, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

Alex talks with filmmaker Joel Gilbert about his Dreams from My Real Father, a documentary that posits Obama’s real father is was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama’s world view during his formative years. Dreams from My Real Father is now available at the Infowars Store.
Dreams From My Real Father
At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama’s foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama’s family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama “autobiography,” offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President’s life and politics. [Sale $14.95]!/RealAlexJones

[Shocking, Disturbing, Worse-than-born-in-Kenya BOMBSHELL?!! – video] Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama’s Real Father Exposed!

Psychopaths are emotionally disconnected from people — so it's easier for them to go against us

This is a YouTube comment written by research147 under this video: [Shocking, Disturbing, Worse-than-born-in-Kenya BOMBSHELL?!! – video] Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama’s Real Father Exposed!

He [Barack Obama] strikes me as a secondary psychopath, so this would be fitting. Meaning not a psychopath due to biological reasons (born that way); but due to conditional (family) reasons. So there is a person there, but someone who is emotionally disconnected from people due to childhood conditions. For those who don’t know, psychopaths essentially have a total disconnection or separation from people; and as a result go against them. It is theoretically possible for them to improve, but nearly impossible.

* * *

Mitt Romney’s Disturbed Character Reveals Psychopathic Mindset — He demonstrates a lack of empathy, no remorse or guilt for past assaults or mistreatment, a high degree of narcissism, and a capacity to ceaselessly lie and manipulate to get what he wants.
Seven Signs of a Sociopath — “Sociopaths never accept the slightest responsibility for anything that goes wrong, even though they’re responsible for almost everything that goes wrong. You’ll never hear a sincere apology from them.”
Clive Boddy: Corporate Psychopaths Rule Over Us — The key thing about psychopaths is they’ve got no conscience. If you caught them lying, they wouldn’t be flustered. They come across as almost better than everybody else, and they can make you feel as if you’ve just met your next best friend. By the time that you realize who they really are…
[3-minute video] The Hermeneutics of Language: Few still say “You’re welcome.” | The Benchmark of the Psychopathy: The almost organic inability to look back, to recognize error, hurt, disappointment and pain — an inability to appreciate consequence and to take responsibility for actions of one’s past
The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!
Study: Politicians share personality traits with serial killers

[video – Shocking, Disturbing, Worse-than-born-in-Kenya BOMBSHELL?!!] Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama's Real Father Exposed!

[youtube=]Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Obama’s Real Father Exposed!

Published on Jun 22, 2012 by 

Alex talks with filmmaker Joel Gilbert about his Dreams from My Real Father, a documentary that posits Obama’s real father is was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama’s world view during his formative years. Dreams from My Real Father is now available at the Infowars Store.
Dreams From My Real Father
At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama’s foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama’s family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama “autobiography,” offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President’s life and politics. [Sale $14.95]!/RealAlexJones
[Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

One of the many comments:

He strikes me as a secondary psychopath, so this would be fitting. Meaning not a psychopath due to biological reasons (born that way); but due to conditional (family) reasons. So there is a person there, but someone who is emotionally disconnected from people due to childhood conditions. For those who don’t know, psychopaths essentially have a total disconnection or separation from people; and as a result go against them. It is theoretically possible for them to improve, but nearly impossible.


[DVD] “Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception” — Is this why President Obama is the way he is? The pieces seem to fit. Yikes!!!
The True Origins of Barak Obama with Director Joel Gilbert
Seven Signs of a Sociopath — “Sociopaths never accept the slightest responsibility for anything that goes wrong, even though they’re responsible for almost everything that goes wrong. You’ll never hear a sincere apology from them.”
Clive Boddy: Corporate Psychopaths Rule Over Us — The key thing about psychopaths is they’ve got no conscience. If you caught them lying, they wouldn’t be flustered. They come across as almost better than everybody else, and they can make you feel as if you’ve just met your next best friend. By the time that you realize who they really are…
Study: Politicians share personality traits with serial killers
Mitt Romney’s Disturbed Character Reveals Psychopathic Mindset — He demonstrates a lack of empathy, no remorse or guilt for past assaults or mistreatment, a high degree of narcissism, and a capacity to ceaselessly lie and manipulate to get what he wants.

[video] Jerome Corsi: The Provenance of Barack Obama — Important! Jerome Corsi believes that the Bilderbergs will now push their globalist agenda through Romney, because Obama is 'damaged goods.' And they might pull a false flag or start a war just so Obama can make it through his last term.

Important! Jerome Corsi believes that the Bilderbergs will now push their globalist agenda through Romney, because Obama is ‘damaged goods.’ And they might pull a false flag or start a war just so Obama can make it through his last term.

If Obama is impeached, all of his signing statements will be void.

Corsi also talks about Eric Holder, Fast and Furious, and cashing in on drugs.

* * *

[youtube=]The Provenance of Barack Obama with Dr. Jerome Corsi

Published on May 24, 2012 by 

Dr. Jerome Corsi talks with Alex on the Thursday, May 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show. Corsi talks about the latest on the Obama Kenya birth story, including a threat by Arizona to strike Obama from the ballot this November if the issue cannot be resolved. Corsi is the author of Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, Saul Alinsky:The Evil Genius Behind Obama and The Obama Nation.

Mitt Romney Attended Bilderberg 2012, reports Charlie Skelton of The Guardian — “Did Romney have to get down on one knee in front of David Rockefeller? This sounds flippant, but it’s a serious question: has Bilderberg switched allegiance? Are they going to toss away Obama after just one term?”

[video] Jerome Corsi: Obama – The Groomed from Birth Dictator's Reign Will Now End — The cat is out of the bag

[youtube=]Obama: The Groomed from Birth Dictator

Published on May 20, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel

On the May 20 Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the global elite on the run as the establishment media is forced to report on the Bilderbergers and their noxious plan to finally unfold a devastating attack on Iran, undermine the internet with government censorship, and sell the public on more trillions in bankster bailouts and punitive carbon taxes under the discredited cover of saving the earth. Alex talks about the continued and long overdue outing of Kenyan-born Obama the imposter and the G8 war council in Chicago that has transformed the Windy City into a repressive police state where political activists disappear and patsies are set-up as terrorists to further the manufactured war on terror and its Orwellian control grid.!/RealAlexJones

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