Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Free Speech / Censorship Page 5 of 14

Alex Jones Ordered To Pay Nearly ONE BILLION DOLLARS In Defamation Trial

Published October 13, 2022

Alex Jones on the Hook for Nearly $1 Billion in Damages to Sandy Hook Plaintiffs

Dr. John Campbell: Who fact checks the fact checkers

“Those trying to post the article were informed by Facebook that people who repeatedly share “false information” might have their posts moved lower in Facebook’s News Feed.

– It fails to provide any assertions of fact that The BMJ article got wrong

Parent Eviscerates School Board Over Censorship


MSM: “It’s time to give up on facts and critical thinking”


Joe Rogan Podcast: Alex Berenson Sued Twitter Over Being Banned and Was Reinstated

Joseph Farah WND: Google is strangling us!


Forrest Dunbar knows best: Anchorage Assembly decides public will not have right to vote on Clerk’s position

From: Suzanne Downing, Must Read Alaska

Anchorage Assemblyman Forrest Dunbar told his fellow Assembly members last week that not only should the public not be allowed to vote on an ordinance that would ask voters if they want the Municipal Clerk to be elected, he didn’t even want to hear the public testimony on it.

The public, Dunbar said, spews misinformation about elections, and he was opposed to allowing the citizens to speak.

The ordinance, AO 2022-13, was offered by Mayor Dave Bronson in response to the discontent among many Anchorage voters about how elections are managed in Anchorage. The Clerk, who oversees Anchorage’s controversial elections, is beholden to a highly partisan Assembly. If elected, she would be responsible to the people.

Bermas & Grove: The Sandy Hook Trial and Alex Jones

Richard Grove’s Channel

Starts out with Sandy Hook in general

53:45 The Alex Jones Trial: Jason knows Alex; worked for Infowars.

MAKE 1984 FICTION AGAIN! 6 doublespeak terms reinterpreted by JP Sears

“‘Give up your freedoms for your protection’ is doublespeak for ‘give up your freedoms so you’re not protected from us.'”

“‘Censoring to save democracy’ is doublespeak for ‘censoring to destroy democracy.'”

“‘Racial equity’ is doublespeak for ‘racism.'”
“Racism = Division, and a divided society is a controllable society.”

“‘Misinformation’ is doublespeak for ‘truth.'” The thought police, labeling things as ‘misinformation’ protects them from you being empowered by truth.”

“‘Conspiracy theories’ are doublespeak for ‘reality.'” ‘We can use that on any truth we don’t want people to believe.’

“‘Go to war to create peace’ is doublespeak for ‘go to war to eliminate peace.'”

Twitter Bans The Word Groomer, Pedos Are Taking Over The LGBTQ Community And Big Tech Is HELPING

[UPDATE]: The article Tim is relying on may be in error. Maybe this is what’s going on instead — July 21 and July 18th, respectively:

Daily Dot article: Twitter says it bans using  ‘groomer’ as an anti-LGTBQ slur—but its enforcement is lacking (updated)

Bermas: Ghislaine Only Gets 20 Years — Evidence suppressed – numerous hard drives & folders

Only Russian Orthodox have religious freedom in Russia. Others must register and can’t proselytize

45:45 “In Russia, you only have religious freedom if you belong to the Orthodox Church. If you are any other denomination, you have to register, and you cannot proselytize outside your church. In Ukraine, there is 100% religious liberty, no restrictions at all.” – Trevor Loudon


Trevor Loudon: Top 10 Facts About the Russia-Ukraine War

Something’s FISHY About Musk’s Twitter Deal…

Is Elon Musk a champion of free speech, or a globalist in disguise? Is his latest move to buy Twitter a step towards freedom, or has he pulled the rug out from under Trump’s Truth Social at the critical moment? It smells like something fishy is going on…

Body Language: Elon Musk On Twitter Investment Motives

Body Language Ghost

Russian Victory Would Mark End of Religious Freedom in Ukraine

Russian Victory Would Mark End of Religious Freedom in Ukraine

March 7, 2022

The full scope of the consequences of Russia’s invasion is still unknown. But one thing is clear: any control that Russia or Russian-backed forces have over Ukraine is dangerous to believers not affiliated with the Russian Orthodox Church.

Crimea and the Donbas offer examples of how Russia’s influence brings religious oppression. Russian-backed separatists in 2014 took control of the Donbas region and established what they called the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. Now, Freedom House reports any “adherents of faiths that are not affiliated with the Russian Orthodox Church remain subject to persecution.” Believers can be punished for gathering to worship without permission, and churches are raided without cause. Authorities have banned select Christian literature in Luhansk, including a hymnal and a translation of the Gospel of John.

Balanced perspective from Tulsi on Ukraine & Russia — Both dictatorships

BOTH Ukraine and Russia have suppressed the media and have jailed opposition leaders. Putin has even gone further.

Putin’s Press: How Russia’s President Controls The News


How does the Russian president manage to control the media with such great success?

After Putin came into power in 2000, he established control over the three main TV stations. In 2001 and 2002, he took control of the two biggest TV channels, ORT (now First Channel) and NTV. The state broadcaster, RTR (now Rossiya 1), was already under his control.

“The Russian media portrays anything going on from the point of view of Vladimir Putin.”

Putin’s regime censors two Russian media for not following its invasion slogans

Ekho Moskvy and TVRain are among the few independent media outlets in Russia

False accusations to disguise a brazen act of censorship

David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Graham Nash Join Campaign to Blacklist Joe Rogan


Jason Bermas: “We live in a post-truth world” – Is This The End Of Joe Rogan At Spotify?

“We live in a post-truth world” – Jason Bermas


AwakenWithJP! The TRUTH about Joe Rogan, Spotify, and Misinformation!

Neil Young Versus Joe Rogan and The Needle And The Damage Done

Joseph Arthur

Dr. Ryan Cole’s DC Speech: Journalists censoring “Vitamin D saves lives … GET YOUR VITAMIN D, YOUR VITAMIN D, YOUR VITAMIN D!”

Dr Ryan Cole, excerpt from his 4-minute speech at the Lincoln Memorial:

“There are people with cameras on this stand that went to journalism school and now they are shilling for Big Pharma, they are censoring. When you wake up in the morning, CNN, did you say ‘I am going to cancel and censor doctors today so people can die?’ We hold you responsible too.  Look into your hearts and say, ‘I have been wrong, I will be humble. I will do my job as a journalist and learn the truth — that people have immune systems, that Vitamin D saves lives.’ …

Natural immunity is the best, the broadest, the longest lasting. Take care of your body. Sleep; don’t eat the junk of the big food systems. GET YOUR VITAMIN D, YOUR VITAMIN D, YOUR VITAMIN D!

America, the pandemic is ending. You’re on the right side of history as I said. It is a beauty to be with people today that are awake and not woke.”

AwakenWithJP: How to NOT Get Deplatformed in 2022

OUTSTANDING, and shockingly true, gutsy end!

Except, warning about the BlueBlocks commercial. *Alaskans need blue light* in winter to overcome SAD — which we’ve know for how many decades now.

Just like with face masks, how we didn’t use them for decades until now, because…? Though higher-in-the-sky sun might be different.

OUTSTANDING from JP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Robert Malone’s First In-Person Interview Since Appearing On Joe Rogan – Kristi Leigh

Kristi Leigh is an award-winning TV news journalist, TV Host, and podcast contributor. She is a former main anchor for Fox26, WTOL 11, and NBC 24.


The stadium in which this whole human control is played out is human perception. They’ve got to get that. That’s why we’ve got all this mass censorship now.

So the idea now is to control the information, which forms the perception, which dictates the behavior.”–David Icke,minute-8

Facebook Admits in Court That ‘Fact Checks’ Are Just Opinion

Such “fact checks” are now shown to be simply an agenda to supress free speech and the open discussion of science by disguising liberal media activism as something supposedly factual, noble, neutral, trustworthy, and based on science.

Free Speech – The Time to stand up is NOW

FBI is EVIL! Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe speaks out after FBI raided home: On my phone were many of my reporters’ notes. A lot of my sources…

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe appeared on “Hannity” for his first interview since the FBI raided his home on Saturday morning as part of a federal investigation into the missing diary of President Biden‘s daughter, Ashley Biden.

“I woke up to a pre-dawn raid,” O’Keefe told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Monday. “Banging on my door, I went to my door to answer the door and there were ten FBI agents with a battering ram, white blinding lights, they turned me around, handcuffed me and threw me against the hallway. I was partially clothed in front of my neighbors. They confiscated my phone. They raided my apartment. On my phone were many of my reporters’ notes. A lot of my sources unrelated to this story and a lot of confidential donor information to our news organization.”


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