Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Racism Page 4 of 17

Why US Blacks 2X more likely to die of Covid than whites – Severe vitamin D deficiency 15 to 20X higher – Fauci silent!

From: (bracketed text added) — “Black Patients Matter”: US Blacks 2X more likely to die of COVID-19 than whites – Sept 29, 2021

Black Patients Matter. Here’s How to Help Newsweek – Sept 2021

“African Americans were 2.8 times more likely than white Americans to be hospitalized due to COVID-19,
and twice as likely to die from it.”

[Newsweek then acknowledges vitamin D absorption as a factor, but it’s by far the main factor.

“Some of this difference is attributed to factors beyond our control such as differences in vitamin D absorption.”

They cite this studyDoes the High Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in African Americans Contribute to Health Disparities? (full text), which states:

African Americans have higher incidence of, and mortality from, many health-related problems than European Americans. They also have a 15 to 20-fold higher prevalence of severe vitamin D deficiency. Here we summarize evidence that: (i) this health disparity is partly due to insufficient vitamin D production, caused by melanin in the skin blocking the UVB solar radiation necessary for its synthesis….]

BEST analysis of Kyle Rittenhouse by satirist, truth teller, JP Sears! Why is the media CREATING a race war?

BY FAR, the BEST analysis of Kyle Rittenhouse event by satirist, truth teller, JP Sears! Why is the media CREATING a race war?

“Why does the media want to divide our nation, rather than unite our nation? …a divided people are a very controllable people.”

The Kyle Rittenhouse Case – 7 Things You Should Know!


Depression is treated by vitamin D (when enough is given) – review Oct 2021


Robert Woodson | Race in America – Real History

More than half of coronavirus cases in South Dakota involve people of color [low vitamin D]


More than half of all recorded coronavirus cases in South Dakota involve people of color, according to updated data from the state’s department of health on Wednesday.

The state reported that 54 percent of those who have contracted the virus are either black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American. By comparison, those four demographic groups make up about 20 percent of the state’s population, according to the 2019 census.


Rep. McKay prefiles bill relating to Critical Race Theory in Alaska schools


Oklahoma education board BANS Critical Race Theory from schools and threatens to revoke licenses of teachers who promote it


CANDACE OWENS: George Floyd is NOT a Hero

Tim Reads A WOKE Antiracist Book Being Taught To Kids In Public Schools, This Is UPSETTING

Dozens Of Schools Teach Children That White People Are The Devil, CRT Has Been EXPOSED For its Evils

The TRUTH About Residential School “Mass Graves” It WASN’T Genocide! AMPLIFIES WAR ON CHRISTIANITY!!

Hundreds of bodies of indigenous children have recently been discovered at burial sites near residential schools in Canada and the Catholic religious order that operated these schools says it will disclose all historical documents in its possession. Without any digging (both metaphorically or literally) the Canadian government and the MSM have labelled this a case of genocide and the implications have many turning their hatred towards Christians in TODAY’s world. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth gives you the side of the story that you are not hearing from the mainstream media because from their prospective Canada being a “systemically racist” country is the hot topic to push right now.


Officer Tatum’s Story: How He Woke Up To the Racist Lies — Why So Much Hate!


Joe Rogan Warns Cancel Culture Will Lead To “Straight White Men Not Being Allowed To Talk Or Go Outside

“You can never be woke enough, that’s the problem,” Rogan stated in a recent conversation with stand-up comedian Joe List about the effect cancel culture is having on comedy.

“It keeps going. It keeps going further and further and further down the line, and if you get to the point where you capitulate, where you agree to all these demands, it’ll eventually get to straight white men are not allowed to talk,” he added.


AwakenWithJP: HOW TO VICTIMIZE YOURSELF! — “Feeling significant because you made yourself into a victim is a lot easier than feeling significant because you did something significant” / “Everything about you and your life is their fault” / “Form a group to cancel people. Form a culture. Call it ‘cancel culture’ if you want” / “As you cancel them, now is the time to virtue signal” / “The more victim you are the more significant you feel, which makes you feel more powerful”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske:

“We want to help you embrace personal power the only way that’s socially acceptable today by victimizing yourself.”

“Feeling significant because you made yourself into a victim is a lot easier than feeling significant because you did something significant.”

“…the more victim you are the more significant you feel, which makes you feel more powerful.”

“To victimize yourself, find someone else to blame for how you make yourself feel. … Everything about you and your life is their fault.”

“The more pain you have the more significant you feel.”

“Victimize yourself even further by canceling them. … Canceling a whole group is even better. Ruin their lives because your life already feels ruined. Hate them and hurt them because you hurt inside.”

“As you cancel them, now is the time to virtue signal. Do this by accusing them of being something horrible. This will set up a manipulative, psychological trick where you plant yourself to be the opposite of that horrible something, which is always something virtuous.”

“And don’t worry, it doesn’t matter if they’re not racist. This isn’t about them. It’s about you. And you’re about hurting others for your gain of a heightened degree of significance.”

“Always remember to virtue signal. That way, people won’t see what you’re really doing: abusing others to position yourself as the victim.”

“And we can’t do it alone. We need to ban together with other people who victimize themselves. Form a group to cancel people. Form a culture. Call it ‘cancel culture’ if you want.”

The worse a person feels the more justified they feel when they attack someone else: “That’s why we’re here to help you be better at making yourself feel worse so you can feel better about yourself when you attack someone else.”

“The world needs less self-responsibility and more safe space for people to be un-self-responsible.”

Best watched at .75% speed

NBC Deceptively Edits 911 Call & Video From Fatal Police Shooting Involving Knife-Wielding Teen Girl — inflaming racial tension & hatred of police!


Candace Owens on ‘Tucker’: Mob Justice Floyd Trial – 3X lethal dose of Fentanyl, not a ‘rehabilitated martyr’ — “We are living in fiction because people are not strong enough to call out this stuff”

Candace Owens told Tucker on 4/20/21:

“What we’re really seeing is mob justice and that’s really what happened with this entire trial. This was not a trial about George Floyd or Derek Chauvin. This was a trial about whether the media was powerful enough to create a simulation, decide upon a narrative absent any facts, whether it was powerful enough to repeat showing and talking about a 9-minute clip that came from somebody’s cell phone without adding any context, without showing the full, you know, the full police video which they could have released.

[CORRECTION: the police body cam video could have been released immediately, stopping the riots, because it showed Floyd saying “I can’t breathe” five times before being asked to be put on the ground. It was leaked months after the incident in early August, and parts of all of the officers’ body cam footage was shown during the trial, but the fact that Floyd was already saying “I can’t breathe” before the knee to the “neck” was not emphasized during the trial. Candace seems to be saying the body cam footage wasn’t used in the trial at all, which wasn’t true.]

They refused to release the full body cam which would have added more clarity to the fact that the media was lying. The media came out, let’s not forget this, Tucker, the media came out and told us that this was a man who was just getting his life together. He was a… good member of society and he got mixed up because a racist white police officer had it out for him and killed him.

All of that fell apart…we now know, of course, that he had enough fentanyl in him, it was three times the lethal dosage — three times the lethal dosage — in him when he died. But nobody cares because the media was successful in putting out a narrative and they kept hitting that narrative. …

Because we have two pandemics going on right now. There’s a pandemic of ignorance in this country, and that is only allowed to fly because we also have a pandemic of cowardice in this country. Okay? So we have people that are purposefully putting out a bunch of ignorant claims, and then we have people that are too cowardly to stand up and say, you know what, this is wrong. There has been so much that has been going on in this country that is wrong. You talk about it. I talk about it. But we do not have people that are sitting in Congress that are willing to take this fight where it needs to be taken.

By the way, you bring up Maxine Waters inciting violence. I’m so old Tucker that I remember when a man said ‘march peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol’ and that was considered an incitement for violence. Right? That was like, oh my God, stop the press, get this person disappeared from social media because he is calling for violence. Look at what Maxine Waters says. No one, no one in the media is condemning these remarks. That same media that condemned Trump and his supporters for weeks on end is now defending Maxine Waters. And we both know this is not the first time that Maxine Waters has incited violence. Don’t forget, ‘rush down, if you see a Trump supporter, you got to rush him down in the restaurants.’ They are allowed to do this. They play by a different set of rules, but it’s because we allow them to play with that different set of rules. They get away with virtually everything because we don’t have strong people on our side that are willing to stand up. It’s a sad conclusion, it really is so frustrating.

And the idea of martyring George Floyd, the way Nancy Pelosi spoke about him, completely forgives all of the trauma that he brought against his victims while he was alive, a man that served seven plus stints in prison while he was alive, armed robbery being two of the reasons why, and now we’re going to martyr him and say that your name will forever be synonymous with justice? Imagine, Tucker, if you are one of his victims that is alive, one of his victims that he armed robbed, and you have to hear that this man’s name will always be synonymous with justice, how would that feel to you?

I feel like we are living in fiction right now in America. We are losing this country and we are living in fiction because people are not strong enough to call out this stuff, and I feel like I’m one of the only ones who has the courage to say I will not be mobbed into a different reality.”

Officer Tatum and Candace Owens – In Search of the Truth

Timcast IRL – Half Chewed “SpeedBall” Drug Found With George Floyd’s DNA On It w/ Brandon Tatum

“He [Floyd] requested to be laid on the ground,” what I’ve been saying since last August, after seeing and sharing the bodycam footage, where Floyd was also saying “I can’t breathe” five times before asking to be laid on the ground. He was overdosing on Fentanyl and Meth.

The defense hasn’t even begun its case yet, brought in their witnesses.

Speedball is Fentanyl plus Meth.

Floyd didn’t want to admit that he just swallowed the drugs that the guy (who is pleading the 5th?) just sold him in front of the store.

A lethal dose of Fentanyl is tiny.

Brandon Tatum: George Floyd trial breakdown – The Ben Shapiro Show Interview

JLP | You Are Not Allowed to Be Honest

Jesse Lee Peterson

Jesse Lee Peterson | The Show Trial of Derek Chauvin

Jesse Lee Peterson

Brian Young: All Crimes are Hate Crimes — Requiring Hate To Commit

Why is MSM Manipulating These Numbers?!

Enough of the lying, the data shows: There’s no epidemic of racist police officers killing black Americans

A black man is more likely to be killed by lightning than by a police officer.

• • •

Higgins: Enough of the lying – just look at the data. There’s no epidemic of racist police officers killing black Americans.

Jeffrey James Higgins, June 26, 2020

The Numbers

It’s rare for police to kill anyone. A black man is more likely to be killed by lightning than by a police officer. In 2019, police shot and killed 1,003 people in the US, according to the Washington Post’s Fatal Force database. Of those, 250 were black and 405 white. Police shot and killed 55 unarmed suspects, including 25 whites and 14 blacks. …

According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), there were 686,665 sworn police officers in the United States in 2018. That’s one unarmed black male shot and killed for every 49,047 sworn police officers. …

According to the US census, in July 2019, an estimated 328,239,523 people resided in the US. Blacks comprise 13.4%, or 43,984,096 people. That means police shot and killed one unarmed black male out of every 3,141,721 black Americans. Does that sound like an epidemic of police murders?

The numbers of unarmed blacks shot and killed by police are so low, most Americans recognize their names. Comparatively, every year police kill a larger number of unarmed whites, but almost no one knows their names.

Why does the media ignore these shootings?

It’s true the relative percentage of blacks killed is higher than with whites, but the press does not cover the shooting of whites to the same extent, probably because it contradicts the narrative of racist police. Shootings later determined to be justified are still trumpeted as proof of racism—as with the 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. …

For example, a study of police shootings in 2015 showed suicidal whites were more likely to be killed by police. Are police racists against whites? Of course not. …

According to the FBI UCR, there were 1,186,742 incidents of violent crime in 2018, and of them, 14,123 were homicide victims.

Blacks comprised 54.9% of all homicide offenders, compared to 42.4% for whites. Blacks are 13.4% of the US population, yet they accounted for more than half of all homicides. [Whites are 76.3% of the US population – ed.]

E. Michael Jones w/ Andrew Horval: Logos Rising, the Antichrist Rebellion, and the “Uncle Judas”

Denzel Washington: People improve race relations, not policy

The Psychology of Racism, Jerry Mungadze: “We cannot hang onto the pain of discrimination and slavery forever, carrying the bitterness to where you suspect every white person looks down on you when they really don’t”

Jerry Mungadze tells some of his experiences where he was discriminated against, and how he handled it. Then says:

10:10 “To my people, the biggest thing I have to say is: we cannot hang onto the pain of discrimination and slavery forever, because if we do, we get stuck, because it’s not going to hurt them. They’re not going to lose sleep over it. It’s us who carry that bitterness to where you suspect every white person to look down on you when they really don’t.”

14:10 “In our community as black people, we can’t keep saying ‘white people, you need to change; you need to change the way you treat us. We have to change ourselves. Because we do have our racist thoughts too, and we have to overcome those.”

Skousen: Biden’s racial equality mandates mean ‘equality of outcome,’ not ‘equality’

The Biden Onslaught Begins


Later Biden signed another order authorizing an “initiative” to employ more racial equality mandates, meaning equality of outcome, as the Epoch Times reports:

President Joe Biden would sign documents to “launch a whole-of-government initiative to advance racial equity,” his transition team said in a Jan. 20 release. Equity means equality of outcome, a concept tied to the critical theories that slice up society into identity groups based on race, gender, sexual proclivities, and others, while positing which groups are oppressed and which are the oppressors, similarly to how Marxism labels people as oppressors or the oppressed based on class.


World Affairs Brief, January 22, 2021 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Democrats Introduce South African Style Land Confiscation Bill to Give Land To “Black Farmers”


Candace Owens: The Attack on Manhood & Femininity: telling women to be men and men to act like women – “The grimier you can look, then you’re sticking it to the man”

“The attack on manhood: telling women to be men and men to act like women. And what is it about? The breakdown of family and the breakdown of society.”

8:15 “What an idea to tell little girls there is something fundamentally wrong with being a woman. We see this attack on femininity. The uglier you can get the more points you earn in the world of feminism. Shave your head; dye it purple; wear baggy clothes; don’t shower. … The grimier you can look, then you’re sticking it to the man, the patriarchy.

But at the same time, the height of feminism is taking your clothes off. Cardi B and ‘Wap,’ that’s the #1 song. … We also celebrate promiscuity. Sex should mean nothing. … You shouldn’t aspire to marriage, but should aspire to sexual promiscuity.”

“There has never been a country in the world that survived without strong men. Value masculinity.”

NPR Promotes Pro-Looting Author: “Looting is a powerful tool to bring about real, lasting change in society”…”Provides people with an imaginative sense of freedom and pleasure”

Taxpayer-funded NPR (National Public Radio) is promoting writer and activist, Vicky Osterweil (born male), who has written a book defending the right for minorities to loot, titled, “In Defense of Looting.” Osterweil’s book makes the case that “looting isn’t a betrayal of protests for Black lives, but a vital aspect of the movement.”


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