Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Reverse-Logos Facilitators Page 5 of 22

(VID) 'Holocaust' Movie Producer "Steven Spielberg Is A Pedophile" – Actor Isaac Kappy |'Schindler's List' shows false history and provocative nudity to children in public schools

Steven Spielberg is director and co-producer of ‘Schindler’s List,’ which shows false history and provocative nudity to children in public schools.
Isaac also mentions Steven Colbert, who nightly destroys America on ‘The Late Show.’
37:50 “I hope I’m inspiring other people to be bold and be brave.”
Isaac Kappy’s film appearances at IMDb
Related: Hollywood Actor-Writer-Producer, Isaac Kappy: “It’s Worse Than You Think, Pedos Are REAL”
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Starts at 5:00

(VID) Michael Hoffman: Academic Freedom and Holocaust Denial Newspeak

Wayne Madsen 2008: THE GOP AND ISRAELIS RUNNING HONEY TRAPS? – Roger Stone's involvement

From: Infowars


Wayne Madsen
Online Journal
July 29, 2008
Longtime GOP dirty tricks operative Roger Stone allegedly had a “piece of the action” in Emperors Club VIP, the New York and New Jersey escort service that was patronized by former New York Democratic Governor Eliot Spitzer, according to a longtime U.S. intelligence source in the nation’s capital with whom WMR spoke.
Entire Article

(VID) Congressman Gus Savage exposes facts about the Israel Lobby in speech to Congress in 1990

E. Michael Jones: "Three Rich Jews Control U.S. Foreign Policy, and we're in a situation where we can't even say the word 'Jew'" | Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and Brendon Marcus

“..Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and Brendon Marcus — it’s three rich Jews control the foreign policy of the United States of America, and we’re in a situation where we can’t even say the word ‘Jew.’ … We’re hoping to achieve something here when we can’t even name the people who are doing what we are objecting to” [without being labelled ‘anti-Semitic’].
– E. Michael Jones, transcribed by me from this interview

(VID) E. Michael Jones: Hitler Saw Christianity as a Threat to His Authority – He tried to reorganize Germany on a pagan basis. Losing moral restraint, Germany was set up to fail • Hitler abolished the Catholic Boy Scouts so all boys would be brainwashed as Hitler Youth. He threw Karl Leisner into Dachau (the Catholic concentration camp) because Leisner, a priest, wouldn’t go along with it

My Transcriptions – E. Michael Jones quotes:

16:00 “…Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and Brendon Marcus — it’s three rich Jews control the foreign policy of the United States of America, and we’re in a situation where we can’t even say the word ‘Jew.’ … We’re hoping to achieve something here when we can’t even name the people who are doing what we are objecting to” [without being labelled ‘anti-Semitic’].

43:20 “This is the kind of atmosphere that existed in Germany. They knew that Bolshevism was a threat. They knew that Bolshevism was a Jewish movement, and Hitler capitalized on it. And then he took it too far.”

“The problem was that he could not mobilize a country that was divided along religious lines — protestant and Catholic, because of the reformation. So he decided: what I’ve got to do is go beyond that, or back behind that, back to the time when there was no Christianity. And the man who helped him in this regard was Richard Wagner, who had already done these operas basically about … the German legends, myths that had grown up before the time of Christianity. He tried to reorganize Germany on a pagan basis. That’s not going to work. It’s not going to work, first of all because nobody believes that those myths are true anymore. And secondly, you’re undercutting the moral fabric of the German people by displacing Christianity. And that was precisely what happened with the Nazi regime. It lost any type of moral credibility because it lost all moral restraint, because it has disconnected itself from Christianity. So as a result, they set themselves up to fail.”

Hitler hostile toward Catholic church:

Dachau was the Catholic concentration camp. They [unintelligible] Dachau with Catholic priests and bishops that Hitler had arrested and thrown in there. And a lot of them died because of camp life. … Karl Leisner…became a priest, and he ended up in Dachau, and he died of turburculosis, because that’s what you died of in places like that. So there’s no question that Hitler had a hostile attitude toward the Catholic church.”

“He [Hitler] perceived the Catholic church as a threat to his authority, and he perceived people like Karl Leisner as subversive. Karl Leisner, as part of his duties as a priest was head of the Boy Scouts. Well, Hitler abolished the Catholic Boy Scouts, and it was Hitler Jugend [Youth]. He didn’t want any competition from any of these Catholic organizations. Karl Leisner wouldn’t go along with it, and that’s why he got arrested. That’s why he ended up in a concentration camp. So to say that Hitler supported the Catholic church is simply not true.”

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Video is HERE and HERE

E. Michael Jones: Hollywood Jews used a ‘Holocaust’ movie to break the decency code — For 31 years there had been no nudity in films, no obscenity… • Sexual liberation for political control: "If you spread masturbation you kill prayer" •  "They used the Holocaust as a front to smuggle in what they were really interested in"

My transcriptions of E. Michael Jones’ words in this audio interview, below:

3:25 “During the 1920s, when Hollywood films became more and more a part of our culture, everyone was upset at the sexualization of the culture they were promoting. … There was a lot of nudity in the films, … promotion of homosexuality…, and also ridicule of the clergy, blasphemy…. … The Catholics stepped up to the plate and created the Legion of Decency [National Legion of Decency]. …

The Jews in Hollywood caved in [to the boycott]. They instituted the production code, and for 31 years there was no nudity in films, no obscenity, no promotion of homosexuality, no ridicule of the clergy….

The Jews sensed their moment of opportunity [in 1965], and they floated a Holocaust film, which had become their sacred cause in the meantime — a huge difference between 1933 and 1965. The Jews now had the upper hand because of the Holocaust. So they floated a Holocaust film called ‘The Pawnbroker,’ which starred Rod Steiger.

The whole point of this is to use the Holocaust as a front, as a way of smuggling in what they’re really interested in, which is bare breasts. So there’s a black prostitute who bares her breasts in the middle of this film. That breaks the code. … They broke whatever restraints were on them. …

The Pawnbroker … was initially rejected because of two scenes in which the actresses Linda Geiser and Thelma Oliver fully expose their breasts; and a sex scene between Oliver and Jaime Sánchez, which it described as “unacceptably sex suggestive and lustful.” (source)

I would say there’s a direct line from breaking the code in ’65 then to the mainstreaming of pornography, which took place in 1973. Three of the top grossing films in 1973 were hard core pornography. The movie theatre was the vehicle for pornography at this time. …

Once they mainstreamed pornography, they used it as a form of control.”

14:00 “..we are a rational creature, and the only thing that allows us to retain our identity is the use of reason. And if we allow passion to override reason, we are no longer rational creatures, and the people who control the stimuli then control us.”

21:00 “‘The Talmud’ is a book that was created to keep the Jews away from Logos, away from the incarnate Logos, Jesus Christ.”

43:30 “Now, with the fall of communism, we’re in a very dangerous period on the verge of WWIII …, nuclear war with Russia. They’re rattling sabers, talking about using nuclear weapons….”

44:40 “He [Wilhelm Reich] is one of the absolutely crucial figures in the history of sexual liberation as a form of political control. He’s right up there with the Marquis de Sade, who was probably the founding father of this whole idea. Wilhelm Reich was a Jew, a communist and a Freudian psychoanalyst, living in Vienna…. He’s trying to convert everyone to communism, but he realized it’s hard to get people enthused about communism. But he realized as well that if he ever talked about sex he always had a big crowd. … He started to develop this whole idea of how sex can be used politically. The book is called ‘The Mass Psychology of Fascism.’ It came out in 1933, and basically he said that either you pray or you masturbate, but you don’t do both. So if you spread masturbation you kill prayer. And so he said it’s pointless to debate the existence of God with a seminarian…. All you have to do is get him involved in illicit sexual activity, and the idea of God will evaporate from his mind.”

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Dr. E. Michael Jones on Sexual Liberty as a Psy-Op and Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing

Talmudists used a 1964 ‘Holocaust’ movie to break the 31-year decency code banning sex scenes and nudity

From: History of Censorship in The U.S.A.

The Pawnbroker and the end of the Code

In 1964 The Pawnbroker, directed by Sidney Lumet and starring Rod Steiger, was initially rejected because of two scenes in which the actresses Linda Geiser and Thelma Oliver fully expose their breasts; and a sex scene between Oliver and Jaime Sánchez, which it described as “unacceptably sex suggestive and lustful.” Despite the rejection, the film’s producers arranged for Allied Artists to release the film without the Production Code seal and the New York censors licensed The Pawnbroker without the cuts demanded by Code administrators. The producers also appealed the rejection to the Motion Picture Association of America.[6]

On a 6-3 vote, the MPAA granted the film an “exception” conditional on “reduction in the length of the scenes which the Production Code Administration found unapprovable.” The exception to the code was granted as a “special and unique case,” and was described by The New York Times at the time as “an unprecedented move that will not, however, set a precedent.”[7] The requested reductions of nudity were minimal, and the outcome was viewed in the media as a victory for the film’s producers.[6] The Pawnbroker was the first film featuring bare breasts to receive Production Code approval. In his 2008 study of films during that era, Pictures at a Revolution, author Mark Harris wrote that the MPAA’s action was “the first of a series of injuries to the Production Code that would prove fatal within three years.” [7] …

Enforcement had become impossible, and the Production Code was abandoned entirely.

ISIS is Mossad/CIA: Top *militant* commanders flee southern Syria to Israel – Were recruited by the Israeli intelligence and remained in touch with Israeli officers for years

Four top militant commanders have fled southern Syria to Israel after hundreds of Western-backed “White Helmets” did the same in the face of the Syrian army’s imminent recapture of a strategic province.  

James Perloff tweet: 1st Hollywood film to show bare female breasts—THE PAWNBROKER, about Holocaust survivor. BLACKMAIL. "Censor the breasts? You’re ANTISEMITIC"

The Talmudists played the ‘Holocaust’ card to break the 31-year decency code.
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1st Hollywood film to show bare female breasts—THE PAWNBROKER, about Holocaust survivor. BLACKMAIL. “Censor the breasts? You’re ANTISEMITIC”

4:01 PM – 23 Jan 2016


(VID) David Icke: What Others Dare Not Say – Rothschild Zionism

TalmudVision, TV's Subversive Message: Sick is Healthy – Pushing the limits of what is acceptable to make the unacceptable acceptable

From: Henry Makow

TV’s Subversive Message: Sick is Healthy

July 8, 2018

We’ve reached the point in TV where the hero is a deviant, misfit
or weirdo. We cheer as he makes the world conform to him.
Where have we seen this before? Is it any surprise that 
Hollywood is dominated by Jews [author, Henry Makow is a Jew] and homosexuals?

Luciferians always push the limits of what is acceptable
and make the unacceptable acceptable.

“We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order.”  (Protocols of Zion,16 )
“We have already contrived to possess the minds of the goy communities…[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses.” (Protocols of Zion,12)
“All nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain, and in the race for it will not take note of their common foe.” (Protocols of Zion, 4)
“Television is the Satanic family altar,” Anton LaVey, said in 1966, “Television is the major mainstream infiltration for the new satanic religion.”
“Television Ruined My Life” updated from Oct 2013
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

When I was a child in the 1950’s, television was pretty wholesome. That’s how I got hooked.
As a youth and young man, I was naive and idealistic. I assumed I lived in a benevolent and free society that was attempting to raise everyone to a higher level, materially and spiritually.  I looked to mass media and schooling for information, insight and guidance.
After watching “America in Primetime”, (2011) a four-part documentary history of TV, on Netflix, I realize that TV is not entertainment. It is social engineering. It made me dysfunctional and depressed. It has done this to millions of people.

The US Democratic Party is Communist–David Horowitz

From: Henry Makow

My view that Communism is a fait accompli in the US is confirmed by no
less an authority than David Horowitz, editor of, a man
who was a Communist for most of his life.   He says Obama, Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi are Communists.
Curious that Zionist Jews like Horowitz oppose the Communist threat most vigorously.
Communism is an aspect of Jewish Satanism (Cabalism.) 
Satanism uses a pretense of seeking “social justice” to destroy Western Civilization. It erases all racial, religious, national and gender distinctions and inverts morality and reality itself.  It makes government the instrument of its tyranny.
 In the article below, Horowitz describes how they have enslaved the mind by capturing the American university system. …


(VID) Adam Green Interview from SGTreport's Deleted Channel

The ‘Jewish Nose’ is Not Semitic – Originates from Eurasian Khazarians who converted to Judaism in the 8th century

“People talk about certain Jewish genetic traits. They talk about the Jewish nose and things like that. … That’s actually not a trait of Israel. It’s a trait of the Caucases.”

– David Icke in (VID) David Icke: Exposing The Lie On Israel’s Fake History – ‘The Cruellest Hoax’


DNA Study: Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ Not Semitic, but Turkish Origin

Johns Hopkins DNA Study: Most Israeli “Jews” not Semitic – originate from Khazaria, not Israel

(VID) David Icke: Exposing The Lie On Israel's Fake History – 'The Cruellest Hoax'

“..the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”

– Jesus in Revelation 2:9

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David Icke, transcribed by me, starting at 4:30:

“The king of Khazaria, called King Bulan in 740 A.D., had a mass conversion of the population to Judaism. In fact, the king of Khazaria was called The Kagan. That’s why Kagan is such a common Jewish name today. And people talk about certain Jewish genetic traits. They talk about the Jewish nose and things like that. … That’s actually not a trait of Israel. It’s a trait of the Caucases. …

As the Khazarian empire broke up, they moved up north into Europe…, and then eventually moved across into Germany. These were the people known as Ashkenazi Jews that suffered under the Nazis, and founded the state of Israel, and many moved to America.

There was no, and there is no historic connection of today’s Jewish people to the land of Israel. It is a giant hoax.”

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(VID) Vince: Israel Passes The Jewish Nation State Law | Jewish Only State Achieved

Trump studied the Talmudic Kabbalah under Rabbi Eitan Yardeni

“One day, when my Kabbalah teacher, Eitan Yardeni, asked how I was doing….”

– Donald Trump — Trump: The Way to the Top: The Best Business Advice I Ever Received, p. 188

Putin the Crypto-Jew

Putin is Jewish Pawn, says Russian Patriot

Jewish roots of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

PUTIN – just another oligarch Jew

(VID) Putin is a Chabad Lubavitch puppet

TalmudVision (TV) Satanic 'Hollywood' Sign

(VID) Adam Green: Is Alex Jones Ushering in the ANTI-CHRIST?

1:17:00 Is Alex Jones setting up a false flag which will blame the the Muslims for blowing up the Dome of the Rock, what the Israelis actually do?


Adam’s art


(VID) Mark Zuckerberg's remarks on allowing 'Holocaust' opinions on FB met with lies from ADL's CEO

This may be in response to John Fitzgerald’s run for Congress, so Facebook won’t be charged with interfering in an election:

John Fitzgerald’s Challenge: I am offering $2,000 To Anybody Who Can Prove That The Official Holocaust Narrative Is True

Good for Mark, who says Facebook will not take down ‘Holocaust’ truth material:

I’m Jewish, and there’s a set of people who deny that the Holocaust happened. … I find that deeply offensive. But at the end of the day, I don’t believe that our platform should take that down because I think there are things that different people get wrong. I don’t think that they’re intentionally getting it wrong. … It’s hard to impugn intent and to understand the intent.”

I wrote this comment:

Regarding the disinformation, ban-free-speech, ADL’s CEO, there is no “overwhelming body of evidence.” He’s lying. There isn’t any evidence at all, except verbal testimonies, which in court, have been shown to be fabrications. And “millions and millions and millions” of people did NOT perish. About 250,000 died from typhus and/or starvation, largely because we bombed the supply lines to the camps.

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Miko Peled: Knesset’s New Nation State Law Codifies Israel as an Apartheid State — Talmudic Israel's racist policies now codified into law • Discrimination now has constitutional standing

(vid) Jewish Control Of China Xi Jinping Communism [NewsNotShownOnTV]

Phil Young from “News Not Shown On TV”

(VID) Adam Green Exposes Talmudic Hollywood in 5 Minutes | Alex Jones Caught Lying About Who Runs Hollywood

(VID) Democrat Congressman Urges YouTube to Ban 'Conspiracy Theory' Videos

(VID) Adam Green Interviews Zionist Israeli Shlomo Gordon – Mentions Yom Kippur's license-to-sin event

Interesting discussion!
Important revelation about Judaics’ permission to sin! Shlomo @ 2:23:05, says:

“According to the Torah, I’m not even technically allowed to say their names. … I’ll ask God in a couple of months, Yom Kippur.”

Ted Pike explains this Judaic license to sin:

“[Judaics] by reciting the Kol Nidre prayer on the eve of Yom Kippur, receive pre-forgiveness for all the lies, deceit, broken contracts, etc. they may indulge in for the next year.”


Ted Pike: Kol Nidre – Talmudic Judaism’s License to Lie — Including Jewish ‘Holocaust’ Survivors

31:30-33:00 Adam’s comments about the ‘self-fulfillment’ of prophecies
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(VID) Jake: Did God Create Non-Jews to Be Slaves to Jewish Masters? — "I cannot fathom how any follower of Jesus Christ can justify embracing the un-Christlike actions of the very villainous people that Jesus repeatedly fought against. But that's how powerful the mind-control system of the Zionists is. It even takes Christians and turns them against Jesus Christ, while they think they are serving Christ"

38:15 “‘Christian’ Zionism…. I cannot fathom for a second how any follower of Jesus Christ can justify embracing the un-Christlike actions of the very villainous people that Jesus Himself repeatedly and consistently fought against. But that’s how powerful the mind-control system of the Zionists is. It even takes Christians and turns them against Jesus Christ, while they think they are serving Christ.”
– Jake Morphonios, transcribed by me

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(VID) Exposing Talmudic Judaism: What Jews Actually Believe About Jesus

Part 1 of:

(Full Movie) “Marching to Zion” – Rabbis Discuss Anti-Christian Talmudic Judaism

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