Freedom from Alaska!

Month: March 2017 Page 5 of 7

(video) NBC Meddled In Presidential Race While Accusing Russians Of Doing So


NBC and its cable affiliate, MSNBC continue to push the fake news that Russia attempted to influence the US presidential election. Tucker Carlson analyses that story and concludes that there still is no evidence of Russian collusion and that is was NBC itself that tried to influence the election – by leaking the Access Hollywood ‘hot-mic’ recording of Trump’s ribald comments about women.  When NBC leaked the recording to its news competitor, the Washington Post, which released the story, the effect was a political bomb in the final days of the presidential race. It was a classic case of attempting to affect the outcome of an election. –GEG


Sweden Migrant Crisis: Less Than 1 In 5 Migrant Rapists Deported


The EPA Colluded With Monsanto To Hide Roundup Weed Killer’s Link To Cancer

Court documents reveal deep roots of corruption and collusion between Monsanto and the EPA. The EPA declared that Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer was safe without conducting tests on it. It relied solely on Monsanto research.  Monsanto’s lead toxicologist, in her deposition to the court, admitted that the company did not run studies to see if there is a link to cancer. The EPA’s Jesse Rowland of the agency’s Cancer Assessment Review Committee even tried to kill cancer research conducted by the World Health Organization that indicated Roundup was carcinogenic. -GEG


(audio) Jeff Rense and Gerald Celente – Update

Jeff Rense and Gerald Celente – Mad As Hell !

(audio) Jeff Rense & 'Meral' – The Horrifying Muslim Destruction Of Germany

“Jeff talks with ‘Meral’ live and direct in Germany. She describes the rape horror and details the sophisticated invasion and planned armed destruction of Germany. Hear the truth about how German law enforcement and the government are encouraging the terrorist invaders every step of the way. Merkel’s planned annihilation of her own country and its people is devastating and heartbreaking.”

Jeff Rense & ‘Meral’ – The Horrifying Muslim Destruction Of Germany

(video) John McCain Says Rand Paul is Russian Agent Working for Vladimir Putin

John McCain Says Rand Paul is Russian Agent Working for Vladimir Putin

Dr. Mercola: Before you line up for the latest smartphone, you should know it can increase your exposure to dangerous electromagnetic fields. Here’s what you need to do to protect yourself – New iPhone Has No Headphone Jack

At the very least, cell phone users should use caution: Never “wear” your cell phone, store it in shirt pockets or hold it in your hand as you walk or drive. Don’t use wired baby monitors or let kids play with radiating cell phones, as biological consequences have been documented. Use a wired earpiece that keeps the phone the furthest from your head, and use landlines whenever possible. Asked what the take-away is from the studies to use caution, Phillips concluded,

“If you look at all of the research being done on this, it’s all from outside this country. People want to believe their technology is safe. I do. I would love to believe it, but I know better.”20


Lending a paw (or four): Sled dog team pulls out tourists’ car stuck in snow

It’s an old Alaska adage that if you’re stuck on the side of the road, then someone will stop to help. And for a group of tourists on Sunday, that help came from a dogsled team.”


4 ways celery will destroy cancer cells — This underappreciated vegetable is a nutritional superhero that is just beginning to get its due





(video) BREAKING – CNN Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN & Most Other MSM Outlets

BREAKING – CNN Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN & Most Other MSM Outlets


Germar Rudolf 'HOLOCAUST' Q&A: WHAT ABOUT THOSE PICTURES of Mountains of Dead Bodies in the Concentration Camps? — ALL photographs of heaps of corpses were taken in Western camps around the end of the war, where historians now agree *no mass murders* took place. There are NO such photographs taken at the camps in which mass murder is *alleged* to have occurred • Toward the end of the war, Himmler ordered the evacuation of the eastern camps as the Red Army approached, which led to hopeless overcrowding in the western camps. By that time, ALLIED BOMBING had completely destroyed the German infrastructure, making it impossible to supply the camps with food, medicines, and sanitation supplies


104: An Introduction to Historical Revisionism

In the following text you will find the questions which are most frequently asked about Holocaust Revisionism. You will find my answers by simply clicking on the question. I also have a leaflet for free download which summarizes Holocaust Revisionism in a nutshell. This is the good flyer for a brief introduction and as a handout to others. I wish you a lot of worthwhile discoveries while browsing through the following page.

Questions and Answers

  1. What is revisionism?
  2. Why is historical revisionism important?
  3. Why is Holocaust revisionism necessary?
  4. What is meant by “The Holocaust” or “Shoah?”
  5. What does Holocaust revisionism claim?
  6. Why should I take Holocaust revisionism any more seriously than the claim that the earth is flat?
  7. Since mainstream scholars don’t take Holocaust revisionism seriously, why should I?
  8. What about those pictures of mountains of dead bodies in the concentration camps?
  9. How about the testimonies by survivors and confessions by perpetrators?
  10. Does it really matter whether prisoners died from disease or poison gas?
  11. Does it matter how many Jews were killed during the Third Reich since even one thousand would have been too many?
  12. Whatever the circumstances, don’t Jewish victims deserve respect and compensation?
  13. Who are the Holocaust revisionists?
  14. What do Holocaust revisionists want?
  15. Is Holocaust revisionism illegal?
  16. Where can I learn more about Holocaust revisionism?

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


8. What about those pictures of mountains of dead bodies in the concentration camps?

Here is a photograph of victims of the typhus epidemic in a mass grave on the concentration camp in Bergen-Belsen, taken by the British Army:

Bergen-Belsen mass grave

Photograph of victims of the typhus epidemic in a mass grave on the concentration camp in Bergen-Belsen, taken by the British Army.

This photo is typical of a large number of such photos often shown on TV Holocaust documentaries either without commentary or else with allegations that the dead are victims of the Holocaust. In fact, it is a photograph of victims of an epidemic which occurred at war’s end. The cause of death is evident from the condition of the corpses. If they had been gassed they would not be emaciated and if they had died of starvation they would have swollen joints and stomachs. Any medical professional will see at first glance that these people died of typhus.

All photographs of heaps of corpses were taken in Western camps around the end of the war, such as Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, and Buchenwald, where historians now agree no mass murders took place. Significantly, there are no such photographs taken at the camps in which mass murder is alleged to have occurred (Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, Chelmno, Majdanek.) These eastern camps were all in areas which came under Soviet control at war’s end. It is very telling that the Soviets released no pictures of mass graves or heaps of corpses and allowed no journalists, medical professionals, or other experts to examine the camps. Since the end of the 1980s, Revisionists have been investigating these sites for evidence of mass murder, but the officials have obstructed their efforts by all possible means.

In the absence of authentic photographs documenting mass murder, it frequently happens that photographs of those who died in the Western camps at war’s end of malnutrition and typhus are presented as evidence of deliberate mass murder. To be sure, the hellish conditions in the Western camps at war’s end convinced many Allied observers that mass murder had taken place, as initial reports indicate. In reality, these conditions resulted from a situation for which the German government was not solely responsible. Toward the end of the war, Himmler illogically ordered the evacuation of the eastern camps as the Red Army approached, which led to hopeless overcrowding in the western camps. By that time, Allied bombing had completely destroyed the German infrastructure, making it impossible to supply the camps with food, medicines, and sanitation supplies. Misunderstandings about the causes of the massive die-off continue to this day, especially among Americans.

The respected leftist historian Norbert Frei has given the following reason for misinterpretation, (from Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 35 (1987) page 400):

“The shock of these discoveries [of mountains of corpses] often led to false conclusions which turned out to be enduring.”

There is no denying that a government which imprisons people in camps is responsible for them and so the unjustly imprisoned were therefore victims of the Third Reich, even if they died “only” of disease. However, one should not overlook the fact that by the war’s end, mountains of corpses had become commonplace throughout Germany. In German cities there were 600,000 victims of Allied terror bombings. Millions more died of starvation and disease, which continued rampant through 1949. In Eastern Europe some two million Germans were murdered by Serbs, Czechs, Poles, and Russians in the course of history’s bloodiest ethnic cleansing. In the POW camps of the western Allies, a million young German men died and millions more vegetated. Hundreds of thousands more were shipped to the labor camps of the Soviet GULag never to be seen again. But the media show only one variety of corpse piles, those in the concentration camps. We should all ask ourselves why this is so. (For more on the misinterpretation of conditions in German camps at war’s end see: (1) (2)).

Should the dignity and respect, which we owe the victims of atrocities, depend on their nationality?

Entire Article

Germar Rudolf 'HOLOCAUST' Q&A: How about the TESTIMONIES BY SURVIVORS and CONFESSIONS BY PERPETRATORS? — PRESSURE – almost everybody in the world expects survivors to “remember”. That pressure is huge, in particular for Jewish survivors, who are considered traitors if they don’t remember the “right” things • MISUNDERSTANDINGS – partial information about events are frequently misinterpreted to fit into preconceived notions • Manipulating the human memory – research has shown that many people tend to INTEGRATE information and disinformation they receive from others INTO THEIR MEMORY • Disease – TYPHUS was a widespread epidemic. One of its symptoms: the patient experiences nightmarish horror delusions • FEAR and THREATS – anyone failing to remember the “right” things, or even contesting certain things, must fear negative social and sometimes even legal repercussions. After all, there is nothing more vile in this world than to deny that “it” happened • Right after the World War II, Soviet, British and US forces maintained TORTURE centers. Some of the most “important” confessions resulted from this


104: An Introduction to Historical Revisionism

In the following text you will find the questions which are most frequently asked about Holocaust Revisionism. You will find my answers by simply clicking on the question. I also have a leaflet for free download which summarizes Holocaust Revisionism in a nutshell. This is the good flyer for a brief introduction and as a handout to others. I wish you a lot of worthwhile discoveries while browsing through the following page.

Questions and Answers

  1. What is revisionism?
  2. Why is historical revisionism important?
  3. Why is Holocaust revisionism necessary?
  4. What is meant by “The Holocaust” or “Shoah?”
  5. What does Holocaust revisionism claim?
  6. Why should I take Holocaust revisionism any more seriously than the claim that the earth is flat?
  7. Since mainstream scholars don’t take Holocaust revisionism seriously, why should I?
  8. What about those pictures of mountains of dead bodies in the concentration camps?
  9. How about the testimonies by survivors and confessions by perpetrators?
  10. Does it really matter whether prisoners died from disease or poison gas?
  11. Does it matter how many Jews were killed during the Third Reich since even one thousand would have been too many?
  12. Whatever the circumstances, don’t Jewish victims deserve respect and compensation?
  13. Who are the Holocaust revisionists?
  14. What do Holocaust revisionists want?
  15. Is Holocaust revisionism illegal?
  16. Where can I learn more about Holocaust revisionism?

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


9. How about the testimonies by survivors and confessions by perpetrators?

Let’s talk about perpetrator confessons first, as they seem most compelling. After all, why would they lie? These testimony can be devided into roughly three groups:

  1. Confessions under duress
  2. Tactical court room confessions
  3. Free confessions

On 1: Right after the World War II, the Soviet, British and US forces maintained torture centers where they systematically tortured and abused hundreds, if not thousands of German defendants (see for instance Ian Cobain’s Cruel Britannia). Some of the most “important” confessions resulted from this, for instance that of Rudolf Höss, former commandant of the Auschwitz camp.
On 2: As the archives of the Holy Inquisition prove, tens of thousands of defendants confessed voluntarily during centuries of witch trials that they were witches and had intercourse with the devil. The vast majority of them were never put under duress. What has that to do with the Holocaust? Challenging the doctrines of the Catholic Church was as futile back then as challenging the doctrine of the Holocaust has been since the end of World War II. In both cases, any defendant put on trial could expect a mild sentence only, if he confirmed the general story, but tried to minimize his own involvement and responsibility. This is the exact pattern one finds with many modern defendants. Some, of course, didn’t get the message and stubbornly denied, and they were the ones who freqently were treated harshly.
On 3: Those are similar to depositions by survivors, treated below.
There are many reasons, why testimonies by survivors, bystanders or alleged perpetrators can be wrong. When it comes to survivors, the obvious one is that some of them might exaggerate or lie resulting from a desire for revenge. But that can explain only some of the testimony. Other possible reasons are:

  • Rumors – especially during times of war and unrest, any kind of prisoner camp is a hotbed for the creation and spreading of rumors.
  • Misunderstandings – partial information about events are frequently misinterpreted to fit into preconceived notions, feeding on rumors and anxieties.
  • Hearsay – information not experienced directly but imparted orally has the tendency of getting distorted quickly.
  • Manipulating the human memory – research has shown that many people tend to integrate information and disinformation they receive from others into their memory in such a way that they wrongly assume it stems from their own first-hand experience. That tendency increases with increased exposure to such information and with increased expectations by others to “remember”.
  • Disease – typhus was a widespread epidemic raging in many German camps. One of its symptoms resembles meningitis in that the patient experiences nightmarish horror delusions expressing his deepest fears. Many inmates survived the disease, but were unable to process the memories from their hallucinatory episodes.
  • Pressure – almost everybody in the world expects survivors to “remember”. That pressure is huge, in particular for Jewish survivors, who are considered traitors if they don’t remember the “right” things.
  • Fear and threats – anyone failing to remember the “right” things, or even contesting certain things, must fear negative social and sometimes even legal repercussions. After all, there is nothing more vile in this world than to deny that “it” happened, whatever “it” means.

At the end, whether we think a witness tells the truth or not should not depend on how likable or trustworthy we think he is, but on whether his or her statement is plausible, physically possible, and supported by other, verifiable evidence. After all, the unreliability of testimonies by persons who are party to a crime (victims and perpetrators) is legendary. For more see Köhler and Chapter 4 of Rudolf.
Entire Article

Google and Facebook Are Not Really Private and Shouldn’t Do as They Please With Independent Media — Companies that owe their existence and direction to public intelligence agencies are not private. They ought not to be run as if they were • "Google is secretly in league with government and was started with CIA financing" – Joel Skousen

“Google is secretly in league with government and was started with CIA financing.” 

– Joel Skousen, WAB 3/10/17

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From: The Daily Bell

Google and Facebook Are Not Really Private and Shouldn’t Do as They Please With Alex Jones and

Google really isn’t a private company. If it continues to attack alternative media like Alex Jones and, it may find lawsuits headed in its direction. The same may go for Facebook too.

By portraying itself as a private company, Google can do as it chooses, when attacking companies that don’t live up to its standards from an advertising point of view.

It can help cut off companies that don’t properly advertise according to the Google rule book. The rule book is general and vague. But Google is supposedly a private company so it really doesn’t matter. Google can do pretty much as it wants. And so can Facebook.

Yet there is plenty to rebut this perspective. The best or most comprehensive article on Google along with the CIA and Pentagon is an Insurge Intelligence article entitled, How the CIA Made Google.

It shows that one of the founders of Google, Sergey Brin virtually reported to the Pentagon/ CIA while developing the project that would eventually become Google. Interestingly, later in the article, people close to the CIA and Pentagon are quoted as denying a close relationship. So obviously there is a good deal of sensitivity around the topic.

When it comes to Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg was funded indirectly by the CIA via Peter Thiel. Thiel is a cofounder of PayPal with Elon Musk of Tesla fame.

Thiel invested $500,000 into Facebook but supposedly this was a CIA investment. Thiel is very close to the CIA. His company Palanitir, supposedly worth some $20 billion, runs secret algorithms for the CIA and other intel agencies. It was just the subject of a Daily Mail story  hereThiel is supposedly a libertarian but we don’t see how he can be.

Later, Thiel invested 12.7 million in Facebook. Companies that owe their existence and direction to public intelligence agencies are not private. They ought not to be run as they were.

Facebook has not yet launched an overwhelming assault on Alex Jones or Natural.News but with its determination to root out “fake” news it will surely be part of a large attack at some point. Google has not made a special attack on Alex Jones but it too is headed in that direction.


Without various investments and relationships, and most importantly without intellectual property rights, corporate personhood, central banking and regulations, both Google and Facebook would be a shadow of what they are now. There would be many more such companies and a good deal more progress would have been made as well.

Entire Article

(audio) Truth Hertz – Is it the Jesuits or the Zionists? and who were they? — "It's the elite Jews running the Jesuits"

This guy, Charles Giuliani is quite a character, sarcastic/ornery like Michael Savage often is. I don’t like his name calling of the Talmudsts too. But this is an important subject that is confusing some, and not many try to solve this mystery, so I’ll post it.
An evangelical turned atheist may explain the sarcasm negativity.
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Charles Giuliani (born April 6, 1966) is an American writer and radio host in the alternative media, who is best known for his show Truth Hertz on Oracle Broadcasting. Giuliani was previously an Evangelical but during the latter part of the 2000s became an atheist and his show is strongly critical of religion, particularly what he calls “The Jew Book.” Giuliani discusses a wide variety of topics including Jewish supremacism, revisionist history, religion and false flags. He first became known in the Pal Talk around 2004, where he doubted the official story of the 9/11 attacks. Giuliani spent some time on Waking America Radio Network, but moved to the Mami’s Shit affiliated Outside Radio in May 2014. He moved to American Nationalist Network, then to Renegade Broadcasting in September 2015.

  • God’s True Israel (2007)
  • Who Is God? (2007)
  • Does God Destroy? (2007)
  • A Hellish Error (2007)
  • Church, Inc. (2007)
  • A Deadly Lie (2007)
  • An Alternative View of the Distant Past (2008)
  • Piercing the Fog of 9-11 (2009)
  • The New World (dis)Order (2009)
  • The Despicable Jew (2013)

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Notes and transcriptions by Jeff Fenske:
41:25ff hideous ethics in the official Jesuit oath
1:08:40 True of Zionists and Jesuits: “Infiltration: winning the confidence in any way possible of political leaders, so as to manipulate them and bring the nation covertly under your control.”
Use all manner of cunning and deception, cloaking true intent — as in The Protocols of Zion
See: Highlights: The “Secret Instructions of the Jesuits”
1:23:20 “‘Who’s really running the show, is it the elite Jews or the Jesuits?’ It’s the elite Jews running the Jesuits.”
1:25:00 Ignatius (of Loyola) and the first Jesuits were crypt0-Jews. Crypto-Jews outwardly convert to another religion while secretly maintaining Jewish practices. Ignatius got his ideas in “Spiritual Exercises” from the Kabbalah.
1:32:10 Lacunza, a Jew and Jesuit, introduced the eschatological teaching of animal sacrifices being returned to the Jewish temple during the millennium
1:36:00 Giuliani is completely wrong about how prophecies were written in the Bible, including ‘Revelation.’ Also, the Bible warns about the NWO, just as Jesus warned about the “leaven” of the Pharisees, which was their Talmudic, power-over-others, Satanic thought. Jesus also warned about “the synagogue of Satan.” Revelation is a book warning about what to come, not a template on how to do it.
Giuliani believes the whore of Babylon is the Catholic Church. The Catholic church is the “mother of harlots.”
“Like the Jews, the Jesuits have been expelled from many nations.”

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Truth Hertz – Is it the Jesuits or the Zionists? and who were they?

Richard Gere to Haaretz: Israeli Settlements Are an Absurd Provocation, the Occupation Is Indefensible — "To question authority makes you a traitor? If you question bad policies you are a self-hating Jew? That is insane. And, of course it’s the last resort of tyrants"


Richard Gere to Haaretz: Settlements Are an Absurd Provocation, the Occupation Is Indefensible

‘Norman’ star had a hard time deciding whether to come to Israel for local premiere: ‘I had people living here who told me, “Look, no good will come of this. The bad guys will use you.”‘ …

“Obviously this occupation is destroying everyone,” he says. “There’s no defense of this occupation. Settlements are such an absurd provocation and, certainly in the international sense, completely illegal – and they are certainly not part of the program of someone who wants a genuine peace process.” He pauses before adding, “Just to be clear about this: I denounce violence on all sides of this. And, of course, Israelis should feel secure. But Palestinians should not feel desperate.”

Gere also met with representatives of the nongovernmental organization Breaking the Silence in New York before his trip, and said he planned to meet with them in Israel as well.

The demonization of the group by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others on the right appalled him, he said, as have the condemnations of J Street by the Trump administration’s new ambassador to Israel, David Friedman.

“It is all so counter to what I know of Jewish culture,” Gere says. “Questioning authority makes you a kapo? To question authority makes you a traitor? If you question bad policies you are a self-hating Jew? That is insane. And, of course it’s the last resort of tyrants.”

Entire Article

Assad accuses EU, US, Israel of supporting terrorists

Assad is completely correct!
The US, Britain and Israel wear the reverse-Christian, black hat.
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(video) March 15th: Rothschild, Debt Ceiling, Interest Rate Hike, Anti-Trump Activities, etc. – James Perloff on SGT Report

The beginning of some anti-Trump actions lining up.
James mentions:

(photos) The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem – Rothschilds-built Israeli Supreme Court Building — First thing you will notice is the PYRAMID with the ALL SEEING EYE, just like the one you will see on the American dollar bill • The larger circle at the bottom of the picture is an INVERTED CROSS DESIGNED TO WALK ON. It is the only religious emblem designed to be trampled on under foot • At the top of the picture is a MOSLEM GRAVESITE, and just out of view to the right is an EGYPTIAN OBELISK • Just out of sight is a god of the Far East • All through the building you will detect HINDU ALTARS • Keep in mind we are talking about the establishment of a form of Government that will usher in the ANTI-CHRIST | Holy men of God will not be the ones to rebuild the Temple, it will be the Illuminati. For God would not send men to that place to perform blood sacrifices. His Son’s blood was the perfect sacrifice…

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(video) The Elite Don’t Want You To Know: GOD IS REAL – Here’s the Proof — "We’re supposed to believe bacteria became people, but by actual observation, no species of bacteria has even changed to another species of bacteria" – James Perloff on the SGT Report

Over 1 million views!


James’ book: Tornado in a Junkyard: The Relentless Myth of Darwinism

“A simple microscopic one-celled bacterium (R. Coli) contains DNA information units equivalent to 100 million pages of the Encyclopedia Britannica.”

“We’re supposed to believe bacteria became people, but by actual observation, no species of bacteria has even changed to another species of bacteria.” – James Perloff, transcribed by me

Interview starts at 5:00

“What’s wrong with Darwinism scientifically” starts at 18:00


SGT Report

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The Elite Don’t Want You To Know: GOD IS REAL – Here’s the Proof.

(photos) The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem – Rothschilds-built Israeli Supreme Court Building — First thing you will notice is the PYRAMID with the ALL SEEING EYE, just like the one you will see on the American dollar bill • The larger circle at the bottom of the picture is an INVERTED CROSS DESIGNED TO WALK ON. It is the only religious emblem designed to be trampled on under foot • At the top of the picture is a MOSLEM GRAVESITE, and just out of view to the right is an EGYPTIAN OBELISK • Just out of sight is a god of the Far East • All through the building you will detect HINDU ALTARS • Keep in mind we are talking about the establishment of a form of Government that will usher in the ANTI-CHRIST | Holy men of God will not be the ones to rebuild the Temple, it will be the Illuminati. For God would not send men to that place to perform blood sacrifices. His Son’s blood was the perfect sacrifice…

Historian James Perloff suggested this article, which contains 17 photos.
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The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem


Knowing it could be misunderstood as anti-Semitic. God forbid that I a Jew should ever say or do anything that would be remotely considered as such, but I must admit this report does not come easy for me. The fact still remains that an evil force has been put into place in Jerusalem and has spread throughout Israel, in preparations for the end time and the seat of the anti-Christ. For if we are to believe that the anti-Christ is to have his seat on the Temple Mount, then we must come to grips with some truths not being preached today.


In this report I will use many pictures showing the establishment of the Illuminati and establish proof that there has been a diabolical plot by those we refer to as the New World Order. Showing the architectural design of the New Israeli Supreme Court Building designed and paid for by the Rothchilds reflex the presence of Free Masonry and the Illuminati. I took all but one of the pictures you are about to see so I can assure that what you are seeing is real and in place.

The same families who own and control the Federal Reserve and other major financial institutions have their eyes set on the Temple Mount, and the Holy City of Jerusalem. Just as Scriptures say, the man who will be revealed as the anti-Christ will sit in that place, before the appearance of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach, and many will receive him as their messiah. Just actually how that will come about remains to be seen, but one thing I am convinced of is that Holy men of God will not be the ones to rebuild the Temple, it will be the Illuminati. For God would not send men to that place to perform blood sacrifices. His Son’s blood was the perfect sacrifice; there is no need to shed the blood of dumb animals any longer. Yeshua did a perfect work, and it was finished. But He will return and take control of the New Temple that I feel will be built soon. But before He will return this world will have to get in such bad shape that the anti-Christ can be accepted by most as the savior who can bring peace and order to the world.



The Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem.

The first thing you will notice is the pyramid with the all Seeing Eye just like the one you will see on the American dollar bill, it sits in a circle to the left. We will elaborate on this a little later in this article. The larger circle you see at the bottom of the picture is an inverted-cross designed to walk on. It is the only religious emblem designed to be trampled on under foot. At the top of the picture is a Moslem Gravesite, and just out of view to the right is an Egyptian Obelisk.



To the left just out of sight is a god of the Far East.


And all through the building you will detect Hindu Altars. All of this will make more sense as we go along, keep in mind we are talking about the establishment of a form of Government that will usher in the anti-Christ.


Giving recognition to the Rothschilds, you will notice the Rothschilds emblem at the top. It is the symbol for the founder of the Rothschild Dynasty and his five sons, who established central banks throughout Europe. The Rothschilds made several stipulations with the Israeli Government before the building began, among them were. The Rothschilds would pick the plot of land to build the Supreme Court; they would use their own architects, and no one would ever know how much the building cost. It took them four years to build this structure with many secrets built into it.

Entire Article with 17 Photos

See here, here & here (with larger photos)



(video) CNN Cuts Feed of Obamacare Victims Explaining Problems with Current Healthcare Laws

CNN Cuts Feed of Obamacare Victims Explaining Problems with Current Healthcare Laws

(video) UPDATE – VL’s Pentagon Insider Reveals All in a Q & A About #Vault7


Q. What type of things can we expect?

A.  Right now, the first dump concentrated on the CIA’s toolkit. The fear and loathing barometer tells me there is real concern the source code will get leaked, and even bigger concern the CIA’s past ‘activities” get exposed. If that happens, we will have a shockwave and an instant realignment of friends and foes.

Q. Could you explain further?

A. Lets say Wikileaks divulges that the CIA engages in domestic espionage in tandem with Mossad and MI6… Lets say CIA looks the other way while foreign nations are allowed to surveil American citizens… Lets say the people find out we created Isis with Israel, or the CIA really did neutralize Kennedy. Imagine how the citizens will view the CIA, Mossad and MI6.  In truth, these entities are not the beast, but rather the claws of the beast.  The combination of the CIA, Mossad and MI6 can be considered the greatest sponsors of terrorism in the world. …

Q.  Will Pedogate ever be fully exposed?

A. Vault 7 will make certain that Pedogate is exposed. CIA and Mossad are behind much of it. Many in my close circle welcomes what Wikileaks has done.  Most military servicemen serve honorably. Most law enforcement as well. We want the swamp drained. If Trump muzzles Pence, and guides this nation by his instincts, my guess is he will gut the CIA, modernize it, kick the MI6 and Mossad out of the tent and start re-evaluating who our friends are.

Entire Article

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UPDATE – VL’s Pentagon Insider Reveals All in a Q & A About #Vault7

(photos) Arthur Topham: Publisher/Editor of Radical Press

Arthur just now has been forced to shut down Radical Press because he told too much truth — and Talmudists control the system — while not enough good people stand up. Ughhh!
Anyway, some great photographs of Arthur here:
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Nice image! At Begg’s Gulch, along the road to the Matthew River, near Wells, B.C.

Arthur loves falls: Ghost Lake – Cariboo Mts. Matthew River Falls here & here

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Knight Arthur

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Rugged Canadian

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Free Downloads: Holocaust Revisionist Books

Someone posted this on Facebook:

Here is a link to where people can download for free, all of the major Holocaust Revisionist books:

And here is a link where people can order or download for free all of the Holocaust Handbook series, and Revisionist videos:

I recommend that everyone download the free PDF version of all the Holocaust Revisionist books before they disappear [And pray that this doesn’t happen – editor]


Germar Rudolf has been publishing revisionist material since December 1996. Until spring of 1998, this activity was done under the umbrella of the Belgian Foundation Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, VHO (Free Historical Research). During these activities, Rudolf acquired the Internet domain in September 1997, which became the largest revisionist website worldwide under Rudolf’s aegis.

Because the Foundation Vrij Historisch Onderzoek was increasingly victimized by persecution and censorship due to their controversial historical publications, Germar Rudolf established his own company Castle Hill Publishers in early 1998 in the English town of Hastings. He also detached the website from the Foundation Vrij Historisch Onderzoek in order to prevent any intrusion by Belgian authorities and in order to legally protect his Belgian colleagues at VHO.

In 1993, Dr. Robert Countess established the American publishing company Theses & Dissertations Press as a division of the non-profit organization Belfort Loewe Project, Inc. T&DP was dormant until it employed Germar Rudolf as responsible editor in 2000. It then started publishing its ambitious series Holocaust Handbooks. Since summer of 2002, Theses & Dissertations Press is a division of Castle Hill Publishers, serving as an outlet of English language revisionist books.

About Holocaust Handbooks & Documentaries Presented by Castle Hill Publishers and CODOH

(video) Free Speech May Now Get You Thrown In Prison In Canada (with Dan Dicks)

Arthur Topham wrote this comment under this video:

Boys. You’re not focusing in on the issues deep enough. Canada needs to get rid of Sections 318 to 320 of the Canadian Criminal Code. They are the crux of the issue of freedom of speech in Canada. Anything else is peripheral. I’ve been in the Alternative Media business with since 1998 and at midnight tonight I’ll be forced to remove my website from the net because of the Jewish lobby B’nai Brith’s relentless use of Sec. 319(2) of the CCC where they indict those who criticize the Zionist ideology and the state of Israel. Read my last article on the net.

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Free Speech May Now Get You Thrown In Prison In Canada (with Dan Dicks)

Henry Ford on Fake News (1920): "Controlling the world's sources of news, [Talmudic] Jews prepare the minds of people for their next move — "The whole world is molded for a purpose" • "When their hand is revealed, then comes the ready cry of persecution" • "The real causes of persecution are never given publicity"

This is a MAJOR reason why the ‘Holocaust’ needs to be exposed. The Talmudists can only successfully cry “persecution!” as long as the ‘Holocaust’ fabrication story remains intact.
Talmudic ‘Jews’ declared war on Germany in 1933. Rounding them up was not right, but there was no extermination plan, nor were there gas chambers. Typhus broke out in the camps, which is the main reason for the hundreds of thousands of deaths, not “6 million.” The USA and Britain bombed the supply lines to the camps.
– –

“Controlling the world’s sources of news, Jews can always prepare the minds of people for their next move. The greatest exposure yet to be made is the way the news is manufactured and in the way the whole world is molded for a purpose.

When the powerful Jew is at last traced and his hand revealed, then comes the ready cry of persecution, and it echoes through the world press. The real causes of persecution (which is the oppression of the people by the financial practices of Jews) are never given publicity.” 

~ Henry Ford Sr. May, 1920

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Henry Ford on Fake News (1920): 'This union of the [Talmudic] Jewish press which passes for the Public Press' — "Research ought to be undertaken for the purpose of showing the world how its thought is manufactured for it every day, and for what ulterior purposes"

The source of FAKE NEWS is the Talmud, the ‘LEAVEN’ of the Pharisees that Jesus warned us about. Talmudists own and control the media, as well as Hollywood and the porn industry.

– –

One of the great pieces of research that ought to be undertaken for the purpose of showing the
world how its thought is manufactured for it every day, and for what ulterior purposes, is this union of the Jewish press, which passes for the Public Press, throughout the world.

– Henry Ford

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(video) Mark Dice: Facebook charges arm and a leg to boost posts — Facebook Deleted Drudge Report Page

Facebook Deleted Drudge Report Page

(video) Alfred Schaffer: 1984+33=2017 — "This grotesque fiction was presented as real history. To install the 'Holocaust' program in our brains, stories telling the same lies appeared everywhere. It was taught in schools to our little children who could not imagine they were being lied to" • "One of the latest tricks has been the imposed gender confusion, thereby reducing the ability of our men to protect who and what we are. Our women welcome the invaders, while our men stand idly by"

Psychological warfare: “to give these words power, we are first drip fed programs or lies over a very long period of time. … Facts are displaced with fiction and ignored.”

“…if our words and ideas no longer make any sense we no longer have any roots. And if we no longer have any roots, we become sick and have no direction.”

“This grotesque fiction was presented as real history. To install the ‘Holocaust’ program in our brains, stories telling the same lies appeared everywhere, all of the time. It was taught in schools to our little children who could not imagine they were being lied to.”

“They are instructed in the Talmud to kill us all, but not so fast that we would notice. Do it slowly, by poisoning the wells. Or nowadays, fluoride in the water, and fracking, or chemtrails to contaminate us from above — or forced vaccines with nerve agents for our children. Or one of the latest tricks has been the imposed gender confusion, thereby reducing the ability of our men to protect who and what we are. Our women welcome the invaders, while our men stand idly by.”

“Remember, the Talmud instructs them to kill us all.”

– Alfred Schaeffer

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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1984+33=? English

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