Freedom from Alaska!

Month: October 2021

Natural immunity is ‘science’ — just not the revenue generating kind

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon: Masks decrease oxygen, increasing furin cleavage site Covid infection of lung tissue |”The variants are emerging from the vaccinated”

“The variants are emerging from the vaccinated population.”

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon sets the record straight on the mindlessness of the mask and vaccine mandate narratives at his local Orange County, Florida Board of Commissioners Meeting held on Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Dr. Kevin Stillwagon Obliterates the Mindless Mask and Vaccine Mandate Narrative

Watch: Anchorage Assembly Chair LaFrance tries to stop ‘People’s Filibuster’ but draws chaos as mayor directs removal of Plexiglas

I had something to do with the removal of the sneeze guard.

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To loud jeering from the public in a packed room at the Loussac Library, Anchorage Assembly Chair Suzanne LaFrance decided that Assemblywoman Jamie Allard and Mayor Dave Bronson ask too many questions of testifiers against the proposed mask ordinance. …

The effort to squelch questioning took a full hour of the Assembly’s time that had been set aside for public testimony. A few minutes into testimony, Adam Trombley, who works for the Administration as the director of economic and community development, walked to the public’s podium and removed the sneeze guard Plexiglas barrier [he wooden frame blocked tall testifiers’ eyes – ed.], sending the crowd into wild cheering.

He walked off with the podium as LaFrance became confused, without her “Sergeant of Arms” Chris Constant next to her to tell her what to do. So she called a recess and the official camera went dead.

After the break, LaFrance announced that the mayor had also dismissed the security guards from the room so they would not be able to remove people that she singled out. She said this is a separation of powers issue but that she would proceed with the meeting. (story)

Anchorage Assembly crowd breaks into singing National Anthem as LaFrance cracks down on People’s Filibuster

Suzanne Downing writes on Facebook:

This has been the most epic meeting of the Anchorage Assembly in Anchorage history. People singing the National Anthem to make a point, and it was clear the people were in charge of the meeting.


The People’s Filibuster sings the National Anthem for Anchorage Assembly


After the Assembly tries to stop public testimony, the people break into a rendition of the National Anthem and do a great job of it. The Anchorage Assembly Chair can’t bang her gavel and has to wait for them to finish.


Believe in something even if it’s wrong…

“Believe in something even if it’s wrong and makes you look stupid. Just obey.”

Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There’

Pfizer ‘vaccine’ is developed from aborted fetal tissue. Execs don’t want people to know, so religious exemptions can’t work.

Oct 6, 2021

Project Veritas


AwakenWithJP: Facebook and IG Went Down – What Really Happened!

[Anchorage] Assemblyman Constant: No ‘God’ in Pledge of Allegiance; warns those shouting “with liberty and justice for all” during mask ordinance meeting


For Assemblyman Chris Constant, there is no ‘God’ in Pledge of Allegiance

Anchorage Assembly Vice Chair Chris Constant, when asked by Assembly Chair Suzanne LaFrance to lead the Pledge of Allegiance on Oct. 5 before the Assembly took public testimony, could be heard leaving out the phrase “under God” as he led the public in the recitation.

His voice, picked up by microphone and broadcast throughout the room, clearly dropped the phrase. When members of the public shouted out the end of the Pledge, “with liberty and justice for all,” Constant then pointed them out and warned them they would be removed.

How Much Vitamin D3 Should I Take? Is 10,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 Toxic? – Dr.Berg

“The answer is ‘no, it’s not [toxic].'”

“10,000 iu is just 1/4 of one tiny milligram” = .25 mg

“15 minutes in the sun will give you 20,000 iu’s of vitamin D.”

In fat soluble vitamins, they use something called IU’s or International Units, which is the potency or concentration of something. You don’t really need to be alarmed if you see large amounts of IU’s. Take vitamin D with vitamin K2 which works with D3 to help mobilize calcium and keeping it from going in the wrong place. Hypercalcemia is not very common and it is too much calcium in the blood. [“And it’s so simple to fix it and reverse it.”]

Anchorage: Vice Chair Constant purposefully leaves “under God” out of the Pledge of Allegiance and then reports people for saying the Pledge too loudly

I wonder who yelled “with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL!” How dare they proclaim liberty in the face of tyranny.

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Listen as Assembly Vice Chair Chris Constant purposefully leaves “under God” out of the Pledge of Allegiance and then reports people for saying the Pledge too loudly, so they can be thrown out. Please feel free to share far and wide. People need to know how Anchorage is being led.


AwakenWithJP: 12 Reasons NOT To Speak Up! – “It would be wrong to speak out at a time like this. Here’s why.”

With what the tyrants are doing in the world right now, here are 12 reasons why you should NOT speak up!

#1 Loss of Approval: “For starters, speaking out means you could lose some people’s approval, and that would be really scary for you. That’s why you shouldn’t so it, because of your fear. Therefore, not speaking out means you’ll gain the approval of people who approve of living in fear.”

#2 Requires Bravery: “Speaking out requires bravery, and nobody respects people who are brave. They only respect those who are agreeable all the time. And if you can stay aligned with the agreeability of tyrants, then you know you’re doing good work in the world, because you’re aligned with tyrants.”

#7 Social Credit System: “It’s like the abusers will be implementing a social credit system, and by watching it all happen while you’re doing and saying nothing, you’re already earning yourself a good social credit score. It keeps you in good standing with the abusers, rather than being in good standing with good people.”

2.01M subscribers

Tucker in 2008: “I’m an out-of-the-closet elitist. I don’t pretend to be a man of the people”

‘Woke’ Vox does a hit piece on Tucker.

Does Tucker still think this way? Is he conning us, or is what he now says he is?

He and Laura Ingraham seem to have the best shows on FOX.

Related: “Between 2006 and 2011, Carlson made numerous appearances on a radio show hosted by Bubba the Love Sponge, a Florida-based shock jock.” (source)

AwakenWithJP: Why Life Jackets In Pools Should Be Mandatory!


Fauci: “Give Up What You Consider Your Individual Right of Making Your Own Decision” (VIDEO)

“You are a member of society and as a member of society, reaping all the benefits of being a member of society, you have a responsibility to society, and I think each of us, particularly in the context of a pandemic that’s killing millions of people [99.7% survival rate – ed.], you have got to look at it and say there comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision for the greater good of society.” – Dr. Anthony Fauci

Censoring Progressives Calling the Right ‘Fascists’

-control all branches of government
-control all of the major tech companies
-utilize those companies to achieve their political ends
-unironically call the right “fascists”

– Comment by Wayne under Rep. Zack Fields demands Mark Zuckerberg shadow ban Must Read Alaska from Facebook

Dr. Colleen Huber: Likelihood of dying from COVID-19 having vitamin D levels above 70ng/ml seems to be “vanishingly small if not impossible”

Huber, Colleen. The Defeat of COVID: 500+ medical studies show what works & what doesn’t (p. 58).

It would be quite difficult for a person with adequate serum vitamin D levels to die of COVID-19.  How difficult is it?

Anchorage Doctor: “Patients on ventilators rarely get better; often take a month to die” — Using the wrong treatments


Some Anchorage doctors dispute New York Times story on Alaska’s Covid crisis

The New York Times says doctors in Alaska are now having to make a choice about who lives and who dies. … Must Read Alaska has reached out to doctors in Anchorage who are disputing that care is being rationed in Alaska. …

Another doctor…. “A quasi elective heart surgery can be (and often was) delayed if it looks like there won’t be staff to cover what is likely to be a 2-3 day stint in the ICU recovering. Covid has complicated this because these patients, once intubated and vented, rarely get better and often take a month to die,” [because they don’t use the inexpensive, proven treatments that cure Covid – ed.] he said. …

“’We have the most highly sophisticated medicine [$3000+ Remdesivir that’s shutting down patients’ kidneys and death-sentence ventilators, but no inexpensive, fast acting vitamin D (calcifediol), zinc, Ivermectin, ozone or nebulized hydrogen peroxide – ed.] and advanced training in the world, and we’re having to ration care,” Dr. Javid Kamali, an intensive-care doctor at Providence, told the Wall Street Journal.” …

(video) Nick Begich II: ‘Greedy, Selfish, Corrupt’ Providence Hospital takes $millions out of Alaska as non-profit 501(c)3!

Starting at 34:15:

“Here in Anchorage, we have the good sisters of Providence, the Catholic charities of Providence Hospital, a national chain. I’m picking on them because they are a greedy, selfish organization that I resent on such deep levels for what they’ve done in my state.” … They’re taking up to $100 million a year in profits out of Alaska per year, and in Alaska, we have the highest medical insurance cost in the world. … This non-profit hospital and its chain, when Covid began had over $100 billion in their cash reserves. … Then they took $573 million of yours and my tax money to add to that reserve during Covid. … Is that right? They’re a non-profit 501(c)(3) doing charitable work, but they don’t pay a penny in taxes. … This is a corrupt operation.”

Non-profit laws need to be changed. EKGs 10 times more expensive here than in the Mayo Clinic. Prices should be posted. In some countries, they can tell us how much a surgery will cost. Not here. Billing codes.

Start at 34:18

Lora Reinbold’s family highlighted in ‘Eagle River Living’ Oct. 2021

Click on images to see larger.


Dr. Joseph Mercola: The Effects of Vitamin D and COVID-Related Outcomes — At least 40ng/ml for sufficiency

July 11, 2021

The best way to know how much vitamin D you need is to have your levels tested. Data from GrassrootsHealth’s D*Action studies suggest the optimal level for health and disease prevention is between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL, while the cutoff for sufficiency appears to be around 40 ng/mL.


Dr. Lorraine Day: “People have left God…. We’re not going to take America back”

32:40 “Unless God has opened your mind to truth you can’t understand truth, and you don’t want to know truth.… It’s not about taking America back. We’re not going to take America back. … The plan is there, and the Bible tells us what is going to happen. And the reason that it’s happening is people have left God.” She quotes the famous quote that is apparently falsely attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville: “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good America will cease to be great.”

From the Jeff Rense Show, September 29

Hour 2 – Dr. Lorraine Day, MD – The View From One Of America’s Legendary Physicians

Federal Govt Whistleblower Goes Public with Secret Recordings: ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show the [COVID] Vaccine is Full of Sh*t’; ‘Shove’ Adverse Effect Reporting ‘Under the Mat’ — “What’s plaguing this country is the spirit of fear”

“Right now, what is plaguing this country is the spirit of fear.”

O’Malley said it is more important to shine a light on corruption than to fear retaliation from the powers that be:

James O’Keefe, Project Veritas founder: “What would you say to people who are in a position where they can do something?”

Jodi O’Malley, Insider and Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “I say that we have to do something. Right now, what is plaguing this country is the spirit of fear.”

O’Keefe: “Are you afraid?”

O’Malley: “It’s my career, you know? It’s how I help people. But am I afraid? I wouldn’t necessarily say I am afraid because my faith lies in God and not man. So, I have two older kids that are on their own, and I have a twelve-year-old at home that I care for on my own, but you know, what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this — this is evil. This is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”


Cypher: I know this steak doesn’t exist… Ignorance is bliss | The Matrix

Cypher: “You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.”


Rand Paul confronts Big Pharma/Gov’t liar, Becarra, secretary of health and human services – was attorney general of California

Xavier Becerra is an American politician and lawyer serving as the 25th United States secretary of health and human services. Becerra previously served as the attorney general of California from January 2017 until March 2021.


Incredible woman who loved her job, did the right thing no matter what, shined like a light, tells more of her story.

Deborah Conrad:


The Highwire with Del Bigtree


Threats against mayor are rampant on Twitter among Alaska leftists

Serious threats of violence against Mayor Bronson for not supporting the Assembly’s proposed mask mandate, because Big Pharma, Media and Government has falsely convinced them that everyone wearing masks protects them, when masks don’t work, and often cause harm.


AwakenWithJP: Truth Isn’t True Anymore

The US government is collapsing and we’re pretending it’s not! All in the latest news update! Stay current on the latest breaking news by tuning in to we lie to you news!

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