Freedom from Alaska!

Category: BIG Pharma Page 11 of 39

CDC Deletes 6,000 Deaths From VAERS



FACT CHECK: The FDA first approved ivermectin for HUMANS back in 1996… media outlets are deliberately lying to the public

The mainstream media is lying on behalf of Big Pharma and the medical fascists by falsely claiming that ivermectin is a de-wormer for animals, when the reality is that the anti-parasite drug was first approved for human use back in 1996.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is really a private corporation posing as a public health agency, ivermectin should not be used by humans because it is intended for animals. A quick and easy fact check reveals this claim to be patently false.

The fact of the matter is that while ivermectin is, in fact, used in animals, it is also approved for use in humans. The only reason that many people are having to take the animal version these days is because the governing authorities have made it next to impossible to obtain a prescription for human ivermectin, while animal ivermectin is freely available in feed stores and online.

“The lie is being put forth by CDC because people have found out that Ivermectin kills COVID-19, and if a $3 drug kills that disease, then there is no reason to take the dangerous and ineffective Genetic-Therapy masquerading as a COVID-19 ‘vaccine,’” explains radio host Hal Turner.

Steve Bannon: Jesuit trained Fauci lies for the “higher good”

Bannon doesn’t understand the Satanic, Talmudic NWO, which drives the overthrow of Christianity to bring in the NWO; though, he does admit that Fauci is a Jesuit, which drives his willingness to lie for the sake of the ‘higher good,’ which is evil, not good, Satan’s agenda.

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“I don’t think there’s a deep state. It’s in your face. There’s nothing deep about it. It’s the administrative state. It’s the way they roll. It’s NIH; they got a way they roll, and nobody controls them. They got their own institutional logic. … They think they’re doing, it’s Fauci’s thing, what the Jesuit’s teach you for the higher good [Fauci is a Jesuit – ed.]. You can actually lie, because you know internally you’re really looking at things.” – Steve Bannon @ 48:15, from:

Timcast IRL video for subscribers only: Steve Bannon Member Podcast: Ivermectin, Bannon Says CCP Virus Is A Bioweapon, Tim Argues Voter Fraud And Whether Trump Won

(video) How Many Babies Are Killed For Your Vaccines? – Elizabeth Johnston

The truth the vaccine industry hides from you. Watch as this woman (Elizabeth Johnston – Activist Mommy) blows the cover off this bloody industry!

And what she doesn’t cover is how post-birth abortion was legalized for #Adrenochrome and #OrganHarvesting from children.

I don’t know how any parent today, with the knowledge of how vaccines are manufactured, can play Russian Roulette with their child’s DNA by injecting them with vaccines not only containing aborted fetal tissue, but also:

Human DNA from aborted babies differing in gender, race, and health histories
Monkey kidney cancer cells
Chicken cancer cells
Bat cells
Dog cells
Pig cells
Carcinogens and Heavy Metals
and God knows what else.


CDC CAUGHT FALSIFYING DATA! — Calling dying vaxxed “unvaxxed”

CDC LYING! Calls vaccinated who die “unvaccinated,” if they die within 8 weeks AFTER getting the first shot or within 2 weeks AFTER getting the second. That’s how they justified saying those hospitalized or dying were mostly “unvaccinated.” They also lied using old data that they said was new.

The claim that this is a “pandemic among the unvaccinated” is a giant CDC lie!

“Love of money” driving Big Pharma is evil!


Dr. Vladimir Zelenko on “The Poison Death Shot” — ‘There’s No Need For This Vaccine’: Jewish Doctor Who Pioneered COVID-19 Prophylaxis Says Before Israeli Rabbinical Court

STORY: ‘There’s No Need For This Vaccine’: Jewish Doctor Who Pioneered COVID-19 Prophylaxis Says Before Israeli Rabbinical Court


Dr. Ryan Cole: Stop the Vaccine Mandate – “We’re literally weakening the immune system” “Physicians are violating their oath to ‘do no harm’ | Right to refuse based on religious grounds

4:50 “We, as a society have been subject to a worse outcome of this disease…. In some of the talks some people have seen me give: we are a vitamin D deficient nation. Magnesium and vitamin K2 as well. We’re an obese nation, a metabolically unwell nation, and those have predisposed us to the poorer outcomes compared to other nations.”

“And this is abject silliness: now, we’re trying to force people into a shot for last year’s virus.”

7 Those who have had Covid are “multiple-fold increase risk for adverse reaction” from the vax, because “they already have immunity, and it puts their immune system at a hyper-response.”

“In Israel… the vaccinated got Delta strain and this virus at a 7 times higher rate than those who are naturally immune.”

11 How many people will get autoimmunity years down the road?

12:45 “In this virus, post-vaccine, we’re seeing a drop in your killer T-cells, your CD8+ cells, which keep all other viruses in check. I’m seeing in the lab an uptick in herpes, shingles, mono, a huge uptick in human papillomavirus. … We’re literally weakening the immune system of these individuals.

Most concerning of all:…. Since January 1, in the laboratory I’ve seen a twenty times in increase of endometrial cancer…. I’m seeing thick melanomas skyrocketing in the last month or two.”

14:30 “We are modifying the immune system to a weakened state. A great study in Germany…. We don’t know how long…. Who is studying it? Where are the long-term trials?”

16 Fertility risk

Physicians are violating their oath to ‘do no harm.’

18 Doctors aren’t giving early treatment, instead: ventilators and the weakest steroid. They’re “afraid” to look at the proven protocols –

22 We don’t need to vaccinate the kids. “Leave them alone. They survive this at 100%. We are seeing a 200 times increase in young men of inflammation of the heart…. Once your heart is damaged, it’s damaged for a lifetime. Your heart cells don’t grow back. Don’t let your child near these shots.”

“Any university that is mandating this for their students, it is criminal. … These young, healthy individuals are at no risk of death from this virus. We have treatments, and we are ruining the health of a generation, and killing them as well. This is unethical. This is a violation of all morality, let alone medical ethics. This is immoral.”

“I don’t think we need to coerce people into getting a shot in which one of the side effects is death.”

“Those who’ve been vaccinated are getting Delta at a higher rate than those who have natural immunity. … An antibody is forever, once you form it. If you have a good antibody, great! Grandma still has an immunity to measles since when she was a kid. But if you form a bad antibody [through a spike protein vaccine]…. Without long term safety data, we’re pushing forward an investigational vaccine on a population without knowing those long term signals. It’s a crime against humanity.”

29 Those who’ve had Covid have a broad immunity. “They are more immune than the vaccinated. … You have hundreds of antibodies compared to maybe dozens from the vaccine.”

30 “You have a right to refuse based on religious grounds. Pfizer and Moderna don’t contain aborted fetal cells, but they were developed on aborted fetal cells, and they were approved and processed on aborted fetal cells. J&J is grown on aborted fetal cells…. J&J has human, fetal DNA and protein in it, period.”

These three should be exemptions:

#1 Natural immunity

#2 Plenty of people have underlying health conditions that make them at a very high increased risk for adverse reactions from these shots.

#3 Moral and religious grounds. “It doesn’t even have to be religious if you’re not religious.”

Fauci’s NIAID funded painful experiments on Beagles, then killed them — “Dr. Fauci is increasingly becoming Dr. Evil” – Lara Logan


Fauci under fire over report alleging NIAID spent $400k on research infecting dogs with parasites

The White Coat Waste Project said they filed a FOIA request, revealing the information

Justin Goodman, a WCW Project vice president:

“They bought 28 healthy Beagles. The NIH website says they choose Beagles because they’re ‘small and docile.’ That means they’re easy to abuse. They took these 28 Beagles and infected them with parasites…, strapping devices to them that allow flies eat them alive, basically, give them parasites. And then they killed the dogs….”

Fox Nation host Lara Logan also joined the discussion, as well as her own pet dog, Honey, seated on her lap. …

Dr. Fauci is increasingly becoming Dr. Evil. Over and over again, the decisions that he made that have just destroyed millions of lives all over the world are becoming more apparent by day,” Logan added.

Our First Hand ICU Story – What is ACTUALLY Killing People In The Hospital

My husband WALKED out of the ICU in just 3 1/2 days. Fastest ICU patient in history of Cov. What we did. What to tell others. It’s not “blovid”- the protocol is what is killing people in the ICU. Here is what to do and how to do it. What to demand. What treatment. Please Share This! More at in show notes on entire story. My husband had 4 major “risk” categories- so by their “blovid” standards, should be dead. We changed THEIR protocol and saved his life. This is how we did it.

Published August 6, 2021


ICU NURSE: “You’re being lied to about COVID.”

Excellent factual information, but having high enough vitamin D levels as being the most practical solution isn’t mentioned.

Published August 12, 2021


We’ve Never Seen Vaccine Injuries on This Scale — Why Are Regulatory Agencies Hiding COVID Vaccine Safety Signals?

Now, in less than a year, more than half a million reports of injuries have flooded into VAERS following experimental COVID jabs, including thousands of deaths. Yet a deafening regulatory silence has greeted this record-setting volume of adverse reactions, which accounts for nearly a third of all reports accumulated by VAERS over its entire three-decade lifespan.

We’ve Never Seen Vaccine Injuries on This Scale — Why Are Regulatory Agencies Hiding COVID Vaccine Safety Signals?

Dr. Farr: Anchorage hospitals disallow Ivermectin to treat Covid

DR. IONA FARR @ 1:32:00: “They’re not following good protocols. … To try to get somebody with Ivermectin in the hospitals. Once they go into the hospitals here they cannot get it. It’s not on formulary at the hospital. The hospitals here are not doing it.”

DAN FAGAN: “Are you telling me that if you end in the hospital with Covid you are not allowed to have Ivermectin which is so effective in treating this virus?”

FARR: “That is true.”

Dr. Farr also said that those who have the strongest immunity for Covid, because they have antibodies from having Covid are 4 to 5 times more likely to get injured from the Covid vaccines.


Dr. Iona Farr discussion starts at 1:23:30

7-Minute Cure for COVID Misinformation – The Testimony of Dr Dan Stock

Dan Stock, MD, a family-practice physician in Noblesville, Indiana, testified on August 7, 2021, before the local Mt. Vernon School Board. His presentation immediately went viral – and for good reason. In slightly less than seven minutes, Dr. Stock explained why everything advocated by the CDC and National Institute of Health are contrary to known science. – GEG

Video Link

Dr. Dan Stock explains how the current measures to combat COVID-19 do not work.

Do Masks Work? A review of the evidence

None of the 14 RCT studies (the gold standard) show masks work, and some show they can do harm. So Big Pharma is using cherry picked, manipulated observational studies to push masking instead. Excellent, detailed overview of how they’re deceiving the public.

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Do Masks Work?

A review of the evidence

August 11, 2021

“Seriously people—STOP BUYING MASKS!” So tweeted then–surgeon general Jerome Adams on February 29, 2020, adding, “They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.” Two days later, Adams said, “Folks who don’t know how to wear them properly tend to touch their faces a lot and actually can increase the spread of coronavirus.” Less than a week earlier, on February 25, public-health authorities in the United Kingdom had published guidance that masks were unnecessary even for those providing community or residential care: “During normal day-to-day activities facemasks do not provide protection from respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19 and do not need to be worn by staff.” About a month later, on March 30, World Health Organization (WHO) Health Emergencies Program executive director Mike Ryan said that “there is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any particular benefit.” He added, “In fact there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite” because of the possibility of not “wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly” and of “taking it off and all the other risks that are otherwise associated with that.”

Surgical masks were designed to keep medical personnel from inadvertently infecting patients’ wounds, not to prevent the spread of viruses.

The man Big Pharma used then to convince everyone to trust Fauci now: Robert Young as Marcus Welby, M.D. — people’s beloved father figure who would *never ever* lie or do evil.

CDC Director Admits she was Wrong When she Said 99% of Covid Deaths are among the Unvaxed

Many or the woke were gleefully using this false claim to put down the awake on social media. A month later, we finally know the truth that they were lying.

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CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted during a press briefing last week that her claim that over 99% of Covid patients dying in hospitals were unvaccinated was false. The CDC’s data showed the number of Covid patient in-hospital deaths in May were 15% among the vaccinated, not 0.5% as they all claimed — which is 30x higher than they stated. She told a CNN reporter that the 99% number came from data “from analyses in several states from January through June” and did not reflect the latest data. Those who are calling out false statements such as this are being banned by the media. The Federation of State Medical Boards is trying to silence doctors for telling the truth by threatening to pull their medical licenses if they step out of line from the official line. ‘GEG

WOW! Full Speech by Miguel Escobar at the Edinburg, Texas School Board Meeting! — “So get over the fear”

“John Hopkins just came out with a study. … The only children who died from Covid were the very severely ill [comorbidities like Leukemia], which most of those children can’t even be in school. So get over the fear. The masks don’t work. … Love thy neighbor.” – Miguel Escobar @ 11:30

WOW! Full Speech by Miguel Escobar at the Edinburg, Texas, CISD School Board Meeting! This is a MUST WATCH! “I’ve had firsthand experience with Covid. Especially before anybody in the media knew about it because I have certain Government Clearance.” – Miguel Escobar

“I know more people who have died from the vaccine than have died from the Covid!” – Miguel Escobar at 5m:35sec in vid

New Study from Johns Hopkins: “No healthy child died from Covid.”

The Case Counts are wrong. The CDC TESTS are wrong. The CDC said they need a new test that can distinguish between Covid and the Flu. Does that mean the tests have been wrong this whole time? What do you think? The masks are the dirtiest. why would you sniff that all day long?


BOOM! Physicians Assistant Miguel Escobar RIPS the LID OFF of Covid MYTHS and LIES | Edinburg, Texas CISD School Board Meeting 7/27/2021 | Full SpeechBOOM! Physicians Assistant Miguel Escobar RIPS the LID OFF of Covid MYTHS and LIES | Edinburg, Texas CISD School Board Meeting 7/27/2021 | Full Speech

Pfizer admits in vax document that long-term effects (including adverse) and efficacy is unknown

“Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.”

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Leaked Document Reveals ‘Shocking’ Terms of Pfizer’s International Vaccine Agreements

Vaccine purchasers must “indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer … from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses … arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the vaccine.”

Vaccine makers have nothing to lose by marketing their experimental COVID-19 shots, even if they cause serious injury and death, as they enjoy full indemnity against injuries occurring from COVID-19 vaccines or any other pandemic vaccine under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, passed in the U.S. in 2005.

The full extent of their COVID-19 vaccine indemnification agreements with countries, however, is a closely guarded secret, one that has remained highly confidential — until now. A leaked document broken down by Twitter user Ehden reveals the shocking terms of Pfizer’s international COVID-19 vaccine agreements. …

University Admits Harvesting Kidneys From Unborn Babies While Their Hearts are Still Beating

E Michael Jones

Abortion fueled our descent into a state where the rule of law no longer applies. The convenience of the powerful is more important than the life of the weak.

University Admits Harvesting Kidneys From Unborn Babies While Their Hearts are Still Beating

Aug 5, 2021

The University of Pittsburgh may have inadvertently provided more evidence this week that aborted babies may be being born alive and left to die so that their organs may be used for scientific research, according to the Center for Medical Progress.

Deceptive 6-Month Pfizer Vax Study Out — “Were only healthy people spit into this study?” – As many deaths as placebo – Doesn’t apply to Delta

‘Diabetes with complications’ is 6-7% in real world; only 0.6% in study.

15 deaths in vaccine group to 14 in placebo.

No ‘obesity;’ no ‘vitamin D levels.’

Women 3 times more likely to get injured.

Chris Martenson:

The six-month safety and efficacy data is in for the Pfizer vax. While we all await the larger readout from the full length of the phase III trials (due in 2023) this interim result is a much-needed peek at the trials.

The good news is that the vaccine seems to reduce ‘serious Covid’ as well as SARS2 infection.  The bad news is that we can’t tell from the data at what rate the vaccinated are still getting and replicating the virus.  The good news is that neither the vaccinated nor the unvaccinated were dying of Covid.  Or it could be said they were dying at ~ the same rate.   Out of 44,000+ total test subjects, just one vaccinated and two unvaccinated died of Covid.  Overall 15 vaccinated and 14 unvaccinated people died…so almost exactly the same number in each arm.

Troublingly, the study failed to tell us much if anything about the disposition of some 262 vaccinated people who had “serious” adverse events.  We don’t know how many recovered, how many hadn’t yet, or what the issues were.  This is fully 0.5% above baseline, so it means roughly 0.5% of all vaccinated people are going to have a serious adverse event (SAE).  Compare that to the 0.13% that had serious Covid and suddenly things get a little bit murkier.  We cannot say which is a better or worse public health outcome; 0.5% with vaccine SAE’s or 0.13% with serious Covid.

The study didn’t provide nearly enough information to make such a determination.  Which is a shame because good data goes a long way towards relieving fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD). (source)

A Physicians Take on New Mask Mandates & Vaccines — ‘Nobody’s talking about boosting your vitamin D level’ – Dr. Jeffrey Barke

MORE TRUTH from articulate, wise and bold Dr. Jeffrey Barke, a champion from almost day #1 of last year!

13:35 “Why aren’t we talking about the importance of measuring and boosting your vitamin D level? We know there’s a direct correlation between poor outcome with Covid and low vitamin D level. Nobody’s talking about that.”

14:15 “There’s been over 100 new billionaires created in the vaccine industry as a result of these vaccines. … It’s a perfect business model. I’m free from liability…” government funds the research, taxes pay for the vaxxes with taxes….

LINK for fullscreen

(video) Tucker calls Fauci “the guy who created Covid” | Fauci says virus level same in vaxxed and unvaxxed | Pfizer admits long term efficacy and adverse effects are unknown in purchase agreement with Albania 

From: Tucker Carlson Tonight, 7/28/21

Minute-17:20 in the video — Fox News transcript:

You know people who’ve gotten COVID after getting a double vaxx, again it doesn’t mean it’s not worth taking, but stop lying to us. If you want us to have confidence in your medicine, then tell us the full truth, but they won’t. They’ve been telling us for six months that this vaccine is perfect, but clearly in some cases, it doesn’t always work.

And that’s not our theory, by the way. Take it from the guy who created COVID. Watch this.


FAUCI: Now that we have a delta variant, that has changed the entire landscape, because when you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of a vaccinated person who gets a breakthrough infection with delta, it is exactly the same as the level of virus in an unvaccinated person who is infected. That’s the problem.

So, those data were very compelling and that triggered the change in the C.D.C. guideline.


CARLSON: So, the level of virus — and we’re quoting now — ” … is exactly the same as the level of virus in an unvaccinated person.” What? What does that even mean? We’re not even going to speculate as to what that means. But if this administration is trying to reassure the country and justify forcing people to take medicine they don’t want, maybe they should wake up and figure out what they’re trying to say and then explain it to people.

The truth is, we don’t know and we don’t know what we don’t know and here is how we know that we don’t know what we don’t know about this vaccine. The other day, Pfizer’s purchase agreement with the Albanian government leaked out onto the internet.

A lot of fascinating things in that document, lots of legalese, but in between it all were quotes like this — and this is from that document — “Purchaser acknowledges the long-term effects and efficacy of the vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the vaccine that are not currently known.” Was that reassuring? What are those effects? And why don’t we know? And why can’t we ask?

Watch HERE at 17:20 — includes transcript

Title: Tucker: Politicians can’t part with the enormous amount of power they amassed, Published 

PROOF! Fauci recommended 6,000 iu vitamin D to a Swedish PhD, but won’t tell the world — Lying by omission to sell vaccine$

From the email Dr. Campbell shows in the video below:

Fauci couldn’t have gotten fast-track emergency authorization for the experimental vaccines if he had publicly admitted that 6,000 iu of D3 taken daily stops the main danger of Covid: the dreaded cytokine storm lung inflammation issue, which hospitals put people on ventilators for, upon which 90% died in New York — instead of giving them the fast acting form of vitamin D.

Vaccine$ were never needed!

First minute of this Dr. John Campbell video!

Pfizer Is Largest Donor to Doctors Group that Demands Masks for all Kids Over 2

The American Academy of Pediatrics is demanding that all children over the age of 2 wear face masks at schools and nurseries, even if they have been vaccinated. The demand goes further than that of the CDC, which has said that children and adults who work in schools who are fully vaccinated do not need to wear masks. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics website, Pfizer is their largest donor. Coincidence? –GEG


Body Language: Fauci Vs Rand Paul in Congress

3:50 “He’s so aggravated he forgot about his position on this mic thing [to turn it on].”

6:45 “Now you see him with his hand up. So he’s physically showing he wants Rand Paul to stop.”

7:30 “There’s the freak out [Fauci points both index fingers at Rand, in front of his eyes as if he’s aiming two guns]. … He’s shaking, going up higher and higher, not only in his octave, but in his body.”

8:35 “He’s continuously looking towards the chairwoman. ‘Tell him to shut up; take my side. Silence him for me.’ … He’s constantly looking for that rescue.”

9:15 “Now he’s so stressed he’s got a rubber band that he’s playing with in his fingers.”

12:40 “He’s still looking at him [Rand Paul]. He’s so mad.”

13:30 “Now he’s going back to playing with the rubber band. … So he’s still stressed from Rand Paul, and he continues to play with this rubber band.”

Video also here

Rand Paul Seeks CRIMINAL Probe Into Dr. Fauci, Paul is RIGHT NIH DID Fund Wuhan Lab And Here’s Proof

Dan Bongino: Are We Sure Masks Work? Let’s Check The Studies

A Story of Breast Implants and Body Dysfunction

Breast implant scars disturb body function.

“If you mess with something, you mess with something else.”

PULLED! Peer reviewed study stating Covid vaccines causes 2 deaths for every 3 lives it saves

The researchers concluded: “For three deaths prevented by vaccination we have to accept two inflicted by vaccination.”

Walach, an author of the studytold Retraction Watch, a website that reported on the aftermath of the study, that he does not agree with the expression of concern, saying “we have used and analyzed the data correctly, and not incorrectly. But that the data are less than optimal is clear to everyone and we said so in our paper. The purpose is to generate enough momentum for governments and researchers to finally create the good data that are long overdue.”

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Liz Wheeler stated on June 30, 2021 in a Facebook post:

A “peer reviewed, scientific study showed that the COVID-19 vaccine causes two deaths for every three lives it saves.”

Journal discredits study it published claiming a COVID-19 vaccine causes deaths

Experts Confirm Extremely Low Levels of Fluoride Reduce IQ

It is estimated that more than 72% of public drinking water systems in America are fluoridated — thus, millions of pregnant women are currently being exposed to levels of fluoride that have the potential to lower their children’s IQ by at least four points and probably more.

Experts Confirm Extremely Low Levels of Fluoride Reduce IQ

June 29, 2021

Story at-a-glance:

  • New studies find that fluoride levels four to five times lower than those found in pregnant women in fluoridated communities cause IQ loss for the child, and that older women in fluoridated communities have a 50% higher risk of hip fractures.
  • Plaintiffs suing the EPA in federal court over fluoridation’s neurotoxicity have continued to win legal victories and have shared deposition videos exposing CDC and EPA negligence.
  • The former NTP director joined the chorus of scientific and public health experts raising alarms about neurotoxic risk, but the dental lobby responded by doubling their fluoridation expansion efforts.

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