With the exception of CBS, every major media outlet in the United States shares at least one board member with at least one pharmaceutical company.
The fake study demonized the simple, quinine based drug which would have saved thousands when used with zinc! Big Pharma has killed many on their 88%-die ventilators, refusing to use effective treatments, increasing covid death count magnitudingly!
Tucker and Laura:
Monday, 25 May 2020
The federal government is finally admitting what many observers have suspected all along: The average American’s chances of dying from COVID-19 are extremely small. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) latest best estimate of the death rate for individuals with COVID-19 symptoms is just 0.26 percent, slightly higher than that of the seasonal flu.
So, in summary, mask-wearing can be dangerous and is shown over and over again to be ineffective. It appears masks are more effective in helping to *spread* illness, by providing a surface for viruses to collect on, like carrying a petri dish in front of your face.
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May 21, 2020
[Jennifer Kozek]
Initially I respected the call by my local Governor in Connecticut to protect our fellow citizens. Deep down I thought it was a little foolish to mandate masks, but love all people and thought I would wear one to help others feel safer. Then, I started digging a little further into the scientific literature. I have discovered that masks are neither safe nor effective. So, as schools prepare to create policies for children returning to school in the fall, we must keep these things in mind.
Chiropractor Eric Nepute: “I’m okay with saying ‘new normal.’ … The ‘new normal’ needs to be getting rid of the spirit of fear, the spirit of hatred, the spirit of greed, the spirit of lying, spirit of lust, spirit of confusion… rebuking them as far as the east is from the west.” – minute-59
Watch this powerful message here:
Dolores’ *extensive* credentials are laid out here at the beginning of this also excellent interview: MUST WATCH: Debunking the Narrative (With Prof. Dolores Cahill)
Incredible lady — so truthful and free!
“If we have a healthy immune system, we don’t need anything else,” ie: lockdowns, social distancing, masks and vaccines.
Companies who censor those who warned about the detrimental health practices and mandates, and were proven correct, should be held accountable for the damage they did to people and countries.
If people find out they can boost their immune system through food and nutrients, and that vaccines are dangerous, it undermines the profit of Big Pharma.
The FDA, by preventing the treatment of HCQ + zinc and YouTube preventing the information from getting out could be held libel for the unnecessary deaths.
“Did they give advice to the elderly, how they could boost their immune system? Did they give access to treatment?” People who withheld this need to be held responsible.
57:10 The reality of vaccines. The toxins: aluminum, etc.. They’re grown on monkey or dog kidneys, and the viruses from the monkeys, like Simion virus 40, SV 40 are introduced in people which ordinarily never would be, which cause cancers and chronic illnesses. Vaccines are not safe, are often ineffective, and can cause infertility.
They haven’t made a safe vaccine for a corona virus in 17 years. How can they make one now, which they won’t even safety test. So far, vaccines for corona viruses cause a firestorm in the immune system.
Hydroxychloroquine + zinc was well known in February and March that it worked as a treatment, so there was no reason for the lockdown. What we should have done was quarantined the elderly and the vulnerable, and boosted their immune system with zinc and vitamins.
A main reason for censorship is to keep them from being exposed for the damage they did from the lockdowns.
Big Pharma did two HCQ studies mostly without zinc for patients only who were already in intensive care, the Lancet and Veteran papers. HCQ has been on the essential medicine list for 55 or 60 years as being safe and effective. It’s unethical to give it without zinc, because it can’t possibly work. The studies were designed unethically.
There is no data behind the using of masks, which make people sick. She will not use a mask. It doesn’t transmit through the air. If person coughs, he/she should cover their mouth.
1:27:10 How to boost one’s immune system: Avoid stress (fear and loneliness from the lockdowns). Vitamins D, C and zinc are the most important. Also vitamin A and selenium.
WATCH HERE — Requires free registration • multiple playback speeds available!
I just heard Brother Nathanael say in his latest Jeff Rense appearance that the entire Brighteon (dot) com video platform has been banned by Facebook. I tried just now to post even the most mild Brighteon videos, like “Wild Food Foraging- Pine Needle Tea,” and Facebook won’t let it load to be posted.
This is not a good sign of what’s to come. What else will Facebook ban, while allowing the most violent, racist videos to be livestreamed and posted, hatred of whites to the max, but ban an entire video platform that has a high percentage of excellent content that no one would object to.
Mike Adams owns Brighteon, The Health Ranger.
Someone should do a video comparing the extremes of what is banned verses what is allowed on this platform.
Banning Brighteon is disgusting, immoral, and one step too far.
In “Brighteon DOUBLES DOWN on free speech, under FACEBOOK censorship attack,” posted two weeks ago, Mike Adams explains that Facebook gave Mike an ultimatum: remove the ‘Plandemic’ videos to not be banned, which Mike refuses to do. “Plandemic” exposes Big Pharma’s handling of the covid-19 event through lies and misinformation, destroying many lives in the process.
The globalists don’t want anything to stop their vaccine-everyone mandate, so they censor an entire video platform that tells the truth about vaccines!
Mike says he’s now releasing his moderators to relax their free speech standards, so almost anything but porn can now be aired on Brighteon. Maybe that will save him some money too. He says their biggest cost now is bandwidth, and Brighteon loses money, which he has to then get from his Health Ranger store.
One of the best videos I’ve seen on vaccines! Excellent covid-19 truth also!
• Those who have illnesses aren’t tested in the trials to see how the vaccine will affect those who are not perfectly healthy, those most likely to get vaccine injured
• Vaccine testing does not use double-blind studies to compare the vaccinated with a placebo group
• Human fetal cell tissue is on vaccines, and how we know that
• Vaccines can make people overreact to the illness. People have already died in the covid-19 vaccine trials
“I think we’re all in a dream state right now. It feels like some ‘snow day,’ stay-at-home’ day. When people start realizing that my job really is not there. … You’re going to see the tone and energy of this discussion shift. And as more an more people wake up to the fact that this was only a 0.26% death rate; even though, my news was telling me otherwise, they can’t censor us enough.”
“You ruin the trust of a nation by overstating it like this.”
WATCH HERE — Requires free registration • multiple playback speeds available!
16 facts that mostly aren’t reported. Scientific supporting data shown!
Fact #1: The Infection Fatality Rate for COVID-19 is somewhere between 0.07-0.20%, in line with seasonal flu
Fact #2: The risk of dying from COVID-19 is much higher than the average IFR for older people and those with co-morbidities, and much lower than the average IFR for younger healthy people, and nearing zero for children
Fact #3: People infected with COVID-19 who are asymptomatic (which is most people) do NOT spread COVID-19
Fact #4: Emerging science shows no spread of COVID-19 in the community (shopping, restaurants, barbers, etc.)
Fact #5: Published science shows COVID-19 is NOT spread outdoors
Fact #6: Science shows masks are ineffective to halt the spread of COVID-19, and The WHO recommends they should only be worn by healthy people if treating or living with someone with a COVID-19 infection
Fact #7: There’s no science to support the magic of a six-foot barrier
Fact #8: The idea of locking down an entire society had never been done and has no supportable science, only theoretical modeling
Fact #9: The epidemic models of COVID-19 have been disastrously wrong, and both the people and the practice of modeling has a terrible history
Fact #10: The data shows that lockdowns have NOT had an impact on the course of the disease.
Fact #11: Florida locked down late, opened early, and is doing fine, despite predictions of doom
Fact #12: New York’s above average death rate appears to be driven by a fatal policy error combined with aggressive intubations.
Fact #13: Public health officials and disease epidemiologists do NOT consider the other negative societal consequences of lockdowns
Fact #14: There is a predictive model for the viral arc of COVID-19, it’s called Farr’s Law, and it was discovered over 100 years ago
Fact #15: The lockdowns will cause more death and destruction than COVID-19 ever did
Fact #16: All these phased re-openings are utter nonsense with no science to support them, but they will all be declared a success
“Our officials have instituted medically accurate recording measures where if anyone has ever ridden in a car before and then they die, their death is recorded as a car related death.”
“Shockingly, we’re still seeing car related deaths. This is cause for an extended lockdown.”
“Authorities have extended the lockdowns until we can find a vaccine to bring people back to life after traffic fatalities….”
“As the lifesaving lockdown continues, the suicide rate is up by 400%, yet traffic fatalities are down by 7%. The lockdown continues to be an effective lifesaving measure.”
Big Pharma rejects this natural remedy, of course.
This is similar to what Dr. Fauci said on CBS ’60 Minutes’ on March 8:
“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better. And it might even block a droplet. But it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And often, there are unintended consequences. People keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”
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“If you do not have any respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, or runny nose, you do not need to wear a medical mask such as this one. Masks alone can give you a feeling of false protection, and can even be a source of infection when not used incorrectly [touching the mask, then touching eyes and things others touch, she didn’t say, but probably should have – ed.]. Masks should only be used by healthcare workers, caretakers, or by people who are sick with symptoms of fever and cough.” – Dr. April Baller in this WHO video
Big Pharma has only quietly admitted that people having enough vitamin D would cut the deaths in half. All they push instead are lockdowns, social distancing, masks and 88%-die respirators which they get $39,000 for using.
They don’t even give patients vitamin D3, let alone tell us to take it (or get enough sun), and those in nursing homes especially.
Watch in 1080p HD
Instead of prescribing the vitamins, minerals and herbs naturopathic doctors prescribe every day, that Big Pharma won’t use because they can’t $patent things God made.
WARNING: DISTRESSING FOOTAGE – The upsetting footage, taken at a lab in Hamburg, also shows cats and dogs that appear to be bleeding
(Image: Cruelty Free International)
Top 10 reasons to be off “Team Corona-Phobia!”
Excellent! Del even mentions vitamins and minerals this time; though, he’s still censoring himself so not to be censored.
Important discussion with Dershowitz, who insists a covid vaccine can be forced on all Americans unless they can prove they have a health issue which would make it too dangerous. THIS IS SERIOUS!
I posted these two comments:
Israel defeated covid by using Dr. Zelenko’s HCQ + zinc treatment, which Dershowitz doesn’t mention. Minorities are more at risk from covid largely because many have very low vitamin D levels, because their skin needs six times more sunlight to get the same amount of D production as whites. Big Pharma never told them to take D3! We don’t need a vaccine, because our immune systems can be strengthened through vitamins, minerals and nutrition, which Big Pharma won’t mention. Big Pharma currently rejects all of the covid-19 treatments that work. Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Government are responsible for many covid-19 deaths and the consequences from the unconstitutional lockdowns they mandated and pushed without the people’s consent. They deceived Americans by what they said and didn’t say, and still are.
Dr. Shiva wouldn’t be surprised by Dershowitz saying that RFK, Jr. is his friend, because RFK, Jr. may not be serious about stopping mandatory vaccines — “controlled opposition.”
The cloth and surgical masks the CDC recommends do not effectively stop transmission, and can increase the chance of wearers getting sick.
N95 masks disturb O2/CO2 exchange, and pose a risk for elderly, pregnant women, and those with pre-existing conditions such as COPD, heart disease, etc.
Psychologically, mask wearing is anti-social. Social isolation leads to a decrease in antiviral compounds and an increase in inflammatory compounds.
Americans can say they have a health condition that prohibits them from wearing a mask, and the HIPPA law protects them from having to reveal why to anyone.
Mask topic starts at 13:00
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny details how the pharmaceutical industry has effectively lobbied to pass legislation providing complete immunity from all lawsuits during a public health emergency. The doctor, who has been board certified for three specialties, also gives her prescriptions for strengthening immune systems and coping with fear.
This blows the main excuse that schools need to be shut down, or only opened according to CDC’s new draconian school opening guidelines. So many lies about covid that many will never unbelieve, because the media will underreport this, except for maybe Fox News and OAN.
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There is still no evidence to show that people positive for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) but do not manifest symptoms can infect others, Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said Wednesday as he quoted the World Health Organization (WHO).
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