Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Bomb Bomb America? Page 3 of 7

(Film) ‘Babylon USA’ – Steven Anderson

WARNING: False salvation teaching at the end.

The US is not the most powerful nation in the world.

“What if Christianity actually teaches peace, and not ‘preventive’ wars of aggression?” – Ron Paul
51:47 “We talk about the demon that ran Persia. There is a demon running the United States.” Steven Anderson
59:40 Public obelisks: “the obelisk is a phallic symbol … the phallic of the great sun god. It’s his architecture that reigns.” – Texe Marrs
100:57 The obelisk in Las Vegas overseeing the massacre
1:16:27 The attitude of the United States…
1:22:50 Babylon destroyed in one hour
1:23:13 “Over and over again in Revelation 18, the Bible repeats the fact that Babylon will be destroyed in one hour. And it will be destroyed with fire…. A nuclear attack fits this description perfectly, and it would happen immediately…, within one hour’s time.” – Anderson

1:37:55 “The Bible Way To Heaven” — False salvation teaching from Steven Anderson, who believes all we have to do is say a prayer. We don’t actually have to abide in Christ to be “in Christ,” to be real Christians.

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Babylon USA | Documentary on Mystery Babylon in Revelation | KJV Bible

Skousen: China’s Superpower Status – Unstoppable Invasion Capability

Joel said on The Jeff Rense Show, 9/2/20 that China’s weaponry is in 3,000 miles of  underground tunnels.

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World Affairs Brief, September 4, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

I have long told my subscribers after years of complaining about the Pentagon downplaying the Chinese threat: “When the Pentagon starts to warn about China being a real threat, you will know it is too late to stop it, or do anything about it.” Sadly, that time has come.

In the latest annual Pentagon report on China, they now admit that China has reached superpower status and is a global threat. All these years they have been downplaying the threat posed by China even as it built a ring of military bases in the South China Sea as a means of both defense and projecting power outward in a war—just as Japan did prior to WWII.

Skousen: WWIII with Russia and China: Preparing to take US out latter half of this decade

World Affairs Brief, December 27, 2019 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

2019 Big Picture Brief

(vid) Jeff Nyquist: Was Coronavirus Intended To Be Primer For Chinese Invasion Of America?

Timing is probably years off, according to Joel Skousen, but Skousen has a lot of respect for Nyquist. I haven’t heard Nyquist for many years, except for Skousen citing his articles occasionally. Very interesting.

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Russia will invade Alaska and Canada; China wants the lower-48, because they need more land for their people. A virus would weaken the US, making invasion easier.

16:50 Nyquist believes Putin did assassinate Alexander Litvinenko


Was Coronavirus Intended To Be Primer For Chinese Invasion Of America?


Jeff Nyquist joins The Alex Jones Show to discuss the strategy for invasion by releasing a bioweapon like coronavirus.

Skousen: EMP Law (signed 12/20/19) – Will the power grid now be protected from EMP weapons or solar flares?

We’re still sitting ducks, sadly. But at least something has now officially passed. The media is still not covering this, our #1 threat. They’re even ignoring the passing of this bill.


Lisa Murkowski Blocked Effort to Protect US Power Grid — “Within 12 months of an EMP attack or a massive solar flare, between two-thirds to 90 percent of the U.S. population would perish!”

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EMP Law: Inside the latest defense authorization bill signed by President Trump on Dec. 20, it mandates that the federal government must protect the nation from the danger of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks whether from nuclear weapons or solar flares.

The law’s language gives legal authority to Mr. Trump’s March 2019 executive order directing the government to harden critical infrastructure against an EMP strike.

But will it actually get protected? I don’t think so. In fact, the grid is composed of mostly private companies and the government has no authority to take over their property or mandate changes. So the government will create a “network of systems to alert the public and provide a warning system to deal with EMP strikes and communicate with the public should electric systems be disrupted.” Federal agencies will have until June to draw up specific plans and procedures for responding to EMP attacks and major geomagnetic disturbances. That is a pipe dream. No government could control the chaos of 325 million people without electricity for months.

Russia’s Hypersonic Nukes Unstoppable — “We don’t have any defense that could deny the employment of such a weapon” – General Hyten

Avangard changes everything: What Russia’s hypersonic warhead deployment means for the global arms race

Video released by the Russian defense ministry on Friday shows the hypersonic glider warheads being loaded onto silo-based missiles. For now, the Avangards will be mounted on the UR-100N (or SS-19 Stiletto, as NATO calls them) ballistic missiles, until the RS-28 Sarmat is ready to enter service.

Hypersonic weapons fly far faster than the speed of sound. Avangard is capable of reaching Mach 27 without losing control or disintegrating under heat and pressure. This means that the weapon can outmaneuver any defenses on its approach phase, rendering it “absolutely invulnerable to any air or missile defense system,” in the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Tulsi: Nuclear War: Greatest Existential Threat

The USA being attacked by Russia and China with nukes and EMP weapons is absolutely our greatest threat, and the USA isn’t preparing to thwart what China and Russia are preparing to carry out.

Tulsi just scratches the surface here, but at least she’s talking about it.

Steven Ben-Nun: Is FEMA Preparing for EMP Strike?

How Russia's Nuclear Depth Charges Can Take Out USA's 4 Nuclear Submarines

Excerpt from Popular Mechanics’ article: What Putin Would Nuke — A hypothetical first strike scenario on the United States showcases Russia’s current and future nuclear arsenal.

Fishing With Dynamite

… For Putin to “win” a nuclear war, the campaign against American subs has to unfold as the warheads are dropping.

The Ohio-class submarines exist because they are hard to spot. They hide within range of their targets, waiting for a Very Low Frequency radio transmission telling the crews to fire, and what to target. They carry 24 Trident II missiles. Each carries up to eight warheads of at least 100 kilotons each. They are formidable weapons of war. …

By 2025, the Ohio fleet is impressive but aging—and shrinking. Budget cuts have reduced the number of nuke-carrying Ohios to just eight by 2020  [Joel Skousen often points out that the USA has agreed to dock half of our fleet of 8 subs, so only 4 will be at sea at any given time], creating a retirement schedule of one boat a year between 2015 and 2020. Their replacements are not due to be deployed until 2030. “Fewer submarines would make it easier for a potential adversary to track and target U.S. forces,” the Congressional Budget Office reported in 2013. “The operating areas for those submarines would be more predictable because missiles must fly a certain trajectory to hit key targets.”

The Russians know about where the submarines will be.

We came ‘to let US know’ about close military ties with Russia – Chinese defense minister in Moscow

Beijing has sent a delegation to Russia to show Washington the unity of Russian and Chinese military forces and “support” Russia at the 7th Moscow Conference on International Security.
Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe voiced strong support for Russia during the talks with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Shoigu. While stressing “the united position” on the international arena, the minister said that one of the main goals of the visit was to send a message to Western powers.
“The Chinese side came to let the Americans know about the close ties between the Russian and Chinese armed forces,”Wei said.

Russia Routed Millions to Influence Clinton in Uranium Deal, Informant Tells Congress

The so-called Uranium One deal in 2010 handed Russia control of 20 percent of the U.S.’s uranium supply. Hillary Clinton served on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which unanimously approved the partial sale of the Canadian mining company Uranium One to Russian nuclear giant Rosatom.

FBI agents and the confidential informant made secret recordings, gathered records and intercepted emails dating back to 2009 that showed that Russian officials had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks.


(2 min vid) Putin Threatens Instantaneous Nuclear War If West Attacks Allies — US is defenseless

America is defenseless against Russia’s most advanced weapons. Joel Skousen has been warning US for decades, which I’ve been posting for almost 20 years.
Joel Skousen has been warning about this since the ’90s, but the US won’t even protect the power grid, which alone will kill most of us, once they EMP US, as they nuke our military bases, which we won’t defend, because of PDD 60. They can also take out our nukes, while we can’t touch theirs. All the church seems to care about is Talmudic Israel’s takeover of the Middle East, called the Greater Israel Plan.
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Skousen: Russia Claims New Military Capabilities — Current evidence of recent technology transfers to the Russians by Hillary Clinton donors that may have contributed to the development of these hypersonic weapons

World Affairs Brief, March 2, 2018 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
In a major speech that has both domestic and international ramifications for Vladimir Putin, who will seek a fourth term in the upcoming controlled election, the Russian president outlined the latest Russian offensive weapons that are directly aimed at countering US claims of military superiority. The UK Guardian had this summary:

Speaking in a nationally televised address to the country’s political elite weeks before a presidential election, the president showed video and animations of ICBMs, nuclear-powered cruise missiles, underwater drones and other weapons that he said Russia had developed as a result of the US pulling out of the 1972 anti-ballistic missile treaty signed with the Soviet Union.

Leave it to the Russians, who have cheated on every disarmament treaty, to bring up the ABM treaty—which was a major mistake for the US when it was signed. Only the Soviets had significant ABMs at the time and they didn’t want the US developing new ones. The US did develop sophisticated anti-ballistic missiles after backing out of the treaty, but they were woefully flawed by design, having no explosive warheads, and being few in number. The US uses “kinetic” kill vehicles—large pointed hunks of depleted Uranium—that must make physical contact with an incoming warhead. This is nearly impossible with the new class of maneuvering hypersonic warheads and missiles Russia and China are developing.

Putin issued a message of defiance. “I would like to tell those who have been trying to escalate the arms race for the past 15 years, to gain unilateral advantages over Russia, and to impose restrictions and sanctions … The attempt at curbing Russia has failed,” he said.

Yes, it has, but, in fact, Russian rearmament and modernization has been going on for over a decade and no one in the media has given it any notice until Russia came to the aid of Syria and blocked US intervention there. Russian advancements in weaponry have always been aided and abetted by globalists going back to the Wilson, FDR and Truman administrations, which gave aid to the Russian Revolution (in gold), transferred nuclear weapons plans to Russia and even gave them their first load of enriched uranium to facilitate Russia’s first atomic weapon. Here’s the current evidence of recent technology transfers to the Russians by Hillary Clinton donors that may have contributed to the development of these hypersonic weapons.

EXCLUSIVE: New photos show China is nearly done with its militarization of South China Sea

In-depth report with extensive photographs

(vid) Corbett Report: THIS IS NOT A DRILL!(?) – What Happened in Hawaii?

(audio) Joel Skousen w/ Richard Syrett — Trump’s failure to drain the swamp • Role of North Korea as ‘trigger’ for WWIII • Nuclear showdown between Russia, China and US inevitable • Treasonous actions taken during the Clinton administration that secretly changed the United State’s nuclear response doctrine, leaving America vulnerable to a nuclear first-strike


Skousen: The North Korean, Russian and Chinese Strategic Threat

Skousen: Russian and Chinese Military Technology Threatens US Superiority — Can sink any US aircraft carrier • Hypersonic weapons up to Mach 10 (10X the speed of sound) | Two Myths: US military superiority • US invulnerability

Hillary's Treasonous Uranium Deal – $145 Million Into Clinton Foundation

PDD 60: Abandonment of “Launch on Warning” — US policy to “Retaliate after Absorbing a First-strike” is an unwinnable policy that does more to invite attack than deter it

PDD 60: Abandonment of “Launch on Warning”

In 1997, President Bill Clinton issued Presidential decision directive (PDD) 60.  This directive radically changed US stratigic nuclear policy from “launch on warning” to “retaliate after absorbing a first strike”.  President Clinton’s justification for this change was based on the false premise that in the so-called “Post-Cold War Era”, Russia and China are no longer nuclear threats.

Robert Bell, senior director for defense policy and arms control at the National Security Council, verified information about PDD 60 in an interview on December 23, 1997.  Bell pointed out that while the United States has always had the “technical capability” to implement a policy of launch on warning, it has chosen not to do so. “Our policy is to confirm that we are under nuclear attack with actual detonations before retaliating”.

Hello? Are you serious? The whole strategy that makes nuclear weapons a deterrent is that under a “launch on warning” policy, whichever nation launches first looses and whichever nation launches second wins.  If you take US nuclear missiles off “launch on warning” and switch to a policy of “retaliation after absorbing a nuclear first-strike”, there won’t be anything left over to retaliate with.  You loose.  Especially since 1. most all US nukes are sitting in vulnerable fixed silos, and 2. the US has been unilaterally downsizing our nuclear arsenal.

“Launch on Warning” means the US would launch its nuclear missiles after it has been varified that a country like Russia and China have premptively launched on the US but before enemy warheads have arrived. Under “Launch on Warning” the US would retaliate while the enemy ICBMs are still in the air, and before they have detonated in the US.

The reason  “Launch on Warning” assures that whomever launches first looses and whomever launches second wins is that a country would likely only launch 50% of its nukes during a first-strike.  Most of the incoming nukes will be targeting our nukes here in the US to prevent a retaliatory counter-attack. However, how “Launch on Warning” works is the launch-second country can simply track the incoming ICBMs and predict which silos are being targeted.  The US would then launch the nukes only in those targeted silos.  The “launch on warning” ICBMs would then target the remaining unlaunched ICBMs back in the attacking nation.  When Russia’s ICBMs arrive, those nukes strike empty silos.  When the US nukes arrive on the other end, they target and destroy remaining ICBMs in Russia.

If the US only uses 50% of its nukes to target the remaining Russian nukes, then the US is left with 50% remaining ICBMs and Russia is left with 0% ICBMs.  This is how the “Launch on Warning” strategy assures that whomever initiates a nuclear firstrike looses and why the “Launch on Warning” policy is the only real and effective nuclear deterrence policy.

The new and current nuclear policy to “Retaliate after Absorbing a First-strike” is an unwinnable policy that does more to invite attack than deter it.

Unfortunately the only thing the public thinks it knows about nuclear stragedy is from the movie “War Games” which equates Global Thermonuclear War with a game of tick-tack-toe.


(vid) Ron Paul: Trump UN Speech Was “Neocon Heaven” 😈 — Paul minimizes the greatest threat to America though

I love Ron Paul — having 900 Ron Paul posts here!! But Joel Skousen would completely disagree with what Ron says @ 12:02:

“The invasion by a foreign power to destroy our liberty is not going to come in our lifetime.”

Joel shows how Russia/China will be completely ready by about 2023, but they could do it sooner. They’ll probably EMP US, and nuke only the military bases, which are EMP hardened, according to Joel. Many have had dreams of Russia and/or China nuking US too.

Joel has been against all of our reverse-Christian wars. This time though, he actually believes we should take out North Korea’s ability to attack US while we still have the chance, before Russia and China can use North Korea as the “trigger” and excuse to then bomb, bomb, bomb America.

Amazingly, Joel has been saying for many years that North Korea will be the globalists’ trigger, the perfect excuse for Russia and China to then take US out, after we attack Korea.

I don’t like the idea of preemptive war myself. We do have anti-missile missiles that can take out North Korea’s. Couldn’t that be good enough to protect US?

Russia and China’s nukes are maneuverable though, so we cannot stop them. They have state-of-the art everything, while we’re sitting ducks doing almost nothing to defend US.

It seems to me that protecting our power grid from an EMP should be our top priority, which could postpone the coming invasion. The cost has been said to only be the price of one stealth bomber, about $2 billion, which is peanuts.

Even a strong magnetic storm on the sun could take out our power for about a year. 90% of all Americans would die, the experts predict.

The media ignores this, and hardly any of the truthers even talk about hardening the grid (including Joel, surprisingly), which is probably our #1 threat, and would be easy and inexpensive to fix.

How can Ron Paul say an invasion is not going to happen in our lifetime, perhaps because he’s 82? Ron is so awesome, but I don’t know how he can be so ignorant of Russia and China’s preparations to take US out so overwhelmingly, that we may not even respond at all — due to PDD 60 especially, which Trump could rescind with the stoke of his pen.

PDD 60: Abandonment of “Launch on Warning” — US policy to “Retaliate after Absorbing a First-strike” is an unwinnable policy that does more to invite attack than deter it

Power to the Peaceful!

‘Christians’ in America should have humbly hit the floor on their knees long ago, following the HOLY Spirit instead of FOX News, the war channel.

Instead, most evangelicals continue to support the Zionist neocon, power-over-others agenda without ever admitting they were wrong, helping to take out the countries that would oppose the one-world government, including US.

What we’ve been doing to others will happen to US!

We even nuked Japan while they were trying to surrender. FDR baited Japan to invade Pearl Harbor with the 8-step, covert plan, proven by James Perloff, who shows that virtually all of our wars were immoral, and have been false flag driven.

We can’t continue to be cold hearted and not suffer the consequences — as America falls into decadence. Only people of high moral character can keep a nation strong to survive.

Much of the world now sees the US as the bully, and will cheer when Russia and China take US out, sadly.


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Mr Kim Wants to Permanently Turn Out Your Lights – Russia sold EMP weapons to NK

(video) 10 Secret Submarine Bases Hidden in Plain Sight, Including Yalong Bay, Hainon Island, China

@5:35 Yalong Bay, Hainon Island, China

I’ve heard that China has a submarine base in which the entrance is about 1,000 feet below sea level. We don’t know how many nuclear subs they have, because apparently, everything they do is underground and top secret.

Joel Skousen and others predict that both Russia and China are preparing to take US out with an EMP and nuke strikes of our military bases, which could be as soon as 5 years from now.

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10 Secret Submarine Bases Hidden in Plain Sight

Published on Aug 1, 2017

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Skousen: US Missile Defense Lacking

World Affairs Brief, May 19, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (



Finally, another article on the latest missile defense technology is pertinent to the US ability to stop Kim Jong-Un from following through with his limited ability to send a missile to Hawaii or Alaska. The British Daily Mail takes a look at the new “state-of-the-art Navy vessel that’s designed to shoot down Kim Jong-Un’s ballistic missiles before they start World War Three.” There are errors in this article, which I will point out.

A state-of-the-art navy vessel designed to intercept ballistic missiles is set to be tested later this month. The MV Pacific Collector detects the missile via GPS [This is in error. GPS doesn’t detect missile launches, although other military satellites can.] and shoots out a vehicle which smashes into a warhead in mid-flight to disable it. Known as ground-based mid-course defense, the ship is in port at Aloha Tower in Hawaii for a key upcoming ballistic missile defense test.

The news comes as North Korea test-launched a ballistic missile that flew for half an hour and reached an altitude of 1,240 miles before landing in the Sea of Japan – a flight pattern that could indicate a new type of missile.

The only thing new about this is that US experts are saying this latest ballistic missile is the first fully home developed rocket by North Korea that doesn’t rely on foreign rocket engines. How they can tell that from photographs or rocket telemetry is a mystery to me.

Admiral Harry Harris, head of US Pacific Command, warned Congress that the country’s leader, Kim Jong Un, ‘is clearly in a position to threaten Hawaii today’. Currently, the US has 36 ground-based interceptors placed in Alaska and California to theoretically protect the US from a nuclear missile attack. That number will increase to 44 this year.

However, in December, a Pentagon weapons testing office rated the $40 billion system as having low reliability. The ground-based system has a record of nine out of 17 successful intercepts since 1999, or a 53 percent success rate.

One of the problems with this kind of missile system is that it uses a “kinetic” warhead— essentially a big hunk of highly dense material (depleted Uranium, etc.) which has to make direct contact with the incoming missile to destroy it. It is not an explosive warhead that can disable a target even during a near miss. [like Russia’s – editor]

I suspect the US continues using these kinds of “hit vehicles” because they don’t want to really stop a pre-emptive strike by Russia and China, who are developing maneuvering warheads. I do think, however, that current US ABM interceptors could stop several of North Korea’s plain Jane ballistic missiles.

(4 min video) North Korea Satellites ‘IN PLACE For Devastating EMP Attack On U.S’

Can North Korea Attack The U.S. Power Grid?

(4 min video) EMP Attack: How Vulnerable is the United States?

Congress Finally Taking EMP Attack Seriously

Skousen: Trump Backing Down on North Korea, For Now — This indicates war isn’t imminent but it’s coming sooner than when China will be ready to join NK. Whether or not they will becomes the big question. If they do, we’ll have WWIII early than I expected, if not, there will have to be another trigger event for WWIII later on when China and Russia are ready

World Affairs Brief, April 28, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Trump Continues to Disappoint

The Voices Trump Listens to

Trump Backing Down on North Korea–For Now

French Election: Ganging Up Against Le Pen

Death of US Military Through Feminism

Don’t Drive in Some European Countries

News Shorts

Preparedness Tip: Vitamin C



Naive US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, claims that Chinese pressure on North Korea is working. She’s merely repeating what was presented at the Senate briefing at the White House South auditorium this week. It was an hour briefing led by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford, and Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats. None are high level intelligence officials so it was all second-hand information.

Senators who oppose Trump, like John McCain and Lindsey Graham and all the Democrats claimed they learned “nothing new.” Many Senators on certain committees get constant intelligence briefings as a matter of course, so obviously they aren’t going to learn much new.

But despite the disparaging remarks from Democrats, there was something new in the briefing, which was highlighted by the anti-Trump The Daily Beast.

“We want to solve this through political or economic measures,” a senior administration official [said] ….any unilateral strike would likely lead to a North Korean counter-strike on U.S. allies South Korea and Japan—both within artillery or missile range of North Korea—as well as threatening tens of thousands of U.S. troops stationed in the Pacific.

“We want to bring Kim Jong-Un to his senses, not to his knees,” said Adm. Harry Harris, Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, at a House Armed Services Committee hearing Wednesday. He repeated the administration mantra that “all options are on the table,” but the tone had decidedly shifted from President Donald Trump’s earlier provocative tweets.

The U.S. might lobby to put North Korea back on the list as a state sponsor of terror as one of many options to isolate the defiant Asian nation. It had been removed in 2008 under previous negotiations with the Bush administration.

“It’s clear we are in a phase where unless North Korea takes a more provocative action, attacks our allies, attacks us directly, this is a diplomatic phase,” Democratic Sen. Chris Coons, of Delaware, told The Daily Beast outside the White House after the meeting.

This means Trump is backing down from his vow to disarm North Korea and stop its constant provocations. However, in a wide ranging interview with Reuters, Trump seemed to hint that he thought war with North Korea was a very real possibility:

“There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely,” Trump said. “We’d love to solve things diplomatically, but it’s very difficult,” he added.

Trump continued to promote his naive assessment of China’s Premier Xi Jingpin as a wonderful person, and repeating the assurance that China has told NK not to do any more nuclear tests. My takeaway from this is that Trump is going to let this play out diplomatically, but that he’s skeptical (as he should be) and fully intends to use military action to stop NK’s nuclear and missile development, even if that means NK will respond by going to war with SK—which would draw in the US.

That means that war isn’t imminent but that it is coming sooner tha[n] when China will be ready to join in. Whether or not they will becomes the big question. If they do, we’ll have WWIII early than I expected, if not, there will have to be another trigger event for WWIII later on when China and Russia are ready.

The sanctions Trump is proposing are tougher than ever before, but only in stages, which indicates it’s going to take time to play out: cutoff of oil supplies and isolating NK from all international banking and internet connectivity. There won’t be any food or medical sanctions as they put on Iran, for “humanitarian reasons.” Wasn’t Iran worthy of humanitarian exceptions?

Heretofore, NK has relied on China to bypass any sanctions, but for now at least China appears to play along with the sanctions. But I’m still skeptical. Either China plans to cheat, which would be hard for the US to detect, or it will comply for a period of time to buy more time and try and get Kim to shut down the hostile rhetoric.

I think this does confirm that China really isn’t ready to go to war on behalf of NK, and is determined to make sure NK remains in check for the next few years. Frankly, I’m surprise at just how reactionary Kim Jong-Un has been lately. In response to Trump’s interview, NK said it has no intention of stopping its nuclear and missile programs. Kim seems to be aiming for a bruising war. If it’s all bluster in order to save face with the communist party radicals in NK, that’s one thing, but no one’s going to believe Kim is capable of compromise is he doesn’t tone down the threats. Personally, I think Trump is being suckered into a delay in taking out Kim. I feel the conflict with Kim is inevitable and the sooner he is removed, the better. For each year’s delay, NK only gets stronger.

The bottom line: War with NK is inevitable, but it may or may not lead to WWIII depending on China. There is now a shorter window to prepare….


As for an EMP blast, which will proceed a nuclear attack, nuclear plants will go off line and some cannot operate again without grid power to absorb their output. But an EMP would not affect the military’s ability to get diesel fuel to backup generators at a nuke plant to keep them from melting down.

(video) Chuck Baldwin: The Crime of Aggression — ‘Christians’ the biggest cheerleaders! The more people we bomb, the louder ‘Christians’ shout ‘Amen!’

“No nation can continue to flaunt the laws of God and violate the laws of God and get by with it forever. It can’t happen.

This country is on a collision course with the judgment of God. And the thing that disturbs me personally the most about it is that the ‘Christians’ of this country seem to be the biggest cheerleaders for this crime of aggression. The more people we bomb, the louder ‘Christians’ shout ‘Amen!'”

– Chuck Baldwin

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

 Message Highlight – Nations That Continue To Violate God Laws Will Suffer Consequences

Skousen: WWIII Timing: China’s nuclear submarine superfactory soon building 10-12 at one time – “This adds to my prognostication that China isn’t ready yet to fight WWIII with the US”

From: Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief, 4/21/17

It was reported this week by that China is going to start multiple production lines to speed up the deployment of nuclear submarines.

Western production lines for the most part can only build one submarine at a time, and only the US is capable of building two submarines simultaneously, but China is now capable of building four submarines at one time.

China already has at least four type 094/094A ballistic missile submarines and at least five Type 093/093G attack submarines, so it is speculated that the new facility is to build the successor third-generation classes of Type 096 ballistic missile submarines and Type 095 attack submarines. The new submarines will be built using modular fabrication techniques. The projection is made that Chinese nuclear submarine production will double its rate within two to three years.

China currently has about three submarine production lines and can build 5 to 6 submarines at one time. This would mean in three years China could be building ten to twelve submarines at one time.

This adds to my prognostication that China isn’t ready yet to fight WWIII with the US.

Trump’s Recklessness Changes Skousen’s WWIII Timing – Trump Threatens Military Action Against North Korea – Possible Scenario #3: Trump strikes North Korean missile sites, and North Korea invades South Korea in response. The US has to use tactic nukes to stop the massive invasion of over 2 million North Koreans, and China responds in kind by striking the US military forces with a pre-emptive nuclear missile strike, joined by Russia

With Donald Trump being snookered so easily into attacking Syria,
I’m very much worried he will now attack North Korea.

• • •

World Affairs Brief, April 7, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Trump Fooled by False Flag Chemical Incident

Analysis of the Garland Texas False Flag Attack

Trump Threatens Military Action Against North Korea

Keeping the GOP Healthcare Bill Alive

Refugee Cap Returns to 110K

Judicial War on BLM Protestors

Trump Concern on Trade Deficits Misplaced

Senate Invokes Nuclear Option to Confirm Gorsuch

Preparedness Tip: Berkey Water Filters



For years I’ve thought that the US ought to pre-emptively strike North Korea’s nuclear and missile sites before she gets too dangerous to handle without full scale war. No nation has been more aggressive in attacking its neighbors and threatening the world than North Korea, a virtual prison nation. But unlike its aggressive and constant threat toward Iran, which doesn’t even have a nuclear weapon yet, NK has always been treated permissively, for reasons I will explain shortly.

The United States, under globalist advisors, has continued to play the role of the sucker in its weak attempts to induce NK to give up its nuclear weapons program. Signing one agreement after another, the US acted as if it was powerless to make NK dismantle its nuclear program. In each disarmament agreement, the North Koreans have cheated and yet the West fulfilled its part of the agreement, including food aid and oil shipments.

After three major failed agreements you would think the West would finally realize that North Korea’s nuclear program will never be relinquished through negotiations. But it isn’t stupidity or blind optimism that has driven globalist policy—it is the knowledge that NK is China’s trigger for WWIII, a war the globalists want, and that’s why they have never been serious about stopping NK. They want that trigger preserved. And what better trigger than a perceived “crazy man” Kim Jong-un, so neither China or Russia get the blame.

North Korea tested another ICBM this week, landing in the Sea of Japan. That got president Trump’s attention, and Japan’s too. NK is in a state of constant development of solid fueled long-range rockets though they are reluctant to show the West anything but short and medium range launches. Launching a missile into the sea at medium range makes it difficult for the US to determine the missile’s accuracy since only North Korea knows the coordinates of the intended target area.

In advance of his meeting Thursday with Chinese President XI Jinping, Trump told the UK Financial Times, “If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will. That is all I am telling you.” The White House added that “the clock has now run out” on North Korea’s nuclear program and that “all options are on the table” —a not-so-subtle code phrase for “military action.”

What kind of action? General Jack Keane said that bombing North Korea’s nuclear facilities “may be the only option left”. But that’s not true. The US could also shoot down future missile tests, especially ones that are heading toward the Sea of Japan and deny NK the test results.

So the tensions are clearly escalating in the Far East, and China loves to join in and assert its dominance. China responded to the Trump saber rattling with a statement that, “It will safeguard the security and stability of its Northeast area at all costs,” referring to both its territorial claims on all of the China Sea as well as client state North Korea. Tensions between the US and NK are at the highest point ever.

North Korea Serious about Threats to US:

Lester Holt reported to NBC News that

A senior North Korean defector has told NBC News that the country’s ‘desperate’ dictator is prepared to use nuclear weapons to strike the United States and its allies. Thae Yong Ho is the most high profile North Korean defector in two decades, meaning he is able to give a rare insight into the secretive, authoritarian regime.

According to Thae, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is “desperate in maintaining his rule by relying on his [development of] nuclear weapons and ICBM.” He was using an acronym for intercontinental ballistic missiles – a long range rocket that in theory would be capable of hitting the U.S.

The thing which moderates this dire news is that North Korea has not yet successfully tested a full nuclear warhead in operational mode, and many of its missiles have failed in test launches. US military experts, which discounting North Korea as an imminent threat do believe this unstable country is a long-term threat.

How Dangerous Are Kim’s Nuclear Weapons?

Not very, to be frank. North Korea has never tested a nuclear warhead atop a missile, so even the North Koreans don’t know how accurate their technology is. Even if it does work, North Korea does not possess maneuvering warheads [so they can be shot down, unlike Russia’s – editor] and it has a very limited number of warheads and ballistic missiles to launch against medium range US targets in Guam or Hawaii.

While the US has a fairly limited anti-ballistic missile shield, North Korea has so few long range missiles and nuclear warheads that a couple of standard anti-ballistic missiles (THAAD interceptors or Aegis Missile systems) could stop the one or two long range missiles NK could put into the upper atmosphere against US targets. A handful of missiles is pretty easy for the US to detect and destroy. Only nations that have hundreds of missiles firing simultaneously can get through the US protective umbrella—and that means Russia and China.

So it’s not the NK nuke threat that is the real worry, rather what China and Russia would do in support of North Korea.

A New Warning: I have long said that I didn’t think China would unleash NK to start WWIII until the next decade because Russia and China are in the midst of a major rearmament, which won’t be complete until the 2020-2024 range. Obviously, they would prefer to be fully ready before launching a war.

The globalists, on the other hand, would prefer a war earlier rather than later, but they can’t make it look like they started this war, so they have worked for 30 years to simply facilitate our enemy’s arsenals, transferring military and scientific technology to both China and Russia. Much of those transfers have been done courtesy of the US Commerce Department. Much has also been done through Israel. We sell our top technology to Israel and they sell it to the Russians and Chinese.

With the coming of Donald Trump, I suspect that the globalists may try and kill two birds with one stone: First, let Trump start this war by striking North Korea’s nuclear program and 2) let Trump take the blame which will cost him the next election and forever taint him as the guy who started WWIII.

In summary, with Donald Trump being snookered so easily into attacking Syria, I’m very much worried he will now attack North Korea, leading him down a path he vowed not to go—intervening militarily around the world. I suspect his globalist advisors may be setting him up for an attack on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, that could provoke a Chinese nuclear response against the US, which our anti-missile systems could not control.

Here are the likely or possible scenarios:

1) North Korea sees Trump threatening and launches its first nuclear tipped missile at Guam or Hawaii, to make good on his bluster against the US. The US intercepts the missile and retaliates against NK nuclear and missile sites. The world sees this as fully justified and China cannot retaliate. WWIII doesn’t start yet, and the NK threat is temporarily abated.

2) Trump does a pre-emptive cruise missile strike against North Korean nuclear sites and/or missile launch sites. [I’m not against that, except that it should have been done years ago when China was not in a position to retaliate.] Even though China can retaliate, it doesn’t do so because it isn’t ready yet for WWIII. The NK nuke and missile threat is gone for now but NK, with the help of China rebuilds in a more secretive manner. WWIII is merely postponed.

3) Trump strikes North Korean missile sites, and North Korea invades South Korea in response with her ample conventional weapons and army. The US has to use tactic nukes to stop the massive invasion of over 2 million North Koreans, and China responds in kind by striking the US military forces with a pre-emptive nuclear missile strike, joined by Russia. WWIII starts.

The targets will be military bases and communications facilities [Joel has often said this would start with an EMP attack, targeting everyone – editor], not cities per se, although about 12-15 major metros will be affected by the strikes on military bases integral to those cities. It could happen during Trump’s term, and it seems to me that the globalists would very much like to tag Trump with the blame for this war.

The bottom line is that you should accelerate your preparations for relocation, war and survival, rather than count on having more time. If Trump doesn’t attack North Korea pre-emptively, it doesn’t mean war is avoided—just postponed. It’s coming eventually in any case. If he does attack pre-emptively, the North Koreans and Chinese are too proud to let that happen without some form of retaliation. I would give it a 60-40 chance it would blossom into WWIII. If they don’t retaliate enough to escalate into WWIII, its only because they have decided to wait for a better time to take revenge when their military preparations are complete.

In any case, we can no longer depend on Trump to not fall into whatever traps the globalists set for him. I actually found globalist puppet presidents easier to predict. Trump is now showing he is far more dangerous than having a puppet president because he can be so easily fooled and he has this reactionary quality that allows him to be goaded into war far too easily.

Even though I have never thought Trump would really turn things around and save this country, I’ve always said he will “slow down the globalist agenda and buy us more time.” That only turned out to be true in terms of globalist trade agreements and maybe the flooding of this country with illegal alien and refugees (which he hasn’t stopped yet). But in terms of foreign policy and the threat of war, Trump may well give us LESS time, and fall completely into the globalist war trap. I personally am very worried….

-Wish it wasn’t coming but it is.

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(6 min video) Joel Skousen: Trump May Start WWIII *Early* by Attacking North Korea!! (Triggering Russia/China to EMP/Nuke US!)

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