Freedom from Alaska!

Category: China Page 6 of 10

Skousen: "Israel sells US military technology to China all the time — and that gets to Russia…"

“Israel sells US military technology to China all the time. And that gets to Russia….” – Joel Skousen (minute-15)

Joel mentions the Mossad/CIA connection at minute-30

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[youtube=]Joel Skousen – The Globalists & World War 3



Published on Feb 28, 2015

Joel Skousen with Jeff Rense, February 25, 2015.
On Ukraine, Russia, Poroshenko & Putin; The Globalists; Mao Zedong & Chiang Kai-Shek; Adolf Hitler & Poland; “Putin the most wealthy man in the world”; Putin & the Baltic States; Putin & the EU; Killing Small Independent Oil Companies; Angela Merkel is a former GDR-Communist; The Globalists’ Double-Deception With Double-Agents like Henry Kissinger and Alger Hiss; “Everybody’s lying and covering up, so there’s no way that the average individual can understand this”; “The bottom line is that Anglo-American Globalists are predators, who are out to take away our sovereignty and get us into a war and justify militarized global government”; “They need Russia and China to attack, that’s the only thing that explains why they’ve been building up Russia and China, giving them everything”; Phony Sanctions and Western Oil Companies in Russia; Russia’s Next Generation 100 ton ICBM missiles replace the SS-18 Satan; “Barack Obama will be preplaced by a controlled Republican in 2016”; John Hindley Jr.; No U.S. Border & Immigration; Ted Cruz & Israel; Rand Paul & Israel; Bolshevik Zionists; Labor Zionism; The Mossad & The CIA; “Israeli Arabs trained by the Mossad successfully infiltrated Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc and they now run most of ISIS and the most of other rebel Jihadist movements in Syria”; “The Israeli lobby is the most powerful lobby in the United States”; “8 Million votes disappeared in 2012”; Texe Marrs’ Weekly Newsletter on the 13 leading GOP Candidates and Israel; Billy Graham and Rabbi Tannenbaum of New York; Senator Ted Cruz & Goldman Sachs; Sheldon Adelson had a 100 Million dollars to donate to Republicans who backed Israel; The Rothschilds; Barack Obama & Henry Kissinger; Professional Disinformation Agents on the Internet; Staged Photoshopped ISIS Videos; WW3 and Elimination of Dissidents; NSA Director Mike Rogers; and more.

Skousen: Chinese Naval Projections for 2020 — China/Russia invasion of US almost certainly NOT BEFORE 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing

The 2022 Winter Olympics will be held on February 4-20, 2022 in China. (source)
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World Affairs Brief, August 6, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
This Week’s Analysis:
How Debates are Manipulated
Establishment Working to Save Planned Parenthood
US Starts to Intervene Directly against Syria
Chinese Naval Projections for 2020
Passport Revocation Powers
Officer Broke Navy Rule Defending Himself
Obama Implementing Cap and Trade by Edict
Don’t Use Windows 10
Russian Electronic Warfare now Superior to US Military’s
More and more analysts are beginning to wake up about China—though our government continues to both criticize China and downplay and deny and threat. Prashanth Parameswaran writing for The Diplomat reports on China’s projected developments for their blue water navy by the year 2020—when I’ve predicted China will first begin to have the firepower to think about attacking the West.

Much has been written about China’s ongoing efforts to become what President Xi Jinping called a “great maritime power” and how the United States should respond… In a recent paper delivered at a two-day CNA conference on Chinese maritime power, seen by The Diplomat, Rear Admiral Michael McDevitt, a senior fellow at the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), projects what China’s ‘far seas’ navy will look like in 2020 and how it would rank alongside the United States and other players – Britain, France, Japan, India and Russia. Getting a sense of the PLAN’s ‘far seas’ capabilities is important since it tells us the extent to which it might be able to project power further from China’s shores.

According to his projections, on paper by 2020 China’s navy will already increasingly look like a smaller version of the U.S. Navy and will be “the second most capable ‘far seas’ navy in the world.” In five years, the PLAN’s capabilities would dwarf most other navies – China would have as many aircraft carriers as Britain and India, more nuclear attack submarines than either Britain or France, and as many AEGIS-like destroyers as all the other non-US navies combined. China would have two aircraft carriers, 20-22 AEGIS like destroyers and 6-7 nuclear attack submarines, while United States would have eleven aircraft carriers; 88 AEGIS like destroyers; and 48 nuclear attack submarines.

Despite this, the US keeps helping the Chinese military train alongside the US in exercise after exercise. Alex Newman of The New American explains:

In 2013, the Obama administration shocked the world by inviting Communist Chinese troops to the United States to train with American forces for the first time in history. Ostensibly aimed at practicing “disaster management,” the U.S.-Communist China military exercises raised widespread alarm among national security experts. And while the Pentagon downplayed the risk and denied in comments to The New American that any weapons were involved, Chinese officials were boasting of “weapon demonstration, technique exchange, and cooperative action.” Earlier in 2013, a senior Chinese general, who in 2005 threatened to destroy hundreds of U.S. cities with nuclear weapons, led a “military exchange program” delegation to Washington, D.C. from Beijing.

The next year, again for the first time in history, Obama offered further opportunities for Chinese forces to gather sensitive intelligence on how the U.S. military works — this time by inviting Beijing’s Navy to participate in the “RIMPAC war games.” Hosted off the American coast by the U.S. Pacific Command, RIMPAC is the largest multinational maritime exercise in the world. And by allowing the Chinese regime’s ships to participate, Beijing was able to gather important insight into the U.S. military’s “tactics, techniques and procedures” (TTPs), according to analysts. Beijing was invited again this year, even as it steps up its aggressive actions against U.S. Navy ships in international waters… Beijing is taking full advantage of the opportunities to learn about the U.S. military and how it operates, too.

The West is ever eager to placate China in order to keep the world asleep to the inevitable and lethal threat she presents. Incredibly, despite a record low snow season in China’s mountains (which normal disqualifies anyone bidding on the Winter Olympics),

IOC President Thomas Bach… announced to the world on Friday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia that Beijing won the bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, making the Chinese capital the first city to host both summer and winter Olympics.

He said the IOC’s decision meant tremendous to China. “It is about 300 million people who are expected to benefit from the 2022 Winter Olympics. This awards us a great opportunity to promote winter sports among them. It will be a marvelous project, an everlasting legacy. It will be an unprecedented feat pulled off by China and IOC, ” he said.

Yes, a marvelous propaganda stunt on behalf of China—just as the Beijing Summer Olympics were. Hitler took similar advantage of the 1936 Olympics to showcase the glories of Nazism. The only upside to this kowtowing to China is that it almost certainly guarantees that China will not go to war with the West until she gains the full propaganda value of these Olympics in 2022. So, you have at least that much time to prepare. Don’t put it off, however; it can easily take 10 years just to get your garden and animal skills where you can produce (most) of your own food.
The Chinese stock markets continue to slide. Beijing’s amateurish but massive interventions in the markets have not paid off. Chinese shares suffered their biggest one-day drop in over eight years this week, but still the market is up 70% over last year, so it is just a bubble bursting, not a collapse. Part of the renewed downward slide is from investors discovering that China lied about its debt levels so local billionaires are liquidating their assets and shifting them to Western or other Asian markets.
Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia
[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed
(7-minute video) Skousen: Elite Building Bunkers For Coming Nuclear Strike
China may have largest Pacific fleet by 2020 — and capability to destroy US military and intelligence satellites?
China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!
(audio/text) Joel Skousen: With a Growing Russian Missile Threat, US is Still Disarming — “Russia says their missiles are for “containment” of the US, but we know they are preparing for a nuclear first strike on America”
(video) Joel Skousen: An Evil Pact Drives Globalists to Set Up USA for China/Russia Takeover | North Korea Will Be the Trigger
New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!
Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade
[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”
[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”
(video) Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America
[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven
[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia
[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America
The WW3 Prophecies (includes prophecies by others)
RED DAWN: ASIAN MILITARY INVASION OF USA? (prophecies by many others)

(vision) Woman Sees Russia Attack US In WWIII! — SOVIET UNION the threat, not ISIS • TIME is SHORT – she saw PUTIN “the way he looks now!” • No pre-trib rapture!

CORRIE TEN BOOM: PREPARED For The COMING TRIBULATION — “Daddy, I am afraid that I will never be STRONG ENOUGH TO BE A MARTYR for Jesus Christ.” My father said, “OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN KNOWS when you will need the strength…. HE WILL SUPPLY ALL YOU NEED – JUST IN TIME.“
12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture
In-studio with Infowarrior Alex Jones: Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception — “Before the year 1830, EVERY denomination, every type of Christianity taught that the rapture took place AFTER the tribulation, because that’s what the Bible explicitly says.”
[7-minute video sneak peek] The RAPTURE will take place “AFTER THE TRIBULATION” — “Christians, today, are NOT BEING WARNED about the events they will face in the great tribulation. To learn the truth about the rapture, we must look within the pages of the Bible, itself”
Pastor Steven Anderson in Infowars studio: The Truth Left Behind — “The PRE-tribulation rapture is not based on ANY scripture.” The “Left Behind” series was fiction.
All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

Russia Tested Hypersonic Glide Vehicle in February – Follows China in seeking maneuverable 7,000 mph missiles to defeat U.S. missile defenses

From: FreeBeacon

Russia Tested Hypersonic Glide Vehicle in February

Moscow follows China in seeking maneuverable high-speed missiles

BY: Bill Gertz

Moscow is developing a new, ultra-high speed strategic attack vehicle similar to China’s hypersonic weapon, according to military analysts.

However, unlike high-profile strategic bomber flights and large-scale nuclear war games that U.S. military commanders have called provocative, details about the Russian hypersonic vehicle remain one of Moscow’s closely held military secrets.

The Russians have been developing the new Yu-71 vehicle for several years and conducted the most recent flight test in February, according to an article published this month in Jane’s Intelligence Review.

A Pentagon spokeswoman declined to comment on the Russian hypersonic test.

The unsuccessful flight test was believed to have been released into near space from atop an SS-19 missile that was launched from the Dombarovsky missile base in eastern Russia. The vehicle is part of Moscow’s secret Project 4202 missile program, the Jane’s report says.

Jane’s concludes that Russia over the past five years has stepped up the secret program as part of efforts to defeat U.S. missile defenses that were designed to counter predictable ballistic targets.

Hypersonic vehicles, however, are very difficult to track and target because they move in unpredictable ways at speeds of up to 7,000 miles per hour.

Entire Article Here

China to Retrofit Thousands of Merchant Ships For War


Beijing launches huge program as tensions with U.S. build

China to Retrofit Thousands of Merchant Ships For War


China is set to retrofit thousands of merchant ships for military purposes so they can be used in the event of a war, another disturbing indication of growing tensions between Beijing and Washington.

Shipping industry publication TradeWinds reveals that China is preparing a new fleet of “war-ready ships” to serve as “a reserve military logistics wing” in the event of a naval conflict.

The new policy will apply to “containerships, ro-ros, multipurpose ships, bulkers and other ships,” with shipbuilders receiving a government subsidy to pay for the cost of making the vessels “militarily useful.”

According to American Maritime Congress president James Caponiti, the move is another sign that Beijing is intensifying its military build-up while Washington stands idly by.

“Do we really want China to be that much more capable?” he asked.

Explaining the decision to retrofit merchant ships with military technology, People’s Liberation Army researcher Cao Weidong said, “Modern naval warfare often requires the mobilisation and deployment of a large number of ships while the mass production of naval ships in peacetime is not economically sensible.”

How soon is China expecting to have to engage in “naval warfare”?

Tensions over Beijing’s military fortification of islands in the South China Sea have been building in recent weeks, with Beijing repeatedly issuing warnings to U.S. surveillance planes flying over the region.

An editorial in the Communist Party state mouthpiece Global Times last month that warned “war is inevitable” if Washington doesn’t halt its demands that Beijing stop building artificial islands.

Experts have warned that an accidental collision between aircraft, similar to a 2001 incident which sparked an international controversy, could spark a deadly conflict. According to Michael Auslin, a war between the two superpowers is more likely than at any point in the last 20 years.

Billionaire investor George Soros also wrote an article for the The New York Review of Books this week in which he reiterated his warning that Beijing may seek to provoke a conflict with the United States.

“The US government has little to gain and much to lose by treating the relationship with China as a zero-sum game. In other words it has little bargaining power. It could, of course, obstruct China’s progress, but that would be very dangerous. President Xi Jinping has taken personal responsibility for the economy and national security. If his market-oriented reforms fail, he may foster some external conflicts to keep the country united and maintain himself in power,” writes Soros.

“This could lead China to align itself with Russia not only financially but also politically and militarily. In that case, should the external conflict escalate into a military confrontation with an ally of the United States such as Japan, it is not an exaggeration to say that we would be on the threshold of a third world war.”

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

– –

(vision) Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”
[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”
(video) Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America
[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven
[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia
[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America
The WW3 Prophecies (includes prophecies by others)
RED DAWN: ASIAN MILITARY INVASION OF USA? (prophecies by many others)
[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed
Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Skousen: RUSSIA’S PREPARATIONS TO FIGHT AND WIN A NUCLEAR WAR • The US is actively inviting a first strike against our forces by disarming while Russia cheats—and we don’t even have a treaty with the Chinese for them to cheat on, so it’s full steam ahead for all the major nuclear powers except the US • The US will do anything to coverup or downplay the Chinese threat • The Chinese have over 3,000 miles of tunnels to hide their mobile missiles

China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!
(audio/text) Joel Skousen: With a Growing Russian Missile Threat, US is Still Disarming — “Russia says their missiles are for “containment” of the US, but we know they are preparing for a nuclear first strike on America”
(video) Joel Skousen: An Evil Pact Drives Globalists to Set Up USA for China/Russia Takeover | North Korea Will Be the Trigger
New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!
China may have largest Pacific fleet by 2020 — and capability to destroy US military and intelligence satellites?
Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade
[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!
CORRIE TEN BOOM: PREPARED For The COMING TRIBULATION — “Daddy, I am afraid that I will never be STRONG ENOUGH TO BE A MARTYR for Jesus Christ.” My father said, “OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN KNOWS when you will need the strength…. HE WILL SUPPLY ALL YOU NEED – JUST IN TIME.“
12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture
In-studio with Infowarrior Alex Jones: Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception — “Before the year 1830, EVERY denomination, every type of Christianity taught that the rapture took place AFTER the tribulation, because that’s what the Bible explicitly says.”
[7-minute video sneak peek] The RAPTURE will take place “AFTER THE TRIBULATION” — “Christians, today, are NOT BEING WARNED about the events they will face in the great tribulation. To learn the truth about the rapture, we must look within the pages of the Bible, itself”
Pastor Steven Anderson in Infowars studio: The Truth Left Behind — “The PRE-tribulation rapture is not based on ANY scripture.” The “Left Behind” series was fiction.
All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

(video) Joel Skousen's Strategic Analysis Overview — Including Europe

[youtube=]Joel Skousen World Affairs Brief

David Patrick Carter

Published on Apr 19, 2015

In this fascinating interview, Joel Skousen explains why the Ukraine ri sing was a a stealth Russian invasion aided by the West. He explains how the fall of The Berlin Wall was nothing more than a false flag and how this ties into the Hegelian Dialectic, Victoria Nuland’s use of profanity towards the European Union, Henry Kissinger, The Bilderberg Group, Barak Obama, The Council on Foreign Relations, ISIS, The War on Terror, Svoboda, and how all right wing racist movements are run by the CIA, our march towards World War 3 and when we can expect the WAR to start, how to prepare, what to do, and the implications towards yourself and your children. Joel is a mastermind on geo political content and this interview is not to be missed.

Skousen: US Fails to Truly Confront China Threat — "This looks much like Japan as it was preparing for WWII against the US. Defense Tech estimates that the Chinese Navy will outbuild the US and exceed it in number of ships by 2020"

World Affairs Brief, May 22, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (



Newly released satellite images show a dramatic expansion in China’s construction of artificial islands in the disputed Spratly Islands, a series of South China Sea reefs. While China’s aggressiveness in taking territory all around the South China Sea is the main worry, half a dozen countries are also vying for rights in the area. Here’s what Wikipedia says about this:

The Spratly Islands dispute is an ongoing territorial dispute between Brunei, China (People’s Republic of China), Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan (Republic of China), and Vietnam, concerning ownership of the Spratly Islands, a group of islands and associated “maritime features” (reefs, banks, cays, etc.) located in the South China Sea. The dispute is characterized by diplomatic stalemate and the employment of low-level [thus far] military pressure techniques (such as military occupation of disputed territory) in the advancement of national territorial claims. All except Brunei occupy some of the maritime features.

The Spratly Islands are important for economic and strategic reasons. The Spratly area holds potentially significant, but largely unexplored, reserves of oil and natural gas; it is a productive area for world fishing; it is one of the busiest areas of commercial shipping traffic; and surrounding countries would get an extended continental shelf if their claims were recognized. In addition to economic incentives, the Spratlys sit astride major maritime trade routes to Northeast Asia, giving them added significance as positions from which to monitor maritime activity in the South China Sea and to potentially base and project military force from.

In 2014, China drew increased international attention due to its dredging activities within the Spratlys, amidst speculation it is planning to further develop its military presence in the area. In April 2015 satellite imagery revealed that China was rapidly constructing an airfield on Fiery Cross Reef within the Spratlys. Only China (PRC), Taiwan (ROC), and Vietnam have made claims based on historical sovereignty of the islands. The Philippines, however, claims part of the area as its territory under UNCLOS, an agreement parts of which have been ratified by the countries involved in the Spratly islands dispute.

See this map for color coding of which nations are occupying which islands. You can see that this is a royal diplomatic mess that is never going to be resolved peacefully—especially with China, the 800 lb gorilla in the room, claiming outright and exclusive sovereignty. This is China’s official response:

China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands [Chinese name for Spratly Ils] and adjacent waters. The Chinese government has been carrying out construction and maintenance work on some of the Nansha Islands reefs, mainly in order to improve the living and working conditions of personnel stationed there, to improve relevant functions the islands and reefs provide, to better safeguard national territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, to better meet China’s international responsibilities and obligations in maritime search and rescue, disaster prevention and mitigation, marine scientific research, weather observation, environmental protection, navigation safety, fishery production services and other areas. Such construction is within China’s sovereignty and is fair, reasonable and lawful, and does not affect or target any country, and is thus beyond reproach.

After the construction, the islands and reefs will be able to provide comprehensive services to meet various civilian demands in addition to satisfying necessary military defense requirements.

The UK Guardian has a dramatic picture of just how advanced construction is on this “reef” It is noteworthy that China has not made any threats so far about driving other nations out of these islands. That will come after it establishes a military presence there. So far all the other nations can do is protest loudly and wring their hands. They look in vain for the US to stop the Chinese intrusions.

The runway and related facilities on the Nansha Island is part of establishing a “string of pearls” series of outposts China is building with air and naval port facilities, much like Japan did prior to WWII. The Pacific ocean area is huge and you can’t control it or the islands without bases far from the Chinese mainland.

That is why it is important for the US to intervene in Chinese expansion while it is still developing. If it waits until China has a full set of extended sea bases it will be impossible to confront her aggression later on.

Malaysia is one of the few nations taking military action against commercial fishing boats that have worked Malaysian water without permission. Over the past few years she has rounded up about 40 vessels and brought them to port. The crews were released, but Malaysia just blew up or burned all of the vessels this week according to the AP:

Indonesian authorities blew up and sank 41 foreign fishing vessels Wednesday as a warning against poaching in the country’s waters. The vessels from a variety of countries were blown up in several ports across the archipelago, which has some of the world’s richest fishing grounds.

The initial headlines sounded like all this was done in a military naval confrontation but it was not. Compare this to the United States claims that it is actively confronting China in the Spratlys. When you see the fine print it’s only naval and air patrols that are just observing.

In order to fool the American people into thinking the US is taking action to counter China, the Pentagon allowed CNN reporters to go aboard a navy P8-A Poseidon, America’s most advanced surveillance and submarine-hunting aircraft, knowing that China would, as usual, make threatening radio calls to the plane. This happens on all US surveillance flights, but CNN made it out like this was something new. They wrote,

Wednesday’s mission was specifically aimed at monitoring Chinese activities on three islands that months ago were reefs barely peaking above the waves. Now they are massive construction projects that the U.S. fears will soon be fully functioning military installations.

The Chinese navy issued warnings eight times as a U.S. surveillance plane on Wednesday swooped over islands that Beijing is using to extend its zone of influence. The series of man-made islands and the massive Chinese military build-up on them have alarmed the Pentagon, which is carrying out the surveillance flights in order to make clear the U.S. does not recognize China’s territorial claims. The militarized islands have also alarmed America’s regional allies.

Well, if they don’t recognize China’s claims, then why are our naval patrol craft restricting themselves to the 12 mile limit around the Chinese construction sites on the islands? Last week I pointed out in the WAB that a senior US official said “We’re just not going within the 12 miles — yet,” a tacit international recognition of a 12 mile limit around any nation’s sovereign territory.

Why would they recognize any such limit unless they were trying to placate China’s intent to take over the Spratly Islands—where they are building a new airfield for future military purposes? Watch how the US will continue to bluster and caution even as China puts down concrete and buildings on the ground. They will never do anything to interdict this military growth until it’s already operational and too late to stop short of going to war! CNN also said,

Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell told CNN’s Erin Burnett Wednesday night that the confrontation indicates there is “absolutely” a risk of the U.S. and China going to war sometime in the future.

The top US military brass may well be yes-men to the globalist civilian leaders above them, but they certainly know where all this permissiveness is headed—eventual war. That is exactly why China is building not only more ICBMs and hiding them in underground tunnels, but building a modern blue-water navy capable of roaming the entire Pacific. This looks much like Japan as it was preparing for WWII against the US. Defense Tech estimates that the Chinese Navy will out build the US and exceed it in number of ships by 2020.

China has plans to grow its navy to 351 ships by 2020 [US combat ships are less than 300] as the Chinese continue to develop their military’s ability to strike global targets…

The 2014 U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission recommended to Congress the U.S. Navy respond by building more ships and increase its presence in the Pacific region – a strategy they U.S. military has already started. [Actually, it’s mostly talk. The US doesn’t have the naval forces to cover both the Middle East and the Pacific.] The commission asked Congress to increase its Pacific fleet up to 67 ships and rebalance homeports such that 60-percent of the force is based in the region by 2020.

Defense analysts have questioned where the U.S. Navy has the resources and funding to expand its presence in the Pacific adequately enough to meet the emerging Chinese threat. Critics point to the sweeping sequestration cuts as an example of the budgetary challenges that U.S. Navy officials face.

In other news, there is a good possibility the Mistral helicopter carriers that France was building for Russia (and halted due to sanctions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine) may end up going to China—if France pays Russia about $700 million for breaking the contract. But as Sputnik News reported, Russia really didn’t need the ships, which they can build. They were paying for the weapons technology, which France already provided them in data form free of charge:

Commenting on the ongoing tussle over the Mistral deal, Russian businessman and journalist Dmitri Lekuh argued that Russia needed the technology the ships contained, not the ships themselves, adding that France’s refusal to deliver the ships has served only to humiliate their own shipbuilding industry.

In his Sunday blog post for the Russian informational portal Odnako, Lekuh commented that “It has never been a secret to anyone that Russia was never particularly interested in large floating hunks of metal. That is not to say that they were completely unnecessary. A good homeowner will find a place for any piece of iron, as the saying goes.”

According to Lekuh, what Russia really needed from the Mistral deal was the technology. This included the SENIT-9 combat information system, “military navigation systems and group battle management systems. We needed modern large vessel assembly technology, which we had earlier lost as a result of the turmoil our country experienced in the domestic economy during the 90s…Everything else, including the handsome ships being built in proud French docks, was seen as nothing more than a necessary burden.”

Lekuh argued that the French government has behaved in a manner which has humiliated its own weapons producers, noting that “in the interests of Uncle Sam…the French gave Russia all its interesting documentation for free.

Skousen: Keeping a Muzzle on China Critics in the US — US personnel are continually warned against saying anything that would appear negative about Russia cheating on treaties or Chinese rearmament

World Affairs Brief, April 17, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


I’ve had US intel personnel admit to me off the record that they are continually warned against saying anything in public that would appear negative about Russia cheating on treaties or Chinese rearmament. Now we have a case of muzzling a high ranking US officer for criticizing China. The has the story:

 Intelligence chief sidelined for warning China is preparing for war with Japan. American naval officers who publicly raise concerns about China’s military capabilities and intentions can find themselves sidelined, their careers stunted. That is the case of Capt. James Fanell, formerly the chief of naval intelligence for the U.S. Pacific Fleet.

 Fanell was recently reassigned from his sensitive intelligence post. His remarks at several forums that China is preparing for war with Japan were embarrassing to the navy’s leadership, which is focused on building ties with a newly assertive China’s military.

That report also confirms what I have said numerous times: that in spite of Chinese aggression in the Far East, the US policy continues to be one of appeasement. Note in this Bloomberg piece how US Admiral Locklear (an old pro-China hand) comments on China’s taking of more land for bases in the East China Sea and yet says nothing about intervening to stop it. Instead, he’s always pushing for more “joint military exercises” with China to show “friendship.”

China claims about four-fifths of the South China Sea, home to some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, under a so-called nine-dash line drawn on a 1940s map. Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei also claim territory in the waters. China’s island building program in the South China Sea may result in it gaining control of some of the world’s most important waterways, the U.S.’s most senior military commander for Asia said.

“If this activity continues at pace, is that it — those would give them de facto control” of the maritime territory they claim, Admiral Samuel Locklear, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, told the U.S. Senate. Locklear said China could install long-range detection radars, base warships and warplanes on the islands, potentially giving it the ability to enforce an air defense identification zone.

Satellite photos this month showed images of Chinese dredgers at work at Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands, a feature also claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines and Taiwan. President Barack Obama said April 10 that the U.S. is concerned that China is using its “muscle and power” to dominate smaller countries in the region.

But neither threat any action to stop this aggression. And the Chinese are already building their first long runway on the Spratleys —not just dredging.


Theoretically, space and the orbit around Earth is a peaceful place, and the world wants to keep it that way
China’s Secret Space Weapons Targeting U.S. : “Soon Every Satellite Will Be at Risk”
Theoretically, space and the orbit around Earth is a peaceful place, and the world wants to keep it that way.
But in practicality, it is the subtle front of modern warfare, where exotic weaponry and high tech gadgetry are used to operate systems on the ground, and assert dominance over the spheres of the planet. And tensions are running high.
The Pentagon has issued an alarming new report to Congress that identifies several secretive and publicly unknown projects under development in China that it perceives to a be an attempt to militarize space and undermine U.S. military and strategic interests.
In particular, the Pentagon report concerns the use of anti-satellite space weapons, which is has not been forthcoming to the public about:

The Pentagon has declared “China possesses the most rapidly maturing space program in the world.” […] Among the key issues are the Chinese regime’s experiments with space weapons. It has tested several of these, and has consistently told the public that it was testing something else.
The United States is concerned that the Chinese regime’s “continued development of destructive space technologies” is a “threat to all peaceful space-faring nations,” states the Pentagon’s 2015 annual report to Congress on the Chinese regime’s military and security developments.

The report is particularly concerned with China’s use of directed-energy weapons, satellite jammers and other technology that can be used to take out the communications grid and weaken U.S. military positions:

Such programs are of particular concern for the United States. A significant part of modern military power relies on satellites—from GPS and communications, to early warning systems.
The Chinese regime’s development of weapons designed to disable or destroy satellites, the report states, are “inconsistent with China’s public statements about the use of space for peaceful purposes.”

The most notorious of these tests was in January 2007 when the Chinese regime launched a rocket and destroyed one of its own satellites. Today, however, its space weapons have gone far beyond rockets to include directed-energy weapons and satellite jammers.

There has also been concern about “small maneuvering satellites that can attack orbiting satellites” under development by China.
China’s previous demonstration of its ability to destroy one of its own satellites in orbit has already been seen as a direct threat to American interests in space, which in turn control communications, navigation and weapons technology. Now, the latest Pentagon report has gone so far as to label China as a military threat – a sensitive declaration that diplomats and politicians have been all too reluctant to do.
The report claims secretive Chinese pursuit of these aims have included “military writings” about the need to destroy and damage satellites in effort to “blind and deafen the enemy.”

Adding concern to an already suspicious program, Chinese defense academics often publish reports on the Chinese regime’s space weapons, the report states, yet “no additional anti-satellite programs have been publicly acknowledged.”
Its military writings, however, “emphasize the necessity of ‘destroying, damaging, and interfering with the enemy’s reconnaissance … and communications satellites,’” the report states. The statements suggest, it notes, the Chinese regime may be targeting navigation and early warning satellites, for programs “designed to ‘blind and deafen the enemy.’”

If defense posturing by the Pentagon is to be taken at face value – as they report to Congress, who authorize their funding – this high tech militancy is much more alarming than anything ISIS or small potato terrorist groups are doing on the ground.
That’s because China appears to be targeting the U.S. directly:

“Soon every satellite in every orbit will be able to be held at risk,” Raymond told the website Breaking Defense.
The Chinese regime categorizes its anti-satellite weapons with its little-disclosed “Assassin’s Mace” and “Trump Card” weapons. A report from the National Ground Intelligence Center, declassified in 2011, states “These modern Trump Card and Assassin’s Mace weapons will permit China’s low-technology forces to prevail over U.S. high-technology forces in a localized conflict …”

Russia is also believed to be building up a space weapons program.
Behind the scenes, there has been work for many years on ratifying and finalizing an international treaty banning the weaponization of space.
But the superpowers of the planet are hardly ready to yield control over their positions.
The United States has opposed draft treaty introduced jointly by Russia and China in 2008, and updated in 2014, on grounds that the two Eastern bloc nations are secretly building up arms in space. Objections to such a treaty are significant inside the Defense Dept.:

‪“The Chinese and Russians have no interest in actually abiding by any international treaty that limits the militarization of space, but they are keen to get the United States to tie itself in knots over one,” Tkacik said.
Additionally, the space arms ban treaty is part of Russian and Chinese efforts to attack U.S. and allied missile defenses, which are heavily reliant on space sensors and weapons.
Additionally, “Russia is certain to cheat on any space treaty,” Schneider said. “They have announced that they are developing ASAT weapons. Moreover, they may be developing space offensive weapons.”
The Soviet Union in the 1960s deployed a nuclear space weapon system called the fractional orbital bombardment system. It used an orbiting strategic missile in low earth orbit that was designed to de-orbit and attack the United States by transiting southward from the South Pole to avoid radar detection.
Russian military writings have indicated recently that Moscow may revive the orbiting southern polar missile attack system. Analysts have said that in addition to providing Moscow with a first-strike space nuclear weapon, the system could also be used in a devastating electro-magnetic pulse attack over U.S. territory that would destroy all electronics over a large area.

It would appear that the Cold War has officially be revived, with China as a new player.
Among other things, it gives credence to concerns about a deliberate EMP attack by an enemy determined to knock out the grid and disable the population of the United States. Many Defense Dept. and Homeland Security officials are now stoking fears of the potential catastrophe, while the military is re-fortifying Cheyenne Mountain in preparation to shield military operations from such a major scale event.
Whether such a thing would actually happen is up for debate.
Best to bunker down, and get ready for all eventualities.
’60 Minutes’: The Battle Above — U.S. and China are locked in a high stakes contest over satellites that are critical to national security and everyday life

USA Hiding Its Nukes So Poorly It Undermines the Point of Having Them — While China's nuclear force is hidden away in forests and underground bases. China is building up to preemptively strike our ICMB fields

From: The Epoch Times

The US Is Hiding Its Nukes so Poorly, It Undermines the Point of Having Them

The United States has a growing weakness in its nuclear arsenal of defensive Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), and some experts warn the gap is a serious vulnerability in U.S. defenses.

“Right now, the American land-based ICBM force is particularly vulnerable because it is over targeted by Russian and Chinese ICBMs,” said Richard Fisher, senior fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center, in a phone interview.

The problem, he said, is that U.S. nuclear weapons sites have moved little since the Cold War. Plans to create mobile defense systems that can be moved and hidden were likewise scrapped in efforts to reduce the U.S. nuclear arsenal.

“We’re just not hiding them,” Fisher said, noting that even a hobbyist using Google Earth could spot most of the land-based nuclear sites in the United States.

With China, in particular, the opposite is true, and much of its nuclear force is hidden away in forests and underground bases. In the nuclear defensive arena where the only “security” is the assurance of mutual annihilation, the idea that someone could destroy a nation’s nuclear weapons and have enough left over to destroy its population centers isn’t an idea that’s taken lightly.

“If you look at new Chinese bases, it is quite easy to conclude that China is building up to the capability to preemptively strike our ICMB fields,” Fisher said.

Entire Article Here

Skousen: US Bluster Toward China, Nothing More — China is setting up a “string of pearls” chain of bases that can support naval and air power essential to her war plans. This is the time for the US to step in and stop the expansion—not after the bases get built. But they won’t do this, because the US wants this coming war

World Affairs Brief, May 15, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Osama bin Laden Exposé a Fraud

US Nuclear Missile Assessment is Dismal

US Bluster Toward China, Nothing More

DHS Busing Somalis into California from Mexico

More Evidence of US Role with ISIS

Push for Bad Trade Deal

Oil Price War

GMO Crops get a Foot in the Door in Europe



I can see the back story to this: the Pentagon politicians are worried about looking weak in the face of increasing Chinese aggression in the Far East, so they decide to take a hard verbal stand—but that’s all it is, talk. The announcements this week are just rhetoric with no intention on backing it up with military power. The Wall Street Journal said,

 The Pentagon announced this week that it is considering [take note that no action is required] deploying military ships and planes to patrol territory near China’s newly built islands in the South China Sea. Such a plan, if approved by the White House, would open a new phase in the struggle to shape Asia’s balance of power. [Now here’s the wishful thinking] U.S. policy makers and their Asian counterparts have long hoped that as China becomes more internationalized, it would gradually embrace political [reform]….

Bill Gertz, of the Washington Free Beacon is a hard liner against Russia and China, but even he gets deceived by the token moves by the Pentagon:

 In a major policy shift, the Pentagon declared Wednesday the United States will directly defend U.S. national security interests in the South China Sea against China’s expansive and illegal maritime claims.

But Gertz apparently forgot to listen to the part where a senior US official said “We’re just not going within the 12 miles — yet,” a tacit international recognition of a 12 mile limit around any nation’s sovereign territory. Why would they recognize any such limit unless they were trying to placate China’s intent to take over the Spratley Island reef—where they are building a new airfield for future military purposes? Watch how the US will continue to bluster and caution even as China puts down concrete and buildings on the ground. They will never do anything to interdict this military growth until it’s already operational and too late to stop short of going to war!

The Australian Herald-Sun quoted China as demanding that “US warships keep away from disputed South China Sea islands” Gertz continues.

 Tensions are set to escalate in the South China Sea as China seeks assurances [they aren’t seeking assurances but demanding] the United States will not send warships to test its determination to lay claim to a string of remote, strategic islands.

 China urged “the relevant country” to “refrain from taking risky and provocative actions to maintain the regional peace and stability”, Hua told reporters. Since 2010, China has been actively asserting sovereignty over what it calls the “Nanyang” Sea, known in the West as the South China Sea, a 5.6 million square kilometre stretch of water, islands and reefs between it, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and the Philippines. Hua said China’s upholds the international principal of freedom of navigation in the area — but that doesn’t mean foreign forces can operate freely there.

What China is doing is setting up a “string of pearls” chain of bases that can support naval and air power essential to her war plans. This is the time for the US to step in and stop the expansion—not after the bases get built. But they won’t do this, because the US wants this coming war. It will dally and delay, harking continually to the virtues of diplomacy, until it’s too late.

Of greatest concern should be the fact that the US now admits that China has created Multiple Individual Reentry Warheads (MIRV) for its DF-5 missiles. As the anti-war, and anti-nuclear pacifist site, wrote,

 The biggest surprise in the Pentagon’s latest annual report on Chinese military power is the claim that China’s ICBM force now includes the “multiple independently-targetable re-entry vehicle (MIRV)-equipped Mod 3 (DF-5).”

And they also note that,

 Indian weapons designers have already hinted that India may be working on its own MIRV system and the US Defense Intelligence Agency recently stated that “India will continue developing an ICBM, the Agni-VI, which will reportedly carry multiple warheads.”

Meanwhile, the US just removed all its multiple warheads from its remaining ICBMs.

Skousen: China-Russia Missile Deal — "These suicidal gestures clearly foretell our government’s willingness to let us take the first hit which destroys most of our military forces and gives our leaders the excuse to convince the West to form a militarized global government…. Mark my words, you’ll see that happen someday"

That’s just one part of the secret suicidal nuclear policies taking place in our US strategic defenses. My readers are familiar with PDD-60 (decreed in 1997, but still in force) instructing our nuclear forces not to rely on “launch on warning,” but to prepare to absorb a nuclear first strike and “retaliate after.” But absorbing an enemy’s first strike would take out all our 450 land based Minuteman III missiles, which have just been reduced to a single warhead!

Also in 1997 Bill Clinton declared the US would unilaterally agree to keep half of our ballistic missile subs in port to make them easier for the Russians to target—a supposed “confidence building” measure. These suicidal gestures clearly foretell our government’s willingness to let us take the first hit which destroys most of our military forces and gives our leaders the excuse to convince the West to form a militarized global government and army in order to prosecute the war. Mark my words, you’ll see that happen someday.

* * *

World Affairs Brief, May 1, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (



While the rest of the former Soviet client states like Syria and Iran are left begging for Russia to give them the outdated S-300 anti-aircraft and anti-missile system they’ve paid for, China is now to receive the highly effective Russian S-400 system, the world’s best anti-missile missile. Unlike the US ABM this missile packs a warhead of 50 lbs of high explosives. Popular Science has the story:

 The S-400 SAM has a range of 400km, effective against many targets that Russia (or China) would face, such as stealth and conventional fighters, bombers, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles.

In April 2015, both Anatoly Isaikin, CEO of Russia’s arms sales Rosoboronexport agency, and Du Wenlong, a senior member of the PLA Academy of Military Science, have stated that China will take delivery of the S-400 SAM. The Moscow Times reports that the deal was negotiated for $3 billion, to deliver 6 S-400 battalions. With each battalion consisting of 6 transport erector launch (TEL) vehicles, China would have 36 launch vehicles.

 The S-400 is the longest range SAM system in the world. It first entered into Russian service in 2007, and has capability to intercept ballistic missiles and high speed aircraft, while its 91N6E can locate and track stealth aircraft at standoff (100km+) distances. The most infamous of the S-400’s three missiles is the 40N6, which has an astounding range of 400km. The 40N6’s extreme range would allow S-400 TELs on China’s coast to shoot down aircraft anywhere over Taiwan. The smaller 250km-ranged 48N6 and 120km-range 9M96E2 missiles are also equally lethal against fighters, bombers, early warning and electronic warfare aircraft, as well as cruise and ballistic missiles.

More importantly, the newest Russian system has the latest radar anti-jamming technology to thwart the usual attempts by US planes to jam the ABM guidance and controls systems. None of the Russian ABMs given to Saddam Hussein were able to counter US radar jamming (ECM) aircraft which blinded the S-200 system. In like manner Israel has been able to penetrate Syria’s ABM network at will using jamming technology.

One of the reasons the Russians did not come to Iraq’s defense as promised is that allowing the attack to go forward allowed them to eavesdrop on the entire spectrum of US jamming techniques, so they could design counter-jamming technology into the S-400. If the US goes up against a real opponent in the future, it is not going down with the overwhelming ease of Desert Storm.

 The S-400 will supplement China’s Russian-made S-300 and domestic HQ-9 long-range SAMs, while its 30K6E command system can even interlink with other Russian made SAMs, like the S-400 and TOR-M1, both of which China already fields. The S-400s would likely be operated by the PLA Air Force (PLAAF), which has historically operated China’s land based long-range air defense systems. While the 40N6’s long range could theoretically cover all of Taiwan’s air space, they would most likely protect major bases like the Hainan submarine pens, important cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, or hide within the inland mountains of Fujian and Guangdong

The 91N6E “Big Bird” AESA radar can locate and track stealth aircraft at standoff (100km+) distances, while it can detect high altitude targets like ballistic missiles at distances of up to 600km.

The deal is significant to regional security as well as geopolitics. China’s improved air defense capabilities will greatly complicate any efforts to conduct aerial operations or missile attacks against the Chinese mainland, even with stealthy drones, longer-ranged cruise missiles, or new bombers, all part of the new US “third offset” plan. In wartime, the S-400 could even support Chinese airstrikes by knocking out enemy fighters flying above their own bases and cities. On the strategic level, the S-400 sale would facilitate Sino-Russian cooperation, as well as facilitate other sales and joint projects like submarines and space operations.

In contrast, the US has purposely designed an ABM missile system with a non-explosive kinetic hit vehicle that must make physical contact with the incoming warhead to do the job. Why would you do that when the missile still weighs about the same as one with an explosive warhead, but is handicapped by having to have pin-point accuracy at a moving target of 10k mph? It doesn’t make sense unless you want to communicate to the Russians that you don’t intend to stop their missile attack effectively.

That’s just one part of the secret suicidal nuclear policies taking place in our US strategic defenses. My readers are familiar with PDD-60 (decreed in 1997, but still in force) instructing our nuclear forces not to rely on “launch on warning,” but to prepare to absorb a nuclear first strike and “retaliate after.” But absorbing an enemy’s first strike would take out all our 450 land based Minuteman III missiles, which have just been reduced to a single warhead!

Also in 1997 Bill Clinton declared the US would unilaterally agree to keep half of our ballistic missile subs in port to make them easier for the Russians to target—a supposed “confidence building” measure. These suicidal gestures clearly foretell our government’s willingness to let us take the first hit which destroys most of our military forces and gives our leaders the excuse to convince the West to form a militarized global government and army in order to prosecute the war. Mark my words, you’ll see that happen someday.

In lock-step with this suicidal doctrine the AP just reported on the idiotic remarks of a former General of US Strategic Command pushing them take US missiles off any alert status. I’ll explain why his reasoning is completely bogus.

Taking U.S. and Russian missiles off high alert could keep a possible cyberattack from starting a nuclear war, a former commander of U.S. nuclear forces says, but neither country appears willing to increase the lead-time to prepare the weapons for launch.

Retired Gen. James Cartwright said in an interview that “de-alerting” nuclear arsenals could foil hackers by reducing the chance of firing a weapon in response to a false warning of attack. Essentially adding a longer fuse can be done without eroding the weapons’ deterrent value.

A study led by Cartwright proposes to adjust the missile command and control system so that it would take 24 hours to 72 hours to get the missiles ready for launch.

Cartwright said cyberthreats to the systems that command and control U.S. nuclear weapons demand greater attention. While the main worry once was a hacker acting alone, today it is a hostile nation-state, he said, that poses more of a threat even as the Pentagon has improved its cyberdefenses.

Wrong on all counts, and he knows better. He’s promoting this as a globalist stooge, not based on his military knowledge. First, US missiles are not subject to hacking as they are not connected to the internet. They are hardwired to command centers and have alternate backup means of communication, none of which are related to the internet. The launch code is impossible to imitate, discover or bypass even by those manning these launch centers.

Second, NORAD has many safeguards against a lone or erroneous missile launch causing a mass retaliation by our missile forces. 1) we do have ABMs that, though few in number and with a 50% success rate, are capable of bringing down a hypothetical errant missile. 2) Our spy satellites must confirm multiple missile launches toward America in order to trigger a launch alert. These satellites track the heat signature of a missile and there’s no mistaking their reliability. 3) you cannot tolerate a longer delay for missile launch than is currently built into the system if you are going to have any Launch on Warning deterrent value. Once enemy missiles are detected by our satellites, you have approximately 20 minutes to get our missiles out of their silos and on their way before warheads hit. The general’s stupid suggestion of putting our missiles behind a 24 hour delay ensures that they couldn’t respond to an incoming attack. Even a 30 minute delay would be too late.

And that’s my point: Cartwright’s suggestion seems to be playing by PDD-60, prepping the public to accept, in the name of peace, a dangerous strategy that will guarantee a first strike on our military forces. Currently our missile forces still are on alert and expect to launch on warning of an incoming attack. I have long hypothesized that the launch codes will not be relayed to them by the White House in order to deny them the ability to launch and force us to “absorb” the first strike. Military commanders no longer have any emergency secondary launch codes to use in case of non communication with the White House—also thanks to PDD-60.

So if Cartwright’s suicidal proposal gains traction with the establishment, and you see this 24 hour delay enacted, you’ll know it is meant to guarantee we can’t launch on warning. This would give partial cover for the globalists advisors running the White House since they wouldn’t have to explain afterward why they didn’t send the launch codes—although I’m sure they could concoct some technical excuse for the failure.

Cartwright, by the way, is the lead author of a report published Wednesday by the Global Zero Commission, an Leftist group co-founded by a former Air Force nuclear missile launch control officer Bruce Blair, who became a rabid anti nuclear zealot. It is hardly unbiased.

Meanwhile Russia and China are busy doing joint military exercises on land and sea on a large scale and collaborating on a number of other weapons projects including, tanks, drones, and a new jumbo jet.

Sputnik News, one of the newest of the Russian news outlets, announced that Russia is to renew production of the Tu-160 (Blackjack) supersonic strategic bomber and missile carrier. The Blackjack bomber is the Russian version (and obvious copycat) of the US B-1 supersonic bomber, still in operation (in limited numbers). The B-1B Lancer is the supersonic component of the USAF’s long-range bomber force, along with the venerable B-52 and the Stealth flying wind, the B-2 Spirit.

Russia Insider, also a new addition to the pro-Russian Internet News services, summarized the growing Russian Navy which still has a ways to go to challenge the West:

The Pacific Fleet, in particular, has been growing as of late. Already it is the second largest Russian fleet, with 73 vessels, including 23 submarines and 50 surface warships, according to The Diplomat.

One of its more notable recent additions is a new Borei-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBN). The Pacific Fleet received one of the Borei-class SSBNs in 2013, and is expected to ultimately have at least six of them. Furthermore, the Pacific Fleet is expected to receive the first six deliveries of Russia’s new Yasen-class attack nuclear submarines (SSGN).

Russia Today, (RT) the original “new” Russian News service aimed at US rightwing audiences detailed China’s latest heavy fighter/attack plane based, as usual, on a Russian design:

China’s advanced J-11D heavy fighter jet takes maiden flight. The upgraded D variant of China’s J-11 fighter jet, a copy of the Russian Sukhoi Su-27, has made its maiden flight, Chinese media reported. The jet reportedly has new radar and an air refueling system.

The J-11D model, which was tested in the air for the first time on Wednesday, incorporates technologies developed for the J-16 fighter jet. It is reported to have better active phased array radar, use more composite materials in its wings and tail, and be capable of firing more advanced air-to-air missiles like PL-10 and PL-15.

Remember that even though much of the Russian and Chinese weapons are imitations of US technology, they make up for what they may lack in technical superiority by producing more in quantity, and at a much lower price than US weapons. In a future war of attrition the expensive high-tech, but limited quantity, of US weapons may prove insufficient for the threat.


Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia
[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed
(7-minute video) Skousen: Elite Building Bunkers For Coming Nuclear Strike
China may have largest Pacific fleet by 2020 — and capability to destroy US military and intelligence satellites?
China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!
(audio/text) Joel Skousen: With a Growing Russian Missile Threat, US is Still Disarming — “Russia says their missiles are for “containment” of the US, but we know they are preparing for a nuclear first strike on America”
(video) Joel Skousen: An Evil Pact Drives Globalists to Set Up USA for China/Russia Takeover | North Korea Will Be the Trigger
New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!
Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade
[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”
[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”
(video) Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America
[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven
[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia
[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America
The WW3 Prophecies (includes prophecies by others)
RED DAWN: ASIAN MILITARY INVASION OF USA? (prophecies by many others)

(vision) Woman Sees Russia Attack US In WWIII! — SOVIET UNION the threat, not ISIS • TIME is SHORT – she saw PUTIN “the way he looks now!” • No pre-trib rapture!

CORRIE TEN BOOM: PREPARED For The COMING TRIBULATION — “Daddy, I am afraid that I will never be STRONG ENOUGH TO BE A MARTYR for Jesus Christ.” My father said, “OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN KNOWS when you will need the strength…. HE WILL SUPPLY ALL YOU NEED – JUST IN TIME.“
12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture
In-studio with Infowarrior Alex Jones: Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception — “Before the year 1830, EVERY denomination, every type of Christianity taught that the rapture took place AFTER the tribulation, because that’s what the Bible explicitly says.”
[7-minute video sneak peek] The RAPTURE will take place “AFTER THE TRIBULATION” — “Christians, today, are NOT BEING WARNED about the events they will face in the great tribulation. To learn the truth about the rapture, we must look within the pages of the Bible, itself”
Pastor Steven Anderson in Infowars studio: The Truth Left Behind — “The PRE-tribulation rapture is not based on ANY scripture.” The “Left Behind” series was fiction.
All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

Admiral: China Submarines Outnumber US Fleet

From: Newsmax

Admiral: China Submarines Outnumber US Fleet
Wednesday, 25 Feb 2015

China is building some “fairly amazing submarines” and now has more diesel- and nuclear-powered vessels than the United States, a top U.S. Navy admiral told lawmakers on Wednesday, although he said their quality was inferior.

Vice Admiral Joseph Mulloy, deputy chief of naval operations for capabilities and resources, told the House Armed Services Committee’s seapower subcommittee that China was also expanding the geographic areas of operation for its submarines, and their length of deployment. …

In its last annual report to Congress about China’s military and security developments, the Pentagon said China had 77 principal surface combatant ships, more than 60 submarines, 55 large and medium amphibious ships, and about 85 missile-equipped small combatants. …

He said the U.S. military did not believe China carried nuclear missiles on its submarines, but that it had been producing missiles and testing them.

Entire Article Here

(video) Chinese Activist Exposes Common Core's Communist Programming in USA Education

[youtube=]Chinese Activist Exposes Common Core’s Communist Programming


Published on Feb 21, 2015

Liberty Activist and Former Libertarian Candidate, Lily Tang Williams, has a dire warning for America; Common Core reminds her of the Communist Core she went through in China.

Hear her powerful testimony describing how parents had zero parental rights, children were forced to keep daily tattle-journals, Chinese children were taught to do well on tests and conform–no critical thinking allowed, and if you were a late bloomer or student with special education needs, forget it, you’d be relegated to a life of poverty. Students were also tracked throughout their school years so their file could be turned over to all government agencies and potential employers.

A big and powerful government always has reasons and excuses for using force to make people do what they want, but in the end, it is always the ruling class and their cronies that benefit from these mandates, not the people.

“Like” Lily on Facebook:…

(video) China shows off new stealth fighter jet

CNN (Communist News Network) downplays the threat, but China is building up its military so rapidly that Joel Skousen believes they’ll be ready to successfully attack US with Russia’s help as soon as 2020.
– –

[youtube=]China shows off new stealth fighter jet

<a href="/channel/UCupvZG-5ko_eiXAupbDfxWw" class=" yt-uix-sessionlink     spf-link  g-hovercard" data-ytid="UCupvZG-5ko_eiXAupbDfxWw" data-name="" data-sessionlink="ei=JPzBVJC6OJCE-QParYCoAg">CNN</a>

Snowden Confirms Chinese Hackers Stole F-35 Plans, Used to Build Superior Fighter J-31
[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed

Snowden Confirms Chinese Hackers Stole F-35 Plans, Used to Build Superior Fighter J-31

Snowden Confirms Chinese Hackers Stole F-35 Plans, Used to Build Superior Fighter J-31

By Reid Schram, Epoch Times | January 21, 2015

Edward Snowden has leaked more information to the German newspaper, Der Spiegel. The leaked slides show that the Department of Defense knows that Chinese hackers, possibly working for the cyber division of the People Liberation Army, stole the plans for the stealth Joint Strike Fight F-35, also called the Lightning II.

China has recently shown off a prototype Shenyang J-31, which bears a striking resemblance to both the F-22 Raptor and the F-35. One senior military official who declined to be named said, “this is billions of dollars of combat advantage for China. They’ve just saved themselves 25 years of research and development. It’s nuts.”

The Shenyang J-31 is quite possibly equal to the F-22 Raptor, maybe even superior in some regards. The resemblance is at least strikingly similar. Having a stealth air superiority fighter jet would further diminish the influence of U.S. military assets.

Entire Article Here
(video) China shows off new stealth fighter jet
[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed

Skousen: RUSSIA’S PREPARATIONS TO FIGHT AND WIN A NUCLEAR WAR • The US is actively inviting a first strike against our forces by disarming while Russia cheats—and we don’t even have a treaty with the Chinese for them to cheat on, so it’s full steam ahead for all the major nuclear powers except the US • The US will do anything to coverup or downplay the Chinese threat • The Chinese have over 3,000 miles of tunnels to hide their mobile missiles

Joel Skousen comments on Michael Snyder’s 11/24/14 article: 10 Signs That Russia Is Preparing To Fight (And Win) A Nuclear War With The United States

Joel estimates Russia and China will be ready by as soon as 2020. See my related links, below.

Bolding emphasis is mine.

– –

World Affairs Brief, November 28, 2014 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Deeper Issues Behind the Ferguson Riots

Iran’s Talks Extended—What That Means

North Korea Developing Submarine Ballistic Missile

Russia’s Preparations to Fight and Win a Nuclear War

Hagel Sacked

Preparedness Tip: The Power of Garlic



Kudos to Michael Snyder this week for joining the fight to warn the world about the growing Russian threat. As usually, he always crafts his writings as “10 or 20 Signs” of something which end up being a bit contrived for the numbers sake. Still, here are some of the better excerpts from “10 Signs That Russia Is Preparing To Fight (And Win) A Nuclear War With The United States.”

If the United States and Russia fought a nuclear war, who would win? You might be surprised by the answer. Under the Obama administration, the rapidly aging U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal has been shrinking [and they have been deliberately disarming what we do have, even though the Russians are cheating on those same arms control treaties]. Meanwhile, the Russians have been developing an entirely new generation of bombers, submarines and missiles that have the capability of delivering an absolutely crippling first strike. At this point, most Americans consider a full-scale nuclear war to be inconceivable [due to all the anti-war and anti-nuclear propaganda].

But in Russia attitudes are completely different. To the Russians, the United States is enemy number one these days and the Russians are feverishly preparing for a potential military showdown. Of course the Russians don’t actually want to have to resort to nuclear war. [Very naive of Snyder. In reality, the Soviet Union never fell and the Continuing Soviets continually practice for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on US military forces]

A lot of Americans are still operating under the faulty assumption that the doctrine of “mutually assured destruction” still applies. The thinking was that both sides had so many nuclear missiles that a launch by one side would guarantee the destruction of both parties. [That’s never been true, including the myth of a nuclear winter.]

But since that time, so much has changed. [Because the US is actively inviting a first strike against our forces by disarming while Russia cheats—and we don’t even have a treaty with the Chinese for them to cheat on, so it’s full steam ahead for all the major nuclear powers except the US.] For one, the U.S. nuclear arsenal is far, far smaller than it was back then. Back in 1967, the U.S. military possessed more than 31,000 strategic nuclear warheads. Now, we only have 1,642 deployed, and that number is scheduled to be further reduced to about 1,500. Sadly, reducing the size of our nuclear arsenal by close to 95 percent is not enough for anti-nuke crusader Barack Obama. He has spoken of unilaterally reducing the size of our strategic nuclear arsenal down to just 300 warheads.

During this same time period, the Russians have been developing some very impressive stealth delivery systems which have the capability of hitting targets inside the United States within just minutes of an order being issued. This is particularly true of their submarine-launched missiles. The newest Russian subs have the ability to approach our coastlines without us even knowing that they are there… And if the Russians have an anti-ballistic missile system that can intercept the limited number of rockets that we can launch in return, they may be able to escape relatively unscathed. In order for “mutually assured destruction” [MAD] to work, we have to see the Russian missiles coming and have enough time to order a launch of our own.

That’s called Launch on Warning, wherein we launch upon satellite warning of a Russian/Chinese attack. When you use launch on warning our missiles are out of their silos by the time the incoming attacker’s missiles hit—striking empty silos. Whereas the one who launches second can target the enemy’s nuclear facilities that are still operational.

Mutually Assured Destruction was sold to the world based on the flawed premise that nuclear powers would hit each other’s cities and kill everyone. But this is simply not anyone’s first strike strategy. Nobody wants to destroy the world, but rather kill military targets and then blackmail the world into submission. The winner can then run their version of global government.

The US knows this and is setting up our military for unilateral destruction—by issuing Presidential Decision Directive 60 (PDD-60) in 1997 instructing our nuclear forces to “not rely on Launch on Warning” but to be prepared to “absorb a nuclear first strike and retaliate afterwards,” which appears suicidal. But our leaders aren’t suicidal, they intend to survive and win a nuclear war. That’s why they are building and modernizing all their deep underground bunkers.

They will use the decapitation of US military forces and missiles to drive all of us into accepting a militarized global government and then bring out heretofore secret defense and weapons systems to win the war (which won’t be easy) under the banner of the New World Order. That, in a nutshell, is why the US isn’t doing anything to stop North Korea (the probable trigger event), or deter Chinese and Russian disarmament. So, here are Snyder’s 10 signs that Russia is preparing to fight (and win) a nuclear war with the US:

#1 Russia is spending an enormous amount of money to develop the PAK DA Strategic Bomber. Not a lot is known about this stealth bomber at this time.

#2 Russian nuclear bombers have been regularly buzzing areas in northern Europe and along the coast of Alaska. The Russians appear to be brazenly testing NATO defenses.

#3 Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu says that Russian nuclear bombers will now conduct regular patrols “in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico“.

#4 Russia is constructing an anti-ballistic missile system which will supposedly be superior to anything that the U.S. currently has. [True. All their interceptors have explosive warheads. Ours do not.] The S-500 missile is intended to be capable of intercepting intercontinental ballistic missiles when combined with radar input from the likes of the new A-100 AWACS aircraft. It is supposed to be able to track and shoot at up to 10 supersonic targets at any one time at heights of up to 40km.

#5 Russia recently successfully test launched a new submarine-based intercontinental ballistic missile…The RSM-54 intercontinental ballistic missile Sineva (NATO code name SS-N-23 Skiff) is part of the D-9RM launch system.

#6 Russia already possesses super silent nuclear attack submarines that are virtually undetectable when submerged… That means that the Russians are able to sail right up to our coastlines and launch nukes whenever they want. [He’s confusing attack subs with ballistic missile subs. The super silent attack subs are sub hunters, NOT ballistic missile subs.]

#7 Russian media outlets are reporting that 60 percent of all Russian nuclear missiles will have radar-evading capability by 2016. [There’s no evidence of this yet, nor of their claimed maneuvering warheads, which is very difficult to do at many times the speed of sound and high reentry temps]

#8 For the first time ever, Russia has more strategic nuclear warheads deployed than the United States does… Russia now has 1,643 warheads deployed on intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles and heavy bombers. The United States has 1,642, said the fact sheet released Wednesday. [The US has zero direct knowledge of what the Russians have in terms of missiles and warheads. We have never been allowed to inspect all of their facilities, notably the huge and secret underground Yamatau Mountain complex. You can bet the true number of warheads is many times higher.] The warhead count for the Russians, based the Sept. 1 report required under the 2010 New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), shows an increase of 131 warheads since the last declaration on March 1. The U.S. reported a warhead increase of 57 during the same period. It is not clear why the warhead numbers increased. [US numbers of Russian warheads are simply an assumption that the Russians are in compliance with all treaties—a laughable idea meant only to deceive the American public. Notice that even when the US says the Russian count has increased rather than decreased, they never protest or explain how they know this, and no one asks.]

#9 Russia has a massive advantage over the United States and NATO when it comes to tactical nuclear weaponsNATO countries have only 260 tactical nuclear weapons in the ETO. The United States has 200 bombs with a total capacity of 18 megatons. They are located on six air bases in Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey. France has 60 more atomic bombs. That is pretty much it. Russia, according to conservative estimates, has 5,000 pieces of different classes of TNW – from Iskander warheads to torpedo, aerial and artillery warheads! The US has 300 tactical B-61 bombs on its own territory, but this does not change the situation against the backdrop of such imbalance. The Americans are well aware of this. They were convinced before that Russia would never rise again… [Nonsense. The US government always knew that the fall of the Soviet Union was a deception but they covered for the Russians.]

#10 Russian President Vladimir Putin has initiated a huge “weapons modernization program” that is projected to cost the equivalent of 540 billion dollars…

That includes tens of new ballistic missiles each year (SS-24s or Topol M road mobile missiles—which cannot be targeted), while the US just removed all of the triple warheads from our remaining 400 Minuteman III missiles, reducing them to 1 warhead each.

The China Threat: We have almost no firm intelligence on how many missiles and warheads the Chinese have, but the US estimate of a 100 is laughable, deliberately underplaying the China threat. The Chinese have over 3,000 miles of tunnels to hide their mobile missiles. Also from Snyder:

Just the other day the Chinese successfully tested a new submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missile… China’s JL-2 second-generation intercontinental-range submarine-launched ballistic missile, which has the ability to reach the continental USA, is already believed to be deployable by the People’s Liberation Army.

As I pointed out in prior years, the US will do anything to coverup or downplay the Chinese threat. The Chinese were even so bold as to infiltrate both the California coast (undetected during a naval exercise, no less) and the Gulf coast where they launched a ballistic missile into the sky which hundreds witnessed. The Pentagon tried to tell the public it was a jet contrail from an aircraft.

Snyder summarizes the deplorable state of public awareness, for which I fully blame the media and the government who purposely downplay these threats while they are in full preparation for nuclear war, both as a government and as individuals building private bunker-style shelters under their luxury homes in the Rockies.

Most Americans do not believe that any of this is a concern whatsoever. Most Americans just assume that a full-scale nuclear war is virtually impossible [and that if the government and media aren’t worried, it can’t be a real threat]. But the truth is that a successful first strike against the United States is more possible today than it ever has been before. Hopefully the American people will wake up to this reality before it is too late.

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”
[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”
Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America
[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed
Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia
[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven
[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia
[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America
Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia
Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade
[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!
All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

(video) Incredible Ring Man – Issac Wu – Taiwan!!

[youtube=]Asian Vitruvian Man


Uploaded on Oct 28, 2011

An amazing street performer in Taipei took my breath away. This is street performing at its best. Totally worth tipping a lot. Can’t imagine the training it took to create this piece of moving body art. This Asian brother has got it!

If you are taking this video and sharing it with friends, please do the right thing and:

1. Give performance credit to the performer: 胡啟志 Issac Wu …

(video) Amazing Taiwan Street Performer – The Ring Man!!!!!

(1996 vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — "America's sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people"

Dumitru was a serious, very credible pastor from Romania, who smuggled Bibles into Russia — was tortured and survived the electric chair. I hold him in high esteem. His story is here:

(video) Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

See also: 

(vision) Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

From: Hand of Help Ministries

A Vision Received by Brother Dumitru Duduman April 22, 1996

I prayed, then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound.  A voice cried out to me, “Stand!”

In my vision, I was in America.  I walked out of my home, and began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men dressed alike.  Two of the men carried weapons.  One of the armed men came to me.  “I woke you to show you what is to come.”  He said.  “Come with me.”

I didn’t know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, “stop here!”

A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them.

“Stand there, don’t move, and look,” he continued.  “You will see what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America.”

As I was looking, I saw a great light.  A dark cloud appeared over it.  I saw the president of Russia[;] a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of China[;] and two others.   The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand.  However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled territory.  The men stepped out of the cloud.

The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one.  “I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans.  Do not fear, we will attack them from behind.”

A voice said to me, “Watch where the Russians penetrate America.”

I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida.

Then, the man spoke again, “When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning.”

The other two presidents spoke, “We, too, will fight for you.” Each had a place already planned as a point of attack.

All of them shook hands and hugged.  Then they all signed a contract.  One of them said, “We’re sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too.  Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America.”

The president of Russia began to speak insistently, “Why let ourselves be led by the Americans?  Why not rule the world ourselves?  They have to be kicked out of Europe, too!   Then I could do as I please with Europe!”

The man standing beside me asked, “This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together.  But everything I’ve shown you is how it will REALLY happen.  You must tell them what is being planned against American.  Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken.”

Who are you?” I asked.

“I am the protector of America.  America’s sin has reached God.  He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness.  God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work.  He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people.”

As I looked, a great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me.

“Do you see that?” the man asked.  “This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones.  Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident.”

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000

(vision) Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!
[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”
(video) Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America
[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven
[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia
[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America
The WW3 Prophecies (includes prophecies by others)
RED DAWN: ASIAN MILITARY INVASION OF USA? (prophecies by many others)

(vision) Woman Sees Russia Attack US In WWIII! — SOVIET UNION the threat, not ISIS • TIME is SHORT – she saw PUTIN “the way he looks now!” • No pre-trib rapture!

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia
[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed
China may have largest Pacific fleet by 2020 — and capability to destroy US military and intelligence satellites?
China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!
(audio/text) Joel Skousen: With a Growing Russian Missile Threat, US is Still Disarming — “Russia says their missiles are for “containment” of the US, but we know they are preparing for a nuclear first strike on America”
(video) Joel Skousen: An Evil Pact Drives Globalists to Set Up USA for China/Russia Takeover | North Korea Will Be the Trigger
New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!
Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade
[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!
CORRIE TEN BOOM: PREPARED For The COMING TRIBULATION — “Daddy, I am afraid that I will never be STRONG ENOUGH TO BE A MARTYR for Jesus Christ.” My father said, “OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN KNOWS when you will need the strength…. HE WILL SUPPLY ALL YOU NEED – JUST IN TIME.“
12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture
In-studio with Infowarrior Alex Jones: Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception — “Before the year 1830, EVERY denomination, every type of Christianity taught that the rapture took place AFTER the tribulation, because that’s what the Bible explicitly says.”
[7-minute video sneak peek] The RAPTURE will take place “AFTER THE TRIBULATION” — “Christians, today, are NOT BEING WARNED about the events they will face in the great tribulation. To learn the truth about the rapture, we must look within the pages of the Bible, itself”
Pastor Steven Anderson in Infowars studio: The Truth Left Behind — “The PRE-tribulation rapture is not based on ANY scripture.” The “Left Behind” series was fiction.
All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

China may have largest Pacific fleet by 2020 — and capability to destroy US military and intelligence satellites?


China may have largest Pacific fleet by 2020: US

Date November 21, 2013

A US congressional advisory panel sounded a warning Wednesday about China’s military buildup, predicting Beijing could possess the largest fleet of modern submarine and combatant ships in the western Pacific by 2020.

The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission said China’s military modernisation is altering the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region and challenging decades of US pre-eminence. …

The report’s assessment of China’s naval capabilities draws on information from think tanks and US naval intelligence. It said China is known to be building seven classes of vessels, including nuclear and diesel submarines, destroyers and other warships. It expects the naval modernisation to continue for the “forseeable future.”

China’s is also advancing its capabilities in space, which is viewed as critical because of the use of communication satellites for intelligence and modern warfare.

For the first time, there are public indications China may be developing the ability to target satellites at the high altitude used by the US global positioning system and many military and intelligence satellites, according to the report.

Entire Article Here
[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed
(audio) Joel Skousen: Timing of the Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. — Full readiness in 6-8 years!
(video) Joel Skousen’s ‘Red Dawn’ Warning to America — Russia will lead the attack…
Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”
[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”
Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America
[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven
[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia
[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America
Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia
New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!
Joel Skousen: China’s Long-Range Plan for War — “China doesn’t just want to conquer the world militarily. It wants to harness the world’s economy under its personal control”
[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!
All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

David Rockefeller: “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history”

“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community propose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

– David Rockefeller, New York Times, 1973


David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

Globalist kingpin, David Rockefeller’s beetle (bug) collection — names species after himself

David Rockefeller (1991): “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected THEIR PROMISE OF DISCRETION for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop OUR PLAN FOR THE WORLD….”

Wealthiest Americans NOT Gates or Buffet: Rockefellers Worth $11.48 TRILLION in 1998!

Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11

Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

Alex Jones: The mantle is being passed. The true Governor of North America is Jay Rockefeller

Rep. Larry McDonald 1976: “THE DRIVE OF THE ROCKEFELLERS and their allies is to create a ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control…. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a PLOT, international in scope, GENERATIONS OLD in planning, and INCREDIBLY EVIL in intent”

All of my The Rockfellers posts (latest posts appear first)

Stan Deyo: “The United States is a Pain In the Backside of the NWO. A lot of the ELITISTS are NOT IN THE U.S.. Russia and China know that our military guys could make counterattacks in the event of a NUCLEAR WAR starting, so they have to neutralize our military and our will to fight. They’ve PUSHED EVERY BUTTON THEY COULD to bring America into civil disorder and to collapse the economy here. I don’t think they’ve left anything undone to tear this country apart.”

I’ve been listening to Stan Deyo since the ’90s, and I like him a lot! Here Stan brings out a very important point that few are. The globalists are mostly foreign. Perhaps we focus too much on the globalists within our borders.

– –

“I think at the moment, that the United States is a pain in the backside of the New World Order. A lot of the elitists are not in the United States and are elsewhere, as you know. And they need to take us out as a military power, whether we would do what they want or not. They need to weaken us to the point that the United States won’t interfere with middle-east operations, and operations in Australia and other countries that the elitists want to do.

They want to take us down to remove us as a threat. Russia and China know that our military guys could probably break with the Pentagon, or with the White House, anyway, and make counterattacks in the event of a nuclear war starting. So they have to neutralize our military and our will to fight. …

They’ve pushed every button from the White House. They’ve pushed every button they could to bring America into civil disorder and to collapse the economy here. I don’t think they’ve left anything undone or unplanned to tear this country apart.”

– Stan Deyo

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:

(video) Stan Deyo: Yellowstone Caldera More Active Than Previously Thought | Government Suppressing Scientific Truth


Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade

(video) Amazing Taiwan Street Performer – The Ring Man!!!!!

[youtube=]The best street performance you will ever see. become insane from 2min.

Uploaded on Oct 6, 2011

A street performance in taipe by a man how dances with a ring as one with it …its amazing look till the end

[youtube=]Amazing Taiwan Coolest Street Performer – The Ring Man!!!!!

Victor W | Uploaded on May 6, 2010

Totally amazed by this street performance!!! I was travelling in Taipei.. and my new friend, Elaine brought me around! of the many countries i visited.. Never seen anything like this before..

Look at his body and muscles… must have lot of training & discipline!!!


(video) Incredible Ring Man – Issac Wu – Taiwan!!

(video) Joel Skousen: An Evil Pact Drives Globalists to Set Up USA for China/Russia Takeover | North Korea Will Be the Trigger

When North Korea attacks South Korea, and we respond with nukes, that will give Russia/China the excuse to nuke US, preceded by EMPs.

So when the war with North Korea is launched, and then the power goes out across America — nukes will be next!

Two videos:

– –

Communism Alive and Well in America

North Korea the trigger at minute-15 | EMP at minute-19

China Threatens to Start World War

Published on Jan 31, 2014

Alex continues with survival strategy analyst Joel Skousen discussing the plan for the fall of America, discrediting the Constitution and the very real possibilities of China trying to retake islands off the coast of the philippines and japan.


[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed

China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!

(audio/text) Joel Skousen: With a Growing Russian Missile Threat, US is Still Disarming — “Russia says their missiles are for “containment” of the US, but we know they are preparing for a nuclear first strike on America”

(audio) Joel Skousen: Timing of the Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. — Full readiness in 6-8 years!

(video) Joel Skousen’s ‘Red Dawn’ Warning to America — Russia will lead the attack…

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!

Joel Skousen: China’s Long-Range Plan for War — “China doesn’t just want to conquer the world militarily. It wants to harness the world’s economy under its personal control”

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

Joel Skousen: Russia and China are the Biggest Military Spenders — “Western military disarmament has always led to another world war — without exception”

Joel’s comments are both left-justified and in brackets.

– –

World Affairs Brief, February 7, 2014 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Outrage over Obamacare Grows

O’Reilly’s Sham Interview with Obama

US at Debt Limit Again in February

Argentina Currency Going Down

Nicaragua’s Re-revolution

Russia and China are the Biggest Military Spenders

Scalia: Internment Camps can Happen Again

Russian Death Squads Working in Ukraine

Militarization of Police Continues

The Suppressed German Interview with Snowden



Although the world is starting to wake up to the fact that Russia and China are spending billions on rearmament, they never seem to come to the conclusion that they are a real threat. Russia will begin construction on nine submarines in the next two years, including four of the new strategic missile Borey class. But China’s build rate is much higher. Here’s the story by the UK Telegraph:

Soaring defense budgets in China and Russia mean global military spending is growing for the first time in five years, according to new forecasts. Spending across Asia and the Middle East is surging even as the military powers of Europe and the US are forced to scale back dramatically in the face of austerity cuts – contributing to a steady change in the balance of military power.

The figures were disclosed as the secretary general of Nato issued a stark warning that the West will cede influence on the world stage because of its falling spending. Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he was concerned about falling funding in Washington and European capitals while there was a military spending spree in Russia and China.

The admission that the West is “ceding military influence” hides the real issue: that Western military disarmament has always led to another world war—without exception. Kris Osborn of talks about the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) report on how China is rapidly building its blue water navy.

The Chinese navy has ambitious plans over the next 15 years to rapidly advance its fleet of surface ships and submarines as well as maritime weapons and sensors, according to a U.S. Navy report… ONI leaders found that China’s navy has evolved from a littoral force to one that is capable of meeting a wide range of missions to include being “increasingly capable of striking targets hundreds of miles from the Chinese mainland.”

The Chinese navy has 77 surface combatants, more than 60 submarines, 55 amphibious ships and about 85 missile-equipped small ships [the US has 193 combat ships]. The report explains that more than 50 naval ships were “laid down, launched or commissioned” in 2013 and a similar number is planned for 2014.

During the late 1990s, “virtually all of [China’s] ships and submarines were essentially single-mission platforms, poorly equipped to operate beyond the support of land-based defenses,” ONI said. Now, China’s newest destroyer, the Luyang III-class DDG, will likely enter service this year, featuring a sophisticated phased array radar system. …

Overall, the Navy’s intelligence leadership believes that 85 percent of the Chinese naval fleet will be deemed “modern” by the U.S. by 2020.

There’s that date again—showing that China will be close to readiness for war in the next decade.

ONI raised concerns about China’s fast-growing submarine force, to include the Jin-class ballistic nuclear submarines, which will likely commence deterrent patrols in 2014, according to the report. The expected operational deployment of the Jin SSBN “would mark China’s first credible at-sea-second-strike nuclear capability,” the report states.

The submarine would fire the JL-2 submarine launched ballistic missile, which has a range of 4,000 nautical miles and would “enable the Jin to strike Hawaii, Alaska and possibly western portions of CONUS [Continental United States] from East Asian waters,” ONI assessed. [But that’s a disingenuous statement. Those same subs have already launched a missile from off the coast of California that can hit anywhere on our mainland.]

The report says the Chinese currently have five nuclear attack submarines, four nuclear ballistic missile submarines and 53 diesel attack submarines. Overall, China’s fleet of submarines has quickly increased in offensive weapons technology over the last 10 years. A decade ago, only a few Chinese submarines could fire modern anti-ship cruise missiles. Now, more than half of the conventional attack submarines are configured to fire ASCMs, the report states.

“The type-095 guided missile attack submarine, which China will likely construct over the next decade, may be equipped with a land-attack capability,” the assessment explains. This could enable Chinese submarines with an enhanced ability to strike U.S. bases throughout the region, the report adds.

Overall, according to current trends over the next 10 years, China will complete its transformation into an extensive, modern, high-tech naval force with global reach and influence.


[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed

China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!

(audio/text) Joel Skousen: With a Growing Russian Missile Threat, US is Still Disarming — “Russia says their missiles are for “containment” of the US, but we know they are preparing for a nuclear first strike on America”

(audio) Joel Skousen: Timing of the Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. — Full readiness in 6-8 years!

(video) Joel Skousen’s ‘Red Dawn’ Warning to America — Russia will lead the attack…

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!

Joel Skousen: China’s Long-Range Plan for War — “China doesn’t just want to conquer the world militarily. It wants to harness the world’s economy under its personal control”

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!

Expert: China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers

“Mutually Assured Destruction” guiding hypersonic missile policy in Washington & Beijing

Paul Joseph Watson
January 20, 2014

China’s new hypersonic missile vehicle is primarily designed to target U.S. aircraft carriers, military expert Chen Hu told the state-run China Central Television (CCTV) in yet another admission of Beijing’s increasingly hostile geopolitical posturing.

The WU-14, a hypersonic glide vehicle which can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound, underwent its first test flight earlier this month.

Despite assurances by China’s defense ministry that the new vehicle was not aimed at any particular country, Chinese military expert Chen Hu told state media that the system, “can surely be used against US carriers in any region around the globe” and that it was “designed to strike large military targets including US aircraft carriers.”

Noting that the development of the vehicle was necessary in order to maintain the balance of power in East Asia, Chen said that its purpose is to prevent the United States from using its hypersonic weapons against China, adding that the Cold War-era doctrine of “mutually assured destruction” is guiding policy both in Washington and Beijing.

Last year, China reportedly sunk a mock U.S. aircraft carrier utilizing the DF-21D anti-ship missile, dubbed the “carrier killer,” during a wargame which took place in the Gobi Desert.

Bellicose rhetoric directed at the United States by China has intensified in recent months in light of heightened tensions over the disputed Senkaku Islands.

Last month, Beijing bragged that its first aircraft carrier combat task force, led by the inaugural Liaoning warship, matched anything the United States had to offer.

A lengthy editorial which appeared in Chinese state media last month explained how the Chinese military’s current reformation process was part of a move by President Xi Jinping to prepare the People’s Liberation Army for war in response to US aggression in the Asia Pacific, developments which have prompted “major changes” in China’s national security situation.

Beijing has also pontificated about China’s ability to attack US military bases in the Western Pacific, as well as releasing a map showing the locations of major U.S. cities and how they would be impacted by a nuclear strike launched from the PLA’s strategic submarine force.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

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– –

[youtube=]China Threatens War Against Philippines While U.S. Neocons Push War in Mideast


Published on Jan 14, 2014

War is the lifeblood of the state — and of the Military Industrial Complex. As factions in both the US and China make bellicose statements, concern mounts over their intentions.

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(audio) Joel Skousen: Timing of the Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. — Full readiness in 6-8 years!

Related World Affairs Brief text:

[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed

Audio From:

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Audio Archives

Joel talks timing at minute-26

Date: 01-02-14
Hour: 1
3:00: Richard Gage AIA – Architects & Engineers For Truth 9/11
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: Open Lines
Hour: 4
9:00: Patrick Wood – Current Events


[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed

(video) Joel Skousen’s ‘Red Dawn’ Warning to America — Russia will lead the attack…

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!

Joel Skousen: China’s Long-Range Plan for War — “China doesn’t just want to conquer the world militarily. It wants to harness the world’s economy under its personal control”

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed


(audio) Joel Skousen: Timing of the Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. — Full readiness in 6-8 years!

– –

World Affairs Brief, December 27, 2013 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats

China’s Long-Range Plan for War

Don’t Despair, Prepare

9/11 Coverup Continues

US Culture War Against Christianity


As we review 2013 we see several grim threats to our liberties and safety that are looming so large even those with a minimum of discernment are waking up and growing uneasy even as conspiring men feign reform or pretend to ignore the issues. At home the US government has every intention of continuing warrantless spying, the Obamacare rollout and unending debt increases despite growing public disapproval and claims of reform. Abroad, foreign intervention is increasing while the great threats of China and Russia are emerging as real and visible but which our government has no intention of countering. Worse, we can no longer depend on our elected representatives to stop any of this. It’s time to prepare in earnest for the inevitable demise of liberty even if it may not be imminent. When it does come in the next decade, it will be swift and relentless. There will be no turning back.

Both Democrats and the compromised Republican leadership have no intention of putting up any real resistance to the slow and agonizing loss of American Liberty. Their half-hearted opposition to spying, the PATRIOT ACT, and the new NDAA signed into law this week is an assent by silence to the slow erosion of liberty and constitutional protections that continues unabated.

For example, support for Obamacare has plummeted across every spectrum of the public, even among people eager for government handouts. Polls sponsored by pro-government media, like CNN, put support in the mid-30 percentile, which should be sending shock waves through the Democrats in Congress. Instead, it’s full speed ahead with implementation.

Republican House Speaker John Boehner has no intention of bringing up repeal legislation again. Neither does he intend to stop deficit spending nor hold the line on the debt limit. Instead he trotted out conservative Paul Ryan to convince Republicans that the latest budget compromise is “the best we can get.” Ryan is turning out to be one of Boehner’s “useful idiots,” to quote Lenin.

These are all crucial high-profile battles that the Republicans purposely sabotaged and lost. The political capital is spent and the waters of reform are poisoned forever so that even as public support for repeal grows, they have an excuse “not to go there” again. And, Boehner and his lackeys are preparing to sell us out on amnesty as well. That’s coming up early next year.

The courts will also continue their relentless permissiveness of government illegal acts under the guise of protecting us from terror and defending state secrets. I’m not optimistic about the temporary setback for NSA spying that one judge timidly opined was “likely” unconstitutional. The Supreme Court will reluctantly find in favor of “limited” government spying as they have in the past.

Part and parcel of this finding is the government’s continual downplaying of the degree to which it surveils worldwide communications. The spy agencies only admit to collecting “metadata” when we all know they are recording content as well—with which they analyze, sort and build future action lists targeting dissidents and political resistors worldwide. This is only peripherally involved with fighting terror which, like drugs, the government promotes as much as it counters.

Spying, indefinite detention without due process, secret prisons, torture, illegal black operations and the militarization of local police forces is all part of the world government police state they intend to force upon us as soon as the next war justifies such a massive disavowal of constitutional limits and the liberty that is inherent in national and state sovereignty.

As part of this, the push for continual “free trade” agreements with Asian and European nations will continue. While I don’t expect them to be able to fully implement the New World Order with its required taxation and police powers via these preparatory agreements, they certainly are a stepping stone towards getting people accustomed to increased international regulation and control (dubbed “cooperation”).

There is no denying that the pace of attacks against our liberty has picked up speed. This has led to a growing number of fellow commentators on the constitutional Right sounding the alarm about imminent collapse of the dollar and the economy as the catalyst for unmasking martial law and the implementation of tyranny.

I continue to caution people against this superficial analysis, often fomented by government misinformation sources inside the movement feeding disinformation to promoters like Lindsay Williams and others. Pastor Williams may well be sincere in his desire to save the country, but he continues to be deceived by his “insider sources” who have fed him bad tips for the past two years. He’s got a 100% failure rate and yet persists with the same claims, slightly more intense each time around. For a review of my analysis of why the PTB won’t crash the dollar or the economy see this link for the June 29, 2012 edition of the WAB in the archives.

I repeat for the benefit of my new subscribers that no one can be an insider feeding information to the liberty movement (they don’t want to get out) and not be discovered in this age of total surveillance. That includes the so-called “anonymous and confidential” government sources talking to mainstream “investigative” reporters. They are all known to government and every reporter’s phone is tapped constantly. When government takes reporters to court to force them to reveal their sources it is just a cover to keep the public believing in journalistic integrity.

We know what happens to real whistleblowers who reveal the illegal acts of government. They are exposed, maligned and persecuted incessantly. So any “leaker” who is allowed to keep leaking to those on our side every week or month is either not really an insider or is a disinformation expert being allowed to leak by government for manipulation purposes. Some, like the so-called “DHS insider” who talks to the Intel Hub regularly, are just patsies, in my opinion, that think they’ve been given insider access but who really are just being used to deliver disinformation to keep false conspiracies alive.

One of the main tactics of this disinformation about imminent threats is, I believe, to eventually discredit the prepper movement, 99% of which is motivated by these constant claims of imminent economic collapse. Most preppers have spouses or relatives that aren’t completely on board with their claims and consider them “paranoid” and “nuts.” Preppers who continue to regale them with the imminent collapse stories will find themselves embarrassed and increasingly unable to convince their friends and loved ones of even more serious preparations as the real threats get closer.

It isn’t that the economic collapse crowd is wrong about the dire state of our economy and the latest bubble the FED has created. It’s only that they don’t fully understand conspiracy and the larger agenda of the PTB who manipulate the economy. The conspirators have much more to gain by keeping things afloat with artificial stimulus than by letting it collapse. They control the regulatory powers as well and are able to cover up many Ponzi schemes, or at least keep them contained by denying that default ever occurs—as they did in the Greek bond haircuts forced upon investors.

With all of the fast moving events of the past year, you probably won’t be surprised that I am continually asked by subscribers if my estimate of timing has changed or moved up, especially in light of this year’s display of Chinese naval growth and aggressive behavior in the Far East. For the answer, we have to look at the potential for war, which is by far the most likely trigger for change in the world, even economic change.

A foreign attack allows our leaders to evade the blame for the dire situation and it gives them the excuse to take on dictatorial powers, restructure the money system and empower globalist solutions. In an economic collapse without war, they take the full blame, especially when all the FED watchers would know the day the PTB pulled the plug on the economy by cutting new monetary creation to zero. Ever since 2008, they have shown no inclination of pulling the plug on the economy or the dollar. It’s not a blameless rationale for martial law. They have also kept the real rate of inflation below 10%, and as long as they continue to do so, the hyperinflation threat bandied about so often won’t happen.

Here is my current feeling on the timing of war:

1. First, I have to continually remind my listeners that I’ve never given a timetable for when WWIII is going to start. I’ve concentrated on how much time I feel remains before Russia and China are ready to strike. They aren’t the same thing and don’t necessarily coincide. Even if I think they are ready, it still doesn’t mean they will strike. It could still take longer depending on the political climate at the time and whether or not an appropriate excuse has been engendered to justify war. As you all know, historically these excuses are almost always provoked by one side or the other.

2. I’ve said since the beginning of this decade that Russia and China are at least 8-10 years from having sufficient air, missile and naval forces to take on the West. We’re now 6-8 years away from that estimate where “we still have time to prepare.” I still feel confident that Russia and China won’t be ready until at least the beginning years of the next decade. In last week’s brief, I covered the fact that most of their major weapons systems aren’t scheduled to come on line until 2020-2024, so that’s still 8-10 years from now.

3. The following is very important: It is not true that Russia and China are totally unprepared until that magic time they reach optimal readiness. While it is improbable, there is nothing to say they won’t decide to strike earlier, at a lesser state of preparedness. No one is ever totally prepared for war—it’s a matter of high confidence in success, and also a matter of the right timing. As Russia and China get closer to full preparedness, the chance increases that they could grab a political opportunity to strike prior to their planned timetable if they thought they had a good enough opening—one that overcame the disadvantage of moving sooner rather than later. The US could also provoke a crisis that gave them an opportunity to strike that “they couldn’t resist.”

So, while I’m still fairly confident in my feeling that we still have several years to prepare, as we get closer to the next decade and they get closer to being ready, the chances of an early surprise attack increases as they approach full readiness. I don’t think the time will be much shorter but you need to be aware of the possibility. It’s one of the reasons why you don’t want to put off necessary preparations just because you might have more time than previously thought. Don’t try to cut it too close. With that said, let me outline some of the signs that war may be approaching sooner rather than later. I will be watching for these as well in the WAB.

First, it’s important to keep in mind that the mainstream media will increasingly concentrate on China as the problem, not Russia—even though they are both in a temporary alliance to take down the West. One will not go ahead without the other, but for some reason the word has gone out to planners to downplay the Russian threat.

I surmise that the reason Russia is being protected is that Russia provides the continual rationale for more disarmament. It is ironic (if not hypocritical) that the West will dramatize the Chinese threat more than the Russian threat but no overtures or expectations of disarmament will ever be made to China. The West has never even approached China with demands for a disarmament pact and doesn’t appear likely to do so in the future. –Not that China would ever entertain one.

The fact that the US keeps seeking disarmament pacts with the Russians in spite of continual missile manufacturing and cheating on all disarmament treaties is strong evidence that the US is trying to use disarmament to weaken our nuclear deterrence, NOT make the world safe from nuclear weapons. Evading any demands for the Chinese to disarm is even more evidence that the US overtures to Russia on disarmament have nothing to do with “making the world safe from nuclear weapons.”

So, when outlining the signs of war, keep in mind that there are two enemies and either one or both may be engaged in setting the stage for war. Both are already involved in significant and steady rearmament. That isn’t going to change, and they are starting early enough that the West won’t be able to detect a significant uptick in production later on as a sign of war.

Don’t look for Russia or China to necessarily engage in the normal massing of forces at some border as Hitler did. They will use a ballistic missile first strike with a preliminary EMP attack as a means of temporarily paralyzing US and NATO forces as the electrical grid gets taken down. This will be followed by nuclear strikes against ground targets. Once the US military is taken down they figure they can blackmail the rest of the West into submission and amass the necessary invasion/occupation forces while the West is struggling to reorganize after a nuclear strike.

Watch for these provocations that indicate war is getting nearer:

Russia: Russia will continue to contest any additional moves by former satellite states like Ukraine and Georgia moving to closer to EU integration. The latest move by Russia to bribe and threaten Ukraine from making a trade deal with the EU is, I believe, a permanent and hardened position. It won’t be reversed. Despite continued Ukrainian protests, the opposition is controlled and divided and will never be able to overthrow the pro-Moscow direction of the government. Democracy is only a sham in most of the post-Soviet states. Controlled parties on both the Left and Right keep marching inevitably toward more concessions toward Russian hegemony—especially in light of the grip Russia has on the flow of natural gas to Europe and Eastern Europe.

Remember too that the controlled opposition and continued protests also serve Russia’s purposes since she can use them when they turn violent to justify sending in Russian troops to “protect” the millions of ethnic Russians placed in each of these satellite states.

That said, I don’t expect Russia to start getting aggressive with the post-Soviet states until after the US signs another disarmament agreement with Russia. Expect feelers to be put out in 2014 for a typically one sided agreement to be signed before Obama leaves office. This is one of those things, like socialized medicine, that they do while Democrats are in the White House.

China: China has already started to increase provocations with the West in the disputed ADIZ air defense zone claimed by China in the East China Sea, as well as the Chinese naval harassment of US surveillance ships in the South China Sea in international waters. Expect those provocations to continue. China knows that by increasing the overall levels of East-West hostilities, it becomes increasingly difficult for the West to tell when China expects to go to war.

North Korea: Nothing is more telling about this tactic of “obscuration through hundreds of feints” than North Korea’s regular provocations and small military attacks on South Korea over the years. North Korea is China’s puppet state and is the one most likely to provide China and Russia with the trigger event they need for WWIII. As I have explained before, a sudden invasion/artillery attack by NK on South Korea almost guarantees a tactical nuclear response by the US since the North has such overwhelming forces just across the border from Seoul, the SK capitol. If the US uses tactical nukes to contain the onslaught, China could easily use this “first use” to launch it’s planned first strike on US military targets.

Threats against the South happen almost every month and vary in intensity. Just this week, as the UK Daily Mail reported, North Korea warned the West that “war could break out without notice” as Kim Jong-Un tells troops to get combat ready.

The warning came a day after reports that satellite images appeared to show North Korea has started producing fuel rods for its nuclear reactor. The U.S. and South Korea had been wary of possible threats from the North, where tensions have been high since the execution of Kim’s uncle and mentor. The latest saber rattling came as Kim visited his troops on Christmas Eve, according to Al Jazeera.

‘He instructed the unit to put utmost spurs on rounding off its combat readiness … always bearing in mind that a war breaks out without any prior notice,’ reports from state media said. Tens of thousands of troops pledged their loyalty to Kim last week at a parade to mark the anniversary of the death of his father, and former leader.

Satellite images seen by the Johns Hopkins University appeared to show facilities at the North’s scientific research center could be used to make fuel rods for the plutonium reactor. ‘The identification of these facilities indicates a more wide-ranging, extensive effort by North Korea to modernize and restart the Yongbyon complex dating back to 2009 than previously understood,’ the report said. North Korea’s reactor was put back into service earlier this year, after a six-year break.

North Korea’s nasty habit of threatening war and putting troops on alert is a regular occurrence, and so is NK’s breaking of agreements to limit its nuclear weapons productions. Taken in isolation, none of these minor provocations mean war is imminent. But what it does do—very effectively—is make it very hard to tell when they are serious about an attack.

One of the great dangers of NK saber rattling and keeping their enlisted and junior officers hyped up for war is that sometimes the trigger actually gets pulled, as it did when the NK artillery forces shelled Yeonpyeong Island in 2010, killing four South Koreans. They were lucky the US and SK are in such a permissive mood or there might have been a war.


(audio) Joel Skousen: Timing of the Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. — Full readiness in 6-8 years!

(video) Joel Skousen’s ‘Red Dawn’ Warning to America — Russia will lead the attack…

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

Skousen: RUSSIA’S PREPARATIONS TO FIGHT AND WIN A NUCLEAR WAR • The US is actively inviting a first strike against our forces by disarming while Russia cheats—and we don’t even have a treaty with the Chinese for them to cheat on, so it’s full steam ahead for all the major nuclear powers except the US • The US will do anything to coverup or downplay the Chinese threat • The Chinese have over 3,000 miles of tunnels to hide their mobile missiles

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!

Joel Skousen: China’s Long-Range Plan for War — “China doesn’t just want to conquer the world militarily. It wants to harness the world’s economy under its personal control”

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

Joel Skousen: China’s Long-Range Plan for War — “China doesn’t just want to conquer the world militarily. It wants to harness the world’s economy under its personal control”

The First Pearl is located at the Hainan Island in South China. The Chinese have already upgraded the naval base and military facilities. This massive underground submarine and warship base is built because of its strategic location in the South China Sea. The entrance is so huge that it can allow the fleet of 50 plus conventional and nuclear submarines to go in and out without Western spy satellites detecting.

* *  *

World Affairs Brief, December 27, 2013 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats

China’s Long-Range Plan for War

Don’t Despair, Prepare

9/11 Coverup Continues

US Culture War Against Christianity


In recent weeks I’ve covered some big milestones reached by Chinese military in the development of longer ranged ICBM’s, ballistic missile submarines and blue water naval assets. In past decades, China has been very secretive about its military advancement, not wanting to alert the West to their use of stolen technology—some from outright spying (which the US facilitated under the guise of friendship), and some from technology transfers through Israel, who acts as a surrogate for the US.

The media almost never allows this secret about Israel’s links with China to come before the American public. That’s still the case even though one story did slip through this week, courtesy of,

Secret U.S. missile and electro-optics technology was transferred to China recently by Israel, prompting anger from the U.S. and causing a senior Israeli defense official to resign.

Starting in 2013 Chinese state media is once again bragging about Beijing’s military prowess, touting the fact that China’s new H-6K strategic bomber can attack U.S. military bases in South Korea as well as the Japanese mainland using long range nuclear cruise missiles. This from Infowars: 

“With a range of between 1,500 and 2,000 kilometers, the CJ-10 meets the requirements of the PLA Air Force to possess the capability to launch strategic missile attacks against US military facilities and those of its allies in the Western Pacific,” states the report.

The article also lauds the fact that the H-6K can target the Japanese mainland without even leaving Chinese airspace, in addition to Russian cities in the far east, all major cities in India, as well as Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines, “in a potential war against Southeast Asian neighbors over territories in the South China Sea.”

But new and more advanced military hardware is only part of the strategic buildup for China. Just as important to a long range war plan is the ability to secure critical supplies of natural resources, strategic minerals and oil. I was pleased to see an Asian publication outline China’s strategic “String of Pearls” plan—something the US doesn’t want publicized lest the American public become alarmed.

China has locked in a good portion of the world’s strategic minerals, but it has become highly dependent on oil and gas from Iran and other bulk minerals from Australia, secured by long-term contracts. China’s external oil routes from the Middle East and Africa have to come through the Straits of Malaca—one of those strategic choke points in world geography that is difficult to keep open during war. Another is the Gulf of Hormuz, the outlet from the Persian Gulf oil basin.

Here are excerpts from a timely piece by Sam Chee Kong of the Malaysia Chronicle.

China’s largest strategic concern – regime survival and domestic stability – directly links to its economy. To sustain its economic growth China has to be depending increasingly on its external supply of energy, raw materials and food. So the development of Sea Line of Communication or (SLOCs) is vitally important as more than 80% of China’s trade go through the sea. …

..China will then need to commit more resources towards maintaining security of the shipping lanes in the Middle East. Below is the map [click on the link to see these maps] of China’s SLOC and the oil shipping lanes from Hainan Island China till the Middle East.

This gave rise to the String of Pearls strategy. It is like pearls tied to a string and each pearl represents a country normally a port where China can get access to it. The string that attach to the pearls represents the Sea Lines of Communication (SLOCs). The String of Pearls will provide China with forward presence and military bases along the SLOCs from China to the Persian Gulf in the Middle East. A pearl normally comes with facilities like airstrips and naval bases.

The First Pearl is located at the Hainan Island in South China. The Chinese have already upgraded the naval base and military facilities. This massive underground submarine and warship base is built because of its strategic location in the South China Sea. The entrance is so huge that it can allow the fleet of 50 plus conventional and nuclear submarines to go in and out without Western spy satellites detecting.

The Second Pearl is the port of Hambantota in Sri Lanka despite much objection from India. However the project is already under way and China is underwriting a US$1.2 billion package for the facility. China investment in this area will increase significantly as it has some interest in oil drilling in Northeast Sri Lanka. Hambantota port will also include aviation fuel storage facility, LNG refinery and a bunkering facility to refuel ships.

The Third Pearl is located at the Chittagong port in Bangladesh. Fourth is the Woody Island located 300 miles east of the Paracel Archipelago. An airstrip has been upgraded for this purpose. And so does Port of Sittwe in Myanmar, Marao in the Maldives and Port of Gwadar in Pakistan. The Gwadar port comes with a naval base and it is is chosen because of its strategic value in the 240 km distance from the Straits of Hormuz.

In its Grand Strategy that encompassed the ‘Peace Development’, China has identified 3 stages in development spanning 50 years. This involves both the economic and military. In the first stage of development from 2000-2010 China hopes to double its GDP and upgrade its Navy from ‘Green Water’ to ‘Blue Water’ and operate within the First Island Chain that stretch from Japan to Philippines , has been achieved.

The second stage from 2010-2020 with total GDP to be double and the development of the ‘Aircraft Carrier’ fleet of up to six carriers groups, to operate beyond the First Island Chain to reach the Second Island Chain which stretch from Guam to Indonesia and Australia is already on target with the recent commissioning of its first Aircraft Carrier, The Liaoning.

Stage 2 is also behind schedule. The Liaoning is a refurbished Ukrainian ski jump style carrier with no catapults. China will only be able to build 4 American style carriers by 2024, not six.

And finally, from 2020-2050 to catapult the nation to the middle rung of the Advanced Nations and with its Navy upgraded to a truly ‘World class Blue Water’ which can project power forward in all Oceans of the World. [The dates proffered here are false—China doesn’t intend to wait that long to fulfill this stage]

India complained to the US that China’s String of Pearls strategy is more of a strategic than commercial and the String of Pearls is encircling it from north to south. And also it feel very uneasy because a few of the pearls are India‘s old foe like Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

True. India has long been a client state of Russia until the pull back of the deceptive “collapse of the Soviet Union.” India clearly is a threat to China and is the only power in the region that has its own indigenous weapons program as well as the billions of people to man an army to match China’s. That’s why China is working to encircle India and why India is not waiting for either the West or the East to supply it with cutting edge weapons.

The Second String of Pearls is taking shape in the Pacific Ocean. China already had a strong presence in the Pacific Islands ever since there is a power vacuum left by the French and the Americans. China’s “checkbook diplomacy” did a marvelous job and it helped most of the Pacific Island nations to pay off their debts with no strings attached. Unlike Western aid which comes with a whole list of conditions like human rights, transparency, opening up of market and etc.

Without saying so publicly, the pacific String of Pearls Strategy also includes a plan to occupy Australia in the next war. That’s a natural extension of China having bought up most of Australia’s natural resources. She thinks she owns Australia now. China is also buying up timber and fisheries in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon islands. New Guinea’s vast energy and mineral resources include the Ramu Nickel and Cobalt mine.

It is not realistic, however, for China to think that she can protect her trade routes with these String of Pearl military outposts, bases and airfields. These will be used as jumping off points to conquer all the island chains surrounding China as WWIII begins—from Japan down through all the southern tier islands and perhaps even Hawaii.

China is also planning for the militarization of Space (suspecting that the US has already done so—which is true). The Pacific Islands are along the equator and International Date Line which is ideal for satellite tracking. In 1997 China built a satellite tracking station on the Tarawa atoll, which the US Marines conquered during WWII with much loss of life. Fortunately for the West, the Chinese offended the local government and was forced out. China is working on a replacement.

The third String of Pearls is likely be the African Continent since more than 20% of China’s oil imports come from that region. According to sources, Swakopmund in Namibia currently accommodate China’s third overseas satellite and space telemetry tracking station after the closure of the Tarawa base, is likely be the first pearl. Next will be the other African Nations on the east coast of Africa. The Port of Hambantota in Sri Lanka which has bunkering facilities for ship refuel and supplies provide a perfect docking point for Chinese ships on the way to Africa.

China has an interlocking network of private companies operating in almost every country of the world—all eager to take Chinese money. But these are not simply isolated developments to make use of excess foreign reserves. It’s part of an overall comprehensive strategy to consolidate and tighten its grip on the world and to project power worldwide someday. Keep in mind that China doesn’t just want to conquer the world militarily. It wants to harness the world’s economy under its personal control—a Chinese NWO if you will.


(video) Joel Skousen’s ‘Red Dawn’ Warning to America — Russia will lead the attack…

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!

[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

(video) Our Days are Numbered: China’s Aircraft Carrier Operational!

Joel Skousen estimates China still has 8-10 years before their above water fleet will be big enough to attack US, as many Christians have envisioned (links follow article) — God warning US.

Looks like China is making big progress — while our globalist owned and controlled media is intentionally silent — setting US up — while they’ll be in their bunkers or in foreign countries, intending to rule after the fallout….

The globalists at the top are Satanists, carrying out their master’s bidding over generations — the one-world government prophesied in the Bible.


– –

From: Infowars

Our Warships Rival U.S. Navy, Brags Chinese PLA

Beijing’s jingoistic rhetoric shows no signs of abating

Paul Joseph Watson
December 5, 2013

Amidst tensions with the United States over the disputed Senkaku Islands, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is bragging that its aircraft carrier combat task force, led by the inaugural Liaoning warship, is now close to rivaling the U.S. Navy.

The article features on the China Military Online website, which is described [correct link – editor] as “the only authoritative media of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army,” acting with the “official authorization of the related departments of the state and the PLA.”

The report heralds the prowess of the Liaoning, along with its accompanying battleships, the “Shenyang” and “Shijiazhuang” missile destroyers as well as the “Yantai” and “Weifang” guided missile frigates.

The “combat effectiveness” of the fleet, once additional warships are added, will transform its firepower to a level, “very close to a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group in its heyday,” states the report. Beijing plans to rival “the usual practice adopted by the U.S. Navy” by supplementing the combat force with a further two destroyers, an assault nuclear submarine and one supply ship.

“Given the consideration of the smaller tonnage and bomb load of the warships of the PLAN than those of the U.S. warships, the combat effectiveness of this taskforce is probably close to the current carrier strike group (CSG) of the U.S. (1-2 cruisers, 2-3 destroyers and other supporting warships),” states the report.

Some will see no coincidence in the timing of the report given the current stand-off between China and the U.S. over the disputed Senkaku Islands. It dovetails with a separate announcement that Beijing, “has begun mass producing and delivering its J-15 carrier-based multirole fighter jet.”

Following China’s announcement that it would impose an “air defense zone” over the region, backed by not so subtle hints that offending aircraft which refused to identify could be intercepted and even shot down, Washington called Beijing’s bluff by flying two unannounced B-52 bombers through the area just days later.

However, the Obama administration has since indicated it may accept the legitimacy of the air defense zone for now so long as China back pedals on its demand that all aircraft check in first.

The PLA’s public heralding of its warships arrives in the aftermath of a separate report to emerge out of Chinese state media which asserted that military experts were discussing how to turn the moon into a Star Wars-style “death star” from which the PLA could launch missiles against any target on Earth.

Last month, Chinese state-run media also released a map showing the locations of major U.S. cities and how they would be impacted by a nuclear attack launched from the PLA’s strategic submarine force.

China increasingly jingoistic rhetoric has been backed by aggressive military moves in recent months, first by sending warships to the coast of Syria to in September to “observe” the actions of U.S. and Russian vessels in the region and then by sailing a surveillance ship through Hawaiian waters for the very first time in an unprecedented move which was described as a provocative retaliation to the America’s naval presence in the East China Sea.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.


(video) Joel Skousen’s ‘Red Dawn’ Warning to America — Russia will lead the attack…

New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

Alaskan Dreams of China Nuking US — “Even Alaska went under!”

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

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