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Category: Globalism—One-World Gov’t Page 5 of 21

(vid) Talpiot Talk with Adam Green — Many significant people (incl. truthers) & theories discussed

Adam Green with Joseph Davis (YouTube) and Greg McCarron of The AnteDote podcast.
Video is also here.
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(vid) Adam Green: The Talmudic Zionist Plan to Take Over the World

[David Dees Political Art] Sheeple Magazine: 6 Companies Control 96% of World Media

(vid) Jake: Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction – Empires & Overlords – Lucas Tried To Warn US

(vid) Alexandr Dugin (aka Putin's Brain) — The idea that "Putin is the new savior of the white Christian race" must be buried where it belongs

A comment by Divine Voice:

This idea in our circles, especially among “American nationalists” that “Putin is the new savior of the white Christian race” must be buried where it belongs.

Again, I will remind you that Putin and his regime hunted down, killed and imprisoned just about every member of the NSO, Russian Nationalist Party and anyone else who spoke out against mass immigration or those who were opposed to Putin’s oligarch-funded police state.

Putin has banned Russian nationalist movements who held a positive view of European nationalism (while still being Russian nationalists themselves).

The only Russian nationalist movements that are left are controlled opposition, and all of them are coincidently pro-Putin. f.x. Aleksandr Dugin and his “national Bolshevism” & “Eurasianism” movement.

And regarding the conflict in Ukraine, for those who support the anti-European, communist and Russian-backed proxy-state “Novorossiya”;
It is Russia, not Ukraine, where hundreds of people per year for, like, a decade or so, were getting charged with thought crimes, many going to its hellish prison system, for “xenophobia”, “anti-semitism”, “neo-nazism”, and other “hate crimes”. All of this as a direct result, personally and directly mandated by Putin himself.

I know of a number of high profile cases like this in Putin’s Russia against “anti-semites”.

In Russia, Holocau$t scepticism is officially banned since 2014 (not an old post-war law like in Europe), and it is punishable by up to 5 years in horrible prisons of Russian Federation.

Many books, such as Jurgen Graf’s “Truth about Holocaust”, were already banned even before that law, as Putin has of course set up laws against “hate speech”, “pro-nazism” and “extremism”.

In Ukraine as of 2015, they banned communism and they, on the country level, do a lot of work in condemning it on the official level, publicizing crimes of communism to the whole world and popularizing the understanding of communism as criminal, worldwide.

Meanwhile, in Putin’s Russia: Record number of Russians ‘positive’ about Joseph Stalin & communism (52%).

In Ukraine, what was once called “anti-semitic university of hate” by ADL — MAUP, the Ukraine’s largest non-state higher education institution teaching, tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Ukrainian youth over the years and some of Ukrainian elite as well — is still functioning as of 2015. It’s the same institution of higher learning that gave David Duke the degree.

It would be unthinkable in Putin’s Russian Federation for an institute like MAUP to exist.

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Russia-China Alliance Could Launch New World Order

The Moscow Times, June 15, 2015

(vid) Wow! jimmy Kimmel and Alexa Warn about Nearing Apocalypse

ESPN Radio Host Basically Admits He'd Take the MARK!!

(vid) James Perloff w/ Nathan Laurenson: Talmudic Zionism & the NWO – Real History

James Perloff writes on his blog:

February 9. I was Nathan Laurenson’s latest guest on Battle of New Orleans. Our topic: Zionism.

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Talmudic Jews explain WHY they bring millions of Muslims and African immigrants to Europe — Thomas Barnett, Jewish director of Israeli military consultancy Wikistrar: “The ultimate goal is the forcible-coordination of all countries of the world: That shall be achieved by mixing the races with the goal to create a light brown race in Europe. For that reason 1.5 million immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year. … European countries would NEVER AGAIN BE COMPETITORS in the struggle for global domination and a multiple millennia old culture would be destroyed. Irrational people who will fight against this “mingling of races”, and put up any resistance against the global world order, should be killed”

Thomas P.M. Barnett, Jewish director of the Israeli military consultancy Wikistrar in his book `The Pentagon’s New Map’, 2004 he said:

“The ultimate goal is the forcible-coordination of all countries of the world: That shall be achieved by mixing the races with the goal to create a light brown race in Europe. For that reason 1.5 million immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year. The result would be a population with an AVERAGE IQ OF 90 that is so dumb to grasp anything but intelligent enough to work. The European countries would NEVER AGAIN BE COMPETITORS in the struggle for global domination and a multiple millennia old culture would be destroyed. Irrational people who will fight against this “mingling of races”, and put up any resistance against the global world order, should be killed.”

Perloff: The Korean War – Another Conflict that Served the Illuminati Agenda

On June 25, 1950, Kim Il-sung, North Korea’s communist dictator, sent his troops to invade South Korea. American forces, fighting under UN authority, came to South Korea’s defense, in a bloody three-year war that ended in stalemate.
But how did Kim Il-sung and the communists come to power in North Korea? U.S. foreign policy put them there, in a roundabout way.

What the true Torah Jews have to say about the Third Temple: "It will not be the long-awaited Third Temple of G-d, but a temple of Satanic forces"

Here is what the true Torah Jews have to say about the Third Temple:

“At the same time, we wish to warn Jews that even if the Zionists do, G-d forbid, succeed in building a temple, it will not be the long-awaited Third Temple of G-d, but a temple of Satanic forces. This was stated 90 years ago by Rabbi Shmuel Weinberg, the Slonimer Rebbe, on his deathbed: “Jews, you must know that before the coming of the messiah, a group of unsavory people will travel to Eretz Yisroel, and they will enjoy great victories there, and they will build a temple, and a fire will come down from heaven in this temple as it did in the First Temple. And you must know that this fire will not be from the Holy Side, but from the Other Side.” (source)

Proof George Soros is Pursuing Talmudic Globalist Aims


Prominent Jewish writer says Talmudic Israel’s ultimate GOAL is to destroy Western Christian Civilization and bring in a Theocratic World Government

Many ‘Christians’ are helping Satan’s one-world government happen, to be headquartered in Jerusalem, which Paul warned us of in 2 Thess. 2.

Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters. The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the spirit on earth. Christianity will die [many Christians will lose their heads – ed.], the spirit will depart from the nations in our part of the world [so it will seem – ed.], and our present dubious democracy will be supplanted by a vast theocratic state. De-spiritualized and uprooted, homeless and lonely, yesterday’s masters of the world will become slaves in all but name.” – Israel Shamir, in his 2008 book, Cabbala of Power

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(vid) ‘Diversity’ is a Code Word for ‘White Genocide’ — “Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, white countries for everybody,” it’s genocide!

Satan’s NWO plan requires destruction of European culture. It’s now completely obvious on TalmudVision (TV).

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(video) Infiltrating Bohemian Grove 2017 – “The annual Cremation of Care ceremony took place last night, July 15, 2017 in Monte Rio California. By now, it is likely that several wealthy elites have already engaged in acts of hedonistic sexual abuse while many others have fallen over drunk amidst the ferns lining the paths betwixt the mighty Redwoods”

“The annual Cremation of Care ceremony took place last night, July 15, 2017 in Monte Rio California. By now, it is likely that several wealthy elites have already engaged in acts of hedonistic sexual abuse while many others have fallen over drunk amidst the ferns lining the paths betwixt the mighty redwoods.” (source)

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Infiltrating the Bohemian Grove 2017 – Investigative Documentary

Published on Jul 16, 2017

In 2000, filmmaker Alex Jones infiltrated the Grove and recorded footage of the infamous “Cremation of Care” ceremony. Since then, security has been tightened tremendously and the Grove is now brimming with barbwire, video cameras, motion detectors, K-9 units and men with guns.

Can the Grove still be infiltrated with such heightened security? And if so, how might it be done? You’ll find ideas in this mockumentary by Jake Morphonios.

(video) Michael Hoffman: NWO Babylonian Tamudism – Problems and Solutions — Ruled by Gentiles in collusion with the Zionists and Talmudists • Substantial reading and deep study in decline, going from video to video

“We continue to be ruled by Gentiles who are in collusion with the Zionists and the Talmudists.”

“Substantial reading and deep study is less and less….”

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Brian Ruhe Interviews Michael Hoffman on Judaism

Published on Jul 15, 2017

Revisionist historian Michael Hoffman is one of the most controversial writers of the 21st century. In this video he states that the treason of our own people is a bigger problem than Talmudists or Zonists as it is natural for them to oppose us but it is not natural for our own people to do so.

He also emphasizes the need for spiritual regeneration and family values. He is a great scholar who does primary historical research and he respects the truth above all other considerations. As a revisionist historian he is a lover, not a hater and the author of nine books of defiant truth-telling. His website is:

(video) Christopher Jon Bjerknes on Red Ice Radio: Putin’s Reign of Terror — Why are truthers promoting an anti-western agenda as if it will save us? • Israel’s goal is to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem from which the NWO will be ruled through their ‘messiah’ in a communist alliance • “Many Jews have become billionaires under Putin. When the Russian media does try to cover it, he sends out assassins to murder those who do”

Much of what Bjerknes says seriously needs to be considered; though, I don’t think he’s found the total balance yet.

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24:00-25:40 Israel’s goal is to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem from which the NWO will be ruled through their ‘messiah’ (the antichrist), in a communist alliance.

34:00 “Many Jews have become billionaires under Putin. Now when the Russian media does try to cover it, he sends out assassins to murder those who do.”

37:30 “My theme of the book in which Putin is utilizing Trotsky-like terror to maintain his power and grow his empire and to put people into power in other nations who favor him.” [Though it’s probably more often the Mossad and CIA doing this, not Russia, except for perhaps in Soviet satellite countries and within Russia itself – ed.]

46:10 The permitted opposition leaders in Russia are not allowed to actually challenge Putin through a democratic process.

47:25 “Why are these people who are westerners [truthers like the one he mentions at Stormfront – ed.] promoting an anti-western agenda as if it will save us?”

Christopher Jon Bjerknes, transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Christopher Jon Bjerknes – Putin’s Reign of Terror: The Permanent Revolution in our Time

Published on Jul 3, 2017

Christopher Jon Bjerknes is a writer and researcher who has published numerous books and articles. He is the author of Putin’s Reign of Terror: The Permanent Revolution in our Time, Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist, and Mileva Einstein-Marity: Einstein’s Partner in Crime.

Christopher returns to offer a controversial perspective on geopolitics, Vladimir Putin, and other related subjects. We begin by discussing Putin, including his background as a KGB agent. Christopher then argues that Putin is sponsoring false flag terrorism in order to make himself out to be a glorious leader. Later, we discuss the possibility of Trump being a Russian agent. The first hour covers much more, and concludes with a discussion on the Alt-Right’s relationship with the Russian president.

In the members’ hour, we first talk about the KGB, and then switch gears to consider Chabad-Lubavitch. This leads to a discussion on Putin’s relationship with the Jewish community both in Russia and abroad. Next, we discuss Zionism and Communism. Christopher then argues that the West should ally with Islamic countries against the forces of Zionism. The members’ hour explores many other topics, including Jared Kushner, China, and the need for a unified resistance movement.

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(video) Real Big Power: Revelations by insider Ronald Bernard, part 2 — How psychopathic banksters are manipulating the people into oblivion, as they’re immune from scrutiny and prosecution

This is drier than part 1, but also important — explaining the Talmudic bankster system that is destroying us, while they get rich, having sold their souls.

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7:25 ‘City of London’ manipulates the gold rate.

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Real Big Power: Revelations by insider Ronald Bernard-part 2

Published on Jun 9, 2017

Part 2: Dutch spoken, English subs. A DVM-TV production.
In accordance with part 1 (link below) see here part 2, in which Ronald Bernard describes how the pyramid of power functions and converges. At the end of the interview you see a short overview of part 3 in which many questions will be answered. Soon more parts will follow. Related article: https://irmaschiffers2014.wordpress.c…
Part 1, full version:

(video) 🌎 Psychopaths of the New World Order – Full Series HD

🌎 Psychopaths of the New World Order – Full Series HD

Published on May 20, 2017

SHARE This Information! There are people in our world who have a great deal of wealth and influence who share the common agenda of creating a ruling class that controls the entire world. These people are madmen. They are, in the strictest clinical sense of the word, psychopaths.

This documentary will talk about the psychopathic traits of men like Lord Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, George HW Bush and others.

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(video) 🌎 Psychopaths of the New World Order – Part 2 – Organizational Structure — “The NWO is largely a Jewish supremacist control system”

“The New World Order is largely a Jewish, supremacist control system.”

– Jake Morphonios

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🌎 The Psychopaths of the New World Order – Part 2 – Organizational Structure

Published on May 16, 2017

There are people in our world who have a great deal of wealth and influence who share the common agenda of creating a ruling class that controls the entire world. These people are madmen. They are, in the strictest clinical sense of the word, psychopaths.

In part 1, I explained to you exactly what a psychopath is and in part two, I’m going to explain the basic organizational structure of the New World Order and identify some of the psychopaths in system. A more thorough look at specific psychopaths will be the subject matter of part 3.

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(video) 🌎 Psychopaths of the New World Order – Part 3 – The Luciferian Agenda

🌎 The Psychopaths of the New World Order – Part 3 – The Luciferian Agenda

Published on May 17, 2017

In part 3, I’m going to talk just briefly about the psychopathic philosophy of world domination that is manifested in the globalist agenda and why we must stand in defense of the traditional family unit and our national border.

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(Full Audiobook) The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion — Talmudic battle plan for the takeover of Earth!

The Talmudic battle plan for the takeover of the world!

Henry Ford was demonized because he passed out thousands of copies, trying to warn the people.

Now, it’s pretty much too late to stop this evil plan, but we can put a kink in it, as we wake ourselves and others up to spend the rest of our lives free internally!

Related: Texe Marrs: ‘Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion’ — This Cunning Blueprint Lays Out a Secret Plan that Resulted in Over 300,000,000 Deaths and Unspeakable Horror Over the Past Century!

00:00:00 Introduction
00:28:50 Protocol I – The Basic Doctrine
00:41:07 Protocol II – Economic Wars
00:44:56 Protocol III – Methods of Conquest
00:55:23 Protocol IV – Materialism Replaces Religion
00:59:41 Protocol V – Despotism and Modern Progress
01:07:37 Protocol VI – Take-Over Technique
01:10:37 Protocol VII – World-Wide Wars
01:13:06 Protocol VIII – Provisional Government
01:15:43 Protocol IX – Re-education
01:21:46 Protocol X – Preparing for Power
01:34:39 Protocol XI – The Totalitarian State
01:38:48 Protocol XII – Control of the Press
01:50:14 Protocol XIII – Distractions
01:54:02 Protocol XIV – Assault on Religion
01:57:36 Protocol XV – Ruthless Suppression
02:15:53 Protocol XVI – Brainwashing
02:20:37 Protocol XVII – Abuse of Authority
02:26:28 Protocol XVIII – Arrest of Opponents
02:30:52 Protocol XIX – Rulers and People
02:32:45 Protocol XX – Financial Programme
02:47:46 Protocol XXI – Loans and Credit
02:52:04 Protocol XXII – Power of Gold
02:54:45 Protocol XXIII – Instilling Obedience
02:57:40 Protocol XXIV – Qualities of the Ruler
03:01:28 Commentary

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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (Full Audiobook)

Published on Apr 11, 2016

Zionist plan for world conquest or Tsarist hoax? Listen and decide for yourself.

Small, Maynard & Company Edition

(video) Mark Anderson from AFP: The Bilderberg Plan For Agenda 2030 On Steroids

The Bilderberg Plan For Agenda 2030 On Steroids

(video) Bermas & Dicks @ Bilderberg: CERN Exposed – Quantum Computing And The Future Of AI

CERN Exposed – Quantum Computing And The Future Of AI

Published on Jun 3, 2017

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Jason Bermas about the latest developments of CERN and their plan such for a NEW hardron collider!
Reserve your Investigate Bilderberg T-Shirt ➜…

(video) Bilderberg: Foundation of Global Governance

Foundation Of Global Governance



(video) David Dees’ Art [& Guitar] KILLS FASCISTS

Amazing how young he looks at 60!

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My friend, political artist David Dees returns to SGT Report to discuss his upcoming book, David Dees Art Volume 3… and I put David on the spot and ask him to play his guitar and sing a little ditty for us, and he most certainly does not disappoint. Visit and buy a pre-sale copy of David’s latest art book so he can get it printed! Thanks for tuning in

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David Dees’ Art [& Guitar] KILLS FASCISTS

Chuck Baldwin: Some Things I Believe — The “war on terror” is a ruse to create global government • And FOX News (along with many pastors and churches) is at the heart of the pro-war propaganda machine • Neocons and globalists are using the Muslim people as the proverbial Straw Man to give the American people an enemy to hate, so that they will accept perpetual war abroad and police-state measures here at home

From: Chuck Baldwin on Facebook, which he excerpted from Strictly Personal

Some things I believe:

I believe there is a conspiracy of powerful elitists to surrender America’s independence and national sovereignty to a globalist New World Order. I believe the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderbergs are especially culpable in this evil subterfuge of our liberties. I had hoped that Donald Trump would honor his word to “drain the swamp” of establishment insiders, but he hasn’t. As with every President of both major parties before him, Trump has littered his administration with CFR globalists. In just the first couple of months of his presidency, Donald Trump appointed more CFR members and fellow travelers than Barack Obama.

I believe that the national news media purposely keeps the American people in the dark about the truth of what is really going on. I believe the media deliberately covered up the events of 9/11, Waco, Ruby Ridge, TWA Flight 800, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Sandy Hook school shootings, etc., ad infinitum. Heck, I believe the media covered up what really happened in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. For all intents and purposes, the national news media is little more than a propaganda ministry of the federal government.

I am also convinced that there is a blatant attempt underfoot to turn the United States into a police-state-style surveillance society, to which personal freedoms and liberties are being quickly and egregiously sacrificed. Passage of the USA Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the Indefinite Detention clauses of the National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAA) are examples of this flagrant betrayal of freedom. And the Democrat and Republican parties are equally culpable in this blatant usurpation of our liberties. And on this subject, too, Donald Trump is on the exact same course as his predecessors.

I opposed the preemptive invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan by G.W. Bush, the bombings of Libya, along with the current bombings and drone attacks going on in countries throughout the Middle East–including Trump’s bombing of Syria and his decision to increase the number of U.S. ground forces in the Middle East. It should be obvious to everyone that the Obama administration did nothing to change the perpetual war/preemptive war doctrine introduced by George W. Bush. And it should be equally obvious that Donald Trump is continuing to escalate America’s unconstitutional wars of aggression around the world. At the rate Trump is going, the United States could soon be in a global nuclear war.

I am personally convinced that ISIS, al-Nusra, etc., are contrivances of Dark (illegal) Operations of America’s CIA, British Intelligence, and Israel’s Mossad. Saudi Arabia and Turkey are also partners in this nefarious activity. I’ll say it flat out: The “war on terror” is totally the creation of the Deep State in the West to keep America in a state of perpetual war and to keep the people of America in a state of perpetual fear and anger.

Furthermore, I believe the international “war on terror” is a ruse to assist the goals of the central banks to create global government. All of the talk about Iran and Syria (and even North Korea) being a threat to the world is a bunch of hysterical propaganda. And FOX News (along with many pastors and churches) is at the heart of the pro-war propaganda machine. Neocons and globalists are using the Muslim people as the proverbial Straw Man to give the American people an enemy to hate, so that they will accept perpetual war abroad and police-state measures here at home.

I opposed the bailouts for Wall Street. I regard the Federal Reserve as a corrupt cabal of international banksters whose actions are nothing short of criminal. I wholeheartedly support the abolition of the Federal Reserve and a return to sound money.

I believe both major parties in Washington, D.C., are drunk on government spending. No matter which Party controls Congress or the White House, government spending skyrockets, as do deficits. We are witnessing this reality yet again. Just this week, with the GOP in control of both houses of Congress and the White House, we watched the House approve–and President Trump endorse–yet MORE federal spending and LARGER federal deficits. G.W. Bush spent more tax dollars than Bill Clinton; Barack Obama spent more than Bush; and Donald Trump is already spending more than Obama. When it comes to federal spending, there truly isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties. No wonder Senator Rand Paul said this about the omnibus spending bill that passed the House this week: “President Hillary Clinton would have been proud of this bill.”

And speaking of federal spending, one reason Donald Trump wants to increase military spending is because the U.S. government is dropping so many bombs all over the globe that the military is running out. Consider: as of April 30, the U.S. has dropped over 79,000 bombs just in Iraq, Syria, and Libya.

I believe G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney should be in prison for committing international war crimes against humanity and Hillary Clinton should be in prison for selling access to her office to foreign interests and for facilitating (or maybe even directly causing) the death of America’s Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens. I believe politicians such as Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi are enemies of freedom.



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