“Once you awake, it’s hard to go back to sheep.”
—author unknown
Many more white cars just just to the left of this picture (the first photo here). BLM had more than 80 white cars there.
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”― Carl Sagan
“Putting your head in the sand will not save your backside”
Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth & Truth-tellers
[WordPOWER!] 2 Peter 3: BEWARE, in the LAST DAYS People Will Be WILLINGLY IGNORANT
From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”
[FreedomQuote] ”I Would Rather Know The Ugly Truth Than A Beautiful Lie”
[FreedomQuote] “It’s hard to accept the truth when the lies were exactly what you wanted to hear.”
Gandhi: Widespread Belief Doesn’t Make an Error True
“Truth … lies in the depth where few are willing to search for it.”
“If you think everything will be okay once he’s out of office you haven’t figured out the problem yet.”
A bit oversimplified, but largely true — one of the REAL reasons for these reverse-Christian U.S. wars.
Other families also own the central, private banks (like the ‘Federal Reserve’ in the U.S.), and there probably are additional countries not listed (like China) in this brief overview that still have sovereign banks not run by the globalists.
1) Create the PROBLEM (9/11)
2) People REACT predictably (greenlight the wars)
3) Sovereign countries regime changed by U.S.
Perhaps Monsanto will be right next to the willfully sinning pastors who refuse to get right with the people they’ve hurt, acting like nothing is wrong. And they won’t teach the truth about reconciliation, holiness, and Jesus’ desire that we’d be ‘ONE’ — “that the world will know” (John 17).
Many regularly James-3 curse the whistleblowers who try to warn the people.
Please, pastors who fit the above description, repent so Psalm 50:16-22 will no longer apply to you. And please look into what really happened on 9/11 so you won’t continue to support the police state and the end of America, by supporting the Republican establishment in all of their reverse-Christian and reprehensible-to-God endeavors.
Big Pharma will be down there too — and the PRESStitutes who sold out America for a few $$million a year, the globalists who sold their soul to the Devil for money and power, the entertainers who know they’re doing wrong, the secret society controlled politicians who act like they’re ‘Christians,’ etc..
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Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?
‘Christian’ Leaders James-3 Cursing People Example: Jesse
Clarifying my perspective on divorce and marriage: The role of the Holy Spirit
The main reason I’m posting this. Why aren’t more Americans outraged enough to do something?
Praise God for Alex!
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[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bfFnEo5AOc]We Are Overrun by Global Criminals
Published on Jun 14, 2013
Alex breaks down current foreign and domestic news, including the history of the NSA spy gate, with its out-in-the-open introduction and rapid expansion following 9/11. Alex also discusses Obama’s continued roll out of support for the Syrian rebels and the U.S. Senate immigration reform bill. Alex will also be taking your phone calls throughout the broadcast.
I love God’s creation. I always have. We need to take care of the environment, period. But the globalists are hyping the environmental issue as another way to get complete control of the people — to bring us into a global government through Agenda 21 and the global carbon taxes, that won’t be applied to China, the biggest polluter, of course.
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From: Rense.com
I’m not into the great imposter:
But Ron Paul is seriously offering this gift.
Would you like your Constitution and Bill of Rights back — that our leaders would actually follow the rule of law?!
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If you don’t believe this kind of thing is going on,
here’s proof:
All of my Republicans Blackmailable posts
(numbering almost 50 — latest appear first)
As you can see in the posts below, this morning, I found a number of David Dees’ illustrations that I had not yet posted. I try to catch them as they come out, but apparently I’ve missed some.
David’s ability to see and create combined with his perseverance to sound the alarm is impressive, and deserves recognition.
I know some of these are very heavy, especially since our mainstream media has hidden these things from our eyes on purpose — which is exactly why they need to be seen!
I hope these truth-illustrations will inspire us toward greatness and not turn anyone off. I normally don’t put out so many heavies all at once.
May we own up to what is really going on and be parts of the solution.
…so the world can see that we’re not all like this!
– Jeff : )
We still have heroes!
Let’s live in reality
to what our country is actually doing to little children
through our “wars of humanity.”
We are responsible.
Depleted Uranium
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