Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Illustrations Page 5 of 17

Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—about 9/11? — Many of our officials routinely lie to and abuse us; nonetheless, many citizens continue to look to them for truth and safety—especially when fear is heightened

Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—about 9/11?
“In our American society, many of our officials routinely lie to and abuse us, but nonetheless, many citizens continue to look to them for truth and safety—especially when fear is heightened.”
“By unquestioningly believing and obeying authority, we develop and perpetuate faulty identities and faulty beliefs, and to top it off, we make very bad decisions, which often negatively affect others.”

Churchill's Terror Bombing: "German cities will be subjected to an ordeal the like of which has never been experienced by a country in continuity, severity and magnitude. To achieve this end there are no lengths of violence to which we will not go"

Real history: England built a fleet of airplanes especially designed to bomb German women, children and old folk. Germany had no such planes. England murdered 1 million German civilians, which the Talmudic press ignored, focusing on Germany’s delayed response instead, which was minimal in comparison. Hitler hoped Churchill would come to his senses, but never did.
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Winston Churchill: “German cities . . . will be subjected to an ordeal the like of which has never been experienced by a country in continuity, severity and magnitude . . . To achieve this end there are no lengths of violence to which we will not go.”

SOURCE: Stephen A. Garrett, Ethics and Airpower in World War II—The British Bombing of German Cities. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993. Page 31

(meme by Perloff) Republican vs Democratic Foreign Policy

All of James Perloff’s political satire memes: THE WORLD ACCORDING TO PERLOFF’S TWITTER MEMES
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(meme by Perloff) ISIS Supply Drop

(meme by Perloff) The Creation of ISIS

(meme by Perloff) Mission Impossible!

“Your mission—should you choose to accept it, Jim—is to help Mossad
destroy the World Trade Center and blame it on Muslim patsies.”

(meme by real-historian James Perloff) 9/11 and the Missing $Trillions

(meme by Perloff) W: "Either you are with us, or . . ."

(meme by Perloff) 9/11: What jet fuel can do

(meme by Peloff) 9/11 – "Israel did it"

(meme by Perloff) CNN's coverage of Trump vs Clintons

James Perloff is a real historian who also does memes.
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(meme by Perloff) "The Russians Did It"

(meme by Perloff) LBJ – A Tale of Two Ships


Monika’s address currently is:
Monika Schaefer
Schwarzenbergstr. 14
81549 München

LIAR & PHONY – Wolff, the author of the "Fire and Fury" book which bashes Trump should not be trusted

No doubt, some of the book is true, but Wolff, the author of the “Fire and Fury” book that bashes Trump is a known liar, and should not be trusted.
Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor
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Two Lines: Care About Real Wars | Care About Star Wars

Reverse-Christian Empire…

What goes around comes around — when America bites the dust.

We can’t ignore God’s principles, and expect things to work out.

“Love your neighbor as yourself” – Jesus


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Where is Santa Claus in the Bible?

Santa Claus: The Great Imposter — “Ho! Ho! Ho! I Am God” — Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent | Santa = Satan; elves = demons | Saint Nicholas never existed?

Communication: Many don't listen to understand, but listen to reply

There are 4 types of people you will meet in your life — 'The Matrix'

Al Franken – Creepin' While You're Sleepin'

The Talmudic Takeover of America:

Desert Thirst: "Must find accurate news source."

Hillary's Treasonous Uranium Deal – $145 Million Into Clinton Foundation

Why do lesbians feel the need to look like men, the sex they don't like…

Don’t let TalmudVision (TV) tell you what to do.
Real demons drive perversions of all kinds.
To Be FREE!!!
Power to the Peaceful!
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Porn free, as free as the wind blows / as free as the grass grows / porn free to follow your heart • Live free and beauty surrounds you / the world still astounds you / each time you look at a star • Stay free, where no walls divide you / you’re free as the roaring tide / so there’s no need to hide • Porn free, and life is worth living / but only worth living / ’cause you’re porn free!

Auschwitz: The Most Famous Chimney … A Fraud that Stands Freely on the Ground Connected to Nothing — USSR Created

'ELLEN' – The Real News You Can Trust

Ellen got deep state agent award from Obama!

Ellen Degeneres receiving deep state agent award from Barack Hussein Obama!

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(meme) If you ever feel stupid, just remember that MILLIONS of people BELIEVE that this guy became a millionaire playing video poker, then converted to Islam, then “snapped”and planned a terror attack in the most surveilled city in the USA, which took months to prepare, and then he decided to kill himself once his video surveillance system detected that the swat team finally showed up,  an hour after his shooting spree began…

If you ever feel stupid, just remember
that millions of people believe that this
guy became a millionaire playing video
poker, then converted to Islam, then
“snapped”and planned a terror attack
in the most surveilled city in the USA,
which took months to prepare, and
then he decided to kill himself once
his video surveillance system detected
that the swat team finally showed up, 
an hour after his shooting spree began…


“We must not allow other people’s *limited perceptions* to define us”

“We must not allow other people’s *limited perceptions* to define us.”

– Virginia Satir

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Brilliant meme from Shane B.!

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