Freedom from Alaska!

Category: $Money$ ToBeFree Page 11 of 21

Max Keiser: Wall Street Exposed — When “Greed is Good” and Integrity is No More = The End of America!

[youtube=]Max Keiser Reveals “Put Options” Ties to BP’s False Flag Oil Spill Event on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

TheAlexJonesChannel — June 21, 2010 — Alex welcomes back to the show Max Keiser, a film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader. Keiser is the host of On the Edge, a program of news and analysis, and Keiser Report, a financial tabloid, that broadcasts on RT. Keiser formerly hosted The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News. He invented Virtual Specialist Technology, a software system used by the Hollywood Stock Exchange.

Gerald Celente at His Best! What’s Coming: Crash of 2010, 9/11-like Event, War…

[youtube=]Gerald Celente Breaks Down The Troubled Financial World Markets on Alex Jones Tv 1/7

TheAlexJonesChannel — June 09, 2010 — Alex also talks with Gerald Celente, renowned trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events of historical importance. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

Estulin Exposes Bilderbergers At EU Parliament

[youtube=]On Bilderberg Follow-up with Daniel Esturin after Press Conference in European Parliament

Dreadytube — June 02, 2010 — European Parliament, Brussels – 1 June 2010

Daniel Estulin replies to questions following the Press Conference – “Bilderberg Group – Towards the Creation of a One orld Company Ltd.?”

Daniel Esturin, Author of “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” – 2007, and “Shadow Masters” – 2010.

On the initiative of Mario Borghezio, Italian Member of the European Parliament (Lega Nord, Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group)

[video] Paul Craig Roberts: Government abandoned Vietnam POWs now COMPLETELY CONFIRMED! John McCain and others exposed!


SPECIAL The Power Hour MEMORIAL DAY broadcast to honor all American Servicemen deliberately left behind into the most unthinkable existence — Interview with author Robert W. Pelton “UNWANTED DEAD OR ALIVE: The Betrayal of America POW’s Following WWII, Korea , and Vietnam”

McCain and the POW Cover-up: The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam

Make-Believe Maverick: A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty

John McCain and the Keating 5: “The Worst Financial Scandal in U.S. History”

John McCain: I always aspire to be a Dictator

Is John McCain Just a Flat Out Liar? See for Yourself

Top Cop Says McCain Was Never Tortured

Skousen: Pulling Strings for John McCain

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“The worst people in the country are in the government. …
Americans don’t want to come to grips with that.
It’s too much of a demand on their emotional strength.

“The worst rise to the top.”

“Every American government since Nixon has covered up
the abandonment of the American prisoners of war.
And we have this definitely proved.”

– Paul Craig Roberts

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts Reveals How The Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

Paul Craig Roberts: Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs

Kurt Nimmo

May 27, 2010

Appearing on the Alex Jones Show today, Paul Craig Roberts talked about the shameful abandonment of POWs by the U.S. government. Roberts mentioned an article by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Sydney Schanberg posted on the American Conservative website entitledMcCain and the POW Cover-Up.

“John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn’t return home,” writes Schanberg. “Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents.”

Schanberg notes there is overwhelming evidence — official documents, radio intercepts, witness depositions, satellite photos — of soldiers left behind in Vietnam. McCain has insisted this evidence was “woven together by unscrupulous deceivers to create an insidious and unpatriotic myth” about the U.S. government. According to McCain, the evidence consists of nothing more than the “bizarre rantings of the MIA hobbyists,” “hoaxers,” “charlatans,” “conspiracy theorists,” and “dime-store Rambos.”

Schanberg’s articles serve as yet more evidence that the government does not give a whit about its soldiers or for that matter its citizens. Government cannot be trusted. It attracts the worst sort of psychopaths and criminal opportunists. John McCain is with them.

According to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (The Final Days, Ch. 14), Rockefeller minion and high level globalist Henry Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy.

Once again, John McCain, a favorite of the global elite, has demonstrated his capacity for treason.

The following article blurbs contain links to the original articles.

McCain and the POW Cover-Up

Sydney Schanberg

John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn’t return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books.

Read entire article

Silent Treatment

Sydney Schanberg

From the beginning, nearly 40 years ago, the evidence was in plain sight. For reasons unexplained, however, the mainstream press did not acknowledge it and has continued to ignore it to this day.

I’m referring to the evidence that North Vietnam—after the peace treaty had been signed on Jan. 27, 1973 in Paris—held back hundreds of American prisoners, keeping them as bargaining chips to ensure getting Washington’s promised $3.25 billion in war reparations. The funds were never delivered, and the prisoners were never released. Both sides insisted to their people and the world that all POWs had been returned, challenging the voluminous body of facts to the contrary.

Read entire article

Was Rambo Right?

Sydney Schanberg

In the closing days of the 2008 presidential campaign, I clicked an ambiguous link on an obscure website and stumbled into a parallel universe.

During the previous two years of that long election cycle, the media narrative surrounding Sen. John McCain had been one of unblemished heroism and selfless devotion to his fellow servicemen. Thousands of stories on television and in print had told of his brutal torture at the hands of his North Vietnamese captors, his steely refusal to crack, and his later political career aimed at serving the needs of fellow Vietnam veterans. This storyline had first reached the national stage during his 2000 campaign, then returned with even greater force as he successfully sought the 2008 Republican nomination. Seemingly accepted by all, this history became a centerpiece of his campaign. McCain’s supporters touted his heroism as proof that he possessed the character to be entrusted with America’s highest office, while his detractors merely sought to change the subject.

Read entire article

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts Reveals How The Government Abandoned Vietnam POWs on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

“We have lost our way.”

– Ron Paul

[youtube=]Ron Paul Discusses The Political Re-Alignment on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Alex talks with Ron Paul, a physician and Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas. Paul is the founder of the advocacy group Campaign for Liberty and his ideas have been expressed in numerous published articles and books, including End The Fed and The Revolution: A Manifesto. Ron Paul has the most Constitution friendly voting record of any member of Congress since 1937.



Joe Biden: Brussels is now the capitol of the ‘free’ world. “You’ve taken on more powers … and we welcome it.”

Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video

All 40 of my Stop CIA Drug Running posts

All 400 of my Ron Paul posts

All 60 of my ‘Christians’ Trashing America posts

Predictions For The Rest Of 2010

NOTE: I post these predictions to put in our mental, data base ‘seed boxes,’ to see if the ideas presented actually do sprout and take root. Not all of these predictions come true, especially in the given time frame. But some do.

I post predictions under the Timing Predictions category that even disagree with each other, somewhat.

It’s hard to predict the future because there are so many wild cards, especially when the people find out what’s going on and get engaged, especially in prayer! Events often take longer to happen than it would seem.

If these predictions don’t take place exactly as specified, we can still learn much by listening to the different factors involved. And for me (I don’t have his gift of metaphor), the way Gerald puts things verbally is just so interesting anyway.

Jeff Fenske


From: Rense

Predictions For The Rest Of 2010

Bob Chapman
First 6 months of 2010, Americans will continue to live in the ‘unreality’the period between July and October is when the financial fireworks will begin. The Fed will act unilaterally for its own survival irrespective of any political implications (source is from insider at FED meetings). In the last quarter of the year we could even see Martial law, which is more likely for the first 6 months of 2011. The FDIC will collapse in September 2010. Commercial real estate is set to implode in 2010. Wall Streetbelieves there is a 100% chance of crash in bond market, especially municipals sometime during 2010. The dollar will be devalued by the end of 2010.

Gerald Celente
Terrorist attacks and the “Crash of 2010”. 40% devaluation at first = the greatest depression, worse than the Great Depression.

George Ure
Markets up until mid-to-late-summer. Then “all hell breaks lose” from then on through the rest of the year.

Igor Panarin
In the summer of 1998, based on classified data about the state of the U.S. economy and society supplied to him by fellow FAPSI analysts, Panarin forecast the probable disintegration of the USA into six parts in 2010 (at the end of June  start of July 2010, as he specified on 10 December 2000

Have projected that the third and final stage of the economic collapse will begin sometime in 2010. Barring some kind of financial miracle, or the complete dissolution of the Federal Reserve, a snowballing implosion should become visible by the end of this year. The behavior of the Fed, along with that of the IMF seems to suggest that they are preparing for a focused collapse, peaking within weeks or months instead of years, and the most certain fall of the dollar.

July and onward things get very strange. Revolution. Dollar dead by November 2010.

George Ure
Markets up until mid-to-late-summer. Then “all hell breaks lose” from then on through the rest of the year.

LEAP 20/20
2010 Outlook from a group of 25 European Economists with a 90% accuracy rating- We anticipate a sudden intensification of the crisis in the second half of 2010, caused by a double effect of a catching up of events which were temporarily &laqno; frozen » in the second half of 2009 and the impossibility of maintaining the palliative remedies of past years. There is a perfect (economic) storm coming within the global financial markets and inevitable pressure on interest rates in the U.S. The injection of zero-cost money into the Western banking system has failed to restart the economy. Despite zero-cost money, the system has stalled. It is slowly rolling over into the next big down wave, which in Elliott Wave terminology will be Super Cycle Wave Three, or in common language, “THE BIG ONE, WHERE WE ALL GO OVER THE FALLS TOGETHER.”

Joseph Meyer
Forecasts on the economy. He sees the real estate market continuing to decline, and advised people to invest in precious metals and commodities, as well as keeping cash at home in a safe place in case of bank closures. The stock market, after peaking in March or April (around 10,850), will fall all the way down to somewhere between 2450 and 4125 during the next leg down.

Harry Dent (investor)
A very likely second crash by late 2010. The coming depression (starts around the summer of 2010). Dent sees the stock market currently benefiting from upward momentum and peppier economic activity headed for a very brief and pleasant run that could lift the Dow to the 10,700-11,500 range from its current level of about 10.090. But then, he sees the market running into a stone wall, which will be followed by a nasty stock market decline (starting in early March to late April) that could drive down the Dow later this year to 3,000-5,000, with his best guess about 3,800.

Richard Russell (Market Expert)
(from 2/3/10) says the bear market rally is in the process of breaking up and panic is on the way. He sees a full correction of the entire rise from the 2002 low of 7,286 to the bull market high of 14,164.53 set on October 9, 2007. The halfway level of retracement was 10,725. The total retracement was to 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009. He now sees the Dow falling to 7,286 and if that level does not hold, “I see it sinking to its 1980-82 area low of Dow 1,000.” The current action is the worst he has ever seen. (Bob Chapman says for Russell to make such a startling statement is unusual because he never cries wolf and is almost never wrong)

Niño Becerra (Professor of Economics)
Predicted in July 2007 that what was going to happen was that by mid 2010 there is going to be a crisis only comparable to the one in 1929. From October 2009 to May 2010 people will begin to see things are not working out the way the government thought. In May of 2010, the crisis starts with all its force and continues and strengthens throughout 2011. He accurately predicted the current recession and market crash to the month.

Lyndon Larouche
The crisis is accelerating and will become worse week by week until the whole system grinds into a collapse, likely sometime this year. And when it does, it will be the greatest collapse since the fall of the Roman Empire.

“You are witnessing a fundamental breakdown of the American dream, a systemic breakdown of our democracy and our capitalism, a breakdown driven by the blind insatiable greed of Wall Street: Dysfunctional government, insane markets, economy on the brink. Multiply that many times over and see a world in total disarray. Ignore it now, tomorrow will be too late.”

Eric deCarbonnel
There is no precedence for the panic and chaos that will occur in 2010. The global food supply/demand picture has NEVER been so out of balance. The 2010 food crisis will rearrange economic, financial, and political order of the world, and those who aren’t prepared will suffer terrible lossesAs the dollar loses most of its value, America ‘s savings will be wiped out. The US service economy will disintegrate as consumer spending in real terms (ie: gold or other stable currencies) drops like a rock, bringing unemployment to levels exceeding the great depression. Public health services/programs will be cut back, as individuals will have no savings/credit/income to pay for medical care. Value of most investments will be wiped out. The US debt markets will freeze again, this time permanently. There will be no buyers except at the most drastic of firesale prices, and inflation will wipe away value before credit markets have any chance at recovery. The panic in 2010 will see the majority of derivatives end up worthless. Since global derivatives markets operate on the assumption of the continued stable value of the dollar and short term US debt, using derivatives to bet against the dollar is NOT a good idea. The panic in 2010 will see the majority of derivatives end up worthless. The dollar’s collapse will rob US consumers of all purchasing power, and any investment depend on US consumption will lose most of its value.

Alpha-Omega Report (Trends Forecast)
Going into 2010, the trends seemed to lead nowhere or towards oblivion. Geo-politically, the Middle East was and is trending towards some sort of military clash, most likely by mid-year, but perhaps soonerAt the moment, it seems 2010 is shaping up to be a year of absolute chaos. We see trends for war between Israel and her neighbors that will shake every facet of human activityIn the event of war, we see all other societal trends being thoroughly disruptedIran will most likely shut off the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf. This will have immense consequences for the world’s economy. Oil prices will skyrocket into the stratosphere and become so expensive that world’s economies will collapse..There are also trend indicators along economic lines that point to the potential for a total meltdown of the world’s financial system with major crisis points developing with the change of each quarter of the year. 2010 could be a meltdown year for the world’s economy, regardless of what goes on in the Middle East .

Robin Landry (Market Expert)
I believe we are headed to new market highs between 10780-11241 over the next few months. The most likely time frame for the top is the April-May area. Remember the evidence IMHO still says we are in a bear market rally with a major decline to follow once this rally ends.

John P. Hussman, Ph.D.
In my estimation, there is still close to an 80% probability (Bayes’ Rule) that a second market plunge and economic downturn will unfold during 2010.

Robert Prechter
Founder of Elliott Wave International, implores retail investors stay away from the markets for now. Prechter, who was bullish near the lows in March 2009, now says the stock market “is in a topping area, “predicting another crash in 2010 that will bring stocks below the 2009 low. His word to the wise, “be patient, don’t rush it” keep your money in cash and cash equivalents.

Richard Mogey
Current Research Director at the Foundation for the Study of Cycles- Because of a convergence of numerous cycles all at once, the stock market may go up for a little while, but will crash in 2010 and reach all-time lows late 2012. Mogey says that the 2008 crash was nothing compared to the coming crash. Gold may correct in 2009, but will go up in 2010 and peak in 2011. Silver will follow gold.

James Howard Kunstler (January 2010)
The economy as we’ve known it simply can’t go on, which James Howard Kunstler has been saying all along. The shenanigans with stimulus and bailouts will just compound the central problem with debt. There’s not much longer to go before the whole thing collapses and dies. Six Months to Live- The economy that is. Especially the part that consists of swapping paper certificates. That’s the buzz I’ve gotten the first two weeks of 2010.

Peter Schiff (3/13/2010)
“In my opinion, the market is now perfectly positioned for a massive dollar sell-off. The fundamentals for the dollar in 2010 are so much worse than they were in 2008 that it is hard to imagine a reason for people to keep buying once a modicum of political and monetary stability can be restored in Europe . In fact, the euro has recently stabilized. My gut is that the dollar sell-off will be sharp and swift. Once the dollar decisively breaks below last year’s lows, many of the traders who jumped ship in the recent rally will look to re-establish their positions. This will accelerate the dollar’s descent and refocus everyone’s attention back on the financial train-wreck unfolding in the United States . Any doubts about the future of the U.S. dollar should be laid to rest by today’s announcement that San Francisco Federal Reserve President Janet Yellen has been nominated to be Vice Chair of the Fed’s Board of Governors, and thereby a voter on the interest rate-setting, seven-member Open Markets Committee. Ms. Yellen has earned a reputation for being one of the biggest inflation doves among the Fed’s top players.” Schiff is famous for his accurate predictions of the economic events of 2008.

Lindsey Williams
Dollar devalued 30-50% by end of year. It will become very difficult for the average American to afford to buy even food. This was revealed to him through an Illuminati insider.

Unnamed Economist working for US Gov’t (GLP)
What we have experienced the last two years is nothing to what we are going to experience this year. If you have a job nowyou may not have it in three to six months. (by August 2010). Stock market will fall = great depression. Foreign investors stop financing debt = collapse. 6.2 million are about to lose their unemployment.

Jimmy “Doomsday”
DOW will fall below 7,000 before mid summer 2010- Dollar will rise above 95 on the dollar index before mid summer 2010- Gold will bottom out below $800 before mid summer 2010- Silver will bottom out below $10 before mid summer 2010- CA debt implosion will start its major downturn by mid summer and hit crisis mode before Q4 2010- Dollar index will plunge below 65 between Q3 and Q4 2010- Commercial real estate will hit crisis mode in Q4 2010- Over 35 states will be bailed out by end of Q4 2010 by the US tax payer End of Q4 2010 gold will hit $1,600 and silver jump to $35 an oz.

Posted by giveusliberty1776

Gerald Celente with Max Keiser on the Edge PressTV 5/18/10

[youtube=]Gerald Celente with Max Keiser on the Edge PressTV 05/18/2010

geraldcelente — May 22, 2010 — Gerald Celente with Max Keiser on the Edge PressTV more details at http://geraldcelentechannel…

Gerald Celente: Financial Armageddon by 2012, Unless…

[youtube=]Gerald Celente : Financial Armageddon 2.0

GeraldCelenteChannel — May 25, 2010 — Gerald Celente : Financial Armageddon 2.0
Gerald Celente on – What’s Next For Our Economy?
check out abc6 page with Gerald Celente interview at…
and for more Gerelad Celente Interviews go here :

Bob Chapman: A ‘Fed’ meeting attendee says that by the end of the year the banking system is going to come down

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

The Federal Reserve, instead of being audited like they should be [now that Ron Paul’s Audit-the-Fed bill was gutted – editor], is going to have one audit, and it’s going to be restricted to just one certain area, and that’s it. And so what they’re doing is throwing the public a bone.”

The privately owned ‘Fed’ and Congress don’t care what the law says. You heard what the last President said about…used expletives to describe the Constitution. They don’t care. They’re members of the Illuminati. They think they’re masters of the universe. And they will break every single law….”

“I just got a letter, today, from a friend of mine who attends the Fed meetings. And he says that by the end of the year, maybe as early as November, that the banking system is going to come down. And he says that they believe that all of the banks will be wrapped up in those five or six major banks in the United States. And they will control everything from a banking viewpoint. And that’s what they’re after.”

– Bob Chapman

[youtube=]Bob Chapman’s Friday 5/21/2010 Economic Report on Alex JonesTv

Bob Chapman, publisher of the International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide.

See What’s Coming! Max Keiser: How The Globalist are Rigging World Markets — The British pound will go next. In the U.S., hyperinflation will hit and gold will skyrocket when SDRs replace the dollar.

If you only have 10 minutes, just listen to Part 2

[youtube=]Max Keiser Reports How The Globalist are Rigging World Markets on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

TheAlexJonesChannel — May 17, 2010 — Alex welcomes back to the show film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader Max Keiser. Keiser is the host of On the Edge, a program of news and analysis, and Keiser Report, a financial tabloid. He formerly hosted The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News. In addition to his broadcasting work, Keiser is known for his invention of “Virtual Specialist Technology,” a software system used by the Hollywood Stock Exchange.

[youtube=]Max Keiser Reports How The Globalist are Rigging World Markets on Alex Jones Tv 2/4

Ron Paul Weekly Update: Central Bankers, Stop Stealing Our Money!

[youtube=]Central Bankers, Stop Stealing Our Money!

RonPaul2008dotcom — May 16, 2010 — 05/17/2010 – Secret debts incurred by central bankers without the consent of the people should be declared null and void, argues Ron Paul in his latest Texas Straight Talk update.

Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.

For more information visit the following sites:

Trilateral member reveals why Iran must be taken out. It’s NOT because of Israel! The US military is being used to take out regimes that won’t submit to the New World Order! | Confronting David Rockefeller

See also: Trilateral Commission Member Admits TC Wants War With Iran — “We Need a World Government”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show, 5/14/10

“When we mentioned a global currency as an idea. He said that of course, that’s what they were thinking about, but they need a global central bank to implement this, and a global government on top of that.

But he said that it was a great idea, and it’s what they all wanted, and it’s what they are working for — but it’s not possible yet because countries like Iran and South Korea, and these sort of countries, they’d never stand for the same sort of government as America.

– Alan Keenan, speaking of his discussion with Trilateral Commission member Mikhail Slobodovsici

[youtube=]Alan Keenan & Neil Foster of We Are Change Ireland on Alex Jones Tv 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel — May 15, 2010 — We Are Change Irelands Alan Keenan talks about the revelation that the Trilateral Commission plans war with Iran.

Ron Paul pleading, so disappointed about the Senate vote on the Vitter amendment to audit the Fed. The ‘Fed’ will destroy the dollar!

[youtube=]Ron Paul ~ Unhappy About The Senate Vote on the Vitter Amendment to Audit the Fed


Alaska Senator Mark Begich votes with Jay Rockefeller to gut Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill so this private cartel can destroy the dollar and America! Nick Begich should have been our senator. Sigh…

Ron Paul is HEARTBROKEN. They gutted his audit-the-Fed bill.

$Trillion Bailout of Euro, Greece Shows Need to Audit the Fed

From: New American

The timing of the sellout by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) last Thursday, May 6, on legislation to audit the Federal Reserve could not have been more auspicious — or more suspicious. After pledging for months that he was going to offer an amendment in the Senate identical to “Audit the Fed” legislation in the House (H.R. 1207) authored by Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), Sanders caved in to pressures from the Obama administration and the Federal Reserve.

In a last-minute switch, Sanders agreed to substitute a watered-down version of the audit as an amendment to financial reform legislation sponsored by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.). The new Sanders amendment would provide the administration, the Fed, and Members of Congress with a certain level of cover, allowing them to claim that they had supported auditing the Fed, while at the same time allowing the Fed to continue most of its operations in secret, beyond the scrutiny of Congress and the public. The effort to push the Sanders amendment through on a rush vote on May 6 failed thanks to the efforts of Senator David Vitter (R-La.), a fierce Fed critic, who insisted on a side-by-side vote of the Sanders sellout amendment with the original audit amendment. Those votes could come as early as Tuesday, May 11.

The Sanders flip-flop came less than 72 hours prior to the Federal Reserve announcing that it was opening a credit line to European central banks and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to bailout bankrupt Greece and the crumbling euro. The massive bailout, which the Associated Press described as “a bold $1 trillion rescue by the European Union,” buoyed world markets, but is sure to be a very temporary fix.

Entire Article Here

Max Keiser Reveals 1000 Point Plunge was Digital Financial Terrorism


High Frequency Terrorism: How the Big Banks and Federal Reserve Maintained Their Death Grip Over the United States by David DeGraw & Max Keiser

[youtube=]Max Keiser Reveals 1000 Point Plunge was Digital Financial Terrorism on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

Alex talks about the recent plunge of the Dow and other financial issues with film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader Max Keiser. Max is the host of On the Edge and the financial tabloid the Keiser Report. Keiser formerly hosted The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News.

Gerald Celente: Crash of 2010 inevitable — “Greece is merely the canary in the economic mineshaft”

NOTE: I post these predictions to put in our mental, data base ‘seed boxes,’ to see if the ideas presented actually do sprout and take root. Not all of these predictions come true, especially in the given time frame. But some do.

I post predictions that even disagree with each other, somewhat.

It’s hard to predict the future because there are so many wild cards, especially when the people find out what’s going on and get engaged, especially in prayer! Events often take longer to happen than it would seem.

If this prediction doesn’t take place as specified, we can still learn much by listening to the different factors involved. And for me (I don’t have his gift of metaphor), the way Gerald puts things verbally is just so interesting anyway.

Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Crash of 2010 inevitable

The Dow Jones industrial market is down and looks to continue to head that direction. This is not good news for the worlds economies that are trying to bounce back after this recession hit many different nations. Is this a direct reflection of the Greece financial crisis?

(video) “Reflections And Warnings: An Interview With Aaron Russo” – Entire Film

Reflections And Warnings: An Interview With Aaron Russo, Entire Film
May 8, 2010


In an historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the Rockefeller family. Russo was told– prior to 9/11– of plans to stage terror attacks, invade foreign nations, and kickstart a high-tech police state control grid that would track the populations’ every move with implantable RFID microchips.

This information-packed presentation is filled with never-before seen footage. Throughout the film, Alex Jones breaks down the latest activities of the New World Order and how it ties into what Russo predicted.

Aaron explains how the elite created the women’s liberation movement to break up the family and tax working women. Russo breaks down the deception of democracy– which is nothing more than mob rule guaranteed to produce tyranny.

Russo also exposes the IRS & Federal Reserve. He blasts the unconstitutional and predatory institutions that have crippled the American Republic and crushed the people with bogus taxes, inflation and loss of privacy. Russo explains that he himself was persecuted in the late 80s by a criminal ‘retroactive’ tax scheme that attempted to levy new taxes on years already passed.

As night falls on the Republic, Aaron Russo delivers a powerful call for the forces of liberty to rise and crush tyranny. Only then can the Republic be restored.


– Never-before seen behind the scenes footage
– An exclusive interview with Aaron about his life
– Aaron Russo radio interviews from the Alex Jones Show


Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

All of my The Rockefellers posts

Rare, candid insight by Brian Williams (though not the whole story): “The world has no money, and the Emperor has no clothes.”

[youtube=]David Letterman – Brian Williams on Wall Street’s Free Fall

The rest of the story:

Bob Chapman on Reagan’s Working Group… (The Plunge Protection Team): “They distorted the whole thing and they’re using it to rape everybody, financially. And they manipulate markets 24 hours a day, all over the world!” | On CIA drug running: “The OSS [CIA predecessor] got involved with MI6 in the late 1930s in the opium trade.” US Marines guard the poppy fields which now produce 93% of the world’s opium!

Gerald Celente dissects yesterday’s Dow stock market meltdown

Bob Chapman on Reagan’s Working Group… (The Plunge Protection Team): “They distorted the whole thing and they’re using it to rape everybody, financially. And they manipulate markets 24 hours a day, all over the world!” | On CIA drug running: “The OSS [CIA predecessor] got involved with MI6 in the late 1930s in the opium trade.” US Marines guard the poppy fields which now produce 93% of the world’s opium!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show, 5/7/10

Bob Chapman on the Plunge Protection Team that Reagan started in 1988:

“It was the introduction of the Working Group on Financial Markets by Ronald Reagan under an executive order, and it was to keep order in plunging markets, and that’s why it’s called the Plunge Protection Team, euphemistically.

What they’ve done is they distorted the whole thing, and they’re using it to rape everybody, financially. And they manipulate markets 24 hours a day, all over the world!”

The executive order has to be killed. In fact, I think there should be no executive orders.”

Related: SECRETS OF THE PLUNGE PROTECTION TEAM: Reagan’s Executive Order 12631 – Working Group on Financial Markets. Author warned in 2004: ” Get out of the markets before the inflated DERIVATIVE bubble bursts.” How they rig the market through JP Morgan, etc. …

Bob Chapman on CIA drug running:

The OSS got involved with MI6 in the late-1930s in the opium trade. Prior to that, the privateers were running opium from India to China in behalf of the British royal family.

And so America has been directly involved in the process of distributing narcotics, which happens to be the most lucrative trade in the entire world. And almost every fortune of the royal families of Europe was made from the narcotics’ business.

I’ve interviewed about 15, almost all Marines in Afghanistan who told me they were guarding the opium poppies. That was their job. …

They’re producing 93% of the world’s opium crop right now.”

[youtube=]Bob Chapman Breaks Down “The Plunge Protection Team” on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

Alex & Bob talk about the latest Stock market collapse and who are the plunge protection team is. Will they jump in again or will they let it fall all the way next time. Bob breaks down how the International banking cartel are setting america up for it’s biggest economic fall yet.

SECRETS OF THE PLUNGE PROTECTION TEAM: Reagan’s Executive Order 12631 – Working Group on Financial Markets. Author warned in 2004: ” Get out of the markets before the inflated DERIVATIVE bubble bursts.” How they rig the market through JP Morgan, etc. …

From: worldvisionportal


[By Michael Edward]

There are just four people who control all of the U.S. markets through their use of dangerous and explosive DERIVATIVES. They are risking the assets and retirement funds of all Americans. Because of their manipulations, especially since 2001, U.S. financial markets are now based on the gambling whims of a special fraternity of Federal Government DERIVATIVE dealers.

This group is known among Wall Street as the Plunge Protection Team (PPT). Their “official” role was to prevent another 1987 “Black Monday”. They have the entire U.S. Treasury at their disposal to manipulate the markets through DERIVATIVES (futures options). In other words, they are using the assets behind the U.S. Treasury to rig the prices of commodites (gold, currencies, etc.) and stocks.

This fraternity comprises of Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the heads of the SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Association. It works closely with all the U.S. exchanges and Wall Street banks, including the largest DERIVATIVE risk holders Citibank and JP Morgan Chase.

Few people are aware of Executive Order 12631 signed by Ronald Reagan on March 18, 1988. In a nut shell, this is the “authority” behind the four dictators and the [sic] “laws” and “regulations” that have backed their casino-style DERIVATIVE gambling spree since 2001. Here are some highlights of this Executive Order to ponder:

Executive Order 12631 – Working Group on Financial Markets – Mar. 18, 1988; 53 FR 9421, 3 CFR, 1988 Comp., p. 559.

“By virtue of the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to establish a Working Group on Financial Markets, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Establishment. (a) There is hereby established a Working Group on Financial Markets (Working Group). The Working Group shall be composed of:

(1) the Secretary of the Treasury, or his designee;
(2) the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, or his designee;
(3) the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, or his designee; and
(4) the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, or her designee.

Section 2. Purposes and Functions. (a) Recognizing the goals of enhancing the integrity, efficiency, orderliness, and competitiveness of our Nation’s financial markets and maintaining investor confidence, the Working Group shall identify and consider:

(2) the actions, including governmental actions under existing laws and regulations (such as policy coordination and contingency planning), that are appropriate to carry out these recommendations.

(b) The Working Group shall consult, as appropriate, with representatives of the various exchanges, clearinghouses, self-regulatory bodies, and with major market participants to determine private sector solutions wherever possible.

Section 3. Administration. (c) To the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of funds therefore, the Department of the Treasury shall provide the Working Group with such administrative and support services as may be necessary for the performance of its functions.”

Get out of the markets before the inflated DERIVATIVE bubble bursts

The pre-911 U.S. markets showed an astounding – yet confounding and puzzling – rise for the 4 months proceeding 911. The U.S. media dubbed it a “patriotic rally”. The European Press called it a “PPT [Plunge Protection Team] rally”. Obviously, the U.S. markets were manipulated and rigged to an inflated value in advance of the 911 disaster. Was this a coordinated measure in anticipation of what was to come? Only The Powers That Be can answer that question directly.

Since 911, there have been at least three major long-term stock market rallies. In all 3 instances, when the markets opened all the indexes began to quickly plunge. In each incidence, by early afternoon the markets were brought back from the brink of collapse to the surprise of everyone, including historical analysts. […]

In each of these occurances, a large “no-name” buyer in the futures market secretly plunged in and bought up massive quantities of DERIVATIVES through banking groups such as JP Morgan. These were completely reckless gambling bets that the futures index [S&P] would rise even though it was obvious that it was going to fall. Because such a large amount of money was wagered on the S&P’s rise, in each instance, it reversed the market’s free-fall.

Entire Article Here (Also posted at


Bob Chapman on Reagan’s Working Group… (The Plunge Protection Team): “They distorted the whole thing and they’re using it to rape everybody, financially. And they manipulate markets 24 hours a day, all over the world!” | Chapman on CIA drug running: “The OSS [CIA predecessor] got involved with MI6 in the late-1930s in the opium trade.” Our Marines are guarding the poppy fields that produce 93% of the world’s opium!

Bob Chapman explains the massive money and gold scam: How they’re doing it to us. Why it’s a house of cards, here and in Europe, ready to collapse — lies on top of lies. For America and Europe it will be a 10!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from Radio Liberty, 4/26/10

A caller asks:

“How is this going to affect people in Canada?”

Bob Chapman responds:

“The same way, but not as bad.
The United States is the worst,
along with England and the major countries, at a 10.
10 is worst.

Canada will be a 4.
Switzerland will be a 4.
Mexico, surprisingly, will be a 5.
Australia and New Zealand:
probably Australia a 4 and New Zealand 5.


Bob also talked about how it still could be a couple of years out.

On gold manipulation:

In 1987,
Bob discovered how gold was being manipulated.

Here, he says:
“I wouldn’t be surprised if most all the gold the nations have
hasn’t been already sold into the market.”

“I do know there has been a very large interest by the Rothschilds,
who probably bought almost all the gold
that was sold between 1999 and 2002
by the Bank of England.”

Dr. Stan talks about the Rockefellers’ massive gold buying,
and their high level employee who told the story….

“And that poor lady just stumbled and fell out
of a very high window in an apartment house,
and fell to her death,
as so often happens to people who reveal things
that they’re not supposed to reveal.”

From Dr. Stanley Monteith’s
Radio Liberty Audio Archives

Date: 04-26-10
Hour: 1
3:00: Dr. Alieta Eck – Obama Health Plan
Hour: 2
4:00: Bob Chapman – The European Market
Hour: 3
8:00: Bob Chapman – Gold Scams
Hour: 4
9:00: Thomas Horn – Occult Architecture

NOTE: Dr. Stan makes a peculiar statement about watching porn, here. This seemed out of character for him, but I think he is speaking as the medical doctor he is, as to what has become the norm in society, and not what is acceptable behavior if these people were Christians.

Gullible Nation – More False Hope — I fell for the idea that justice was coming to Wall Street

[youtube=]Gullible Nation – More False Hope

crabbydogtrix — April 20, 2010 — I fell for the idea that justice was coming to Wall Street –

debtruth1’s video…

Goldman says its just one bad apple…

Making money hand over fist.…

The world knows but what will come of it?…

Gerald Celente: Finance reform, just a show

[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Finance reform, just a show

Wall Street regulation is the hot topic today; President Barack Obama gave a speech to the finance industry encouraging them to join him in reforming Wall Street. Gerald Celente says that there is a huge problem with Obamas Financial Reform bill because the same people that got us into this economic mess are the ones advising Obama.


Gullible Nation – More False Hope — I fell for the idea that justice was coming to Wall Street

Bob Chapman’s latest articles at The International Forecaster

From: The International Forecaster

International Forecaster Weekly

Intervention Is Prolonging Economic Problems For Years

Latest Issue: April 10th, 2010: Banks only saved themselves not the economy, Greece singled out in the credit default crisis, the plan for a deflationary depression, every nation is in trouble, Greece now in a situation to default, banks continue to mislead, the floodgates open for lobbyists and special interests, lending costs climb, net neutrality suffers by a court ruling, Internet downgraded by court ruling

A Debt Level Great Enough To Threaten The Dollar Rating

March 27th, 2010: Bernanke re-nominated, outrage at banks, insolvency the real state of banks, crime pays when you are at the top, sovereign debt crisis around the world, debt and derivatives products were all just a ponzi scheme, the problem wont go a way when the system is purged, PIMCO Bill Gross warns of inflation, big cutbacks in services…

A Rise in Unemployment And Moral Hazard To Contend With

March 24th, 2010: Bubbles come and go but the Fed remains, derivative madness, no good sense for liquidity, tariffs can turn the world, moral hazard in the media spotlight, fence building now to keep out the drug war in Mexico, flush with cash but actually insolvent…

The Impact of Bubbles And The Future of Risk

March 20th, 2010: Bubbles of years ago being felt today, why rescue people from their mistakes? Destructive economic processes at work, many countries on the verge of bankruptcy, America now holds debt far beyond its ability to pay back, Debasement the order of the day, Bill Gross of PIMCO looks to developing nations for stability…

Expose Transgressions and Set Boundaries on Stimulus Packages

March 17th, 2010: AIG dragged onto the carpet for publishing falsified debt ratings, fines called for when fraud charges should be laid, white collar crime knows no end, books cooked, real estate downside points to deflationary depression, debt continues to grow, borrowing in the debt market again. stimulus packages knowing now boundaries.

Bob Chapman predicts $inflationary$$$$$ depression for 19 countries perhaps as soon as this year, including US. “From there on out it’s going to be a struggle to survive.” VAT may also be coming.

[youtube=]Bob Chapman’s Friday Economic Report on The Alex Jones Show Hosted by Jason Bermas

TheAlexJonesChannel — April 09, 2010 — Bermas also talks with regular guest, Bob Chapman, the man behind The International Forecaster newsletter.

The biggest financial fraud in history has been exposed by a whistleblower from the inside. The fraud involves JP Morgan and other bullion banks manipulating the price of gold and silver by selling up to 99 ounces for every 1 ounce they possess. The next day, there was an attempt on the whistle-blower’s life. Although fully informed of the fraud, the US government has taken no action, and the mainstream media has not carried the story.

Title is the brilliant, G. Edward Griffin’s!

[youtube=]TNR: World Silver And Gold Fraud Exposed! Andrew Maguire Exposes JP Morgan & CFTC

TheNorthwestReport — April 04, 2010 — This dwarfs ALL other scams/frauds.

Spread this video. The government influenced media refuses to cover this.



LINK C (click the icon on the bottom left)…


LINK E (click the icon on the bottom left)…



Gerald Celente: “The stimulus is going to run out. The crash is going to happen.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“When people are making money
they don’t want to hear anything bad.”

“The next bubble —
after this bursts and they can’t fix it —
it’s going to be the war.”

“Jumping out of the Euro and jumping into the dollar
is like bailing out of the Titanic and going into the Lusitania.”

“The stimulus is going to run out.
The crash is going to happen.”

– Gerald Celente

[youtube=]Freedom Watch – Gerald Celente – Rise of a Third Party

Trend Analyst Gerald Celente makes 2012 election prediction

Poll: 79% Say U.S. Economy Could Collapse

From: Fox news

Most American voters believe it’s possible the nation’s economy could collapse, and majorities don’t think elected officials in Washington have ideas for fixing it.

The latest Fox News poll finds that 79 percent of voters think it’s possible the economy could collapse, including large majorities of Democrats (72 percent), Republicans (84 percent) and independents (80 percent).

Just 18 percent think the economy is “so big and strong it could never collapse.”

Moreover, 78 percent of voters believe the federal government is “larger and more costly” than it has ever been before, and by nearly three-to-one more voters think the national debt (65 percent) is a greater potential threat to the country’s future than terrorism (23 percent).

Entire Article Here

Conspiracy Historian G. Edward Griffin: The Only Solution — And It’s Not Sarah Palin

Sadly, it seems that Alex is imploding [Why won’t grown men admit they’re wrong and get right with people and God? Com’ on, Alex. You’ve already lost face, and…?!!  Alex is in trouble! Has a lack of moral character split the main resistance to the one-world government?], but Griffin, to me, is always worth listening to.

[youtube=]G. Edward Griffin: CIA Takeover of The Mafia and its Ties to Harvard on The Alex Jones Show

Alex also talks with film producer and author G. Edward Griffin. Mr. Griffin is the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, a best selling landmark book on the Federal Reserve system. Griffin founded Freedom Force International, a libertarian activist network, in 2002.

Gerald Celente: “Speak up; stand out. I have a vision of heaven and hell. To me, hell is taking those last breaths and knowing that you weren’t the person who you said or claimed you thought you were. … Talk is cheap.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Prepare for the worst: “If the worst doesn’t happen, great! You were prepared. But if the worst happens and you’re not prepared, guess what? Jack, you’re dead.”

People should be in survival mode, and they’re not doing it. They still believe in ‘hope and change.’ And they’ll make a million excuses as to why they’re not doing what they should be doing.”

“…people have to act as a community of like-minded people.”

“…the moronic media that we have, that keeps telling people that everything’s okay.”

“I’ve narrowed it down to six simple words: Princeton, Harvard, Yale; Bullets, Bombs and Banks! … That’s the whole game wrapped up in six simple words.”

“If anybody invades Iran, it’s the beginning of World War III. These are the Persians.”

Budget deficit to GDP: “We’re going to see the crash of 2010. Greece is the canary in the economic mine shaft.”

Question: “People better appreciate the internet while they’re still able to use it free and open, shouldn’t they, Gerald?”

Gerald: “Yes, they should and people better become active in anyway they can. Speak up; stand out. I have a vision of heaven and hell. To me, hell is taking those last breaths and knowing that you weren’t the person who you said or claimed you thought you were. And people better die in dignity, because to me, it’s hell if you don’t. And now is the choice to live or die, to know that you were the person that you claimed to be. Talk is cheap. It takes guts; it takes stamina and dignity, and respect to be the person that you need to be.”

[youtube=]Gerald Celente’s Global Economic Forecast Outlook on The Alex Jones Show

Gerald Celente is on the record for accurately forecasting and naming the current “Great Recession”; for forecasting the 1987 Stock Market Crash, the Dot-com bust, Gold Bull Run to Begin, 2001 Recession, the Real Estate bubble, the “Panic of ’08”, Tax Revolts, the coming “Greatest Depression” and many more social, economic, business, consumer and geopolitical trends

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