Freedom from Alaska!

Category: People Page 26 of 62

Dan Fagan: How Cathy Giessel Betrayed Alaskans – ‘Dunleavy’s chief antagonist’


[UPDATE]: Cathy lost. Dan writes: Giessel was her own undoing

And says:

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High Senate stakes: Voters feel frayed and betrayed


Alaska voters, especially conservative Republicans are angry, frustrated, and feeling betrayed. On Tuesday, many will look for revenge at the polls. Incumbents beware.

Two years ago, conservatives voted in one of their own when they chose Mike Dunleavy as their governor. Dunleavy promised to return to issuing a full yearly permanent fund dividend check. He also said he’d restore the money former Gov. Bill Walker took from Alaskans by ignoring the statutory formula that determined each year the size of the check.

Dunleavy’s plan was to stop the raiding of the fund to feed the insatiable overgrown beast that is Alaska state government.

Most of Dunleavy’s promises never materialized. He certainly could have employed better strategy and been bolder in trying to fulfill his promises. He also could have used his line-item veto pen more.

At one point he secured $130 million in cuts to the bloated university system. The cuts motivated university leaders to find new efficiencies like possibly consolidating campuses. Something that should have been done years ago. It was a major win.

But at the last minute, Dunleavy, possibly spooked by the recall targeting him, reversed most of the $130 million in cuts to the university. For his conservative supporters, it was like having your wind knocked out.

But Dunleavy is not a dictator with unlimited powers. Most of the blame for the governor failing to deliver on many of his promises belong to a hostile House and Senate. Especially since both bodies were made up of majority Republicans.

Conservatives thought the stars were finally aligned with Republicans controlling the House and Senate and governor’s mansion. But the Republicans in name only in the House showed us who they really were and organized with the Democrats. It gave the big government, labor union boss, non-profit cabal, deep-state, and lobbyists pleasing party control of the House. It was a major victory for the Juneau swamp.

Then the Senate fell. President Cathy Giessel, long considered a reliable and consistent conservative morphed into something nobody recognized. Giessel became the governor’s chief antagonist and leader of the resistance.

Kissinger age-96: Adhere to “the principles of the liberal world order”

Adhere to “the principles of the liberal world order.”

– Henry Kissinger, globalist kingpin at age-96


Cathy Giessel anti-men campaign ad 11/8/16 — “We don’t need *any* more men telling us how to think. Look at where that’s got us”

I wrote this as a draft post in 2016, thinking I’ll only publish it if it’s someday necessary. Today, I found that it is, so I posted it.

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Cathy Giessel commercial 11/8/16, aired on Anchorage AM radio, transcribed by me:

They say she’s “too tough or too compromising.”

“We don’t need any more men telling us how to think. Look at where that’s got us.”

Paid by Cathy Giessel

Mayor Berkowitz arrives at Assembly meeting. Public not allowed to attend, per his covid orders

PBS Frontline Alex Jones Documentary ‘United States of Conspiracy’ | Adam Green’s Analysis


(vid) Hunting Germar Rudolf … Again … his case, his story, his way.


Lora Reinbold: How Cathy Giessel Betrayed Alaska – ‘Dan Fagan Show’ 07-16-2020

July 15, 2020 70 min
Mornings 5:30 to 8am on NewsRadio 650 KENI Dr. Ilona Farr, Candidate Roger Holland, PFD Expert Jim Crawford, Senator Mike Shower and an In Depth Interview with Senator Lora Reinbold plus all your phone calls!

Lora Reinbold’s site: Constitutional Freedom Fighters, Alaska Chapter

David Dees 1957-2020 – Tribute by Jeff Rense

Real-Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne: We Have to Make a Stand for the Constitution!

During one of the 33 meetings I attended when Rodney was in Anchorage: When we heard angels literally sing in Anchorage, Alaska

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Pastor Rodney Howard Browne: We Have to Make a Stand for the Constitution

July 8th, 2020


(vid) Dr. Barke: Covid-19: My Prescription For Liberty! – Masks do lower O2 pulse oximeter readings

Dr. Jeffrey Barke: masks do lower O2 pulse oximeter readings in healthy people — when exercising, by a lot. Masks don’t work. Not much worse than a bad flu. Children less affected than flu and should be in schools with no masks. HCQ works. Writing a book, “Covid-19: My Prescription For Liberty!”

“Dr. Jeffrey Barke: Cases are rising, but the fatality rate is dropping. The average age of new cases is 31—fatality is so low for that age group that it’s hard to even calculate.

CA Mayor Questions Mask Mandate – People have been mass traumatized 24/7!

People have PTSD, have been mass traumatized from the long-term isolation, force-quarantine, while being fed fear-porn disinformation 24/7: “Be afraid, be afraid.” Many are in fight-or-flight, in the fetal position, lashing out. Concerns about the economy compounds the fear.

7:15 Her lungs are permanently damage from not wearing a mask correctly as a painter.

8:00 Doctors and nurses have been trained how to wear masks correctly: change them every hour; don’t touch them at all. Dr. Cutler, their director of health said people are not wearing masks correctly, which leads to more health risks than not, and masks give people a false sense of security.

She’s been attacked by the media for telling the truth, and has lost many friends simply for telling the truth.

Brother Nathanael: My Flight From Judaism To Christ

Modern Judaism is anti-Logos and anti-Gospel, as Paul states in Romans 11, until the fullness of the Gentiles happens.

Nathanael’s personal story:


New Book: Epstein Was the Intelligence Community’s Blackmailer

Note: the article reviewed here, New Book: Epstein Was the Intelligence Community’s Blackmailer is from the conservative, John Birch based ‘New American Magazine,’ which says:

“When we set out to write a book about his crimes, we thought we knew the whole story. Before long, however, what we uncovered was compelling evidence that Jeffrey Epstein was a spy — largely for Israel’s Mossad — and allowed to operate in the United States seemingly without consequence,” Dylan Howard told Fox News.

(vid) Covid Nurse Exposes NY Hospital — “It’s like friendly fire. We need an investigation immediately!”

“It’s almost like ‘friendly fire.’ People are walking into these hospitals assuming that they’re going to be taken care of. And you are literally going to walk in there and you will never walk out.”

“Everything about these numbers that you are hearing across the world globally it’s a lie.”

“We need a federal investigation immediately.”

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Registered nurse, Erin Olszewski, spent a month at the epicenter of the epicenter, Elmhurst Hospital in NY.  After witnessing the same malpractice matching testimonies of other outspoken nurses in the U.S., she decided to wear a hidden camera to prove to the world there is a bigger threat than Coronavirus taking place in this hospital.  Del sat down with Erin for an emotional interview on The HighWire.   (To watch the entire exposé from Journeyman Pictures, click here )

(3 videos) Dan Dicks Attacked By Massive Group-Think Mob, Assaulted and ARRESTED!!!

Dan is a good guy, not a racist at all. One person apparently started this, and everyone joined in without any evidence. Incredible!

Dan could have just left, but wanted to stay and film the event.

Dan Dicks EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW! When The Mob Takes Over The Police Defend The Mob!

June 7, 2020

Jason Bermas


(vid) London Real: Courageous Candace Owens — “Terrified there won’t be enough people with courage in the future”

1:37:20 “I am just terrified there’s not going to be enough people with courage in the future.”


George Floyd’s 2007 aggravated assault and robbery of a woman in Houston

The Daily Mail includes the court document in this article, which they summarize here:

The final straw for Floyd came after serving five years in prison in 2009 for aggravated assault stemming from a robbery in 2007 where he entered a woman’s home, pressed a gun into her stomach and searched the home for drugs and money, according to court records.

Floyd pleaded guilty to the robbery where another suspect posed as a worker for the local water department, wearing a blue uniform in an attempt to gain access to the woman’s home, according to the charging document.

But when the woman opened the door, she realized he was not with the water department and attempted to close the door, leading to a struggle.

At that time, a Ford Explorer pulled up to the home and five other males exited the car and went up to the front door.

The report states the largest of the group, who the victim later identified as Floyd, ‘forced his way inside the residence, placed a pistol against the complainant’s abdomen, and forced her into the living room area of the residence.

‘This large suspect then proceeded to search the residence while another armed suspect guarded the complainant, who was struck in the head and sides by this second armed suspect with his pistol while she screamed for help.’

Not finding any drugs or money at the house, the men took jewelry and the woman’s cell phone and fled in their car. A neighbor who witnessed the robbery took down the car’s license plate number.

(vid) Adam Green & long-time friend, Jay: America on Fire | KMN LIVE

Delightful discussion with Adam Green and his 10-year friend, Jay, from their days playing basketball in college. Jay also filmed Adam during Adam’s first “man on the street” videos.

Police Officer: Police Swear to an Oath to Support the Constitution

Police swore an oath to defend the Constitution, which defends the rights of the people from tyrannical decrees.

Melinda Gates Wears Upside-Down Cross on ‘Today Show’ – 5/8/20

Watch in 1080p HD

We Only Hire People Who Pledge Allegiance To The New World Order – Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot

“There’s got to be compliance with the Executive Branch. because otherwise, it doesn’t work. So you got to eliminate that compliance and you make a mandate. And then you do training, particularly in the city, called a licensing department, where there’s zoning, buildings. Housing will be impacted by it, planning certainly. And you pick the people that will run those agencies, and the deputies that are pledging allegiance to the New World Order and good governance. And then I think you have the Inspector General do some spots audits to make sure that there is real compliance.”

Sheriff Mack: Only S.D. Governor Noam did not violate her oath of office to uphold the Constitution!


Sheriff Mack Calls on Sheriffs: America Has Become A Catastrophe, We Need Action!

Passionate Italian MP Sara Cunial Exposes Bill Gates in Italian Parliament! – Covid-19 Truth

Italian MP exposes Bill Gates’ agenda in Italian parliament!

Notice the assembly members touching their moist face masks and then touching the table, spreading germs!


Fun watching how uncomfortable she made the room. When people squirm such as these, they are in a personal struggle with their internal soul truths.
Those that jeered her didn’t like how shameful she made them feel
She is standing up for humanity. Humanity must protect people like her. Bravo
I am moved to tears by her bravery and her passion. She is speaking for everyone around the world who is becoming enlightened. The truth will come out.

Italian MP Sara Cunial Speaks the Truth About Covid-19

CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins caught removing face mask when she thought camera was off


Big Pharma blatantly lying about virologist Dr. Judy Mikovits, “Plandemic,” playing every dirty trick!

Ben Swann!

One on One w/Dr. Judy Mikovits: Truth about her Arrest and the One Issue Media can’t “Debunk”

YouTube censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for opposing lockdown

From: NY Post

YouTube censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for opposing lockdown

Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski, former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University, says YouTube removed a video of him talking about the virus which had racked up more than 1.3 million views.

Wittkowski, 65, is a ferocious critic of the nation’s current steps to fight the coronavirus. He has derided social distancing, saying it only prolongs the virus’ existence and has attacked the current lockdown as mostly unnecessary. …

“I was just explaining what we had,” Wittkowski told The Post of the video, saying he had no idea why it was removed. The footage was produced by the British film company Journeyman Pictures.

“They don’t tell you. They just say it violates our community standards. There’s no explanation for what those standards are or what standards it violated.”

In articles and interviews across the web, he has likened COVID-19 to a “bad flu.” That likely made him a target for YouTube, which said in April it would be “removing information that is problematic” about the pandemic.

“Anything that goes against [World Health Organization] recommendations would be a violation of our policy and so removal is another really important part of our policy,” CEO Susan Wojcicki told CNN.

Wittkowski’s argument is a minority opinion among his colleagues, but still well within mainstream thought and currently is the basis for Sweden’s non-lockdown approach to the pandemic. …

If nothing else, Wittkowski has made a point of practicing what he preaches.

The German national flouts New York’s coronavirus restrictions, walking around his Upper East Side neighborhood maskless and eating in underground restaurants.

“We don’t have to fear anything but fear,” he said. “Wasn’t that an American who said that?”


Bill Gates is loving every second of this


Did Bill Gates Just Reveal the Reason Behind the Lock-Downs?

In a recent candid interview, Bill Gates outlined that, despite the comparatively small threat of Coronavirus, he and his colleagues “don’t want a lot of recovered people” who have acquired natural immunity. They instead are hoping we become reliant on vaccines and anti-viral medication.

Shockingly, Gates also suggests people be made to have a digital ID showing their vaccination status, and that people without this “digital immunity proof” would not be allowed to travel. Such an approach would mean very big money for vaccine producers.


(vid) Dr. Jeffrey Barke Speaks Out on COVID Mismanagement! — “We will see eventually that this government’s imposed cure is going to be  as the disease itself”

“We will see eventually that this government’s imposed cure is going to be  as the disease itself.”

Dr. Jeffrey Barke’s impressive bio:

Meet Dr. Jeffrey Barke

Family Medicine | Newport Beach

Video’s summary:

Dr. Jeffrey I. Barke, MD, a family practice physician based in Newport Beach, CA speaks out on the COVID-19 madness gripping the country during a rally in Riverside, CA. This doctor represents thousands like him that are being systematically silenced by Big Tech, MSM, and government “experts”. Main points made by the doctor are as follows:

-Quarantining the healthy does not save lives
-Face masks are not effective
-Never in our history have we quarantined the healthy
-The U.S. Constitution was not designed to restrain the people but rather the government
-Governor Newsom has stepped on our freedoms
-The fatality rate of COVID-19 is in the ballpark of a bad seasonal flu
-We get over this virus by achieving herd immunity
-We can never achieve herd immunity by keeping the herd quarantined
-It’s time we allow the young and healthy to open the doors and get back to work


Dr. Jeffrey Barke Speaks Out on COVID…

Money and power drive Big Pharma. Psychopaths hide behind endearing smiles, laughter and Mr. Rogers sweaters (Bill Gates).

Money and power drive Big Pharma. Psychopaths hide behind endearing smiles, laughter and Mr. Rogers sweaters (Bill Gates).

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