Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Secret Societies Page 5 of 22



(video) #AvoSecrets DECODED | Avocados From Mexico | Big Game Ad OPENLY Masonic

#AvoSecrets DECODED | Avocados From Mexico | Big Game Ad OPENLY Masonic

Texe Marrs & Henry Makow: Illuminati Degenerates – Psychopathic Men Who Rule the World — "They want to normalize obscenity" • There is more pedophilia, homosexuality and sexual depravity among Jewish rabbis than among all the priesthood of the Catholic church"

“They want to normalize obscenity.” – Henry Makow

There is more pedophilia, homosexuality and sexual depravity among Jewish rabbis than among all the priesthood of the Catholic church.” – Texe Marrs

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Texe Marrs & Dr. Henry Makow: Illuminati Degenerates – Psychopathic Men Who Rule the World

(video) Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers — "Nearly All Infidels" — David Barton Debunked

My Notes:
27:15 Thomas Paine etc., The Illuminate
37:30 “If the pen of Paine was the spirit behind the war of independence, what spirit was it?”
41 Thomas Jefferson had no great love for Christianity or the Bible
54:30 Benjamin Franklin
1:12:40 John Adams
1:23: Part of this quote is stated

The Reverend Bird Wilson, who was just a few years removed from being a contemporary of the so-called founding fathers, said further in the above-mentioned sermon that “the founders of our nation were nearly all Infidels, and that of the presidents who had thus far been elected [George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson] _not a one had professed a belief in Christianity_” (Remsberg, p. 120, emphasis added).

Dr. Wilson’s sermon, which was published in the Albany Daily Advertiser the month it was delivered also made an interesting observation that flatly contradicts the frantic efforts of present-day fundamentalists to make the “founding fathers” orthodox Christians

When the war was over and the victory over our enemies won, and the blessings and happiness of liberty and peace were secured, the Constitution was framed and God was neglected. He was not merely forgotten. He was absolutely voted out of the Constitution. The proceedings, as published by Thompson, the secretary, and the history of the day, show that the question was gravely debated whether God should be in the Constitution or not, and after a solemn debate he was deliberately voted out of it…. There is not only in the theory of our government no recognition of God’s laws and sovereignty, but its practical operation, its administration, has been conformable to its theory. Those who have been called to administer the government have not been men making any public profession of Christianity…. Washington was a man of valor and wisdom. He was esteemed by the whole world as a great and good man; but he was not a professing Christian (quoted by Remsberg, pp. 120-121, emphasis added). (source)

1:24:50 George Washington
1:41:15 Washington had trouble with the ‘only believe,’ easy road to heaven idea
1:52:30 Jesuits
2:12: David Barton debunked
2:28:00 David Barton’s early-Freemasonry theory debunked

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The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers 2010

(video) James Perloff: Who Fired the Shots Heard Round the World? – REVOLUTIONARY WAR a FREEMASONRY FALSE FLAG • There were NO ONEROUS TAXES laid on Americans, nor other legitimate reasons to revolt • The BREWERS of revolution: SAMUEL ADAMS was a Dick Cheny-like warmonger; Paul Revere’s role; HIDDEN GUNMEN fired the first shots; THOMAS *PAYNE* (an atheist) wrote the Declaration of Independence • The 50 year PLEDGE TO SECRECY

Ron Paul: Warning to Trump – “Shadow Government” Will Infiltrate Your Cabinet — Trump is currently considering neocons for at least 5 of his cabinet positions. Many of them have links to Wall Street, specifically Goldman Sachs, and almost all of them are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, whose honorary chairman is David Rockefeller

From: theeventchronicle
Ron Paul: Warning to Trump — “Shadow Government” Will Infiltrate Your Cabinet
Dr. Ron Paul appeared in an RT interview speaking about Donald Trump’s election. He made some curious statements about “neocons” and an infiltration by a “shadow government,” and her warned Trump about placing neoconservatives in his cabinet. Trump is currently considering neocons for at least 5 of his cabinet positions. Many of them have links to Wall Street, specifically Goldman Sachs, and almost all of them are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, whose honorary chairman is David Rockefeller.
There is a great danger that a Trump cabinet could look very similar to the one selected by George W. Bush, and the one selected by Barack Obama. Both presidents selected several neoconservatives with clear agendas, the bridging together of world economies, political systems, of people groups, and the collapse of border walls, leaving in its place a world without borders, a world without nationalities. Global governance, global rule under a single ruler at the top, is the ambition. Nothing will keep them from achieving. The Council on Foreign Relations is a massive organization with thousands of members. There are visible rank-and-file, but there are many thousands more who support the agenda of the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and other elite families.
Many, many American politicians have been invited as guests to the Council on Foreign Relations. For example, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton (4 times), Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani, and others have been guest speakers. The CFR is known for its hawkish positions on foreign policies in the United States and abroad, which might explain why pro-war presidential candidates like Christie, Rubio, Clinton, Bush, and Giuliani are regular speakers at CFR gatherings.
Some of the cabinet members that are known neocons/Council on Foreign Relations Members/Goldman Sachs Executives are the following:

  1. John Bolton considered for Secretary of State (CFR Member, Bush Cabinet Member)
  2. Stephen J. Hadley considered for Defense Secretary (CFR Member)
  3. Steven Mnuchin considered for Treasury Secretary (Goldman Sachs Executive)
  4. Robert E. Grady considered for Interior Secretary and Energy Secretary (CFR Member)
  5. Lewis M. Eisenberg considered for Commerce Secretary (Goldman Sachs Executive)
  6. James L. Connaughton considered for Energy Secretary (CFR Member)

Entire Article

Donald WAS an Insider: “IN MY FORMER LIFE I WAS AN INSIDER. NOW I’M BEING PUNISHED FOR LEAVING the special club AND REVEALING to you the terrible things that are going on with our country”

The media bias against Donald Trump is so vicious and so universal that the only conclusion that can be drawn is that Donald has so significantly left the insider club they’re completely afraid of the wrench he would insert into to their Illuminati, NWO plans.

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“In my former life, I was an insider as much as anybody else. And I knew what it’s like, and I still know what it’s like to be an insider. It’s not bad, not bad. Now I’m being punished for leaving the special club and revealing to you the terrible things that are going on having to do with our country. Because I used to be part of the club I’m the only one that can fix it.”

– Donald Trump in a speech in West Palm Beech, Florida, 10/13/16

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Arnold Palmer and Bohemian Grove – Dick Ferris

Arnold Palmer was truly amazing — even inspirational — but perhaps they compromised him, like they did Billy Graham.

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“How did you first come to know Arnold?” – Rich Lerner, host

“Oh gosh, that goes back some 45 years ago. We were both guests of a gentleman at the Bohemian Grove. And I went down and picked him up. He’d flown in on John Denver’s Lear. … He was flying this Lear, and I picked him up and took him up to the Grove. We just had a great time. And we hit it off, and we became pretty good friends.”

– Dick Ferris ‘longtime friend,’ calling in by phone

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from “The Life & Legacy of Arnold Palmer (1929 – 2016)” on The Golf Channel, 9/26/16

(audio) David Shurter: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story – CTM 8/18/16

Very interesting!

The New Testament can be fully trusted, though.

22:30 Billy Graham MK Ultra. I have many posts on him.

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John B. Wells on Interviews David Shurter

David Shurter

Published on Aug 22, 2016

This is perhaps the most important interview I have given to date- and I am totally grateful that John gave me the opportunity to just talk and say what I needed to say.

“Caravan to Midnight is a nightly radio program like no other! Hosted by John B Wells with new shows Monday – Friday. Listen or watch the broadcast from the CTM Episode Archives anytime by becoming a CTM Program Member.

Being a Program Member allows you access to the entire archive collection, episodes in their entirety, with no commercials. Alternatively, you can purchase individual episodes that interest you most.

Caravan to Midnight (CTM) has the best talk and best guests every week on real, hard-hitting, alternative news stories and opinions on far-ranging topics and events from conspiracy theories and current events, to paranormal, world news, health & nutrition, science, politics, religion, entertainment, music and pop-culture.”

“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” – Ephesians 5:11


Original EXTENDED Version of Rabbit Hole- Under the Name Confessions of an Antichrist

(video) “Conspiracy of Silence” – Banned Discovery Channel Documentary: The program that many compromised (and now blackmailable) Republicans don’t want you to see. It is the story of a cancer at the heart of America and its continuing cover-up at the highest level!

(video) James Perloff: Who Fired the Shots Heard Round the World? – REVOLUTIONARY WAR a FREEMASONRY FALSE FLAG • There were NO ONEROUS TAXES laid on Americans, nor other legitimate reasons to revolt • The BREWERS of revolution: SAMUEL ADAMS was a Dick Cheny-like warmonger; Paul Revere’s role; HIDDEN GUNMEN fired the first shots; THOMAS *PAYNE* (an atheist) wrote the Declaration of Independence • The 50 year PLEDGE TO SECRECY

I’ve long wondered about the legitimacy of the American Revolution. Now we know.

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“I hope that it might inspire people to start to look beyond some of the mythology we grew up in our mainstream history textbooks, much of which has been used to drive us to the current patriot fervor that still takes place, in driving us into wars that we find are so often unjustified in the middle east for an ultimate goal of a NWO. I think that the inception of America was very much a part of this NWO. …

I hope this might also serve as an affirmation that war is a dreadful thing, and that the reasons for war often turn out to be unjustified.”

“The more I study history the more I find that it does follow a definite pattern.”

– James Perloff   Transcribed by Jeff Fenske


Story Written Out at



Video was at:

Who Fired the Shot(s) Heard Round the World?



Published on Apr 19, 2016


The Secrets Buried at Lexington Green

Peace Revolution episode 086: Common Sense for the 21st Century

On April 19, 1775 the shot(s) heard round the world began the War of Independence. But who fired the shot(s)? Today we talk to James Perloff of about the hidden history and context of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the players who set up the plot, and the plan to engineer a “Lexington Massacre” that could sell war to the Continental Congress.


James Perloff w/ Deanna Spingola 8/17/19: Truth About the Declaration of Independence & Revolutionary War

“If the founding fathers were truly Christian they would have rendered unto Caesar that minimal 3 cent custom duty on tea, instead of going to war and causing bloodshed and the death of tens of thousands of people.” – James Perloff

(video) Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers — “Nearly All Infidels” — David Barton Debunked

(video) James Perloff: The CFR & NWO — Origins, controlling U.S. foreign policy; how the CFR manipulates the press, academia and entertainment with the ultimate goal of building the New World Order

Good discussion!

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James Perloff on the Council on Foreign Relations and the New World Order

(audio) James Perloff w/ Freeman Fly: Lucifer’s Council on Foreign Relations, etc.

Good discussion. Good vibe!

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Lucifer’s Council on Foreign Relations – James Perloff

(video) ‘They Live’ : John Carpenter’s World Message of Zionism [film analysis]

They Live : John Carpenter World Message of Zionism [film analysis]

Hillary’s Emails Reveal Ties To Rothschilds And Occult Cabal


Wikileaks Reveal Clinton Ties To Rothschilds And Occult Cabal

Posted on July 25, 2016

The Wikileaks classified email dumps have exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the infamous Rothschild family’s inner sanctum, with occultist beliefs.

Lending further credibility to the idea that Presidents are not elected but are selected by a global shadow government, the Wikileaks email dumps expose Hillary Clinton’s close relationship with the infamous Rothschild banking family and hints for a potential Rockefeller-State partnership.

The fact the mainstream media have been exposed colluding with the Clinton campaign cannot come as a surprise, considering she is the Rothschild’s selected candidate.

Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote an email on April 18, 2010, in which she tells Hillary she would “love to catch up” — and “I remain your loyal adoring pal.” Clinton respondslet’s make that happen,” and signs her response, “Much love, H.”

On September 23, 2010, Clinton emailed Lynn Forester de Rothschild saying, “I was trying to reach you to tell you and Teddy that I asked Tony Blair to go to Israel as part of our full court press on keeping the Middle East negotiations going …

Entire Article


EXCELLENT, EXCEPT: the speaker does NOT know that Trump is controlled opposition, especially when we’ve seen how hard the RNC fought his nomination.


(video) Larry Nichols: Hillary Clinton a Satanist — While First Lady, she attended a church for witches and worshiped Satan — “She’s the male dominant”

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The Vigilant Christian 

The Vigilant Christian

Published on Jul 22, 2016

In this video we look at a clip that clearly shows Hillary Clinton manifesting demons. She begins to jerk uncontrollably, laughing with a strange look in her eyes. What you need to realise is to be at that level you need to join an occult secret society and do satanic rituals. This would cause you to become infested with demonic spirits! This is proof! Sadly most will dismiss this when the truth is right in front of their faces! Please share this video! God Bless, STAY VIGILANT & FEAR NO EVIL !!!

Ben Carson : Hillary Clinton is Lucifer Worshiper (Part 2) (New World Order Luciferian Socialism)…

Skull & Bones Ritual Footage…

Jews and Freemasons controlled war on Iraq, says Blair adviser — “When the majority of people in a predominantly Christian society cease to worship God the result is fascism”

From: The Telegraph

Jews and Freemasons controlled war on Iraq, says No 10 adviser

Tony Blair decided to wage war on Iraq after coming under the influence of a “sinister” group of Jews and Freemasons, a Muslim barrister who advises the Prime Minister has claimed.

Ahmad Thomson, from the Association of Muslim Lawyers, said Mr Blair was the latest in a long line of politicians to have been influenced by the group which saw the attack on Saddam Hussein as a way to control the Middle East. …

Mr Thomson said: “Pressure was put on Tony Blair before the invasion. The way it works is that pressure is put on people to arrive at certain decisions. It is part of the Zionist plan and it is shaping events.”

Mr Thomson wrote a book in 1994 in which he said Freemasons and Jews controlled the governments of Europe and America and described the claim that six million Jews died in the Holocaust as a “big lie”. In The Next World Order, Mr Thomson, a Muslim convert who was born Martin Thomson in Rhodesia, wrote: “When the majority of people in a predominantly Christian society cease to worship God, the result is fascism. …

He also wrote that the Jews have no right to live in “the Holy Land” because they are not a pure race and therefore not the true biblical Israelites….

Entire Article

Madsen: Israel Pressured FBI to Clear Hillary — Israel’s friends in high places often walk away from prison time • “Wherever I investigate I find Jews and Freemasons in the highest circles. I’ve hit upon secrets in the attempt to unmask the society of the enlightened” – Romanian hacker Marcel Lazar Lehel

From: Infowars


If Israel was spying via Hillary’s servers, it would explain why FBI is backing off

Wayne Madsen | – JULY 6, 2016

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received a “get out of jail free” pass from the FBI because the case of her opening up unsecured email servers to foreign hackers involved the bugbear that always scares off the FBI — Israel.

Almost every time there has been a national security case involving the actual or alleged compromise of national security information to the Israelis, the offending party or parties walk free.

Although the espionage case of Jonathan Pollard was pursued vigorously by the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Joseph diGenova, and Pollard, a civilian employee of the Naval Investigative Service’s Anti-Terrorist Alert Center in Suitland, Maryland was convicted and sentenced to life in prison, the Pollard case resulted in powerful American Zionists, as well as successive Israeli prime ministers, calling for his release. Pollard was released last November.

Since the Pollard conviction, a series of cases involving actual or suspected spies for Israel have resulted in virtual slaps on the wrist or no prosecution.

Skousen: Bilderberg Meets in Dresden — The conference will be filled with policy speeches on subjects of predictable concern to the globalists: climate change, immigration, the economy and the anti-EU movement. But the smaller side sessions among the very elite, who know the ultimate global agenda and its conflict-creation tactics, is where you’ll find the real tactical planning

World Affairs Brief, June 10, 2016 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Contradictory US Security Policies

The Trump Attack on a Mexican-American Judge

Clinton’s Crisis of Character

How Sanders Lost California

Bilderberg Meets in Dresden

How Crazy Europe has Become



It is that time of year again for the annual Bilderberg meeting with all its trappings of secrecy. The conference, which began yesterday in Dresden Germany, will be filled with policy speeches on subjects of predictable concern to the globalists: climate change, immigration, the economy, and the anti-EU movement. But the smaller side sessions among the very elite—who know the ultimate global agenda and its conflict-creation tactics—is where you’ll find the real tactical planning:

1) How to show concern about Russian and Chinese aggression without doing anything to hinder their progress toward an eventual world war with the West.

2) How to tamp down on the anti-Muslim sentiment in Europe while continuing to allow millions more into gain permanent status in Europe and America.

3) How to stop Donald Trump or co-opt him if Hillary can’t win.

4) They will be assessing their ongoing tactics to poison the British people against leaving the EU, and planning how to rig the election to make sure the “Brexit” doesn’t happen. See this article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in the UK Telegraph on how the EU courts intend to compromise Britain’s legal system if it stays in the EU and how the current British high court is resisting EU legal controls.

5) They will also be strategizing on how to get global trade agreements to pass Congress.

6) They will be pushing for increased internet controls that eliminate anonymity in the name of cyber-security.

As is customary, Alex Jones’ crew of reporters has the best coverage of Bilderberg on Because of Jones’ expose of the secretive organization, Bilderberg pretends to increased transparency by publishing an official list of attendees. But there are dozens whose names are not on the list because they want to evade being tagged as globalists.

Four globalist journalists were openly listed, though many others will attend secretly.

Anne Applebaum, columnist for the Washington Post;

Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief of The Economist

Martin H.Wolf , Chief Economics Commentator of the Financial Times

Peggy Noonan, Columnist for The Wall Street Journal

But one name surprised me: Charles A. Murray, of the American Enterprise Institute—a supposed conservative who had done ground-breaking research on the bell-shaped curve that defies liberal notions that there are no differences between blacks and whites. Murray still stands by the differences he documented, so how do you get invited to a globalist confab holding such controversial notions? I don’t have an answer, but globalist don’t let real conservatives get inside their meetings.

Sir John Sawyer, former head of the Secret Intelligence Service MI6 is attending and one of the governing members. So is the former president of the EU Commission, José M. Barroso, a committed globalist.

Then there are always a few retired American generals—all schooled in globalism at the military War College. Some absorb it, others don’t. The latter don’t get promoted to high positions.

Philip M.Breedlove, Former Supreme Allied Commander Europe

David H. Petraeus, Former head of Joint Chiefs and Chairman, KKR Global Institute

Eric E Schmidt, former head of Google is a regular at Bilderberg, and deeply involved in government globalist projects around the globe. So is Republican and Libertarian financier Peter A. Thiel. (USA), President, Thiel Capital.

The neocon Senator from SC, Lindsey Graham, is there, proving that he isn’t a true conservative. Naturally, Henry A. Kissinger, and Christine Lagarde of the IMF rounded out the official list.

(video) CBS News Anchor: I’m Glad to Sit at the Right Hand of Satan! – Walter Cronkite made this strange statement after saying America needs to give up some of its sovereignty and join the New World Order

Mark Dice


Walter Cronkite receives “Global Governance Award” from The World Federalist Association | Hillary Clinton commends Cronkite for his promotion of a fascist one-world government

(video) Globalists Flee Secret Meeting in Dresden Germany 2016

Bilderberg NWO globalists leave Dresden, having finished their closed door scheming.

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Published on Jun 12, 2016

Infowars reporter Rob Dew and Paul Joseph Watson along with activist reporter Tilman Knechtel and others confront numerous Bilderberg members as they flee Dresden, Germany.

(videos) Bilderberg 2016 Footage from The Conspiracy Cabbie TV


(video) Rothschild Banking Head Called Out For Lying At Bilderberg — Reunion at Bilderberg 2016 when activist journalist Tilman Knechtel shook the hand of Italian Rothschild Banking Head Franco Bernabè. Mr Tilman then called out the banking minion for lying to him on a train station platform last year

Published on Jun 12, 2016

There was a reunion at Bilderberg 2016 when activist journalist Tilman Knechtel shook the hand of Italian Rothschild Banking Head Franco Bernabè. Mr Tilman then called out the banking minion for lying to him on a train station platform last year when the Bilderberg meeting was held on a remote mountain top outside of Innsbruck Austria.

(video) No free speech at Bilderberg 2016 – Group who yelled at Kissinger ausfahrted

Published on Jun 12, 2016
In this video Luke Rudkowski documents the entire day from Dresden Germany during the 2016 Bilderberg conference. We show you how the Bilderberg group is able to set up a draconian control grid system around them that ultimately violates human rights and allows them to act above the law.

(video) Billionaire Globalists Pursued Relentlessly At Bilderberg

John Elkann Heir To Fiat Empire and Alexander Carp CEO of Palantir Corp are relentlessly pursued by Master Confronter Journalist Tilman Knchtel (youtube – Speacker’s Corner).

(video) Rob Dew Chases General Petraeus ‘Betray-US’ Through Streets of Germany: BILDERBERG 2016 — Is it fair you had to resign over an email scandal when Hillary doesn’t for essentially doing the same thing?


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Reporter Chases Gen. David Petraeus Through The Streets of Germany: Bilderberg 2016

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Jun 11, 2016

David Petraeus goes out for a jog and Infowars Reporter Rob Dew asks him if he had to resign over an email scandal isn’t it fair that Hillary Clinton resign from the Democratic Party for doing essentially the same thing. Follow Rob on Twitter @DewsNewz

(video) Henry Kissinger Does The Bilderberg Walk Of Shame – “Kissinger Murderer!” Bilderberg 2016

(video) General ‘Betray-US’ LITERALLY Runs Away From Bilderberg Questions

David Petraeus LITERALLY Runs Away From Bilderberg Questions

(video) Henry Kissinger Strolls To Dinner & Gets an Earful at Bilderberg 2016

Kissinger is a war criminal, globalist kingpin who has called military men “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy.

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Henry Kissinger Strolls To Dinner

Josh Friedman

Josh Friedman

CNBC Runs 39 SECOND Clip on Bilderberg — So they can say they did report on the secret cabal meeting

RARE! Establishment press actually gives 39 SECONDS to cover Bilderberg ONE TIME — so they can say “we did report on it.”

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CNBC: Bilderberg: World’s most powerful flock to annual secret meeting

(video) Luke @ Bilderberg 2016 Shows Free Speech Crackdown in 7 Minutes!

Interesting 7 minutes. Modern Germany doesn’t have much free speech PROVEN!

“In this video Luke Rudkowski documents everything he is saying throughout the 1st day of the Bilderberg meeting, taking place in Dresden Germany. While the mainstream media keeps ignoring this critically important meeting, we on the ground give you a live and uncensored view at the insanity unfolding throughout the day.”

(video) War Criminal Henry Kissenger Arrives at Bilderberg 2016

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