Freedom from Alaska!

Category: The End of America? Page 12 of 14

Werner Von Braun predicted what has happened and the fake UFO invasion to come

“…and all of it is a lie”

– Werner Von Braun



( ( ( audio ) ) ) After America Went Down Music: Our Demise Theme [Barber: “Adagio for Strings”] ||| WWWIII or Just an EMP ||| The World Cheers Dance Mix [Dj Tiesto]

The world won’t miss US …

[many versions here in case some drop off]

– –

Our End
Our Legacy
Our Perspective


We had it all!

We’ve been Platooned!

Straightforward non-techno version[youtube=]Platoon Soundtrack

theme from the movie!
Composer – Samuel Barber

• • •

Our End
Our Legacy
Their Perspective

The world parties;
though, some feel a tinge of pain,
a bit of guilt for being so happy
as they see our body parts strewn all over.

AMAZING song – actually!

[youtube=]Tiesto – Adagio For Strings (Official Video)

• • •

Longer version with coherent ending
Play over and over to lose weight.

[youtube=]Tiesto- Adagio For Strings

Uploaded by on Aug 14, 2011

▀▄▀▄ ˙T˙I˙Ё˙S˙T˙O˙ ▄▀▄▀ – is best song !!!
-‎—~√V√V”^√~^√~~√V√V~√V√V”^​√~ ~√^√~√V√V^——————–.

• • •

Why We Got Jacked

We reap what we sow.
What goes around comes around.

Did we ever apologize?

Or were we too proud?


• • •

[youtube=]Tiësto – adagio for strings (perfect audio)


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[youtube=]Tiësto – Adagio For Strings Live at Puebla – Extreme Good Quality Audio

• • •

[youtube=]Dj Tiësto – Elements of life – Adagio For Strings (Belgium)

• • •

[youtube=]DJ Tiesto – Adagio For Strings (HQ)

• • •

[youtube=]Tiesto – Adagio for strings HD (2004)

• • •

[youtube=]DJ Tiesto – Adagio for strings (Live at Disneyland Resort Paris 2005)

• • •

[youtube=]Platoon Music Video – Adagio for Strings

• • •

On Vimeo

• • •

Roger Waters:
It was the Greatest Show On Earth
And when they found our shadows
’round the TV sets …

• • •

Bilderberg Breaker Estulin: US builds 13 secret bases for war with Russia

This is in line with Joel Skousen’s theory of Russia attacking America, an this is backed up by dreams and visions from some trustworthy Christians, like Henry Gruver.


Joel Skousen: “I’m not predicting an economic collapse, but a downward spiral that will keep going. But they’ll milk it along, keep people basically fat, dumb and happy until the surprise war comes.”

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[youtube=]Bilderberg Breaker Estulin: US builds 13 secret bases for war with Russia

RussiaToday | July 06, 2010 | 267 likes, 19 dislikes

The Bilderberg Group is one of the most secretive and exclusive clubs that attracts world’s most powerful people. Its meetings are invitation only and take place under tight security, away from the prying eyes of the public and the press.
Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin, who has made it his mission to uncover the secrets of the Bilderberg Group, has shared some of his revelations with RT. He claims the group makes decisions on international policy in a way far removed from democracy.

A shot across the bow: Missile expert says southern California projectile was a foreign-made cruise or ICBM missile launched from a submarine

If this is the George Freund I know about, he’s a great guy who is on Joyce Riley’s The Power Hour on occasion.

All it takes is a few nukes to be blow above the US and the EMP pulses would put us back into the stone age. See the links following the article, which includes my dream of all cars stopping in Anchorage, very possibly from an EMP.

We could be very close to the end of America.

Perhaps this launch was meant just to be a message. We better take heed and get off of our high horse.

Just like that, it could be all over: One EMP nuke could take down the entire U.S. power grid. Study estimates 90% of all Americans dead within a year

Roger Waters:
It was the Greatest Show On Earth …
And when they found our shadows grouped ’round the TV sets …

Jeff Fenske

From: Rense

More On SoCal Missile From A Missile Tech

By George Freund

“Finally there is something that has occurred, in which I am actually an expert and qualified to give a real answer about. I am a retired U.S. Navy FireControl Technician, who is platform certified in the gun and missile systems on board Adams class guided missile destroyers, I have also worked with the Navy’s Harpoon, Tomahawk and ASROC missile systems. (FireControl Techs operate, maintain and repair the computer, radar and periphial systems used to launch and guide the various naval weapon systems, we are the guys who “PUSH THE BUTTON”).

Anyway, what I saw in the recent video concerning the object 30 miles off the coast of CA. Is blatantly a foreign made, Large Cruise or ICBM missile, being launched by a sub-surface aquatic platform.

First, I know it’s a large missile because it did not exhibit the typical “corkscrewing” trajectory of a beam riding missile as it trys to aquire the targeting beam. This tells me its a Big Boy with a complete guidence system installed in it, what is nicknamed a “fire and forget” missile, as once its launched its internal guidance system takes over and there is no real need for external guidance.

Second, I’m fairly confident it’s not one of ours, as the vapor trail appears “dirty” it looks brownish.

I have personally been involved in (5) SM2 missile launches, and (2) ASROC missile launches, and have been on safety observation for at least 15 more launches of Harpoons, Tomahawks and other missiles. We put alot of sweat and money into our “birds” and part of that is the fuel cells, they burn very clean, a whitish-blue infact, not a dirty blackish brown. That missile had rather crude fuel cells, which tells me its not one of ours.

I bet the brass in Washington is freaked out big time, because of what I know of our “defenses” they should really have had a pretty good idea this thing was sitting there, and they should have been watching it, not only that the moment it broke the surface of the water and ignited our early warning dopplar should have picked it up, and relayed the info to NORAD, and the CAP units flying patrol over the country… Any high ranking expert who believes this is a condensation trail off of a commercial airliner is lying or stupid. I hope you hear from other Fire Control Techs who saw the same thing I did.”


Wayne Madsen: China Fired Missile Seen In Southern California

China Builds Secret Nuclear Submarine Base in South China Sea

Coincidence? “Missile” Fired Off California Coast On Same Day That Chinese Sub Surprised US Carrier Group

Our senators traitors? Senate dumps strategy to prevent EMP damage

Discovery Channel: Ford Taurus Gets Zapped by EMP

One EMP nuke could take down the entire U.S. power grid. Study estimates 90% of all Americans dead within a year

My EMP Dream (10/23/08): All Cars Suddenly Stopped From Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon?

Watch TruTV Tomorrow! Bombshell: FEMA Camps Confirmed — Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Proves FEMA Camps Exist for American Citizens in New Episode that Airs Friday, Nov. 12 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST Only on TruTV

[youtube=]Bombshell: FEMA Camps Confirmed

TheAlexJonesChannel | November 11, 2010……

Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Proves FEMA Camps Exist for American Citizens in New Episode that Airs Friday, Nov. 12 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST Only on TruTV

Aaron Dykes
November 10, 2010

Former Gov. Jesse Ventura and his crew at Conspiracy Theory have blown the FEMA camp issue wide open in a truly groundbreaking episode from the program’s second season on TruTV. The “Police State” episode proves once and for all that the feds have trained to take on American citizens, planned for riots and disasters and made preparations to maintain order at any cost. Tune in this Friday, Nov. 12 at 10 PM Eastern/ 9 PM Central and leave the denial at the door.

This powerful episode is the largest and most in-depth investigation into FEMA camps to date— and it is scheduled to air on television. Radio host and filmmaker Alex Jones returns to the series yet again, as the team takes you to confirmed on-the-ground facilities, confronts the legislators who authorized FEMA camps and breaks down the full-scale technologically-integrated police state that includes Fusion Centers, FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security and more.

At one of many real and verified FEMA locations, Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones approach a “Residential Center” run by Homeland Security in central Texas where they find locked doors, double-fences and escape warnings around the entire perimeter. Further inside the facility, they witness a playground complex, swings and slides for children. The crew walks up to the front door and attempts to get some answers. But the officials refuse to either confirm or deny the facility’s purpose, including whether or not American citizens are being held inside. However, our past investigations into this facility reveal that it has confined both children and adults, including immigrants, refugee seekers and American citizens.



Season Two of Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” Series on TruTV : Program Schedule

“Conspiracy Theory” with Jesse Ventura (Season One)

Joel Skousen: Preparing for The Worst — “Frankly, I believe that we’re never going to take back the country as a whole because of the unthinking majorities that are controlled by a corrupt media.”

“Frankly, I believe that we’re never going to take back the country as a whole
because of the unthinking majorities that are controlled by a corrupt media.”

“…I don’t think it’s going to come off for another 8 to 10 years.”

– Joel Skousen
transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Joel Skousen: Preparing for The Worst – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 16, 2010

Alex Jones: “We’re entering into the end-game”

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s audio archives

9/29/10 – Hour: 2
4:00: Alex Jones – Current Events

Listen Here

Michael Ruppert in “Collapse”: Official Trailer – HD

I watched this last night on Planet Green TV. I don’t buy the peak oil theory as happening anytime soon, unless they lie as to what’s really out there. They wouldn’t do that, right?

Michael Ruppert helped blow the whistle on CIA drug running from firsthand knowledge, and helped wake me up in the ’90s. He’s a very brave individual, and this is a riveting interview/movie — kind of sad when people sacrifice so much and are mostly ignored.

Michael actually said flat out that the love of money is the cause of our collapse. He also mentions the love of money here: Michael Ruppert: The love of money really is the root of all evil


[youtube=]Collapse – New Official Trailer – HD

NFSmwVids | October 24, 2009 Americans generally like to hear good news. They like to believe that a new President will right old wrongs, that clean energy will replace dirty oil, and that fresh thinking will set the economy straight. American pundits tend to restrain their pessimism and to hope for the best. But is anyone prepared for the worst?

Michael Ruppert is a different kind of American. A former Los Angeles police officer turned independent reporter, he predicted the current financial crisis in his self-published newsletter From the Wilderness at a time when most Wall Street and Washington analysts were still in denial. Smith has always had a feeling for outsiders in films like American Movie and American Job. In Collapse, Smith stylistically departs from his past films by interviewing Ruppert in a format that recalls the work of Errol Morris and Spalding Gray. Sitting in a room that looks like a bunker, Ruppert recounts his career as a radical thinker and spells out the crises he sees ahead. He draws upon the same news reports and data available to any Internet user, but he applies a unique interpretation.

He is especially passionate over the issue of peak oil, the concern raised by scientists since the 1970s that the world will eventually run out of fossil fuel. While other experts debate this issue in measured tones, Ruppert doesn’t hold back at sounding an alarm. He portrays a future that resembles apocalyptic science fiction. Listening to his rapid flow of opinions, the viewer is likely to question some of the rhetoric as paranoid or deluded; and to sway back and forth on what to make of the extremism. Smith lets viewers form their own judgments.

Genre:Documentary, Horror
Director:Chris Smith

This is heavy. Are Americans already dead? Are our souls black?

WARNING: bad language, but listen to his heart!

What has happened to the American people?
Therefore, what will happen to America?

Are our souls black?

“This is reality.”

[youtube=]joetalk100 RAGE!

Joel Skousen: “I’m not predicting an economic collapse, but a downward spiral that will keep going. But they’ll milk it along, keep people basically fat, dumb and happy until the surprise war comes.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske


TheAlexJonesChannel | August 19, 2010

Alex also welcomes to the show Joel Skousen, a political commentator non-fiction Survivalist author, retreat consultant and is the founder and chief editor of World Affairs Brief, a weekly news analysis service. Mr. Skousen will talk about Chuck Baldwin’s article, Top Secret America: The Rest Of The Story, and the dark side of America’s army and secret police.

[youtube=]Joel Skousen: The Dark Side of America – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

“My theory indicates that we’re going to have a major third world war,
coming probably the end of this next decade

If they run Sarah Palin

Mitt Romney critiqued

Ron Paul a real problem for the establishment!

Ron Paul responsible for delaying Iran attack

Newt Gingrich, the betrayer

North Korea

CIA the establishment’s tool


Russia and China are legitimate predator competitors
for world government control.

These are not being controlled directly
by the Anglo/American establishment.”

Three powers:

Russia, China, the globalists

Russia has a lose relationship with China for now.

The globalists are enabling Russia
by hiding from the American public
Russia’s preparation for nuclear war with US.

The globalists want Russia to strike
so they can then emerge from their underground bunkers
to bring in the one-world government
claiming they didn’t know we’d be attacked,
just like they claim they didn’t know 9/11 would happen.


Joel doesn’t believe economic collapse will be immediate.
To avoid rebellion, the PTB don’t want the people to wake up sufficiently..

When WWW III comes, they can implement martial law then.

“An EMP strike will take down this nation without electricity
to a 3rd world nation within hours.”

“[They’ll] milk this thing along with inflation,
[because] that’s the only weapon they’ve got left.

So I’m not predicting an economic collapse,
but a downward spiral that will keep going.
But they’ll milk it along,
keep people basically fat, dumb and happy
until the surprise war comes.

And it will be a shock to everybody.

And they’ll use that shock value to talk people into giving up
essential sovereignty
in favor of the new world order.”

“So much of the tea party movement is being co-opted
by people with money
and that’s always the key that they’re not of us
because our people don’t have money.
The people with big bucks never are principled enough
to run with a no-compromise strategy

Prison camps exist?

Absolutely a government inside operation

I don’t think the people running the airplanes knew
they were working directly for the US,
but the people at the higher level of al Qaeda
were working for the CIA through Saudi Arabia


[] Obama’s National Security Advisor: “I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger”

Our senators traitors? Senate dumps strategy to prevent EMP damage

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

Our senators traitors? Senate dumps strategy to prevent EMP damage


My EMP Dream (10/23/08): All Cars Suddenly Stopped From Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon?

From: WND

Senate dumps strategy to prevent EMP damage
House planned defense against ‘malicious acts’ using shock wave

Posted: August 07, 2010
12:30 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

The U.S. Senate has dropped a House-approved plan that would prepare the United States to defend itself from an attack from any electromagnetic pulse source – whether it would be from a natural solar flare or the detonation of a space-located nuclear weapon by enemies intent on destroying America’s infrastructure, according to a representative who has raised alarms over EMP.

U.S. Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-Md., said it is “unfortunate.”

“While one part of the federal government was warning us of possible solar electromagnetic-pulse damage to our electric grid, a key Senate commission approved a bill to ignore this threat,” he said.

“It’s particularly ironic since the Senate amended a bill, H.R. 5026, approved unanimously by the House that would specifically protect the grid against solar EMP and other physical threats,” he said.

WND has reported for years on the devastating danger from an EMP attack that could be launched by a second-rate missile system against America.

The concern is that any nuclear detonation that could be launched into the atmosphere anywhere from 25 to 250 miles above the United States could decimate the nation’s electric grid, essentially transporting it instantly back to an era of mechanical machines and agriculture.

One estimate just months ago suggested an effective EMP attack could leave 9 out of 10 Americans dead.

Bartlett explained that the danger also comes from naturally occurring EMP signals from sources such as a solar storm. …

“The National Academies of Sciences predicted in a 2008 report that a solar geomagnetic storm as severe as the Carrington event that occurred in 1859 could inflict $1 trillion to $2 trillion [damage] and take 4-10 years to recover from. That compares with the $300 billion impact of Hurricane Katrina,” Bartlett noted. …

Whether the damage would come from a natural solar event or a nuclear bomb detonated in the atmosphere over America, the results could be the same for power distributors, telecommunications companies, satellite and aviation-sector companies – a virtual shutdown.

The results for Americans would be a collapse in the delivery system for food, fuel, information and communications.

Entire Article Here

From: WND

EMP could leave ‘9 out of 10 Americans dead’

…experts forecast if such an attack were a success, it effectively could throw the U.S. back into an age of agriculture.

Within a year of that attack, nine out of 10 Americans would be dead, because we can’t support a population of the present size in urban centers and the like without electricity,” said Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy.

Entire Article Here

From: WND

EMP threatens power shutdown for months
Congressman says $100 million need to avert $2 trillion disaster

Posted: August 20, 2009
1:00 am Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – There’s been a lot of talk about the potentially devastating impact of an electrical grid shutdown from the effects of an electro-magnetic pulse from the sun or from terrorism, but little action, says a prominent members of Congress.

But it’s worse than a threat on the horizon, says Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-Maryland. It’s an inevitability.

Bartlett told NPR that EMP is “an event we will not avoid” – and remediation after the fact will cost between $1 trillion and $2 trillion. Protection of the grid in advance of the disaster will cost $100 million, he said.

The threat of an EMP attack by a terrorist group or foreign enemy has been a major concern for years. But Bartlett said nature, too, represents a potential time bomb.

The more sophisticated we become, the more vulnerable we are,” said Bartlett. “There’s a huge concern about cyber-attacks on the grid. [Well] a really robust [nuclear] EMP lay-down means microelectronics across the country would be shut down [and] you have no power…there’s one event that we will not avoid, and that is a solar electromagnetic interference, solar storm. If we have a big one like the one that occurred back in 1859, that would shut down the whole grid for quite a long while. … It would cost about $100 million to protect much of the grid, but if the grid went down, it would cost us between $1 trillion and $2 trillion in damages, and the loss of life could be horrendous if in fact you were without electricity for months at a time. There’s a bill in the House, and … it’s got to go through the Energy and Commerce Committee.”

Read Entire Article Here

Paul Craig Roberts: America is Truly being Destroyed by Design

You probably don’t want to watch this. Paul Craig Roberts, the father of Reaganomics, just makes too much sense.

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske:

“They kind of have a nihilistic, party attitude of ‘eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.’ I’m seeing that not just in the truly wealthy, or the controllers. But I’m seeing it in yuppies, and people who are not making $200,000 a year, they’re making $100,000. But they seem to be getting more crazy. This does look like Rome in its declining years.”

– Alex Jones

“If any country on earth has painted themselves in a worse corner than we have , it’s Israel.”

– Paul Craig Roberts

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts: America is Truly being Destroyed by Design – The Alex Jones Show 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 17, 2010

Alex also talks with Paul Craig Roberts about his article, The Ecstasy of Empire, and his latest book, How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

Max Keiser: China to be number one very shortly

“China…is going to be number one very shortly, very soon, because they have all the keys. They’ve got a trillion dollars in U.S. debt securities. And when the moment is ripe, they will pull the plug, and they’ll sell those securities, and America is finished. … China is about to win.”

– Max Keiser
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Max Keiser: The American Empire is Done! – The Alex Jones Show 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 16, 2010

Alex also welcomes back to the show film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader, Max Keiser. Max is the host of On the Edge, a program of news and analysis, and also hosts Keiser Report, a financial tabloid. He formerly hosted The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News and previously produced and appeared regularly on the TV series People & Power on the Al-Jazeera English network. In addition to his broadcasting work, Keiser is known for his invention of “Virtual Specialist Technology,” a software system used by the Hollywood Stock Exchange. Alex also welcomes a special guest, to be announced later in the show.

IMPORTANT! Joel Skousen on Radio Liberty 8/12/10: Unnecessary war with Iran imminent; Russia and China preparing to preemptively nuke America; Senate drops House-approved plan to protect U.S. from an EMP attack; False conservatives taking over tea party

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“My personal belief is that we are going to war very, very soon with Iran. Israel will lead off with a preemptive strike on Iran, pretending as if there is a nuclear threat problem there, and the U.S. will join in.

But ultimately, the long term problem is that Russia and China are preparing for nuclear war with America. And we’re treating them as allies. We’re continuing to transfer weapons and technology to them. We’re basically setting our own nation up for a third world war. And I think that’s what the globalists want in order to force the United States into giving away their sovereignty and seeking protection from the international community.”

• • • •

The U.S. Senate has dropped the House-approved plan that would prepare the United States to defend itself from an attack from electromagnetic pulse, whether it be from a natural solar flare or from a space located nuclear weapon.

This is not surprising. Despite U.S. government knowledge that Russia and China are preparing to strike the west with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, FEMA says nothing to the American people about preparing for nuclear war. And the federal government, itself, is building at least six new, deep, underground bunkers, specifically to protect government officials from a preemptive nuclear strike — but no warnings to the public.

So obviously, Stan, the feds know this strike is coming. They’re not building bunkers 1/4 mile underground for some local terrorist strike.

• • • •

We are being set up in this country for false conservatives to take the lead of the tea party movement.”

– Joel Skousen

Listen to MP3 Here

More Great Programs At:

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Archives


My EMP Dream (10/23/08): All Cars Suddenly Stopped From Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon?

Richard Dreyfuss interviewed by Tavis: The dread he feels about America’s future, one man owns half of the news media, “If you’re against the policy, you’re against the troops,” DARKness and LIGHTkeepers!

It’s not often that an interview surprises me in a great way! So I thought I’d share it with all of you.

I’ve been enjoying listening to The Word of Promise audio Bible (Jim Caviezel plays Jesus), so I was curious to find out more about Richard Dreyfuss, who plays Moses. I had no idea how cool he is!

As I watched, my jaw dropped open. I’ve hardly known anything about this man.

God bless!

Jeff : )

• • •

Watch, Listen or Read Tavis’ Interview

Richard Dreyfuss

airdate May 7, 2010

Dreyfuss: … I lived a blessed life. I was able to do for 50 years something I adored doing and I was rewarded and praised for it. Then when it ceased to being as intense a love affair and, as the Bible says, for everything there’s a season, when I got older and I stopped being given the highest salaries and the best parts, I also was not allowed to have my opinions heard and that made me quit.

I said to myself what I had promised myself when I was 12. When I was 12, I said, “You’re gonna be an actor and a star. You’re gonna go into politics and then you’re gonna teach history.” So when I was 56, I quit being an actor, meaning I quit developing. I quit trying to raise projects up and all that.

I went to Oxford for four years and I knew Cassandra’s Curse. You know, she had the ability to see the future and no one would believe her. Well, I wrote a piece for the San Diego Tribune and I said, “I have not been able to find the words that you would make you feel the dread I feel about the future of this country.”

I would ask you, when you think about the future of America, do you have a sense of ease and comfort and relaxation or do you sense some unease and something wrong even if you can’t name it?

Tavis: I feel the same thing you feel. …

Dreyfuss: There are two things that’ll make me lose my sense of humor. When someone says, “You have no right to that flag” or when they say… “If you’re against the policy, you’re against the troops.” Those things get me really angry because I’m an American and I love America more than I can possibly tell you. …

Dreyfuss: …patriotism means that people can understand that this country uniquely has an inherent meaning and most countries are just accidents of history.

This country was intended for something and, if we had tried it in Europe, they would have killed us to the last man. It was only the Atlantic Ocean that protected us. But we have a meaning and what is it? It’s that we put the Bill of Rights up on a wall so that everyone could see every time we failed and every time we succeeded and we had the guts and the naivety and arrogance and cockiness to say this is our picture of our moral future.

That is an act unequaled in history, so that we said that’s our goal. We announce it now and every time we failed it, it’s headlines and every time we succeed at it, it’s commonplace. And it’s what makes America completely unique in the story of nations. …

You can’t deny that we are a picture of a country that is like after the Big Bang. Everything is going this way and, when you don’t hold people accountable and when you allow illegal wars and when you can’t define the party principles because the win is more important than the principles, then you know you’re in trouble. …

Tavis: …why are you hopeful?

Dreyfuss: Because I believe, first of all, that individuals make history. I don’t believe that it happens by itself. I believe that America is hard and it takes maintenance and you can’t forget that you’ve got to take your car into the shop every six months and lube it up.

You cannot take for granted the complexity and complement of Republican democracy. Republican democracy actually says that the citizenry is as important as any other sector in the government. So why do we not teach those kids how to run the country? We teach our kids what we want them to know and we don’t teach them what we don’t want them to know, so someone is saying that.

By the way, if all of the news information industry is owned, let’s say, 35 to 55 percent by one guy, that’s a subject for discussion and if his name happens to be Rupert Murdoch, he’s got five passports and one of them is Chinese. So when he was [unintelligible] to the president’s ear, who’s he talking for, and you have a right to ask that. You have an obligation. …

Tavis: Tell me about Lightkeepers. …

Dreyfuss: This is a movie about a guy who has made an oath to keep the light on and that means no matter what, the light never goes off because, if the light goes off, people will die and that’s the oath that all lightkeepers took. That is as clear a metaphor about this country as you can get because the darkness which is the overwhelming history of mankind has come back.

We live in a senseless, Alice in Wonderland world where nothing is logical, where no one is punished, where people who are rewarded are only rewarded because they were born to it and now the Supreme Court has actually, in a way, by saying the corporations are unfettered, giving political contributions, you know what that really is? That’s closing the circle.

We came here to get away from that and now our own Supreme Court has brought it back. A caste and class system that says money is the only counter and, if you don’t have it, you’re out. That is actually bringing history back to where it began at the birth of this country.

Paul Craig Roberts: The Year America Dissolved – 2017. The dollar had collapsed as world reserve currency in 2012 when the worsening economic depression made it clear to Washington’s creditors that the federal budget deficit was too large to be financed except by the printing of money.

[youtube=]Paul Craig Roberts: We Are Almost Past The Point of No Return! – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 30, 2010

Alex talks with economist Paul Craig Roberts about his article, The Year America Dissolved. Roberts served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service. His articles appear widely across the alternative media. Dr. Roberts’ latest book is How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds.


From: Infowars…

The Year America Dissolved

Paul Craig Roberts
July 28, 2010

It was 2017. Clans were governing America.

The first clans organized around local police forces. The conservatives’ war on crime during the late 20th century and the Bush/Obama war on terror during the first decade of the 21st century had resulted in the police becoming militarized and unaccountable.

As society broke down, the police became warlords. The state police broke apart, and the officers were subsumed into the local forces of their communities. The newly formed tribes expanded to encompass the relatives and friends of the police.

The dollar had collapsed as world reserve currency in 2012 when the worsening economic depression made it clear to Washington’s creditors that the federal budget deficit was too large to be financed except by the printing of money.

With the dollar’s demise, import prices skyrocketed. As Americans were unable to afford foreign-made goods, the transnational corporations that were producing offshore for US markets were bankrupted, further eroding the government’s revenue base.

The government was forced to print money in order to pay its bills, causing domestic prices to rise rapidly. Faced with hyperinflation, Washington took recourse in terminating Social Security and Medicare and followed up by confiscating the remnants of private pensions. This provided a one-year respite, but with no more resources to confiscate, money creation and hyperinflation resumed.

Organized food deliveries broke down when the government fought hyperinflation with fixed prices and the mandate that all purchases and sales had to be in US paper currency. Unwilling to trade appreciating goods for depreciating paper, goods disappeared from stores.

Washington responded as Lenin had done during the “war communism” period of Soviet history. The government sent troops to confiscate goods for distribution in kind to the population. This was a temporary stop-gap until existing stocks were depleted, as future production was discouraged. Much of the confiscated stocks became the property of the troops who seized the goods.

Goods reappeared in markets under the protection of local warlords. Transactions were conducted in barter and in gold, silver, and copper coins.

Other clans organized around families and individuals who possessed stocks of food, bullion, guns and ammunition. Uneasy alliances formed to balance differences in clan strengths. Betrayals quickly made loyalty a necessary trait for survival.

Large scale food and other production broke down as local militias taxed distribution as goods moved across local territories. Washington seized domestic oil production and refineries, but much of the government’s gasoline was paid for safe passage across clan territories.

Most of the troops in Washington’s overseas bases were abandoned. As their resource stocks were drawn down, the abandoned soldiers were forced into alliances with those with whom they had been fighting.

Washington found it increasingly difficult to maintain itself. As it lost control over the country, Washington was less able to secure supplies from abroad as tribute from those Washington threatened with nuclear attack. Gradually other nuclear powers realized that the only target in America was Washington. The more astute saw the writing on the wall and slipped away from the former capital city.

When Rome began her empire, Rome’s currency consisted of gold and silver coinage. Rome was well organized with efficient institutions and the ability to supply troops in the field so that campaigns could continue indefinitely, a monopoly in the world of Rome’s time.

When hubris sent America in pursuit of overseas empire, the venture coincided with the offshoring of American manufacturing, industrial, and professional service jobs and the corresponding erosion of the government’s tax base, with the advent of massive budget and trade deficits, with the erosion of the fiat paper currency’s value, and with America’s dependence on foreign creditors and puppet rulers.

The Roman Empire lasted for centuries. The American one collapsed overnight.

Rome’s corruption became the strength of her enemies, and the Western Empire was overrun.

America’s collapse occurred when government ceased to represent the people and became the instrument of a private oligarchy. Decisions were made in behalf of short-term profits for the few at the expense of unmanageable liabilities for the many.

Overwhelmed by liabilities, the government collapsed.

Globalism had run its course. Life reformed on a local basis.

Paul Craig Roberts is an economist who served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration. He is published widely in the alternative media, including, and is a frequent guest on the Alex Jones Show. Dr. Roberts’ latest book is How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds.

Editor’s note: In the special video presentation below, Alex Jones talks about the engineered bankruptcy and implosion of the United States orchestrated by the Federal Reserve and private central banks. The ultimate plan is to loot the people and turn the once great United States into a third world hell hole like Mexico and North Korea.

Fall Of The Republic : The Presidency Of Barack H Obama documents how these private banks and a cartel of multinational corporations are dismantling America and details what we can do to restore our once cherished republic. Get the DVD here.

Videos are included HERE


Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite

Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, July 16, 2010

Global pandemics that kill millions, mandatory quarantines, checkpoints, biometric ID cards, and a world of top-down government control. These things are not lifted from the latest sci-fi blockbuster movie, they’re part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s vision for what the globe might be like in 15-20 years’ time under a new world order tightly controlled by the elite.

This is one of four scenarios for the future of the planet outlined in the Rockefeller Foundation’s “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” a study produced in association with the Global Business Network.

Entitled “Lock Step,” the scenario depicts,”A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.”

After global H1N1 pandemic originating from geese infects 20 per cent of the global population and kills 8 million people, the economy grinds to a halt and governments impose authoritarian measures to respond to the crisis.

“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and

restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets,” states the study.

Tellingly, even after the pandemic fades, these draconian measures remain in place and even intensify, as leaders take a “firmer grip on power” and citizens willingly sacrifice their sovereignty and privacy, leading to “a more controlled world” bossed by “paternalistic states” who impose biometric ID cards for all citizens. “Enforced cooperation” with global regulatory agreements forges the path towards global governance even as a backlash ensues following public displays of “virulent nationalism”.

Eco-fascism is also brought to the fore in the “lock step” scenario, which discusses how “high-emission” cars will be banned and every home will be forced to install solar panels by law.

The implementation of top-down authoritarianism causes entrepreneurial activity to wither and the economy stutters, but by 2025 people start to grow weary of “so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them” and an organized “pushback” against this tyranny begins to gather momentum.

“Even those who liked the greater stability and predictability of this world began to grow uncomfortable and

constrained by so many tight rules and by the strictness of national boundaries. The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish,” the study concludes.

The important thing to understand from the scenario outlined by the Rockefeller study is that China is praised as the model for how governments globally should respond to crises. The most draconian and dictatorial policies, including mandatory quarantines, are praised in the scenario as having “saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post pandemic recovery,” while allowing people freedom of mobility is scorned as having worsened the crisis.

Ironic therefore it is that just this week, the Associated Press reported on how the Chinese government has already virtually imposed checkpoint quarantines on its poorer citizens, by “gating and locking some of its lower-income neighborhoods overnight, with police or security checking identification papers around the clock, in a throwback to an older style of control.”

The Rockefeller study is not a warning against preventing the kind of tyranny contained in this scenario from unfolding, it’s a blueprint for how globalists want to exploit global crises like bio-terror attacks and pandemics in order to completely destroy society and rebuild it under a new world order in their image.

The Rockefeller scenario bears more than a passing resemblance to a 2007 UK Ministry of Defence study which forecast that by 2035, people would have brain chips implanted, that the middle class would become revolutionary, and that society would be gripped by chaos and civil unrest as a result of increased globalization, immigration and a more authoritarian state.

It is crystal clear from reading the “Lock Step” scenario that the oppressive society portrayed in the study is not presented as an admonishment of how governments would cynically seize upon a pandemic to set up a police state and empower themselves as dictators, it’s a ringing endorsement that this approach would be the correct thing to do.

This is the post-industrial society demanded by Bilderberg luminaries like European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso.

This is what the globalists want – pandemics, warfare, chaos and crises that they can engineer and then exploit to lock in place a dictatorial society ruled by the elite from their ivory towers, while the citizens are reduced to impoverished, squabbling, dependent peasants tightly controlled with sophisticated big brother technology, far too concerned about where their next meal is coming from to have time to overthrow their new rulers.

America Stands On The Precipice Of Total Collapse

From: Infowars

America Stands On The Precipice Of Total Collapse

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

America Stands On The Precipice Of Total Collapse 140710top2

There can be little doubt that America, along with the west as a whole, is being set up for a total collapse in which life as we know it will be fundamentally altered and rebuilt around a collectivist model managed and controlled by the same criminals who engineered the crisis in the first place.

America has been targeted for an economic, military, and social coup d’état by globalists who know that to get people to accept a new way of life under the heel of the new world order requires that the pillars of everything they knew before are completely pulverized. Freedom, prosperity, and community have no place in a “post-industrial revolution,” and every assault on the living standards of American citizens is designed to infect and wither these ideals.

We are looking at a road warrior style collapse of society within two years if the entities that orchestrated the crisis are allowed to pose as saviors and institute their austerity fascism, carbon taxes, “green economy,” post-industrial revolution, and the evisceration of America’s first world status that will inevitably follow if such measures are allowed to pass.

The plan for America is to sink the country into chaos so that it can be swallowed whole and consumed as part of the march towards global government. The globalists want to do to America what they have done to the third world, by creating an underclass of impoverished and deprived citizens who are dependent on government for their every need.

Millions of Americans have been dumbed-down to the point where, as major newspapers announce that the country is heading into a third great depression, as unemployment soars, as police departments announce they will no longer be responding to crimes, and as infrastructure crumbles, the top story this afternoon on, the most heavily trafficked website in the country, was about how Brad Pitt had shaved off his beard.

Likewise, as society and the economy collapses around them, Americans are more concerned about protesting the decision of a basketball player to move to another team.

However, a growing number of grass-roots movements are now bringing people together under the banner of resentment against big government. This has led to political victories for anti-incumbent candidates who now seriously threaten to dilute the two-party power monopoly in Washington this November. This has led individuals close to Obama to openly invoke the need for a domestic terror attack as the only way to rescue his presidency and the wider collectivist agenda.

Globalists are in a race against time to completely destroy everything America stood for so that they can rebuild the country in their likeness. This is why central banks are now abandoning the U.S. dollar as part of the move towards a global union currency backed by a global central bank that will become the world reserve currency for the new world order.

This is why police departments are now announcing they they will no longer respond to a whole list of crimes including burglary. A certain level of lawlessness has to exist in order to justify the total police state lockdown that will inevitably ensue after widespread rioting begins to break out.

This is why crippling austerity measures are being rammed through even as income drops and jobs are lost. Basic services will skyrocket in price or be cut off completely as America is subjected to the “shock therapy” that has been inflicted on lesser nations as a way of gelding the people to accept sub-standard lives of squalor and dependence. Energy prices will soar after the disastrous “green economy” initiatives are implemented, while toll roads, Obamacare, and all manner of new consumption taxes will dry up whatever disposable income they have left.

The world government will be built from the ashes of the worldwide depression engineered by the financial terrorists who have set in motion a chain of events that only has one conclusion unless we are able to properly identify these globalists for who they are.

Anyone in a position of power who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group or the Trilateral Commission is an enemy of America and needs to be stripped of their office, shorn of their influence and identified as a criminal working behind the scenes to bring about the end of the United States as a first world nation.

Only through exposure and a political drive to squeeze the influence and power of these individuals can we hope to lessen the impact of their nightmarish plans for America.


Gerald Celente: We’re Going into The Greatest Depression and WWIII

All the data is adding up to a crash.
We believe it’s going to be a currency crash.”

What we see first is a collapse in Europe.”

Terrorism and Uprisings by the people…

The BP oil disaster, unfortunately,
looks as though it’s going to be
the Dust Bowl of the 21 Century.”

– Gerald Celente
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Gerald Celente: We’re Going into The Greatest Depression and WW 3 – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 02, 2010

Alex also talks with trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente.

Chuck Baldwin: The Internet Must Remain Free — “Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,” Lieberman told CNN’s Candy Crowley.

Mark it down: if the federal government ever shuts down the Internet, it will be business as usual for Washington, D.C., and its fellow travelers in Big Business; but We the People will be out of business, and so will freedom.

From: News with Views


By Chuck Baldwin
June 29, 2010

The Internet is abuzz with news that a US Senate committee has approved a bill that apparently gives the President authority to shut down the Internet. According to, “A US Senate committee has approved a wide-ranging cybersecurity bill that some critics have suggested would give the US president the authority to shut down parts of the Internet during a cyberattack.”

The report continues by saying, “The bill, introduced earlier this month [by Senators Joe Lieberman, I-Connecticut, Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Thomas Carper, D-Delaware], would establish a White House Office for Cyberspace Policy and a National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications, which would work with private US companies to create cybersecurity requirements for the electric grid, telecommunications networks and other critical infrastructure.”

See the report here.

A report says this about the bill: “President Obama will be handed the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight if the Senate votes for the infamous Internet ‘kill switch’ bill, which was approved by a key Senate committee yesterday [June 24] and now moves to the floor.

“The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, which is being pushed hard by Senator Joe Lieberman, would hand absolute power to the federal government to close down networks, and block incoming Internet traffic from certain countries under a declared national emergency.

“Despite the Center for Democracy and Technology and 23 other privacy and technology organizations sending letters to Lieberman and other backers of the bill expressing concerns that the legislation could be used to stifle free speech, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee passed the bill in advance of a vote on the Senate floor.”

The report continued by saying, “Fears that the legislation is aimed at bringing the Internet under the regulatory power of the U.S. government in an offensive against free speech were heightened further on Sunday, when Lieberman revealed that the plan was to mimic [communist] China’s policies of policing the web with censorship and coercion.

“‘Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,’ Lieberman told CNN’s Candy Crowley.

“While media and public attention is overwhelmingly focused on the BP oil spill, the establishment is quietly preparing the framework that will allow Obama, or indeed any President who follows him, to bring down a technological iron curtain that will give the government a foot in the door on seizing complete control over the Internet.”

See the report here.

Of course, pro-family groups have long lobbied Washington lawmakers to pass regulations restricting objectionable material on the Internet. But Senator Lieberman’s bill does more than restrict content on the Internet; it gives the federal government the power to completely shut it down.

My friends, if you have any love for liberty left in your heart, one thing is critical: the Internet must remain free–absolutely, totally unrestricted and free.

Entire Article Here

Max Keiser: Wall Street Exposed — When “Greed is Good” and Integrity is No More = The End of America!

[youtube=]Max Keiser Reveals “Put Options” Ties to BP’s False Flag Oil Spill Event on Alex Jones Tv 1/5

TheAlexJonesChannel — June 21, 2010 — Alex welcomes back to the show Max Keiser, a film-maker, broadcaster and former broker and options trader. Keiser is the host of On the Edge, a program of news and analysis, and Keiser Report, a financial tabloid, that broadcasts on RT. Keiser formerly hosted The Oracle with Max Keiser on BBC World News. He invented Virtual Specialist Technology, a software system used by the Hollywood Stock Exchange.


Get sticker at

[11-minute video] John Coleman: Globalists are driving the ‘imminent’ war with Iran

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“You see how they’re driving Iran into a corner.”

“Iran is ten times the size of Iraq.”

“The ENDGAME is to usher in a New World Order….”

– John Coleman

[youtube=]Dr. John Coleman Reveals The Committee of 300 Plans for America on Alex Jones Tv

Florida Starts Microchipping Alzheimer’s patients Despite Cancer risks — Katherine Albrecht: “Should the company be allowed to implant microchips into people whose mental impairments means they cannot give fully informed consent?”

From: News with Views

“And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand or on their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”Apocalypse/Revelations Chapter 13: 16-17

Close to six million Americans have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease this year. Although symptoms vary widely, the first symptom most people notice is forgetfulness that, at times, is severe enough to affect their work and social lives.…

All-in-all, Alzheimer’s is a frightening disease with little relief in sight for the sufferer. Recently, Alzheimer’s patients are being promised assistance using a medical microchip that is surgically implanted into an Alzheimer patients flesh. The controversial microchip creator VeriChip Corp. is at the forefront….

Opponents believe the government is choosing the most vulnerable citizens for the initial implants — Alzheimer’s patients, the handicapped, retarded, the elderly — but eventually every human being in the US, Mexico and Canada will be required to have the microchip implants if only to keep track of them and their activities.

“Under the federally supported National Animal Identification System (NAIS), digital tags are expected to be affixed to the U.S.’s 40 million farm animals to enable regulators to track and respond quickly to disease, bioterrorism, and other calamities,” according to a Business Week article.

“Opponents have many fears about this plan, among them that it could be the forerunner of a similar system for humans. The theory, circulated in blogs, goes like this: You test it on the animals first, demonstrating the viability of the radio frequency identification devices (RFIDs) to monitor each and every animal’s movements and health history from birth to death, and then move on to people.”

Related Articles:

1, Microchipping of Alzheimer’s patients begins in Florida
2, FDA Approves Microchips in Humans
3, Chip Implants Linked to Animal Tumors

Entire Article Here


Biden Tells Roberts: You Will Rule On Human Microchipping

Chuck Baldwin: America’s Bread And Circus Society — America’s Pastime Has Turned Into America’s Obsession. “If the people of the United States do not quickly repent of this madness, the consequences will be just as destructive for our once-great republic as it was for Rome”

From: News with Views

The Roman poet Juvenal (circa 100 A.D.) wrote regarding the way latter-day Roman emperors retained power and control over the masses that were seemingly more than happy to obsess themselves with trivialities and self-indulgences while their once-great-and-powerful empire collapsed before their very eyes. He wrote:

“Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions–everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.”

I submit that a good many in America are, like Rome of old, carelessly frittering away their God-given liberties, foolishly clamoring for nothing more than government handouts and never-ending entertainment. Millions and millions of Americans (especially males) are literally intoxicated with sports. Sports are no longer a great American pastime; they are now a great American obsession.

Mind you, this writer has been a sports fan all of his life. I began playing organized basketball in the fifth grade; I was on the high school wrestling team; I played football in high school and college; and I ran track. Still today, I enjoy watching a good NFL game….

I am not talking about sports in general; I am talking about the way many American men have allowed sports to control and dominate their lives. With many, sports are not just a hobby; they are a religion. I cannot count the number of conversations between men that I overhear in restaurants, airplanes, boardrooms, and, yes, even church houses, in which every man in the circle is literally consumed with all sorts of sports facts, information, and opinions. In many such discussions, these men will talk about nothing else. To these men, there is absolutely nothing in the world more important than the latest sports score, announcement, or trade. NOTHING!

And there is also a very real psychological pitfall associated with a man’s intoxication with sports. I submit that an obsession with sports gives men a false sense of masculinity and actually serves to steal true manhood from them.

Entire Article Here

• • •


Mark Dice:

“Karl Marx said that religion is THE OPIATE OF THE MASSES —
when really it’s FOOTBALL”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“Karl Marx said that religion is the opiate of the masses
when really it’s football.”

“Why don’t you realize what your life’s priorities are?

A bunch of guys chasing a ball around a field
has become the focal point of Americans’ lives.

And we wonder why the country’s going down the toilet.

Look in the mirror.”


Estulin Exposes Bilderbergers At EU Parliament

[youtube=]On Bilderberg Follow-up with Daniel Esturin after Press Conference in European Parliament

Dreadytube — June 02, 2010 — European Parliament, Brussels – 1 June 2010

Daniel Estulin replies to questions following the Press Conference – “Bilderberg Group – Towards the Creation of a One orld Company Ltd.?”

Daniel Esturin, Author of “The True Story of the Bilderberg Group” – 2007, and “Shadow Masters” – 2010.

On the initiative of Mario Borghezio, Italian Member of the European Parliament (Lega Nord, Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group)

Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300: The Black Nobility [“Black” isn’t referring to their skin color]

[youtube=]Dr. John Coleman Breaks Down The Committee of 300 on Alex Jones Tv 1/4

TheAlexJonesChannel — June 02, 2010 — Dr. John Coleman, author, constitutional lawyer, historian, and Middle East specialist. Coleman is the author of Palestine: An Account of 7000 Years of History and Freemasonry From A to Z.

Ron Paul: Well meaning church people are keeping the “war on drugs” [the war against the CIA’s competition] going, which helps finance the dark side of our government — our own demise!

“We have lost our way.”

– Ron Paul

[youtube=]Ron Paul Discusses The Political Re-Alignment on Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Alex talks with Ron Paul, a physician and Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas. Paul is the founder of the advocacy group Campaign for Liberty and his ideas have been expressed in numerous published articles and books, including End The Fed and The Revolution: A Manifesto. Ron Paul has the most Constitution friendly voting record of any member of Congress since 1937.



Joe Biden: Brussels is now the capitol of the ‘free’ world. “You’ve taken on more powers … and we welcome it.”

Former CIA Officials Admit To Faking Bin Laden Video

All 40 of my Stop CIA Drug Running posts

All 400 of my Ron Paul posts

All 60 of my ‘Christians’ Trashing America posts

Predictions For The Rest Of 2010

NOTE: I post these predictions to put in our mental, data base ‘seed boxes,’ to see if the ideas presented actually do sprout and take root. Not all of these predictions come true, especially in the given time frame. But some do.

I post predictions under the Timing Predictions category that even disagree with each other, somewhat.

It’s hard to predict the future because there are so many wild cards, especially when the people find out what’s going on and get engaged, especially in prayer! Events often take longer to happen than it would seem.

If these predictions don’t take place exactly as specified, we can still learn much by listening to the different factors involved. And for me (I don’t have his gift of metaphor), the way Gerald puts things verbally is just so interesting anyway.

Jeff Fenske


From: Rense

Predictions For The Rest Of 2010

Bob Chapman
First 6 months of 2010, Americans will continue to live in the ‘unreality’the period between July and October is when the financial fireworks will begin. The Fed will act unilaterally for its own survival irrespective of any political implications (source is from insider at FED meetings). In the last quarter of the year we could even see Martial law, which is more likely for the first 6 months of 2011. The FDIC will collapse in September 2010. Commercial real estate is set to implode in 2010. Wall Streetbelieves there is a 100% chance of crash in bond market, especially municipals sometime during 2010. The dollar will be devalued by the end of 2010.

Gerald Celente
Terrorist attacks and the “Crash of 2010”. 40% devaluation at first = the greatest depression, worse than the Great Depression.

George Ure
Markets up until mid-to-late-summer. Then “all hell breaks lose” from then on through the rest of the year.

Igor Panarin
In the summer of 1998, based on classified data about the state of the U.S. economy and society supplied to him by fellow FAPSI analysts, Panarin forecast the probable disintegration of the USA into six parts in 2010 (at the end of June  start of July 2010, as he specified on 10 December 2000

Have projected that the third and final stage of the economic collapse will begin sometime in 2010. Barring some kind of financial miracle, or the complete dissolution of the Federal Reserve, a snowballing implosion should become visible by the end of this year. The behavior of the Fed, along with that of the IMF seems to suggest that they are preparing for a focused collapse, peaking within weeks or months instead of years, and the most certain fall of the dollar.

July and onward things get very strange. Revolution. Dollar dead by November 2010.

George Ure
Markets up until mid-to-late-summer. Then “all hell breaks lose” from then on through the rest of the year.

LEAP 20/20
2010 Outlook from a group of 25 European Economists with a 90% accuracy rating- We anticipate a sudden intensification of the crisis in the second half of 2010, caused by a double effect of a catching up of events which were temporarily &laqno; frozen » in the second half of 2009 and the impossibility of maintaining the palliative remedies of past years. There is a perfect (economic) storm coming within the global financial markets and inevitable pressure on interest rates in the U.S. The injection of zero-cost money into the Western banking system has failed to restart the economy. Despite zero-cost money, the system has stalled. It is slowly rolling over into the next big down wave, which in Elliott Wave terminology will be Super Cycle Wave Three, or in common language, “THE BIG ONE, WHERE WE ALL GO OVER THE FALLS TOGETHER.”

Joseph Meyer
Forecasts on the economy. He sees the real estate market continuing to decline, and advised people to invest in precious metals and commodities, as well as keeping cash at home in a safe place in case of bank closures. The stock market, after peaking in March or April (around 10,850), will fall all the way down to somewhere between 2450 and 4125 during the next leg down.

Harry Dent (investor)
A very likely second crash by late 2010. The coming depression (starts around the summer of 2010). Dent sees the stock market currently benefiting from upward momentum and peppier economic activity headed for a very brief and pleasant run that could lift the Dow to the 10,700-11,500 range from its current level of about 10.090. But then, he sees the market running into a stone wall, which will be followed by a nasty stock market decline (starting in early March to late April) that could drive down the Dow later this year to 3,000-5,000, with his best guess about 3,800.

Richard Russell (Market Expert)
(from 2/3/10) says the bear market rally is in the process of breaking up and panic is on the way. He sees a full correction of the entire rise from the 2002 low of 7,286 to the bull market high of 14,164.53 set on October 9, 2007. The halfway level of retracement was 10,725. The total retracement was to 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009. He now sees the Dow falling to 7,286 and if that level does not hold, “I see it sinking to its 1980-82 area low of Dow 1,000.” The current action is the worst he has ever seen. (Bob Chapman says for Russell to make such a startling statement is unusual because he never cries wolf and is almost never wrong)

Niño Becerra (Professor of Economics)
Predicted in July 2007 that what was going to happen was that by mid 2010 there is going to be a crisis only comparable to the one in 1929. From October 2009 to May 2010 people will begin to see things are not working out the way the government thought. In May of 2010, the crisis starts with all its force and continues and strengthens throughout 2011. He accurately predicted the current recession and market crash to the month.

Lyndon Larouche
The crisis is accelerating and will become worse week by week until the whole system grinds into a collapse, likely sometime this year. And when it does, it will be the greatest collapse since the fall of the Roman Empire.

“You are witnessing a fundamental breakdown of the American dream, a systemic breakdown of our democracy and our capitalism, a breakdown driven by the blind insatiable greed of Wall Street: Dysfunctional government, insane markets, economy on the brink. Multiply that many times over and see a world in total disarray. Ignore it now, tomorrow will be too late.”

Eric deCarbonnel
There is no precedence for the panic and chaos that will occur in 2010. The global food supply/demand picture has NEVER been so out of balance. The 2010 food crisis will rearrange economic, financial, and political order of the world, and those who aren’t prepared will suffer terrible lossesAs the dollar loses most of its value, America ‘s savings will be wiped out. The US service economy will disintegrate as consumer spending in real terms (ie: gold or other stable currencies) drops like a rock, bringing unemployment to levels exceeding the great depression. Public health services/programs will be cut back, as individuals will have no savings/credit/income to pay for medical care. Value of most investments will be wiped out. The US debt markets will freeze again, this time permanently. There will be no buyers except at the most drastic of firesale prices, and inflation will wipe away value before credit markets have any chance at recovery. The panic in 2010 will see the majority of derivatives end up worthless. Since global derivatives markets operate on the assumption of the continued stable value of the dollar and short term US debt, using derivatives to bet against the dollar is NOT a good idea. The panic in 2010 will see the majority of derivatives end up worthless. The dollar’s collapse will rob US consumers of all purchasing power, and any investment depend on US consumption will lose most of its value.

Alpha-Omega Report (Trends Forecast)
Going into 2010, the trends seemed to lead nowhere or towards oblivion. Geo-politically, the Middle East was and is trending towards some sort of military clash, most likely by mid-year, but perhaps soonerAt the moment, it seems 2010 is shaping up to be a year of absolute chaos. We see trends for war between Israel and her neighbors that will shake every facet of human activityIn the event of war, we see all other societal trends being thoroughly disruptedIran will most likely shut off the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf. This will have immense consequences for the world’s economy. Oil prices will skyrocket into the stratosphere and become so expensive that world’s economies will collapse..There are also trend indicators along economic lines that point to the potential for a total meltdown of the world’s financial system with major crisis points developing with the change of each quarter of the year. 2010 could be a meltdown year for the world’s economy, regardless of what goes on in the Middle East .

Robin Landry (Market Expert)
I believe we are headed to new market highs between 10780-11241 over the next few months. The most likely time frame for the top is the April-May area. Remember the evidence IMHO still says we are in a bear market rally with a major decline to follow once this rally ends.

John P. Hussman, Ph.D.
In my estimation, there is still close to an 80% probability (Bayes’ Rule) that a second market plunge and economic downturn will unfold during 2010.

Robert Prechter
Founder of Elliott Wave International, implores retail investors stay away from the markets for now. Prechter, who was bullish near the lows in March 2009, now says the stock market “is in a topping area, “predicting another crash in 2010 that will bring stocks below the 2009 low. His word to the wise, “be patient, don’t rush it” keep your money in cash and cash equivalents.

Richard Mogey
Current Research Director at the Foundation for the Study of Cycles- Because of a convergence of numerous cycles all at once, the stock market may go up for a little while, but will crash in 2010 and reach all-time lows late 2012. Mogey says that the 2008 crash was nothing compared to the coming crash. Gold may correct in 2009, but will go up in 2010 and peak in 2011. Silver will follow gold.

James Howard Kunstler (January 2010)
The economy as we’ve known it simply can’t go on, which James Howard Kunstler has been saying all along. The shenanigans with stimulus and bailouts will just compound the central problem with debt. There’s not much longer to go before the whole thing collapses and dies. Six Months to Live- The economy that is. Especially the part that consists of swapping paper certificates. That’s the buzz I’ve gotten the first two weeks of 2010.

Peter Schiff (3/13/2010)
“In my opinion, the market is now perfectly positioned for a massive dollar sell-off. The fundamentals for the dollar in 2010 are so much worse than they were in 2008 that it is hard to imagine a reason for people to keep buying once a modicum of political and monetary stability can be restored in Europe . In fact, the euro has recently stabilized. My gut is that the dollar sell-off will be sharp and swift. Once the dollar decisively breaks below last year’s lows, many of the traders who jumped ship in the recent rally will look to re-establish their positions. This will accelerate the dollar’s descent and refocus everyone’s attention back on the financial train-wreck unfolding in the United States . Any doubts about the future of the U.S. dollar should be laid to rest by today’s announcement that San Francisco Federal Reserve President Janet Yellen has been nominated to be Vice Chair of the Fed’s Board of Governors, and thereby a voter on the interest rate-setting, seven-member Open Markets Committee. Ms. Yellen has earned a reputation for being one of the biggest inflation doves among the Fed’s top players.” Schiff is famous for his accurate predictions of the economic events of 2008.

Lindsey Williams
Dollar devalued 30-50% by end of year. It will become very difficult for the average American to afford to buy even food. This was revealed to him through an Illuminati insider.

Unnamed Economist working for US Gov’t (GLP)
What we have experienced the last two years is nothing to what we are going to experience this year. If you have a job nowyou may not have it in three to six months. (by August 2010). Stock market will fall = great depression. Foreign investors stop financing debt = collapse. 6.2 million are about to lose their unemployment.

Jimmy “Doomsday”
DOW will fall below 7,000 before mid summer 2010- Dollar will rise above 95 on the dollar index before mid summer 2010- Gold will bottom out below $800 before mid summer 2010- Silver will bottom out below $10 before mid summer 2010- CA debt implosion will start its major downturn by mid summer and hit crisis mode before Q4 2010- Dollar index will plunge below 65 between Q3 and Q4 2010- Commercial real estate will hit crisis mode in Q4 2010- Over 35 states will be bailed out by end of Q4 2010 by the US tax payer End of Q4 2010 gold will hit $1,600 and silver jump to $35 an oz.

Posted by giveusliberty1776

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