Category: The Soul of America Page 10 of 34
Seinfeld would always turn my stomach when the guys would watch it at work in the break room.
Something was seriously wrong with “Mash” too.
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(Waitress delivers pancakes)
JIMMY: Wow, that’s what I’m talking about.
JERRY: Wow, look at that, looks great, thank you.
JIMMY: That’s what I’m talking about.
JERRY: What you want in a pancake is to have the consistency of young human flesh.
JIMMY: It’s spongy, it has life to it.
JERRY: Yeah you’re with a guy with brightly colored under garments and you’ve got soft human flesh in front of you, you’re in a weird place.
JIMMY: I’m looking forward to this, this is really, really gonna be a great pancake. (source)
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What Came out of Seinfeld’s Mouth Will UTTERLY Disgust You?
Reverse-Christian Empire…
What goes around comes around — when America bites the dust.
We can’t ignore God’s principles, and expect things to work out.
“Love your neighbor as yourself” – Jesus
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More than three quarters of African American births are to unmarried women, nearly double the illegitimacy rate of all other births, according to new federal data.
The National Center for Health Statistics said that in 2015, 77.3 percent of non-immigrant black births were illegitimate. The national non-immigrant average is 42 percent, and it was 30 percent for whites.
The new numbers were in a Center for Immigration Studies analysis on the births to immigrants. That total is 32.7 percent, but to Hispanic immigrants it is 48.9 percent, according to Steven Camarota, the director of research for the Center for Immigration Studies.
My Notes:
“By supporting Bill Clinton, by supporting Hillary Clinton, they created a magic shield for these abusers to continue doing their horrible work, their degrading, humiliating, assaulting on women work for decades. And I think women should feel betrayed….” – Stefan Molyneux
In the ’90s, feminists decided to stop attacking sexual harassers in order to protect the welfare state and the right to murder unborn children — “an estrogen shield around sexual predators to protect Bill Clinton, then it was free run….”
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“We have a major problem in this country among those who claim to be patriots, even those who claim to be ‘Christian’ patriots. Many of them are proud, rebels against God pretending to be patriots of liberty.”
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“A wretched, ugly, manifestation of post-modernism, an insult to our heritage, a desecration of our human potential.”
– Paul Joseph Watson
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By Michael Fackerell
A lot of Australians today are buying Buddha statues and they are saying they are “spiritual but not religious”. If anyone takes Buddhism seriously, the first thing I’d like to ask them is whether they are followers of the early Theravada Buddhism or the more popular later form of Mahayana Buddhism. The former is probably closer to what the so called Buddha taught. The latter was modified for popular consumption – I’m not sure on whose authority. The former teaches that there is no such thing as the soul. And that the aim of the game is to stop existing. If there is no soul, then to what does “karma” attach itself to in the future – if its not the same soul as before, then there is no morality in the Universe. If there IS a soul, then Buddha was wrong it seems. But if the goal is to stop existing – “nirvana”, and there is no soul, the only logical thing to do is to commit suicide.
So it seems to me that classical Buddhism is very similar to atheistic nihilism and that it is essentially a rejection of God’s Universe.
I’m not sure about the accuracy of these stats, but there is no doubt that homosexuality is all of a sudden rising exponentially, which cannot be genetic.
This is the Talmudic media driven, demonic, intentional destruction of society, so the one-world government can rule all with an iron fist, killing all who don’t conform.
It’s happening so fast, now because the church has been neutered — no longer salt and light.
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Mark Dice does his yearly drive-by…
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“What if it is the breakdown of the family that is the basic problem?”
– Ron Paul
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17:20 Emboldened to speak out because of the Vegas massacre, in addition to probably the Weinstein whistleblowers!
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I maintain the opposite. I hold that the massive U.S. violence abroad is triggering violent behavior in people here at home, especially those operating at the margins, mentally speaking. See, for example, my article Charlottesville and America’s Death Machine.
…I maintain, based simply on common sense and human nature, that all the massive death and destruction that the Pentagon and the CIA wreak abroad inevitably seeps into the minds of the American people. The result is an increasingly intolerant, uncivil, drug-addled, alcoholic society and, even worse, one that triggers irrational violent behavior in people who are mentally operating at the margin.
…the number of people that the Pentagon and the CIA have killed, especially if we go back to 1947, when the U.S. government was converted into a national-security state to oppose its WWII partner and ally the Soviet Union in the Cold War. According to an article entitled “Deaths in Other Nations Since WWII Due to US Interventions” published in 2007 on a website called, the U.S. government has actually killed some 20 million foreigners. That is definitely not a small number. …
Is it really possible that the U.S. government can kill millions of people without it having and adverse effect on the mental stability of the American people? Is it really possible for Americans to continue living normal lives, mentally speaking, while their government is out killing millions of people on a regular basis? I don’t think so. : The U.S. government’s mass violence abroad is the root cause of the horrible irrational violence that afflicts American society. And as long as the killing over there continues, so will the irrational violence here at home, along with more acts of incivility, intolerance, and other dysfunctional behavior.
Entire Article
I selected the links related to the NFL kneeling protest that are currently up at
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Headline News Stories 24/7
Steven Seagal – America…We Have A Ton Of Enemies Within
NFL May Be Forced To Return Paid Patriotism Funds
Why Didn’t TV Networks Show Angry, Booing Fan During Games
NFL Camera Operators Told Don’t Show Booing Crowd, Protest
Trump – I Think NFL Owners Are Afraid Of The Players
NFL Players Are Strangling The Goose
That Laid The Golden Egg
Trump Slams NFL Owners ‘Scared’ Of Their Players
CNN Cuomo – Trump Telling NFL Owners ‘Control Your Dog
If Football Were Canceled, Would America Go Insane?
Kaepernicks’ Beware – You Can Be Fired For Pol Speech
Trump Urges NFL To Ban Players Kneeling During Anthem
Steelers Coach Sponsored Fundraisers For Hillary
Tomlin Didn’t Want Villanueva To Stand For Anthem
ESPN Loses 621,000 Subscribers In Worst Month
DirecTV Offering Refunds Over Customer Cancellations
Rat Ryan – Kneeling During Anthem ‘Within Their Rights’
Racist NBA Coach – Whites ‘Must Be
Made To Feel Uncomfortable’
Do NFL Player Protests Before Captive
Audience = BULLYING?
USAA Members Demand Organization Cut Ties With NFL
Cash For NFL Patriotism – Oh PAY, Can You See
Anheuser-Busch To Speak To NFL Over Anthem Protests
Historic US Clothing Company Pulls Ads From NFL Games
Trump Goes Nuclear – NFL Will ‘Go To Hell’
Trump Slams NFL Whose ‘Ratings Are Way Down’
After ‘Tremendous Backlash’
Angry Bannon Blasts NFL & McConnell
Predicts ‘Day Of Reckoning’ For GOP
NFL Posts Job Ad For ‘Crisis Communications Strategist’
Buchanan Asks ‘Will NFL Demand Respect For Old Glory?’
DirecTV To Allow Angry Customers To Request NFL Refunds
Expect NFL Madness To Fumble ‘Big Media’ Empires
Trump-NFL Political Theater – Who’s Winning?
Pro-Kaepernick Army Officer – ‘Communism Will Win’
Most Americans Side With Trump Against NFL Kneelers
Dems Shriek ‘Racism’ Over Trump NFL Remarks – Vid
43 Anti-White, Racist Commercials – Vid
Black On White Violence & Anti-White Racism – Vid
Pro-Kaepernick Army Officer – ‘Communism Will Win’
Get Off Your Knees, Team, To Honor
The Star-Spangled Banner
NFL Rules Require Players To Stand For The Anthem
Open Letter To NFL Players…You’re Being Used
Star-Spangled Anger – NFL Anthem
Boycott Harms US Patriotism
Fans Burn NFL Tickets, Shirts Solidarity With Trump
Angry NFL Fans Lash Out, Burn Jerseys Over Protests
Kaepernick’s Islamic GF Makes Him ‘Sympathetic To ISIS’
Kaepernick’s Radical Muslim GF Started Whole Thing
Trump – NFL Comments Had Nothing To Do With Race
Fake News Straw Man Argument, Trump Never Talked Race
Boos In AZ As Cowboys Owner Kneels With Team
Singer In Detroit Takes Knee On Last Word O Anthem
MLB Rookie First To Kneel Before MLB Game
Trump’s Blunt Talk Angers Billionaire Globalist Donors
Buffalo Man Quits 30 Yr Stadium Job After Bills Protest
NFL Stadiums Collected Over $1 Billion In Fed Subsidies
Revoke The NFL’s Antitrust Exemption?
NFLs Top Sponsors Stay Quiet After Trump’s Call for Boycott
Trump Takes On NFL Players And Owners
In Wave Of Anthem Protests – Vid
Trump Goes To War With The NFL – What Happened
Steelers Coach Raps The One Player Who Stood
NFL Ratings Dropping With increased Political Protests
Trump Calls For NFL Boycott As Players Kneel At Wembley
NFL Players Kneel For Anthem, Stand For Brit Anthem
Steelers Stay In Locker Room During National Anthem
Maybe ALL Teams Take The Field AFTER The Anthem?
West Point Grad Villanueva Only Steeler Out For Anthem
Faux Patriotism – Why Are US Taxpayer Paying Millions To NFL?
Flashback 2016 – Fury Over NFL Player’s 9/11 Tribute Cleats
NFL Owner Shahid Khan Honors Queen, Defiles US Anthem
Patriots Fans Rain Boos On Players For Anthem Protest
NFL Player – If You Don’t Think USA Is Greatest…Leave!
How MSM Controls YOUR Thoughts
‘The Fear Of Racism’ Is A Suicidal Parasite
Football Cries Foul On Trump Over ‘Son-of-a-Bitch’ Comment
Dear Colin Kaepernick, You’re America’s Spoiled Brat
Real historian, James Perloff has demonstrated that most, if not all of our wars have been unnecessary, false flags, immoral and reverse-Christian, even including the Revolutionary War and the “good war,” WWII.
Then there are the USA’s covert wars: overthrows, regime changes and destructions of dozens of nations through the CIA.
Our causes have not been just, when we’ve conquered.
And most Americans don’t care, led by Fox News (the war channel), CNN, MSNBC, Rush Limbaugh, the *Savage* Nation, movie stars, comedians….
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…many will sing the familiar first stanza of Francis Scott Key’s 1814 lyrics, which we know as the National Anthem. But few are familiar with the fourth stanza, which is a part of the official lyrics, as adopted by President Herbert Hoover in 1931. The stirring lines read as follows:
O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war’s desolation.
Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the Heav’n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
I love Ron Paul — having 900 Ron Paul posts here!! But Joel Skousen would completely disagree with what Ron says @ 12:02:
“The invasion by a foreign power to destroy our liberty is not going to come in our lifetime.”
Joel shows how Russia/China will be completely ready by about 2023, but they could do it sooner. They’ll probably EMP US, and nuke only the military bases, which are EMP hardened, according to Joel. Many have had dreams of Russia and/or China nuking US too.
Joel has been against all of our reverse-Christian wars. This time though, he actually believes we should take out North Korea’s ability to attack US while we still have the chance, before Russia and China can use North Korea as the “trigger” and excuse to then bomb, bomb, bomb America.
Amazingly, Joel has been saying for many years that North Korea will be the globalists’ trigger, the perfect excuse for Russia and China to then take US out, after we attack Korea.
I don’t like the idea of preemptive war myself. We do have anti-missile missiles that can take out North Korea’s. Couldn’t that be good enough to protect US?
Russia and China’s nukes are maneuverable though, so we cannot stop them. They have state-of-the art everything, while we’re sitting ducks doing almost nothing to defend US.
It seems to me that protecting our power grid from an EMP should be our top priority, which could postpone the coming invasion. The cost has been said to only be the price of one stealth bomber, about $2 billion, which is peanuts.
Even a strong magnetic storm on the sun could take out our power for about a year. 90% of all Americans would die, the experts predict.
The media ignores this, and hardly any of the truthers even talk about hardening the grid (including Joel, surprisingly), which is probably our #1 threat, and would be easy and inexpensive to fix.
How can Ron Paul say an invasion is not going to happen in our lifetime, perhaps because he’s 82? Ron is so awesome, but I don’t know how he can be so ignorant of Russia and China’s preparations to take US out so overwhelmingly, that we may not even respond at all — due to PDD 60 especially, which Trump could rescind with the stoke of his pen.
Power to the Peaceful!
‘Christians’ in America should have humbly hit the floor on their knees long ago, following the HOLY Spirit instead of FOX News, the war channel.
Instead, most evangelicals continue to support the Zionist neocon, power-over-others agenda without ever admitting they were wrong, helping to take out the countries that would oppose the one-world government, including US.
What we’ve been doing to others will happen to US!
We even nuked Japan while they were trying to surrender. FDR baited Japan to invade Pearl Harbor with the 8-step, covert plan, proven by James Perloff, who shows that virtually all of our wars were immoral, and have been false flag driven.
We can’t continue to be cold hearted and not suffer the consequences — as America falls into decadence. Only people of high moral character can keep a nation strong to survive.
Much of the world now sees the US as the bully, and will cheer when Russia and China take US out, sadly.
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The magazines, the newspapers
Print every word I say
I used to have to sneak around
But now they just open their doors
It’s getting very easy now
Since no one believes in me anymore
Half of Americans Believe in 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
By Tia Ghose, Senior Writer | October 13, 2016
A majority of Americans believe that the government is concealing information about the 9/11 attacks, one new survey suggests. …
In this video, Jesse has a heart of gold, and lays out to Stefan exactly what happens if we’re hurt and stay angry — and then how freedom and the power to overcome happens when we forgive — and why.
While Google-owned YouTube censors videos that expose historical lies and the Talmudic plan to destroy European culture, Google allows blacks-murdering-white-children, violent, role play:
Black Rapper HANGS White Child In ‘Music Video’
White Genocide Is Being Hosted And Promoted By
CIA, Google And YouTube – A Massive Hate Crime
(go to 2:25 in the video)
OUTRAGE & Horror As Rapper Hangs Little White Child
In This Google-YouTube Hosted ‘Music’ Video
Florida Rapper Hangs Little White Boy In ‘Music’ Video
“Most black people are defending it.”
My Notes:
“They can quote the Bible until the cows come home, but in their hearts they’re angry. …and it’s of their father the Devil. …if you have one iota of anger you’re disconnected from love, from God. You cannot have anger and have love. You cannot ride two horses at the same time.”
“Had it been the other way around….”
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“It’s normal for the kingdom of the world to consider the boys in body-bags on our side more important than the boys in body-bags on their side. But from a kingdom of God perspective, we would consider all body-bags to be equally tragic.
The kingdom of the world is always involved in conflict, because it’s a power-over kingdom, and if you’re getting in the way of my power-over we’ll have to go to war over this. And usually in the kingdom of the world you demonize your enemies to rally up power against them.
But in the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. We’re forbidden to have enemies of flesh and blood. The ones who think that they are our enemies, we are commanded to love them, to serve them, to lay down our life for them.
While the kingdom of the world is about conflict, the kingdom of God is about reconciliation.”
– Gregory Boyd
Pastor of Woodland Hills church in Minneapolis
“Never forget” = Never forgive
(Video) Greg Boyd on ‘Charlie Rose’: How the Quest for Political Power Is Destroying the Church