Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Why we’re getting jacked Page 3 of 32

PLANDEMIC 3 – MASS FORMATION — Why your relatives are acting this way

Why your relatives are acting this way

Only 7 minutes:



Mom fights woke school district and the spirit of the age. Where are the dads?

Deace: Mom fights woke school district and the spirit of the age. Where are the dads?

Mama Bear is still fighting, while too many around her simply stand by and watch the train wreck pass them by as it steals the very souls of their children. How did it come to such a pass, when a single woman must stand alone against such darkness and chaos? Where are the dads of this district?

The answer to that question will be our everlasting shame, if not our complete undoing as a nation.

AwakenWithJP: How to Think Like a Leftist!

Barna Survey: Less than 6% of Americans are actual Christians — Yet 69% self-identify as ‘Christian’

It’s almost as if we’re now living in Sodom or Gomorrah. The results of this Barna survey are eye-opening: Of the only “6% who possess a biblical worldview and demonstrate a consistent understanding and application of biblical principles,” 25% say there is no absolute moral truth and 20% voted for Biden.

So not even 6% of Americans are real Christians.

Stockholm Syndrome With Putin — ‘too terrible to accept’ that Russia & China are both our enemies and are together

Jeff Nyquist partially explains Putin worship — many truthers seeing Putin as our savior, instead of the enemy he really is.

It’s long been hard for me to understand why so many truthers cozy up to the very man who intends to EMP and nuke us.

Jeff Nyquist @ 3:00: “They cannot believe that they have two enemies: one in Russia, one in China at once, and they’re together. They cannot believe that; they can’t accept it because it’s too terrible a truth to accept. And so their fear is real.”

“‘Stockholm syndrome’ is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological alliance with their captors during captivity. Victims form emotional bonds with their captors and become sympathetic toward them.”

Caller Ken: “Instead of arguing about a $260 trillion debt, we argue over what a man or woman is”

Caller Ken @1hr 16min: “When we prosper really, really well, and we do so good we often forget our roots. We start saying ‘ah, we don’t need all those rules that kept us free.’ … When humans sit for decades in great situations we get weak. And we forget that we need certain things to keep us that way. … Instead of arguing about a $260 trillion debt, we start arguing over what a man or a woman is. …

This lack of education and the lack of unity is leading us straight into war.”

@ 1hr 16min:

Dan Fagan Show/Thursday 4/14/2022

An Entire Generation of Women on Birth Control – Really Graceful

Related: Studies: Women on the pill choose less masculine, wealthy men they can dominate

“an entire generation of women was prescribed birth control from the age of 14 for acne and irregular periods and now that same generation is dealing with PCOS, hormonal imbalances, depression, and infertility”

This tweet went viral, and in this podcast episode, we’re going to discuss women’s personal stories with birth control, doctors’ responses to this tweet, as well as some hard facts about BC and the big farma industry.

Joe Schimmel: They Sold Their Souls For The Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is the most watched television event in America while also containing the biggest opportunity for popular artists to showcase their music in front of millions of people during the halftime show. But what message is being spread to countless families across the world? The 2022 Super Bowl halftime show amassed possibly the biggest lineup in history with Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Mary J. Blige and a surprise appearance by 50 Cent. We take a look at some of these artists and what’s truly behind their music.

They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll

Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates

Why good people OBEY harmful mandates! In this video learn the science of what makes people comply with mandates that even they feel are wrong. Learning about the Milgram experiment explains a lot.

Animation by @TheDrawShop

Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Doggies

“America, you’ll never get your freedom… back until you give up porn.” – Rick Wiles

Porn took down America, starting in the ’60s.

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On today’s edition of TruNews, Rick talks about the latest revelations regarding the late Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy. A&E Television released the first segment of a 10-part documentary series on Monday titled Secrets of Playboy.

The A&E series contains shocking information from former Playboy bunnies about the real Hugh Hefner, including horror stories of abuse and bestiality. The information is disturbing.


(6 min vid) “Acquiescence empowers tyranny” – David Icke

David Icke Interview with Brian Rose ROSE/ICKE – 6 1/21/22 The Vindication

How the few control the many — the globalist psychological operation.

Once people acquiesce to the moronic things they lose their self respect, and the globalists have them.

The three groups:
#1 “I’ll do whatever I’m told
without questioning”
#2 “I don’t want to do it, but I’ll do it anyway because of the consequences”
#3 “I’ll always do what I know is right regardless…”

“Stop acquiescing, and you’ll get your freedom back. Keep acquiescing, and it will go on being taken away until….”


Skousen: “People are so dependent on the MSM making something a drumbeat”

Blind trust in the media destroying US

Unless the mainstream media makes something an important issue, it’s not important to most Americans.

“People are so dependent on the mainstream media making something a drumbeat.”

– Joel Skousen on Jeff Rense Show, 1/12/22

Mattias Desmet: Mechanism of mass formation/hypnosis to produce totalitarianism — “If you believe human beings are a biological machine you don’t have to follow ethical principles… you end up in free floating anxiety”


Four Conditions Required to Create a Mass Formation Psychosis — state of mental intoxication

1) Lack of social bond — socially isolated people
2) Lack of sense making
3) Free-floating anxiety
4) Free-floating discontent

The media then provides the narrative that’s said to provide a solution to the anxiety.

Then people are willing to follow the strategy regardless of the cost.

AwakenWithJP: How Liberals Are in Denial About What’s Going On

“Because the mainstream media chooses to black them out [mass protests worldwide against mandates], I refuse to acknowledge that they’re happening, because doing so would invalidate my whole commitment to not changing my mind since this whole thing began.”

WATCH: Jordan Peterson tells Joe Rogan how tyranny happens ‘one tiny step at a time’ — “I’ll encroach right to the point where you start to protest; then wait. You’re going to calm down.” REPEAT FOREVER

“If I encroach on you and I’m sophisticated about it, I’m going to encroach right to the point where you start to protest. Then I’m going to stop. Then I’m going to wait. Then you’re going to calm down, and I’m going to encroach again right to the point where you protest.”

“I’m just going to do this forever. … Before you know it, I’m going to be back three miles from where you started, and I’ll have done this one step at a time.”

Raised on Porn | Documentary Film — Similar to morphine

How to be free:

LUST ‘the poison that kills the soul’ FREEDOM! My experience: How DEMONS DRIVE heterosexual and homosexual lust in ‘Christians’ — When we realize demons drive lust we can be free!

We MUST be free — my article that no one can refute:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

– –

The high is similar to morphine.

“In previous eras, in order to get sexually explicit material, you had to go to a pornographic theater, or you had to go to a bookstore. Now, you can access pornography sitting at home at no cost, over the internet.”

• • •

Raised on Porn exposes the ways pornography has become the new sex education for children and unpacks the dangerous lifelong implications of this global phenomenon.

Through riveting firsthand accounts, cinematic re-enactments, 3D animation, and interviews with the world’s leading neurologists, sociologists, psychologists, and therapists, Raised on Porn is filled to the brim with raw, compelling insight on how pornography is poisoning us and our relationships. This film shatters cultural myths about the “harmless” nature of pornography and provides a sobering framework to understand how this graphic genre of media has shaped our world, eliciting a desperately-needed call for change.

CONTENT WARNING: While the film doesn’t contain any nudity, it features discussions and images of a sexual nature that some viewers will find disturbing. Our editors have worked hard to create something that is watchable for most viewers while still conveying the essence of the problem. We recommend the film for mature teens and above.

When people who got tested with no apparent symptoms were called ‘HYPOCHONDRIACS’

Hypochondriacs used to be the exception, rare, back in the day.

“I remember a time when people who got tested with no apparent symptoms were called ‘HYPOCHONDRIACS.'”

Romans 1 = Woke Culture — A Rebellion Against God

Paul explained ‘woke’ culture two thousand years ago: Romans 1:18-32

Dan Fagan: The Mind of the Woke — Goal is to appear virtuous vs. finding & living in truth

45:50 “When you wake up every morning, and whether you do it consciously or subconsciously, your objective is to make people think you’re compassionate and virtuous. You’re on the wrong track, because it’s about you, about your ego.

What you should do is get up every morning and say ‘today I’m going to try to find out what’s right and what’s true and pursue that.’ That’s the difference between a leftist and a non-leftist. The leftist says I will do something today to make people think you’re virtuous.”

@ Minute-45:50

Dan Fagan Show/Thursday 10/14/2021

Dr. Lorraine Day: “People have left God…. We’re not going to take America back”

32:40 “Unless God has opened your mind to truth you can’t understand truth, and you don’t want to know truth.… It’s not about taking America back. We’re not going to take America back. … The plan is there, and the Bible tells us what is going to happen. And the reason that it’s happening is people have left God.” She quotes the famous quote that is apparently falsely attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville: “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good America will cease to be great.”

From the Jeff Rense Show, September 29

Hour 2 – Dr. Lorraine Day, MD – The View From One Of America’s Legendary Physicians

Cypher: I know this steak doesn’t exist… Ignorance is bliss | The Matrix

Cypher: “You know, I know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.”


Fackerell: “When will we realise that we need a revival of TRUTH?”

Michael Fackerell

Honestly, very powerful people are working to utterly destroy Australia in every way:

1. Destroy our coal industry and put energy prices through the roof.
2. Destroy our medical industry by turning hospitals into murder houses and doctors into Pharma slaves.
3. Destroy our education system by pushing rubbish political correctness and dumbing down children so they cannot compete.
4. Mass media is already destroyed and a pure propaganda operation.
5. Churches are turning into “influence factories”, “leading people” to anything but the cross.
6. Destroy the family and especially fatherhood through Family Law.
7. Entertainment is already 99% sin.
8. Destroy the unity of our government and turn us into serfs under despotic state leaders and their unelected medical advisors.

When will we realise that we need a revival of truth?

Steve Quayle: We’re Seeing the Redefinition of ‘Truth’ – Jesus has been displaced. Christian resistance restraining evil has diminished. Satan knows he has a short time to destroy. A lot of Christendom is cooperating

Minute-14 “The invisible will become visible. That which was hidden will be made manifest. … The Democrats made war on God. … You’re watching right now those who call evil ‘good’ and good ‘evil.’ – We’re seeing the redefinition of truth. … So where Jesus has been displaced, and where the Christian resistance restraining evil has been pretty much done away with, now Satan has moved into the power vacuum. The Bible teaches that Satan knows he has a short time to basically destroy as much of humanity as he can. And unfortunately, a lot of Christendom is cooperating.”

24 The global elite: “the kingdom of the vampires” — their Satanic rituals.

“We’re seeing the entire world go mad.”

45:00 Bill Gates paid for the Georgia Guidestones, not Ted Turner

46:20 “You must Godly defy the New World Order, instead of Satanically comply.” Satan, the father of lies, won’t come through; will mock those who follow him into destruction.


Low Information Music Dumbing People Down — Hypnotizing America

2:05 “This song is the same thing over and over and over. … It doesn’t really go anywhere.”

27:10 “We’re in the era of limited dynamic range. Everything is compressed to the max. …the same velocity. Vocals are all autotune, so they’re all in the grid… computerized. Everything is in the exact tempo. It never moves, has no humanity. … It’s not people playing together.”

Related: Why Today’s Music Is So BORING. The Regression of Musical Innovation

How low information music contributes to the decline of musical aptitude.

“F*** ’em, F*** Their Freedom” – Howard Stern to ALL the UNV@xxed

CDC Changed School Mask Guidance Days After Threat From Teachers Union — FOIA Emails Reveal

CDC Changed School Mask Guidance Days After Threat From Teachers Union: FOIA Emails

Emails released via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveal the Biden administration tightened its masking guidelines after a prominent teachers union threatened to release a statement harshly criticizing CDC masking policy, according to Fox News.


University Admits Harvesting Kidneys From Unborn Babies While Their Hearts are Still Beating

E Michael Jones

Abortion fueled our descent into a state where the rule of law no longer applies. The convenience of the powerful is more important than the life of the weak.

University Admits Harvesting Kidneys From Unborn Babies While Their Hearts are Still Beating

Aug 5, 2021

The University of Pittsburgh may have inadvertently provided more evidence this week that aborted babies may be being born alive and left to die so that their organs may be used for scientific research, according to the Center for Medical Progress.

Dan Fagan: The Battle for America — “Just give us your freedom and we’ll save you from yourself” – tyranny of the left


1:07:00 “The left has taken the position that God, our Creator made a calculated mistake by giving mankind free will. … Most leftists fancy themselves as better than…. They are superior, they hyper-intellectuals, and they will save you from yourselves. And that’s how they justify their tyrannical ways by convincing themselves that by being a tyrant they’re being noble, because you, left to your own means will make a mess of things. And they want to protect you and me from ourselves.

Obviously, they’re wrong. They’re not superior to us. They’re taking away the one corrective mechanism that each one of us need, which is the freedom to make mistakes. … ‘Just give us your freedom and we’ll save you from yourself.’ And that’s really the battle for America today. … We will have to fight them…in the battle of ideas. We cannot lay down, because they will accept nothing but full and complete surrender.”

1:14:10 “The only thing that involves freedom that the Democrats support is an abortionist’s right to slaughter a child while they’re still in their mother’s womb. … The freedom to kill.”


Candace Owens on Timcast: People find it easier to be enslaved – afraid to think for themselves | She threw Xanax pills away!

29:00 “Not all people want freedom. … People find it easier to be enslaved.” “I can plug myself into this. They can tell me exactly what to do, and I’m comfortable with that. … The idea of removing government and having to think for yourself is scary to a lot of people.”

53:45 “I don’t have the slave mentality. … I look at Covid-19, people that were like: ‘please, lock us down, please put us in our homes, please tell me when to see my mom and dad!’ Maybe people just want to be enslaved, and this model of slave and master, meaning government and people that it controls will never be broken.”

1:14:30 Almost hooked on Xanax:
Candace was emotionally distraught after a breakup with her boyfriend in college. A doctor prescribed Xanax, an antidepressant. Thankfully, a friend talked her out of taking them, and Candace threw the pills away.

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