Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Why we’re getting jacked Page 2 of 32

“The death of objective truth will turn society into chaos” – Charlie Kirk

“The death of objective truth will turn society into chaos” – Charlie Kirk on his show, 3/6/2023, interviewing Oli London, author of ‘Detransition’

Skousen: The Woke Cultural Path Leads to an Evil End — Conscience’s Role: following demonic thoughts, ignoring the Holy Spirit

Excerpt from:

World Affairs Brief, February 10, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

The Woke Cultural Path Leads to an Evil End


I will tell you frankly why I think establishment America is making a major turn towards acceptance and promotion of evil:

In the first place, I think immorality is rampant in this nation. It starts when youth are young, both in high school and in college, where promiscuous behavior is common and even expected. This loose morality follows people in or out of marriage with affairs, pornography addiction and later on to dissatisfaction with their marriage partners (or otherwise), ending in further unfaithfulness and divorce.

It’s not that immorality is the only essence of corruption in society, but it is a key factor because of how it affects the workings of conscience which are intertwined with our judgment and ethics in everything from business to religion and politics.

As I’ve explained in detail in my essay on “The Still Small Voice of Conscience” this spiritual receptor in the mind not only receives promptings, warnings and reminders from God’s side but also Satanic forces [unless we learn how to be free of the demonic voices/thoughts – ed.] which seem to have equal access—depending on which voices we choose to listen to, and all those rationalizations and excuses to violate the moral standards of God come from the dark side. Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether it’s the light side or dark side speaking to our mind because it all comes in our own style and manner of thinking. Only the content is distinguishable.

But once a person makes a habit of listening to the tempting, soft, easy, self-justifying voices of Satan’s messengers a person starts listing toward the looser side of life. They begin to favor abortion, knowing that their immorality might require it someday. They no longer see anything wrong with sexually explicit films and videos, and feel hypocritical holding their teenage children to a standard they themselves don’t live.

Frank Zappa exposed TalmudVision in 1973!: “I’m The Slime” with lyrics

Amazing! Frank Zappa’s insight on TalmudVision’s affect on us already back then in 1973!: “I’m the Slime!”

I am gross and perverted
I’m obsessed ‘n deranged
I have existed for years
But very little has changed
I’m the tool of the government
And industry too
For I am destined to rule
And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious
But you can’t look away
I make you think I’m delicious
With the stuff that I say
I’m the best you can get
Have you guessed me, yet?
I’m the slime oozin’ out
From your TV set

You will obey me while I lead you
And eat the garbage that I feed you
Until the day that we don’t need you
Don’t go for help, no one will heed you
Your mind is totally controlled
It has been stuffed into my mold
And you will do as you are told
Until the rights to you are sold

That’s right, folks
Don’t touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video
Oozin’ along on your livin’ room floor
I am the slime from your video
Can’t stop the slime, people, lookit me go

WATCH HERE: Frank Zappa ~ “I’m The Slime” with lyrics

The Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on the Brain & Body | Huberman Lab Podcast #92

[ie. Anchorage Assemblyman Chris Constant] “There’s less lilting and falling of the voice, and less accenting. That’s the major consistent effect of cannabis use.” (minute-1:44:00)

Laughs may not sound natural. Can be more of a “back-of-the-throat” laugh, and “more of a laziness in the laugh.”

Decreases testosterone, increases estrogen. Can create man boobs.

Anxiety, depression and psychosis often happens with long term use.

Decreases gray matter in brain, especially when starting below age 25.

Rep. Louie Gohmert’s last speech on the House floor — “Our problem is a lack of morality”

Especially good starting at 11:55

“Our problem is … a lack of morality.”

Americans Are Fat, Lazy, & Have Low Testosterone, Men Are Weak

“The average American is an overweight, hypersexual, porn addicted slob.” – John Doyle

Full Show


Alaska: 18-29-year-olds voted predominantly Democrat & at higher numbers — abortion + climate change their motivation

Start at around 1hr 34min

The Mike Porcaro Show 11/23/22

How Schools Turn Your Kids Against America

MSM: “It’s time to give up on facts and critical thinking”


False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda, Part 3 — Terror Myth Exposed – bin Laden didn’t do 9/11 — real history

James Corbett’s new film exposes the terror myth. The US never proved bin Laden did 9/11, because he didn’t — real history.

103 Fake bin Laden admission tape

11330 fake

129 wars launched by Obama

False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda — Part 3: The War of Terror


Early Covid Study (April 2020) Proved Vitamin D the Key! — “Why isn’t this on the front page of the news?” – Dr. Berg

“Why isn’t this on the front page of the news? … I don’t see doctors using vitamin D probably because it’s very inexpensive. … Vitamin D puts out the cytokine storm like a water hose on a fire. If you don’t have enough vitamin D and you’re going into this infection, you are really, really at risk.” – Dr. Berg, May 4, 2020

This early study, April 2020 already showed vitamin D the key to low severity from Covid! Had the study’s threshold been more optimal, 50 ng/ml instead of 30 ng/ml for ‘normal’), deaths would have been closer to nil.

Low Vitamin D Linked to Depressed Teens – Simple Solution to a Very Big Problem — Many put on antidepressants instead

1:50 “This is a very simple solution to a very big problem. Unfortunately, a lot of kids are put on antidepressant medication, when I think they should just take some vitamin D.”

DATA: Depressed adolescents in a case-series were low in vitamin D and depression was ameliorated by vitamin D supplementation

A study I read recently talked about how vitamin D levels could be linked to depressed teens. A few symptoms linked to a vitamin D deficiency are sadness, hopelessness, loss of interest, loss of concentration, and even thoughts of suicide.

Potential causes of a vitamin D deficiency in teens:
Not getting enough sun
• Not consuming enough vegetables (not enough magnesium)
• Snacking (insulin resistance blocks vitamin D)
• A high carb diet (fructose blocks vitamin D)
Obesity (increases the need for vitamin D)
Darker skin blocks vitamin D absorption

Other symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency:
• Achy joints
• Low back pain
• Lethargy
• Insomnia
• Anxiety

Natural remedies:
Vitamin D (10,000 IUs)
• Magnesium
• Vitamin K2

How to Keep the Population Asleep Since 27 BC – Bill Cooper (1943-2001)

Related: George Orwell in ‘1984’: “Films, football, beer, and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult….”

Mark McDonald w/ Charlie Kirk: ‘Freedom From Fear’

Mark McDonald starts at 2:08:25

The Skunk Factor: The role of weed in America’s decline — Elites want everyone stoned to control us

..habitually smoking pot makes you irrational and self-centered, robs you of initiative and keeps you emotionally immature. In other words, it turns otherwise normal people into weak-minded liberals – the perfect citizens for a dictatorial socialist regime.

Exclusive: Scott Lively believes the ruling elite want us all to be potheads

By Scott Lively

I was one of the first potheads at my high school. At the start of my ninth grade year (1974), there was a small handful of us who would sneak off into the woods to get high each morning before the first bell. By the end of that school year, there were over a hundred. I had been on the honor roll through the eighth grade and even skipped a grade in science, but within the first two weeks of smoking pot, I sank from the very top to the very bottom of my algebra class and a year or so later completely dropped out of school.

Dennis Prager: Women are disproportionately hurting our country’s undoubtedly necessary to note that there are many women doing great, even heroic, things for our society, and that many men are working to wreck it. But for those who associate women with instinctively protecting children or with being supportive of a traditionally religious life, this era in American history has provided something of a shock.

Mark McDonald: United States Of Fear – Psychiatrist Explains in 6 Minutes

Dr. Mark McDonald is a child and adult psychiatrist and author of his book, “United States of Fear”, that says we’ve been abusing children with the mask mandates for the last two years. All the restrictions and priming of subordination and obedience has been allowed because of our fear for COVID. None of it truly means anything about medicine and is merely a means to ensure compliance from the general public.

Apr 16, 2022

The False Memory Syndrome Foundation with Ashley Conway, PHD | The Nick Bryant Podcast

I started studying how mind-control works late last century, when I discovered the globalists have been using it to take down America. Child sexual abuse is a key component in mind-control, since many of those abused disassociate in order to minimize the trauma.

Many founders of psychology were abused themselves, and then became abusers, so their theories have covered up the problems more than solved them.

Psychology also never considers how demons affect people emotionally, and how demons drive all types of lust and are probably involved in all psychosis that they’re trying to say are “normal” now.

Psychology tried to downplay child sexual abuse and mind-control, inventing the false memory syndrome excuse. Talmudists need to destroy US society to bring in their NWO and “messiah.” They invented and control modern psychology.

Author Nick Bryant has been documenting how sexual abuse in America, including its use to blackmail many US politicians and famous people.

I highly recommend his video podcasts, which just started this year!

CDC: 25% of girls, 8% of boys sexually abused in US — “Numbers underestimate… Many children never report child sexual abuse”


Fast Facts: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

Many children wait to report or never report child sexual abuse. Therefore, the numbers below likely underestimate the true impact of the problem. Although estimates vary across studies, the research shows:

  • About 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys in the United States experience child sexual abuse.
  • Someone known and trusted by the child or child’s family members, perpetrates 91% of child sexual abuse.
  • The total lifetime economic burden of child sexual abuse in the United States in 2015 was estimated to be at least $9.3 billion.

Dan Fagan: Joe Biden’s America – Disincentivized! – “The less you work the more benefits you get”

Why so many “Help Wanted” signs?

People can only get Obamacare, Obamaphone, food stamps, housing vouchers, etc. if low enough income.

“The less you work the more benefits you get. … That’s Joe Biden’s America.” – Dan Fagan, 7/28/22

“The people who are carrying the weight are getting fewer and fewer.” – Dan Fagan, 8/5/22

‘Emotional Blunting’ & Antidepressants: Blunting All Feelings to Blunt Depression – Studies

An emotional inertness in which you are neither able to cry nor share a real belly laugh

Feeling distant or detached

Feeling less empathy for others

Emotional Blunting: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

By Nancy Schimelpfening Updated on November 09, 2021
Medically reviewed by Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS

When first starting antidepressants, you may suddenly find that you don’t feel like yourself anymore. Though your depression symptoms may have improved, the overwhelming waves of gloom can sometimes be replaced by an emotional inertness in which [you] are neither able to cry nor share a real belly laugh.

If you feel this way, you are definitely not alone. In fact, there’s a term used to describe this feeling—called emotional blunting—which aptly captures the dulled emotional state many people experience while on antidepressants.

Symptoms of Emotional Blunting

Emotional blunting means that your feelings and emotions are so dulled that you neither feel up nor down. You simply feel “blah.” People who experience emotional blunting will often report:

  • Being less able to laugh or cry even when appropriate
  • Feeling less empathy for others[1]
  • Loss of motivation and drive[2]
  • Not being able to respond with the same level of enjoyment that you normally would

Studies: Women on the pill choose less masculine, wealthy men they can dominate

Related: An Entire Generation of Women on Birth Control – Really Graceful

– –

Facial masculinity was assessed by having the faces rated by a separate sample of participants. What they found was that pill-taking women not only prefer somewhat less masculine male faces; they are also more likely to choose such men as partners.

…pill-taking women exhibit less activity in the reward centers of the brain when looking at masculine faces, but more activity in these centers in response to monetary rewards.

Is Sexy in the Eye of the Pill-Taker?

By Sarah E. Hill
February 10, 2020

Most of us are probably aware that the birth control pill can cause women to experience “sexual side effects,” but did you know that the pill might also influence who women are attracted to? And even who they choose as partners and their likelihood of staying married?

Why is America Crumbling? Today’s “Christianity” is Not Biblical Christianity — GREATEST Awakening Coming!

Today’s “Christianity” is not Biblical Christianity. Being born-again is just the start of us abiding in Christ, walking not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. These are the sons of God, Paul says in Romans 8:1-17. Then we have “no condemnation,” because we’re actually in Christ Jesus, having clear consciences before God and men, like Paul always practiced (Acts 24:16).

Gallup: Culture, Not Churches, Influencing Americans Views of the Bible — ‘Christians’ not salt & light

“History fails to record a single precedent in which NATIONS SUBJECT TO MORAL DECAY have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to overcome the moral lapse, OR a PROGRESSIVE DETERIORATION leading to ultimate national disaster.” – Douglas MacArthur

Gallup: Culture, Not Churches, Influencing Americans Views of the Bible

It’s clear in recent decades, poll after poll shows the extent of the biblical ignorance and moral decline in America which has lead to tragic consequences. A new Gallup survey supports recent Barna and Pew Research, and the takeaways are consistent: it’s not the church or Christians who are impacting people’s worldview and perceptions of the Bible, it’s modern culture.

The fact God’s Word has rapidly been eradicated from our society is stunning.

Tozer: “Awful Spiritual Mess Today (Died 1963)” — Real Christianity even rare then; 10 times rarer today?!

According to A.W. Tozer, real Christianity was even rare in the mid-20th century!

It’s probably 10 times worse today — at least 60 years later!

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste…” – Gustave Le Bon

“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.”

― Gustave Le Bon

Same old story: Bears raid garbage, mayor protects people, news media bites on story

GREAT TITLE: Same old story: Bears raid garbage, mayor protects people, news media bites on story

The left love to criticize our conservative, common sense Mayor Dave Bronson — all negative all the time.

Paul warned about these “ungrateful,” “not lovers of good” people:

“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God” – 2 Tim. 3:1-4.

Same old story: Bears raid garbage, mayor protects people, news media bites on story

They Don’t Want You To Know This! This Will Change Everything You Know About ‘Pride’

“Haughty pride is the opposite of the spirit of humility that God seeks.”

“Pride has been called the cancer of the soul, the beginning of all sin, and sin in its final form.”

“Pride is viewed as a great sin and rebellion against God because it presumes to possess excellence and glory that belong to God alone.”

“Prideful people treat others with contempt and cruelty.”

“Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”

“Pride is taking the glory that belongs to God alone and keeping it for ourselves.”

“Pride is essentially self-worship.”

“Work out your salvation; pride has to go.”

“Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

We are not to boast about ourselves. If we want to boast, then we are to proclaim the glories of God. … It is what God says about us that makes the difference.”

“Do not be caught in this trap, pride. Fight and get delivered by the Spirit of God.”

PLANDEMIC 3 – MASS FORMATION — Why your relatives are acting this way

Why your relatives are acting this way

Only 7 minutes:



Mom fights woke school district and the spirit of the age. Where are the dads?

Deace: Mom fights woke school district and the spirit of the age. Where are the dads?

Mama Bear is still fighting, while too many around her simply stand by and watch the train wreck pass them by as it steals the very souls of their children. How did it come to such a pass, when a single woman must stand alone against such darkness and chaos? Where are the dads of this district?

The answer to that question will be our everlasting shame, if not our complete undoing as a nation.

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